/* * Copyright 2023 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "lua/lua_common.h" #include "symcache_internal.hxx" #include "symcache_item.hxx" #include "symcache_runtime.hxx" #include "unix-std.h" #include "libutil/cxx/file_util.hxx" #include "libutil/cxx/util.hxx" #include "fmt/core.h" #include "contrib/t1ha/t1ha.h" #ifdef __has_include #if __has_include() #include #endif #endif #include namespace rspamd::symcache { INIT_LOG_MODULE_PUBLIC(symcache) auto symcache::init() -> bool { auto res = true; reload_time = cfg->cache_reload_time; if (cfg->cache_filename != nullptr) { msg_debug_cache("loading symcache saved data from %s", cfg->cache_filename); load_items(); } ankerl::unordered_dense::set disabled_ids; /* Process enabled/disabled symbols */ for (const auto &[id, it]: items_by_id) { if (disabled_symbols) { /* * Due to the ability to add patterns, this is now O(N^2), but it is done * once on configuration and the amount of static patterns is usually low * The possible optimization is to store non patterns in a different set to check it * quickly. However, it is unlikely that this would be used to something really heavy. */ for (const auto &disable_pat: *disabled_symbols) { if (disable_pat.matches(it->get_name())) { msg_debug_cache("symbol %s matches %*s disable pattern", it->get_name().c_str(), (int) disable_pat.to_string_view().size(), disable_pat.to_string_view().data()); auto need_disable = true; if (enabled_symbols) { for (const auto &enable_pat: *enabled_symbols) { if (enable_pat.matches(it->get_name())) { msg_debug_cache("symbol %s matches %*s enable pattern; skip disabling", it->get_name().c_str(), (int) enable_pat.to_string_view().size(), enable_pat.to_string_view().data()); need_disable = false; break; } } } if (need_disable) { disabled_ids.insert(it->id); if (it->is_virtual()) { auto real_elt = it->get_parent(*this); if (real_elt) { disabled_ids.insert(real_elt->id); for (const auto &cld: real_elt->get_children().value().get()) { msg_debug_cache("symbol %s is a virtual sibling of the disabled symbol %s", cld->get_name().c_str(), it->get_name().c_str()); disabled_ids.insert(cld->id); } } } else { /* Also disable all virtual children of this element */ for (const auto &cld: it->get_children().value().get()) { msg_debug_cache("symbol %s is a virtual child of the disabled symbol %s", cld->get_name().c_str(), it->get_name().c_str()); disabled_ids.insert(cld->id); } } } } } } } /* Deal with the delayed dependencies */ msg_debug_cache("resolving delayed dependencies: %d in list", (int) delayed_deps->size()); for (const auto &delayed_dep: *delayed_deps) { auto virt_item = get_item_by_name(delayed_dep.from, false); auto real_item = get_item_by_name(delayed_dep.from, true); if (virt_item == nullptr || real_item == nullptr) { msg_err_cache("cannot register delayed dependency between %s and %s: " "%s is missing", delayed_dep.from.data(), delayed_dep.to.data(), delayed_dep.from.data()); } else { if (!disabled_ids.contains(real_item->id)) { msg_debug_cache("delayed between %s(%d:%d) -> %s", delayed_dep.from.data(), real_item->id, virt_item->id, delayed_dep.to.data()); add_dependency(real_item->id, delayed_dep.to, virt_item != real_item ? virt_item->id : -1); } else { msg_debug_cache("no delayed between %s(%d:%d) -> %s; %s is disabled", delayed_dep.from.data(), real_item->id, virt_item->id, delayed_dep.to.data(), delayed_dep.from.data()); } } } /* Remove delayed dependencies, as they are no longer needed at this point */ delayed_deps.reset(); /* Physically remove ids that are disabled statically */ for (auto id_to_disable: disabled_ids) { /* * This erasure is inefficient, we can swap the last element with the removed id * But in this way, our ids are still sorted by addition */ /* Preserve refcount here */ auto deleted_element_refcount = items_by_id[id_to_disable]; items_by_id.erase(id_to_disable); items_by_symbol.erase(deleted_element_refcount->get_name()); auto &additional_vec = get_item_specific_vector(*deleted_element_refcount); #if defined(__cpp_lib_erase_if) std::erase_if(additional_vec, [id_to_disable](cache_item *elt) { return elt->id == id_to_disable; }); #else auto it = std::remove_if(additional_vec.begin(), additional_vec.end(), [id_to_disable](cache_item *elt) { return elt->id == id_to_disable; }); additional_vec.erase(it, additional_vec.end()); #endif /* Refcount is dropped, so the symbol should be freed, ensure that nothing else owns this symbol */ g_assert(deleted_element_refcount.use_count() == 1); } /* Remove no longer used stuff */ enabled_symbols.reset(); disabled_symbols.reset(); /* Deal with the delayed conditions */ msg_debug_cache("resolving delayed conditions: %d in list", (int) delayed_conditions->size()); for (const auto &delayed_cond: *delayed_conditions) { auto it = get_item_by_name_mut(delayed_cond.sym, true); if (it == nullptr) { msg_err_cache( "cannot register delayed condition for %s", delayed_cond.sym.c_str()); luaL_unref(delayed_cond.L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, delayed_cond.cbref); } else { if (!it->add_condition(delayed_cond.L, delayed_cond.cbref)) { msg_err_cache( "cannot register delayed condition for %s: virtual parent; qed", delayed_cond.sym.c_str()); g_abort(); } msg_debug_cache("added a condition to the symbol %s", it->symbol.c_str()); } } delayed_conditions.reset(); msg_debug_cache("process dependencies"); for (const auto &[_id, it]: items_by_id) { it->process_deps(*this); } /* Sorting stuff */ constexpr auto postfilters_cmp = [](const auto &it1, const auto &it2) -> bool { return it1->priority < it2->priority; }; constexpr auto prefilters_cmp = [](const auto &it1, const auto &it2) -> bool { return it1->priority > it2->priority; }; msg_debug_cache("sorting stuff"); std::stable_sort(std::begin(connfilters), std::end(connfilters), prefilters_cmp); std::stable_sort(std::begin(prefilters), std::end(prefilters), prefilters_cmp); std::stable_sort(std::begin(postfilters), std::end(postfilters), postfilters_cmp); std::stable_sort(std::begin(idempotent), std::end(idempotent), postfilters_cmp); resort(); /* Connect metric symbols with symcache symbols */ if (cfg->symbols) { msg_debug_cache("connect metrics"); g_hash_table_foreach(cfg->symbols, symcache::metric_connect_cb, (void *) this); } return res; } auto symcache::load_items() -> bool { auto cached_map = util::raii_mmaped_file::mmap_shared(cfg->cache_filename, O_RDONLY, PROT_READ); if (!cached_map.has_value()) { if (cached_map.error().category == util::error_category::CRITICAL) { msg_err_cache("%s", cached_map.error().error_message.data()); } else { msg_info_cache("%s", cached_map.error().error_message.data()); } return false; } if (cached_map->get_size() < (gint) sizeof(symcache_header)) { msg_info_cache("cannot use file %s, truncated: %z", cfg->cache_filename, errno, strerror(errno)); return false; } const auto *hdr = (struct symcache_header *) cached_map->get_map(); if (memcmp(hdr->magic, symcache_magic, sizeof(symcache_magic)) != 0) { msg_info_cache("cannot use file %s, bad magic", cfg->cache_filename); return false; } auto *parser = ucl_parser_new(0); const auto *p = (const std::uint8_t *) (hdr + 1); if (!ucl_parser_add_chunk(parser, p, cached_map->get_size() - sizeof(*hdr))) { msg_info_cache("cannot use file %s, cannot parse: %s", cfg->cache_filename, ucl_parser_get_error(parser)); ucl_parser_free(parser); return false; } auto *top = ucl_parser_get_object(parser); ucl_parser_free(parser); if (top == nullptr || ucl_object_type(top) != UCL_OBJECT) { msg_info_cache("cannot use file %s, bad object", cfg->cache_filename); ucl_object_unref(top); return false; } auto it = ucl_object_iterate_new(top); const ucl_object_t *cur; while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate_safe(it, true)) != nullptr) { auto item_it = items_by_symbol.find(ucl_object_key(cur)); if (item_it != items_by_symbol.end()) { auto item = item_it->second; /* Copy saved info */ /* * XXX: don't save or load weight, it should be obtained from the * metric */ #if 0 elt = ucl_object_lookup (cur, "weight"); if (elt) { w = ucl_object_todouble (elt); if (w != 0) { item->weight = w; } } #endif const auto *elt = ucl_object_lookup(cur, "time"); if (elt) { item->st->avg_time = ucl_object_todouble(elt); } elt = ucl_object_lookup(cur, "count"); if (elt) { item->st->total_hits = ucl_object_toint(elt); item->last_count = item->st->total_hits; } elt = ucl_object_lookup(cur, "frequency"); if (elt && ucl_object_type(elt) == UCL_OBJECT) { const ucl_object_t *freq_elt; freq_elt = ucl_object_lookup(elt, "avg"); if (freq_elt) { item->st->avg_frequency = ucl_object_todouble(freq_elt); } freq_elt = ucl_object_lookup(elt, "stddev"); if (freq_elt) { item->st->stddev_frequency = ucl_object_todouble(freq_elt); } } if (item->is_virtual() && !item->is_ghost()) { const auto &parent = item->get_parent(*this); if (parent) { if (parent->st->weight < item->st->weight) { parent->st->weight = item->st->weight; } } /* * We maintain avg_time for virtual symbols equal to the * parent item avg_time */ item->st->avg_time = parent->st->avg_time; } total_weight += fabs(item->st->weight); total_hits += item->st->total_hits; } } ucl_object_iterate_free(it); ucl_object_unref(top); return true; } template static constexpr auto round_to_hundreds(T x) { return (::floor(x) * 100.0) / 100.0; } bool symcache::save_items() const { if (cfg->cache_filename == nullptr) { return false; } auto file_sink = util::raii_file_sink::create(cfg->cache_filename, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 00644); if (!file_sink.has_value()) { if (errno == EEXIST) { /* Some other process is already writing data, give up silently */ return false; } msg_err_cache("%s", file_sink.error().error_message.data()); return false; } struct symcache_header hdr; memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(hdr)); memcpy(hdr.magic, symcache_magic, sizeof(symcache_magic)); if (write(file_sink->get_fd(), &hdr, sizeof(hdr)) == -1) { msg_err_cache("cannot write to file %s, error %d, %s", cfg->cache_filename, errno, strerror(errno)); return false; } auto *top = ucl_object_typed_new(UCL_OBJECT); for (const auto &it: items_by_symbol) { auto item = it.second; auto elt = ucl_object_typed_new(UCL_OBJECT); ucl_object_insert_key(elt, ucl_object_fromdouble(round_to_hundreds(item->st->weight)), "weight", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key(elt, ucl_object_fromdouble(round_to_hundreds(item->st->time_counter.mean)), "time", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key(elt, ucl_object_fromint(item->st->total_hits), "count", 0, false); auto *freq = ucl_object_typed_new(UCL_OBJECT); ucl_object_insert_key(freq, ucl_object_fromdouble(round_to_hundreds(item->st->frequency_counter.mean)), "avg", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key(freq, ucl_object_fromdouble(round_to_hundreds(item->st->frequency_counter.stddev)), "stddev", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key(elt, freq, "frequency", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key(top, elt, it.first.data(), 0, true); } auto fp = fdopen(file_sink->get_fd(), "a"); auto *efunc = ucl_object_emit_file_funcs(fp); auto ret = ucl_object_emit_full(top, UCL_EMIT_JSON_COMPACT, efunc, nullptr); ucl_object_emit_funcs_free(efunc); ucl_object_unref(top); fclose(fp); return ret; } auto symcache::metric_connect_cb(void *k, void *v, void *ud) -> void { auto *cache = (symcache *) ud; const auto *sym = (const char *) k; auto *s = (struct rspamd_symbol *) v; auto weight = *s->weight_ptr; auto *item = cache->get_item_by_name_mut(sym, false); if (item) { item->st->weight = weight; s->cache_item = (void *) item; } } auto symcache::get_item_by_id(int id, bool resolve_parent) const -> const cache_item * { if (id < 0 || id >= items_by_id.size()) { msg_err_cache("internal error: requested item with id %d, when we have just %d items in the cache", id, (int) items_by_id.size()); return nullptr; } const auto &maybe_item = rspamd::find_map(items_by_id, id); if (!maybe_item.has_value()) { msg_err_cache("internal error: requested item with id %d but it is empty; qed", id); return nullptr; } const auto &item = maybe_item.value().get(); if (resolve_parent && item->is_virtual()) { return item->get_parent(*this); } return item.get(); } auto symcache::get_item_by_id_mut(int id, bool resolve_parent) const -> cache_item * { if (id < 0 || id >= items_by_id.size()) { msg_err_cache("internal error: requested item with id %d, when we have just %d items in the cache", id, (int) items_by_id.size()); return nullptr; } const auto &maybe_item = rspamd::find_map(items_by_id, id); if (!maybe_item.has_value()) { msg_err_cache("internal error: requested item with id %d but it is empty; qed", id); return nullptr; } const auto &item = maybe_item.value().get(); if (resolve_parent && item->is_virtual()) { return const_cast(item->get_parent(*this)); } return