/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2012, Vsevolod Stakhov * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AUTHOR ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Implementation of map files handling */ #include "config.h" #include "map.h" #include "http.h" #include "main.h" #include "util.h" #include "mem_pool.h" static const gchar *hash_fill = "1"; /** * Data specific to file maps */ struct file_map_data { const gchar *filename; struct stat st; }; /** * Data specific to HTTP maps */ struct http_map_data { struct addrinfo *addr; guint16 port; gchar *path; gchar *host; time_t last_checked; gboolean request_sent; struct rspamd_http_connection *conn; }; struct http_callback_data { struct event_base *ev_base; struct timeval tv; struct rspamd_map *map; struct http_map_data *data; struct map_cb_data cbdata; GString *remain_buf; gint fd; }; /* Value in seconds after whitch we would try to do stat on list file */ /* HTTP timeouts */ #define HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 2 #define HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT 10 /** * Helper for HTTP connection establishment */ static gint connect_http (struct rspamd_map *map, struct http_map_data *data, gboolean is_async) { gint sock; if ((sock = make_tcp_socket (data->addr, FALSE, is_async)) == -1) { msg_info ("cannot connect to http server %s: %d, %s", data->host, errno, strerror (errno)); return -1; } return sock; } /** * Write HTTP request */ static void write_http_request (struct http_callback_data *cbd) { gchar datebuf[128]; struct tm *tm; struct rspamd_http_message *msg; msg = rspamd_http_new_message (HTTP_REQUEST); msg->url = g_string_new (cbd->data->path); if (cbd->data->last_checked != 0) { tm = gmtime (&cbd->data->last_checked); strftime (datebuf, sizeof (datebuf), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", tm); rspamd_http_message_add_header (msg, "If-Modified-Since", datebuf); } rspamd_http_connection_write_message (cbd->data->conn, msg, cbd->data->host, NULL, cbd, cbd->fd, &cbd->tv, cbd->ev_base); } /** * Callback for destroying HTTP callback data */ static void free_http_cbdata (struct http_callback_data *cbd) { g_atomic_int_set (cbd->map->locked, 0); if (cbd->remain_buf) { g_string_free (cbd->remain_buf, TRUE); } rspamd_http_connection_reset (cbd->data->conn); close (cbd->fd); g_slice_free1 (sizeof (struct http_callback_data), cbd); } /* * HTTP callbacks */ static void http_map_error (struct rspamd_http_connection *conn, GError *err) { struct http_callback_data *cbd = conn->ud; msg_err ("connection with http server terminated incorrectly: %s", err->message); free_http_cbdata (cbd); } static int http_map_finish (struct rspamd_http_connection *conn, struct rspamd_http_message *msg) { struct http_callback_data *cbd = conn->ud; struct rspamd_map *map; map = cbd->map; if (msg->code == 200) { if (cbd->remain_buf != NULL) { map->read_callback (map->pool, cbd->remain_buf->str, cbd->remain_buf->len, &cbd->cbdata); } map->fin_callback (map->pool, &cbd->cbdata); *map->user_data = cbd->cbdata.cur_data; cbd->data->last_checked = msg->date; msg_info ("read map data from %s", cbd->data->host); } else if (msg->code == 304) { msg_debug ("data is not modified for server %s", cbd->data->host); cbd->data->last_checked = msg->date; } else { msg_info ("cannot load map %s from %s: HTTP error %d", map->uri, cbd->data->host, msg->code); } free_http_cbdata (cbd); return 0; } static int http_map_read (struct rspamd_http_connection *conn, struct rspamd_http_message *msg, const gchar *chunk, gsize len) { struct http_callback_data *cbd = conn->ud; gchar *pos; struct rspamd_map *map; if (msg->code != 200) { /* Ignore not full replies */ return 0; } map = cbd->map; if (cbd->remain_buf != NULL) { /* We need to concatenate incoming buf with the remaining buf */ g_string_append_len (cbd->remain_buf, chunk, len); pos = map->read_callback (map->pool, cbd->remain_buf->str, cbd->remain_buf->len, &cbd->cbdata); /* All read */ if (pos == NULL) { g_string_free (cbd->remain_buf, TRUE); cbd->remain_buf = NULL; } else { /* Need to erase data processed */ g_string_erase (cbd->remain_buf, 0, pos - cbd->remain_buf->str); } } else { pos = map->read_callback (map->pool, (gchar *)chunk, len, &cbd->cbdata); if (pos != NULL) { /* Store data in remain buf */ cbd->remain_buf = g_string_new_len (pos, len - (pos - chunk)); } } return 0; } /** * Callback for reading data from file */ static void read_map_file (struct rspamd_map *map, struct file_map_data *data) { struct map_cb_data cbdata; gchar buf[BUFSIZ], *remain; ssize_t r; gint fd, rlen; if (map->read_callback == NULL || map->fin_callback == NULL) { msg_err ("bad callback for reading map file"); return; } if ((fd = open (data->filename, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { msg_warn ("cannot open file '%s': %s", data->filename, strerror (errno)); return; } cbdata.state = 0; cbdata.prev_data = *map->user_data; cbdata.cur_data = NULL; cbdata.map = map; rlen = 0; while ((r = read (fd, buf + rlen, sizeof (buf) - rlen - 1)) > 0) { r += rlen; buf[r] = '\0'; remain = map->read_callback (map->pool, buf, r, &cbdata); if (remain != NULL) { /* copy remaining buffer to start of buffer */ rlen = r - (remain - buf); memmove (buf, remain, rlen); } } close (fd); map->fin_callback (map->pool, &cbdata); *map->user_data = cbdata.cur_data; } static void jitter_timeout_event (struct rspamd_map *map, gboolean locked, gboolean initial) { gdouble jittered_sec; gdouble timeout = initial ? 1.0 : map->cfg->map_timeout; /* Plan event again with jitter */ evtimer_del (&map->ev); jittered_sec = timeout; if (locked) { /* Add bigger jitter */ jittered_sec += g_random_double () * timeout * 4; } else { jittered_sec += g_random_double () * timeout; } double_to_tv (jittered_sec, &map->tv); evtimer_add (&map->ev, &map->tv); } /** * Common file callback */ static void file_callback (gint fd, short what, void *ud) { struct rspamd_map *map = ud; struct file_map_data *data = map->map_data; struct stat st; if (g_atomic_int_get (map->locked)) { msg_info ( "don't try to reread map as it is locked by other process, will reread it later"); jitter_timeout_event (map, TRUE, FALSE); return; } g_atomic_int_inc (map->locked); jitter_timeout_event (map, FALSE, FALSE); if (stat (data->filename, &st) != -1 && (st.st_mtime > data->st.st_mtime || data->st.st_mtime == -1)) { /* File was modified since last check */ memcpy (&data->st, &st, sizeof (struct stat)); } else { g_atomic_int_set (map->locked, 0); return; } msg_info ("rereading map file %s", data->filename); read_map_file (map, data); g_atomic_int_set (map->locked, 0); } /** * Async HTTP callback */ static void http_callback (gint fd, short what, void *ud) { struct rspamd_map *map = ud; struct http_map_data *data = map->map_data; gint sock; struct http_callback_data *cbd; if (g_atomic_int_get (map->locked)) { msg_info ( "don't try to reread map as it is locked by other process, will reread it later"); if (data->conn->ud == NULL) { jitter_timeout_event (map, TRUE, TRUE); } else { jitter_timeout_event (map, TRUE, FALSE); } return; } g_atomic_int_inc (map->locked); jitter_timeout_event (map, FALSE, FALSE); /* Connect asynced */ if ((sock = connect_http (map, data, TRUE)) == -1) { g_atomic_int_set (map->locked, 0); return; } else { /* Plan event */ cbd = g_slice_alloc (sizeof (struct http_callback_data)); cbd->ev_base = map->ev_base; cbd->map = map; cbd->data = data; cbd->remain_buf = NULL; cbd->cbdata.state = 0; cbd->cbdata.prev_data = *cbd->map->user_data; cbd->cbdata.cur_data = NULL; cbd->cbdata.map = cbd->map; cbd->tv.tv_sec = HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT; cbd->tv.tv_usec = 0; cbd->fd = sock; data->conn->ud = cbd; msg_debug ("reading map data from %s", data->host); write_http_request (cbd); } } /* Start watching event for all maps */ void start_map_watch (struct rspamd_config *cfg, struct event_base *ev_base) { GList *cur = cfg->maps; struct rspamd_map *map; struct file_map_data *fdata; /* First of all do synced read of data */ while (cur) { map = cur->data; map->ev_base = ev_base; event_base_set (map->ev_base, &map->ev); if (map->protocol == MAP_PROTO_FILE) { evtimer_set (&map->ev, file_callback, map); /* Read initial data */ fdata = map->map_data; if (fdata->st.st_mtime != -1) { /* Do not try to read non-existent file */ read_map_file (map, map->map_data); } /* Plan event with jitter */ jitter_timeout_event (map, FALSE, TRUE); } else if (map->protocol == MAP_PROTO_HTTP) { evtimer_set (&map->ev, http_callback, map); jitter_timeout_event (map, FALSE, TRUE); } cur = g_list_next (cur); } } void remove_all_maps (struct rspamd_config *cfg) { g_list_free (cfg->maps); cfg->maps = NULL; if (cfg->map_pool != NULL) { rspamd_mempool_delete (cfg->map_pool); cfg->map_pool = NULL; } } gboolean check_map_proto (const gchar *map_line, gint *res, const gchar **pos) { if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (map_line, "http://", sizeof ("http://") - 1) == 0) { if (res && pos) { *res = MAP_PROTO_HTTP; *pos = map_line + sizeof ("http://") - 1; } } else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (map_line, "file://", sizeof ("file://") - 1) == 0) { if (res && pos) { *res = MAP_PROTO_FILE; *pos = map_line + sizeof ("file://") - 1; } } else if (*map_line == '/') { /* Trivial file case */ *res = MAP_PROTO_FILE; *pos = map_line; } else { msg_debug ("invalid map fetching protocol: %s", map_line); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } gboolean add_map (struct rspamd_config *cfg, const gchar *map_line, const gchar *description, map_cb_t read_callback, map_fin_cb_t fin_callback, void **user_data) { struct rspamd_map *new_map; enum fetch_proto proto; const gchar *def, *p, *hostend; struct file_map_data *fdata; struct http_map_data *hdata; gchar portbuf[6]; gint i, s, r; struct addrinfo hints, *res; /* First of all detect protocol line */ if (!check_map_proto (map_line, (int *)&proto, &def)) { return FALSE; } /* Constant pool */ if (cfg->map_pool == NULL) { cfg->map_pool = rspamd_mempool_new (rspamd_mempool_suggest_size ()); } new_map = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (cfg->map_pool, sizeof (struct rspamd_map)); new_map->read_callback = read_callback; new_map->fin_callback = fin_callback; new_map->user_data = user_data; new_map->protocol = proto; new_map->cfg = cfg; new_map->id = g_random_int (); new_map->locked = rspamd_mempool_alloc0_shared (cfg->cfg_pool, sizeof (gint)); if (proto == MAP_PROTO_FILE) { new_map->uri = rspamd_mempool_strdup (cfg->cfg_pool, def); def = new_map->uri; } else { new_map->uri = rspamd_mempool_strdup (cfg->cfg_pool, map_line); } if (description != NULL) { new_map->description = rspamd_mempool_strdup (cfg->cfg_pool, description); } /* Now check for each proto separately */ if (proto == MAP_PROTO_FILE) { fdata = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (cfg->map_pool, sizeof (struct file_map_data)); if (access (def, R_OK) == -1) { if (errno != ENOENT) { msg_err ("cannot open file '%s': %s", def, strerror (errno)); return FALSE; } msg_info ( "map '%s' is not found, but it can be loaded automatically later", def); /* We still can add this file */ fdata->st.st_mtime = -1; } else { stat (def, &fdata->st); } fdata->filename = rspamd_mempool_strdup (cfg->map_pool, def); new_map->map_data = fdata; } else if (proto == MAP_PROTO_HTTP) { hdata = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (cfg->map_pool, sizeof (struct http_map_data)); /* Try to search port */ if ((p = strchr (def, ':')) != NULL) { hostend = p; i = 0; p++; while (g_ascii_isdigit (*p) && i < (gint)sizeof (portbuf) - 1) { portbuf[i++] = *p++; } if (*p != '/') { msg_info ("bad http map definition: %s", def); return FALSE; } portbuf[i] = '\0'; hdata->port = atoi (portbuf); } else { /* Default http port */ rspamd_snprintf (portbuf, sizeof (portbuf), "80"); hdata->port = 80; /* Now separate host from path */ if ((p = strchr (def, '/')) == NULL) { msg_info ("bad http map definition: %s", def); return FALSE; } hostend = p; } hdata->host = rspamd_mempool_alloc (cfg->map_pool, hostend - def + 1); rspamd_strlcpy (hdata->host, def, hostend - def + 1); hdata->path = rspamd_mempool_strdup (cfg->map_pool, p); /* Now try to resolve */ memset (&hints, 0, sizeof (hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; /* Allow IPv4 or IPv6 */ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; /* Stream socket */ hints.ai_flags = 0; hints.ai_protocol = 0; /* Any protocol */ hints.ai_canonname = NULL; hints.ai_addr = NULL; hints.ai_next = NULL; if ((r = getaddrinfo (hdata->host, portbuf, &hints, &res)) == 0) { hdata->addr = res; rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (cfg->cfg_pool, (rspamd_mempool_destruct_t)freeaddrinfo, hdata->addr); } else { msg_err ("address resolution for %s failed: %s", hdata->host, gai_strerror (r)); return FALSE; } /* Now try to connect */ if ((s = make_tcp_socket (hdata->addr, FALSE, FALSE)) == -1) { msg_info ("cannot connect to http server %s: %d, %s", hdata->host, errno, strerror (errno)); return FALSE; } close (s); hdata->conn = rspamd_http_connection_new (http_map_read, http_map_error, http_map_finish, RSPAMD_HTTP_BODY_PARTIAL | RSPAMD_HTTP_CLIENT_SIMPLE, RSPAMD_HTTP_CLIENT); new_map->map_data = hdata; } /* Temp pool */ new_map->pool = rspamd_mempool_new (rspamd_mempool_suggest_size ()); cfg->maps = g_list_prepend (cfg->maps, new_map); return TRUE; } /** * FSM for parsing lists */ gchar * abstract_parse_kv_list (rspamd_mempool_t * pool, gchar * chunk, gint len, struct map_cb_data *data, insert_func func) { gchar *c, *p, *key = NULL, *value = NULL; p = chunk; c = p; while (p - chunk < len) { switch (data->state) { case 0: /* read key */ /* Check here comments, eol and end of buffer */ if (*p == '#') { if (key != NULL && p - c >= 0) { value = rspamd_mempool_alloc (pool, p - c + 1); memcpy (value, c, p - c); value[p - c] = '\0'; value = g_strstrip (value); func (data->cur_data, key, value); msg_debug ("insert kv pair: %s -> %s", key, value); } data->state = 99; } else if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n' || p - chunk == len - 1) { if (key != NULL && p - c >= 0) { value = rspamd_mempool_alloc (pool, p - c + 1); memcpy (value, c, p - c); value[p - c] = '\0'; value = g_strstrip (value); func (data->cur_data, key, value); msg_debug ("insert kv pair: %s -> %s", key, value); } else if (key == NULL && p - c > 0) { /* Key only line */ key = rspamd_mempool_alloc (pool, p - c + 1); memcpy (key, c, p - c); key[p - c] = '\0'; value = rspamd_mempool_alloc (pool, 1); *value = '\0'; func (data->cur_data, key, value); msg_debug ("insert kv pair: %s -> %s", key, value); } data->state = 100; key = NULL; } else if (g_ascii_isspace (*p)) { if (p - c > 0) { key = rspamd_mempool_alloc (pool, p - c + 1); memcpy (key, c, p - c); key[p - c] = '\0'; data->state = 2; } else { key = NULL; } } else { p++; } break; case 2: /* Skip spaces before value */ if (!g_ascii_isspace (*p)) { c = p; data->state = 0; } else { p++; } break; case 99: /* SKIP_COMMENT */ /* Skip comment till end of line */ if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') { while ((*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') && p - chunk < len) { p++; } c = p; key = NULL; data->state = 0; } else { p++; } break; case 100: /* Skip \r\n and whitespaces */ if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n' || g_ascii_isspace (*p)) { p++; } else { c = p; key = NULL; data->state = 0; } break; } } return c; } gchar * abstract_parse_list (rspamd_mempool_t * pool, gchar * chunk, gint len, struct map_cb_data *data, insert_func func) { gchar *s, *p, *str, *start; p = chunk; start = p; str = g_malloc (len + 1); s = str; while (p - chunk < len) { switch (data->state) { /* READ_SYMBOL */ case 0: if (*p == '#') { /* Got comment */ if (s != str) { /* Save previous string in lines like: " #localhost" */ *s = '\0'; s = rspamd_mempool_strdup (pool, g_strstrip (str)); if (strlen (s) > 0) { func (data->cur_data, s, hash_fill); } s = str; start = p; } data->state = 1; } else if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') { /* Got EOL marker, save stored string */ if (s != str) { *s = '\0'; s = rspamd_mempool_strdup (pool, g_strstrip (str)); if (strlen (s) > 0) { func (data->cur_data, s, hash_fill); } s = str; } /* Skip EOL symbols */ while ((*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') && p - chunk < len) { p++; } start = p; } else { /* Store new string in s */ *s = *p; s++; p++; } break; /* SKIP_COMMENT */ case 1: /* Skip comment till end of line */ if (*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') { while ((*p == '\r' || *p == '\n') && p - chunk < len) { p++; } s = str; start = p; data->state = 0; } else { p++; } break; } } g_free (str); return start; } /** * Radix tree helper function */ static void radix_tree_insert_helper (gpointer st, gconstpointer key, gpointer value) { radix_tree_t *tree = st; guint32 mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; guint32 ip; gchar *token, *ipnet, *err_str, **strv, **cur; struct in_addr ina; gint k; /* Split string if there are multiple items inside a single string */ strv = g_strsplit_set ((gchar *)key, " ,;", 0); cur = strv; while (*cur) { if (**cur == '\0') { cur++; continue; } /* Extract ipnet */ ipnet = *cur; token = strsep (&ipnet, "/"); if (ipnet != NULL) { errno = 0; /* Get mask */ k = strtoul (ipnet, &err_str, 10); if (errno != 0) { msg_warn ( "invalid netmask, error detected on symbol: %s, erorr: %s", err_str, strerror (errno)); k = 32; } else if (k > 32 || k < 0) { msg_warn ("invalid netmask value: %d", k); k = 32; } /* Calculate mask based on CIDR presentation */ mask = mask << (32 - k); } /* Check IP */ if (inet_aton (token, &ina) == 0) { msg_err ("invalid ip address: %s", token); return; } /* Insert ip in a tree */ ip = ntohl ((guint32) ina.s_addr); k = radix32tree_insert (tree, ip, mask, 1); if (k == -1) { msg_warn ("cannot insert ip to tree: %s, mask %X", inet_ntoa ( ina), mask); } else if (k == 1) { msg_warn ("ip %s, mask %X, value already exists", inet_ntoa ( ina), mask); } cur++; } g_strfreev (strv); } /* Helpers */ gchar * read_host_list (rspamd_mempool_t * pool, gchar * chunk, gint len, struct map_cb_data *data) { if (data->cur_data == NULL) { data->cur_data = g_hash_table_new (rspamd_strcase_hash, rspamd_strcase_equal); } return abstract_parse_list (pool, chunk, len, data, (insert_func) g_hash_table_insert); } void fin_host_list (rspamd_mempool_t * pool, struct map_cb_data *data) { if (data->prev_data) { g_hash_table_destroy (data->prev_data); } } gchar * read_kv_list (rspamd_mempool_t * pool, gchar * chunk, gint len, struct map_cb_data *data) { if (data->cur_data == NULL) { data->cur_data = g_hash_table_new (rspamd_strcase_hash, rspamd_strcase_equal); } return abstract_parse_kv_list (pool, chunk, len, data, (insert_func) g_hash_table_insert); } void fin_kv_list (rspamd_mempool_t * pool, struct map_cb_data *data) { if (data->prev_data) { g_hash_table_destroy (data->prev_data); } } gchar * read_radix_list (rspamd_mempool_t * pool, gchar * chunk, gint len, struct map_cb_data *data) { if (data->cur_data == NULL) { data->cur_data = radix_tree_create (); } return abstract_parse_list (pool, chunk, len, data, (insert_func) radix_tree_insert_helper); } void fin_radix_list (rspamd_mempool_t * pool, struct map_cb_data *data) { if (data->prev_data) { radix_tree_free (data->prev_data); } }