/*- * Copyright 2016 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /***MODULE:dkim * rspamd module that checks dkim records of incoming email * * Allowed options: * - symbol_allow (string): symbol to insert in case of allow (default: 'R_DKIM_ALLOW') * - symbol_reject (string): symbol to insert (default: 'R_DKIM_REJECT') * - symbol_tempfail (string): symbol to insert in case of temporary fail (default: 'R_DKIM_TEMPFAIL') * - symbol_permfail (string): symbol to insert in case of permanent failure (default: 'R_DKIM_PERMFAIL') * - symbol_na (string): symbol to insert in case of no signing (default: 'R_DKIM_NA') * - whitelist (map): map of whitelisted networks * - domains (map): map of domains to check * - strict_multiplier (number): multiplier for strict domains * - time_jitter (number): jitter in seconds to allow time diff while checking * - trusted_only (flag): check signatures only for domains in 'domains' map */ #include "config.h" #include "libmime/message.h" #include "libserver/dkim.h" #include "libutil/hash.h" #include "libutil/map.h" #include "libutil/map_helpers.h" #include "rspamd.h" #include "utlist.h" #include "lua/lua_common.h" #include "libserver/mempool_vars_internal.h" #define DEFAULT_SYMBOL_REJECT "R_DKIM_REJECT" #define DEFAULT_SYMBOL_TEMPFAIL "R_DKIM_TEMPFAIL" #define DEFAULT_SYMBOL_ALLOW "R_DKIM_ALLOW" #define DEFAULT_SYMBOL_NA "R_DKIM_NA" #define DEFAULT_SYMBOL_PERMFAIL "R_DKIM_PERMFAIL" #define DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE 2048 #define DEFAULT_TIME_JITTER 60 #define DEFAULT_MAX_SIGS 5 static const gchar default_sign_headers[] = "" "(o)from:(o)sender:(o)reply-to:(o)subject:(o)date:(o)message-id:" "(o)to:(o)cc:(o)mime-version:(o)content-type:(o)content-transfer-encoding:" "resent-to:resent-cc:resent-from:resent-sender:resent-message-id:" "(o)in-reply-to:(o)references:list-id:list-owner:list-unsubscribe:" "list-subscribe:list-post"; struct dkim_ctx { struct module_ctx ctx; const gchar *symbol_reject; const gchar *symbol_tempfail; const gchar *symbol_allow; const gchar *symbol_na; const gchar *symbol_permfail; struct rspamd_radix_map_helper *whitelist_ip; struct rspamd_hash_map_helper *dkim_domains; guint strict_multiplier; guint time_jitter; rspamd_lru_hash_t *dkim_hash; rspamd_lru_hash_t *dkim_sign_hash; const gchar *sign_headers; gint sign_condition_ref; guint max_sigs; gboolean trusted_only; gboolean check_local; gboolean check_authed; }; struct dkim_check_result { rspamd_dkim_context_t *ctx; rspamd_dkim_key_t *key; struct rspamd_task *task; gint res; gdouble mult_allow; gdouble mult_deny; struct rspamd_async_watcher *w; struct dkim_check_result *next, *prev, *first; }; static void dkim_symbol_callback (struct rspamd_task *task, void *unused); static void dkim_sign_callback (struct rspamd_task *task, void *unused); static gint lua_dkim_sign_handler (lua_State *L); static gint lua_dkim_verify_handler (lua_State *L); static gint lua_dkim_canonicalize_handler (lua_State *L); /* Initialization */ gint dkim_module_init (struct rspamd_config *cfg, struct module_ctx **ctx); gint dkim_module_config (struct rspamd_config *cfg); gint dkim_module_reconfig (struct rspamd_config *cfg); module_t dkim_module = { "dkim", dkim_module_init, dkim_module_config, dkim_module_reconfig, NULL, RSPAMD_MODULE_VER, (guint)-1, }; static inline struct dkim_ctx * dkim_get_context (struct rspamd_config *cfg) { return (struct dkim_ctx *)g_ptr_array_index (cfg->c_modules, dkim_module.ctx_offset); } static void dkim_module_key_dtor (gpointer k) { rspamd_dkim_key_t *key = k; rspamd_dkim_key_unref (key); } gint dkim_module_init (struct rspamd_config *cfg, struct module_ctx **ctx) { struct dkim_ctx *dkim_module_ctx; dkim_module_ctx = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (cfg->cfg_pool, sizeof (*dkim_module_ctx)); dkim_module_ctx->sign_headers = default_sign_headers; dkim_module_ctx->sign_condition_ref = -1; dkim_module_ctx->max_sigs = DEFAULT_MAX_SIGS; *ctx = (struct module_ctx *)dkim_module_ctx; rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, NULL, "DKIM check plugin", "dkim", UCL_OBJECT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "dkim", "Map of IP addresses that should be excluded from DKIM checks", "whitelist", UCL_STRING, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "dkim", "Symbol that is added if DKIM check is successful", "symbol_allow", UCL_STRING, NULL, 0, DEFAULT_SYMBOL_ALLOW, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "dkim", "Symbol that is added if DKIM check is unsuccessful", "symbol_reject", UCL_STRING, NULL, 0, DEFAULT_SYMBOL_REJECT, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "dkim", "Symbol that is added if DKIM check can't be completed (e.g. DNS failure)", "symbol_tempfail", UCL_STRING, NULL, 0, DEFAULT_SYMBOL_TEMPFAIL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "dkim", "Symbol