--[[ Copyright (c) 2016, Steve Freegard Copyright (c) 2016, Vsevolod Stakhov Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- -- Check messages for 'bulkiness' using DCC local N = 'dcc' local symbol_bulk = "DCC_BULK" local opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt(N) local logger = require "rspamd_logger" local tcp = require "rspamd_tcp" local fun = require "fun" local function check_dcc (task) -- Connection local client = '' local client_ip = task:get_from_ip() if client_ip and client_ip:is_valid() then client = client_ip:to_string() end local client_host = task:get_hostname() if client_host and client_host ~= 'unknown' then client = client .. "\r" .. client_host end -- HELO local helo = task:get_helo() or '' -- Envelope From local ef = task:get_from() local envfrom = 'test@example.com' if ef and ef[1] then envfrom = ef[1]['addr'] end -- Envelope To local envrcpt = 'test@example.com' local rcpts = task:get_recipients(); if rcpts then local r = table.concat(fun.totable(fun.map(function(rcpt) return rcpt['addr'] end, rcpts)), '\n') if r then envrcpt = r end end -- Callback function to receive async result from DCC local function cb(err, data) if (err) then logger.warnx(task, 'DCC error: %1', err) return end -- Parse the response local _,_,result,disposition,header = tostring(data):find("(.-)\n(.-)\n(.-)\n") logger.debugm(N, task, 'DCC result=%1 disposition=%2 header="%3"', result, disposition, header) if header then local _,_,info = header:find("; (.-)$") if (result == 'R') then -- Reject task:insert_result(symbol_bulk, 1.0, info) elseif (result == 'T') then -- Temporary failure logger.warnx(task, 'DCC returned a temporary failure result') else if result ~= 'A' and result ~= 'G' and result ~= 'S' then -- Unknown result logger.warnx(task, 'DCC result error: %1', result); end end end end -- Build the DCC query -- https://www.dcc-servers.net/dcc/dcc-tree/dccifd.html#Protocol local data = { "header\n", client .. "\n", helo .. "\n", envfrom .. "\n", envrcpt .. "\n", "\n", task:get_content() } logger.debugm(N, task, 'sending to dcc: client=%1 helo="%2" envfrom="%3" envrcpt="%4"', client, helo, envfrom, envrcpt) tcp.request({ task = task, host = opts['host'], port = opts['port'] or 1, shutdown = true, data = data, callback = cb }) end -- Configuration if opts and opts['host'] then rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = symbol_bulk, callback = check_dcc }) rspamd_config:set_metric_symbol({ group = N, score = 2.0, description = 'Detected as bulk mail by DCC', one_shot = true, name = symbol_bulk }) else logger.infox('DCC module not configured'); end