/* * Copyright (c) 2009, Rambler media * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Rambler media ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Rambler BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "logger.h" #include "util.h" #include "main.h" #include "map.h" /* How much message should be repeated before it is count to be repeated one */ #define REPEATS_MIN 3 #define REPEATS_MAX 300 #ifdef RSPAMD_MAIN sig_atomic_t do_reopen_log = 0; #endif typedef struct rspamd_logger_s { rspamd_log_func_t log_func; struct config_file *cfg; struct { guint32 size; guint32 used; u_char *buf; } io_buf; gint fd; gboolean is_buffered; gboolean enabled; gboolean is_debug; gboolean throttling; time_t throttling_time; enum rspamd_log_type type; pid_t pid; enum process_type process_type; radix_tree_t *debug_ip; guint32 last_line_cksum; guint32 repeats; gchar *saved_message; gchar *saved_function; } rspamd_logger_t; rspamd_logger_t *rspamd_log = NULL; static const gchar lf_chr = '\n'; static void syslog_log_function (const gchar * log_domain, const gchar *function, GLogLevelFlags log_level, const gchar * message, gboolean forced, gpointer arg); static void file_log_function (const gchar * log_domain, const gchar *function, GLogLevelFlags log_level, const gchar * message, gboolean forced, gpointer arg); static inline guint32 rspamd_log_calculate_cksum (const gchar *message, size_t mlen) { const gchar *bp = message; const gchar *be = bp + mlen; guint32 hval = 0; while (bp < be) { hval += (hval<<1) + (hval<<4) + (hval<<7) + (hval<<8) + (hval<<24); hval ^= (guint32)*bp++; } /* return our new hash value */ return hval; } static void direct_write_log_line (void *data, gint count, gboolean is_iov) { gchar errmsg[128]; struct iovec *iov; const gchar *line; gint r; if (rspamd_log->enabled) { if (is_iov) { iov = (struct iovec *)data; r = writev (rspamd_log->fd, iov, count); } else { line = (const gchar *)data; r = write (rspamd_log->fd, line, count); } if (r == -1) { /* We cannot write message to file, so we need to detect error and make decision */ r = rspamd_snprintf (errmsg, sizeof (errmsg), "direct_write_log_line: cannot write log line: %s", strerror (errno)); if (errno == EBADF || errno == EIO || errno == EINTR) { /* Descriptor is somehow invalid, try to restart */ reopen_log (); if (write (rspamd_log->fd, errmsg, r) != -1) { /* Try again */ direct_write_log_line (data, count, is_iov); } } else if (errno == EFAULT || errno == EINVAL || errno == EFBIG || errno == ENOSPC) { /* Rare case */ rspamd_log->throttling = TRUE; rspamd_log->throttling_time = time (NULL); } else if (errno == EPIPE) { /* We write to some pipe and it disappears, disable logging */ rspamd_log->enabled = FALSE; } } else if (rspamd_log->throttling) { rspamd_log->throttling = FALSE; } } } /* Logging utility functions */ gint open_log (void) { rspamd_log->enabled = TRUE; switch (rspamd_log->cfg->log_type) { case RSPAMD_LOG_CONSOLE: /* Do nothing with console */ return 0; case RSPAMD_LOG_SYSLOG: openlog ("rspamd", LOG_NDELAY | LOG_PID, rspamd_log->cfg->log_facility); return 0; case RSPAMD_LOG_FILE: rspamd_log->fd = open (rspamd_log->cfg->log_file, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); if (rspamd_log->fd == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "open_log: cannot open desired log file: %s, %s", rspamd_log->cfg->log_file, strerror (errno)); return -1; } return 0; } return -1; } void close_log (void) { gchar tmpbuf[256]; flush_log_buf (); switch (rspamd_log->type) { case RSPAMD_LOG_CONSOLE: /* Do nothing special */ break; case RSPAMD_LOG_SYSLOG: closelog (); break; case RSPAMD_LOG_FILE: if (rspamd_log->enabled) { if (rspamd_log->repeats > REPEATS_MIN) { rspamd_snprintf (tmpbuf, sizeof (tmpbuf), "Last message repeated %ud times", rspamd_log->repeats); rspamd_log->repeats = 0; if (rspamd_log->saved_message) { file_log_function (NULL, rspamd_log->saved_function, rspamd_log->cfg->log_level, rspamd_log->saved_message, TRUE, NULL); g_free (rspamd_log->saved_message); g_free (rspamd_log->saved_function); rspamd_log->saved_message = NULL; rspamd_log->saved_function = NULL; } /* It is safe to use temporary buffer here as it is not static */ file_log_function (NULL, __FUNCTION__, rspamd_log->cfg->log_level, tmpbuf, TRUE, NULL); return; } if (fsync (rspamd_log->fd) == -1) { msg_err ("error syncing log file: %s", strerror (errno)); } close (rspamd_log->fd); } break; } rspamd_log->enabled = FALSE; } void rspamd_set_logger (enum rspamd_log_type type, enum process_type ptype, struct config_file *cfg) { gchar **strvec, *p, *err; gint num, i, k; struct in_addr addr; guint32 mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; if (rspamd_log == NULL) { rspamd_log = g_malloc (sizeof (rspamd_logger_t)); bzero (rspamd_log, sizeof (rspamd_logger_t)); } rspamd_log->type = type; rspamd_log->pid = getpid (); rspamd_log->process_type = ptype; switch (type) { case RSPAMD_LOG_CONSOLE: rspamd_log->log_func = file_log_function; rspamd_log->fd = STDERR_FILENO; break; case RSPAMD_LOG_SYSLOG: rspamd_log->log_func = syslog_log_function; break; case RSPAMD_LOG_FILE: rspamd_log->log_func = file_log_function; break; } rspamd_log->cfg = cfg; /* Set up buffer */ if (cfg->log_buffered) { if (cfg->log_buf_size != 0) { rspamd_log->io_buf.size = cfg->log_buf_size; } else { rspamd_log->io_buf.size = BUFSIZ; } rspamd_log->is_buffered = TRUE; rspamd_log->io_buf.buf = g_malloc (rspamd_log->io_buf.size); } /* Set up conditional logging */ if (cfg->debug_ip_map != NULL) { /* Try to add it as map first of all */ if (rspamd_log->debug_ip) { radix_tree_free (rspamd_log->debug_ip); } rspamd_log->debug_ip = radix_tree_create (); if (!add_map (cfg->debug_ip_map, read_radix_list, fin_radix_list, (void **)&rspamd_log->debug_ip)) { /* Try to parse it as list */ strvec = g_strsplit_set (cfg->debug_ip_map, ",; ", 0); num = g_strv_length (strvec); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { g_strstrip (strvec[i]); if ((p = strchr (strvec[i], '/')) != NULL) { /* Try to extract mask */ *p = '\0'; p ++; errno = 0; k = strtoul (p, &err, 10); if (errno != 0 || *err != '\0' || k > 32) { continue; } } else { k = 32; } if (inet_aton (strvec[i], &addr)) { /* Check ip */ mask = mask << (32 - k); radix32tree_insert (rspamd_log->debug_ip, ntohl (addr.s_addr), mask, 1); } } g_strfreev (strvec); } } else if (rspamd_log->debug_ip) { radix_tree_free (rspamd_log->debug_ip); rspamd_log->debug_ip = NULL; } } gint reopen_log (void) { close_log (); if (open_log () == 0) { msg_info ("log file reopened"); return 0; } return -1; } void update_log_pid (enum process_type ptype) { rspamd_log->pid = getpid (); rspamd_log->process_type = ptype; } void flush_log_buf (void) { if (rspamd_log->is_buffered && (rspamd_log->type == RSPAMD_LOG_CONSOLE || rspamd_log->type == RSPAMD_LOG_FILE)) { direct_write_log_line (rspamd_log->io_buf.buf, rspamd_log->io_buf.used, FALSE); rspamd_log->io_buf.used = 0; } } void rspamd_common_log_function (GLogLevelFlags log_level, const gchar *function, const gchar *fmt, ...) { static gchar