item.get(); } auto symcache::get_item_by_name(std::string_view name, bool resolve_parent) const -> const cache_item * { auto it = items_by_symbol.find(name); if (it == items_by_symbol.end()) { return nullptr; } if (resolve_parent && it->second->is_virtual()) { it->second->resolve_parent(*this); return it->second->get_parent(*this); } return it->second; } auto symcache::get_item_by_name_mut(std::string_view name, bool resolve_parent) const -> cache_item * { auto it = items_by_symbol.find(name); if (it == items_by_symbol.end()) { return nullptr; } if (resolve_parent && it->second->is_virtual()) { return (cache_item *) it->second->get_parent(*this); } return it->second; } auto symcache::add_dependency(int id_from, std::string_view to, int virtual_id_from) -> void { g_assert(id_from >= 0 && id_from < (gint) items_by_id.size()); const auto &source = items_by_id[id_from]; g_assert(source.get() != nullptr); source->deps.emplace_back(nullptr, std::string(to), id_from, -1); if (virtual_id_from >= 0) { g_assert(virtual_id_from < (gint) items_by_id.size()); /* We need that for settings id propagation */ const auto &vsource = items_by_id[virtual_id_from]; g_assert(vsource.get() != nullptr); vsource->deps.emplace_back(nullptr, std::string(to), -1, virtual_id_from); } } auto symcache::resort() -> void { auto log_func = RSPAMD_LOG_FUNC; auto ord = std::make_shared(filters.size() + prefilters.size() + composites.size() + postfilters.size() + idempotent.size() + connfilters.size() + classifiers.size(), cur_order_gen); for (auto &it: filters) { if (it) { total_hits += it->st->total_hits; /* Unmask topological order */ it->order = 0; ord->d.emplace_back(it->getptr()); } } enum class tsort_mask { PERM, TEMP }; constexpr auto tsort_unmask = [](cache_item *it) -> auto { return (it->order & ~((1u << 31) | (1u << 30))); }; /* Recursive topological sort helper */ const auto tsort_visit = [&](cache_item *it, unsigned cur_order, auto &&rec) { constexpr auto tsort_mark = [](cache_item *it, tsort_mask how) { switch (how) { case tsort_mask::PERM: it->order |= (1u << 31); break; case tsort_mask::TEMP: it->order |= (1u << 30); break; } }; constexpr auto tsort_is_marked = [](cache_item *it, tsort_mask how) { switch (how) { case tsort_mask::PERM: return (it->order & (1u << 31)); case tsort_mask::TEMP: return (it->order & (1u << 30)); } return 100500u; /* Because fuck compilers, that's why */ }; if (tsort_is_marked(it, tsort_mask::PERM)) { if (cur_order > tsort_unmask(it)) { /* Need to recalculate the whole chain */ it->order = cur_order; /* That also removes all masking */ } else { /* We are fine, stop DFS */ return; } } else if (tsort_is_marked(it, tsort_mask::TEMP)) { msg_err_cache_lambda("cyclic dependencies found when checking '%s'!", it->symbol.c_str()); return; } tsort_mark(it, tsort_mask::TEMP); msg_debug_cache_lambda("visiting node: %s (%d)", it->symbol.c_str(), cur_order); for (const auto &dep: it->deps) { msg_debug_cache_lambda("visiting dep: %s (%d)", dep.item->symbol.c_str(), cur_order + 1); rec(dep.item, cur_order + 1, rec); } it->order = cur_order; tsort_mark(it, tsort_mask::PERM); }; /* * Topological sort */ total_hits = 0; auto used_items = ord->d.size(); for (const auto &it: ord->d) { if (it->order == 0) { tsort_visit(it.get(), 0, tsort_visit); } } /* Main sorting comparator */ constexpr auto score_functor = [](auto w, auto f, auto t) -> auto { auto time_alpha = 1.0, weight_alpha = 0.1, freq_alpha = 0.01; return ((w > 0.0 ? w : weight_alpha) * (f > 0.0 ? f : freq_alpha) / (t > time_alpha ? t : time_alpha)); }; auto cache_order_cmp = [&](const auto &it1, const auto &it2) -> auto { constexpr const auto topology_mult = 1e7, priority_mult = 1e6, augmentations1_mult = 1e5; auto w1 = tsort_unmask(it1.get()) * topology_mult, w2 = tsort_unmask(it2.get()) * topology_mult; w1 += it1->priority * priority_mult; w2 += it2->priority * priority_mult; w1 += it1->get_augmentation_weight() * augmentations1_mult; w2 += it2->get_augmentation_weight() * augmentations1_mult; auto avg_freq = ((double) total_hits / used_items); auto avg_weight = (total_weight / used_items); auto f1 = (double) it1->st->total_hits / avg_freq; auto f2 = (double) it2->st->total_hits / avg_freq; auto weight1 = std::fabs(it1->st->weight) / avg_weight; auto weight2 = std::fabs(it2->st->weight) / avg_weight; auto t1 = it1->st->avg_time; auto t2 = it2->st->avg_time; w1 += score_functor(weight1, f1, t1); w2 += score_functor(weight2, f2, t2); return w1 > w2; }; std::stable_sort(std::begin(ord->d), std::end(ord->d), cache_order_cmp); /* * Here lives some ugly legacy! * We have several filters classes, connfilters, prefilters, filters... etc * * Our order is meaningful merely for filters, but we have to add other classes * to understand if those symbols are checked or disabled. * We can disable symbols for almost everything but not for virtual symbols. * The rule of thumb is that if a symbol has explicit parent, then it is a * virtual symbol that follows it's special rules */ /* * We enrich ord with all other symbol types without any sorting, * as it is done in another place */ constexpr auto append_items_vec = [](const auto &vec, auto &out) { for (const auto &it: vec) { if (it) { out.emplace_back(it->getptr()); } } }; append_items_vec(connfilters, ord->d); append_items_vec(prefilters, ord->d); append_items_vec(postfilters, ord->d); append_items_vec(idempotent, ord->d); append_items_vec(composites, ord->d); append_items_vec(classifiers, ord->d); /* After sorting is done, we can assign all elements in the by_symbol hash */ for (const auto [i, it]: rspamd::enumerate(ord->d)) { ord->by_symbol.emplace(it->get_name(), i); ord->by_cache_id[it->id] = i; } /* Finally set the current order */ std::swap(ord, items_by_order); } auto symcache::add_symbol_with_callback(std::string_view name, int priority, symbol_func_t func, void *user_data, int flags_and_type) -> int { auto real_type_pair_maybe = item_type_from_c(flags_and_type); if (!real_type_pair_maybe.has_value()) { msg_err_cache("incompatible flags when adding %s: %s", name.data(), real_type_pair_maybe.error().c_str()); return -1; } auto real_type_pair = real_type_pair_maybe.value(); if (real_type_pair.first != symcache_item_type::FILTER) { real_type_pair.second |= SYMBOL_TYPE_NOSTAT; } if (real_type_pair.second & (SYMBOL_TYPE_GHOST | SYMBOL_TYPE_CALLBACK)) { real_type_pair.second |= SYMBOL_TYPE_NOSTAT; } if (real_type_pair.first == symcache_item_type::VIRTUAL) { msg_err_cache("trying to add virtual symbol %s as real (no parent)", name.data()); return -1; } std::string static_string_name; if (name.empty()) { static_string_name = fmt::format("AUTO_{}_{}", (void *) func, user_data); msg_warn_cache("trying to add an empty symbol name, convert it to %s", static_string_name.c_str()); } else { static_string_name = name; } if (real_type_pair.first == symcache_item_type::IDEMPOTENT && priority != 0) { msg_warn_cache("priority has been set for idempotent symbol %s: %d", static_string_name.c_str(), priority); } if ((real_type_pair.second & SYMBOL_TYPE_FINE) && priority == 0) { /* Adjust priority for negative weighted symbols */ priority = 1; } if (items_by_symbol.contains(static_string_name)) { msg_err_cache("duplicate symbol name: %s", static_string_name.data()); return -1; } auto id = items_by_id.size(); auto item = cache_item::create_with_function(static_pool, id, std::move(static_string_name), priority, func, user_data, real_type_pair.first, real_type_pair.second); items_by_symbol.emplace(item->get_name(), item.get()); get_item_specific_vector(*item).push_back(item.get()); items_by_id.emplace(id, std::move(item));// Takes ownership if (!(real_type_pair.second & SYMBOL_TYPE_NOSTAT)) { cksum = t1ha(name.data(), name.size(), cksum); stats_symbols_count++; } return id; } auto symcache::add_virtual_symbol(std::string_view name, int parent_id, int flags_and_type) -> int { if (name.empty()) { msg_err_cache("cannot register a virtual symbol with no name; qed"); return -1; } auto real_type_pair_maybe = item_type_from_c(flags_and_type); if (!real_type_pair_maybe.has_value()) { msg_err_cache("incompatible flags when adding %s: %s", name.data(), real_type_pair_maybe.error().c_str()); return -1; } auto real_type_pair = real_type_pair_maybe.value(); if (items_by_symbol.contains(name)) { msg_err_cache("duplicate symbol name: %s", name.data()); return -1; } if (items_by_id.size() < parent_id) { msg_err_cache("parent id %d is out of bounds for virtual symbol %s", parent_id, name.data()); return -1; } auto id = items_by_id.size(); auto item = cache_item::create_with_virtual(static_pool, id, std::string{name}, parent_id, real_type_pair.first, real_type_pair.second); const auto &parent = items_by_id[parent_id].get(); parent->add_child(item.get()); items_by_symbol.emplace(item->get_name(), item.get()); get_item_specific_vector(*item).push_back(item.get()); items_by_id.emplace(id, std::move(item));// Takes ownership return id; } auto symcache::set_peak_cb(int cbref) -> void { if (peak_cb != -1) { luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, peak_cb); } peak_cb = cbref; msg_info_cache("registered peak callback"); } auto symcache::add_delayed_condition(std::string_view sym, int cbref) -> void { delayed_conditions->emplace_back(sym, cbref, (lua_State *) cfg->lua_state); } auto symcache::validate(bool strict) -> bool { total_weight = 1.0; for (auto &pair: items_by_symbol) { auto &item = pair.second; auto ghost = item->st->weight == 0 ? true : false; auto skipped = !ghost; if (item->is_scoreable() && g_hash_table_lookup(cfg->symbols, item->symbol.c_str()) == nullptr) { if (!std::isnan(cfg->unknown_weight)) { item->st->weight = cfg->unknown_weight; auto *s = rspamd_mempool_alloc0_type(static_pool, struct rspamd_symbol); /* Legit as we actually never modify this data */ s->name = (char *) item->symbol.c_str(); s->weight_ptr = &item->st->weight; g_hash_table_insert(cfg->symbols, (void *) s->name, (void *) s); msg_info_cache("adding unknown symbol %s with weight: %.2f", item->symbol.c_str(), cfg->unknown_weight); ghost = false; skipped = false; } else { skipped = true; } } else { skipped = false; } if (!ghost && skipped) { if (!(item->flags & SYMBOL_TYPE_SKIPPED)) { item->flags |= SYMBOL_TYPE_SKIPPED; msg_warn_cache("symbol %s has no score registered, skip its check", item->symbol.c_str()); } } if (ghost) { msg_debug_cache("symbol %s is registered as ghost symbol, it won't be inserted " "to any metric", item->symbol.c_str()); } if (item->st->weight < 0 && item->priority == 0) { item->priority++; } if (item->is_virtual()) { if (!(item->flags & SYMBOL_TYPE_GHOST)) { auto *parent = const_cast(item->get_parent(*this)); if (parent == nullptr) { item->resolve_parent(*this); parent = const_cast(item->get_parent(*this)); } if (::fabs(parent->st->weight) < ::fabs(item->st->weight)) { parent->st->weight = item->st->weight; } auto p1 = ::abs(item->priority); auto p2 = ::abs(parent->priority); if (p1 != p2) { parent->priority = MAX(p1, p2); item->priority = parent->priority; } } } total_weight += fabs(item->st->weight); } /* Now check each metric item and find corresponding symbol in a cache */ auto ret = true; GHashTableIter it; void *k, *v; g_hash_table_iter_init(&it, cfg->symbols); while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&it, &k, &v)) { auto ignore_symbol = false; auto sym_def = (struct rspamd_symbol *) v; if (sym_def && (sym_def->flags & (RSPAMD_SYMBOL_FLAG_IGNORE_METRIC | RSPAMD_SYMBOL_FLAG_DISABLED))) { ignore_symbol = true; } if (!ignore_symbol) { if (!items_by_symbol.contains((const char *) k)) { msg_debug_cache( "symbol '%s' has its score defined but there is no " "corresponding rule registered", k); } } else if (sym_def->flags & RSPAMD_SYMBOL_FLAG_DISABLED) { auto item = get_item_by_name_mut((const char *) k, false); if (item) { item->enabled = FALSE; } } } return ret; } auto symcache::counters() const -> ucl_object_t * { auto *top = ucl_object_typed_new(UCL_ARRAY); constexpr const auto round_float = [](const auto x, const int digits) -> auto { const auto power10 = ::pow(10, digits); return (::floor(x * power10) / power10); }; for (auto &pair: items_by_symbol) { auto &item = pair.second; auto symbol = pair.first; auto *obj = ucl_object_typed_new(UCL_OBJECT); ucl_object_insert_key(obj, ucl_object_fromlstring(symbol.data(), symbol.size()), "symbol", 0, false); if (item->is_virtual()) { if (!