/*- * Copyright 2022 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "lua/lua_common.h" #include "symcache_internal.hxx" #include "symcache_item.hxx" #include "fmt/core.h" #include "libserver/task.h" #include "libutil/cxx/util.hxx" #include <numeric> #include <functional> namespace rspamd::symcache { enum class augmentation_value_type { NO_VALUE, STRING_VALUE, NUMBER_VALUE, }; struct augmentation_info { int weight = 0; int implied_flags = 0; augmentation_value_type value_type = augmentation_value_type::NO_VALUE; }; /* A list of internal augmentations that are known to Rspamd with their weight */ static const auto known_augmentations = ankerl::unordered_dense::map<std::string, augmentation_info, rspamd::smart_str_hash, rspamd::smart_str_equal>{ {"passthrough", {.weight = 10, .implied_flags = SYMBOL_TYPE_IGNORE_PASSTHROUGH}}, {"single_network", {.weight = 1, .implied_flags = 0}}, {"no_network", {.weight = 0, .implied_flags = 0}}, {"many_network", {.weight = 1, .implied_flags = 0}}, {"important", {.weight = 5, .implied_flags = SYMBOL_TYPE_FINE}}, {"timeout", { .weight = 0, .implied_flags = 0, .value_type = augmentation_value_type::NUMBER_VALUE, }}}; auto cache_item::get_parent(const symcache &cache) const -> const cache_item * { if (is_virtual()) { const auto &virtual_sp = std::get<virtual_item>(specific); return virtual_sp.get_parent(cache); } return nullptr; } auto cache_item::get_parent_mut(const symcache &cache) -> cache_item * { if (is_virtual()) { auto &virtual_sp = std::get<virtual_item>(specific); return virtual_sp.get_parent_mut(cache); } return nullptr; } auto cache_item::process_deps(const symcache &cache) -> void { /* Allow logging macros to work */ auto log_tag = [&]() { return cache.log_tag(); }; for (auto &dep: deps) { msg_debug_cache("process real dependency %s on %s", symbol.c_str(), dep.sym.c_str()); auto *dit = cache.get_item_by_name_mut(dep.sym, true); if (dep.vid >= 0) { /* Case of the virtual symbol that depends on another (maybe virtual) symbol */ const auto *vdit = cache.get_item_by_name(dep.sym, false); if (!vdit) { if (dit) { msg_err_cache("cannot add dependency from %s on %s: no dependency symbol registered", dep.sym.c_str(), dit->symbol.c_str()); } } else { msg_debug_cache("process virtual dependency %s(%d) on %s(%d)", symbol.c_str(), dep.vid, vdit->symbol.c_str(), vdit->id); unsigned nids = 0; /* Propagate ids */ msg_debug_cache("check id propagation for dependency %s from %s", symbol.c_str(), dit->symbol.c_str()); const auto *ids = dit->allowed_ids.get_ids(nids); if (nids > 0) { msg_debug_cache("propagate allowed ids from %s to %s", dit->symbol.c_str(), symbol.c_str()); allowed_ids.set_ids(ids, nids); } ids = dit->forbidden_ids.get_ids(nids); if (nids > 0) { msg_debug_cache("propagate forbidden ids from %s to %s", dit->symbol.c_str(), symbol.c_str()); forbidden_ids.set_ids(ids, nids); } } } if (dit != nullptr) { if (!dit->is_filter()) { /* * Check sanity: * - filters -> prefilter dependency is OK and always satisfied * - postfilter -> (filter, prefilter) dep is ok * - idempotent -> (any) dep is OK * * Otherwise, emit error * However, even if everything is fine this dep is useless ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ */ auto ok_dep = false; if (dit->get_type() == type) { ok_dep = true; } else if (type < dit->get_type()) { ok_dep = true; } if (!ok_dep) { msg_err_cache("cannot add dependency from %s on %s: invalid symbol types", dep.sym.c_str(), symbol.c_str()); continue; } } else { if (dit->id == id) { msg_err_cache("cannot add dependency on self: %s -> %s " "(resolved to %s)", symbol.c_str(), dep.sym.c_str(), dit->symbol.c_str()); } else { /* Create a reverse dep */ if (is_virtual()) { auto *parent = get_parent_mut(cache); if (parent) { dit->rdeps.emplace_back(parent, parent->symbol, parent->id, -1); dep.item = dit; dep.id = dit->id; msg_debug_cache("added