/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2012, Vsevolod Stakhov * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AUTHOR ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "lua_common.h" #include "message.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "filter.h" #include "dns.h" #include "util.h" #include "images.h" #include "cfg_file.h" /*** * @module rspamd_task * This module provides routines for tasks manipulation in rspamd. Tasks usually * represent messages being scanned, and this API provides access to such elements * as headers, symbols, metrics and so on and so forth. Normally, task objects * are passed to the lua callbacks allowing to check specific properties of messages * and add the corresponding symbols to the scan's results. @example rspamd_config.DATE_IN_PAST = function(task) if rspamd_config:get_api_version() >= 5 then local dm = task:get_date{format = 'message', gmt = true} local dt = task:get_date{format = 'connect', gmt = true} -- A day if dt - dm > 86400 then return true end end return false end */ /* Task creation */ /*** * @function rspamd_task.create_empty() * Creates new empty task object. * @return {rspamd_task} task object */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, create_empty); /*** * @function rspamd_task.create_from_buffer(input) * Creates new task object and load its content from the string provided. * @param {string} input string that contains MIME message * @return {rspamd_task} task object */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, create_from_buffer); /* Task methods */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_message); LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, process_message); /*** * @method task:get_cfg() * Get configuration object for a task. * @return {rspamd_config} (config.md)[configuration object] for the task */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_cfg); LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, set_cfg); LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, destroy); /*** * @method task:get_mempool() * Returns memory pool valid for a lifetime of task. It is used internally by * many rspamd routines. * @return {rspamd_mempool} memory pool object */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_mempool); /*** * @method task:get_session() * Returns asynchronous session object that is used by many rspamd asynchronous * utilities internally. * @return {rspamd_session} session object */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_session); /*** * @method task:get_ev_base() * Return asynchronous event base for using in callbacks and resolver. * @return {rspamd_ev_base} event base */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_ev_base); /*** * @method task:insert_result(symbol, weigth[, option1, ...]) * Insert specific symbol to the tasks scanning results assigning the initial * weight to it. * @param {string} symbol symbol to insert * @param {number} weight initial weight (this weight is multiplied by the metric weight) * @param {string} options list of optional options attached to a symbol inserted @example local function cb(task) if task:get_header('Some header') then task:insert_result('SOME_HEADER', 1.0, 'Got some header') end end */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, insert_result); /*** * @method task:set_pre_results(action, description) * Sets pre-result for a task. It is used in pre-filters to specify early results * of the task scanned. If a pre-filter sets some result, then further processing * may be skipped. For selecting action it is possible to use global table * `rspamd_actions` or a string value: * * - `reject`: reject message permanently * - `add header`: add spam header * - `rewrite subject`: rewrite subject to spam subject * - `greylist`: greylist message * @param {rspamd_action or string} action a numeric or string action value * @param {string} description optional descripton @example local function cb(task) local gr = task:get_header('Greylist') if gr and gr == 'greylist' then task:set_pre_result(rspamd_actions['greylist'], 'Greylisting required') end end */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, set_pre_result); /*** * @method task:get_urls() * Get all URLs found in a message. * @return {table rspamd_url} list of all urls found @example local function phishing_cb(task) local urls = task:get_urls(); if urls then for _,url in ipairs(urls) do if url:is_phished() then return true end end end return false end */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_urls); /*** * @method task:get_content() * Get raw content for the specified task * @return {string} the data contained in the task */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_content); /*** * @method task:get_emails() * Get all email addresses found in a message. * @return {table rspamd_url} list of all email addresses found */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_emails); /*** * @method task:get_text_parts() * Get all text (and HTML) parts found in a message * @return {table rspamd_text_part} list of text parts */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_text_parts); /*** * @method task:get_parts() * Get all mime parts found in a message * @return {table rspamd_mime_part} list of mime parts */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_parts); /*** * @method task:get_request_header(name) * Get value of a HTTP request header. * @param {string} name name of header to get * @return {rspamd_text} value of an HTTP header */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_request_header); /*** * @method task:set_request_header(name, value) * Set value of a HTTP request header. If value is omitted, then a header is removed * @param {string} name name of header to get * @param {rspamd_text/string} value new header's value */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, set_request_header); /*** * @method task:get_header(name[, case_sensitive]) * Get decoded value of a header specified with optional case_sensitive flag. * By default headers are searched in caseless matter. * @param {string} name name of header to get * @param {boolean} case_sensitive case sensitiveness flag to search for a header * @return {string} decoded value of a header */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_header); /*** * @method task:get_header_raw(name[, case_sensitive]) * Get raw value of a header specified with optional case_sensitive flag. * By default headers are searched in caseless matter. * @param {string} name name of header