/*- * Copyright 2022 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "file_util.hxx" #include #include "libutil/util.h" #include "libutil/unix-std.h" #define DOCTEST_CONFIG_IMPLEMENTATION_IN_DLL #include "doctest/doctest.h" namespace rspamd::util { auto raii_file::open(const char *fname, int flags) -> tl::expected { int oflags = flags; #ifdef O_CLOEXEC oflags |= O_CLOEXEC; #endif if (fname == nullptr) { return tl::make_unexpected(error{"cannot open file; filename is nullptr", EINVAL, error_category::CRITICAL}); } auto fd = ::open(fname, oflags); if (fd == -1) { return tl::make_unexpected(error{fmt::format("cannot open file {}: {}", fname, ::strerror(errno)), errno}); } auto ret = raii_file{fname, fd, false}; if (fstat(ret.fd, &ret.st) == -1) { return tl::make_unexpected(error{fmt::format("cannot stat file {}: {}", fname, ::strerror(errno)), errno}); } return ret; } auto raii_file::create(const char *fname, int flags, int perms) -> tl::expected { int oflags = flags | O_CREAT; #ifdef O_CLOEXEC oflags |= O_CLOEXEC; #endif if (fname == nullptr) { return tl::make_unexpected(error{"cannot create file; filename is nullptr", EINVAL, error_category::CRITICAL}); } auto fd = ::open(fname, oflags, perms); if (fd == -1) { return tl::make_unexpected(error{fmt::format("cannot create file {}: {}", fname, ::strerror(errno)), errno}); } auto ret = raii_file{fname, fd, false}; if (fstat(ret.fd, &ret.st) == -1) { return tl::make_unexpected(error{fmt::format("cannot stat file {}: {}", fname, ::strerror(errno)), errno}); } return ret; } auto raii_file::create_temp(const char *fname, int flags, int perms) -> tl::expected { int oflags = flags; #ifdef O_CLOEXEC oflags |= O_CLOEXEC | O_CREAT | O_EXCL; #endif if (fname == nullptr) { return tl::make_unexpected(error{"cannot open file; filename is nullptr", EINVAL, error_category::CRITICAL}); } auto fd = ::open(fname, oflags, perms); if (fd == -1) { return tl::make_unexpected(error{fmt::format("cannot create file {}: {}", fname, ::strerror(errno)), errno}); } auto ret = raii_file{fname, fd, true}; if (fstat(ret.fd, &ret.st) == -1) { return tl::make_unexpected(error{fmt::format("cannot stat file {}: {}", fname, ::strerror(errno)), errno}); } return ret; } auto raii_file::mkstemp(const char *pattern, int flags, int perms) -> tl::expected { int oflags = flags; #ifdef O_CLOEXEC oflags |= O_CLOEXEC | O_CREAT | O_EXCL; #endif if (pattern == nullptr) { return tl::make_unexpected(error{"cannot open file; pattern is nullptr", EINVAL, error_category::CRITICAL}); } std::string mutable_pattern = pattern; auto fd = g_mkstemp_full(mutable_pattern.data(), oflags, perms); if (fd == -1) { return tl::make_unexpected(error{fmt::format("cannot create file {}: {}", pattern, ::strerror(errno)), errno}); } auto ret = raii_file{mutable_pattern.c_str(), fd, true}; if (fstat(ret.fd, &ret.st) == -1) { return tl::make_unexpected(error{fmt::format("cannot stat file {}: {}", mutable_pattern, ::strerror(errno)), errno}); } return ret; } raii_file::~raii_file() noexcept { if (fd != -1) { if (temp) { (void) unlink(fname.c_str()); } close(fd); } } auto raii_file::update_stat() noexcept -> bool { return fstat(fd, &st) != -1; } raii_file::raii_file(const char *fname, int fd, bool temp) : fd(fd), temp(temp) { std::size_t nsz; /* Normalize path */ this->fname = fname; rspamd_normalize_path_inplace(this->fname.data(), this->fname.size(), &nsz); this->fname.resize(nsz); } raii_locked_file::~raii_locked_file() noexcept { if (fd != -1) { (void) rspamd_file_unlock(fd, FALSE); } } auto raii_locked_file::lock_raii_file(raii_file &&unlocked) -> tl::expected { if (!rspamd_file_lock(unlocked.get_fd(), TRUE)) { return tl::make_unexpected( error{fmt::format("cannot lock file {}: {}", unlocked.get_name(), ::strerror(errno)), errno}); } return raii_locked_file{std::move(unlocked)}; } auto raii_locked_file::unlock() -> raii_file { if (fd != -1) { (void) rspamd_file_unlock(fd, FALSE); } return