reverse dependency from %d on %d", parent->id, dit->id); } } else { dep.item = dit; dep.id = dit->id; dit->rdeps.emplace_back(this, symbol, id, -1); msg_debug_cache("added reverse dependency from %d on %d", id, dit->id); } } } } else if (dep.id >= 0) { msg_err_cache("cannot find dependency on symbol %s for symbol %s", dep.sym.c_str(), symbol.c_str()); continue; } } // Remove empty deps deps.erase(std::remove_if(std::begin(deps), std::end(deps), [](const auto &dep) { return !dep.item; }), std::end(deps)); } auto cache_item::resolve_parent(const symcache &cache) -> bool { auto log_tag = [&]() { return cache.log_tag(); }; if (is_virtual()) { auto &virt = std::get<virtual_item>(specific); if (virt.get_parent(cache)) { msg_debug_cache("trying to resolve parent twice for %s", symbol.c_str()); return false; } return virt.resolve_parent(cache); } else { msg_warn_cache("trying to resolve a parent for non-virtual symbol %s", symbol.c_str()); } return false; } auto cache_item::update_counters_check_peak(lua_State *L, struct ev_loop *ev_loop, double cur_time, double last_resort) -> bool { auto ret = false; static const double decay_rate = 0.25; st->total_hits += st->hits; g_atomic_int_set(&st->hits, 0); if (last_count > 0) { auto cur_value = (st->total_hits - last_count) / (cur_time - last_resort); rspamd_set_counter_ema(&st->frequency_counter, cur_value, decay_rate); st->avg_frequency = st->frequency_counter.mean; st->stddev_frequency = st->frequency_counter.stddev; auto cur_err = (st->avg_frequency - cur_value); cur_err *= cur_err; if (st->frequency_counter.number > 10 && cur_err > ::sqrt(st->stddev_frequency) * 3) { frequency_peaks++; ret = true; } } last_count = st->total_hits; if (cd->number > 0) { if (!is_virtual()) { st->avg_time = cd->mean; rspamd_set_counter_ema(&st->time_counter, st->avg_time, decay_rate); st->avg_time = st->time_counter.mean; memset(cd, 0, sizeof(*cd)); } } return ret; } auto cache_item::inc_frequency(const char *sym_name, symcache &cache) -> void { if (sym_name && symbol != sym_name) { if (is_filter()) { /* Likely a callback symbol with some virtual symbol that needs to be adjusted */ for (const auto &cld: get_children().value().get()) { if (cld->get_name() == sym_name) { cld->inc_frequency(sym_name, cache); } } } else { /* Name not equal to symbol name, so we need to find the proper name */ auto *another_item = cache.get_item_by_name_mut(sym_name, false); if (another_item != nullptr) { another_item->inc_frequency(sym_name, cache); } } } else { /* Symbol and sym name are the same */ g_atomic_int_inc(&st->hits); } } auto cache_item::get_type_str() const -> const char * { switch (type) { case symcache_item_type::CONNFILTER: return "connfilter"; case symcache_item_type::FILTER: return "filter"; case symcache_item_type::IDEMPOTENT: return "idempotent"; case symcache_item_type::PREFILTER: return "prefilter"; case symcache_item_type::POSTFILTER: return "postfilter"; case symcache_item_type::COMPOSITE: return "composite"; case symcache_item_type::CLASSIFIER: return "classifier"; case symcache_item_type::VIRTUAL: return "virtual"; } RSPAMD_UNREACHABLE; } auto cache_item::is_allowed(struct rspamd_task *task, bool exec_only) const -> bool { const auto *what = "execution"; if (!exec_only) { what = "symbol insertion"; } /* Static checks */ if (!enabled || (RSPAMD_TASK_IS_EMPTY(task) && !(flags & SYMBOL_TYPE_EMPTY)) || (flags & SYMBOL_TYPE_MIME_ONLY && !RSPAMD_TASK_IS_MIME(task))) { if (!enabled) { msg_debug_cache_task("skipping %s of %s as it is permanently disabled", what, symbol.c_str()); return false; } else { /* * If we check merely execution (not insertion), then we disallow * mime symbols for non mime tasks and vice versa */ if (exec_only) { msg_debug_cache_task("skipping check of %s as it cannot be " "executed for this task type", symbol.c_str()); return FALSE; } } } /* Settings checks */ if (task->settings_elt != nullptr) { if (forbidden_ids.check_id(task->settings_elt->id)) { msg_debug_cache_task("deny %s of %s as it is forbidden for " "settings id %ud", what, symbol.c_str(), task->settings_elt->id); return false; } if (!