to get * @param {boolean} case_sensitive case sensitiveness flag to search for a header * @return {string} raw value of a header */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_header_raw); /*** * @method task:get_header_full(name[, case_sensitive]) * Get raw value of a header specified with optional case_sensitive flag. * By default headers are searched in caseless matter. This method returns more * information about the header as a list of tables with the following structure: * * - `name` - name of a header * - `value` - raw value of a header * - `decoded` - decoded value of a header * - `tab_separated` - `true` if a header and a value are separated by `tab` character * - `empty_separator` - `true` if there are no separator between a header and a value * @param {string} name name of header to get * @param {boolean} case_sensitive case sensitiveness flag to search for a header * @return {list of tables} all values of a header as specified above @example function check_header_delimiter_tab(task, header_name) for _,rh in ipairs(task:get_header_full(header_name)) do if rh['tab_separated'] then return true end end return false end */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_header_full); /*** * @method task:get_raw_headers() * Get all undecoded headers of a message as a string * @return {rspamd_text} all raw headers for a message as opaque text */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_raw_headers); /*** * @method task:get_received_headers() * Returns a list of tables of parsed received headers. A tables returned have * the following structure: * * - `from_hostname` - string that represents hostname provided by a peer * - `from_ip` - string representation of IP address as provided by a peer * - `real_hostname` - hostname as resolved by MTA * - `real_ip` - string representation of IP as resolved by PTR request of MTA * - `by_hostname` - MTA hostname * * Please note that in some situations rspamd cannot parse all the fields of received headers. * In that case you should check all strings for validity. * @return {table of tables} list of received headers described above */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_received_headers); /*** * @method task:get_queue_id() * Returns queue ID of the message being processed. */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_queue_id); /*** * @method task:get_resolver() * Returns ready to use rspamd_resolver object suitable for making asynchronous DNS requests. * @return {rspamd_resolver} resolver object associated with the task's session * @example local logger = require "rspamd_logger" local function task_cb(task) local function dns_cb(resolver, to_resolve, results, err) -- task object is available due to closure task:inc_dns_req() if results then logger.info(string.format('<%s> [%s] resolved for symbol: %s', task:get_message_id(), to_resolve, 'EXAMPLE_SYMBOL')) task:insert_result('EXAMPLE_SYMBOL', 1) end end local r = task:get_resolver() r:resolve_a(task:get_session(), task:get_mempool(), 'example.com', dns_cb) end */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_resolver); /*** * @method task:inc_dns_req() * Increment number of DNS requests for the task. Is used just for logging purposes. */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, inc_dns_req); /*** * @method task:get_recipients([type]) * Return SMTP or MIME recipients for a task. This function returns list of internet addresses each one is a table with the following structure: * * - `name` - name of internet address in UTF8, e.g. for `Vsevolod Stakhov ` it returns `Vsevolod Stakhov` * - `addr` - address part of the address * - `user` - user part (if present) of the address, e.g. `blah` * - `domain` - domain part (if present), e.g. `foo.com` * @param {integer} type if specified has the following meaning: `0` means try SMTP recipients and fallback to MIME if failed, `1` means checking merely SMTP recipients and `2` means MIME recipients only * @return {list of addresses} list of recipients or `nil` */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_recipients); /*** * @method task:get_from([type]) * Return SMTP or MIME sender for a task. This function returns list of internet addresses each one is a table with the following structure: * * - `name` - name of internet address in UTF8, e.g. for `Vsevolod Stakhov ` it returns `Vsevolod Stakhov` * - `addr` - address part of the address * - `user` - user part (if present) of the address, e.g. `blah` * - `domain` - domain part (if present), e.g. `foo.com` * @param {integer} type if specified has the following meaning: `0` means try SMTP sender and fallback to MIME if failed, `1` means checking merely SMTP sender and `2` means MIME `From:` only * @return {list of addresses} list of recipients or `nil` */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_from); /*** * @method task:get_user() * Returns authenticated user name for this task if specified by an MTA. * @return {string} username or nil */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_user); LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, set_user); /*** * @method task:get_from_ip() * Returns [ip_addr](ip.md) object of a sender that is provided by MTA * @return {rspamd_ip} ip address object */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_from_ip); LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, set_from_ip); LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_from_ip_num); /*** * @method task:get_client_ip() * Returns [ip_addr](ip.md) object of a client connected to rspamd (normally, it is an IP address of MTA) * @return {rspamd_ip} ip address object */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_client_ip); /*** * @method task:get_helo() * Returns the value of SMTP helo provided by MTA. * @return {string} HELO value */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_helo); LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, set_helo); /*** * @method task:get_hostname() * Returns the value of sender's hostname provided by MTA * @return {string} hostname value */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_hostname); LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, set_hostname); /*** * @method task:get_images() * Returns list of all images found in a task as a table of `rspamd_image`. * @return {list of rspamd_image} images found in a message */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_images); /*** * @method task:get_symbol(name) * Searches for a symbol `name` in all metrics results and returns a list of tables * one per metric that describes the symbol inserted. Please note that this function * is intended to return values for **inserted** symbols, so if this symbol was not * inserted it won't be in the function's output. This method is useful for post-filters mainly. * The symbols are returned as the list of the following tables: * * - `metric` - name of metric * - `score` - score of a symbol in that metric * - `options` - a table of strings representing options of a symbol * - `group` - a group of symbol (or 'ungrouped') * @param {string} name symbol's name * @return {list of tables} list of tables or nil if symbol was not found in any metric */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_symbol); /*** * @method task:get_date(type[, gmt]) * Returns timestamp for a connection or for a MIME message. This function can be called with a * single table arguments with the following fields: * * * `format` - a format of date returned: * - `message` - returns a mime date as integer (unix timestamp) * - `message_str` - returns a mime date as string (UTC format) * - `connect` - returns a unix timestamp of a connection to rspamd * - `connect_str` - returns connection time in UTC format * * `gmt` - returns date in `GMT` timezone (normal for unix timestamps) * * By default this function returns connection time in numeric format. * @param {string} type date format as described above * @param {boolean} gmt gmt flag as described above * @return {string/number} date representation according to format * @example rspamd_config.DATE_IN_PAST = function(task) local dm = task:get_date{format = 'message', gmt = true} local dt = task:get_date{format = 'connect', gmt = true} -- A day if dt - dm > 86400 then return true end return false end */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_date); /*** * @method task:get_message_id() * Returns message id of the specified task * @return {string} if of a message */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_message_id); LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_timeval); /*** * @method task:get_metric_score(name) * Get the current score of metric `name`. Should be used in post-filters only. * @param {string} name name of a metric * @return {number} the current score of the metric */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_metric_score); /*** * @method task:get_metric_action(name) * Get the current action of metric `name`. Should be used in post-filters only. * @param {string} name name of a metric * @return {string} the current action of the metric as a string */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_metric_action); /*** * @method task:learn(is_spam[, classifier) * Learn classifier `classifier` with the task. If `is_spam` is true then message * is learnt as spam. Otherwise HAM is learnt. By default, this function learns * `bayes` classifier. * @param {boolean} is_spam learn spam or ham * @param {string} classifier classifier's name * @return {boolean} `true` if classifier has been learnt successfully */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, learn); /*** * @method task:set_settings(obj) * Set users settings object for a task. The format of this object is described * [here](https://rspamd.com/doc/configuration/settings.html). * @param {any} obj any lua object that corresponds to the settings format */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, set_settings); /*** * @method task:cache_get(str) * Return cached value for the specified string. Returns value less than 0 if str is not in the cache * @param {string} str key to get from the cache * @return {number} value of key or value less than 0 if a key has not been found */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, cache_get); /*** * @method task:cache_set(str, value) * Write new or rewrite existing value of the cached key 'str' * @param {string} str key to set in the cache * @return {number} previous value of the key or value less than zero */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, cache_set); /*** * @method task:get_size() * Returns size of the task in bytes (that includes headers + parts size) * @return {number} size in bytes */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (task, get_size); static const struct luaL_reg tasklib_f[] = { LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, create_empty), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, create_from_buffer), {NULL, NULL} }; static const struct luaL_reg tasklib_m[] = { LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_message), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, destroy), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, process_message), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, set_cfg), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_cfg), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_mempool), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_session), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_ev_base), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, insert_result), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, set_pre_result), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_urls), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_content), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_emails), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_text_parts), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_parts), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_request_header), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, set_request_header), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_header), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_header_raw), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_header_full), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_raw_headers), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_received_headers), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_queue_id), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_resolver), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, inc_dns_req), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_recipients), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_from), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_user), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, set_user), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_from_ip), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, set_from_ip), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