that is added if mail is not signed", "symbol_na", UCL_STRING, NULL, 0, DEFAULT_SYMBOL_NA, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "dkim", "Symbol that is added if permanent failure encountered", "symbol_permfail", UCL_STRING, NULL, 0, DEFAULT_SYMBOL_PERMFAIL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "dkim", "Size of DKIM keys cache", "dkim_cache_size", UCL_INT, NULL, 0, G_STRINGIFY (DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE), 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "dkim", "Allow this time difference when checking DKIM signature time validity", "time_jitter", UCL_TIME, NULL, 0, G_STRINGIFY (DEFAULT_TIME_JITTER), 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "dkim", "Domains to check DKIM for (check all domains if this option is empty)", "domains", UCL_STRING, NULL, 0, "empty", 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "dkim", "Map of domains that are treated as 'trusted' meaning that DKIM policy failure has more significant score", "trusted_domains", UCL_STRING, NULL, 0, "empty", 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "dkim", "Multiply dkim score by this factor for trusted domains", "strict_multiplier", UCL_FLOAT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "dkim", "Check DKIM policies merely for `trusted_domains`", "trusted_only", UCL_BOOLEAN, NULL, 0, "false", 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "dkim", "Lua script that tells if a message should be signed and with what params", "sign_condition", UCL_STRING, NULL, 0, "empty", 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "dkim", "Obsoleted: maximum number of DKIM signatures to check", "max_sigs", UCL_INT, NULL, 0, "n/a", 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "dkim", "Headers used in signing", "sign_headers", UCL_STRING, NULL, 0, default_sign_headers, 0); return 0; } gint dkim_module_config (struct rspamd_config *cfg) { const ucl_object_t *value; gint res = TRUE, cb_id = -1; guint cache_size, sign_cache_size; gboolean got_trusted = FALSE; struct dkim_ctx *dkim_module_ctx = dkim_get_context (cfg); /* Register global methods */ lua_getglobal (cfg->lua_state, "rspamd_plugins"); if (lua_type (cfg->lua_state, -1) == LUA_TTABLE) { lua_pushstring (cfg->lua_state, "dkim"); lua_createtable (cfg->lua_state, 0, 1); /* Set methods */ lua_pushstring (cfg->lua_state, "sign"); lua_pushcfunction (cfg->lua_state, lua_dkim_sign_handler); lua_settable (cfg->lua_state, -3); lua_pushstring (cfg->lua_state, "verify"); lua_pushcfunction (cfg->lua_state, lua_dkim_verify_handler); lua_settable (cfg->lua_state, -3); lua_pushstring (cfg->lua_state, "canon_header_relaxed"); lua_pushcfunction (cfg->lua_state, lua_dkim_canonicalize_handler); lua_settable (cfg->lua_state, -3); /* Finish dkim key */ lua_settable (cfg->lua_state, -3); } lua_pop (cfg->lua_state, 1); /* Remove global function */ dkim_module_ctx->whitelist_ip = NULL; if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "options", "check_local")) != NULL) { dkim_module_ctx->check_local = ucl_object_toboolean (value); } else { dkim_module_ctx->check_local = FALSE; } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "options", "check_authed")) != NULL) { dkim_module_ctx->check_authed = ucl_object_toboolean (value); } else { dkim_module_ctx->check_authed = FALSE; } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "dkim", "symbol_reject")) != NULL) { dkim_module_ctx->symbol_reject = ucl_object_tostring (value); } else { dkim_module_ctx->symbol_reject = DEFAULT_SYMBOL_REJECT; } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "dkim", "symbol_tempfail")) != NULL) { dkim_module_ctx->symbol_tempfail = ucl_object_tostring (value); } else { dkim_module_ctx->symbol_tempfail = DEFAULT_SYMBOL_TEMPFAIL; } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "dkim", "symbol_allow")) != NULL) { dkim_module_ctx->symbol_allow = ucl_object_tostring (value); } else { dkim_module_ctx->symbol_allow = DEFAULT_SYMBOL_ALLOW; } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "dkim", "symbol_na")) != NULL) { dkim_module_ctx->symbol_na = ucl_object_tostring (value); } else { dkim_module_ctx->symbol_na = DEFAULT_SYMBOL_NA; } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "dkim", "symbol_permfail")) != NULL) { dkim_module_ctx->symbol_permfail = ucl_object_tostring (value); } else { dkim_module_ctx->symbol_permfail = DEFAULT_SYMBOL_PERMFAIL; } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "dkim", "dkim_cache_size")) != NULL) { cache_size = ucl_object_toint (value); } else { cache_size = DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE; } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "dkim", "sign_cache_size")) != NULL) { sign_cache_size = ucl_object_toint (value); } else { sign_cache_size = 128; } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "dkim", "time_jitter")) != NULL) { dkim_module_ctx->time_jitter = ucl_object_todouble (value); } else { dkim_module_ctx->time_jitter = DEFAULT_TIME_JITTER; } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "dkim", "max_sigs")) != NULL) { dkim_module_ctx->max_sigs = ucl_object_toint (value); } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "dkim", "whitelist")) != NULL) { rspamd_config_radix_from_ucl (cfg, value, "DKIM whitelist", &dkim_module_ctx->whitelist_ip, NULL); } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "dkim", "domains")) != NULL) { if (!rspamd_map_add_from_ucl (cfg, value, "DKIM domains", rspamd_kv_list_read, rspamd_kv_list_fin, rspamd_kv_list_dtor, (void **)&dkim_module_ctx->dkim_domains)) { msg_warn_config ("cannot load dkim domains list from %s", ucl_object_tostring (value)); } else { got_trusted = TRUE; } } if (!got_trusted && (value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "dkim", "trusted_domains")) != NULL) { if (!rspamd_map_add_from_ucl (cfg, value, "DKIM domains", rspamd_kv_list_read, rspamd_kv_list_fin, rspamd_kv_list_dtor, (void **)&dkim_module_ctx->dkim_domains)) { msg_warn_config ("cannot load dkim domains list from %s", ucl_object_tostring (value)); } else { got_trusted = TRUE; } } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "dkim", "strict_multiplier")) != NULL) { dkim_module_ctx->strict_multiplier = ucl_object_toint (value); } else { dkim_module_ctx->strict_multiplier = 1; } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "dkim", "trusted_only")) != NULL) { dkim_module_ctx->trusted_only = ucl_object_toboolean (value); } else { dkim_module_ctx->trusted_only = FALSE; } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "dkim", "sign_headers")) != NULL) { dkim_module_ctx->sign_headers = ucl_object_tostring (value); } dkim_module_ctx->dkim_hash = rspamd_lru_hash_new ( cache_size, g_free, dkim_module_key_dtor); dkim_module_ctx->dkim_sign_hash = rspamd_lru_hash_new ( sign_cache_size, g_free, (GDestroyNotify)rspamd_dkim_sign_key_unref); rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (cfg->cfg_pool, (rspamd_mempool_destruct_t)rspamd_lru_hash_destroy, dkim_module_ctx->dkim_hash); rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (cfg->cfg_pool, (rspamd_mempool_destruct_t)rspamd_lru_hash_destroy, dkim_module_ctx->dkim_sign_hash); if (dkim_module_ctx->trusted_only && !got_trusted) { msg_err_config ( "trusted_only option is set and no trusted domains are defined; disabling dkim module completely as it is useless in this case"); } else { if (!rspamd_config_is_module_enabled (cfg, "dkim")) { return TRUE; } cb_id = rspamd_symbols_cache_add_symbol (cfg->cache, dkim_module_ctx->symbol_reject, 0, dkim_symbol_callback, NULL, SYMBOL_TYPE_NORMAL|SYMBOL_TYPE_FINE, -1); rspamd_symbols_cache_add_symbol (cfg->cache, dkim_module_ctx->symbol_na, 0, NULL, NULL, SYMBOL_TYPE_VIRTUAL|SYMBOL_TYPE_FINE, cb_id); rspamd_symbols_cache_add_symbol (cfg->cache, dkim_module_ctx->symbol_permfail, 0, NULL, NULL, SYMBOL_TYPE_VIRTUAL|SYMBOL_TYPE_FINE, cb_id); rspamd_symbols_cache_add_symbol (cfg->cache, dkim_module_ctx->symbol_tempfail, 0, NULL, NULL, SYMBOL_TYPE_VIRTUAL|SYMBOL_TYPE_FINE, cb_id); rspamd_symbols_cache_add_symbol (cfg->cache, dkim_module_ctx->symbol_allow, 0, NULL, NULL, SYMBOL_TYPE_VIRTUAL|SYMBOL_TYPE_FINE, cb_id); rspamd_symbols_cache_add_symbol (cfg->cache, "DKIM_TRACE", 0, NULL, NULL, SYMBOL_TYPE_VIRTUAL|SYMBOL_TYPE_NOSTAT, cb_id); rspamd_config_add_symbol (cfg, "DKIM_TRACE", 0.0, "DKIM trace symbol", "policies", RSPAMD_SYMBOL_FLAG_IGNORE, 1, 1); rspamd_config_add_symbol_group (cfg, "DKIM_TRACE", "dkim"); msg_info_config ("init internal dkim module"); #ifndef HAVE_OPENSSL msg_warn_config ( "openssl is not found so dkim rsa check is disabled, only check body hash, it is NOT safe to trust these results"); #endif } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "dkim", "sign_condition")) != NULL) { const gchar *lua_script; lua_script = ucl_object_tostring (value); if (lua_script) { if (luaL_dostring (cfg->lua_state, lua_script) != 0) { msg_err_config ("cannot execute lua script for dkim " "sign condition: %s", lua_tostring (cfg->lua_state, -1)); } else { if (lua_type (cfg->lua_state, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION) { dkim_module_ctx->sign_condition_ref = luaL_ref (cfg->lua_state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); rspamd_lua_add_ref_dtor (cfg->lua_state, cfg->cfg_pool, dkim_module_ctx->sign_condition_ref); rspamd_symbols_cache_add_symbol (cfg->cache, "DKIM_SIGN", 0, dkim_sign_callback, NULL, SYMBOL_TYPE_CALLBACK|SYMBOL_TYPE_FINE, -1); msg_info_config ("init condition script for DKIM signing"); /* * Allow dkim signing to be executed only after dkim check */ if (cb_id > 0) { rspamd_symbols_cache_add_delayed_dependency (cfg->cache, "DKIM_SIGN", dkim_module_ctx->symbol_reject); } rspamd_config_add_symbol (cfg, "DKIM_SIGN", 0.0, "DKIM signature fake symbol", "dkim", RSPAMD_SYMBOL_FLAG_IGNORE, 1, 1); rspamd_config_add_symbol_group (cfg, "DKIM_SIGN", "dkim"); } else { msg_err_config ("lua script must return " "function(task) and not %s", lua_typename (cfg->lua_state, lua_type (cfg->lua_state, -1))); } } } } return res; } rspamd_dkim_sign_key_t * dkim_module_load_key_format (lua_State *L, struct rspamd_task *task, const gchar *key, gsize keylen, enum rspamd_dkim_sign_key_type kt) { guchar h[rspamd_cryptobox_HASHBYTES], hex_hash[rspamd_cryptobox_HASHBYTES * 2 + 1]; rspamd_dkim_sign_key_t *ret; GError *err = NULL; struct dkim_ctx *dkim_module_ctx = dkim_get_context (task->cfg); memset (hex_hash, 0, sizeof (hex_hash)); rspamd_cryptobox_hash (h, key, keylen, NULL, 0); rspamd_encode_hex_buf (h, sizeof (h), hex_hash, sizeof (hex_hash)); ret = rspamd_lru_hash_lookup (dkim_module_ctx->dkim_sign_hash, hex_hash, time (NULL)); if (ret == NULL) { ret = rspamd_dkim_sign_key_load (key, keylen, kt, &err); if (ret == NULL) { msg_err_task ("cannot load private key: %e", err); g_error_free (err); return NULL; } rspamd_lru_hash_insert (dkim_module_ctx->dkim_sign_hash, g_strdup (hex_hash), ret, time (NULL), 0); } return ret; } static gint lua_dkim_sign_handler (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); gint64 arc_idx = 0, expire = 0; enum rspamd_dkim_type sign_type = RSPAMD_DKIM_NORMAL; GError *err = NULL; GString *hdr; const gchar *selector = NULL, *domain = NULL, *key = NULL, *rawkey = NULL, *headers = NULL, *sign_type_str = NULL, *arc_cv = NULL, *pubkey = NULL; rspamd_dkim_sign_context_t *ctx; rspamd_dkim_sign_key_t *dkim_key; gsize rawlen = 0, keylen = 0; gboolean no_cache = FALSE, strict_pubkey_check = FALSE; struct dkim_ctx *dkim_module_ctx; luaL_argcheck (L, lua_type (L, 2) == LUA_TTABLE, 2, "'table' expected"); /* * Get the following elements: * - selector * - domain * - key */ if (!rspamd_lua_parse_table_arguments (L, 2, &err, "key=V;rawkey=V;*domain=S;*selector=S;no_cache=B;headers=S;" "sign_type=S;arc_idx=I;arc_cv=S;expire=I;pubkey=S;" "strict_pubkey_check=B", &keylen, &key, &rawlen, &rawkey, &domain, &selector, &no_cache, &headers, &sign_type_str, &arc_idx, &arc_cv, &expire, &pubkey, &strict_pubkey_check)) { msg_err_task ("cannot parse table arguments: %e", err); g_error_free (err); lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); return 1; } dkim_module_ctx = dkim_get_context (task->cfg); if (headers == NULL) { headers = dkim_module_ctx->sign_headers; } if (dkim_module_ctx->dkim_sign_hash == NULL) { dkim_module_ctx->dkim_sign_hash = rspamd_lru_hash_new ( 128, g_free, /* Keys are just C-strings */ (GDestroyNotify)rspamd_dkim_sign_key_unref); } #define PEM_SIG "-----BEGIN" if (key) { if (key[0] == '.' || key[0] == '/') { /* Likely raw path */ dkim_key = rspamd_lru_hash_lookup (dkim_module_ctx->dkim_sign_hash, key, time (NULL)); if (dkim_key == NULL) { dkim_key = rspamd_dkim_sign_key_load (key, strlen (key), RSPAMD_DKIM_SIGN_KEY_FILE, &err); if (dkim_key == NULL) { msg_err_task ("cannot load dkim key %s: %e", key, err); g_error_free (err); lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); return 1; } rspamd_lru_hash_insert (dkim_module_ctx->dkim_sign_hash, g_strdup (key), dkim_key, time (NULL), 0); } } else if (keylen > sizeof (PEM_SIG) && strncmp (key, PEM_SIG, sizeof (PEM_SIG) - 1) == 0) { /* Pem header found */ dkim_key = dkim_module_load_key_format (L, task, key, keylen, RSPAMD_DKIM_SIGN_KEY_PEM); if (dkim_key == NULL) { lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); return 1; } } else { dkim_key = dkim_module_load_key_format (L, task, key, keylen, RSPAMD_DKIM_SIGN_KEY_BASE64); if (dkim_key == NULL) { lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); return 1; } } } else if (rawkey) { key = rawkey; keylen = rawlen; if (keylen > sizeof (PEM_SIG) && strncmp (key, PEM_SIG, sizeof (PEM_SIG) - 1) == 0) { /* Pem header found */ dkim_key = dkim_module_load_key_format (L, task, key, keylen, RSPAMD_DKIM_SIGN_KEY_PEM); if (dkim_key == NULL) { lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); return 1; } } else { dkim_key = dkim_module_load_key_format (L, task, key, keylen, RSPAMD_DKIM_SIGN_KEY_BASE64); if (dkim_key == NULL) { lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); return 1; } } } else { msg_err_task ("neither key nor rawkey are specified"); lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); return 1; } #undef PEM_SIG if (sign_type_str) { if (strcmp (sign_type_str, "dkim") == 0) { sign_type = RSPAMD_DKIM_NORMAL; } else if (strcmp (sign_type_str, "arc-sign") == 0) { sign_type = RSPAMD_DKIM_ARC_SIG; if (arc_idx == 0) { lua_settop (L, 0); return luaL_error (L, "no arc idx specified"); } } else if (strcmp (sign_type_str, "arc-seal") == 0) { sign_type = RSPAMD_DKIM_ARC_SEAL; if (arc_cv == NULL) { lua_settop (L, 0); return luaL_error (L, "no arc cv specified"); } if (arc_idx == 0) { lua_settop (L, 0); return luaL_error (L, "no arc idx specified"); } } else { lua_settop (L, 0); return luaL_error (L, "unknown sign type: %s", sign_type_str); } } if (pubkey != NULL) { /* Also check if private and public keys match */ rspamd_dkim_key_t *pk; gsize keylen = strlen (pubkey); pk = rspamd_dkim_parse_key (pubkey, &keylen, NULL); if (pk == NULL) { if (strict_pubkey_check) { msg_err_task ("cannot parse pubkey from string: %s, skip signing", pubkey); lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); return 1; } else { msg_warn_task ("cannot parse pubkey from string: %s", pubkey); } } else { GError *te = NULL; /* We have parsed the key, so try to check keys */ if (!rspamd_dkim_match_keys (pk, dkim_key, &te)) { if (strict_pubkey_check) { msg_err_task ("public key for %s/%s does not match private " "key: %e, skip signing", domain, selector, te); g_error_free (te); lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); rspamd_dkim_key_unref (pk); return 1; } else { msg_warn_task ("public key for %s/%s does not match private " "key: %e", domain, selector, te); g_error_free (te); } } rspamd_dkim_key_unref (pk); } } ctx = rspamd_create_dkim_sign_context (task, dkim_key, DKIM_CANON_RELAXED, DKIM_CANON_RELAXED, headers, sign_type, &err); if (ctx == NULL) { msg_err_task ("cannot create sign context: %e", err); g_error_free (err); lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); return 1; } hdr = rspamd_dkim_sign (task, selector, domain, 0, expire, arc_idx, arc_cv, ctx); if (hdr) { if (!no_cache) { rspamd_mempool_set_variable (task->task_pool, "dkim-signature", hdr, rspamd_gstring_free_hard); } lua_pushboolean (L, TRUE); lua_pushlstring (L, hdr->str, hdr->len); return 2; } lua_pushboolean (L, FALSE); lua_pushnil (L); return 2; } gint dkim_module_reconfig (struct rspamd_config *cfg) { return dkim_module_config (cfg); } /* * Parse strict value for domain in format: 'reject_multiplier:deny_multiplier' */ static gboolean dkim_module_parse_strict (const gchar *value, gdouble *allow, gdouble *deny) { const gchar *colon; gchar *err = NULL; gdouble val; gchar numbuf[64]; colon = strchr (value, ':'); if (colon) { rspamd_strlcpy (numbuf, value, MIN (sizeof (numbuf), (colon - value) + 1)); val = strtod (numbuf, &err); if (err == NULL || *err == '\0') { *deny = val; colon++; rspamd_strlcpy (numbuf, colon, sizeof (numbuf)); err = NULL; val = strtod (numbuf, &err); if (err == NULL || *err == '\0') { *allow = val; return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } static void dkim_module_check (struct dkim_check_result *res) { gboolean all_done = TRUE; const gchar *strict_value; struct dkim_check_result *first, *cur = NULL; struct dkim_ctx *dkim_module_ctx = dkim_get_context (res->task->cfg); first = res->first; DL_FOREACH (first, cur) { if (cur->ctx == NULL) { continue; } if (cur->key != NULL && cur->res == -1) { cur->res = rspamd_dkim_check (cur->ctx, cur->key, cur->task); if (dkim_module_ctx->dkim_domains != NULL) { /* Perform strict check */ if ((strict_value = rspamd_match_hash_map (dkim_module_ctx->dkim_domains, rspamd_dkim_get_domain (cur->ctx))) != NULL) { if (!dkim_module_parse_strict (strict_value, &cur->mult_allow, &cur->mult_deny)) { cur->mult_allow = dkim_module_ctx->strict_multiplier; cur->mult_deny = dkim_module_ctx->strict_multiplier; } } } } } DL_FOREACH (first, cur) { if (cur->ctx == NULL) { continue; } if (cur->res == -1) { /* Still need a key */ all_done = FALSE; } } if (all_done) { DL_FOREACH (first, cur) { const gchar *symbol = NULL, *trace = NULL; gdouble symbol_weight = 1.0; if (cur->ctx == NULL) { continue; } if (cur->res == DKIM_REJECT) { symbol = dkim_module_ctx->symbol_reject; trace = "-"; symbol_weight = cur->mult_deny * 1.0; } else if (cur->res == DKIM_CONTINUE) { symbol = dkim_module_ctx->symbol_allow; trace = "+"; symbol_weight = cur->mult_allow * 1.0; } else if (cur->res == DKIM_PERM_ERROR) { trace = "~"; symbol = dkim_module_ctx->symbol_permfail; } else if (cur->res == DKIM_TRYAGAIN) { trace = "?"; symbol = dkim_module_ctx->symbol_tempfail; } if (symbol != NULL) { const gchar *domain = rspamd_dkim_get_domain (cur->ctx); gsize tracelen; gchar *tracebuf; tracelen = strlen (domain) + 3; /* :<trace>\0 */ tracebuf = rspamd_mempool_alloc (cur->task->task_pool, tracelen); rspamd_snprintf (tracebuf, tracelen, "%s:%s", domain, trace); rspamd_task_insert_result (cur->task, symbol, symbol_weight, domain); rspamd_task_insert_result (cur->task, "DKIM_TRACE", 0.0, tracebuf); } } rspamd_session_watcher_pop (res->task->s, res->w); } } static void dkim_module_key_handler (rspamd_dkim_key_t *key, gsize keylen, rspamd_dkim_context_t *ctx, gpointer ud, GError *err) { struct dkim_check_result *res = ud; struct rspamd_task *task; struct dkim_ctx *dkim_module_ctx; task = res->task; dkim_module_ctx = dkim_get_context (task->cfg); if (key != NULL) { /* * We actually receive key with refcount = 1, so we just assume that * lru hash owns this object now */ rspamd_lru_hash_insert (dkim_module_ctx->dkim_hash, g_strdup (rspamd_dkim_get_dns_key (ctx)), key, res->task->tv.tv_sec, rspamd_dkim_key_get_ttl (key)); /* Another ref belongs to the check context */ res->key = rspamd_dkim_key_ref (key); /* Release key when task is processed */ rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (res->task->task_pool, dkim_module_key_dtor, res->key); } else { /* Insert tempfail symbol */ msg_info_task ("cannot get key for domain %s: %e", rspamd_dkim_get_dns_key (ctx), err); if (err != NULL) { if (err->code == DKIM_SIGERROR_NOKEY) { res->res = DKIM_TRYAGAIN; } else { res->res = DKIM_PERM_ERROR; } } } if (err) { g_error_free (err); } dkim_module_check (res); } static void dkim_symbol_callback (struct rspamd_task *task, void *unused) { GPtrArray *hlist; rspamd_dkim_context_t *ctx; rspamd_dkim_key_t *key; GError *err = NULL; struct rspamd_mime_header *rh; struct dkim_check_result *res = NULL, *cur; guint checked = 0, i, *dmarc_checks; struct dkim_ctx *dkim_module_ctx = dkim_get_context (task->cfg); /* Allow dmarc */ dmarc_checks = rspamd_mempool_get_variable (task->task_pool, RSPAMD_MEMPOOL_DMARC_CHECKS); if (dmarc_checks) { (*dmarc_checks) ++; } else { dmarc_checks = rspamd_mempool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (*dmarc_checks)); *dmarc_checks = 1; rspamd_mempool_set_variable (task->task_pool, RSPAMD_MEMPOOL_DMARC_CHECKS, dmarc_checks, NULL); } /* First check if plugin should be enabled */ if ((!dkim_module_ctx->check_authed && task->user != NULL) || (!dkim_module_ctx->check_local && rspamd_inet_address_is_local (task->from_addr, TRUE))) { msg_info_task ("skip DKIM checks for local networks and authorized users"); return; } /* Check whitelist */ if (rspamd_match_radix_map_addr (dkim_module_ctx->whitelist_ip, task->from_addr) != NULL) { msg_info_task ("skip DKIM checks for whitelisted address"); return; } /* Now check if a message has its signature */ hlist = rspamd_message_get_header_array (task, RSPAMD_DKIM_SIGNHEADER, FALSE); if (hlist != NULL && hlist->len > 0) { msg_debug_task ("dkim signature found"); PTR_ARRAY_FOREACH (hlist, i, rh) { if (rh->decoded == NULL || rh->decoded[0] == '\0') { msg_info_task ("<%s> cannot load empty DKIM context", task->message_id); continue; } cur = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (task->task_pool, sizeof (*cur)); cur->first = res; cur->res = -1; cur->task = task; cur->mult_allow = 1.0; cur->mult_deny = 1.0; ctx = rspamd_create_dkim_context (rh->decoded, task->task_pool, dkim_module_ctx->time_jitter, RSPAMD_DKIM_NORMAL, &err); if (ctx == NULL) { if (err != NULL) { msg_info_task ("<%s> cannot parse DKIM context: %e", task->message_id, err); g_error_free (err); err = NULL; } else { msg_info_task ("<%s> cannot parse DKIM context: " "unknown error", task->message_id); } continue; } else { /* Get key */ cur->ctx = ctx; if (dkim_module_ctx->trusted_only && (dkim_module_ctx->dkim_domains == NULL || rspamd_match_hash_map (dkim_module_ctx->dkim_domains, rspamd_dkim_get_domain (ctx)) == NULL)) { msg_debug_task ("skip dkim check for %s domain", rspamd_dkim_get_domain (ctx)); continue; } key = rspamd_lru_hash_lookup (dkim_module_ctx->dkim_hash, rspamd_dkim_get_dns_key (ctx), task->tv.tv_sec); if (key != NULL) { cur->key = rspamd_dkim_key_ref (key); /* Release key when task is processed */ rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (task->task_pool, dkim_module_key_dtor, cur->key); } else { if (!rspamd_get_dkim_key (ctx, task, dkim_module_key_handler, cur)) { continue; } } } if (res == NULL) { res = cur; res->first = res; res->prev = res; res->w = rspamd_session_get_watcher (task->s); } else { cur->w = res->w; DL_APPEND (res, cur); } checked ++; if (checked > dkim_module_ctx->max_sigs) { msg_info_task ("message has multiple signatures but we" " stopped after %d checked signatures as limit" " is reached", checked); break; } } } else { rspamd_task_insert_result (task, dkim_module_ctx->symbol_na, 1.0, NULL); } if (res != NULL) { rspamd_session_watcher_push (task->s); dkim_module_check (res); } } static void dkim_sign_callback (struct rspamd_task *task, void *unused) { lua_State *L; struct rspamd_task **ptask; gboolean sign = FALSE; gint err_idx; gint64 arc_idx = 0; gsize len; GString *tb, *hdr; GError *err = NULL; const gchar *selector = NULL, *domain = NULL, *key = NULL, *key_type = NULL, *sign_type_str = NULL, *lru_key, *arc_cv = NULL; rspamd_dkim_sign_context_t *ctx; rspamd_dkim_sign_key_t *dkim_key; enum rspamd_dkim_sign_key_type key_sign_type = RSPAMD_DKIM_SIGN_KEY_FILE; enum rspamd_dkim_type sign_type = RSPAMD_DKIM_NORMAL; guchar h[rspamd_cryptobox_HASHBYTES], hex_hash[rspamd_cryptobox_HASHBYTES * 2 + 1]; struct dkim_ctx *dkim_module_ctx = dkim_get_context (task->cfg); if (dkim_module_ctx->sign_condition_ref != -1) { sign = FALSE; L = task->cfg->lua_state; lua_pushcfunction (L, &rspamd_lua_traceback); err_idx = lua_gettop (L); lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, dkim_module_ctx->sign_condition_ref); ptask = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (struct rspamd_task *)); *ptask = task; rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{task}", -1); if (lua_pcall (L, 1, 1, err_idx) != 0) { tb = lua_touserdata (L, -1); msg_err_task ("call to user extraction script failed: %v", tb); g_string_free (tb, TRUE); } else { if (lua_istable (L, -1)) { /* * Get the following elements: * - selector * - domain * - key */ if (!rspamd_lua_parse_table_arguments (L, -1, &err, "*key=V;*domain=S;*selector=S;type=S;key_type=S;" "sign_type=S;arc_cv=S;arc_idx=I", &len, &key, &domain, &selector, &key_type, &key_type, &sign_type_str, &arc_cv, &arc_idx)) { msg_err_task ("invalid return value from sign condition: %e", err); g_error_free (err); return; } if (key_type) { if (strcmp (key_type, "file") == 0) { key_sign_type = RSPAMD_DKIM_SIGN_KEY_FILE; } else if (strcmp (key_type, "base64") == 0) { key_sign_type = RSPAMD_DKIM_SIGN_KEY_BASE64; } else if (strcmp (key_type, "pem") == 0) { key_sign_type = RSPAMD_DKIM_SIGN_KEY_PEM; } else if (strcmp (key_type, "der") == 0 || strcmp (key_type, "raw") == 0) { key_sign_type = RSPAMD_DKIM_SIGN_KEY_DER; } else { lua_settop (L, 0); luaL_error (L, "unknown key type: %s", key_type); return; } } if (sign_type_str) { if (strcmp (sign_type_str, "dkim") == 0) { sign_type = RSPAMD_DKIM_NORMAL; } else if (strcmp (sign_type_str, "arc-sign") == 0) { sign_type = RSPAMD_DKIM_ARC_SIG; if (arc_idx == 0) { lua_settop (L, 0); luaL_error (L, "no arc idx specified"); return; } } else if (strcmp (sign_type_str, "arc-seal") == 0) { sign_type = RSPAMD_DKIM_ARC_SEAL; if (arc_cv == NULL) { lua_settop (L, 0); luaL_error (L, "no arc cv specified"); return; } if (arc_idx == 0) { lua_settop (L, 0); luaL_error (L, "no arc idx specified"); return; } } else { lua_settop (L, 0); luaL_error (L, "unknown sign type: %s", sign_type_str); return; } } if (key_sign_type == RSPAMD_DKIM_SIGN_KEY_FILE) { dkim_key = rspamd_lru_hash_lookup ( dkim_module_ctx->dkim_sign_hash, key, time (NULL)); lru_key = key; } else { /* Prehash */ memset (hex_hash, 0, sizeof (hex_hash)); rspamd_cryptobox_hash (h, key, len, NULL, 0); rspamd_encode_hex_buf (h, sizeof (h), hex_hash, sizeof (hex_hash)); dkim_key = rspamd_lru_hash_lookup ( dkim_module_ctx->dkim_sign_hash, hex_hash, time (NULL)); lru_key = hex_hash; } if (dkim_key == NULL) { dkim_key = rspamd_dkim_sign_key_load (key, len, key_sign_type, &err); if (dkim_key == NULL) { msg_err_task ("cannot load dkim key %s: %e", lru_key, err); g_error_free (err); return; } rspamd_lru_hash_insert (dkim_module_ctx->dkim_sign_hash, g_strdup (lru_key), dkim_key, time (NULL), 0); } else if (rspamd_dkim_sign_key_maybe_invalidate (dkim_key, key_sign_type, key, len)) { /* * Invalidate and reload DKIM key, * removal from lru cache also cleanup the key and value */ rspamd_lru_hash_remove (dkim_module_ctx->dkim_sign_hash, lru_key); dkim_key = rspamd_dkim_sign_key_load (key, len, key_sign_type, &err); if (dkim_key == NULL) { msg_err_task ("cannot load dkim key %s: %e", lru_key, err); g_error_free (err); return; } rspamd_lru_hash_insert (dkim_module_ctx->dkim_sign_hash, g_strdup (lru_key), dkim_key, time (NULL), 0); } ctx = rspamd_create_dkim_sign_context (task, dkim_key, DKIM_CANON_RELAXED, DKIM_CANON_RELAXED, dkim_module_ctx->sign_headers, sign_type, &err); if (ctx == NULL) { msg_err_task ("cannot create sign context: %e", err); g_error_free (err); return; } hdr = rspamd_dkim_sign (task, selector, domain, 0, 0, arc_idx, arc_cv, ctx); if (hdr) { rspamd_mempool_set_variable (task->task_pool, "dkim-signature", hdr, rspamd_gstring_free_hard); } sign = TRUE; } else { sign = FALSE; } } /* Result + error function */ lua_settop (L, 0); if (!sign) { msg_debug_task ("skip signing as dkim condition callback returned" " false"); return; } } } struct rspamd_dkim_lua_verify_cbdata { rspamd_dkim_context_t *ctx; struct rspamd_task *task; lua_State *L; rspamd_dkim_key_t *key; gint cbref; }; static void dkim_module_lua_push_verify_result (struct rspamd_dkim_lua_verify_cbdata *cbd, gint code, GError *err) { struct rspamd_task **ptask, *task; const gchar *error_str = "unknown error"; gboolean success = FALSE; task = cbd->task; switch (code) { case DKIM_CONTINUE: error_str = NULL; success = TRUE; break; case DKIM_REJECT: if (err) { error_str = err->message; } else { error_str = "reject"; } break; case DKIM_TRYAGAIN: if (err) { error_str = err->message; } else { error_str = "tempfail"; } break; case DKIM_NOTFOUND: if (err) { error_str = err->message; } else { error_str = "not found"; } break; case DKIM_RECORD_ERROR: if (err) { error_str = err->message; } else { error_str = "bad record"; } break; case DKIM_PERM_ERROR: if (err) { error_str = err->message; } else { error_str = "permanent error"; } break; default: break; } lua_rawgeti (cbd->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbd->cbref); ptask = lua_newuserdata (cbd->L, sizeof (*ptask)); *ptask = task; lua_pushboolean (cbd->L, success); lua_pushstring (cbd->L, error_str); if (cbd->ctx) { lua_pushstring (cbd->L, rspamd_dkim_get_domain (cbd->ctx)); } else { lua_pushnil (cbd->L); } if (lua_pcall (cbd->L, 4, 0, 0) != 0) { msg_err_task ("call to verify callback failed: %s", lua_tostring (cbd->L, -1)); lua_pop (cbd->L, 1); } luaL_unref (cbd->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cbd->cbref); } static void dkim_module_lua_on_key (rspamd_dkim_key_t *key, gsize keylen, rspamd_dkim_context_t *ctx, gpointer ud, GError *err) { struct rspamd_dkim_lua_verify_cbdata *cbd = ud; struct rspamd_task *task; gint ret; struct dkim_ctx *dkim_module_ctx; task = cbd->task; dkim_module_ctx = dkim_get_context (task->cfg); if (key != NULL) { /* * We actually receive key with refcount = 1, so we just assume that * lru hash owns this object now */ rspamd_lru_hash_insert (dkim_module_ctx->dkim_hash, g_strdup (rspamd_dkim_get_dns_key (ctx)), key, cbd->task->tv.tv_sec, rspamd_dkim_key_get_ttl (key)); /* Another ref belongs to the check context */ cbd->key = rspamd_dkim_key_ref (key); /* Release key when task is processed */ rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (cbd->task->task_pool, dkim_module_key_dtor, cbd->key); } else { /* Insert tempfail symbol */ msg_info_task ("cannot get key for domain %s: %e", rspamd_dkim_get_dns_key (ctx), err); if (err != NULL) { if (err->code == DKIM_SIGERROR_NOKEY) { dkim_module_lua_push_verify_result (cbd, DKIM_TRYAGAIN, err); } else { dkim_module_lua_push_verify_result (cbd, DKIM_PERM_ERROR, err); } } else { dkim_module_lua_push_verify_result (cbd, DKIM_TRYAGAIN, NULL); } if (err) { g_error_free (err); } return; } ret = rspamd_dkim_check (cbd->ctx, cbd->key, cbd->task); dkim_module_lua_push_verify_result (cbd, ret, NULL); } static gint lua_dkim_verify_handler (lua_State *L) { struct rspamd_task *task = lua_check_task (L, 1); const gchar *sig = luaL_checkstring (L, 2); rspamd_dkim_context_t *ctx; struct rspamd_dkim_lua_verify_cbdata *cbd; rspamd_dkim_key_t *key; gint ret; GError *err = NULL; const gchar *type_str = NULL; enum rspamd_dkim_type type = RSPAMD_DKIM_NORMAL; struct dkim_ctx *dkim_module_ctx; if (task && sig && lua_isfunction (L, 3)) { if (lua_isstring (L, 4)) { type_str = lua_tostring (L, 4); if (type_str) { if (strcmp (type_str, "dkim") == 0) { type = RSPAMD_DKIM_NORMAL; } else if (strcmp (type_str, "arc-sign") == 0) { type = RSPAMD_DKIM_ARC_SIG; } else if (strcmp (type_str, "arc-seal") == 0) { type = RSPAMD_DKIM_ARC_SEAL; } else { lua_settop (L, 0); return luaL_error (L, "unknown sign type: %s", type_str); } } } dkim_module_ctx = dkim_get_context (task->cfg); ctx = rspamd_create_dkim_context (sig, task->task_pool, dkim_module_ctx->time_jitter, type, &err); if (ctx == NULL) { lua_pushboolean (L, false); if (err) { lua_pushstring (L, err->message); g_error_free (err); } else { lua_pushstring (L, "unknown error"); } return 2; } cbd = rspamd_mempool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (*cbd)); cbd->L = L; cbd->task = task; lua_pushvalue (L, 3); cbd->cbref = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); cbd->ctx = ctx; cbd->key = NULL; key = rspamd_lru_hash_lookup (dkim_module_ctx->dkim_hash, rspamd_dkim_get_dns_key (ctx), task->tv.tv_sec); if (key != NULL) { cbd->key = rspamd_dkim_key_ref (key); /* Release key when task is processed */ rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (task->task_pool, dkim_module_key_dtor, cbd->key); ret = rspamd_dkim_check (cbd->ctx, cbd->key, cbd->task); dkim_module_lua_push_verify_result (cbd, ret, NULL); } else { rspamd_get_dkim_key (ctx, task, dkim_module_lua_on_key, cbd); } } else { return luaL_error (L, "invalid arguments"); } lua_pushboolean (L, TRUE); lua_pushnil (L); return 2; } static gint lua_dkim_canonicalize_handler (lua_State *L) { gsize nlen, vlen; const gchar *hname = luaL_checklstring (L, 1, &nlen), *hvalue = luaL_checklstring (L, 2, &vlen); static gchar st_buf[8192]; gchar *buf; guint inlen; gboolean allocated = FALSE; goffset r; if (hname && hvalue && nlen > 0) { inlen = nlen + vlen + sizeof (":" CRLF); if (inlen > sizeof (st_buf)) { buf = g_malloc (inlen); allocated = TRUE; } else { /* Faster */ buf = st_buf; } r = rspamd_dkim_canonize_header_relaxed_str (hname, hvalue, buf, inlen); if (r == -1) { lua_pushnil (L); } else { lua_pushlstring (L, buf, r); } if (allocated) { g_free (buf); } } else { return luaL_error (L, "invalid arguments"); } return 1; }