--[[ Copyright (c) 2011-2016, Vsevolod Stakhov Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Andrew Lewis Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- -- Dmarc policy filter local rspamd_resolver = require "rspamd_resolver" local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger" local mempool = require "rspamd_mempool" local rspamd_tcp = require "rspamd_tcp" local rspamd_url = require "rspamd_url" local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util" local rspamd_redis = require "lua_redis" local check_local = false local check_authed = false if confighelp then return end local N = 'dmarc' local no_sampling_domains local no_reporting_domains local statefile = string.format('%s/%s', rspamd_paths['DBDIR'], 'dmarc_reports_last_sent') local VAR_NAME = 'dmarc_reports_last_sent' local INTERVAL = 86400 local pool = mempool.create() local report_settings = { helo = 'rspamd', hscan_count = 1000, smtp = '', smtp_port = 25, retries = 2, } local report_template = [[From: "Rspamd" <%s> To: %s Subject: Report Domain: %s Submitter: %s Report-ID: <%s> Date: %s MIME-Version: 1.0 Message-ID: <%s> Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_024E_01CC9B0A.AFE54C00" This is a multipart message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_024E_01CC9B0A.AFE54C00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit This is an aggregate report from %s. ------=_NextPart_000_024E_01CC9B0A.AFE54C00 Content-Type: text/xml Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="%s!%s!%s!%s.xml" ]] local report_footer = [[ ------=_NextPart_000_024E_01CC9B0A.AFE54C00--]] local symbols = { spf_allow_symbol = 'R_SPF_ALLOW', spf_deny_symbol = 'R_SPF_FAIL', spf_softfail_symbol = 'R_SPF_SOFTFAIL', spf_neutral_symbol = 'R_SPF_NEUTRAL', spf_tempfail_symbol = 'R_SPF_DNSFAIL', spf_permfail_symbol = 'R_SPF_PERMFAIL', spf_na_symbol = 'R_SPF_NA', dkim_allow_symbol = 'R_DKIM_ALLOW', dkim_deny_symbol = 'R_DKIM_REJECT', dkim_tempfail_symbol = 'R_DKIM_TEMPFAIL', dkim_na_symbol = 'R_DKIM_NA', dkim_permfail_symbol = 'R_DKIM_PERMFAIL', } local dmarc_symbols = { allow = 'DMARC_POLICY_ALLOW', badpolicy = 'DMARC_BAD_POLICY', dnsfail = 'DMARC_DNSFAIL', na = 'DMARC_NA', reject = 'DMARC_POLICY_REJECT', softfail = 'DMARC_POLICY_SOFTFAIL', quarantine = 'DMARC_POLICY_QUARANTINE', } local redis_keys = { index_prefix = 'dmarc_idx', report_prefix = 'dmarc', join_char = ';', } local function gen_xml_grammar() local lpeg = require 'lpeg' local lt = lpeg.P('<') / '<' local gt = lpeg.P('>') / '>' local amp = lpeg.P('&') / '&' local quot = lpeg.P('"') / '"' local apos = lpeg.P("'") / ''' local special = lt + gt + amp + quot + apos local grammar = lpeg.Cs((special + 1)^0) return grammar end local xml_grammar = gen_xml_grammar() local function escape_xml(goo) return xml_grammar:match(goo) end -- Default port for redis upstreams local redis_params = nil -- 2 days local dmarc_reporting = false local dmarc_actions = {} local E = {} local take_report_id local take_report_script = [[ local index_key = KEYS[1] local report_key = KEYS[2] local dmarc_domain = ARGV[1] local report = ARGV[2] redis.call('SADD', index_key, report_key) redis.call('EXPIRE', index_key, 172800) redis.call('HINCRBY', report_key, report, 1) redis.call('EXPIRE', report_key, 172800) ]] -- return the timezone offset in seconds, as it was on the time given by ts -- Eric Feliksik local function get_timezone_offset(ts) local utcdate = os.date("!*t", ts) local localdate = os.date("*t", ts) localdate.isdst = false -- this is the trick return os.difftime(os.time(localdate), os.time(utcdate)) end local tz_offset = get_timezone_offset(os.time()) local function gen_dmarc_grammar() local lpeg = require "lpeg" lpeg.locale(lpeg) local space = lpeg.space^0 local name = lpeg.C(lpeg.alpha^1) * space local sep = lpeg.S("\\;") * space local value = lpeg.C(lpeg.P(lpeg.graph - sep)^1) local pair = lpeg.Cg(name * "=" * space * value) * sep^-1 local list = lpeg.Cf(lpeg.Ct("") * pair^0, rawset) local version = lpeg.P("v") * space * lpeg.P("=") * space * lpeg.P("DMARC1") local record = version * space * sep * list return record end local dmarc_grammar = gen_dmarc_grammar() local function dmarc_report(task, spf_ok, dkim_ok, disposition, sampled_out, hfromdom, spfdom, dres, spf_result) local ip = task:get_from_ip() if not ip:is_valid() then return nil end local rspamd_lua_utils = require "lua_util" if rspamd_lua_utils.is_rspamc_or_controller(task) then return end local dkim_pass = table.concat(dres.pass or