_from_ip_num), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_client_ip), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_helo), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, set_helo), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_hostname), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, set_hostname), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_images), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_symbol), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_date), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_message_id), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_timeval), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_metric_score), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_metric_action), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, learn), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, set_settings), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, cache_get), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, cache_set), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (task, get_size), {"__tostring", rspamd_lua_class_tostring}, {NULL, NULL} }; /* Image methods */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (image, get_width); LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (image, get_height); LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (image, get_type); LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (image, get_filename); LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (image, get_size); static const struct luaL_reg imagelib_m[] = { LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (image, get_width), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (image, get_height), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (image, get_type), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (image, get_filename), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (image, get_size), {"__tostring", rspamd_lua_class_tostring}, {NULL, NULL} }; /* Blob methods */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (text, len); LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (text, str); LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (text, ptr); LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (text, gc); static const struct luaL_reg textlib_m[] = { LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (text, len), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (text, str), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (text, ptr), {"__len", lua_text_len}, {"__tostring", lua_text_str}, {"__gc", lua_text_gc}, {NULL, NULL} }; /* Utility functions */ struct rspamd_task * lua_check_task (lua_State * L, gint pos) { void *ud = luaL_checkudata (L, pos, "rspamd{task}"); luaL_argcheck (L, ud != NULL, pos, "'task' expected"); return ud ? *((struct rspamd_task **)ud) : NULL; } static struct rspamd_image * lua_check_image (lua_State * L) { void *ud = luaL_checkudata (L, 1, "rspamd{image}"); luaL_argcheck (L, ud != NULL, 1, "'image' expected"); return ud ? *((struct rspamd_image **)ud) : NULL; } struct rspamd_lua_text * lua_check_text (lua_State * L, gint pos) { void *ud = luaL_checkudata (L, pos, "rspamd{text}"); luaL_argcheck (L, ud != NULL, pos, "'text' expected"); return ud ? (struct rspamd_lua_text *)ud : NULL; } /* Task methods */ static int lua_task_create_empty (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task **ptask, *task; task = rspamd_task_new (NULL); ptask = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (gpointer)); rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{task}", -1); *ptask = task; return 1; } static int lua_task_create_from_buffer (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task **ptask, *task; const gchar *data; size_t len; data = luaL_checklstring (L, 1, &len); if (data) { task = rspamd_task_new (NULL); ptask = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (gpointer)); rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{task}", -1); *ptask = task; task->msg.start = rspamd_mempool_alloc (task->task_pool, len + 1); memcpy ((gpointer)task->msg.start, data, len); task->msg.len = len; } return 1; } static int lua_task_process_message (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); if (task != NULL && task->msg.len > 0) { if (rspamd_message_parse (task) == 0) { lua_pushboolean (L, TRUE); } else { lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); } } else { lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); } return 1; } static int lua_task_get_cfg (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); struct rspamd_config **pcfg; pcfg = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (gpointer)); rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{config}", -1); *pcfg = task->cfg; return 1; } static int lua_task_set_cfg (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); void *ud = luaL_checkudata (L, 2, "rspamd{config}"); luaL_argcheck (L, ud != NULL, 1, "'config' expected"); task->cfg = ud ? *((struct rspamd_config **)ud) : NULL; return 0; } static int lua_task_destroy (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); if (task != NULL) { rspamd_task_free (task, FALSE); } return 0; } static int lua_task_get_message (lua_State * L) { GMimeMessage **pmsg; struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); if (task != NULL && task->message != NULL) { pmsg = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (GMimeMessage *)); rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{message}", -1); *pmsg = task->message; } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static int lua_task_get_mempool (lua_State * L) { rspamd_mempool_t **ppool; struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); if (task != NULL) { ppool = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (rspamd_mempool_t *)); rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{mempool}", -1); *ppool = task->task_pool; } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static int lua_task_get_session (lua_State * L) { struct rspamd_async_session **psession; struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); if (task != NULL) { psession = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (void *)); rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{session}", -1); *psession = task->s; } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static int lua_task_get_ev_base (lua_State * L) { struct event_base **pbase; struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); if (task != NULL) { pbase = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (struct event_base *)); rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{ev_base}", -1); *pbase = task->ev_base; } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static gint lua_task_insert_result (lua_State * L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); const gchar *symbol_name, *param; double flag; GList *params = NULL; gint i, top; if (task != NULL) { symbol_name = rspamd_mempool_strdup (task->task_pool, luaL_checkstring (L, 2)); flag = luaL_checknumber (L, 3); top = lua_gettop (L); /* Get additional options */ for (i = 4; i <= top; i++) { param = luaL_checkstring (L, i); params = g_list_prepend (params, rspamd_mempool_strdup (task->task_pool, param)); } rspamd_task_insert_result (task, symbol_name, flag, params); } return 0; } static gint lua_task_set_pre_result (lua_State * L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); struct metric_result *mres; gchar *action_str; gint action = METRIC_ACTION_MAX; if (task != NULL) { if (lua_type (L, 2) == LUA_TNUMBER) { action = lua_tointeger (L, 2); } else if (lua_type (L, 2) == LUA_TSTRING) { rspamd_action_from_str (lua_tostring (L, 2), &action); } if (action < (gint)task->pre_result.action && action < METRIC_ACTION_MAX && action >= METRIC_ACTION_REJECT) { /* We also need to set the default metric to that result */ mres = rspamd_create_metric_result (task, DEFAULT_METRIC); if (mres != NULL) { mres->score = mres->metric->actions[action].score; mres->action = action; } task->pre_result.action = action; if (lua_gettop (L) >= 3) { action_str = rspamd_mempool_strdup (task->task_pool, luaL_checkstring (L, 3)); task->pre_result.str = action_str; task->messages = g_list_prepend (task->messages, action_str); } else { task->pre_result.str = "unknown"; } msg_info ("<%s>: set pre-result to %s: '%s'", task->message_id, rspamd_action_to_str (action), task->pre_result.str); } } return 0; } struct lua_tree_cb_data { lua_State *L; int i; }; static void lua_tree_url_callback (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer ud) { struct rspamd_lua_url *url; struct lua_tree_cb_data *cb = ud; url = lua_newuserdata (cb->L, sizeof (struct rspamd_lua_url)); rspamd_lua_setclass (cb->L, "rspamd{url}", -1); url->url = value; lua_rawseti (cb->L, -2, cb->i++); } static gint lua_task_get_urls (lua_State * L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); struct lua_tree_cb_data cb; if (task) { lua_newtable (L); cb.i = 1; cb.L = L; g_hash_table_foreach (task->urls, lua_tree_url_callback, &cb); return 1; } lua_pushnil (L); return 1; } static gint lua_task_get_content (lua_State * L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); struct rspamd_lua_text *t; if (task) { t = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (*t)); rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{text}", -1); t->len = task->msg.len; t->start = task->msg.start; t->own = FALSE; return 1; } lua_pushnil (L); return 1; } static gint lua_task_get_emails (lua_State * L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); struct lua_tree_cb_data cb; if (task) { lua_newtable (L); cb.i = 1; cb.L = L; g_hash_table_foreach (task->emails, lua_tree_url_callback, &cb); return 1; } lua_pushnil (L); return 1; } static gint lua_task_get_text_parts (lua_State * L) { guint i; struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); struct mime_text_part *part, **ppart; if (task != NULL) { lua_newtable (L); for (i = 0; i < task->text_parts->len; i ++) { part = g_ptr_array_index (task->text_parts, i); ppart = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (struct mime_text_part *)); *ppart = part; rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{textpart}", -1); /* Make it array */ lua_rawseti (L, -2, i + 1); } return 1; } lua_pushnil (L); return 1; } static gint lua_task_get_parts (lua_State * L) { guint i; struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); struct mime_part *part, **ppart; if (task != NULL) { lua_newtable (L); for (i = 0; i < task->parts->len; i ++) { part = g_ptr_array_index (task->text_parts, i); ppart = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (struct mime_part *)); *ppart = part; rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{mimepart}", -1); /* Make it array */ lua_rawseti (L, -2, i + 1); } return 1; } lua_pushnil (L); return 1; } static gint lua_task_get_request_header (lua_State *L) { GString *hdr, srch; struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); const gchar *s; struct rspamd_lua_text *t; gsize len; s = luaL_checklstring (L, 2, &len); if (s) { srch.str = (gchar *)s; srch.len = len; hdr = g_hash_table_lookup (task->request_headers, &srch); if (hdr) { t = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (*t)); rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{text}", -1); t->start = hdr->str; t->len = hdr->len; t->own = FALSE; return 1; } } lua_pushnil (L); return 1; } static gint lua_task_set_request_header (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); const gchar *s, *v = NULL; struct rspamd_lua_text *t; GString *hdr, srch, *new_name; gsize len, vlen; s = luaL_checklstring (L, 2, &len); if (s) { if (lua_type (L, 3) == LUA_TSTRING) { v = luaL_checklstring (L, 2, &vlen); } else if (lua_type (L, 3) == LUA_TUSERDATA) { t = lua_check_text (L, 3); if (t != NULL) { v = t->start; vlen = t->len; } } if (v != NULL) { srch.str = (gchar *)s; srch.len = len; hdr = g_hash_table_lookup (task->request_headers, &srch); if (hdr) { new_name = &srch; } else { /* Not found, need to allocate */ new_name = g_string_new_len (srch.str, srch.len); } hdr = g_string_new_len (v, vlen); /* This does not destroy key if it exists */ g_hash_table_insert (task->request_headers, new_name, hdr); } } return 0; } gint rspamd_lua_push_header (lua_State * L, GHashTable *hdrs, const gchar *name, gboolean strong, gboolean full, gboolean raw) { struct raw_header *rh; gint i = 1; const gchar *val; rh = g_hash_table_lookup (hdrs, name); if (rh == NULL) { lua_pushnil (L); return 1; } if (full) { lua_newtable (L); } while (rh) { if (rh->name == NULL) { rh = rh->next; continue; } /* Check case sensivity */ if (strong) { if (strcmp (rh->name, name) != 0) { rh = rh->next; continue; } } if (full) { /* Create new associated table for a header */ lua_newtable (L); rspamd_lua_table_set (L, "name", rh->name); if (rh->value) { rspamd_lua_table_set (L, "value", rh->value); } if (rh->decoded) { rspamd_lua_table_set (L, "decoded", rh->value); } lua_pushstring (L, "tab_separated"); lua_pushboolean (L, rh->tab_separated); lua_settable (L, -3); lua_pushstring (L, "empty_separator"); lua_pushboolean (L, rh->empty_separator); lua_settable (L, -3); rspamd_lua_table_set (L, "separator", rh->separator); lua_rawseti (L, -2, i++); /* Process next element */ rh = rh->next; } else { if (raw) { val = rh->decoded; } else { val = rh->value; } if (val) { lua_pushstring (L, val); } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } } return 1; } static gint lua_task_get_header_common (lua_State *L, gboolean full, gboolean raw) { gboolean strong = FALSE; struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); const gchar *name; name = luaL_checkstring (L, 2); if (name && task) { if (lua_gettop (L) == 3) { strong = lua_toboolean (L, 3); } return rspamd_lua_push_header (L, task->raw_headers, name, strong, full, raw); } lua_pushnil (L); return 1; } static gint lua_task_get_header_full (lua_State * L) { return lua_task_get_header_common (L, TRUE, TRUE); } static gint lua_task_get_header (lua_State * L) { return lua_task_get_header_common (L, FALSE, FALSE); } static gint lua_task_get_header_raw (lua_State * L) { return lua_task_get_header_common (L, FALSE, TRUE); } static gint lua_task_get_raw_headers (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); struct rspamd_lua_text *t; if (task) { t = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (*t)); rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{text}", -1); t->start = task->raw_headers_content.begin; t->len = task->raw_headers_content.len; t->own = FALSE; } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static gint lua_task_get_received_headers (lua_State * L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); struct received_header *rh; guint i; if (task) { lua_newtable (L); for (i = 0; i < task->received->len; i ++) { rh = g_ptr_array_index (task->received, i); if (rh->is_error || G_UNLIKELY ( rh->from_ip == NULL && rh->real_ip == NULL && rh->real_hostname == NULL && rh->by_hostname == NULL)) { continue; } lua_newtable (L); rspamd_lua_table_set (L, "from_hostname", rh->from_hostname); lua_pushstring (L, "from_ip"); rspamd_lua_ip_push_fromstring (L, rh->from_ip); lua_settable (L, -3); rspamd_lua_table_set (L, "real_hostname", rh->real_hostname); lua_pushstring (L, "real_ip"); rspamd_lua_ip_push_fromstring (L, rh->real_ip); lua_settable (L, -3); rspamd_lua_table_set (L, "by_hostname", rh->by_hostname); lua_rawseti (L, -2, i + 1); } } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static gint lua_task_get_queue_id (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); if (task && task->queue_id != NULL && strcmp (task->queue_id, "undef") != 0) { lua_pushstring (L, task->queue_id); return 1; } lua_pushnil (L); return 1; } static gint lua_task_get_resolver (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); struct rspamd_dns_resolver **presolver; if (task != NULL && task->resolver != NULL) { presolver = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (void *)); rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{resolver}", -1); *presolver = task->resolver; } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static gint lua_task_inc_dns_req (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); if (task != NULL) { task->dns_requests++; } return 0; } static gboolean lua_push_internet_address (lua_State *L, InternetAddress *ia) { #ifndef GMIME24 if (internet_address_get_type (ia) == INTERNET_ADDRESS_NAME) { lua_newtable (L); rspamd_lua_table_set (L, "name", internet_address_get_name (ia)); rspamd_lua_table_set (L, "addr", internet_address_get_addr (ia)); return TRUE; } return FALSE; #else InternetAddressMailbox *iamb; const char *addr, *at; if (ia && INTERNET_ADDRESS_IS_MAILBOX (ia)) { lua_newtable (L); iamb = INTERNET_ADDRESS_MAILBOX (ia); addr = internet_address_mailbox_get_addr (iamb); if (addr) { rspamd_lua_table_set (L, "name", internet_address_get_name (ia)); rspamd_lua_table_set (L, "addr", addr); /* Set optional fields */ at = strchr (addr, '@'); if (at != NULL) { lua_pushstring(L, "user"); lua_pushlstring(L, addr, at - addr); lua_settable (L, -3); lua_pushstring(L, "domain"); lua_pushstring(L, at + 1); lua_settable (L, -3); } return TRUE; } } return FALSE; #endif } /* * Push internet addresses to lua as a table */ static void lua_push_internet_address_list (lua_State *L, InternetAddressList *addrs) { InternetAddress *ia; gint idx = 1; #ifndef GMIME24 /* Gmime 2.2 version */ InternetAddressList *cur; lua_newtable (L); cur = addrs; while (cur) { ia = internet_address_list_get_address (cur); if (lua_push_internet_address (L, ia)) { lua_rawseti (L, -2, idx++); } cur = internet_address_list_next (cur); } #else /* Gmime 2.4 version */ gsize len, i; lua_newtable (L); if (addrs != NULL) { len = internet_address_list_length (addrs); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { ia = internet_address_list_get_address (addrs, i); if (lua_push_internet_address (L, ia)) { lua_rawseti (L, -2, idx++); } } } #endif } static gint lua_task_get_recipients (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); InternetAddressList *addrs; gint what = 0; if (task) { if (lua_gettop (L) == 2) { /* Get what value */ what = lua_tonumber (L, 2); } switch (what) { case 1: /* Here we check merely envelope rcpt */ addrs = task->rcpt_envelope; break; case 2: /* Here we check merely mime rcpt */ addrs = task->rcpt_mime; break; case 0: default: if (task->rcpt_envelope) { addrs = task->rcpt_envelope; } else { addrs = task->rcpt_mime; } break; } if (addrs) { lua_push_internet_address_list (L, addrs); } else { lua_pushnil (L); } } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static gint lua_task_get_from (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); InternetAddressList *addrs; gint what = 0; if (task) { if (lua_gettop (L) == 2) { /* Get what value */ what = lua_tonumber (L, 2); } switch (what) { case 1: /* Here we check merely envelope rcpt */ addrs = task->from_envelope; break; case 2: /* Here we check merely mime rcpt */ addrs = task->from_mime; break; case 0: default: if (task->from_envelope) { addrs = task->from_envelope; } else { addrs = task->from_mime; } break; } if (addrs) { lua_push_internet_address_list (L, addrs); } else { lua_pushnil (L); } } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static gint lua_task_get_user (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); if (task && task->user != NULL) { lua_pushstring (L, task->user); return 1; } lua_pushnil (L); return 1; } static gint lua_task_set_user (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); const