/*- * Copyright 2016 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "config.h" #include "rspamd.h" #include "message.h" #include "utlist.h" #include "http_private.h" #include "worker_private.h" #include "contrib/zstd/zstd.h" #include "lua/lua_common.h" #include "unix-std.h" #include "protocol_internal.h" #include "libserver/mempool_vars_internal.h" #include static GQuark rspamd_protocol_quark (void) { return g_quark_from_static_string ("protocol-error"); } /* * Remove <> from the fixed string and copy it to the pool */ static gchar * rspamd_protocol_escape_braces (struct rspamd_task *task, rspamd_fstring_t *in) { guint nchars = 0; const gchar *p; rspamd_ftok_t tok; gboolean has_obrace = FALSE; g_assert (in != NULL); g_assert (in->len > 0); p = in->str; while ((g_ascii_isspace (*p) || *p == '<') && nchars < in->len) { if (*p == '<') { has_obrace = TRUE; } p++; nchars ++; } tok.begin = p; p = in->str + in->len - 1; tok.len = in->len - nchars; while (g_ascii_isspace (*p) && tok.len > 0) { p--; tok.len --; } if (has_obrace && *p == '>') { tok.len --; } return rspamd_mempool_ftokdup (task->task_pool, &tok); } #define CMD_CHECK(str, cmd, len) (sizeof(cmd) - 1 == (len) && rspamd_lc_cmp((str), (cmd), (len)) == 0) static gboolean rspamd_protocol_handle_url (struct rspamd_task *task, struct rspamd_http_message *msg) { GHashTable *query_args; GHashTableIter it; struct http_parser_url u; const gchar *p; gsize pathlen; rspamd_ftok_t *key, *value; gpointer k, v; if (msg->url == NULL || msg->url->len == 0) { g_set_error (&task->err, rspamd_protocol_quark(), 400, "missing command"); return FALSE; } if (http_parser_parse_url (msg->url->str, msg->url->len, 0, &u) != 0) { g_set_error (&task->err, rspamd_protocol_quark(), 400, "bad request URL"); return FALSE; } if (!(u.field_set & (1 << UF_PATH))) { g_set_error (&task->err, rspamd_protocol_quark(), 400, "bad request URL: missing path"); return FALSE; } p = msg->url->str + u.field_data[UF_PATH].off; pathlen = u.field_data[UF_PATH].len; if (*p == '/') { p ++; pathlen --; } switch (*p) { case 'c': case 'C': /* check */ if (CMD_CHECK (p, MSG_CMD_CHECK_V2, pathlen)) { task->cmd = CMD_CHECK_V2; } else if (CMD_CHECK (p, MSG_CMD_CHECK, pathlen)) { task->cmd = CMD_CHECK; } else { goto err; } break; case 's': case 'S': /* symbols, skip */ if (CMD_CHECK (p, MSG_CMD_SYMBOLS, pathlen)) { task->cmd = CMD_SYMBOLS; } else if (CMD_CHECK (p, MSG_CMD_SCAN, pathlen)) { task->cmd = CMD_CHECK_V2; } else if (CMD_CHECK (p, MSG_CMD_SKIP, pathlen)) { task->cmd = CMD_SKIP; } else { goto err; } break; case 'p': case 'P': /* ping, process */ if (CMD_CHECK (p, MSG_CMD_PING, pathlen)) { task->cmd = CMD_PING; } else if (CMD_CHECK (p, MSG_CMD_PROCESS, pathlen)) { task->cmd = CMD_PROCESS; } else { goto err; } break; case 'r': case 'R': /* report, report_ifspam */ if (CMD_CHECK (p, MSG_CMD_REPORT, pathlen)) { task->cmd = CMD_REPORT; } else if (CMD_CHECK (p, MSG_CMD_REPORT_IFSPAM, pathlen)) { task->cmd = CMD_REPORT_IFSPAM; } else { goto err; } break; default: goto err; } if (u.field_set & (1 << UF_QUERY)) { /* In case if we have a query, we need to store it somewhere */ query_args = rspamd_http_message_parse_query (msg); /* Insert the rest of query params as HTTP headers */ g_hash_table_iter_init (&it, query_args); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&it, &k, &v)) { key = k; value = v; /* Steal strings */ g_hash_table_iter_steal (&it); rspamd_task_add_request_header (task, key, value); msg_debug_task ("added header \"%T\" -> \"%T\" from HTTP query", key, value); } g_hash_table_unref (query_args); } return TRUE; err: g_set_error (&task->err, rspamd_protocol_quark(), 400, "invalid command"); return FALSE; } #define IF_HEADER(name) \ srch.begin = (name); \ srch.len = sizeof (name) - 1; \ if (rspamd_ftok_casecmp (hn_tok, &srch) == 0) gboolean rspamd_protocol_handle_headers (struct rspamd_task *task, struct rspamd_http_message *msg) { rspamd_fstring_t *hn, *hv; rspamd_ftok_t *hn_tok, *hv_tok, srch; gboolean fl, has_ip = FALSE; struct rspamd_http_header *header, *h, *htmp; struct rspamd_email_address *addr; HASH_ITER (hh, msg->headers, header, htmp) { DL_FOREACH (header, h) { hn = rspamd_fstring_new_init (h->name->begin, h->name->len); hv = rspamd_fstring_new_init (h->value->begin, h->value->len); hn_tok = rspamd_ftok_map (hn); hv_tok = rspamd_ftok_map (hv); switch (*hn_tok->begin) { case 'd': case 'D': IF_HEADER (DELIVER_TO_HEADER) { task->deliver_to = rspamd_protocol_escape_braces (task, hv); debug_task ("read deliver-to header, value: %s", task->deliver_to); } else { debug_task ("wrong header: %V", hn); } break; case 'h': case 'H': IF_HEADER (HELO_HEADER) { task->helo = rspamd_mempool_ftokdup (task->task_pool, hv_tok); debug_task ("read helo header, value: %s", task->helo); } IF_HEADER (HOSTNAME_HEADER) { task->hostname = rspamd_mempool_ftokdup (task->task_pool, hv_tok); debug_task ("read hostname header, value: %s", task->hostname); } break; case 'f': case 