--[[ Copyright (c) 2017, Veselin Iordanov Copyright (c) 2022, Vsevolod Stakhov Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- local rspamd_logger = require 'rspamd_logger' local rspamd_http = require "rspamd_http" local lua_util = require "lua_util" local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util" local ucl = require "ucl" local upstream_list = require "rspamd_upstream_list" if confighelp then return end local N = "elastic" local connect_prefix = 'http://' local rspamd_hostname = rspamd_util.get_hostname() -- supported_distro: -- from - minimal compatible version supported, including -- till & till_unknown = true - yet unreleased version, so unknown compitability, excluding -- hill & till_unknown = false - version is known to be not yet compatible with this module local supported_distro = { elastic = { from = '7.8', till = '9', till_unknown = true, }, opensearch = { from = '1', till = '3', till_unknown = true, }, } local detected_distro = { name = nil, version = nil, supported = false, } local states = { distro = { configured = false, errors = 0, }, index_template = { configured = false, errors = 0, }, index_policy = { configured = false, errors = 0, }, geoip_pipeline = { configured = false, errors = 0, }, } local settings = { enabled = true, version = { autodetect_enabled = true, autodetect_max_fail = 30, -- override works only if autodetect is disabled override = { name = 'opensearch', version = '2.17', } }, limits = { max_rows = 500, -- max logs in one bulk req to elastic and first reason to flush buffer max_interval = 60, -- seconds, if first log in buffer older then interval - flush buffer max_fail = 15, }, index_template = { managed = true, name = 'rspamd', pattern = '{service}-%Y.%m.%d', priority = 0, shards_count = 3, replicas_count = 1, refresh_interval = 5, -- seconds dynamic_keyword_ignore_above = 256, headers_count_ignore_above = 5, -- record only N first same named headers, add 'ignored above...' if reached, set 0 to disable limit headers_text_ignore_above = 2048, -- strip specific header value and add '...' to the end, set 0 to disable limit symbols_nested = false, empty_value = 'unknown', -- empty numbers, ips and ipnets are not customizable they will be always 0, :: and ::/128 respectively }, index_policy = { enabled = true, managed = true, name = 'rspamd', -- if you want use custom lifecycle policy, change name and set managed = false hot = { index_priority = 100, }, warm = { enabled = true, after = '2d', index_priority = 50, migrate = true, -- only supported with elastic distro, will not have impact elsewhere read_only = true, change_replicas = false, replicas_count = 1, shrink = false, shards_count = 1, max_gb_per_shard = 0, -- zero - disabled by default, if enabled - shards_count is ignored force_merge = false, segments_count = 1, }, cold = { enabled = true, after = '14d', index_priority = 0, migrate = true, -- only supported with elastic distro, will not have impact elsewhere read_only = true, change_replicas = false, replicas_count = 1, }, delete = { enabled = true, after = '30d', }, }, collect_headers = { 'From', 'To', 'Subject', 'Date', 'User-Agent', }, extra_collect_headers = { -- 'List-Id', -- 'X-Mailer', }, geoip = { enabled = true, managed = true, pipeline_name = 'rspamd-geoip', }, periodic_interval = 5.0, timeout = 5.0, use_https = false, no_ssl_verify = false, use_gzip = true, use_keepalive = true, allow_local = false, user = nil, password = nil, } local Queue = {} Queue.