/* * Copyright 2024 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Internal C++ structures and classes for symcache */ #ifndef RSPAMD_SYMCACHE_INTERNAL_HXX #define RSPAMD_SYMCACHE_INTERNAL_HXX #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rspamd_symcache.h" #include "contrib/libev/ev.h" #include "contrib/ankerl/unordered_dense.h" #include "contrib/expected/expected.hpp" #include "cfg_file.h" #include "symcache_id_list.hxx" #define msg_err_cache(...) rspamd_default_log_function(G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, \ "symcache", log_tag(), \ RSPAMD_LOG_FUNC, \ __VA_ARGS__) #define msg_err_cache_lambda(...) rspamd_default_log_function(G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, \ "symcache", log_tag(), \ log_func, \ __VA_ARGS__) #define msg_err_cache_task(...) rspamd_default_log_function(G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, \ "symcache", task->task_pool->tag.uid, \ RSPAMD_LOG_FUNC, \ __VA_ARGS__) #define msg_warn_cache(...) rspamd_default_log_function(G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, \ "symcache", log_tag(), \ RSPAMD_LOG_FUNC, \ __VA_ARGS__) #define msg_info_cache(...) rspamd_default_log_function(G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, \ "symcache", log_tag(), \ RSPAMD_LOG_FUNC, \ __VA_ARGS__) #define msg_debug_cache(...) rspamd_conditional_debug_fast(NULL, NULL, \ ::rspamd::symcache::rspamd_symcache_log_id, "symcache", log_tag(), \ RSPAMD_LOG_FUNC, \ __VA_ARGS__) #define msg_debug_cache_lambda(...) rspamd_conditional_debug_fast(NULL, NULL, \ ::rspamd::symcache::rspamd_symcache_log_id, "symcache", log_tag(), \ log_func, \ __VA_ARGS__) #define msg_debug_cache_task(...) rspamd_conditional_debug_fast(NULL, NULL, \ ::rspamd::symcache::rspamd_symcache_log_id, "symcache", task->task_pool->tag.uid, \ RSPAMD_LOG_FUNC, \ __VA_ARGS__) #define msg_debug_cache_task_lambda(...) rspamd_conditional_debug_fast(NULL, NULL, \ ::rspamd::symcache::rspamd_symcache_log_id, "symcache", task->task_pool->tag.uid, \ log_func, \ __VA_ARGS__) struct lua_State; namespace rspamd::symcache { /* Defined in symcache_impl.cxx */ extern int rspamd_symcache_log_id; static const std::uint8_t symcache_magic[8] = {'r', 's', 'c', 2, 0, 0, 0, 0}; struct symcache_header { std::uint8_t magic[8]; unsigned int nitems; std::uint8_t checksum[64]; std::uint8_t unused[128]; }; struct cache_item; using cache_item_ptr = std::shared_ptr; /** * This structure is intended to keep the current ordering for all symbols * It is designed to be shared among all tasks and keep references to the real * symbols. * If some symbol has been added or removed to the symbol cache, it will not affect * the current order, and it will only be regenerated for the subsequent tasks. * This allows safe and no copy sharing and keeping track of all symbols in the * cache runtime. */ struct order_generation { /* All items ordered */ std::vector d; /* Mapping from symbol name to the position in the order array */ ankerl::unordered_dense::map by_symbol; /* Mapping from symbol id to the position in the order array */ ankerl::unordered_dense::map by_cache_id; /* It matches cache->generation_id; if not, a fresh ordering is required */ unsigned int generation_id; explicit order_generation(std::size_t nelts, unsigned id) : generation_id(id) { d.reserve(nelts); by_symbol.reserve(nelts); by_cache_id.reserve(nelts); } auto size() const -> auto { return d.size(); } }; using order_generation_ptr = std::shared_ptr; struct delayed_cache_dependency { std::string from; std::string to; delayed_cache_dependency(std::string_view _from, std::string_view _to) : from(_from), to(_to) { } }; struct delayed_cache_condition { std::string sym; int cbref; lua_State *L; public: delayed_cache_condition(std::string_view sym, int cbref, lua_State *L) : sym(sym), cbref(cbref), L(L) { } }; class delayed_symbol_elt { private: std::variant content; public: /* Disable copy */ delayed_symbol_elt() = delete; delayed_symbol_elt(const delayed_symbol_elt &) = delete; delayed_symbol_elt &operator=(const delayed_symbol_elt &) = delete; /* Enable move */ delayed_symbol_elt(delayed_symbol_elt &&other) noexcept = default; delayed_symbol_elt &operator=(delayed_symbol_elt &&other) noexcept = default; explicit delayed_symbol_elt(std::string_view elt) noexcept { if (!elt.empty() && elt[0] == '/') { /* Possibly regexp */ auto *re = rspamd_regexp_new_len(elt.data(), elt.size(), nullptr, nullptr); if (re != nullptr) { std::get(content) = re; } else { std::get(content) = elt; } } else { std::get(content) = elt; } } ~delayed_symbol_elt() { if (std::holds_alternative(content)) { rspamd_regexp_unref(std::get(content)); } } auto matches(std::string_view what) const -> bool { return std::visit([&](auto &elt) { using