/* * Copyright 2023 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "map_helpers.h" #include "map_private.h" #include "khash.h" #include "radix.h" #include "rspamd.h" #include "cryptobox.h" #include "mempool_vars_internal.h" #include "contrib/fastutf8/fastutf8.h" #include "contrib/cdb/cdb.h" #ifdef WITH_HYPERSCAN #include "hs.h" #include "hyperscan_tools.h" #endif #ifndef WITH_PCRE2 #include #else #include #endif static const guint64 map_hash_seed = 0xdeadbabeULL; static const gchar *const hash_fill = "1"; struct rspamd_map_helper_value { gsize hits; gconstpointer key; gchar value[]; /* Null terminated */ }; #define rspamd_map_ftok_hash(t) (rspamd_icase_hash((t).begin, (t).len, rspamd_hash_seed())) #define rspamd_map_ftok_equal(a, b) ((a).len == (b).len && rspamd_lc_cmp((a).begin, (b).begin, (a).len) == 0) KHASH_INIT(rspamd_map_hash, rspamd_ftok_t, struct rspamd_map_helper_value *, true, rspamd_map_ftok_hash, rspamd_map_ftok_equal); struct rspamd_radix_map_helper { rspamd_mempool_t *pool; khash_t(rspamd_map_hash) * htb; radix_compressed_t *trie; struct rspamd_map *map; rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_state_t hst; }; struct rspamd_hash_map_helper { rspamd_mempool_t *pool; khash_t(rspamd_map_hash) * htb; struct rspamd_map *map; rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_state_t hst; }; struct rspamd_cdb_map_helper { GQueue cdbs; struct rspamd_map *map; rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_state_t hst; gsize total_size; }; struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper { rspamd_cryptobox_hash_state_t hst; guchar re_digest[rspamd_cryptobox_HASHBYTES]; rspamd_mempool_t *pool; struct rspamd_map *map; GPtrArray *regexps; GPtrArray *values; khash_t(rspamd_map_hash) * htb; enum rspamd_regexp_map_flags map_flags; #ifdef WITH_HYPERSCAN rspamd_hyperscan_t *hs_db; hs_scratch_t *hs_scratch; gchar **patterns; gint *flags; gint *ids; #endif }; /** * FSM for parsing lists */ #define MAP_STORE_KEY \ do { \ while (g_ascii_isspace(*c) && p > c) { c++; } \ key = g_malloc(p - c + 1); \ rspamd_strlcpy(key, c, p - c + 1); \ stripped_key = g_strstrip(key); \ } while (0) #define MAP_STORE_VALUE \ do { \ while (g_ascii_isspace(*c) && p > c) { c++; } \ value = g_malloc(p - c + 1); \ rspamd_strlcpy(value, c, p - c + 1); \ stripped_value = g_strstrip(value); \ } while (0) gchar * rspamd_parse_kv_list( gchar *chunk, gint len, struct map_cb_data *data, rspamd_map_insert_func func, const gchar *default_value, gboolean final) { enum { map_skip_spaces_before_key = 0, map_read_key, map_read_key_quoted, map_read_key_slashed, map_skip_spaces_after_key, map_backslash_quoted, map_backslash_slashed, map_read_key_after_slash, map_read_value, map_read_comment_start, map_skip_comment, map_read_eol, }; gchar *c, *p, *key = NULL, *value = NULL, *stripped_key, *stripped_value, *end; struct rspamd_map *map = data->map; guint line_number = 0; p = chunk; c = p; end = p + len; while (p < end) { switch (data->state) { case map_skip_spaces_before_key: if (g_ascii_isspace(*p)) { p++; } else { if (*p == '"') { p++; c = p; data->state = map_read_key_quoted; } else if (*p == '/') { /* Note that c is on '/' here as '/' is a part of key */ c = p; p++; data->state = map_read_key_slashed; } else { c = p; data->state = map_read_key; } } break; case map_read_key: /* read key */ /* Check here comments, eol and end of buffer */ if (*p == '#' && (p == c || *(p - 1) != '\\')) { if (p - c > 0) { /* Store a single key */ MAP_STORE_KEY; func(data->cur_data, stripped_key, default_value); msg_debug_map("insert key only pair: %s -> %s; line: %d", stripped_key, default_value, line_number); g_free(key); } key = NULL; data->state = map_read_comment_start; } else if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') { if (p - c > 0) { /* Store a single key */ MAP_STORE_KEY; func(data->cur_data, stripped_key, default_value); msg_debug_map("insert key only pair: %s -> %s; line: %d", stripped_key, default_value, line_number); g_free(key); } data->state = map_read_eol; key = NULL; } else if (g_ascii_isspace(*p)) { if (p - c > 0) { MAP_STORE_KEY; data->state = map_skip_spaces_after_key; } else { msg_err_map("empty or invalid key found on line %d", line_number); data->state = map_skip_comment; } } else { p++; } break; case map_read_key_quoted: if (*p == '\\') { data->state = map_backslash_quoted; p++; } else if (*p == '"') { /* Allow empty keys in this case */ if (p - c >= 0) { MAP_STORE_KEY; data->state = map_skip_spaces_after_key; } else { g_assert_not_reached(); } p++; } else { p++; } break; case map_read_key_slashed: if (*p == '\\') { data->state = map_backslash_slashed; p++; } else if (*p == '/') { /* Allow empty keys in this case */ if (p - c >= 0) { data->state = map_read_key_after_slash; } else { g_assert_not_reached(); } } else { p++; } break; case map_read_key_after_slash: /* * This state is equal to reading of