gchar *new_user; if (task) { new_user = luaL_checkstring (L, 2); if (new_user) { task->user = rspamd_mempool_strdup (task->task_pool, new_user); } } return 0; } static gint lua_task_get_from_ip (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); if (task) { rspamd_lua_ip_push (L, task->from_addr); } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static gint lua_task_set_from_ip (lua_State *L) { msg_err ("this function is deprecated and should no longer be used"); return 0; } static gint lua_task_get_from_ip_num (lua_State *L) { msg_err ("this function is deprecated and should no longer be used"); lua_pushnil (L); return 1; } static gint lua_task_get_client_ip (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); if (task) { rspamd_lua_ip_push (L, task->client_addr); } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static gint lua_task_get_helo (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); if (task) { if (task->helo != NULL) { lua_pushstring (L, (gchar *)task->helo); return 1; } } lua_pushnil (L); return 1; } static gint lua_task_set_helo (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); const gchar *new_helo; if (task) { new_helo = luaL_checkstring (L, 2); if (new_helo) { task->helo = rspamd_mempool_strdup (task->task_pool, new_helo); } } return 0; } static gint lua_task_get_hostname (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); if (task) { if (task->hostname != NULL) { /* Check whether it looks like an IP address */ if (*task->hostname == '[') { /* * From the milter documentation: * If the reverse lookup fails or if none of the IP * addresses of the resolved host name matches the * original IP address, hostname will contain the * message sender's IP address enclosed in square * brackets (e.g. `[a.b.c.d]') */ lua_pushstring (L, "unknown"); } else { lua_pushstring (L, task->hostname); } return 1; } } lua_pushnil (L); return 1; } static gint lua_task_set_hostname (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); const gchar *new_hostname; if (task) { new_hostname = luaL_checkstring (L, 2); if (new_hostname) { task->hostname = rspamd_mempool_strdup (task->task_pool, new_hostname); } } return 0; } static gint lua_task_get_images (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); gint i = 1; GList *cur; struct rspamd_image **pimg; if (task) { cur = task->images; if (cur != NULL) { lua_newtable (L); while (cur) { pimg = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (struct rspamd_image *)); rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{image}", -1); *pimg = cur->data; lua_rawseti (L, -2, i++); cur = g_list_next (cur); } return 1; } } lua_pushnil (L); return 1; } static inline gboolean lua_push_symbol_result (lua_State *L, struct rspamd_task *task, struct metric *metric, const gchar *symbol) { struct metric_result *metric_res; struct symbol *s; gint j; GList *opt; metric_res = g_hash_table_lookup (task->results, metric->name); if (metric_res) { if ((s = g_hash_table_lookup (metric_res->symbols, symbol)) != NULL) { j = 0; lua_newtable (L); lua_pushstring (L, "metric"); lua_pushstring (L, metric->name); lua_settable (L, -3); lua_pushstring (L, "score"); lua_pushnumber (L, s->score); lua_settable (L, -3); if (s->def && s->def->gr) { lua_pushstring (L, "group"); lua_pushstring (L, s->def->gr->name); lua_settable (L, -3); } else { lua_pushstring (L, "group"); lua_pushstring (L, "ungrouped"); lua_settable (L, -3); } if (s->options) { opt = s->options; lua_pushstring (L, "options"); lua_newtable (L); while (opt) { lua_pushstring (L, opt->data); lua_rawseti (L, -2, j++); opt = g_list_next (opt); } lua_settable (L, -3); } return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static gint lua_task_get_symbol (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); const gchar *symbol; struct metric *metric; GList *cur = NULL, *metric_list; gboolean found = FALSE; gint i = 1; symbol = luaL_checkstring (L, 2); if (task && symbol) { metric_list = g_hash_table_lookup (task->cfg->metrics_symbols, symbol); if (metric_list) { lua_newtable (L); cur = metric_list; } else { metric = task->cfg->default_metric; } if (!cur && metric) { if ((found = lua_push_symbol_result (L, task, metric, symbol))) { lua_newtable (L); lua_rawseti (L, -2, i++); } } else { while (cur) { metric = cur->data; if (lua_push_symbol_result (L, task, metric, symbol)) { lua_rawseti (L, -2, i++); found = TRUE; } cur = g_list_next (cur); } } } if (!found) { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } enum lua_date_type { DATE_CONNECT = 0, DATE_MESSAGE, DATE_CONNECT_STRING, DATE_MESSAGE_STRING }; static enum lua_date_type lua_task_detect_date_type (lua_State *L, gint idx, gboolean *gmt) { enum lua_date_type type = DATE_CONNECT; if (lua_type (L, idx) == LUA_TNUMBER) { gint num = lua_tonumber (L, idx); if (num >= DATE_CONNECT && num <= DATE_MESSAGE_STRING) { return num; } } else if (lua_type (L, idx) == LUA_TTABLE) { const gchar *str; lua_pushvalue (L, idx); lua_pushstring (L, "format"); lua_gettable (L, -2); str = lua_tostring (L, -1); if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (str, "message") == 0) { type = DATE_MESSAGE; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (str, "connect_str") == 0) { type = DATE_CONNECT_STRING; } else if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (str, "message_str") == 0) { type = DATE_MESSAGE_STRING; } lua_pop (L, 1); lua_pushstring (L, "gmt"); lua_gettable (L, -2); if (lua_type (L, -1) == LUA_TBOOLEAN) { *gmt = lua_toboolean (L, -1); } /* Value and table */ lua_pop (L, 2); } return type; } static gint lua_task_get_date (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); gdouble tim; enum lua_date_type type = DATE_CONNECT; gboolean gmt = TRUE; if (task != NULL) { if (lua_gettop (L) > 1) { type = lua_task_detect_date_type (L, 2, &gmt); } /* Get GMT date and store it to time_t */ if (type == DATE_CONNECT || type == DATE_CONNECT_STRING) { tim = (tv_to_msec (&task->tv)) / 1000.; if (!gmt) { struct tm t; time_t tt; tt = tim; localtime_r (&tt, &t); #if !defined(__sun) t.tm_gmtoff = 0; #endif t.tm_isdst = 0; tim = mktime (&t); } } else { if (task->message) { time_t tt; gint offset; g_mime_message_get_date (task->message, &tt, &offset); if (!gmt) { tt += (offset * 60 * 60) / 100 + (offset * 60 * 60) % 100; } tim = tt; } else { tim = 0.0; } } if (type == DATE_CONNECT || type == DATE_MESSAGE) { lua_pushnumber (L, tim); } else { GTimeVal tv; gchar *out; double_to_tv (tim, &tv); out = g_time_val_to_iso8601 (&tv); lua_pushstring (L, out); g_free (out); } } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static