T = typeof(elt); if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { if (rspamd_regexp_match(elt, what.data(), what.size(), false)) { return true; } } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { return elt == what; } return false; }, content); } auto to_string_view() const -> std::string_view { return std::visit([&](auto &elt) { using T = typeof(elt); if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { return std::string_view{rspamd_regexp_get_pattern(elt)}; } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { return std::string_view{elt}; } return std::string_view{}; }, content); } }; struct delayed_symbol_elt_equal { using is_transparent = void; auto operator()(const delayed_symbol_elt &a, const delayed_symbol_elt &b) const { return a.to_string_view() == b.to_string_view(); } auto operator()(const delayed_symbol_elt &a, const std::string_view &b) const { return a.to_string_view() == b; } auto operator()(const std::string_view &a, const delayed_symbol_elt &b) const { return a == b.to_string_view(); } }; struct delayed_symbol_elt_hash { using is_transparent = void; auto operator()(const delayed_symbol_elt &a) const { return ankerl::unordered_dense::hash()(a.to_string_view()); } auto operator()(const std::string_view &a) const { return ankerl::unordered_dense::hash()(a); } }; class symcache { private: using items_ptr_vec = std::vector; /* Map indexed by symbol name: all symbols must have unique names, so this map holds ownership */ ankerl::unordered_dense::map items_by_symbol; ankerl::unordered_dense::map items_by_id; /* Items sorted into some order */ order_generation_ptr items_by_order; unsigned int cur_order_gen; /* Specific vectors for execution/iteration */ items_ptr_vec connfilters; items_ptr_vec prefilters; items_ptr_vec filters; items_ptr_vec postfilters; items_ptr_vec composites; items_ptr_vec idempotent; items_ptr_vec classifiers; items_ptr_vec virtual_symbols; /* These are stored within pointer to clean up after init */ std::unique_ptr> delayed_deps; std::unique_ptr> delayed_conditions; /* Delayed statically enabled or disabled symbols */ using delayed_symbol_names = ankerl::unordered_dense::set; std::unique_ptr disabled_symbols; std::unique_ptr enabled_symbols; rspamd_mempool_t *static_pool; std::uint64_t cksum; double total_weight; std::size_t stats_symbols_count; private: std::uint64_t total_hits; struct rspamd_config *cfg; lua_State *L; double reload_time; double last_profile; private: int peak_cb; int cache_id; private: /* Internal methods */ auto load_items() -> bool; auto resort() -> void; auto get_item_specific_vector(const cache_item &) -> items_ptr_vec &; /* Helper for g_hash_table_foreach */ static auto metric_connect_cb(void *k, void *v, void *ud) -> void; public: explicit symcache(struct rspamd_config *cfg) : cfg(cfg) { /* XXX: do we need a special pool for symcache? I don't think so */ static_pool = cfg->cfg_pool; reload_time = cfg->cache_reload_time; total_hits = 1; total_weight = 1.0; cksum = 0xdeadbabe; peak_cb = -1; cache_id = rspamd_random_uint64_fast(); L = (lua_State *) cfg->lua_state; delayed_conditions = std::make_unique>(); delayed_deps = std::make_unique>(); } virtual ~symcache(); /** * Saves items on disk (if possible) * @return */ auto save_items() const -> bool; /** * Get an item by ID * @param id * @param resolve_parent * @return */ auto get_item_by_id(int id, bool resolve_parent) const -> const cache_item *; auto get_item_by_id_mut(int id, bool resolve_parent) const -> cache_item *; /** * Get an item by it's name * @param name * @param resolve_parent * @return */ auto get_item_by_name(std::string_view name, bool resolve_parent) const -> const cache_item *; /** * Get an item by it's name, mutable pointer * @param name * @param resolve_parent * @return */ auto get_item_by_name_mut(std::string_view name, bool resolve_parent) const -> cache_item *; /** * Add a direct dependency * @param id_from * @param to * @param virtual_id_from * @return */ auto add_dependency(int id_from, std::string_view to, int id_to, int virtual_id_from) -> void; /** * Add a delayed dependency between symbols that will be resolved on the init stage * @param from * @param to */ auto add_delayed_dependency(std::string_view from, std::string_view to) -> void { if (!delayed_deps) { delayed_deps = std::make_unique>(); } delayed_deps->emplace_back(from, to); } /** * Adds a symbol to the list of the disabled symbols * @param sym * @return */ auto disable_symbol_delayed(std::string_view sym) -> bool { if (!disabled_symbols) { disabled_symbols = std::make_unique(); } if (!disabled_symbols->contains(sym)) { disabled_symbols->emplace(sym); return true; } return false; } /** * Adds a symbol to the list of the enabled symbols * @param sym * @return */ auto enable_symbol_delayed(std::string_view sym) -> bool { if (!enabled_symbols) { enabled_symbols = std::make_unique(); } if (!enabled_symbols->contains(sym)) { enabled_symbols->emplace(sym); return true; } return false; } /** * Initialises the symbols cache, must be called after all symbols are added * and the config file is loaded */ auto init() -> bool; /** * Log helper that returns cfg checksum * @return */ auto log_tag() const -> const char * { return cfg->checksum; } /** * Helper to return a memory pool associated with the cache * @return */ auto get_pool() const { return static_pool; } /** * A method to add a generic symbol with a callback to couple with C API * @param name name of the symbol, unlike C API it must be "" for callback only (compat) symbols, in this case an automatic name is generated * @param priority * @param func * @param user_data * @param flags_and_type mix of flags and type in a messy C enum * @return id of a new symbol or -1 in case of failure */ auto add_symbol_with_callback(std::string_view name, int priority, symbol_func_t func, void *user_data, int flags_and_type) -> int; /** * A method to add a generic virtual symbol with no function associated * @param name must have some value, or a fatal error will strike you * @param parent_id if this param is -1 then this symbol is associated with nothing * @param flags_and_type mix of flags and type in a messy C enum * @return id of a new symbol or -1 in case of failure */ auto add_virtual_symbol(std::string_view name, int parent_id, int flags_and_type) -> int; /** * Sets a lua callback to be called on peaks in execution time * @param cbref */ auto set_peak_cb(int cbref) -> void; /** * Add a delayed condition for a symbol that might not be registered yet * @param sym * @param cbref */ auto add_delayed_condition(std::string_view sym, int cbref) -> void; /** * Returns number of symbols that needs to be checked in statistical algorithm * @return */ auto get_stats_symbols_count() const { return stats_symbols_count; } /** * Returns a checksum for the cache * @return */ auto get_cksum() const { return cksum; } /** * Validate symbols in the cache * @param strict * @return */ auto validate(bool strict) -> bool; /** * Returns counters for the cache * @return */ auto counters() const -> ucl_object_t *; /** * Adjusts stats of the cache for the periodic counter */ auto periodic_resort(struct ev_loop *ev_loop, double cur_time, double last_resort) -> void; /** * A simple helper to get the reload time * @return */ auto get_reload_time() const { return reload_time; }; /** * Iterate over all symbols using a specific functor * @tparam Functor * @param f */ template auto symbols_foreach(Functor f) -> void { for (const auto &sym_it: items_by_symbol) { f(sym_it.second); } } /** * Iterate over all composites using a specific functor * @tparam Functor * @param f */ template auto composites_foreach(Functor f) -> void { for (const auto &sym_it: composites) { f(sym_it); } } /** * Iterate over all composites using a specific functor * @tparam Functor * @param f */ template auto connfilters_foreach(Functor f) -> bool { return std::all_of(std::begin(connfilters), std::end(connfilters), [&](const auto &sym_it) { return f(sym_it); }); } template auto prefilters_foreach(Functor f) -> bool { return std::all_of(std::begin(prefilters), std::end(prefilters), [&](const auto &sym_it) { return f(sym_it); }); } template auto postfilters_foreach(Functor f) -> bool { return std::all_of(std::begin(postfilters), std::end(postfilters), [&](const auto &sym_it) { return f(sym_it); }); } template auto idempotent_foreach(Functor f) -> bool { return std::all_of(std::begin(idempotent), std::end(idempotent), [&](const auto &sym_it) { return f(sym_it); }); } template auto filters_foreach(Functor f) -> bool { return std::all_of(std::begin(filters), std::end(filters), [&](const auto &sym_it) { return f(sym_it); }); } /** * Resort cache if anything has been changed since last time * @return */ auto maybe_resort() -> bool; /** * Returns current set of items ordered for sharing ownership * @return */ auto get_cache_order() const -> auto { return items_by_order; } /** * Get last profile timestamp * @return */ auto get_last_profile() const -> auto { return last_profile; } /** * Sets last profile timestamp * @param last_profile * @return */ auto set_last_profile(double last_profile) { symcache::last_profile = last_profile; } /** * Process settings elt identified by id * @param elt */ auto process_settings_elt(struct rspamd_config_settings_elt *elt) -> void; /** * Returns maximum timeout that is requested by all rules * @return */ auto get_max_timeout(std::vector> &elts) const -> double; }; }// namespace rspamd::symcache #endif//RSPAMD_SYMCACHE_INTERNAL_HXX