raii_file{static_cast(std::move(*this))}; } raii_mmaped_file::raii_mmaped_file(raii_file &&file, void *map, std::size_t sz) : file(std::move(file)), map(map), map_size(sz) { } auto raii_mmaped_file::mmap_shared(raii_file &&file, int flags, std::int64_t offset) -> tl::expected { void *map; if (file.get_stat().st_size < offset || offset < 0) { return tl::make_unexpected(error{ fmt::format("cannot mmap file {} due to incorrect offset; offset={}, size={}", file.get_name(), offset, file.get_size()), EINVAL}); } /* Update stat on file to ensure it is up-to-date */ file.update_stat(); map = mmap(nullptr, (std::size_t)(file.get_size() - offset), flags, MAP_SHARED, file.get_fd(), offset); if (map == MAP_FAILED) { return tl::make_unexpected(error{fmt::format("cannot mmap file {}: {}", file.get_name(), ::strerror(errno)), errno}); } return raii_mmaped_file{std::move(file), map, (std::size_t)(file.get_size() - offset)}; } auto raii_mmaped_file::mmap_shared(const char *fname, int open_flags, int mmap_flags, std::int64_t offset) -> tl::expected { auto file = raii_file::open(fname, open_flags); if (!file.has_value()) { return tl::make_unexpected(file.error()); } return raii_mmaped_file::mmap_shared(std::move(file.value()), mmap_flags, offset); } raii_mmaped_file::~raii_mmaped_file() { if (map != nullptr) { munmap(map, map_size); } } raii_mmaped_file::raii_mmaped_file(raii_mmaped_file &&other) noexcept : file(std::move(other.file)) { std::swap(map, other.map); std::swap(map_size, other.map_size); } auto raii_file_sink::create(const char *fname, int flags, int perms, const char *suffix) -> tl::expected { if (!fname || !suffix) { return tl::make_unexpected(error{"cannot create file; filename is nullptr", EINVAL, error_category::CRITICAL}); } auto tmp_fname = fmt::format("{}.{}", fname, suffix); auto file = raii_locked_file::create(tmp_fname.c_str(), flags, perms); if (!file.has_value()) { return tl::make_unexpected(file.error()); } return raii_file_sink{std::move(file.value()), fname, std::move(tmp_fname)}; } auto raii_file_sink::write_output() -> bool { if (success) { /* We cannot write output twice */ return false; } if (rename(tmp_fname.c_str(), output_fname.c_str()) == -1) { return false; } success = true; return true; } raii_file_sink::~raii_file_sink() { if (!success) { /* Unlink sink */ unlink(tmp_fname.c_str()); } } raii_file_sink::raii_file_sink(raii_locked_file &&_file, const char *_output, std::string &&_tmp_fname) : file(std::move(_file)), output_fname(_output), tmp_fname(std::move(_tmp_fname)), success(false) { } raii_file_sink::raii_file_sink(raii_file_sink &&other) noexcept : file(std::move(other.file)), output_fname(std::move(other.output_fname)), tmp_fname(std::move(other.tmp_fname)), success(other.success) { } namespace tests { template static auto test_read_file(const T &f) { auto fd = f.get_fd(); (void) ::lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); std::string buf('\0', (std::size_t) f.get_size()); ::read(fd, buf.data(), buf.size()); return buf; } template static auto test_write_file(const T &f, const std::string_view &buf) { auto fd = f.get_fd(); (void) ::lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); return ::write(fd, buf.data(), buf.size()); } auto random_fname(std::string_view extension) { const auto *tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR"); if (tmpdir == nullptr) { tmpdir = G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "tmp"; } std::string out_fname{tmpdir}; out_fname += G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S; unsigned char hexbuf[32]; rspamd_random_hex(hexbuf, sizeof(hexbuf)); out_fname.append((const char *) hexbuf, sizeof(hexbuf)); if (!extension.empty()) { out_fname.append("."); out_fname.append(extension); } return out_fname; } TEST_SUITE("loked files utils") { TEST_CASE("create and delete file") { auto fname = random_fname("tmp"); { auto raii_locked_file = raii_locked_file::create_temp(fname.