--[[ Copyright (c) 2016, Vsevolod Stakhov Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger" local redis_params local ucl = require "ucl" local fun = require "fun" if confighelp then return end local settings = { redis_key = "dynamic_conf", redis_watch_interval = 10.0, priority = 10 } local cur_settings = { version = 0, updates = { symbols = {}, actions = {}, has_updates = false } } local function alpha_cmp(v1, v2) local math = math if math.abs(v1 - v2) < 0.001 then return true end return false end local function redis_make_request(ev_base, cfg, key, is_write, callback, command, args) if not ev_base or not redis_params or not callback or not command then return false,nil,nil end local addr local rspamd_redis = require "rspamd_redis" if key then if is_write then addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(key) else addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_by_hash(key) end else if is_write then addr = redis_params['write_servers']:get_upstream_master_slave(key) else addr = redis_params['read_servers']:get_upstream_round_robin(key) end end if not addr then rspamd_logger.errx(cfg, 'cannot select server to make redis request') end local options = { ev_base = ev_base, config = cfg, callback = callback, host = addr:get_addr(), timeout = redis_params['timeout'], cmd = command, args = args } if redis_params['password'] then options['password'] = redis_params['password'] end if redis_params['db'] then options['dbname'] = redis_params['db'] end local ret,conn = rspamd_redis.make_request(options) return ret,conn,addr end local function apply_dynamic_actions(_, acts) fun.each(function(k, v) if type(v) == 'table' then v['name'] = k if not v['priority'] then v['priority'] = settings.priority end rspamd_config:set_metric_action(v) else rspamd_config:set_metric_symbol({ name = k, score = v, priority = settings.priority }) end end, fun.filter(function(k, v) local act = rspamd_config:get_metric_action(k) if (act and alpha_cmp(act, v)) or cur_settings.updates.actions[k] then return false end return true end, acts)) end local function apply_dynamic_scores(_, sc) fun.each(function(k, v) if type(v) == 'table' then v['name'] = k if not v['priority'] then v['priority'] = settings.priority end rspamd_config:set_metric_symbol(v) else rspamd_config:set_metric_symbol({ name = k, score = v, priority = settings.priority }) end end, fun.filter(function(k, v) -- Select elts with scores that are different from local ones local sym = rspamd_config:get_metric_symbol(k) if (sym and alpha_cmp(sym.score, v)) or cur_settings.updates.symbols[k] then return false end return true end, sc)) end local function apply_dynamic_conf(cfg, data) if data['scores'] then -- Apply scores changes apply_dynamic_scores(cfg, data['scores']) end if data['actions'] then apply_dynamic_actions(cfg, data['actions']) end if data['symbols_enabled'] then fun.each(function(_, v) cfg:enable_symbol(v) end, data['symbols_enabled']) end if data['symbols_disabled'] then fun.each(function(_, v) cfg:disable_symbol(v) end, data['symbols_disabled']) end end local function update_dynamic_conf(cfg, ev_base, recv) local function redis_version_set_cb(err, data) if err then rspamd_logger.errx(cfg, "cannot save dynamic conf version to redis: %s", err) else rspamd_logger.infox(cfg, "saved dynamic conf version: %s", data) cur_settings.updates.has_updates = false cur_settings.updates.symbols = {} cur_settings.updates.actions = {} end end local function redis_data_set_cb(err) if err then rspamd_logger.errx(cfg, "cannot save dynamic conf to redis: %s", err) else redis_make_request(ev_base, cfg, settings.redis_key, true, redis_version_set_cb, 'HINCRBY', {settings.redis_key, 'v', '1'}) end end if recv then -- We need to merge two configs if recv['scores'] then if not cur_settings.data.scores then cur_settings.data.scores = {} end fun.each(function(k, v) cur_settings.data.scores[k] = v end, fun.filter(function(k) if cur_settings.updates.symbols[k] then return false end return true end, recv['scores'])) end if recv['actions'] then if not cur_settings.data.actions then cur_settings.data.actions = {} end fun.each(function(k, v) cur_settings.data.actions[k] = v end, fun.filter(function(k) if cur_settings.updates.actions[k] then return false end return true end, recv['actions'])) end end local newdata = ucl.to_format(cur_settings.data, 'json-compact') redis_make_request(ev_base, cfg, settings.redis_key, true, redis_data_set_cb, 'HSET', {settings.redis_key, 'd', newdata}) end local function check_dynamic_conf(cfg, ev_base) local function redis_load_cb(redis_err, data) if redis_err then rspamd_logger.errx(cfg, "cannot read dynamic conf from redis: %s", redis_err) elseif data and type(data) == 'string' then local parser = ucl.parser() local _,err = parser:parse_string(data) if err then rspamd_logger.errx(cfg, "cannot load dynamic conf from redis: %s", err) else local d = parser:get_object() apply_dynamic_conf(cfg, d) if cur_settings.updates.has_updates then -- Need to send our updates to Redis update_dynamic_conf(cfg, ev_base, d) else cur_settings.data = d end end end end local function redis_check_cb(err, data) if not err and type(data) == 'string' then local rver = tonumber(data) if not cur_settings.version or (rver and rver > cur_settings.version) then rspamd_logger.infox(cfg, "need to load fresh dynamic settings with version %s, local version is %s", rver, cur_settings.version) cur_settings.version = rver redis_make_request(ev_base, cfg, settings.redis_key, false, redis_load_cb, 'HGET', {settings.redis_key, 'd'}) elseif cur_settings.updates.has_updates then -- Need to send our updates to Redis update_dynamic_conf(cfg, ev_base) end elseif cur_settings.updates.has_updates then -- Need to send our updates to Redis update_dynamic_conf(cfg, ev_base) end end redis_make_request(ev_base, cfg, settings.redis_key, false, redis_check_cb, 'HGET', {settings.redis_key, 'v'}) end local section = rspamd_config:get_all_opt("dynamic_conf") if section then redis_params = rspamd_parse_redis_server('dynamic_conf') if not redis_params then rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'no servers are specified, disabling module') return end for k,v in pairs(section) do settings[k] = v end rspamd_config:add_on_load(function(_, ev_base) rspamd_config:add_periodic(ev_base, 0.0, function(cfg, _ev_base) check_dynamic_conf(cfg, _ev_base) return settings.redis_watch_interval end, true) end) end -- Updates part local function add_dynamic_symbol(_, sym, score) local add = false if not cur_settings.data then cur_settings.data = {} end if not cur_settings.data.scores then cur_settings.data.scores = {} cur_settings.data.scores[sym] = score add = true else if cur_settings.data.scores[sym] then if cur_settings.data.scores[sym] ~= score then add = true end else cur_settings.data.scores[sym] = score add = true end end if add then cur_settings.data.scores[sym] = score table.insert(cur_settings.updates.symbols, sym) cur_settings.updates.has_updates = true end return add end local function add_dynamic_action(_, act, score) local add = false if not cur_settings.data then cur_settings.data = {} cur_settings.version = 0 end if not cur_settings.data.actions then cur_settings.data.actions = {} cur_settings.data.actions[act] = score add = true else if cur_settings.data.actions[act] then if cur_settings.data.actions[act] ~= score then add = true end else cur_settings.data.actions[act] = score add = true end end if add then cur_settings.data.actions[act] = score table.insert(cur_settings.updates.actions, act) cur_settings.updates.has_updates = true end return add end if redis_params then rspamd_plugins["dynamic_conf"] = { add_symbol = add_dynamic_symbol, add_action = add_dynamic_action, } end