 * @file main.h
 * Definitions for main rspamd structures


#include "config.h"
#include "libutil/fstring.h"
#include "libutil/mem_pool.h"
#include "libutil/util.h"
#include "libutil/logger.h"
#include "libutil/http.h"
#include "libutil/upstream.h"
#include "libserver/url.h"
#include "libserver/protocol.h"
#include "libserver/buffer.h"
#include "libserver/events.h"
#include "libserver/roll_history.h"
#include "libserver/task.h"
#include "libserver/worker_util.h"
#include "libmime/filter.h"

/* Default values */
/* Time in seconds to exit for old worker */
/* Default metric name */
#define DEFAULT_METRIC "default"

/* Spam subject */
#define SPAM_SUBJECT "*** SPAM *** "

#ifdef CRLF
#undef CRLF
#undef CR
#undef LF

#define CRLF "\r\n"
#define CR '\r'
#define LF '\n'

 * Worker process structure
struct rspamd_worker {
	pid_t pid;                                                  /**< pid of worker									*/
	gboolean is_initialized;                                    /**< is initialized									*/
	gboolean is_dying;                                          /**< if worker is going to shutdown					*/
	gboolean pending;                                           /**< if worker is pending to run					*/
	struct rspamd_main *srv;                                    /**< pointer to server structure					*/
	GQuark type;                                                /**< process type									*/
	GHashTable *signal_events;									/**< signal events									*/
	GList *accept_events;                                       /**< socket events									*/
	struct rspamd_worker_conf *cf;                                      /**< worker config data								*/
	gpointer ctx;                                               /**< worker's specific data							*/

struct rspamd_worker_signal_handler {
	gint signo;
	gboolean enabled;
	struct event ev;
	struct event_base *base;
	struct rspamd_worker *worker;
	void (*post_handler)(void *ud);
	void *handler_data;

struct rspamd_controller_pbkdf {
	gint id;
	guint rounds;
	gsize salt_len;
	gsize key_len;

 * Module

struct pidfh;
struct rspamd_config;
struct tokenizer;
struct rspamd_stat_classifier;
struct rspamd_classifier_config;
struct mime_part;
struct rspamd_dns_resolver;
struct rspamd_task;

 * The epoch of the fuzzy client
enum rspamd_fuzzy_epoch {
	RSPAMD_FUZZY_EPOCH6 = 0, /**< pre 0.6.x */
	RSPAMD_FUZZY_EPOCH8,     /**< 0.8 till 0.9 */
	RSPAMD_FUZZY_EPOCH9,     /**< 0.9 + */

 * Server statistics
struct rspamd_stat {
	guint messages_scanned;                             /**< total number of messages scanned				*/
	guint actions_stat[METRIC_ACTION_NOACTION + 1];     /**< statistic for each action						*/
	guint connections_count;                            /**< total connections count						*/
	guint control_connections_count;                    /**< connections count to control interface			*/
	guint messages_learned;                             /**< messages learned								*/
	guint fuzzy_hashes;                                 /**< number of fuzzy hashes stored					*/
	guint fuzzy_hashes_expired;                         /**< number of fuzzy hashes expired					*/
	guint64 fuzzy_hashes_checked[RSPAMD_FUZZY_EPOCH_MAX]; /**< ammount of check requests for each epoch		*/
	guint64 fuzzy_hashes_found[RSPAMD_FUZZY_EPOCH_MAX]; /**< amount of hashes found by epoch				*/

 * Struct that determine main server object (for logging purposes)
struct rspamd_main {
	struct rspamd_config *cfg;                                  /**< pointer to config structure					*/
	pid_t pid;                                                  /**< main pid										*/
	/* Pid file structure */
	rspamd_pidfh_t *pfh;                                        /**< struct pidfh for pidfile						*/
	GQuark type;                                                /**< process type									*/
	guint ev_initialized;                                       /**< is event system is initialized					*/
	struct rspamd_stat *stat;                                   /**< pointer to statistics							*/

	rspamd_mempool_t *server_pool;                                  /**< server's memory pool							*/
	GHashTable *workers;                                        /**< workers pool indexed by pid                    */
	rspamd_logger_t *logger;
	uid_t workers_uid;                                          /**< worker's uid running to                        */
	gid_t workers_gid;                                          /**< worker's gid running to						*/
	gboolean is_privilleged;                                    /**< true if run in privilleged mode                */
	struct roll_history *history;                               /**< rolling history								*/

 * Structure to point exception in text from processing
struct process_exception {
	gsize pos;
	gsize len;

 * Control session object
struct controller_command;
struct controller_session;
typedef gboolean (*controller_func_t)(gchar **args,
	struct controller_session *session);

struct controller_session {
	struct rspamd_worker *worker;                               /**< pointer to worker structure (controller in fact) */
	enum {
	} state;                                                    /**< current session state							*/
	gint sock;                                                  /**< socket descriptor								*/
	/* Access to authorized commands */
	gboolean authorized;                                        /**< whether this session is authorized				*/
	gboolean restful;                                           /**< whether this session is a restful session		*/
	GHashTable *kwargs;                                         /**< keyword arguments for restful command			*/
	struct controller_command *cmd;                             /**< real command									*/
	rspamd_mempool_t *session_pool;                             /**< memory pool for session                        */
	struct rspamd_config *cfg;                                  /**< pointer to config file							*/
	gchar *learn_rcpt;                                          /**< recipient for learning							*/
	gchar *learn_from;                                          /**< from address for learning						*/
	struct rspamd_classifier_config *learn_classifier;
	gchar *learn_symbol;                                            /**< symbol to train								*/
	double learn_multiplier;                                    /**< multiplier for learning						*/
	rspamd_io_dispatcher_t *dispatcher;                         /**< IO dispatcher object							*/
	rspamd_fstring_t *learn_buf;                                         /**< learn input									*/
	GList *parts;                                               /**< extracted mime parts							*/
	gint in_class;                                              /**< positive or negative learn						*/
	gboolean (*other_handler)(struct controller_session *session,
		rspamd_fstring_t *in);                       /**< other command handler to execute at the end of processing */
	void *other_data;                                           /**< and its data                                   */
	controller_func_t custom_handler;                           /**< custom command handler							*/
	struct rspamd_async_session * s;                             /**< async session object							*/
	struct rspamd_task *learn_task;
	struct rspamd_dns_resolver *resolver;                       /**< DNS resolver									*/
	struct event_base *ev_base;                                 /**< Event base										*/

 * Common structure representing C module context
struct module_ctx {
	gint (*filter)(struct rspamd_task *task);                   /**< pointer to headers process function			*/
	module_t *mod;												/**< module pointer									*/
	gboolean enabled;											/**< true if module is enabled in configuration		*/

 * Register custom controller function
void register_custom_controller_command (const gchar *name,
	controller_func_t handler,
	gboolean privilleged,
	gboolean require_message);

 * If set, reopen log file on next write
extern struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main;


 * vi:ts=4