key but '/' is not * treated specially */ if (*p == '#') { if (p - c > 0) { /* Store a single key */ MAP_STORE_KEY; func(data->cur_data, stripped_key, default_value); msg_debug_map("insert key only pair: %s -> %s; line: %d", stripped_key, default_value, line_number); g_free(key); key = NULL; } data->state = map_read_comment_start; } else if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') { if (p - c > 0) { /* Store a single key */ MAP_STORE_KEY; func(data->cur_data, stripped_key, default_value); msg_debug_map("insert key only pair: %s -> %s; line: %d", stripped_key, default_value, line_number); g_free(key); key = NULL; } data->state = map_read_eol; key = NULL; } else if (g_ascii_isspace(*p)) { if (p - c > 0) { MAP_STORE_KEY; data->state = map_skip_spaces_after_key; } else { msg_err_map("empty or invalid key found on line %d", line_number); data->state = map_skip_comment; } } else { p++; } break; case map_backslash_quoted: p++; data->state = map_read_key_quoted; break; case map_backslash_slashed: p++; data->state = map_read_key_slashed; break; case map_skip_spaces_after_key: if (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') { p++; } else { c = p; data->state = map_read_value; } break; case map_read_value: if (key == NULL) { /* Ignore line */ msg_err_map("empty or invalid key found on line %d", line_number); data->state = map_skip_comment; } else { if (*p == '#') { if (p - c > 0) { /* Store a single key */ MAP_STORE_VALUE; func(data->cur_data, stripped_key, stripped_value); msg_debug_map("insert key value pair: %s -> %s; line: %d", stripped_key, stripped_value, line_number); g_free(key); g_free(value); key = NULL; value = NULL; } else { func(data->cur_data, stripped_key, default_value); msg_debug_map("insert key only pair: %s -> %s; line: %d", stripped_key, default_value, line_number); g_free(key); key = NULL; } data->state = map_read_comment_start; } else if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') { if (p - c > 0) { /* Store a single key */ MAP_STORE_VALUE; func(data->cur_data, stripped_key, stripped_value); msg_debug_map("insert key value pair: %s -> %s", stripped_key, stripped_value); g_free(key); g_free(value); key = NULL; value = NULL; } else { func(data->cur_data, stripped_key, default_value); msg_debug_map("insert key only pair: %s -> %s", stripped_key, default_value); g_free(key); key = NULL; } data->state = map_read_eol; key = NULL; } else { p++; } } break; case map_read_comment_start: if (*p == '#') { data->state = map_skip_comment; p++; key = NULL; value = NULL; } else { g_assert_not_reached(); } break; case map_skip_comment: if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') { data->state = map_read_eol; } else { p++; } break; case map_read_eol: /* Skip \r\n and whitespaces */ if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') { if (*p == '\n') { /* We don't care about \r only line separators, they are too rare */ line_number++; } p++; } else { data->state = map_skip_spaces_before_key; } break; default: g_assert_not_reached(); break; } } if (final) { /* Examine the state */ switch (data->state) { case map_read_key: if (p - c > 0) { /* Store a single key */ MAP_STORE_KEY; func(data->cur_data, stripped_key, default_value); msg_debug_map("insert key only pair: %s -> %s", stripped_key, default_value); g_free(key); key = NULL; } break; case map_read_value: if (key == NULL) { /* Ignore line */ msg_err_map("empty or invalid key found on line %d", line_number); data->state = map_skip_comment; } else { if (p - c > 0) { /* Store a single key */ MAP_STORE_VALUE; func(data->cur_data, stripped_key, stripped_value); msg_debug_map("insert key value pair: %s -> %s", stripped_key, stripped_value); g_free(key); g_free(value); key = NULL; value = NULL; } else { func(data->cur_data, stripped_key, default_value); msg_debug_map("insert key only pair: %s -> %s", stripped_key, default_value); g_free(key); key = NULL; } } break; } data->state = map_skip_spaces_before_key; } return c; } /** * Radix tree helper function */ void rspamd_map_helper_insert_radix(gpointer st, gconstpointer key, gconstpointer value) { struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *r = (struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *) st; struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val; gsize vlen; khiter_t k; gconstpointer nk; rspamd_ftok_t tok; gint res; struct rspamd_map *map; map = r->map; tok.begin = key; tok.len = strlen(key); k = kh_get(rspamd_map_hash, r->htb, tok); if (k == kh_end(r->htb)) { nk = rspamd_mempool_strdup(r->pool, key); tok.begin = nk; k = kh_put(rspamd_map_hash, r->htb, tok, &res); } else { val = kh_value(r->htb, k); if (strcmp(value, val->value) == 0) { /* Same element, skip */ return; } else { msg_warn_map("duplicate radix entry found for map %s: %s (old value: '%s', new: '%s')", map->name, key, val->value, value); } nk = kh_key(r->htb, k).begin; val->key = nk; kh_value(r->htb, k) = val; return; /* do not touch radix in case of exact duplicate */ } vlen = strlen(value); val = rspamd_mempool_alloc0(r->pool, sizeof(*val) + vlen + 1); memcpy(val->value, value, vlen); nk = kh_key(r->htb, k).begin; val->key = nk; kh_value(r->htb, k) = val; rspamd_radix_add_iplist(key, ",", r->trie, val, FALSE, r->map->name); rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_update(&r->hst, nk, tok.len); } void rspamd_map_helper_insert_radix_resolve(gpointer st, gconstpointer key, gconstpointer value) { struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *r = (struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *) st; struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val; gsize vlen; khiter_t k; gconstpointer nk; rspamd_ftok_t tok; gint res; struct rspamd_map *map; map = r->map; if (!key) { msg_warn_map("cannot insert NULL value in the map: %s", map->name); return; } tok.begin = key; tok.len = strlen(key); k = kh_get(rspamd_map_hash, r->htb, tok); if (k == kh_end(r->htb)) { nk = rspamd_mempool_strdup(r->pool, key); tok.begin = nk; k = kh_put(rspamd_map_hash, r->htb, tok, &res); } else { val = kh_value(r->htb, k); if (strcmp(value, val->value) == 0) { /* Same element, skip */ return; } else { msg_warn_map("duplicate radix entry found for map %s: %s (old value: '%s', new: '%s')", map->name, key, val->value, value); } nk = kh_key(r->htb, k).begin; val->key = nk; kh_value(r->htb, k) = val; return; /* do not touch radix in case of exact duplicate */ } vlen = strlen(value); val = rspamd_mempool_alloc0(r->pool, sizeof(*val) + vlen + 1); memcpy(val->value, value, vlen); nk = kh_key(r->htb, k).begin; val->key = nk; kh_value(r->htb, k) = val; rspamd_radix_add_iplist(key, ",", r->trie, val, TRUE, r->map->name); rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_update(&r->hst, nk, tok.len); } void rspamd_map_helper_insert_hash(gpointer st, gconstpointer key, gconstpointer value) { struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *ht = st; struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val; khiter_t k; gconstpointer nk; gsize vlen; gint r; rspamd_ftok_t tok; struct rspamd_map *map; tok.begin = key; tok.len = strlen(key); map = ht->map; k = kh_get(rspamd_map_hash, ht->htb, tok); if (k == kh_end(ht->htb)) { nk = rspamd_mempool_strdup(ht->pool, key); tok.begin = nk; k = kh_put(rspamd_map_hash, ht->htb, tok, &r); } else { val = kh_value(ht->htb, k); if (strcmp(value, val->value) == 0) { /* Same element, skip */ return; } else { msg_warn_map("duplicate hash entry found for map %s: %s (old value: '%s', new: '%s')", map->name, key, val->value, value); } } /* Null termination due to alloc0 */ vlen = strlen(value); val = rspamd_mempool_alloc0(ht->pool, sizeof(*val) + vlen + 1); memcpy(val->value, value, vlen); tok = kh_key(ht->htb, k); nk = tok.begin; val->key = nk; kh_value(ht->htb, k) = val; rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_update(&ht->hst, nk, tok.len); } void rspamd_map_helper_insert_re(gpointer st, gconstpointer key, gconstpointer value) { struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map = st; struct rspamd_map *map; rspamd_regexp_t *re; gchar *escaped; GError *err = NULL; gint pcre_flags; gsize escaped_len; struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val; khiter_t k; rspamd_ftok_t tok; gconstpointer nk; gsize vlen; gint r; map = re_map->map; tok.begin = key; tok.len = strlen(key); k = kh_get(rspamd_map_hash, re_map->htb, tok); if (k == kh_end(re_map->htb)) { nk = rspamd_mempool_strdup(re_map->pool, key); tok.begin = nk; k = kh_put(rspamd_map_hash, re_map->htb, tok, &r); } else { val = kh_value(re_map->htb, k); /* Always warn about regexp duplicate as it's likely a bad mistake */ msg_warn_map("duplicate re entry found for map %s: %s (old value: '%s', new: '%s')", map->name, key, val->value, value); if (strcmp(val->value, value) == 0) { /* Same value, skip */ return; } /* Replace value but do not touch regexp */ nk = kh_key(re_map->htb, k).begin; val->key = nk; kh_value(re_map->htb, k) = val; return; } /* Check regexp stuff */ if (re_map->map_flags & RSPAMD_REGEXP_MAP_FLAG_GLOB) { escaped = rspamd_str_regexp_escape(key, strlen(key), &escaped_len, RSPAMD_REGEXP_ESCAPE_GLOB | RSPAMD_REGEXP_ESCAPE_UTF); re = rspamd_regexp_new(escaped, NULL, &err); g_free(escaped); } else { re = rspamd_regexp_new(key, NULL, &err); } if (re == NULL) { msg_err_map("cannot parse regexp %s: %e", key, err); if (err) { g_error_free(err); } return; } vlen = strlen(value); val = rspamd_mempool_alloc0(re_map->pool, sizeof(*val) + vlen + 1); memcpy(val->value, value, vlen); /* Null terminated due to alloc0 previously */ nk = kh_key(re_map->htb, k).begin; val->key = nk; kh_value(re_map->htb, k) = val; rspamd_cryptobox_hash_update(&re_map->hst, nk, tok.len); pcre_flags = rspamd_regexp_get_pcre_flags(re); #ifndef WITH_PCRE2 