(item->flags & SYMBOL_TYPE_GHOST)) { const auto *parent = item->get_parent(*this); ucl_object_insert_key(obj, ucl_object_fromdouble(round_float(item->st->weight, 3)), "weight", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key(obj, ucl_object_fromdouble(round_float(parent->st->avg_frequency, 3)), "frequency", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key(obj, ucl_object_fromint(parent->st->total_hits), "hits", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key(obj, ucl_object_fromdouble(round_float(parent->st->avg_time, 3)), "time", 0, false); } else { ucl_object_insert_key(obj, ucl_object_fromdouble(round_float(item->st->weight, 3)), "weight", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key(obj, ucl_object_fromdouble(0.0), "frequency", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key(obj, ucl_object_fromdouble(0.0), "hits", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key(obj, ucl_object_fromdouble(0.0), "time", 0, false); } } else { ucl_object_insert_key(obj, ucl_object_fromdouble(round_float(item->st->weight, 3)), "weight", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key(obj, ucl_object_fromdouble(round_float(item->st->avg_frequency, 3)), "frequency", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key(obj, ucl_object_fromint(item->st->total_hits), "hits", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key(obj, ucl_object_fromdouble(round_float(item->st->avg_time, 3)), "time", 0, false); } ucl_array_append(top, obj); } return top; } auto symcache::periodic_resort(struct ev_loop *ev_loop, double cur_time, double last_resort) -> void { for (const auto &item: filters) { if (item->update_counters_check_peak(L, ev_loop, cur_time, last_resort)) { auto cur_value = (item->st->total_hits - item->last_count) / (cur_time - last_resort); auto cur_err = (item->st->avg_frequency - cur_value); cur_err *= cur_err; msg_debug_cache("peak found for %s is %.2f, avg: %.2f, " "stddev: %.2f, error: %.2f, peaks: %d", item->symbol.c_str(), cur_value, item->st->avg_frequency, item->st->stddev_frequency, cur_err, item->frequency_peaks); if (peak_cb != -1) { struct ev_loop **pbase; lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, peak_cb); pbase = (struct ev_loop **) lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(*pbase)); *pbase = ev_loop; rspamd_lua_setclass(L, "rspamd{ev_base}", -1); lua_pushlstring(L, item->symbol.c_str(), item->symbol.size()); lua_pushnumber(L, item->st->avg_frequency); lua_pushnumber(L, ::sqrt(item->st->stddev_frequency)); lua_pushnumber(L, cur_value); lua_pushnumber(L, cur_err); if (lua_pcall(L, 6, 0, 0) != 0) { msg_info_cache("call to peak function for %s failed: %s", item->symbol.c_str(), lua_tostring(L, -1)); lua_pop(L, 1); } } } } } symcache::~symcache() { if (peak_cb != -1) { luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, peak_cb); } } auto symcache::maybe_resort() -> bool { if (items_by_order->generation_id != cur_order_gen) { /* * Cache has been modified, need to resort it */ msg_info_cache("symbols cache has been modified since last check:" " old id: %ud, new id: %ud", items_by_order->generation_id, cur_order_gen); resort(); return true; } return false; } auto symcache::get_item_specific_vector(const cache_item &it) -> symcache::items_ptr_vec & { switch (it.get_type()) { case symcache_item_type::CONNFILTER: return connfilters; case symcache_item_type::FILTER: return filters; case symcache_item_type::IDEMPOTENT: return idempotent; case symcache_item_type::PREFILTER: return prefilters; case symcache_item_type::POSTFILTER: return postfilters; case symcache_item_type::COMPOSITE: return composites; case symcache_item_type::CLASSIFIER: return classifiers; case symcache_item_type::VIRTUAL: return virtual_symbols; } RSPAMD_UNREACHABLE; } auto symcache::process_settings_elt(struct rspamd_config_settings_elt *elt) -> void { auto id = elt->id; if (elt->symbols_disabled) { /* Process denied symbols */ ucl_object_iter_t iter = nullptr; const ucl_object_t *cur; while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate(elt->symbols_disabled, &iter, true)) != NULL) { const auto *sym = ucl_object_key(cur); auto *item = get_item_by_name_mut(sym, false); if (item != nullptr) { if (item->is_virtual()) { /* * Virtual symbols are special: * we ignore them in symcache but prevent them from being * inserted. */ item->forbidden_ids.add_id(id); msg_debug_cache("deny virtual symbol %s for settings %ud (%s); " "parent can still be executed", sym, id, elt->name); } else { /* Normal symbol, disable it */ item->forbidden_ids.add_id(id); msg_debug_cache("deny symbol %s for settings %ud (%s)", sym, id, elt->name); } } else { msg_warn_cache("cannot find a symbol to disable %s " "when processing settings %ud (%s)", sym, id, elt->name); } } } if (elt->symbols_enabled) { ucl_object_iter_t iter = nullptr; const ucl_object_t *cur; while ((cur = ucl_object_iterate(elt->symbols_enabled, &iter, true)) != nullptr) { /* Here, we resolve parent and explicitly allow it */ const auto *sym = ucl_object_key(cur); auto *item = get_item_by_name_mut(sym, false); if (item != nullptr) { if (item->is_virtual()) { auto *parent = get_item_by_name_mut(sym, true); if (parent) { if (elt->symbols_disabled && ucl_object_lookup(elt->symbols_disabled, parent->symbol.data())) { msg_err_cache("conflict in %s: cannot enable disabled symbol %s, " "wanted to enable symbol %s", elt->name, parent->symbol.data(), sym); continue; } parent->exec_only_ids.add_id(id); msg_debug_cache("allow just execution of symbol %s for settings %ud (%s)", parent->symbol.data(), id, elt->name); } } item->allowed_ids.add_id(id); msg_debug_cache("allow execution of symbol %s for settings %ud (%s)", sym, id, elt->name); } else { msg_warn_cache("cannot find a symbol to enable %s " "when processing settings %ud (%s)", sym, id, elt->name); } } } } auto symcache::get_max_timeout(std::vector> &elts) const -> double { auto accumulated_timeout = 0.0; auto log_func = RSPAMD_LOG_FUNC; ankerl::unordered_dense::set seen_items; auto get_item_timeout = [](cache_item *it) { return it->get_numeric_augmentation("timeout").value_or(0.0); }; /* This function returns the timeout for an item and all it's dependencies */ auto get_filter_timeout = [&](cache_item *it, auto self) -> double { auto own_timeout = get_item_timeout(it); auto max_child_timeout = 0.0; for (const auto &dep: it->deps) { auto cld_timeout = self(dep.item, self); if (cld_timeout > max_child_timeout) { max_child_timeout = cld_timeout; } } return own_timeout + max_child_timeout; }; /* For prefilters and postfilters, we just care about priorities */ auto pre_postfilter_iter = [&](const items_ptr_vec &vec) -> double { auto saved_priority = -1; auto max_timeout = 0.0, added_timeout = 0.0; const cache_item *max_elt = nullptr; for (const auto &it: vec) { if (it->priority != saved_priority && max_elt != nullptr && max_timeout > 0) { if (!seen_items.contains(max_elt)) { accumulated_timeout += max_timeout; added_timeout += max_timeout; msg_debug_cache_lambda("added %.2f to the timeout (%.2f) as the priority has changed (%d -> %d); " "symbol: %s", max_timeout, accumulated_timeout, saved_priority, it->priority, max_elt->symbol.c_str()); elts.emplace_back(max_timeout, max_elt); seen_items.insert(max_elt); } max_timeout = 0; saved_priority = it->priority; max_elt = nullptr; } auto timeout = get_item_timeout(it); if (timeout > max_timeout) { max_timeout = timeout; max_elt = it; } } if (max_elt != nullptr && max_timeout > 0) { if (!seen_items.contains(max_elt)) { accumulated_timeout += max_timeout; added_timeout += max_timeout; msg_debug_cache_lambda("added %.2f to the timeout (%.2f) end of processing; " "symbol: %s", max_timeout, accumulated_timeout, max_elt->symbol.c_str()); elts.emplace_back(max_timeout, max_elt); seen_items.insert(max_elt); } } return added_timeout; }; auto prefilters_timeout = pre_postfilter_iter(this->prefilters); /* For normal filters, we check the maximum chain of the dependencies * This function might have O(N^2) complexity if all symbols are in a single * dependencies chain. But it is not the case in practice */ double max_filters_timeout = 0; for (const auto &it: this->filters) { auto timeout = get_filter_timeout(it, get_filter_timeout); if (timeout > max_filters_timeout) { max_filters_timeout = timeout; if (!seen_items.contains(it)) { elts.emplace_back(timeout, it); seen_items.insert(it); } } } accumulated_timeout += max_filters_timeout; auto postfilters_timeout = pre_postfilter_iter(this->postfilters); auto idempotent_timeout = pre_postfilter_iter(this->idempotent); /* Sort in decreasing order by timeout */ std::stable_sort(std::begin(elts), std::end(elts), [](const auto &p1, const auto &p2) { return p1.first > p2.first; }); msg_debug_cache("overall cache timeout: %.2f, %.2f from prefilters," " %.2f from postfilters, %.2f from idempotent filters," " %.2f from normal filters", accumulated_timeout, prefilters_timeout, postfilters_timeout, idempotent_timeout, max_filters_timeout); return accumulated_timeout; } }// namespace rspamd::symcache