/*- * Copyright 2016 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "lua_common.h" #include "dns.h" #include "utlist.h" #include "ref.h" #include "unix-std.h" static void lua_tcp_handler (int fd, short what, gpointer ud); /*** * @module rspamd_tcp * Rspamd TCP module represents generic TCP asynchronous client available from LUA code. * This module hides all complexity: DNS resolving, sessions management, zero-copy * text transfers and so on under the hood. It can work in partial or complete modes: * * - partial mode is used when you need to call a continuation routine each time data is available for read * - complete mode calls for continuation merely when all data is read from socket (e.g. when a server sends reply and closes a connection) * @example local logger = require "rspamd_logger" local tcp = require "rspamd_tcp" rspamd_config.SYM = function(task) local function cb(err, data) logger.infox('err: %1, data: %2', err, tostring(data)) end tcp.request({ task = task, host = "google.com", port = 80, data = {"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n", "Host: google.com\r\n", "\r\n"}, callback = cb}) end */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (tcp, request); /*** * @method tcp:close() * * Closes TCP connection */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (tcp, close); /*** * @method tcp:set_timeout(seconds) * * Sets new timeout for a TCP connection in **seconds** * @param {number} seconds floating point value that specifies new timeout */ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (tcp, set_timeout); static const struct luaL_reg tcp_libf[] = { LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (tcp, request), {"new", lua_tcp_request}, {"connect", lua_tcp_request}, {NULL, NULL} }; static const struct luaL_reg tcp_libm[] = { LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (tcp, close), LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (tcp, set_timeout), {"__tostring", rspamd_lua_class_tostring}, {NULL, NULL} }; struct lua_tcp_cbdata { lua_State *L; struct rspamd_async_session *session; struct event_base *ev_base; struct timeval tv; rspamd_inet_addr_t *addr; rspamd_mempool_t *pool; struct iovec *iov; GByteArray *in; gchar *stop_pattern; struct rspamd_async_watcher *w; struct event ev; ref_entry_t ref; gint fd; gint cbref; gint connect_cb; guint iovlen; guint pos; guint total; guint16 port; gboolean partial; gboolean do_shutdown; gboolean connected; }; static const int default_tcp_timeout = 5000; static struct rspamd_dns_resolver * lua_tcp_global_resolver (struct event_base *ev_base) { static struct rspamd_dns_resolver *global_resolver; if (global_resolver == NULL) { global_resolver = dns_resolver_init (NULL, ev_base, NULL); } return global_resolver; } static void lua_tcp_fin (gpointer arg) { struct lua_tcp_cbdata *cbd = (struct lua_tcp_cbdata *)arg; luaL_unref (cbd->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbd->cbref); if (cbd->fd != -1) { event_del (&cbd->ev); close (cbd->fd); } if (cbd->addr) { rspamd_inet_address_destroy (cbd->addr); } g_slice_free1 (sizeof (struct lua_tcp_cbdata), cbd); } static struct lua_tcp_cbdata * lua_check_tcp (lua_State *L, gint pos) { void *ud = rspamd_lua_check_udata (L, pos, "rspamd{tcp}"); luaL_argcheck (L, ud != NULL, pos, "'tcp' expected"); return ud ? *((struct lua_tcp_cbdata **)ud) : NULL; } static void lua_tcp_maybe_free (struct lua_tcp_cbdata *cbd) { if (cbd->session) { rspamd_session_watcher_pop (cbd->session, cbd->w); rspamd_session_remove_event (cbd->session, lua_tcp_fin, cbd); } else { lua_tcp_fin (cbd); } } static void lua_tcp_push_error (struct lua_tcp_cbdata *cbd, const char *err, ...) { va_list