gint lua_task_get_message_id (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); if (task != NULL && task->message_id != NULL) { lua_pushstring (L, task->message_id); } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static gint lua_task_get_timeval (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); if (task != NULL) { lua_newtable (L); lua_pushstring (L, "tv_sec"); lua_pushnumber (L, (lua_Number)task->tv.tv_sec); lua_settable (L, -3); lua_pushstring (L, "tv_usec"); lua_pushnumber (L, (lua_Number)task->tv.tv_usec); lua_settable (L, -3); } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static gint lua_task_get_size (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); if (task != NULL) { lua_pushnumber (L, task->msg.len); } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static gint lua_task_learn (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); gboolean is_spam = FALSE; const gchar *clname; struct rspamd_classifier_config *cl; GError *err = NULL; int ret = 1; is_spam = lua_toboolean(L, 2); if (lua_gettop (L) > 2) { clname = luaL_checkstring (L, 3); } else { clname = "bayes"; } cl = rspamd_config_find_classifier (task->cfg, clname); if (cl == NULL) { msg_warn ("classifier %s is not found", clname); lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); lua_pushstring (L, "classifier not found"); ret = 2; } else { if (!rspamd_learn_task_spam (cl, task, is_spam, &err)) { lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); if (err != NULL) { lua_pushstring (L, err->message); ret = 2; } } else { lua_pushboolean (L, TRUE); } } return ret; } static gint lua_task_set_settings (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); ucl_object_t *settings; settings = ucl_object_lua_import (L, 2); if (settings != NULL) { task->settings = settings; } return 0; } static gint lua_task_cache_get (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); const gchar *k = luaL_checkstring (L, 2); gint res = RSPAMD_TASK_CACHE_NO_VALUE; if (task && k) { res = rspamd_task_re_cache_check (task, k); } lua_pushnumber (L, res); return 1; } static gint lua_task_cache_set (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); const gchar *k = luaL_checkstring (L, 2); gint res = RSPAMD_TASK_CACHE_NO_VALUE, param = RSPAMD_TASK_CACHE_NO_VALUE;; param = lua_tonumber (L, 3); if (task && k && param >= 0) { res = rspamd_task_re_cache_check (task, k); rspamd_task_re_cache_add (task, k, param); } lua_pushnumber (L, res); return 1; } static gint lua_task_get_metric_score (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); const gchar *metric_name; struct metric_result *metric_res; metric_name = luaL_checkstring (L, 2); if (task && metric_name) { if ((metric_res = g_hash_table_lookup (task->results, metric_name)) != NULL) { lua_newtable (L); lua_pushnumber (L, metric_res->score); lua_rawseti (L, -2, 1); lua_pushnumber (L, metric_res->metric->actions[METRIC_ACTION_REJECT].score); lua_rawseti (L, -2, 2); lua_pushnumber (L, metric_res->metric->actions[METRIC_ACTION_REJECT].score); lua_rawseti (L, -2, 3); } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } return 0; } static gint lua_task_get_metric_action (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); const gchar *metric_name; struct metric_result *metric_res; enum rspamd_metric_action action; metric_name = luaL_checkstring (L, 2); if (task && metric_name) { if ((metric_res = g_hash_table_lookup (task->results, metric_name)) != NULL) { action = rspamd_check_action_metric (task, metric_res->score, NULL, metric_res->metric); lua_pushstring (L, rspamd_action_to_str (action)); } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } return 0; } /* Image functions */ static gint lua_image_get_width (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_image *img = lua_check_image (L); if (img != NULL) { lua_pushnumber (L, img->width); } else { lua_pushnumber (L, 0); } return 1; } static gint lua_image_get_height (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_image *img = lua_check_image (L); if (img != NULL) { lua_pushnumber (L, img->height); } else { lua_pushnumber (L, 0); } return 1; } static gint lua_image_get_type (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_image *img = lua_check_image (L); if (img != NULL) { lua_pushstring (L, rspamd_image_type_str (img->type)); } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static gint lua_image_get_size (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_image *img = lua_check_image (L); if (img != NULL) { lua_pushinteger (L, img->data->len); } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static gint lua_image_get_filename (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_image *img = lua_check_image (L); if (img != NULL && img->filename != NULL) { lua_pushstring (L, img->filename); } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } /* Text methods */ static gint lua_text_len (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_lua_text *t = lua_check_text (L, 1); gsize l = 0; if (t != NULL) { l = t->len; } lua_pushnumber (L, l); return 1; } static gint lua_text_str (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_lua_text *t = lua_check_text (L, 1); if (t != NULL) { lua_pushlstring (L, t->start, t->len); } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static gint lua_text_ptr (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_lua_text *t = lua_check_text (L, 1); if (t != NULL) { lua_pushlightuserdata (L, (gpointer)t->start); } else { lua_pushnil (L); } return 1; } static gint lua_text_gc (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_lua_text *t = lua_check_text (L, 1); if (t != NULL && t->own) { g_free ((gpointer)t->start); } return 0; } /* Init part */ static gint lua_load_task (lua_State * L) { lua_newtable (L); luaL_register (L, NULL, tasklib_f); return 1; } void luaopen_task (lua_State * L) { rspamd_lua_new_class (L, "rspamd{task}", tasklib_m); lua_pop (L, 1); /* remove metatable from stack */ rspamd_lua_add_preload (L, "rspamd_task", lua_load_task); } void luaopen_image (lua_State * L) { rspamd_lua_new_class (L, "rspamd{image}", imagelib_m); lua_pop (L, 1); /* remove metatable from stack */ } void luaopen_text (lua_State *L) { rspamd_lua_new_class (L, "rspamd{text}", textlib_m); lua_pop (L, 1); } void rspamd_lua_task_push (lua_State *L, struct rspamd_task *task) { struct rspamd_task **ptask; ptask = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (gpointer)); rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{task}", -1); *ptask = task; }