E, '|') local dkim_fail = table.concat(dres.fail or E, '|') local dkim_temperror = table.concat(dres.temperror or E, '|') local dkim_permerror = table.concat(dres.permerror or E, '|') local res = table.concat({ ip:to_string(), spf_ok, dkim_ok, disposition, (sampled_out and 'sampled_out' or ''), hfromdom, dkim_pass, dkim_fail, dkim_temperror, dkim_permerror, spfdom, spf_result}, ',') return res end local function dmarc_callback(task) local function maybe_force_action(disposition) local force_action = dmarc_actions[disposition] if force_action then task:set_pre_result(force_action, 'Action set by DMARC') end end local from = task:get_from(2) local hfromdom = ((from or E)[1] or E).domain local dmarc_domain, spf_domain local ip_addr = task:get_ip() local dkim_results = {} local dmarc_checks = task:get_mempool():get_variable('dmarc_checks', 'int') or 0 if dmarc_checks ~= 2 then rspamd_logger.infox(task, "skip DMARC checks as either SPF or DKIM were not checked"); return end if ((not check_authed and task:get_user()) or (not check_local and ip_addr and ip_addr:is_local())) then rspamd_logger.infox(task, "skip DMARC checks for local networks and authorized users"); return end if hfromdom and hfromdom ~= '' and not (from or E)[2] then dmarc_domain = rspamd_util.get_tld(hfromdom) elseif (from or E)[2] then task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['na'], 1.0, 'Duplicate From header') return maybe_force_action('na') elseif (from or E)[1] then task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['na'], 1.0, 'No domain in From header') return maybe_force_action('na') else task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['na'], 1.0, 'No From header') return maybe_force_action('na') end local function dmarc_report_cb(err) if not err then rspamd_logger.infox(task, '<%1> dmarc report saved for %2', task:get_message_id(), hfromdom) else rspamd_logger.errx(task, '<%1> dmarc report is not saved for %2: %3', task:get_message_id(), hfromdom, err) end end local function dmarc_dns_cb(_, to_resolve, results, err) task:inc_dns_req() local lookup_domain = string.sub(to_resolve, 8) if err and (err ~= 'requested record is not found' and err ~= 'no records with this name') then task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['dnsfail'], 1.0, lookup_domain .. ' : ' .. err) return maybe_force_action('dnsfail') elseif err and (err == 'requested record is not found' or err == 'no records with this name') and lookup_domain == dmarc_domain then task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['na'], 1.0, lookup_domain) return maybe_force_action('na') end if not results then if lookup_domain ~= dmarc_domain then local resolve_name = '_dmarc.' .. dmarc_domain task:get_resolver():resolve_txt({ task=task, name = resolve_name, callback = dmarc_dns_cb, forced = true}) return end task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['na'], 1.0, lookup_domain) return maybe_force_action('na') end local pct local reason = {} local strict_spf = false local strict_dkim = false local dmarc_policy = 'none' local found_policy = false local failed_policy local rua for _,r in ipairs(results) do if failed_policy then break end local function try() local elts = dmarc_grammar:match(r) if not elts then return else if found_policy then failed_policy = 'Multiple policies defined in DNS' return else found_policy = true end end if elts then local dkim_pol = elts['adkim'] if dkim_pol then if dkim_pol == 's' then strict_dkim = true elseif dkim_pol ~= 'r' then failed_policy = 'adkim tag has invalid value: ' .. dkim_pol return end end local spf_pol = elts['aspf'] if spf_pol then if spf_pol == 's' then strict_spf = true elseif spf_pol ~= 'r' then failed_policy = 'aspf tag has invalid value: ' .. spf_pol return end end local policy = elts['p'] if policy then if (policy == 'reject') then dmarc_policy = 'reject' elseif (policy == 'quarantine') then dmarc_policy = 'quarantine' elseif (policy ~= 'none') then failed_policy = 'p tag has invalid value: ' .. policy return end end local subdomain_policy = elts['sp'] if subdomain_policy and lookup_domain == dmarc_domain then if (subdomain_policy == 'reject') then if dmarc_domain ~= hfromdom then dmarc_policy = 'reject' end elseif (subdomain_policy == 'quarantine') then if dmarc_domain ~= hfromdom then dmarc_policy = 'quarantine' end elseif (subdomain_policy == 'none') then if dmarc_domain ~= hfromdom then dmarc_policy = 'none' end elseif (subdomain_policy ~= 'none') then failed_policy = 'sp tag has