if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(UTF8)) { re_map->map_flags |= RSPAMD_REGEXP_MAP_FLAG_UTF; } #else if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(UTF)) { re_map->map_flags |= RSPAMD_REGEXP_MAP_FLAG_UTF; } #endif g_ptr_array_add(re_map->regexps, re); g_ptr_array_add(re_map->values, val); } static void rspamd_map_helper_traverse_regexp(void *data, rspamd_map_traverse_cb cb, gpointer cbdata, gboolean reset_hits) { rspamd_ftok_t tok; struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val; struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map = data; kh_foreach(re_map->htb, tok, val, { if (!cb(tok.begin, val->value, val->hits, cbdata)) { break; } if (reset_hits) { val->hits = 0; } }); } struct rspamd_hash_map_helper * rspamd_map_helper_new_hash(struct rspamd_map *map) { struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *htb; rspamd_mempool_t *pool; if (map) { pool = rspamd_mempool_new(rspamd_mempool_suggest_size(), map->tag, 0); } else { pool = rspamd_mempool_new(rspamd_mempool_suggest_size(), NULL, 0); } htb = rspamd_mempool_alloc0_type(pool, struct rspamd_hash_map_helper); htb->htb = kh_init(rspamd_map_hash); htb->pool = pool; htb->map = map; rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_init(&htb->hst, map_hash_seed); return htb; } void rspamd_map_helper_destroy_hash(struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *r) { if (r == NULL || r->pool == NULL) { return; } rspamd_mempool_t *pool = r->pool; kh_destroy(rspamd_map_hash, r->htb); memset(r, 0, sizeof(*r)); rspamd_mempool_delete(pool); } static void rspamd_map_helper_traverse_hash(void *data, rspamd_map_traverse_cb cb, gpointer cbdata, gboolean reset_hits) { rspamd_ftok_t tok; struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val; struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *ht = data; kh_foreach(ht->htb, tok, val, { if (!cb(tok.begin, val->value, val->hits, cbdata)) { break; } if (reset_hits) { val->hits = 0; } }); } struct rspamd_radix_map_helper * rspamd_map_helper_new_radix(struct rspamd_map *map) { struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *r; rspamd_mempool_t *pool; const gchar *name = "unnamed"; if (map) { pool = rspamd_mempool_new(rspamd_mempool_suggest_size(), map->tag, 0); name = map->name; } else { pool = rspamd_mempool_new(rspamd_mempool_suggest_size(), NULL, 0); } r = rspamd_mempool_alloc0_type(pool, struct rspamd_radix_map_helper); r->trie = radix_create_compressed_with_pool(pool, name); r->htb = kh_init(rspamd_map_hash); r->pool = pool; r->map = map; rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_init(&r->hst, map_hash_seed); return r; } void rspamd_map_helper_destroy_radix(struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *r) { if (r == NULL || !r->pool) { return; } kh_destroy(rspamd_map_hash, r->htb); rspamd_mempool_t *pool = r->pool; memset(r, 0, sizeof(*r)); rspamd_mempool_delete(pool); } static void rspamd_map_helper_traverse_radix(void *data, rspamd_map_traverse_cb cb, gpointer cbdata, gboolean reset_hits) { rspamd_ftok_t tok; struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val; struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *r = data; kh_foreach(r->htb, tok, val, { if (!cb(tok.begin, val->value, val->hits, cbdata)) { break; } if (reset_hits) { val->hits = 0; } }); } struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper * rspamd_map_helper_new_regexp(struct rspamd_map *map, enum rspamd_regexp_map_flags flags) { struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map; rspamd_mempool_t *pool; pool = rspamd_mempool_new(rspamd_mempool_suggest_size(), map->tag, 0); re_map = rspamd_mempool_alloc0_type(pool, struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper); re_map->pool = pool; re_map->values = g_ptr_array_new(); re_map->regexps = g_ptr_array_new(); re_map->map = map; re_map->map_flags = flags; re_map->htb = kh_init(rspamd_map_hash); rspamd_cryptobox_hash_init(&re_map->hst, NULL, 0); return re_map; } void rspamd_map_helper_destroy_regexp(struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map) { rspamd_regexp_t *re; guint i; if (!re_map || !re_map->regexps) { return; } #ifdef WITH_HYPERSCAN if (re_map->hs_scratch) { hs_free_scratch(re_map->hs_scratch); } if (re_map->hs_db) { rspamd_hyperscan_free(re_map->hs_db, false); } if (re_map->patterns) { for (i = 0; i < re_map->regexps->len; i++) { g_free(re_map->patterns[i]); } g_free(re_map->patterns); } if (re_map->flags) { g_free(re_map->flags); } if (re_map->ids) { g_free(re_map->ids); } #endif for (i = 0; i < re_map->regexps->len; i++) { re = g_ptr_array_index(re_map->regexps, i); rspamd_regexp_unref(re); } g_ptr_array_free(re_map->regexps, TRUE); g_ptr_array_free(re_map->values, TRUE); kh_destroy(rspamd_map_hash, re_map->htb); rspamd_mempool_t *pool = re_map->pool; memset(re_map, 0, sizeof(*re_map)); rspamd_mempool_delete(pool); } gchar * rspamd_kv_list_read( gchar *chunk, gint len, struct map_cb_data *data, gboolean final) { if (data->cur_data == NULL) { data->cur_data = rspamd_map_helper_new_hash(data->map); } return rspamd_parse_kv_list( chunk, len, data, rspamd_map_helper_insert_hash, "", final); } void rspamd_kv_list_fin(struct map_cb_data *data, void **target) { struct rspamd_map *map = data->map; struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *htb; if (data->errored) { /* Clean up the current data and do not touch prev data */ if (data->cur_data) { msg_info_map("cleanup unfinished new data as error occurred for %s", map->name); htb = (struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *) data->cur_data; rspamd_map_helper_destroy_hash(htb); data->cur_data = NULL; } } else { if (data->cur_data) { htb = (struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *) data->cur_data; msg_info_map("read hash of %d elements from %s", kh_size(htb->htb), map->name); data->map->traverse_function = rspamd_map_helper_traverse_hash; data->map->nelts = kh_size(htb->htb); data->map->digest = rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_final(&htb->hst); } if (target) { *target = data->cur_data; } if (data->prev_data) { htb = (struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *) data->prev_data; rspamd_map_helper_destroy_hash(htb); } } } void rspamd_kv_list_dtor(struct map_cb_data *data) { struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *htb; if (data->cur_data) { htb = (struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *) data->cur_data; rspamd_map_helper_destroy_hash(htb); } } gchar * rspamd_radix_read( gchar *chunk, gint len, struct map_cb_data *data, gboolean final) { struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *r; struct rspamd_map *map = data->map; if (data->cur_data == NULL) { r = rspamd_map_helper_new_radix(map); data->cur_data = r; } return rspamd_parse_kv_list( chunk, len, data, rspamd_map_helper_insert_radix, hash_fill, final); } void rspamd_radix_fin(struct map_cb_data *data, void **target) { struct rspamd_map *map = data->map; struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *r; if (data->errored) { /* Clean up the current data and do not touch prev data */ if (data->cur_data) { msg_info_map("cleanup unfinished new data as error occurred for %s", map->name); r = (struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *) data->cur_data; rspamd_map_helper_destroy_radix(r); data->cur_data = NULL; } } else { if (data->cur_data) { r = (struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *) data->cur_data; msg_info_map("read radix trie of %z elements: %s", radix_get_size(r->trie), radix_get_info(r->trie)); data->map->traverse_function = rspamd_map_helper_traverse_radix; data->map->nelts = kh_size(r->htb); data->map->digest = rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_final(&r->hst); } if (target) { *target = data->cur_data; } if (data->prev_data) { r = (struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *) data->prev_data; rspamd_map_helper_destroy_radix(r); } } } void rspamd_radix_dtor(struct map_cb_data *data) { struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *r; if (data->cur_data) { r = (struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *) data->cur_data; rspamd_map_helper_destroy_radix(r); } } #ifdef WITH_HYPERSCAN static gboolean rspamd_try_load_re_map_cache(struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map) { gchar fp[PATH_MAX]; struct rspamd_map *map; map = re_map->map; if (!map->cfg->hs_cache_dir) { return FALSE; } rspamd_snprintf(fp, sizeof(fp), "%s/%*xs.hsmc", map->cfg->hs_cache_dir, (gint) rspamd_cryptobox_HASHBYTES / 2, re_map->re_digest); re_map->hs_db = rspamd_hyperscan_maybe_load(fp, 0); return re_map->hs_db != NULL; } static gboolean rspamd_try_save_re_map_cache(struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map) { gchar fp[PATH_MAX], np[PATH_MAX]; gsize len; gint fd; char *bytes = NULL; struct rspamd_map *map; map = re_map->map; if (!map->cfg->hs_cache_dir) { return FALSE; } rspamd_snprintf(fp, sizeof(fp), "%s/hsmc-XXXXXXXXXXXXX", re_map->map->cfg->hs_cache_dir); if ((fd = g_mkstemp_full(fp, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 00644)) != -1) { if (hs_serialize_database(rspamd_hyperscan_get_database(re_map->hs_db), &bytes, &len) == HS_SUCCESS) { if (write(fd, bytes, len) == -1) { msg_warn_map("cannot write hyperscan cache to %s: %s", fp, strerror(errno)); unlink(fp); free(bytes); } else { free(bytes); fsync(fd); rspamd_snprintf(np, sizeof(np), "%s/%*xs.hsmc", re_map->map->cfg->hs_cache_dir, (gint) rspamd_cryptobox_HASHBYTES / 2, re_map->re_digest); if (rename(fp, np) == -1) { msg_warn_map("cannot rename hyperscan cache from %s to %s: %s", fp, np, strerror(errno)); unlink(fp); } else { msg_info_map("written cached hyperscan data for %s to %s (%Hz length)", map->name, np, len); rspamd_hyperscan_notice_known(np); } } } else { msg_warn_map("cannot serialize hyperscan cache to %s: %s", fp, strerror(errno)); unlink(fp); } close(fd); } return FALSE; } #endif static void rspamd_re_map_finalize(struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map) { #ifdef WITH_HYPERSCAN guint i; hs_platform_info_t plt; hs_compile_error_t *err; struct rspamd_map *map; rspamd_regexp_t *re; gint pcre_flags; map = re_map->map; #if !defined(__aarch64__) && !defined(__powerpc64__) if (!