'F': IF_HEADER (FROM_HEADER) { task->from_envelope = rspamd_email_address_from_smtp (hv->str, hv->len); debug_task ("read from header, value: %V", hv); if (!task->from_envelope) { msg_err_task ("bad from header: '%V'", hv); task->flags |= RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_BROKEN_HEADERS; } } else { debug_task ("wrong header: %V", hn); } break; case 'j': case 'J': IF_HEADER (JSON_HEADER) { debug_task ("read json header, value: %V", hv); fl = rspamd_config_parse_flag (hv->str, hv->len); if (fl) { task->flags |= RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_JSON; } else { task->flags &= ~RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_JSON; } } else { debug_task ("wrong header: %V", hn); } break; case 'q': case 'Q': IF_HEADER (QUEUE_ID_HEADER) { task->queue_id = rspamd_mempool_ftokdup (task->task_pool, hv_tok); debug_task ("read queue_id header, value: %s", task->queue_id); } else { debug_task ("wrong header: %V", hn); } break; case 'r': case 'R': IF_HEADER (RCPT_HEADER) { addr = rspamd_email_address_from_smtp (hv->str, hv->len); if (addr) { if (task->rcpt_envelope == NULL) { task->rcpt_envelope = g_ptr_array_sized_new (2); } g_ptr_array_add (task->rcpt_envelope, addr); } else { msg_err_task ("bad rcpt header: '%T'", h->value); task->flags |= RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_BROKEN_HEADERS; } debug_task ("read rcpt header, value: %V", hv); } else { debug_task ("wrong header: %V", hn); } break; case 'i': case 'I': IF_HEADER (IP_ADDR_HEADER) { if (!rspamd_parse_inet_address (&task->from_addr, hv->str, hv->len)) { msg_err_task ("bad ip header: '%V'", hv); return FALSE; } debug_task ("read IP header, value: %V", hv); has_ip = TRUE; } else { debug_task ("wrong header: %V", hn); } break; case 'p': case 'P': IF_HEADER (PASS_HEADER) { srch.begin = "all"; srch.len = 3; debug_task ("read pass header, value: %V", hv); if (rspamd_ftok_casecmp (hv_tok, &srch) == 0) { task->flags |= RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_PASS_ALL; debug_task ("pass all filters"); } } IF_HEADER (PROFILE_HEADER) { debug_task ("read profile header, value: %V", hv); task->flags |= RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_PROFILE; } break; case 's': case 'S': IF_HEADER (SUBJECT_HEADER) { debug_task ("read subject header, value: %V", hv); task->subject = rspamd_mempool_ftokdup (task->task_pool, hv_tok); } IF_HEADER (SETTINGS_ID_HEADER) { guint64 h; guint32 *hp; debug_task ("read settings-id header, value: %V", hv); h = rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_specific (RSPAMD_CRYPTOBOX_XXHASH64, hv_tok->begin, hv_tok->len, 0xdeadbabe); hp = rspamd_mempool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (*hp)); memcpy (hp, &h, sizeof (*hp)); rspamd_mempool_set_variable (task->task_pool, RSPAMD_MEMPOOL_SETTINGS_HASH, hp, NULL); } break; case 'u': case 'U': IF_HEADER (USER_HEADER) { /* * We must ignore User header in case of spamc, as SA has * different meaning of this header */ debug_task ("read user header, value: %V", hv); if (!RSPAMD_TASK_IS_SPAMC (task)) { task->user = rspamd_mempool_ftokdup (task->task_pool, hv_tok); } else { msg_info_task ("ignore user header: legacy SA protocol"); } } IF_HEADER (URLS_HEADER) { srch.begin = "extended"; srch.len = 8; debug_task ("read urls header, value: %V", hv); if (rspamd_ftok_casecmp (hv_tok, &srch) == 0) { task->flags |= RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_EXT_URLS; debug_task ("extended urls information"); } } IF_HEADER (USER_AGENT_HEADER) { debug_task ("read user-agent header, value: %V", hv); if (hv_tok->len == 6 && rspamd_lc_cmp (hv_tok->begin, "rspamc", 6) == 0) { task->flags |= RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_LOCAL_CLIENT; } } break; case 'l': case 'L': IF_HEADER (NO_LOG_HEADER) { debug_task ("read log header, value: %V", hv); srch.begin = "no"; srch.len = 2; if (rspamd_ftok_casecmp (hv_tok, &srch) == 0) { task->flags |= RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_NO_LOG; } } break; case 'm': case 'M': IF_HEADER (MLEN_HEADER) { debug_task ("read message length header, value: %V", hv); if (!rspamd_strtoul (hv_tok->begin, hv_tok->len, &task->message_len)) { msg_err_task ("Invalid message length header: %V", hv); } else { task->flags |= RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_HAS_CONTROL; } } IF_HEADER (MTA_TAG_HEADER) { gchar *mta_tag; mta_tag = rspamd_mempool_ftokdup (task->task_pool, hv_tok); rspamd_mempool_set_variable (task->task_pool, RSPAMD_MEMPOOL_MTA_TAG, mta_tag, NULL); debug_task ("read MTA-Tag header, value: %s", mta_tag); } IF_HEADER (MTA_NAME_HEADER) { gchar *mta_name; mta_name = rspamd_mempool_ftokdup (task->task_pool, hv_tok); rspamd_mempool_set_variable (task->task_pool, RSPAMD_MEMPOOL_MTA_NAME, mta_name, NULL); debug_task ("read MTA-Name header, value: %s", mta_name); } IF_HEADER (MILTER_HEADER) { task->flags |= RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_MILTER; debug_task ("read Milter header, value: %V", hv); } break; default: debug_task ("unknown header: %V", hn); break; } rspamd_task_add_request_header (task, hn_tok, hv_tok); } } if (!has_ip) { task->flags |= RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_NO_IP; } return TRUE; } #define BOOL_TO_FLAG(val, flags, flag) do { \ if ((val)) (flags) |= (flag); \ else (flags) &= ~(flag); \ } while(0) gboolean rspamd_protocol_parse_task_flags (rspamd_mempool_t *pool, const ucl_object_t *obj, gpointer ud, struct rspamd_rcl_section *section, GError **err) { struct rspamd_rcl_struct_parser *pd = ud; gint *target; const gchar *key; gboolean value; target = (gint *)(((gchar *)pd->user_struct) + pd->offset); key = ucl_object_key (obj); value = ucl_object_toboolean (obj); if (key != NULL) { if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "pass_all") == 0) { BOOL_TO_FLAG (value, *target, RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_PASS_ALL); } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (key, "no_log") == 0) { BOOL_TO_FLAG (value, *target, RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_NO_LOG); } } return TRUE; } static struct rspamd_rcl_section *control_parser = NULL; static void rspamd_protocol_control_parser_init (void) { struct rspamd_rcl_section *sub; if (control_parser == NULL) { sub = rspamd_rcl_add_section (&control_parser, "*", NULL, NULL, UCL_OBJECT, FALSE, TRUE); /* Default handlers */ rspamd_rcl_add_default_handler (sub, "ip", rspamd_rcl_parse_struct_addr, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (struct rspamd_task, from_addr), 0, NULL); rspamd_rcl_add_default_handler (sub, "from", rspamd_rcl_parse_struct_mime_addr, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (struct rspamd_task, from_envelope), 0, NULL); rspamd_rcl_add_default_handler (sub, "rcpt", rspamd_rcl_parse_struct_mime_addr, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (struct rspamd_task, rcpt_envelope), 0, NULL); rspamd_rcl_add_default_handler (sub, "helo", rspamd_rcl_parse_struct_string, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (struct rspamd_task, helo), 0, NULL); rspamd_rcl_add_default_handler (sub, "user", rspamd_rcl_parse_struct_string, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (struct rspamd_task, user), 0, NULL); rspamd_rcl_add_default_handler (sub, "pass_all", rspamd_protocol_parse_task_flags, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (struct rspamd_task, flags), 0, NULL); rspamd_rcl_add_default_handler (sub, "json", rspamd_protocol_parse_task_flags, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (struct rspamd_task, flags), 0, NULL); } } gboolean rspamd_protocol_handle_control (struct rspamd_task *task, const ucl_object_t *control) { GError *err = NULL; rspamd_protocol_control_parser_init (); if (!rspamd_rcl_parse (control_parser, task->cfg, task, task->task_pool, control, &err)) { msg_warn_task ("cannot parse control block: %e", err); g_error_free (err); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } gboolean rspamd_protocol_handle_request (struct rspamd_task *task, struct rspamd_http_message *msg) { gboolean ret = TRUE; if (msg->method == HTTP_SYMBOLS) { task->cmd = CMD_CHECK_V2; task->flags &= ~RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_JSON; } else if (msg->method == HTTP_CHECK) { task->cmd = CMD_CHECK_V2; task->flags &= ~RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_JSON; } else { task->flags |= RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_JSON; ret = rspamd_protocol_handle_url (task, msg); } if (msg->flags & RSPAMD_HTTP_FLAG_SPAMC) { task->flags &= ~RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_JSON; task->flags |= RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_SPAMC; } return ret; } /* Structure for writing tree data */ struct tree_cb_data { ucl_object_t *top; struct rspamd_task *task; }; static ucl_object_t * rspamd_protocol_extended_url (struct rspamd_task *task, struct rspamd_url *url, const gchar *encoded, gsize enclen) { ucl_object_t *obj, *elt; obj = ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_OBJECT); elt = ucl_object_fromlstring (encoded, enclen); ucl_object_insert_key (obj, elt, "url", 0, false); if (url->surbllen > 0) { elt = ucl_object_fromlstring (url->surbl, url->surbllen); ucl_object_insert_key (obj, elt, "surbl", 0, false); } if (url->hostlen > 0) { elt = ucl_object_fromlstring (url->host, url->hostlen); ucl_object_insert_key (obj, elt, "host", 0, false); } elt = ucl_object_frombool (url->flags & RSPAMD_URL_FLAG_PHISHED); ucl_object_insert_key (obj, elt, "phished", 0, false); elt = ucl_object_frombool (url->flags & RSPAMD_URL_FLAG_REDIRECTED); ucl_object_insert_key (obj, elt, "redirected", 0, false); if (url->phished_url) { encoded = rspamd_url_encode (url->phished_url, &enclen, task->task_pool); elt = rspamd_protocol_extended_url (task, url->phished_url, encoded, enclen); ucl_object_insert_key (obj, elt, "orig_url", 0, false); } return obj; } /* * Callback for writing urls */ static void urls_protocol_cb (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer ud) { struct tree_cb_data *cb = ud; struct rspamd_url *url = value; ucl_object_t *obj; struct rspamd_task *task = cb->task; const gchar *user_field = "unknown", *encoded; gboolean has_user = FALSE; guint len = 0; gsize enclen; encoded = rspamd_url_encode (url, &enclen, task->task_pool); if (!