/*- * Copyright 2021 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define U_CHARSET_IS_UTF8 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utf8_util.h" #include "str_util.h" #define DOCTEST_CONFIG_IMPLEMENTATION_IN_DLL #include "doctest/doctest.h" const char * rspamd_string_unicode_trim_inplace (const char *str, size_t *len) { const auto *p = str, *end = str + *len; auto i = 0; while (i < *len) { UChar32 uc; auto prev_i = i; U8_NEXT(p, i, *len, uc); if (!u_isUWhiteSpace(uc) && !IS_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE(uc)) { i = prev_i; break; } } p += i; (*len) -= i; i = end - p; auto *ret = p; if (i > 0) { while (i > 0) { UChar32 uc; auto prev_i = i; U8_PREV(p, 0, i, uc); if (!u_isUWhiteSpace(uc) && !IS_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE(uc)) { i = prev_i; break; } } *len = i; } return ret; } enum rspamd_normalise_result rspamd_normalise_unicode_inplace(char *start, size_t *len) { UErrorCode uc_err = U_ZERO_ERROR; const auto *nfkc_norm = icu::Normalizer2::getNFKCInstance(uc_err); static icu::UnicodeSet zw_spaces{}; if (!zw_spaces.isFrozen()) { /* Add zw spaces to the set */ zw_spaces.add(0x200B); zw_spaces.add(0x200C); zw_spaces.add(0x200D); zw_spaces.add(0xFEF); zw_spaces.add(0x00AD); zw_spaces.freeze(); } int ret = RSPAMD_UNICODE_NORM_NORMAL; g_assert (U_SUCCESS (uc_err)); auto uc_string = icu::UnicodeString::fromUTF8(icu::StringPiece(start, *len)); auto is_normal = nfkc_norm->quickCheck(uc_string, uc_err); if (!U_SUCCESS (uc_err)) { return RSPAMD_UNICODE_NORM_ERROR; } /* Filter zero width spaces and push resulting string back */ const auto filter_zw_spaces_and_push_back = [&](const icu::UnicodeString &input) -> size_t { icu::StringCharacterIterator it{input}; size_t i = 0; while(it.hasNext()) { /* libicu is very 'special' if it comes to 'safe' macro */ if (i >= *len) { ret |= RSPAMD_UNICODE_NORM_ERROR; break; } auto uc = it.next32PostInc(); if (zw_spaces.contains(uc)) { ret |= RSPAMD_UNICODE_NORM_ZERO_SPACES; } else { UBool err = 0; if (uc == 0xFFFD) { ret |= RSPAMD_UNICODE_NORM_UNNORMAL; } U8_APPEND((uint8_t*)start, i, *len, uc, err); if (err) { ret |= RSPAMD_UNICODE_NORM_ERROR; break; } } } return i; }; if (is_normal != UNORM_YES) { /* Need to normalise */ ret |= RSPAMD_UNICODE_NORM_UNNORMAL; auto normalised = nfkc_norm->normalize(uc_string, uc_err); if (!U_SUCCESS (uc_err)) { return RSPAMD_UNICODE_NORM_ERROR; } *len = filter_zw_spaces_and_push_back(normalised); } else { *len = filter_zw_spaces_and_push_back(uc_string); } return static_cast(ret); } struct rspamd_icu_collate_storage { icu::Collator* collator = nullptr; rspamd_icu_collate_storage() { UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR; collator = icu::Collator::createInstance(icu::Locale::getEnglish(), success); /* Ignore all difference except functional */ collator->setStrength(icu::Collator::PRIMARY); } ~rspamd_icu_collate_storage() { if (collator) { delete collator; } } }; static rspamd_icu_collate_storage collate_storage; int rspamd_utf8_strcmp_sizes(const char *s1, gsize n1, const char *s2, gsize n2) { if (n1 >= std::numeric_limits::max() || n2 >= std::numeric_limits::max()) { /* * It's hard to say what to do here... But libicu wants int, so we fall * back to g_ascii_strcasecmp which can deal with size_t */ if (n1 == n2) { return g_ascii_strncasecmp(s1, s2, n1); } else { return n1 - n2; } } UErrorCode success = U_ZERO_ERROR; auto res = collate_storage.collator->compareUTF8({s1, (int) n1}, {s2, (int) n2}, success); switch (res) { case UCOL_EQUAL: return 0; case UCOL_GREATER: return 1; case UCOL_LESS: default: return -1; } } int rspamd_utf8_strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, gsize n) { return rspamd_utf8_strcmp_sizes(s1, n, s2, n); } TEST_SUITE("utf8 utils") { TEST_CASE("utf8 normalise") { std::tuple cases[] = { {"abc", "abc", RSPAMD_UNICODE_NORM_NORMAL}, {"тест", "тест", RSPAMD_UNICODE_NORM_NORMAL}, /* Zero width spaces */ {"\xE2\x80\x8B""те""\xE2\x80\x8B""ст", "тест", RSPAMD_UNICODE_NORM_ZERO_SPACES}, /* Special case of diacritic */ {"13_\u0020\u0308\u0301\u038e\u03ab", "13_ ̈́ΎΫ", RSPAMD_UNICODE_NORM_UNNORMAL}, /* Same with zw spaces */ {"13\u200C_\u0020\u0308\u0301\u038e\u03ab\u200D", "13_ ̈́ΎΫ", RSPAMD_UNICODE_NORM_UNNORMAL|RSPAMD_UNICODE_NORM_ZERO_SPACES}, /* Buffer overflow case */ {"u\xC2\xC2\xC2\xC2\xC2\xC2""abcdef""abcdef", "u������", RSPAMD_UNICODE_NORM_UNNORMAL|RSPAMD_UNICODE_NORM_ERROR}, }; for (const auto &c : cases) { std::string cpy{std::get<0>(c)}; auto ns = cpy.size(); auto res = rspamd_normalise_unicode_inplace(cpy.data(), &ns); cpy.resize(ns); CHECK(cpy == std::string(std::get<1>(c))); CHECK(res == std::get<2>(c)); } } TEST_CASE("utf8 trim") { std::pair cases[] = { {" \u200B""abc ", "abc"}, {" ", ""}, {" a", "a"}, {"a ", "a"}, {"a a", "a a"}, {"abc", "abc"}, {"a ", "a"}, {" abc ", "abc"}, {" abc ", "abc"}, {" \xE2\x80\x8B""a\xE2\x80\x8B""bc ", "a\xE2\x80\x8B""bc"}, {" \xE2\x80\x8B""abc\xE2\x80\x8B ", "abc"}, {" \xE2\x80\x8B""abc \xE2\x80\x8B ", "abc"}, }; for (const auto &c : cases) { std::string cpy{c.first}; auto ns = cpy.size(); auto *nstart = rspamd_string_unicode_trim_inplace(cpy.data(), &ns); std::string res{nstart, ns}; CHECK(res == std::string{c.second}); } } TEST_CASE("utf8 strcmp") { std::tuple cases[] = { {"abc", "abc", -1, 0}, {"", "", -1, 0}, {"aBc", "AbC", -1, 0}, {"abc", "ab", 2, 0}, {"теСт", "ТесТ", -1, 0}, {"теСт", "Тезт", 4, 0}, {"теСт", "Тезт", -1, 1}, {"abc", "ABD", -1, -1}, {"\0a\0", "\0a\1", 2, 0}, {"\0a\0", "\0b\1", 3, -1}, }; for (const auto &c : cases) { auto [s1, s2, n, expected] = c; if (n == -1) { n = MIN(strlen(s1), strlen(s2)); } SUBCASE((std::string("test case: ") + s1 + " <=> " + s2).c_str()) { auto ret = rspamd_utf8_strcmp(s1, s2, n); CHECK(ret == expected); } } } }