invalid value: ' .. subdomain_policy return end end pct = elts['pct'] if pct then pct = tonumber(pct) end if not rua then rua = elts['rua'] end end end try() end if not found_policy then if lookup_domain ~= dmarc_domain then local resolve_name = '_dmarc.' .. dmarc_domain task:get_resolver():resolve_txt({ task=task, name = resolve_name, callback = dmarc_dns_cb, forced = true}) return else task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['na'], 1.0, lookup_domain) return maybe_force_action('na') end end local res = 0.5 if failed_policy then task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['badpolicy'], res, lookup_domain .. ' : ' .. failed_policy) return maybe_force_action('badpolicy') end -- Check dkim and spf symbols local spf_ok = false local dkim_ok = false spf_domain = ((task:get_from(1) or E)[1] or E).domain if not spf_domain or spf_domain == '' then spf_domain = task:get_helo() or '' end if task:has_symbol(symbols['spf_allow_symbol']) then if strict_spf and rspamd_util.strequal_caseless(spf_domain, hfromdom) then spf_ok = true elseif strict_spf then table.insert(reason, "SPF not aligned (strict)") end if not strict_spf then local spf_tld = rspamd_util.get_tld(spf_domain) if rspamd_util.strequal_caseless(spf_tld, dmarc_domain) then spf_ok = true else table.insert(reason, "SPF not aligned (relaxed)") end end else table.insert(reason, "No valid SPF") end local das = task:get_symbol(symbols['dkim_allow_symbol']) if ((das or E)[1] or E).options then dkim_results.pass = {} for _,domain in ipairs(das[1]['options']) do table.insert(dkim_results.pass, domain) if strict_dkim and rspamd_util.strequal_caseless(hfromdom, domain) then dkim_ok = true elseif strict_dkim then table.insert(reason, "DKIM not aligned (strict)") end if not strict_dkim then local dkim_tld = rspamd_util.get_tld(domain) if rspamd_util.strequal_caseless(dkim_tld, dmarc_domain) then dkim_ok = true else table.insert(reason, "DKIM not aligned (relaxed)") end end end else table.insert(reason, "No valid DKIM") end local disposition = 'none' local sampled_out = false local spf_tmpfail, dkim_tmpfail if not (spf_ok or dkim_ok) then local reason_str = table.concat(reason, ", ") res = 1.0 spf_tmpfail = task:get_symbol(symbols['spf_tempfail_symbol']) dkim_tmpfail = task:get_symbol(symbols['dkim_tempfail_symbol']) if (spf_tmpfail or dkim_tmpfail) then if ((dkim_tmpfail or E)[1] or E).options then dkim_results.tempfail = {} for _,domain in ipairs(dkim_tmpfail[1]['options']) do table.insert(dkim_results.tempfail, domain) end end task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['dnsfail'], 1.0, lookup_domain .. ' : ' .. 'SPF/DKIM temp error', dmarc_policy) return maybe_force_action('dnsfail') end if dmarc_policy == 'quarantine' then if not pct or pct == 100 then task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['quarantine'], res, lookup_domain .. ' : ' .. reason_str, dmarc_policy) disposition = "quarantine" else if (math.random(100) > pct) then if (not no_sampling_domains or not no_sampling_domains:get_key(dmarc_domain)) then task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['softfail'], res, lookup_domain .. ' : ' .. reason_str, dmarc_policy, "sampled_out") sampled_out = true else task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['quarantine'], res, lookup_domain .. ' : ' .. reason_str, dmarc_policy, "local_policy") disposition = "quarantine" end else task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['quarantine'], res, lookup_domain .. ' : ' .. reason_str, dmarc_policy) disposition = "quarantine" end end elseif dmarc_policy == 'reject' then if not pct or pct == 100 then task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['reject'], res, lookup_domain .. ' : ' .. reason_str, dmarc_policy) disposition = "reject" else if (math.random(100) > pct) then if (not no_sampling_domains or not no_sampling_domains:get_key(dmarc_domain)) then task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['quarantine'], res, lookup_domain .. ' : ' .. reason_str, dmarc_policy, "sampled_out") disposition = "quarantine" sampled_out = true else task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['reject'], res, lookup_domain .. ' : ' .. reason_str, dmarc_policy, "local_policy") disposition = "reject" end else task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['reject'], res, lookup_domain .. ' : ' .. reason_str, dmarc_policy) disposition = "reject" end end else task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['softfail'], res, lookup_domain .. ' : ' .. reason_str, dmarc_policy) end else task:insert_result(dmarc_symbols['allow'], res, lookup_domain, dmarc_policy) end if rua and redis_params and dmarc_reporting then if no_reporting_domains then if no_reporting_domains:get_key(dmarc_domain) or no_reporting_domains:get_key(rspamd_util.get_tld(dmarc_domain)) then rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'DMARC reporting suppressed for %1', dmarc_domain) return maybe_force_action(disposition) end end local spf_result if spf_ok then spf_result = 'pass' elseif spf_tmpfail then spf_result = 'temperror' else if task:get_symbol(symbols.spf_deny_symbol) then spf_result = 'fail' elseif task:get_symbol(symbols.spf_softfail_symbol) then spf_result = 'softfail' elseif task:get_symbol(symbols.spf_neutral_symbol) then spf_result = 'neutral' elseif task:get_symbol(symbols.spf_permfail_symbol) then spf_result = 'permerror' else spf_result = 'none' end end local dkim_deny = ((task:get_symbol(symbols.dkim_deny_symbol) or E)[1] or E).options if dkim_deny then dkim_results.fail = {} for _, domain in ipairs(dkim_deny) do table.insert(dkim_results.fail, domain) end end local dkim_permerror = ((task:get_symbol(symbols.dkim_permfail_symbol) or E)[1] or E).options if dkim_permerror then dkim_results.permerror = {} for _, domain in ipairs(dkim_permerror) do table.insert(dkim_results.permerror, domain) end end -- Prepare and send redis report element local period = os.date('%Y%m%d', task:get_date({format = 'connect', gmt = true})) local dmarc_domain_key = table.concat({redis_keys.report_prefix, hfromdom, period}, redis_keys.join_char) local report_data = dmarc_report(task, spf_ok and 'pass' or 'fail', dkim_ok and 'pass' or 'fail', disposition, sampled_out, hfromdom, spf_domain, dkim_results, spf_result) local idx_key = table.concat({redis_keys.index_prefix, period}, redis_keys.join_char) if report_data then rspamd_redis.exec_redis_script(take_report_id, {task = task, is_write = true}, dmarc_report_cb, {idx_key, dmarc_domain_key}, {hfromdom, report_data}) end end return maybe_force_action(disposition) end -- Do initial request local resolve_name = '_dmarc.' .. hfromdom task:get_resolver():resolve_txt({ task=task, name = resolve_name, callback = dmarc_dns_cb, forced = true}) end local opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('options') if type(opts) == 'table' then if type(opts['check_local']) == 'boolean' then check_local = opts['check_local'] end if type(opts['check_authed']) == 'boolean' then check_authed = opts['check_authed'] end end opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('dmarc') if not opts or type(opts) ~= 'table' then return end no_sampling_domains = rspamd_map_add(N, 'no_sampling_domains', 'map', 'Domains not to apply DMARC sampling to') no_reporting_domains = rspamd_map_add(N, 'no_reporting_domains', 'map', 'Domains not to apply DMARC reporting to') if opts['symbols'] then for k,_ in pairs(dmarc_symbols) do if opts['symbols'][k] then dmarc_symbols[k] = opts['symbols'][k] end end end if opts['reporting'] == true then redis_params = rspamd_parse_redis_server('dmarc') if not redis_params then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot parse servers parameter') elseif not opts['send_reports'] then dmarc_reporting = true take_report_id = rspamd_redis.add_redis_script(take_report_script, redis_params) else dmarc_reporting = true if type(opts['report_settings']) == 'table' then for k, v in pairs(opts['report_settings']) do report_settings[k] = v end end for _, e in ipairs({'email', 'domain', 'org_name'}) do if not report_settings[e] then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'Missing required setting: report_settings.%s', e) return end end take_report_id = rspamd_redis.add_redis_script(take_report_script, redis_params) rspamd_config:add_on_load(function(cfg, ev_base, worker) if not worker:is_primary_controller() then return end local rresolver = rspamd_resolver.init(ev_base, rspamd_config) rspamd_config:register_finish_script(function () local stamp = pool:get_variable(VAR_NAME, 'double') if not stamp then rspamd_logger.warnx(rspamd_config, 'No last DMARC report information to persist to disk') return end local f, err = io.open(statefile, 'w') if err then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'Unable to write statefile to disk: %s', err) return end assert(f:write(pool:get_variable(VAR_NAME, 'double'))) assert(f:close()) end) local get_reporting_domain, reporting_domain, report_start, report_end, report_id, want_period, report_key