(task->flags & RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_EXT_URLS)) { obj = ucl_object_fromlstring (encoded, enclen); } else { obj = rspamd_protocol_extended_url (task, url, encoded, enclen); } ucl_array_append (cb->top, obj); if (cb->task->cfg->log_urls) { if (task->user) { user_field = task->user; len = strlen (task->user); has_user = TRUE; } else if (task->from_envelope) { user_field = task->from_envelope->addr; len = task->from_envelope->addr_len; } msg_info_task_encrypted ("<%s> %s: %*s; ip: %s; URL: %*s", task->message_id, has_user ? "user" : "from", len, user_field, rspamd_inet_address_to_string (task->from_addr), (gint)enclen, encoded); } } static ucl_object_t * rspamd_urls_tree_ucl (GHashTable *input, struct rspamd_task *task) { struct tree_cb_data cb; ucl_object_t *obj; obj = ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_ARRAY); cb.top = obj; cb.task = task; g_hash_table_foreach (input, urls_protocol_cb, &cb); return obj; } static void emails_protocol_cb (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer ud) { struct tree_cb_data *cb = ud; struct rspamd_url *url = value; ucl_object_t *obj; if (url->userlen > 0 && url->hostlen > 0 && url->host == url->user + url->userlen + 1) { obj = ucl_object_fromlstring (url->user, url->userlen + url->hostlen + 1); ucl_array_append (cb->top, obj); } } static ucl_object_t * rspamd_emails_tree_ucl (GHashTable *input, struct rspamd_task *task) { struct tree_cb_data cb; ucl_object_t *obj; obj = ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_ARRAY); cb.top = obj; cb.task = task; g_hash_table_foreach (input, emails_protocol_cb, &cb); return obj; } /* Write new subject */ static const gchar * make_rewritten_subject (struct rspamd_metric *metric, struct rspamd_task *task) { GString *subj_buf; gchar *res; const gchar *s, *c, *p; gsize slen = 0; c = rspamd_mempool_get_variable (task->task_pool, "metric_subject"); if (c == NULL) { c = metric->subject; } if (c == NULL) { c = SPAM_SUBJECT; } p = c; s = task->subject; if (s) { slen = strlen (s); } subj_buf = g_string_sized_new (strlen (c) + slen); while (*p) { if (*p == '%' && *(p + 1) == 's') { g_string_append_len (subj_buf, c, p - c); if (s) { g_string_append_len (subj_buf, s, slen); } p += 2; c = p; continue; } p ++; } if (p > c) { g_string_append_len (subj_buf, c, p - c); } res = rspamd_mime_header_encode (subj_buf->str, subj_buf->len); rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (task->task_pool, (rspamd_mempool_destruct_t)g_free, res); g_string_free (subj_buf, TRUE); return res; } static ucl_object_t * rspamd_str_hash_ucl (GHashTable *ht) { GHashTableIter it; gpointer k, v; ucl_object_t *top = NULL, *obj; top = ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_ARRAY); if (ht) { g_hash_table_iter_init (&it, ht); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&it, &k, &v)) { obj = ucl_object_fromstring ((const char *)v); ucl_array_append (top, obj); } } return top; } static ucl_object_t * rspamd_metric_symbol_ucl (struct rspamd_task *task, struct rspamd_metric *m, struct rspamd_symbol_result *sym) { ucl_object_t *obj = NULL, *ar; const gchar *description = NULL; struct rspamd_symbol_option *opt; if (sym->sym != NULL) { description = sym->sym->description; } obj = ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_OBJECT); ucl_object_insert_key (obj, ucl_object_fromstring ( sym->name), "name", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key (obj, ucl_object_fromdouble ( sym->score), "score", 0, false); if (task->cmd == CMD_CHECK_V2) { if (sym->sym) { ucl_object_insert_key (obj, ucl_object_fromdouble ( sym->sym->score), "metric_score", 0, false); } else { ucl_object_insert_key (obj, ucl_object_fromdouble (0.0), "metric_score", 0, false); } } if (description) { ucl_object_insert_key (obj, ucl_object_fromstring ( description), "description", 0, false); } if (sym->options != NULL) { ar = ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_ARRAY); DL_FOREACH (sym->opts_head, opt) { ucl_array_append (ar, ucl_object_fromstring (opt->option)); } ucl_object_insert_key (obj, ar, "options", 0, false); } return obj; } static ucl_object_t * rspamd_metric_result_ucl (struct rspamd_task *task, struct rspamd_metric_result *mres, ucl_object_t *top) { GHashTableIter hiter; struct rspamd_symbol_result *sym; struct rspamd_metric *m; gboolean is_spam; enum rspamd_metric_action action = METRIC_ACTION_NOACTION; ucl_object_t *obj = NULL, *sobj; gpointer h, v; const gchar *subject; m = mres->metric; if (mres->action == METRIC_ACTION_MAX) { mres->action = rspamd_check_action_metric (task, mres); } action = mres->action; is_spam = (action < METRIC_ACTION_GREYLIST); if (task->cmd != CMD_CHECK_V2) { obj = ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_OBJECT); ucl_object_insert_key (obj, ucl_object_frombool (is_spam), "is_spam", 0, false); } else { obj = top; } ucl_object_insert_key (obj, ucl_object_frombool (RSPAMD_TASK_IS_SKIPPED (task)), "is_skipped", 0, false); if (!isnan (mres->score)) { ucl_object_insert_key (obj, ucl_object_fromdouble (mres->score), "score", 0, false); } else { ucl_object_insert_key (obj, ucl_object_fromdouble (0.0), "score", 0, false); } ucl_object_insert_key (obj, ucl_object_fromdouble (rspamd_task_get_required_score (task, mres)), "required_score", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key (obj, ucl_object_fromstring (rspamd_action_to_str (action)), "action", 0, false); if (action == METRIC_ACTION_REWRITE_SUBJECT) { subject = make_rewritten_subject (m, task); if (subject) { ucl_object_insert_key (obj, ucl_object_fromstring (subject), "subject", 0, false); } } /* Now handle symbols */ if (task->cmd == CMD_CHECK_V2) { obj = ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_OBJECT); } g_hash_table_iter_init (&hiter, mres->symbols); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&hiter, &h, &v)) { sym = (struct rspamd_symbol_result *)v; sobj = rspamd_metric_symbol_ucl (task, m, sym); ucl_object_insert_key (obj, sobj, h, 0, false); } if (task->cmd == CMD_CHECK_V2) { ucl_object_insert_key (top, obj, "symbols", 0, false); } else { ucl_object_insert_key (top, obj, DEFAULT_METRIC, 0, false); } return obj; } void rspamd_ucl_torspamc_output (const ucl_object_t *top, rspamd_fstring_t **out) { const ucl_object_t *symbols, *score, *required_score, *is_spam, *elt, *cur; ucl_object_iter_t iter = NULL; score = ucl_object_lookup (top, "score"); required_score = ucl_object_lookup (top, "required_score"); is_spam = ucl_object_lookup (top, "is_spam"); rspamd_printf_fstring (out, "Metric: default; %s; %.2f / %.2f / 0.0\r\n", ucl_object_toboolean (is_spam) ? "True" : "False", ucl_object_todouble (score), ucl_object_todouble (required_score)); elt = ucl_object_lookup (top, "action"); if (elt != NULL) { rspamd_printf_fstring (out, "Action: %s\r\n", ucl_object_tostring (elt)); } elt = ucl_object_lookup (top, "subject"); if (elt != NULL) { rspamd_printf_fstring (out, "Subject: %s\r\n", ucl_object_tostring (elt)); } symbols = ucl_object_lookup (top, "symbols"); if (symbols != NULL) { iter = NULL; while ((elt = ucl_object_iterate (symbols, &iter, true)) != NULL) { if (elt->type == UCL_OBJECT) { const ucl_object_t *sym_score; sym_score = ucl_object_lookup (elt, "score"); rspamd_printf_fstring (out, "Symbol: %s(%.2f)\r\n", ucl_object_key (elt), ucl_object_todouble (sym_score)); } } } elt = ucl_object_lookup (top, "messages"); if (elt != NULL) { iter = NULL; while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate (elt, &iter, true)) != NULL) { if (cur->type == UCL_STRING) { rspamd_printf_fstring (out, "Message: %s\r\n", ucl_object_tostring (cur)); } } } elt = ucl_object_lookup (top, "message-id"); if (elt != NULL) { rspamd_printf_fstring (out, "Message-ID: %s\r\n", ucl_object_tostring (elt)); } } void rspamd_ucl_tospamc_output (const ucl_object_t *top, rspamd_fstring_t **out) { const ucl_object_t *symbols, *score, *required_score, *is_spam, *elt; ucl_object_iter_t iter = NULL; rspamd_fstring_t *f; score = ucl_object_lookup (top, "score"); required_score = ucl_object_lookup (top, "required_score"); is_spam = ucl_object_lookup (top, "is_spam"); rspamd_printf_fstring (out, "Spam: %s ; %.2f / %.2f\r\n\r\n", ucl_object_toboolean (is_spam) ? "True" : "False", ucl_object_todouble (score), ucl_object_todouble (required_score)); symbols = ucl_object_lookup (top, "symbols"); if (symbols != NULL) { while ((elt = ucl_object_iterate (symbols, &iter, true)) != NULL) { if (elt->type == UCL_OBJECT) { rspamd_printf_fstring (out, "%s,", ucl_object_key (elt)); } } /* Ugly hack, but the whole spamc is ugly */ f = *out; if (f->str[f->len - 1] == ',') { f->len --; *out = rspamd_fstring_append (*out, CRLF, 2); } } } static void rspamd_protocol_output_profiling (struct rspamd_task *task, ucl_object_t *top) { GHashTable *tbl; GHashTableIter it; gpointer k, v; ucl_object_t *prof; gdouble val; prof = ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_OBJECT); tbl = rspamd_mempool_get_variable (task->task_pool, "profile"); if (tbl) { g_hash_table_iter_init (&it, tbl); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&it, &k, &v)) { val = *(gdouble *)v; ucl_object_insert_key (prof, ucl_object_fromdouble (val), (const char *)k, 0, false); } } ucl_object_insert_key (top, prof, "profile", 0, false); } struct rspamd_saved_protocol_reply { ucl_object_t *obj; enum rspamd_protocol_flags flags; }; static void rspamd_protocol_cached_dtor (gpointer p) { struct rspamd_saved_protocol_reply *cached = p; ucl_object_unref (cached->obj); } ucl_object_t * rspamd_protocol_write_ucl (struct rspamd_task *task, enum rspamd_protocol_flags flags) { ucl_object_t *top = NULL; GString *dkim_sig; const ucl_object_t *milter_reply; struct rspamd_saved_protocol_reply *cached; static const gchar *varname = RSPAMD_MEMPOOL_CACHED_REPLY; /* Check for cached reply */ cached = rspamd_mempool_get_variable (task->task_pool, varname); if (cached) { top = cached->obj; /* * Update flags: we don't need to set more flags than we need, * so just xor previous flags and current flags and then or them * to the cached one */ flags ^= cached->flags; cached->flags |= flags; } else { top = ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_OBJECT); cached = rspamd_mempool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (*cached)); cached->obj = top; cached->flags = flags; rspamd_mempool_set_variable (task->task_pool, varname, cached, rspamd_protocol_cached_dtor); /* We also set scan time here */ task->time_real_finish = rspamd_get_ticks (); task->time_virtual_finish = rspamd_get_virtual_ticks (); } if (flags & RSPAMD_PROTOCOL_METRICS) { rspamd_metric_result_ucl (task, task->result, top); } if (flags & RSPAMD_PROTOCOL_MESSAGES) { if (G_UNLIKELY (task->cfg->compat_messages)) { const ucl_object_t *cur; ucl_object_t *msg_object; ucl_object_iter_t iter = NULL; msg_object = ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_ARRAY); while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate (task->messages, &iter, true)) != NULL) { if (cur->type == UCL_STRING) { ucl_array_append (msg_object, ucl_object_ref (cur)); } } ucl_object_insert_key (top, msg_object, "messages", 0, false); } else { ucl_object_insert_key (top, ucl_object_ref (task->messages), "messages", 0, false); } } if (flags & RSPAMD_PROTOCOL_URLS) { if (task->cfg->log_urls || (task->flags & RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_EXT_URLS)) { if (g_hash_table_size (task->urls) > 0) { ucl_object_insert_key (top, rspamd_urls_tree_ucl (task->urls, task), "urls", 0, false); } if (g_hash_table_size (task->emails) > 0) { ucl_object_insert_key (top, rspamd_emails_tree_ucl (task->emails, task), "emails", 0, false); } } } if (flags & RSPAMD_PROTOCOL_EXTRA) { if (G_UNLIKELY (RSPAMD_TASK_IS_PROFILING (task))) { rspamd_protocol_output_profiling (task, top); } } if (flags & RSPAMD_PROTOCOL_BASIC) { ucl_object_insert_key (top, ucl_object_fromstring (task->message_id), "message-id", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key (top, ucl_object_fromdouble (task->time_real_finish - task->time_real), "time_real", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key (top, ucl_object_fromdouble (task->time_virtual_finish - task->time_virtual), "time_virtual", 0, false); } if (flags & RSPAMD_PROTOCOL_DKIM) { dkim_sig = rspamd_mempool_get_variable (task->task_pool, RSPAMD_MEMPOOL_DKIM_SIGNATURE); if (dkim_sig) { GString *folded_header; if (task->flags & RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_MILTER) { folded_header = rspamd_header_value_fold ("DKIM-Signature", dkim_sig->str, 80, RSPAMD_TASK_NEWLINES_LF); } else { folded_header = rspamd_header_value_fold ("DKIM-Signature", dkim_sig->str, 80, task->nlines_type); } /* * According to milter docs, we need to be extra careful * when folding headers: * Neither the name nor the value of the header is checked for standards * compliance. However, each line of the header must be under 2048 * characters and should be under 998 characters. * If longer headers are needed, make them multi-line. * To make a multi-line header, insert a line feed (ASCII 0x0a, or \n * in C) followed by at least one whitespace character such as a * space (ASCII 0x20) or tab (ASCII 0x09, or \t in C). * The line feed should NOT be preceded by a carriage return (ASCII 0x0d); * the MTA will add this automatically. * It is the filter writer's responsibility to ensure that no s * tandards are violated. */ ucl_object_insert_key (top, ucl_object_fromstring_common (folded_header->str, folded_header->len, UCL_STRING_RAW), "dkim-signature", 0, false); g_string_free (folded_header, TRUE); } } if (flags & RSPAMD_PROTOCOL_RMILTER) { milter_reply = rspamd_mempool_get_variable (task->task_pool, RSPAMD_MEMPOOL_MILTER_REPLY); if (milter_reply) { if (task->cmd == CMD_CHECK_V2) { ucl_object_insert_key (top, ucl_object_ref (milter_reply), "milter", 0, false); } else { ucl_object_insert_key (top, ucl_object_ref (milter_reply), "rmilter", 0, false); } } } return top; } void rspamd_protocol_http_reply (struct rspamd_http_message *msg, struct rspamd_task *task, ucl_object_t **pobj) { struct rspamd_metric_result *metric_res; GHashTableIter hiter; const struct rspamd_re_cache_stat *restat; gpointer h, v; ucl_object_t *top = NULL; rspamd_fstring_t *reply; gint action, flags = RSPAMD_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT; /* Write custom headers */ g_hash_table_iter_init (&hiter, task->reply_headers); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&hiter, &h, &v)) { rspamd_ftok_t *hn = h, *hv = v; rspamd_http_message_add_header (msg, hn->begin, hv->begin); } if (task->cfg->log_urls || (task->flags & RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_EXT_URLS)) { flags |= RSPAMD_PROTOCOL_URLS; } top = rspamd_protocol_write_ucl (task, flags); if (pobj) { *pobj = top; } if (!