(map->cfg->libs_ctx->crypto_ctx->cpu_config & CPUID_SSSE3)) { msg_info_map("disable hyperscan for map %s, ssse3 instructions are not supported by CPU", map->name); return; } #endif if (hs_populate_platform(&plt) != HS_SUCCESS) { msg_err_map("cannot populate hyperscan platform"); return; } re_map->patterns = g_new(gchar *, re_map->regexps->len); re_map->flags = g_new(gint, re_map->regexps->len); re_map->ids = g_new(gint, re_map->regexps->len); for (i = 0; i < re_map->regexps->len; i++) { const gchar *pat; gchar *escaped; gint pat_flags; re = g_ptr_array_index(re_map->regexps, i); pcre_flags = rspamd_regexp_get_pcre_flags(re); pat = rspamd_regexp_get_pattern(re); pat_flags = rspamd_regexp_get_flags(re); if (pat_flags & RSPAMD_REGEXP_FLAG_UTF) { escaped = rspamd_str_regexp_escape(pat, strlen(pat), NULL, RSPAMD_REGEXP_ESCAPE_RE | RSPAMD_REGEXP_ESCAPE_UTF); re_map->flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_UTF8; } else { escaped = rspamd_str_regexp_escape(pat, strlen(pat), NULL, RSPAMD_REGEXP_ESCAPE_RE); } re_map->patterns[i] = escaped; re_map->flags[i] = HS_FLAG_SINGLEMATCH; #ifndef WITH_PCRE2 if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(UTF8)) { re_map->flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_UTF8; } #else if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(UTF)) { re_map->flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_UTF8; } #endif if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(CASELESS)) { re_map->flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_CASELESS; } if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(MULTILINE)) { re_map->flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_MULTILINE; } if (pcre_flags & PCRE_FLAG(DOTALL)) { re_map->flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_DOTALL; } if (rspamd_regexp_get_maxhits(re) == 1) { re_map->flags[i] |= HS_FLAG_SINGLEMATCH; } re_map->ids[i] = i; } if (re_map->regexps->len > 0 && re_map->patterns) { if (!rspamd_try_load_re_map_cache(re_map)) { gdouble ts1 = rspamd_get_ticks(FALSE); hs_database_t *hs_db = NULL; if (hs_compile_multi((const gchar **) re_map->patterns, re_map->flags, re_map->ids, re_map->regexps->len, HS_MODE_BLOCK, &plt, &hs_db, &err) != HS_SUCCESS) { msg_err_map("cannot create tree of regexp when processing '%s': %s", err->expression >= 0 ? re_map->patterns[err->expression] : "unknown regexp", err->message); re_map->hs_db = NULL; hs_free_compile_error(err); return; } if (re_map->map->cfg->hs_cache_dir) { char fpath[PATH_MAX]; rspamd_snprintf(fpath, sizeof(fpath), "%s/%*xs.hsmc", re_map->map->cfg->hs_cache_dir, (gint) rspamd_cryptobox_HASHBYTES / 2, re_map->re_digest); re_map->hs_db = rspamd_hyperscan_from_raw_db(hs_db, fpath); } else { re_map->hs_db = rspamd_hyperscan_from_raw_db(hs_db, NULL); } ts1 = (rspamd_get_ticks(FALSE) - ts1) * 1000.0; msg_info_map("hyperscan compiled %d regular expressions from %s in %.1f ms", re_map->regexps->len, re_map->map->name, ts1); rspamd_try_save_re_map_cache(re_map); } else { msg_info_map("hyperscan read %d cached regular expressions from %s", re_map->regexps->len, re_map->map->name); } if (hs_alloc_scratch(rspamd_hyperscan_get_database(re_map->hs_db), &re_map->hs_scratch) != HS_SUCCESS) { msg_err_map("cannot allocate scratch space for hyperscan"); rspamd_hyperscan_free(re_map->hs_db, true); re_map->hs_db = NULL; } } else { msg_err_map("regexp map is empty"); } #endif } gchar * rspamd_regexp_list_read_single( gchar *chunk, gint len, struct map_cb_data *data, gboolean final) { struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map; if (data->cur_data == NULL) { re_map = rspamd_map_helper_new_regexp(data->map, 0); data->cur_data = re_map; } return rspamd_parse_kv_list( chunk, len, data, rspamd_map_helper_insert_re, hash_fill, final); } gchar * rspamd_glob_list_read_single( gchar *chunk, gint len, struct map_cb_data *data, gboolean final) { struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map; if (data->cur_data == NULL) { re_map = rspamd_map_helper_new_regexp(data->map, RSPAMD_REGEXP_MAP_FLAG_GLOB); data->cur_data = re_map; } return rspamd_parse_kv_list( chunk, len, data, rspamd_map_helper_insert_re, hash_fill, final); } gchar * rspamd_regexp_list_read_multiple( gchar *chunk, gint len, struct map_cb_data *data, gboolean final) { struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map; if (data->cur_data == NULL) { re_map = rspamd_map_helper_new_regexp(data->map, RSPAMD_REGEXP_MAP_FLAG_MULTIPLE); data->cur_data = re_map; } return rspamd_parse_kv_list( chunk, len, data, rspamd_map_helper_insert_re, hash_fill, final); } gchar * rspamd_glob_list_read_multiple( gchar *chunk, gint len, struct map_cb_data *data, gboolean final) { struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map; if (data->cur_data == NULL) { re_map = rspamd_map_helper_new_regexp(data->map, RSPAMD_REGEXP_MAP_FLAG_GLOB | RSPAMD_REGEXP_MAP_FLAG_MULTIPLE); data->cur_data = re_map; } return rspamd_parse_kv_list( chunk, len, data, rspamd_map_helper_insert_re, hash_fill, final); } void rspamd_regexp_list_fin(struct map_cb_data *data, void **target) { struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *re_map = NULL, *old_re_map; struct rspamd_map *map = data->map; if (data->errored) { /* Clean up the current data and do not touch prev data */ if (data->cur_data) { msg_info_map("cleanup unfinished new data as error occurred for %s", map->name); re_map = (struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *) data->cur_data; rspamd_map_helper_destroy_regexp(re_map); data->cur_data = NULL; } } else { if (data->cur_data) { re_map = data->cur_data; rspamd_cryptobox_hash_final(&re_map->hst, re_map->re_digest); memcpy(&data->map->digest, re_map->re_digest, sizeof(data->map->digest)); rspamd_re_map_finalize(re_map); msg_info_map("read regexp list of %ud elements", re_map->regexps->len); data->map->traverse_function = rspamd_map_helper_traverse_regexp; data->map->nelts = kh_size(re_map->htb); } if (target) { *target = data->cur_data; } if (data->prev_data) { old_re_map = data->prev_data; rspamd_map_helper_destroy_regexp(old_re_map); } } } void rspamd_regexp_list_dtor(struct map_cb_data *data) { if (data->cur_data) { rspamd_map_helper_destroy_regexp(data->cur_data); } } #ifdef WITH_HYPERSCAN static int rspamd_match_hs_single_handler(unsigned int id, unsigned long long from, unsigned long long to, unsigned int flags, void *context) { guint *i = context; /* Always return non-zero as we need a single match here */ *i = id; return 1; } #endif gconstpointer rspamd_match_regexp_map_single(struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *map, const gchar *in, gsize len) { guint i; rspamd_regexp_t *re; gint res = 0; gpointer ret = NULL; struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val; gboolean validated = FALSE; g_assert(in != NULL); if (map == NULL || len == 0 || map->regexps == NULL) { return NULL; } if (map->map_flags & RSPAMD_REGEXP_MAP_FLAG_UTF) { if (rspamd_fast_utf8_validate(in, len) == 0) { validated = TRUE; } } else { validated = TRUE; } #ifdef WITH_HYPERSCAN if (map->hs_db && map->hs_scratch) { if (validated) { res = hs_scan(rspamd_hyperscan_get_database(map->hs_db), in, len, 0, map->hs_scratch, rspamd_match_hs_single_handler, (void *) &i); if (res == HS_SCAN_TERMINATED) { res = 1; val = g_ptr_array_index(map->values, i); ret = val->value; val->hits++; } return ret; } } #endif if (!res) { /* PCRE version */ for (i = 0; i < map->regexps->len; i++) { re = g_ptr_array_index(map->regexps, i); if (rspamd_regexp_search(re, in, len, NULL, NULL, !validated, NULL)) { val = g_ptr_array_index(map->values, i); ret = val->value; val->hits++; break; } } } return ret; } #ifdef WITH_HYPERSCAN struct rspamd_multiple_cbdata { GPtrArray *ar; struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *map; }; static int rspamd_match_hs_multiple_handler(unsigned int id, unsigned long long from, unsigned long long to, unsigned int flags, void *context) { struct rspamd_multiple_cbdata *cbd = context; struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val; if (id < cbd->map->values->len) { val = g_ptr_array_index(cbd->map->values, id); val->hits++; g_ptr_array_add(cbd->ar, val->value); } /* Always return zero as we need all matches here */ return 0; } #endif GPtrArray * rspamd_match_regexp_map_all(struct rspamd_regexp_map_helper *map, const gchar *in, gsize len) { guint i; rspamd_regexp_t *re; GPtrArray *ret; gint res = 0; gboolean validated = FALSE; struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val; if (map == NULL || map->regexps == NULL || len == 0) { return NULL; } g_assert(in != NULL); if (map->map_flags & RSPAMD_REGEXP_MAP_FLAG_UTF) { if (rspamd_fast_utf8_validate(in, len) == 0) { validated = TRUE; } } else { validated = TRUE; } ret = g_ptr_array_new(); #ifdef WITH_HYPERSCAN if (map->hs_db && map->hs_scratch) { if (validated) { struct rspamd_multiple_cbdata cbd; cbd.ar = ret; cbd.map = map; if (hs_scan(rspamd_hyperscan_get_database(map->hs_db), in, len, 0, map->hs_scratch, rspamd_match_hs_multiple_handler, &cbd) == HS_SUCCESS) { res = 1; } } } #endif if (!res) { /* PCRE version */ for (i = 0; i < map->regexps->len; i++) { re = g_ptr_array_index(map->regexps, i); if (rspamd_regexp_search(re, in, len, NULL, NULL, !validated, NULL)) { val = g_ptr_array_index(map->values, i); val->hits++; g_ptr_array_add(ret, val->value); } } } if (ret->len > 0) { return ret; } g_ptr_array_free(ret, TRUE); return NULL; } gconstpointer rspamd_match_hash_map(struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *map, const gchar *in, gsize len) { khiter_t k; struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val; rspamd_ftok_t tok; if (map == NULL || map->htb == NULL) { return NULL; } tok.begin = in; tok.len = len; k = kh_get(rspamd_map_hash, map->htb, tok); if (k != kh_end(map->htb)) { val = kh_value(map->htb, k); val->hits++; return val->value; } return NULL; } gconstpointer rspamd_match_radix_map(struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *map, const guchar *in, gsize inlen) { struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val; if (map == NULL || map->trie == NULL) { return NULL; } val = (struct rspamd_map_helper_value *) radix_find_compressed(map->trie, in, inlen); if (val != (gconstpointer) RADIX_NO_VALUE) { val->hits++; return val->value; } return NULL; } gconstpointer rspamd_match_radix_map_addr(struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *map, const rspamd_inet_addr_t *addr) { struct rspamd_map_helper_value *val; if (map == NULL || map->trie == NULL) { return NULL; } val = (struct rspamd_map_helper_value *) radix_find_compressed_addr(map->trie, addr); if (val != (gconstpointer) RADIX_NO_VALUE) { val->hits++; return val->value; } return NULL; } /* * CBD stuff */ struct rspamd_cdb_map_helper * rspamd_map_helper_new_cdb(struct rspamd_map *map) { struct rspamd_cdb_map_helper *n; n = g_malloc0(sizeof(*n)); n->cdbs = (GQueue) G_QUEUE_INIT; n->map = map; rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_init(&n->hst, map_hash_seed); return n; } void rspamd_map_helper_destroy_cdb(struct rspamd_cdb_map_helper *c) { if (c == NULL) { return; } GList *cur = c->cdbs.head; while (cur) { struct cdb *cdb = (struct cdb *) cur->data; cdb_free(cdb); g_free(cdb->filename); close(cdb->cdb_fd); g_free(cdb); cur = g_list_next(cur); } g_queue_clear(&c->cdbs); g_free(c); } gchar * rspamd_cdb_list_read(gchar *chunk, gint len, struct map_cb_data *data, gboolean final) { struct rspamd_cdb_map_helper *cdb_data; struct cdb *found = NULL; struct rspamd_map *map = data->map; g_assert(map->no_file_read); if (data->cur_data == NULL) { cdb_data = rspamd_map_helper_new_cdb(data->map); data->cur_data = cdb_data; } else { cdb_data = (struct rspamd_cdb_map_helper *) data->cur_data; } GList *cur = cdb_data->cdbs.head; while (cur) { struct cdb *elt = (struct cdb *) cur->data; if (strcmp(elt->filename, chunk) == 0) { found = elt; break; } cur = g_list_next(cur); } if (found == NULL) { /* New cdb */ gint fd; struct cdb *cdb; fd = rspamd_file_xopen(chunk, O_RDONLY, 0, TRUE); if (fd == -1) { msg_err_map("cannot open cdb map from %s: %s", chunk, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } cdb = g_malloc0(sizeof(struct cdb)); if (cdb_init(cdb, fd) == -1) { g_free(cdb); msg_err_map("cannot init cdb map from %s: %s", chunk, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } cdb->filename = g_strdup(chunk); g_queue_push_tail(&cdb_data->cdbs, cdb); cdb_data->total_size += cdb->cdb_fsize; rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_update(&cdb_data->hst, chunk, len); } return chunk + len; } void rspamd_cdb_list_fin(struct map_cb_data *data, void **target) { struct rspamd_map *map = data->map; struct rspamd_cdb_map_helper *cdb_data; if (data->errored) { /* Clean up the current data and do not touch prev data */ if (data->cur_data) { msg_info_map("cleanup unfinished new data as error occurred for %s", map->name); cdb_data = (struct rspamd_cdb_map_helper *) data->cur_data; rspamd_map_helper_destroy_cdb(cdb_data); data->cur_data = NULL; } } else { if (data->cur_data) { cdb_data = (struct rspamd_cdb_map_helper *) data->cur_data; msg_info_map("read cdb of %Hz size", cdb_data->total_size); data->map->traverse_function = NULL; data->map->nelts = 0; data->map->digest = rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_final(&cdb_data->hst); } if (target) { *target = data->cur_data; } if (data->prev_data) { cdb_data = (struct rspamd_cdb_map_helper *) data->prev_data; rspamd_map_helper_destroy_cdb(cdb_data); } } } void rspamd_cdb_list_dtor(struct map_cb_data *data) { if (data->cur_data) { rspamd_map_helper_destroy_cdb(data->cur_data); } } gconstpointer rspamd_match_cdb_map(struct rspamd_cdb_map_helper *map, const gchar *in, gsize inlen) { if (map == NULL || map->cdbs.head == NULL) { return NULL; } GList *cur = map->cdbs.head; static rspamd_ftok_t found; while (cur) { struct cdb *cdb = (struct cdb *) cur->data; if (cdb_find(cdb, in, inlen) > 0) { /* Extract and push value to lua as string */ unsigned vlen; gconstpointer vpos; vpos = cdb->cdb_mem + cdb_datapos(cdb); vlen = cdb_datalen(cdb); found.len = vlen; found.begin = vpos; return &found; /* Do not reuse! */ } cur = g_list_next(cur); } return NULL; }