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 00600); CHECK(raii_locked_file.has_value()); CHECK(raii_locked_file.value().get_extension() == "tmp"); CHECK(::access(fname.c_str(), R_OK) == 0); } // File must be deleted after this call auto ret = ::access(fname.c_str(), R_OK); auto serrno = errno; CHECK(ret == -1); CHECK(serrno == ENOENT); // Create one more time { auto raii_locked_file = raii_locked_file::create_temp(fname.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 00600); CHECK(raii_locked_file.has_value()); CHECK(::access(fname.c_str(), R_OK) == 0); } ret = ::access(fname.c_str(), R_OK); serrno = errno; CHECK(ret == -1); CHECK(serrno == ENOENT); } TEST_CASE("check lock") { auto fname = random_fname(""); { auto raii_locked_file = raii_locked_file::create_temp(fname.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 00600); CHECK(raii_locked_file.has_value()); CHECK(raii_locked_file.value().get_extension() == ""); CHECK(::access(fname.c_str(), R_OK) == 0); auto raii_locked_file2 = raii_locked_file::open(fname.c_str(), O_RDONLY); CHECK(!raii_locked_file2.has_value()); CHECK(::access(fname.c_str(), R_OK) == 0); } // File must be deleted after this call auto ret = ::access(fname.c_str(), R_OK); auto serrno = errno; CHECK(ret == -1); CHECK(serrno == ENOENT); } auto get_tmpdir()->std::string { const auto *tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR"); if (tmpdir == nullptr) { tmpdir = G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "tmp"; } std::size_t sz; std::string mut_fname = tmpdir; rspamd_normalize_path_inplace(mut_fname.data(), mut_fname.size(), &sz); mut_fname.resize(sz); if (!mut_fname.ends_with(G_DIR_SEPARATOR)) { mut_fname += G_DIR_SEPARATOR; } return mut_fname; } TEST_CASE("tempfile") { std::string tmpname; const std::string tmpdir{get_tmpdir()}; { auto raii_locked_file = raii_locked_file::mkstemp(std::string(tmpdir + G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S + "doctest-XXXXXXXX").c_str(), O_RDONLY, 00600); CHECK(raii_locked_file.has_value()); CHECK(raii_locked_file.value().get_dir() == tmpdir); CHECK(access(raii_locked_file.value().get_name().data(), R_OK) == 0); auto raii_locked_file2 = raii_locked_file::open(raii_locked_file.value().get_name().data(), O_RDONLY); CHECK(!raii_locked_file2.has_value()); CHECK(access(raii_locked_file.value().get_name().data(), R_OK) == 0); tmpname = raii_locked_file.value().get_name(); } // File must be deleted after this call auto ret = ::access(tmpname.c_str(), R_OK); auto serrno = errno; CHECK(ret == -1); CHECK(serrno == ENOENT); } TEST_CASE("mmap") { std::string tmpname; const std::string tmpdir{get_tmpdir()}; { auto raii_file = raii_file::mkstemp(std::string(tmpdir + G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S + "doctest-XXXXXXXX").c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 00600); CHECK(raii_file.has_value()); CHECK(raii_file->get_dir() == tmpdir); CHECK(access(raii_file->get_name().data(), R_OK) == 0); tmpname = std::string{raii_file->get_name()}; char payload[] = {'1', '2', '3'}; CHECK(write(raii_file->get_fd(), payload, sizeof(payload)) == sizeof(payload)); auto mmapped_file1 = raii_mmaped_file::mmap_shared(std::move(raii_file.value()), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE); CHECK(mmapped_file1.has_value()); CHECK(!raii_file->is_valid()); CHECK(mmapped_file1->get_size() == sizeof(payload)); CHECK(memcmp(mmapped_file1->get_map(), payload, sizeof(payload)) == 0); *(char *) mmapped_file1->get_map() = '2'; auto mmapped_file2 = raii_mmaped_file::mmap_shared(tmpname.c_str(), O_RDONLY, PROT_READ); CHECK(mmapped_file2.has_value()); CHECK(mmapped_file2->get_size() == sizeof(payload)); CHECK(memcmp(mmapped_file2->get_map(), payload, sizeof(payload)) != 0); CHECK(memcmp(mmapped_file2->get_map(), mmapped_file1->get_map(), sizeof(payload)) == 0); } // File must be deleted after this call auto ret = ::access(tmpname.c_str(), R_OK); auto serrno = errno; CHECK(ret == -1); CHECK(serrno == ENOENT); } }// TEST_SUITE }// namespace tests }// namespace rspamd::util