local reporting_addr = {} local domain_policy = {} local to_verify = {} local cursor = 0 local function entry_to_xml(data) local buf = { table.concat({ '', data.ip, '', data.count, '', data.disposition, '', data.dkim_disposition, '', data.spf_disposition, '' }), } if data.override ~= '' then table.insert(buf, string.format('%s', data.override)) end table.insert(buf, table.concat({ '', data.header_from, '', })) table.insert(buf, '') if data.dkim_results[1] then for _, d in ipairs(data.dkim_results) do table.insert(buf, table.concat({ '', d.domain, '', d.result, '', })) end end table.insert(buf, table.concat({ '', data.spf_domain, '', data.spf_result, '', })) return table.concat(buf) end local function dmarc_report_xml() local entries = {} report_id = string.format('%s.%d.%d', reporting_domain, report_start, report_end) rspamd_logger.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'new report: %s', report_id) local actions = { push = function(t) local data = t[1] local split = rspamd_str_split(data, ',') local row = { ip = split[1], spf_disposition = split[2], dkim_disposition = split[3], disposition = split[4], override = split[5], header_from = split[6], dkim_results = {}, spf_domain = split[11], spf_result = split[12], count = t[2], } if split[7] and split[7] ~= '' then local tmp = rspamd_str_split(split[7], '|') for _, d in ipairs(tmp) do table.insert(row.dkim_results, {domain = d, result = 'pass'}) end end if split[8] and split[8] ~= '' then local tmp = rspamd_str_split(split[8], '|') for _, d in ipairs(tmp) do table.insert(row.dkim_results, {domain = d, result = 'fail'}) end end if split[9] and split[9] ~= '' then local tmp = rspamd_str_split(split[9], '|') for _, d in ipairs(tmp) do table.insert(row.dkim_results, {domain = d, result = 'temperror'}) end end if split[10] and split[10] ~= '' then local tmp = rspamd_str_split(split[10], '|') for _, d in ipairs(tmp) do table.insert(row.dkim_results, {domain = d, result = 'permerror'}) end end table.insert(entries, row) end, header = function() return table.concat({ '', escape_xml(report_settings.org_name), '', escape_xml(report_settings.email), '', report_id, '', report_start, '', report_end, '', reporting_domain, '', escape_xml(domain_policy.adkim), '', escape_xml(domain_policy.aspf), '

', escape_xml(domain_policy.p), '

', escape_xml(domain_policy.sp), '', escape_xml(domain_policy.pct), '
' }) end, footer = function() return [[
]] end, entries = function() local buf = {} for _, e in pairs(entries) do table.insert(buf, entry_to_xml(e)) end return table.concat(buf, '') end, } return function(action, p) local f = actions[action] if not f then error('invalid action: ' .. action) end return f(p) end end local function send_report_via_email(xmlf, retry) if not retry then retry = 0 end if retry > report_settings.retries then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, "Couldn't send mail for %s: retries exceeded", reporting_domain) return get_reporting_domain() end local tmp_addr = {} for k in pairs(reporting_addr) do table.insert(tmp_addr, k) end local encoded = rspamd_util.encode_base64(table.concat({xmlf('header'), xmlf('entries'), xmlf('footer')}), 78) local function mail_cb(err, data, conn) local function no_error(merr, mdata, wantcode) wantcode = wantcode or '2' if merr then rspamd_logger.errx(ev_base, 'got error in tcp callback: %s', merr) if conn then conn:close() end send_report_via_email(xmlf, retry+1) return false end if mdata then if type(mdata) ~= 'string' then mdata = tostring(mdata) end if string.sub(mdata, 1, 1) ~= wantcode then rspamd_logger.errx(ev_base, 'got bad smtp response: %s', mdata) if conn then conn:close() end send_report_via_email(xmlf, retry+1) return false end else rspamd_logger.errx(ev_base, 'no data') if conn then conn:close() end send_report_via_email(xmlf, retry+1) return false end return true end local function all_done_cb(merr, mdata) if conn then conn:close() end get_reporting_domain() return true end local function quit_done_cb(merr, mdata) conn:add_read(all_done_cb, '\r\n') end local function quit_cb(merr, mdata) if no_error(merr, mdata) then conn:add_write(quit_done_cb, 'QUIT\r\n') end end local function pre_quit_cb(merr, mdata) if no_error(merr, '2') then conn:add_read(quit_cb, '\r\n') end end local function data_done_cb(merr, mdata) if no_error(merr, mdata, '3') then local atmp = {} for k in pairs(reporting_addr) do table.insert(atmp, k) end local addr_string = table.concat(atmp, ', ') local rhead = string.format(report_template, report_settings.email, addr_string, reporting_domain, report_settings.domain, report_id, rspamd_util.time_to_string(rspamd_util.get_time()), rspamd_util.random_hex(12) .. '@rspamd', report_settings.domain, report_settings.domain, reporting_domain, report_start, report_end) conn:add_write(pre_quit_cb, {rhead, encoded, report_footer, '\r\n.