/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2012, Vsevolod Stakhov * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AUTHOR ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "cfg_file.h" #include "tokenizers/tokenizers.h" #include "classifiers/classifiers.h" #include "statfile.h" #include "binlog.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "statfile_sync.h" enum rspamd_sync_state { SYNC_STATE_GREETING, SYNC_STATE_READ_LINE, SYNC_STATE_READ_REV, SYNC_STATE_QUIT, }; /* Context of sync process */ struct rspamd_sync_ctx { struct rspamd_statfile_config *st; stat_file_t *real_statfile; statfile_pool_t *pool; rspamd_io_dispatcher_t *dispatcher; struct event_base *ev_base; struct event tm_ev; struct timeval interval; struct timeval io_tv; gint sock; guint32 timeout; guint32 sync_interval; enum rspamd_sync_state state; gboolean is_busy; guint64 new_rev; guint64 new_time; guint64 new_len; }; static void log_next_sync (const gchar *symbol, time_t delay) { gchar outstr[200]; time_t t; struct tm *tmp; gint r; t = time(NULL); t += delay; tmp = localtime(&t); if (tmp) { r = rspamd_snprintf (outstr, sizeof (outstr), "statfile_sync: next sync of %s at ", symbol); if ((r = strftime(outstr + r, sizeof(outstr) - r, "%T", tmp)) != 0) { msg_info (outstr); } } } static gboolean parse_revision_line (struct rspamd_sync_ctx *ctx, f_str_t *in) { guint i, state = 0; gchar *p, *c, numbuf[sizeof("18446744073709551615")]; guint64 *val; /* First of all try to find END line */ if (in->len >= sizeof ("END") - 1 && memcmp (in->begin, "END", sizeof ("END") - 1) == 0) { ctx->state = SYNC_STATE_QUIT; ctx->is_busy = FALSE; return TRUE; } /* Next check for error line */ if (in->len >= sizeof ("FAIL") - 1 && memcmp (in->begin, "FAIL", sizeof ("FAIL") - 1) == 0) { ctx->state = SYNC_STATE_QUIT; ctx->is_busy = FALSE; return TRUE; } /* Now try to extract 3 numbers from string: revision, time and length */ p = in->begin; val = &ctx->new_rev; for (i = 0; i < in->len; i ++, p ++) { if (g_ascii_isspace (*p) || i == in->len - 1) { if (state == 1) { if (i == in->len - 1) { /* One more character */ p ++; } rspamd_strlcpy (numbuf, c, MIN (p - c + 1, (gint)sizeof (numbuf))); errno = 0; *val = strtoull (numbuf, NULL, 10); if (errno != 0) { msg_info ("cannot parse number %s", strerror (errno)); return FALSE; } state = 2; } } else { if (state == 0) { c = p; state = 1; } else if (state == 2) { if (val == &ctx->new_rev) { val = &ctx->new_time; } else if (val == &ctx->new_time) { val = &ctx->new_len; } c = p; state = 1; } } } /* Current value must be len value and its value must not be 0 */ return ((val == &ctx->new_len)); } static gboolean read_blocks (struct rspamd_sync_ctx *ctx, f_str_t *in) { struct rspamd_binlog_element *elt; guint i; statfile_pool_lock_file (ctx->pool, ctx->real_statfile); elt = (struct rspamd_binlog_element *)in->begin; for (i = 0; i < in->len / sizeof (struct rspamd_binlog_element); i ++, elt ++) { statfile_pool_set_block (ctx->pool, ctx->real_statfile, elt->h1, elt->h2, ctx->new_time, elt->value); } statfile_pool_unlock_file (ctx->pool, ctx->real_statfile); return TRUE; } static gboolean sync_read (f_str_t * in, void *arg) { struct rspamd_sync_ctx *ctx = arg; gchar buf[256]; guint64 rev = 0; time_t ti = 0; if (in->len == 0) { /* Skip empty lines */ return TRUE; } switch (ctx->state) { case SYNC_STATE_GREETING: /* Skip greeting line and write sync command */ /* Write initial data */ statfile_get_revision (ctx->real_statfile, &rev, &ti); rev = rspamd_snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "sync %s %uL %T" CRLF, ctx->st->symbol, rev, ti); ctx->state = SYNC_STATE_READ_LINE; return rspamd_dispatcher_write (ctx->dispatcher, buf, rev, FALSE, FALSE); break; case SYNC_STATE_READ_LINE: /* Try to parse line from server */ if (!parse_revision_line (ctx, in)) { msg_info ("cannot parse line of length %z: '%*s'", in->len, (gint)in->len, in->begin); close (ctx->sock); rspamd_remove_dispatcher (ctx->dispatcher); ctx->is_busy = FALSE; return FALSE; } else if (ctx->state != SYNC_STATE_QUIT) { if (ctx->new_len > 0) { ctx->state = SYNC_STATE_READ_REV; rspamd_set_dispatcher_policy (ctx->dispatcher, BUFFER_CHARACTER, ctx->new_len); } } else { /* Quit this session */ msg_info ("sync ended for: %s", ctx->st->symbol); close (ctx->sock); rspamd_remove_dispatcher (ctx->dispatcher); ctx->is_busy = FALSE; /* Immediately return from callback */ return FALSE; } break; case SYNC_STATE_READ_REV: /* In now contains all blocks of specified revision, so we can read them directly */ if (!read_blocks (ctx, in)) { msg_info ("cannot read blocks"); close (ctx->sock); rspamd_remove_dispatcher (ctx->dispatcher); ctx->is_busy = FALSE; return FALSE; } statfile_set_revision (ctx->real_statfile, ctx->new_rev, ctx->new_time); msg_info ("set new revision: %uL, readed %z bytes", ctx->new_rev, in->len); /* Now try to read other revision or END line */ ctx->state = SYNC_STATE_READ_LINE; rspamd_set_dispatcher_policy (ctx->dispatcher, BUFFER_LINE, 0); break; case SYNC_STATE_QUIT: close (ctx->sock); rspamd_remove_dispatcher (ctx->dispatcher); ctx->is_busy = FALSE; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void sync_err (GError *err, void *arg) { struct rspamd_sync_ctx *ctx = arg; msg_info ("abnormally closing connection, error: %s", err->message); ctx->is_busy = FALSE; close (ctx->sock); rspamd_remove_dispatcher (ctx->dispatcher); } static void sync_timer_callback (gint fd, short what, void *ud) { struct rspamd_sync_ctx *ctx = ud; guint32 jittered_interval; /* Plan new event */ evtimer_del (&ctx->tm_ev); /* Add some jittering for synchronization */ jittered_interval = g_random_int_range (ctx->sync_interval, ctx->sync_interval * 2); msec_to_tv (jittered_interval, &ctx->interval); evtimer_add (&ctx->tm_ev, &ctx->interval); log_next_sync (ctx->st->symbol, ctx->interval.tv_sec); if (ctx->is_busy) { /* Sync is in progress */ msg_info ("syncronization process is in progress, do not start new one"); return; } if ((ctx->sock = make_universal_socket (ctx->st->binlog->master_addr, ctx->st->binlog->master_port, SOCK_STREAM, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)) == -1) { msg_info ("cannot connect to %s", ctx->st->binlog->master_addr); return; } /* Now create and activate dispatcher */ msec_to_tv (ctx->timeout, &ctx->io_tv); ctx->dispatcher = rspamd_create_dispatcher (ctx->ev_base, ctx->sock, BUFFER_LINE, sync_read, NULL, sync_err, &ctx->io_tv, ctx); ctx->state = SYNC_STATE_GREETING; ctx->is_busy = TRUE; msg_info ("starting synchronization of %s", ctx->st->symbol); } static gboolean add_statfile_watch (statfile_pool_t *pool, struct rspamd_statfile_config *st, struct rspamd_config *cfg, struct event_base *ev_base) { struct rspamd_sync_ctx *ctx; guint32 jittered_interval; if (st->binlog->master_addr != NULL) { ctx = rspamd_mempool_alloc (pool->pool, sizeof (struct rspamd_sync_ctx)); ctx->st = st; ctx->timeout = cfg->statfile_sync_timeout; ctx->sync_interval = cfg->statfile_sync_interval; ctx->ev_base = ev_base; /* Add some jittering for synchronization */ jittered_interval = g_random_int_range (ctx->sync_interval, ctx->sync_interval * 2); msec_to_tv (jittered_interval, &ctx->interval); /* Open statfile and attach it to pool */ if ((ctx->real_statfile = statfile_pool_is_open (pool, st->path)) == NULL) { if ((ctx->real_statfile = statfile_pool_open (pool, st->path, st->size, FALSE)) == NULL) { msg_warn ("cannot open %s", st->path); if (statfile_pool_create (pool, st->path, st->size) == -1) { msg_err ("cannot create statfile %s", st->path); return FALSE; } ctx->real_statfile = statfile_pool_open (pool, st->path, st->size, FALSE); } } /* Now plan event for it's future executing */ evtimer_set (&ctx->tm_ev, sync_timer_callback, ctx); event_base_set (ctx->ev_base, &ctx->tm_ev); evtimer_add (&ctx->tm_ev, &ctx->interval); log_next_sync (st->symbol, ctx->interval.tv_sec); } else { msg_err ("cannot add statfile watch for statfile %s: no master defined", st->symbol); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } gboolean start_statfile_sync (statfile_pool_t *pool, struct rspamd_config *cfg, struct event_base *ev_base) { GList *cur, *l; struct rspamd_classifier_config *cl; struct rspamd_statfile_config *st; /* * First of all walk through all classifiers and find those statfiles * for which we should do sync (slave affinity) */ cur = cfg->classifiers; while (cur) { cl = cur->data; l = cl->statfiles; while (l) { st = l->data; if (st->binlog != NULL && st->binlog->affinity == AFFINITY_SLAVE) { if (!add_statfile_watch (pool, st, cfg, ev_base)) { return FALSE; } } l = g_list_next (l); } cur = g_list_next (cur); } return TRUE; }