(task->flags & RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_NO_LOG)) { rspamd_roll_history_update (task->worker->srv->history, task); } rspamd_task_write_log (task); if (task->cfg->log_re_cache) { restat = rspamd_re_cache_get_stat (task->re_rt); g_assert (restat != NULL); msg_info_task ( "regexp statistics: %ud pcre regexps scanned, %ud regexps matched," " %ud regexps total, %ud regexps cached," " %HL bytes scanned using pcre, %HL bytes scanned total", restat->regexp_checked, restat->regexp_matched, restat->regexp_total, restat->regexp_fast_cached, restat->bytes_scanned_pcre, restat->bytes_scanned); } reply = rspamd_fstring_sized_new (1000); if (msg->method < HTTP_SYMBOLS && !RSPAMD_TASK_IS_SPAMC (task)) { rspamd_ucl_emit_fstring (top, UCL_EMIT_JSON_COMPACT, &reply); } else { if (RSPAMD_TASK_IS_SPAMC (task)) { rspamd_ucl_tospamc_output (top, &reply); } else { rspamd_ucl_torspamc_output (top, &reply); } } if ((task->flags & RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_COMPRESSED) && rspamd_libs_reset_compression (task->cfg->libs_ctx)) { /* We can compress output */ ZSTD_inBuffer zin; ZSTD_outBuffer zout; ZSTD_CStream *zstream; rspamd_fstring_t *compressed_reply; gsize r; zstream = task->cfg->libs_ctx->out_zstream; compressed_reply = rspamd_fstring_sized_new (ZSTD_compressBound (reply->len)); zin.pos = 0; zin.src = reply->str; zin.size = reply->len; zout.pos = 0; zout.dst = compressed_reply->str; zout.size = compressed_reply->allocated; while (zin.pos < zin.size) { r = ZSTD_compressStream (zstream, &zout, &zin); if (ZSTD_isError (r)) { msg_err_task ("cannot compress: %s", ZSTD_getErrorName (r)); rspamd_fstring_free (compressed_reply); rspamd_http_message_set_body_from_fstring_steal (msg, reply); goto end; } } r = ZSTD_endStream (zstream, &zout); if (ZSTD_isError (r)) { msg_err_task ("cannot finalize compress: %s", ZSTD_getErrorName (r)); rspamd_fstring_free (compressed_reply); rspamd_http_message_set_body_from_fstring_steal (msg, reply); goto end; } msg_info_task ("writing compressed results: %z bytes before " "%z bytes after", zin.pos, zout.pos); compressed_reply->len = zout.pos; rspamd_fstring_free (reply); rspamd_http_message_set_body_from_fstring_steal (msg, compressed_reply); rspamd_http_message_add_header (msg, "Compression", "zstd"); if (task->cfg->libs_ctx->out_dict && task->cfg->libs_ctx->out_dict->id != 0) { gchar dict_str[32]; rspamd_snprintf (dict_str, sizeof (dict_str), "%ud", task->cfg->libs_ctx->out_dict->id); rspamd_http_message_add_header (msg, "Dictionary", dict_str); } } else { rspamd_http_message_set_body_from_fstring_steal (msg, reply); } end: if (!(task->flags & RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_NO_STAT)) { /* Update stat for default metric */ metric_res = task->result; if (metric_res != NULL) { if (metric_res->action != METRIC_ACTION_MAX) { action = metric_res->action; } else { action = rspamd_check_action_metric (task, metric_res); } if (action == METRIC_ACTION_SOFT_REJECT && (task->flags & RSPAMD_TASK_FLAG_GREYLISTED)) { /* Set stat action to greylist to display greylisted messages */ action = METRIC_ACTION_GREYLIST; } if (action < METRIC_ACTION_MAX) { #ifndef HAVE_ATOMIC_BUILTINS task->worker->srv->stat->actions_stat[action]++; #else __atomic_add_fetch (&task->worker->srv->stat->actions_stat[action], 1, __ATOMIC_RELEASE); #endif } } /* Increase counters */ #ifndef HAVE_ATOMIC_BUILTINS task->worker->srv->stat->messages_scanned++; #else __atomic_add_fetch (&task->worker->srv->stat->messages_scanned, 1, __ATOMIC_RELEASE); #endif } } void rspamd_protocol_write_log_pipe (struct rspamd_task *task) { struct rspamd_worker_log_pipe *lp; struct rspamd_protocol_log_message_sum *ls; lua_State *L = task->cfg->lua_state; struct rspamd_metric_result *mres; GHashTableIter it; gpointer k, v; struct rspamd_symbol_result *sym; gint id, i; guint32 *sid, n = 0, nextra = 0; gsize sz; GArray *extra; struct rspamd_protocol_log_symbol_result er; struct rspamd_task **ptask; /* Get extra results from lua plugins */ extra = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (er)); lua_getglobal (L, "rspamd_plugins"); if (lua_istable (L, -1)) { lua_pushnil (L); while (lua_next (L, -2)) { if (lua_istable (L, -1)) { lua_pushvalue (L, -2); /* stack: * -1: copy of key * -2: value (module table) * -3: key (module name) * -4: global */ lua_pushstring (L, "log_callback"); lua_gettable (L, -3); /* stack: * -1: func * -2: copy of key * -3: value (module table) * -3: key (module name) * -4: global */ if (lua_isfunction (L, -1)) { ptask = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (*ptask)); *ptask = task; rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{task}", -1); /* stack: * -1: task * -2: func * -3: key copy * -4: value (module table) * -5: key (module name) * -6: global */ msg_debug_task ("calling for %s", lua_tostring (L, -3)); if (lua_pcall (L, 1, 1, 0) != 0) { msg_info_task ("call to log callback %s failed: %s", lua_tostring (L, -2), lua_tostring (L, -1)); lua_pop (L, 1); /* stack: * -1: key copy * -2: value * -3: key */ } else { /* stack: * -1: result * -2: key copy * -3: value * -4: key */ if (lua_istable (L, -1)) { /* Another iteration */ lua_pushnil (L); while (lua_next (L, -2)) { /* stack: * -1: value * -2: key * -3: result table (pcall) * -4: key copy (parent) * -5: value (parent) * -6: key (parent) */ if (lua_istable (L, -1)) { er.id = 0; er.score = 0.0; lua_rawgeti (L, -1, 1); if (lua_isnumber (L, -1)) { er.id = lua_tonumber (L, -1); } lua_rawgeti (L, -2, 2); if (lua_isnumber (L, -1)) { er.score = lua_tonumber (L, -1); } /* stack: * -1: value[2] * -2: value[1] * -3: values * -4: key * -5: result table (pcall) * -6: key copy (parent) * -7: value (parent) * -8: key (parent) */ lua_pop (L, 2); /* Values */ g_array_append_val (extra, er); } lua_pop (L, 1); /* Value for lua_next */ } lua_pop (L, 1); /* Table result of pcall */ } else { msg_info_task ("call to log callback %s returned " "wrong type: %s", lua_tostring (L, -2), lua_typename (L, lua_type (L, -1))); lua_pop (L, 1); /* Returned error */ } } } else { lua_pop (L, 1); /* stack: * -1: key copy * -2: value * -3: key */ } } lua_pop (L, 2); /* Top table + key copy */ } lua_pop (L, 1); /* rspamd_plugins global */ } else { lua_pop (L, 1); } nextra = extra->len; LL_FOREACH (task->cfg->log_pipes, lp) { if (lp->fd != -1) { switch (lp->type) { case RSPAMD_LOG_PIPE_SYMBOLS: mres = task->result; if (mres) { n = g_hash_table_size (mres->symbols); sz = sizeof (*ls) + sizeof (struct rspamd_protocol_log_symbol_result) * (n + nextra); ls = g_slice_alloc (sz); /* Handle settings id */ sid = rspamd_mempool_get_variable (task->task_pool, "settings_hash"); if (sid) { ls->settings_id = *sid; } else { ls->settings_id = 0; } ls->score = mres->score; ls->required_score = rspamd_task_get_required_score (task, mres); ls->nresults = n; ls->nextra = nextra; g_hash_table_iter_init (&it, mres->symbols); i = 0; while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&it, &k, &v)) { id = rspamd_symbols_cache_find_symbol (task->cfg->cache, k); sym = v; if (id >= 0) { ls->results[i].id = id; ls->results[i].score = sym->score; } else { ls->results[i].id = -1; ls->results[i].score = 0.0; } i ++; } memcpy (&ls->results[n], extra->data, nextra * sizeof (er)); } else { sz = sizeof (*ls); ls = g_slice_alloc0 (sz); ls->nresults = 0; } /* We don't really care about return value here */ if (write (lp->fd, ls, sz) == -1) { msg_info_task ("cannot write to log pipe: %s", strerror (errno)); } g_slice_free1 (sz, ls); break; default: msg_err_task ("unknown log format %d", lp->type); break; } } } g_array_free (extra, TRUE); } void rspamd_protocol_write_reply (struct rspamd_task *task) { struct rspamd_http_message *msg; const gchar *ctype = "application/json"; rspamd_fstring_t *reply; msg = rspamd_http_new_message (HTTP_RESPONSE); if (rspamd_http_connection_is_encrypted (task->http_conn)) { msg_info_task ("<%s> writing encrypted reply", task->message_id); } if (!RSPAMD_TASK_IS_JSON (task)) { /* Turn compatibility on */ msg->method = HTTP_SYMBOLS; } if (RSPAMD_TASK_IS_SPAMC (task)) { msg->flags |= RSPAMD_HTTP_FLAG_SPAMC; } msg->date = time (NULL); debug_task ("writing reply to client"); if (task->err != NULL) { ucl_object_t *top = NULL; top = ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_OBJECT); msg->code = 500 + task->err->code % 100; msg->status = rspamd_fstring_new_init (task->err->message, strlen (task->err->message)); ucl_object_insert_key (top, ucl_object_fromstring (task->err->message), "error", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key (top, ucl_object_fromstring (g_quark_to_string (task->err->domain)), "error_domain", 0, false); reply = rspamd_fstring_sized_new (256); rspamd_ucl_emit_fstring (top, UCL_EMIT_JSON_COMPACT, &reply); ucl_object_unref (top); rspamd_http_message_set_body_from_fstring_steal (msg, reply); } else { msg->status = rspamd_fstring_new_init ("OK", 2); switch (task->cmd) { case CMD_REPORT_IFSPAM: case CMD_REPORT: case CMD_CHECK: case CMD_SYMBOLS: case CMD_PROCESS: case CMD_SKIP: case CMD_CHECK_V2: rspamd_protocol_http_reply (msg, task, NULL); rspamd_protocol_write_log_pipe (task); break; case CMD_PING: rspamd_http_message_set_body (msg, "pong" CRLF, 6); ctype = "text/plain"; break; case CMD_OTHER: msg_err_task ("BROKEN"); break; } } rspamd_http_connection_reset (task->http_conn); rspamd_http_connection_write_message (task->http_conn, msg, NULL, ctype, task, task->sock, &task->tv, task->ev_base); task->processed_stages |= RSPAMD_TASK_STAGE_REPLIED; }