\r\n'}) end end local function data_cb(merr, mdata) if no_error(merr, '2') then conn:add_read(data_done_cb, '\r\n') end end local function rcpt_done_cb(merr, mdata) if no_error(merr, mdata) then conn:add_write(data_cb, 'DATA\r\n') end end local from_done_cb local function rcpt_cb(merr, mdata) if no_error(merr, '2') then if tmp_addr[1] then conn:add_read(from_done_cb, '\r\n') else conn:add_read(rcpt_done_cb, '\r\n') end end end from_done_cb = function(merr, mdata) if no_error(merr, mdata) then conn:add_write(rcpt_cb, {'RCPT TO: <', table.remove(tmp_addr), '>\r\n'}) end end local function from_cb(merr, mdata) if no_error(merr, '2') then conn:add_read(from_done_cb, '\r\n') end end local function hello_done_cb(merr, mdata) if no_error(merr, mdata) then conn:add_write(from_cb, {'MAIL FROM: <', report_settings.email, '>\r\n'}) end end local function hello_cb(merr) if no_error(merr, '2') then conn:add_read(hello_done_cb, '\r\n') end end if no_error(err, data) then conn:add_write(hello_cb, {'HELO ', report_settings.helo, '\r\n'}) end end rspamd_tcp.request({ ev_base = ev_base, callback = mail_cb, config = rspamd_config, stop_pattern = '\r\n', host = report_settings.smtp, port = report_settings.smtp_port, resolver = rresolver, }) end local function make_report() if type(report_settings.override_address) == 'string' then reporting_addr = {[report_settings.override_address] = true} end if type(report_settings.additional_address) == 'string' then reporting_addr[report_settings.additional_address] = true end rspamd_logger.infox(ev_base, 'sending report for %s <%s>', reporting_domain, table.concat(reporting_addr, ',')) local dmarc_xml = dmarc_report_xml() local dmarc_push_cb dmarc_push_cb = function(err, data) if err then rspamd_logger.errx(ev_base, 'Redis request failed: %s', err) -- XXX: data is orphaned; replace key or delete data get_reporting_domain() elseif type(data) == 'table' then cursor = tonumber(data[1]) for i = 1, #data[2], 2 do dmarc_xml('push', {data[2][i], data[2][i+1]}) end if cursor ~= 0 then local ret = rspamd_redis.redis_make_request_taskless(ev_base, rspamd_config, redis_params, nil, false, -- is write dmarc_push_cb, --callback 'HSCAN', -- command {report_key, cursor, 'COUNT', report_settings.hscan_count} ) if not ret then rspamd_logger.errx(ev_base, 'Failed to schedule redis request') get_reporting_domain() end else send_report_via_email(dmarc_xml) end end end local ret = rspamd_redis.redis_make_request_taskless(ev_base, rspamd_config, redis_params, nil, false, -- is write dmarc_push_cb, --callback 'HSCAN', -- command {report_key, cursor, 'COUNT', report_settings.hscan_count} ) if not ret then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'Failed to schedule redis request') -- XXX: data is orphaned; replace key or delete data get_reporting_domain() end end local function delete_reports() local function delete_reports_cb(err) if err then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'Error deleting reports: %s', err) end rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'Deleted reports for %s', reporting_domain) get_reporting_domain() end local ret = rspamd_redis.redis_make_request_taskless(ev_base, rspamd_config, redis_params, nil, true, -- is write delete_reports_cb, --callback 'DEL', -- command {report_key} ) if not ret then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'Failed to schedule redis request') get_reporting_domain() end end local function verify_reporting_address() local function verifier(test_addr, vdom) local retry = 0 local function verify_cb(resolver, to_resolve, results, err, _, authenticated) if err then if err == 'no records with this name' or err == 'requested record is not found' then rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'Reports to %s for %s not authorised', test_addr, reporting_domain) to_verify[test_addr] = nil else rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'Lookup error [%s]: %s', to_resolve, err) if retry < report_settings.retries then retry = retry + 1 rspamd_config:get_resolver():resolve_txt(nil, pool, string.format('%s._report._dmarc.