ap; struct lua_tcp_cbdata **pcbd; lua_rawgeti (cbd->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbd->cbref); /* Error message */ va_start (ap, err); lua_pushvfstring (cbd->L, err, ap); va_end (ap); /* Body */ lua_pushnil (cbd->L); /* Connection */ pcbd = lua_newuserdata (cbd->L, sizeof (*pcbd)); *pcbd = cbd; rspamd_lua_setclass (cbd->L, "rspamd{tcp}", -1); REF_RETAIN (cbd); if (lua_pcall (cbd->L, 3, 0, 0) != 0) { msg_info ("callback call failed: %s", lua_tostring (cbd->L, -1)); lua_pop (cbd->L, 1); } REF_RELEASE (cbd); } static void lua_tcp_push_data (struct lua_tcp_cbdata *cbd, const guint8 *str, gsize len) { struct rspamd_lua_text *t; struct lua_tcp_cbdata **pcbd; lua_rawgeti (cbd->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbd->cbref); /* Error */ lua_pushnil (cbd->L); /* Body */ t = lua_newuserdata (cbd->L, sizeof (*t)); rspamd_lua_setclass (cbd->L, "rspamd{text}", -1); t->start = (const gchar *)str; t->len = len; t->flags = 0; /* Connection */ pcbd = lua_newuserdata (cbd->L, sizeof (*pcbd)); *pcbd = cbd; rspamd_lua_setclass (cbd->L, "rspamd{tcp}", -1); REF_RETAIN (cbd); if (lua_pcall (cbd->L, 3, 0, 0) != 0) { msg_info ("callback call failed: %s", lua_tostring (cbd->L, -1)); lua_pop (cbd->L, 1); } REF_RELEASE (cbd); } static void lua_tcp_write_helper (struct lua_tcp_cbdata *cbd) { struct iovec *start; guint niov, i; gint flags = 0; gsize remain; gssize r; struct iovec *cur_iov; struct msghdr msg; if (cbd->pos == cbd->total) { goto call_finish_handler; } start = &cbd->iov[0]; niov = cbd->iovlen; remain = cbd->pos; /* We know that niov is small enough for that */ cur_iov = alloca (niov * sizeof (struct iovec)); memcpy (cur_iov, cbd->iov, niov * sizeof (struct iovec)); for (i = 0; i < cbd->iovlen && remain > 0; i++) { /* Find out the first iov required */ start = &cur_iov[i]; if (start->iov_len <= remain) { remain -= start->iov_len; start = &cur_iov[i + 1]; niov--; } else { start->iov_base = (void *)((char *)start->iov_base + remain); start->iov_len -= remain; remain = 0; } } memset (&msg, 0, sizeof (msg)); msg.msg_iov = start; msg.msg_iovlen = MIN (IOV_MAX, niov); g_assert (niov > 0); #ifdef MSG_NOSIGNAL flags = MSG_NOSIGNAL; #endif r = sendmsg (cbd->fd, &msg, flags); if (r == -1) { lua_tcp_push_error (cbd, "IO write error while trying to write %d " "bytes: %s", (gint)remain, strerror (errno)); REF_RELEASE (cbd); return; } else { cbd->pos += r; } if (cbd->pos >= cbd->total) { goto call_finish_handler; } else { /* Want to write more */ event_add (&cbd->ev, &cbd->tv); } return; call_finish_handler: if (cbd->do_shutdown) { /* Half close the connection */ shutdown (cbd->fd, SHUT_WR); } event_del (&cbd->ev); #ifdef EV_CLOSED event_set (&cbd->ev, cbd->fd, EV_READ|EV_PERSIST|EV_CLOSED, lua_tcp_handler, cbd); #else event_set (&cbd->ev, cbd->fd, EV_READ|EV_PERSIST, lua_tcp_handler, cbd); #endif event_base_set (cbd->ev_base, &cbd->ev); event_add (&cbd->ev, &cbd->tv); } static void lua_tcp_handler (int fd, short what, gpointer ud) { struct lua_tcp_cbdata *cbd = ud; gchar inbuf[8192]; gssize r; guint slen; REF_RETAIN (cbd); if (what == EV_READ) { g_assert (cbd->partial || cbd->in != NULL); r = read (cbd->fd, inbuf, sizeof (inbuf)); if (r <= 0) { /* * We actually can have connection reset here, so we just check if * the cumulative buffer is not empty */ if (cbd->partial) { if (r < 0) { lua_tcp_push_error (cbd, "IO read error while trying to read %d " "bytes: %s", (gint)sizeof (inbuf), strerror (errno)); } } else { if (cbd->in->len > 0) { lua_tcp_push_data (cbd, cbd->in->data, cbd->in->len); } else { lua_tcp_push_error (cbd, "IO read error while trying to write %d " "bytes: %s", (gint)sizeof (inbuf), strerror (errno)); } } REF_RELEASE (cbd); } else { if (cbd->partial) { lua_tcp_push_data (cbd, inbuf, r); } else { g_byte_array_append (cbd->in, inbuf, r); if (cbd->stop_pattern) { slen = strlen (cbd->stop_pattern); if (cbd->in->len >= slen) { if (memcmp (cbd->stop_pattern, cbd->in->data + (cbd->in->len - slen), slen) == 0) { lua_tcp_push_data (cbd, cbd->in->data, cbd->in->len); REF_RELEASE (cbd); } } } } } } else if (what == EV_WRITE) { if (!cbd->connected) { cbd->connected = TRUE; if (cbd->connect_cb != -1) { struct lua_tcp_cbdata **pcbd; lua_rawgeti (cbd->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbd->connect_cb); pcbd = lua_newuserdata (cbd->L, sizeof (*pcbd)); *pcbd = cbd; REF_RETAIN (cbd); rspamd_lua_setclass (cbd->L, "rspamd{tcp}", -1); if (lua_pcall (cbd->L, 1, 0, 0) != 0) { msg_info ("callback call failed: %s", lua_tostring (cbd->L, -1)); lua_pop (cbd->L, 1); } REF_RELEASE (cbd); } } lua_tcp_write_helper (cbd); } #ifdef EV_CLOSED else if (what == EV_CLOSED) { lua_tcp_push_error (cbd, "Remote peer has closed the connection"); REF_RELEASE (cbd); } #endif else { lua_tcp_push_error (cbd, "IO timeout"); REF_RELEASE (cbd); } REF_RELEASE (cbd); } static gboolean lua_tcp_make_connection (struct lua_tcp_cbdata *cbd) { int fd; rspamd_inet_address_set_port (cbd->addr, cbd->port); fd = rspamd_inet_address_connect (cbd->addr, SOCK_STREAM, TRUE); if (fd == -1) { msg_info ("cannot connect to %s", rspamd_inet_address_to_string (cbd->addr)); return FALSE; } cbd->fd = fd; event_set (&cbd->ev, cbd->fd, EV_WRITE, lua_tcp_handler, cbd); event_base_set (cbd->ev_base, &cbd->ev); event_add (&cbd->ev, &cbd->tv); return TRUE; } static void lua_tcp_dns_handler (struct rdns_reply *reply, gpointer ud) { struct lua_tcp_cbdata *cbd = (struct lua_tcp_cbdata *)ud; const struct rdns_request_name *rn; if (reply->code != RDNS_RC_NOERROR) { rn = rdns_request_get_name (reply->request, NULL); lua_tcp_push_error (cbd, "unable to resolve host: %s", rn->name); REF_RETAIN (cbd); } else { if (reply->entries->type == RDNS_REQUEST_A) { cbd->addr = rspamd_inet_address_new (AF_INET, &reply->entries->content.a.addr); } else if (reply->entries->type == RDNS_REQUEST_AAAA) { cbd->addr = rspamd_inet_address_new (AF_INET6, &reply->entries->content.aaa.addr); } rspamd_inet_address_set_port (cbd->addr, cbd->port); if (!lua_tcp_make_connection (cbd)) { lua_tcp_push_error (cbd, "unable to make connection to the host %s", rspamd_inet_address_to_string (cbd->addr)); REF_RETAIN (cbd); } } } static gboolean lua_tcp_arg_toiovec (lua_State *L, gint pos, rspamd_mempool_t *pool, struct iovec *vec) { struct rspamd_lua_text *t; gsize len; const gchar *str; if (lua_type (L, pos) == LUA_TUSERDATA) { t = lua_check_text (L, pos); if (t) { vec->iov_base = (void *)t->start; vec->iov_len = t->len; if (t->flags & RSPAMD_TEXT_FLAG_OWN) { /* Steal ownership */ t->flags = 0; rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (pool, g_free, (void *)t->start); } } else { msg_err ("bad userdata argument at position %d", pos); return FALSE; } } else if (lua_type (L, pos) == LUA_TSTRING) { str = luaL_checklstring (L, pos, &len); vec->iov_base = rspamd_mempool_alloc (pool, len); memcpy (vec->iov_base, str, len); vec->iov_len = len; } else { msg_err ("bad argument at position %d", pos); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /*** * @function rspamd_tcp.request({params}) * This function creates and sends TCP request to the specified host and port, * resolves hostname (if needed) and invokes continuation callback upon data received * from the remote peer. This function accepts table of arguments with the following * attributes * * - `task`: rspamd