(flags & SYMBOL_TYPE_EXPLICIT_DISABLE)) { if (!allowed_ids.check_id(task->settings_elt->id)) { if (task->settings_elt->policy == RSPAMD_SETTINGS_POLICY_IMPLICIT_ALLOW) { msg_debug_cache_task("allow execution of %s settings id %ud " "allows implicit execution of the symbols;", symbol.c_str(), id); return true; } if (exec_only) { /* * Special case if any of our virtual children are enabled */ if (exec_only_ids.check_id(task->settings_elt->id)) { return true; } } msg_debug_cache_task("deny %s of %s as it is not listed " "as allowed for settings id %ud", what, symbol.c_str(), task->settings_elt->id); return false; } } else { msg_debug_cache_task("allow %s of %s for " "settings id %ud as it can be only disabled explicitly", what, symbol.c_str(), task->settings_elt->id); } } else if (flags & SYMBOL_TYPE_EXPLICIT_ENABLE) { msg_debug_cache_task("deny %s of %s as it must be explicitly enabled", what, symbol.c_str()); return false; } /* Allow all symbols with no settings id */ return true; } auto cache_item::add_augmentation(const symcache &cache, std::string_view augmentation, std::optional<std::string_view> value) -> bool { auto log_tag = [&]() { return cache.log_tag(); }; if (augmentations.contains(augmentation)) { msg_warn_cache("duplicate augmentation: %s", augmentation.data()); return false; } auto maybe_known = rspamd::find_map(known_augmentations, augmentation); if (maybe_known.has_value()) { auto &known_info = maybe_known.value().get(); if (known_info.implied_flags) { if ((known_info.implied_flags & flags) == 0) { msg_info_cache("added implied flags (%bd) for symbol %s as it has %s augmentation", known_info.implied_flags, symbol.data(), augmentation.data()); flags |= known_info.implied_flags; } } if (known_info.value_type == augmentation_value_type::NO_VALUE) { if (value.has_value()) { msg_err_cache("value specified for augmentation %s, that has no value", augmentation.data()); return false; } return augmentations.try_emplace(augmentation, known_info.weight).second; } else { if (!value.has_value()) { msg_err_cache("value is not specified for augmentation %s, that requires explicit value", augmentation.data()); return false; } if (known_info.value_type == augmentation_value_type::STRING_VALUE) { return augmentations.try_emplace(augmentation, std::string{value.value()}, known_info.weight) .second; } else if (known_info.value_type == augmentation_value_type::NUMBER_VALUE) { /* I wish it was supported properly */ //auto conv_res = std::from_chars(value->data(), value->size(), num); char numbuf[128], *endptr = nullptr; rspamd_strlcpy(numbuf, value->data(), MIN(value->size(), sizeof(numbuf))); auto num = g_ascii_strtod(numbuf, &endptr); if (fabs(num) >= G_MAXFLOAT || std::isnan(num)) { msg_err_cache("value for augmentation %s is not numeric: %*s", augmentation.data(), (int) value->size(), value->data()); return false; } return augmentations.try_emplace(augmentation, num, known_info.weight) .second; } } } else { msg_debug_cache("added unknown augmentation %s for symbol %s", "unknown", augmentation.data(), symbol.data()); return augmentations.try_emplace(augmentation, 0).second; } // Should not be reached return false; } auto cache_item::get_augmentation_weight() const -> int { return std::accumulate(std::begin(augmentations), std::end(augmentations), 0, [](int acc, const auto &map_pair) { return acc + map_pair.second.weight; }); } auto cache_item::get_numeric_augmentation(std::string_view name) const -> std::optional<double> { const auto augmentation_value_maybe = rspamd::find_map(this->augmentations, name); if (augmentation_value_maybe.has_value()) { const auto &augmentation = augmentation_value_maybe.value().get(); if (std::holds_alternative<double>(augmentation.value)) { return std::get<double>(augmentation.value); } } return std::nullopt; } auto virtual_item::get_parent(const symcache &cache) const -> const cache_item * { if (parent) { return parent; } return cache.get_item_by_id(parent_id, false); } auto virtual_item::get_parent_mut(const symcache &cache) -> cache_item * { if (parent) { return parent; } return const_cast<cache_item *>(cache.get_item_by_id(parent_id, false)); } auto virtual_item::resolve_parent(const symcache &cache) -> bool { if (parent) { return false; } auto item_ptr = cache.get_item_by_id(parent_id, true); if (item_ptr) { parent = const_cast<cache_item *>(item_ptr); return true; } return false; } auto item_type_from_c(enum rspamd_symbol_type type) -> tl::expected<std::pair<symcache_item_type, int>, std::string> { constexpr const auto trivial_types = SYMBOL_TYPE_CONNFILTER | SYMBOL_TYPE_PREFILTER | SYMBOL_TYPE_POSTFILTER | SYMBOL_TYPE_IDEMPOTENT | SYMBOL_TYPE_COMPOSITE | SYMBOL_TYPE_CLASSIFIER | SYMBOL_TYPE_VIRTUAL; constexpr auto all_but_one_ty = [&](int type, int exclude_bit) -> auto { return (type & trivial_types) & (trivial_types & ~exclude_bit); }; if (type & trivial_types) { auto check_trivial = [&](auto flag, symcache_item_type ty) -> tl::expected<std::pair<symcache_item_type, int>, std::string> { if (all_but_one_ty(type, flag)) { return tl::make_unexpected(fmt::format("invalid flags for a symbol: {}", (int) type)); } return std::make_pair(ty, type & ~flag); }; if (type & SYMBOL_TYPE_CONNFILTER) { return check_trivial(SYMBOL_TYPE_CONNFILTER, symcache_item_type::CONNFILTER); } else if (type & SYMBOL_TYPE_PREFILTER) { return check_trivial(SYMBOL_TYPE_PREFILTER, symcache_item_type::PREFILTER); } else if (type & SYMBOL_TYPE_POSTFILTER) { return check_trivial(SYMBOL_TYPE_POSTFILTER, symcache_item_type::POSTFILTER); } else if (type & SYMBOL_TYPE_IDEMPOTENT) { return check_trivial(SYMBOL_TYPE_IDEMPOTENT, symcache_item_type::IDEMPOTENT); } else if (type & SYMBOL_TYPE_COMPOSITE) { return check_trivial(SYMBOL_TYPE_COMPOSITE, symcache_item_type::COMPOSITE); } else if (type & SYMBOL_TYPE_CLASSIFIER) { return check_trivial(SYMBOL_TYPE_CLASSIFIER, symcache_item_type::CLASSIFIER); } else if (type & SYMBOL_TYPE_VIRTUAL) { return check_trivial(SYMBOL_TYPE_VIRTUAL, symcache_item_type::VIRTUAL); } return tl::make_unexpected(fmt::format("internal error: impossible flags combination: {}", (int) type)); } /* Maybe check other flags combination here? */ return std::make_pair(symcache_item_type::FILTER, type); } bool operator<(symcache_item_type lhs, symcache_item_type rhs) { auto ret = false; switch (lhs) { case symcache_item_type::CONNFILTER: break; case symcache_item_type::PREFILTER: if (rhs == symcache_item_type::CONNFILTER) { ret = true; } break; case symcache_item_type::FILTER: if (rhs == symcache_item_type::CONNFILTER || rhs == symcache_item_type::PREFILTER) { ret = true; } break; case symcache_item_type::POSTFILTER: if (rhs != symcache_item_type::IDEMPOTENT) { ret = true; } break; case symcache_item_type::IDEMPOTENT: default: break; } return ret; } item_condition::~item_condition() { if (cb != -1 && L != nullptr) { luaL_unref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cb); } } auto item_condition::check(std::string_view sym_name, struct rspamd_task *task) const -> bool { if (cb != -1 && L != nullptr) { auto ret = false; lua_pushcfunction(L, &rspamd_lua_traceback); auto err_idx = lua_gettop(L); lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cb); rspamd_lua_task_push(L, task); if (lua_pcall(L, 1, 1, err_idx) != 0) { msg_info_task("call to condition for %s failed: %s", sym_name.data(), lua_tostring(L, -1)); } else { ret = lua_toboolean(L, -1); } lua_settop(L, err_idx - 1); return ret; } return true; } }// namespace rspamd::symcache