%s', reporting_domain, vdom), verify_cb) else delete_reports() end end else local is_authed = false -- XXX: reporting address could be overridden for _, r in ipairs(results) do if string.match(r, 'v=DMARC1') then is_authed = true break end end if not is_authed then to_verify[test_addr] = nil rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'Reports to %s for %s not authorised', test_addr, reporting_domain) else to_verify[test_addr] = nil reporting_addr[test_addr] = true end end local t, nvdom = next(to_verify) if not t then if next(reporting_addr) then make_report() else rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'No valid reporting addresses for %s', reporting_domain) delete_reports() end else verifier(t, nvdom) end end rspamd_config:get_resolver():resolve_txt(nil, pool, string.format('%s._report._dmarc.%s', reporting_domain, vdom), verify_cb) end local t, vdom = next(to_verify) verifier(t, vdom) end local function get_reporting_address() local retry = 0 local esld = rspamd_util.get_tld(reporting_domain) local function check_addr_cb(resolver, to_resolve, results, err, _, authenticated) if err then if err == 'no records with this name' or err == 'requested record is not found' then if reporting_domain ~= esld then rspamd_config:get_resolver():resolve_txt(nil, pool, string.format('_dmarc.%s', esld), check_addr_cb) else rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'No DMARC record found for %s', reporting_domain) delete_reports() end else rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'Lookup error [%s]: %s', to_resolve, err) if retry < report_settings.retries then retry = retry + 1 rspamd_config:get_resolver():resolve_txt(nil, pool, to_resolve, check_addr_cb) else rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, "Couldn't get reporting address for %s: retries exceeded", reporting_domain) delete_reports() end end else local policy local found_policy, failed_policy = false, false for _, r in ipairs(results) do local elts = dmarc_grammar:match(r) if elts and found_policy then failed_policy = true elseif elts then found_policy = true policy = elts end end if not found_policy then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'No policy: %s', to_resolve) if reporting_domain ~= esld then rspamd_config:get_resolver():resolve_txt(nil, pool, string.format('_dmarc.%s', esld), check_addr_cb) else delete_reports() end elseif failed_policy then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'Duplicate policies: %s', to_resolve) delete_reports() elseif not policy['rua'] then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'No reporting address: %s', to_resolve) delete_reports() else local upool = mempool.create() local split = rspamd_str_split(policy['rua'], ',') for _, m in ipairs(split) do local url = rspamd_url.create(upool, m) if not url then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'Couldnt extract reporting address: %s', policy['rua']) else local urlt = url:to_table() if urlt['protocol'] ~= 'mailto' then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'Invalid URL: %s', url) else if urlt['tld'] == rspamd_util.get_tld(reporting_domain) then reporting_addr[string.format('%s@%s', urlt['user'], urlt['host'])] = true else to_verify[string.format('%s@%s', urlt['user'], urlt['host'])] = urlt['host'] end end end end upool:destroy() domain_policy['pct'] = policy['pct'] or 100 domain_policy['adkim'] = policy['adkim'] or 'r' domain_policy['aspf'] = policy['aspf'] or 'r' domain_policy['p'] = policy['p'] or 'none' domain_policy['sp'] = policy['sp'] or 'none' if next(to_verify) then verify_reporting_address() elseif next(reporting_addr) then make_report() else rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'No reporting address for %s', reporting_domain) delete_reports() end end end end rspamd_config:get_resolver():resolve_txt(nil, pool, string.format('_dmarc.%s', reporting_domain), check_addr_cb) end get_reporting_domain = function() reporting_domain = nil reporting_addr = {} domain_policy = {} cursor = 0 local function get_reporting_domain_cb(err, data) if err then rspamd_logger.errx(cfg, 'Unable to get DMARC domain: %s', err) else if type(data) == 'userdata' then reporting_domain = nil else report_key = data local tmp = rspamd_str_split(data, redis_keys.join_char) reporting_domain = tmp[2] end if not reporting_domain then rspamd_logger.infox(cfg, 'No more domains to generate reports for') else get_reporting_address() end end end local idx_key = table.concat({redis_keys.index_prefix, want_period}, redis_keys.join_char) local ret = rspamd_redis.redis_make_request_taskless(ev_base, rspamd_config, redis_params, nil, true, -- is write get_reporting_domain_cb, --callback 'SPOP', -- command {idx_key} ) if not ret then rspamd_logger.errx(cfg, 'Unable to get DMARC domain') end end local function send_reports(time) rspamd_logger.infox(ev_base, 'sending reports ostensibly %1', time) pool:set_variable(VAR_NAME, time) local yesterday = os.date('!