task objects (implies `pool`, `session`, `ev_base` and `resolver` arguments) * - `ev_base`: event base (if no task specified) * - `resolver`: DNS resolver (no task) * - `session`: events session (no task) * - `pool`: memory pool (no task) * - `host`: IP or name of the peer (required) * - `port`: remote port to use * - `data`: a table of strings or `rspamd_text` objects that contains data pieces * - `callback`: continuation function (required) * - `on_connect`: callback called on connection success * - `timeout`: floating point value that specifies timeout for IO operations in **seconds** * - `partial`: boolean flag that specifies that callback should be called on any data portion received * - `stop_pattern`: stop reading on finding a certain pattern (e.g. \r\n.\r\n for smtp) * @return {boolean} true if request has been sent */ static gint lua_tcp_request (lua_State *L) { const gchar *host; gchar *stop_pattern = NULL; guint port; gint cbref, tp, conn_cbref = -1; struct event_base *ev_base; struct lua_tcp_cbdata *cbd; struct rspamd_dns_resolver *resolver; struct rspamd_async_session *session; struct rspamd_task *task = NULL; rspamd_mempool_t *pool; struct iovec *iov = NULL; guint niov = 0, total_out; gdouble timeout = default_tcp_timeout; gboolean partial = FALSE, do_shutdown = FALSE; if (lua_type (L, 1) == LUA_TTABLE) { lua_pushstring (L, "host"); lua_gettable (L, -2); host = luaL_checkstring (L, -1); lua_pop (L, 1); lua_pushstring (L, "port"); lua_gettable (L, -2); if (lua_type (L, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER) { port = luaL_checknumber (L, -1); } else { /* We assume that it is a unix socket */ port = 0; } lua_pop (L, 1); lua_pushstring (L, "callback"); lua_gettable (L, -2); if (host == NULL || lua_type (L, -1) != LUA_TFUNCTION) { lua_pop (L, 1); msg_err ("tcp request has bad params"); lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); return 1; } cbref = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); lua_pushstring (L, "task"); lua_gettable (L, -2); if (lua_type (L, -1) == LUA_TUSERDATA) { task = lua_check_task (L, -1); ev_base = task->ev_base; resolver = task->resolver; session = task->s; pool = task->task_pool; } lua_pop (L, 1); if (task == NULL) { lua_pushstring (L, "ev_base"); lua_gettable (L, -2); if (rspamd_lua_check_udata (L, -1, "rspamd{ev_base}")) { ev_base = *(struct event_base **)lua_touserdata (L, -1); } else { ev_base = NULL; } lua_pop (L, 1); lua_pushstring (L, "pool"); lua_gettable (L, -2); if (rspamd_lua_check_udata (L, -1, "rspamd{mempool}")) { pool = *(rspamd_mempool_t **)lua_touserdata (L, -1); } else { pool = NULL; } lua_pop (L, 1); lua_pushstring (L, "resolver"); lua_gettable (L, -2); if (rspamd_lua_check_udata (L, -1, "rspamd{resolver}")) { resolver = *(struct rspamd_dns_resolver **)lua_touserdata (L, -1); } else { resolver = lua_tcp_global_resolver (ev_base); } lua_pop (L, 1); lua_pushstring (L, "session"); lua_gettable (L, -2); if (rspamd_lua_check_udata (L, -1, "rspamd{session}")) { session = *(struct rspamd_async_session **)lua_touserdata (L, -1); } else { session = NULL; } lua_pop (L, 1); } if (pool == NULL) { return luaL_error (L, "tcp request has no memory pool associated"); } lua_pushstring (L, "timeout"); lua_gettable (L, -2); if (lua_type (L, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER) { timeout = lua_tonumber (L, -1) * 1000.; } lua_pop (L, 1); lua_pushstring (L, "stop_pattern"); lua_gettable (L, -2); if (lua_type (L, -1) == LUA_TSTRING) { stop_pattern = rspamd_mempool_strdup (pool, lua_tostring (L, -1)); } lua_pop (L, 1); lua_pushstring (L, "partial"); lua_gettable (L, -2); if (lua_type (L, -1) == LUA_TBOOLEAN) { partial = lua_toboolean (L, -1); } lua_pop (L, 1); lua_pushstring (L, "shutdown"); lua_gettable (L, -2); if (lua_type (L, -1) == LUA_TBOOLEAN) { do_shutdown = lua_toboolean (L, -1); } lua_pop (L, 1); lua_pushstring (L, "on_connect"); lua_gettable (L, -2); if (lua_type (L, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION) { conn_cbref = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); } else { lua_pop (L, 1); } lua_pushstring (L, "data"); lua_gettable (L, -2); total_out = 0; tp = lua_type (L, -1); if (tp == LUA_TSTRING || tp == LUA_TUSERDATA) { iov = rspamd_mempool_alloc (pool, sizeof (*iov)); niov = 1; if (!lua_tcp_arg_toiovec (L, -1, pool, iov)) { lua_pop (L, 1); msg_err ("tcp request has bad data argument"); lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); return 1; } total_out = iov[0].iov_len; } else if (tp == LUA_TTABLE) { /* Count parts */ lua_pushnil (L); while (lua_next (L, -2) != 0) { niov ++; lua_pop (L, 1); } iov = rspamd_mempool_alloc (pool, sizeof (*iov) * niov); lua_pushnil (L); niov = 0; while (lua_next (L, -2) != 0) { if (!lua_tcp_arg_toiovec (L, -1, pool, &iov[niov])) { lua_pop (L, 2); msg_err ("tcp request has bad data argument at pos %d", niov); lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); return 1; } total_out += iov[niov].iov_len; niov ++; lua_pop (L, 1); } } lua_pop (L, 1); } else { msg_err ("tcp request has bad params"); lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); return 1; } cbd = g_slice_alloc0 (sizeof (*cbd)); cbd->L = L; cbd->cbref = cbref; cbd->ev_base = ev_base; msec_to_tv (timeout, &cbd->tv); cbd->fd = -1; cbd->pool = pool; cbd->partial = partial; cbd->do_shutdown = do_shutdown; cbd->iov = iov; cbd->iovlen = niov; cbd->total = total_out; cbd->pos = 0; cbd->port = port; cbd->stop_pattern = stop_pattern; cbd->connect_cb = conn_cbref; cbd->in = g_byte_array_new (); rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (cbd->pool, (rspamd_mempool_destruct_t)g_byte_array_unref, cbd->in); REF_INIT_RETAIN (cbd, lua_tcp_maybe_free); if (session) { cbd->session = session; rspamd_session_add_event (session, (event_finalizer_t)lua_tcp_fin, cbd, g_quark_from_static_string ("lua tcp")); cbd->w = rspamd_session_get_watcher (session); rspamd_session_watcher_push (session); } if (rspamd_parse_inet_address (&cbd->addr, host, 0)) { rspamd_inet_address_set_port (cbd->addr, port); /* Host is numeric IP, no need to resolve */ if (!lua_tcp_make_connection (cbd)) { REF_RELEASE (cbd); lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); return 1; } } else { if (task == NULL) { if (!make_dns_request (resolver, session, NULL, lua_tcp_dns_handler, cbd, RDNS_REQUEST_A, host)) { lua_tcp_push_error (cbd, "cannot resolve host: %s", host); REF_RETAIN (cbd); } } else { if (!make_dns_request_task (task, lua_tcp_dns_handler, cbd, RDNS_REQUEST_A, host)) { lua_tcp_push_error (cbd, "cannot resolve host: %s", host); REF_RELEASE (cbd); } } } lua_pushboolean (L, TRUE); return 1; } static gint lua_tcp_close (lua_State *L) { struct lua_tcp_cbdata *cbd = lua_check_tcp (L, 1); if (cbd == NULL) { return luaL_error (L, "invalid arguments"); } REF_RELEASE (cbd); return 0; } static gint lua_tcp_set_timeout (lua_State *L) { struct lua_tcp_cbdata *cbd = lua_check_tcp (L, 1); gdouble ms = lua_tonumber (L, 2); if (cbd == NULL) { return luaL_error (L, "invalid arguments"); } ms *= 1000.0; double_to_tv (ms, &cbd->tv); return 0; } static gint lua_load_tcp (lua_State * L) { lua_newtable (L); luaL_register (L, NULL, tcp_libf); return 1; } void luaopen_tcp (lua_State * L) { rspamd_lua_add_preload (L, "rspamd_tcp", lua_load_tcp); rspamd_lua_new_class (L, "rspamd{tcp}", tcp_libm); lua_pop (L, 1); }