logbuf[BUFSIZ]; va_list vp; u_char *end; if (log_level <= rspamd_log->cfg->log_level) { va_start (vp, fmt); end = rspamd_vsnprintf (logbuf, sizeof (logbuf), fmt, vp); *end = '\0'; va_end (vp); rspamd_log->log_func (NULL, function, log_level, logbuf, FALSE, rspamd_log->cfg); } } /* Fill buffer with message (limits must be checked BEFORE this call) */ static void fill_buffer (const struct iovec *iov, gint iovcnt) { gint i; for (i = 0; i < iovcnt; i ++) { memcpy (rspamd_log->io_buf.buf + rspamd_log->io_buf.used, iov[i].iov_base, iov[i].iov_len); rspamd_log->io_buf.used += iov[i].iov_len; } } /* Write message to buffer or to file */ static void file_log_helper (const struct iovec *iov, gint iovcnt) { size_t len = 0; gint i; if (! rspamd_log->is_buffered) { /* Write string directly */ direct_write_log_line ((void *)iov, iovcnt, TRUE); } else { /* Calculate total length */ for (i = 0; i < iovcnt; i ++) { len += iov[i].iov_len; } /* Fill buffer */ if (rspamd_log->io_buf.size < len) { /* Buffer is too small to hold this string, so write it dirrectly */ flush_log_buf (); direct_write_log_line ((void *)iov, iovcnt, TRUE); } else if (rspamd_log->io_buf.used + len >= rspamd_log->io_buf.size) { /* Buffer is full, try to write it dirrectly */ flush_log_buf (); fill_buffer (iov, iovcnt); } else { /* Copy incoming string to buffer */ fill_buffer (iov, iovcnt); } } } static void syslog_log_function (const gchar * log_domain, const gchar *function, GLogLevelFlags log_level, const gchar * message, gboolean forced, gpointer arg) { struct config_file *cfg = (struct config_file *)arg; if (! rspamd_log->enabled) { return; } if (function == NULL) { if (forced || log_level <= cfg->log_level) { if (forced || log_level >= G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { syslog (LOG_DEBUG, "%s", message); } else if (log_level >= G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO) { syslog (LOG_INFO, "%s", message); } else if (log_level >= G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING) { syslog (LOG_WARNING, "%s", message); } else if (log_level >= G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL) { syslog (LOG_ERR, "%s", message); } } } else { if (forced || log_level <= cfg->log_level) { if (log_level >= G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) { syslog (LOG_DEBUG, "%s: %s", function, message); } else if (log_level >= G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO) { syslog (LOG_INFO, "%s: %s", function, message); } else if (log_level >= G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING) { syslog (LOG_WARNING, "%s: %s", function, message); } else if (log_level >= G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL) { syslog (LOG_ERR, "%s: %s", function, message); } } } } static void file_log_function (const gchar * log_domain, const gchar *function, GLogLevelFlags log_level, const gchar * message, gboolean forced, gpointer arg) { gchar tmpbuf[256], timebuf[32]; time_t now; struct tm *tms; struct iovec iov[3]; gint r; guint32 cksum; size_t mlen; const gchar *cptype = NULL; gboolean got_time = FALSE; if (! rspamd_log->enabled) { return; } if (forced || log_level <= rspamd_log->cfg->log_level) { /* Check throttling due to write errors */ if (rspamd_log->throttling) { now = time (NULL); if (rspamd_log->throttling_time != now) { rspamd_log->throttling_time = now; got_time = TRUE; } else { /* Do not try to write to file too often while throtling */ return; } } /* Check repeats */ mlen = strlen (message); cksum = rspamd_log_calculate_cksum (message, mlen); if (cksum == rspamd_log->last_line_cksum) { rspamd_log->repeats ++; if (rspamd_log->repeats > REPEATS_MIN && rspamd_log->repeats < REPEATS_MAX) { /* Do not log anything */ if (rspamd_log->saved_message == 0) { rspamd_log->saved_message = g_strdup (message); rspamd_log->saved_function = g_strdup (function); } return; } else if (rspamd_log->repeats > REPEATS_MAX) { rspamd_snprintf (tmpbuf, sizeof (tmpbuf), "Last message repeated %ud times", rspamd_log->repeats); rspamd_log->repeats = 0; /* It is safe to use temporary buffer here as it is not static */ if (rspamd_log->saved_message) { file_log_function (log_domain, rspamd_log->saved_function, log_level, rspamd_log->saved_message, forced, arg); } file_log_function (log_domain, __FUNCTION__, log_level, tmpbuf, forced, arg); file_log_function (log_domain, function, log_level, message, forced, arg); rspamd_log->repeats = REPEATS_MIN + 1; return; } } else { rspamd_log->last_line_cksum = cksum; if (rspamd_log->repeats > REPEATS_MIN) { rspamd_snprintf (tmpbuf, sizeof (tmpbuf), "Last message repeated %ud times", rspamd_log->repeats); rspamd_log->repeats = 0; if (rspamd_log->saved_message) { file_log_function (log_domain, rspamd_log->saved_function, log_level, rspamd_log->saved_message, forced, arg); g_free (rspamd_log->saved_message); g_free (rspamd_log->saved_function); rspamd_log->saved_message = NULL; rspamd_log->saved_function = NULL; } file_log_function (log_domain, __FUNCTION__, log_level, tmpbuf, forced, arg); /* It is safe to use temporary buffer here as it is not static */ file_log_function (log_domain, function, log_level, message, forced, arg); return; } else { rspamd_log->repeats = 0; } } if (! got_time) { now = time (NULL); } tms = localtime (&now); strftime (timebuf, sizeof (timebuf), "%F %H:%M:%S", tms); switch (rspamd_log->process_type) { case TYPE_MAIN: cptype = "main"; break; case TYPE_WORKER: cptype = "worker"; break; case TYPE_CONTROLLER: cptype = "controller"; break; case TYPE_LMTP: cptype = "lmtp"; break; case TYPE_SMTP: cptype = "smtp"; break; case TYPE_FUZZY: cptype = "fuzzy"; break; case TYPE_GREYLIST: cptype = "greylist"; break; } if (function == NULL) { r = rspamd_snprintf (tmpbuf, sizeof (tmpbuf), "%s #%P(%s) ", timebuf, rspamd_log->pid, cptype); } else { r = rspamd_snprintf (tmpbuf, sizeof (tmpbuf), "%s #%P(%s) %s: ", timebuf, rspamd_log->pid, cptype, function); } iov[0].iov_base = tmpbuf; iov[0].iov_len = r; iov[1].iov_base = (void *)message; iov[1].iov_len = mlen; iov[2].iov_base = (void *)&lf_chr; iov[2].iov_len = 1; file_log_helper (iov, 3); } } void rspamd_conditional_debug (guint32 addr, const gchar *function, const gchar *fmt, ...) { static gchar logbuf[BUFSIZ]; va_list vp; u_char *end; if (rspamd_log->cfg->log_level >= G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG || rspamd_log->is_debug || (rspamd_log->debug_ip != NULL && radix32tree_find (rspamd_log->debug_ip, ntohl (addr)) != RADIX_NO_VALUE)) { va_start (vp, fmt); end = rspamd_vsnprintf (logbuf, sizeof (logbuf), fmt, vp); *end = '\0'; va_end (vp); rspamd_log->log_func (NULL, function, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, logbuf, TRUE, rspamd_log->cfg); } } void rspamd_glib_log_function (const gchar *log_domain, GLogLevelFlags log_level, const gchar *message, gpointer arg) { if (rspamd_log->enabled) { rspamd_log->log_func (log_domain, NULL, log_level, message, FALSE, rspamd_log->cfg); } } void rspamd_log_debug () { rspamd_log->is_debug = TRUE; } void rspamd_log_nodebug () { rspamd_log->is_debug = FALSE; }