*t', rspamd_util.get_time() - INTERVAL) local today = os.date('!*t', rspamd_util.get_time()) report_start = os.time({year = yesterday.year, month = yesterday.month, day = yesterday.day, hour = 0}) + tz_offset report_end = os.time({year = today.year, month = today.month, day = today.day, hour = 0}) + tz_offset want_period = table.concat({ yesterday.year, string.format('%02d', yesterday.month), string.format('%02d', yesterday.day) }) get_reporting_domain() end -- Push reports at regular intervals local function schedule_regular_send() rspamd_config:add_periodic(ev_base, INTERVAL, function () send_reports() return true end) end -- Push reports to backend and reschedule check local function schedule_intermediate_send(when) rspamd_config:add_periodic(ev_base, when, function () schedule_regular_send() send_reports(rspamd_util.get_time()) return false end) end -- Try read statefile on startup local stamp local f, err = io.open(statefile, 'r') if err then rspamd_logger.errx('Failed to open statefile: %s', err) end if f then io.input(f) stamp = tonumber(io.read()) pool:set_variable(VAR_NAME, stamp) end local time = rspamd_util.get_time() if not stamp then rspamd_logger.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'No state found - sending reports immediately') schedule_regular_send() send_reports(time) return end local delta = stamp - time + INTERVAL if delta <= 0 then rspamd_logger.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'Last send is too old - sending reports immediately') schedule_regular_send() send_reports(time) return end rspamd_logger.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'Scheduling next send in %s seconds', delta) schedule_intermediate_send(delta) end) end end if type(opts['actions']) == 'table' then dmarc_actions = opts['actions'] end if type(opts['report_settings']) == 'table' then for k, v in pairs(opts['report_settings']) do report_settings[k] = v end end if opts['send_reports'] then for _, e in ipairs({'email', 'domain', 'org_name'}) do if not report_settings[e] then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'Missing required setting: report_settings.%s', e) return end end end -- Check spf and dkim sections for changed symbols local function check_mopt(var, m_opts, name) if m_opts[name] then symbols[var] = tostring(m_opts[name]) end end local spf_opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('spf') if spf_opts then check_mopt('spf_deny_symbol', spf_opts, 'symbol_fail') check_mopt('spf_allow_symbol', spf_opts, 'symbol_allow') check_mopt('spf_softfail_symbol', spf_opts, 'symbol_softfail') check_mopt('spf_neutral_symbol', spf_opts, 'symbol_neutral') check_mopt('spf_tempfail_symbol', spf_opts, 'symbol_dnsfail') check_mopt('spf_na_symbol', spf_opts, 'symbol_na') end local dkim_opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('dkim') if dkim_opts then check_mopt('dkim_deny_symbol', dkim_opts, 'symbol_reject') check_mopt('dkim_allow_symbol', dkim_opts, 'symbol_allow') check_mopt('dkim_tempfail_symbol', dkim_opts, 'symbol_tempfail') check_mopt('dkim_na_symbol', dkim_opts, 'symbol_na') end local id = rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = 'DMARC_CALLBACK', type = 'callback', callback = dmarc_callback }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = dmarc_symbols['allow'], flags = 'nice', parent = id, type = 'virtual' }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = dmarc_symbols['reject'], parent = id, type = 'virtual' }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = dmarc_symbols['quarantine'], parent = id, type = 'virtual' }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = dmarc_symbols['softfail'], parent = id, type = 'virtual' }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = dmarc_symbols['dnsfail'], parent = id, type = 'virtual' }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = dmarc_symbols['na'], parent = id, type = 'virtual' }) rspamd_config:register_dependency(id, symbols['spf_allow_symbol']) rspamd_config:register_dependency(id, symbols['dkim_allow_symbol'])