__index = Queue function Queue:new() local obj = { first = 1, last = 0, data = {} } setmetatable(obj, self) return obj end function Queue:push(value) self.last = self.last + 1 self.data[self.last] = value end function Queue:length() return self.last - self.first + 1 end function Queue:get(index) local real_index = self.first + index - 1 if real_index <= self.last then return self.data[real_index] else return nil end end function Queue:get_all() local items = {} for i = self.first, self.last do table.insert(items, self.data[i]) end return items end function Queue:pop() if self.first > self.last then return nil end local value = self.data[self.first] self.data[self.first] = nil self.first = self.first + 1 return value end function Queue:get_first(count) local items = {} count = count or self:length() local actual_end = math.min(self.first + count - 1, self.last) for i = self.first, actual_end do table.insert(items, self.data[i]) end return items end function Queue:pop_first(count) local popped_items = {} count = count or self:length() local actual_count = math.min(count, self:length()) local n = 0 while n < actual_count do local item = self:pop() table.insert(popped_items, item) n = n + 1 end return popped_items end local buffer = { logs = Queue:new(), errors = 0, } local function contains(tbl, val) for i = 1, #tbl do if tbl[i]:lower() == val:lower() then return true end end return false end local function safe_get(table, ...) local value = table for _, key in ipairs({ ... }) do if value[key] == nil then return nil end value = value[key] end return value end local function compare_versions(v1, v2) -- helper function to extract the numeric version string local function extract_numeric_version(version) -- remove any trailing characters that are not digits or dots version = version:match("^([%.%d]+)") local parts = {} for part in string.gmatch(version or "", '([^.]+)') do table.insert(parts, tonumber(part) or 0) end return parts end local v1_parts = extract_numeric_version(v1) local v2_parts = extract_numeric_version(v2) local max_length = math.max(#v1_parts, #v2_parts) -- compare each part of the version strings for i = 1, max_length do local num1 = v1_parts[i] or 0 local num2 = v2_parts[i] or 0 if num1 > num2 then return 1 -- v1 is greater than v2 elseif num1 < num2 then return -1 -- v1 is less than v2 end -- if equal, continue to the next part end return 0 -- versions are equal end local function handle_error(action, component, limit) if states[component]['errors'] >= limit then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot %s elastic %s, failed attempts: %s/%s, stop trying', action, component:gsub('_', ' '), states[component]['errors'], limit) states[component]['configured'] = true else states[component]['errors'] = states[component]['errors'] + 1 end return true end local function get_received_delay(received_headers) local now = math.floor(rspamd_util.get_time()) local timestamp = 0 local delay = 0 for i, received_header in ipairs(received_headers) do -- skip first received_header as it's own relay if i > 1 and received_header['timestamp'] and received_header['timestamp'] > 0 then timestamp = received_header['timestamp'] break end end if timestamp > 0 then delay = now - timestamp if delay < 0 then delay = 0 end end return delay end local function is_empty(str) -- define a pattern that includes invisible unicode characters local str_cleared = str:gsub('[' .. '\xC2\xA0' .. -- U+00A0 non-breaking space '\xE2\x80\x8B' .. -- U+200B zero width space '\xEF\xBB\xBF' .. -- U+FEFF byte order mark (zero width no-break space) '\xE2\x80\x8C' .. -- U+200C zero width non-joiner '\xE2\x80\x8D' .. -- U+200D zero width joiner '\xE2\x80\x8E' .. -- U+200E left-to-right mark '\xE2\x80\x8F' .. -- U+200F right-to-left mark '\xE2\x81\xA0' .. -- U+2060 word joiner '\xE2\x80\xAA' .. -- U+202A left-to-right embedding '\xE2\x80\xAB' .. -- U+202B right-to-left embedding '\xE2\x80\xAC' .. -- U+202C pop directional formatting '\xE2\x80\xAD' .. -- U+202D left-to-right override '\xE2\x80\xAE' .. -- U+202E right-to-left override '\xE2\x81\x9F' .. -- U+2061 function application '\xE2\x81\xA1' .. -- U+2061 invisible separator '\xE2\x81\xA2' .. -- U+2062 invisible times '\xE2\x81\xA3' .. -- U+2063 invisible separator '\xE2\x81\xA4' .. -- U+2064 invisible plus ']', '') -- gsub replaces all matched characters with an empty string if str_cleared:match('[%S]') then return false else return true end end local function fill_empty_strings(tbl, empty_value) local filled_tbl = {} for key, value in pairs(tbl) do if value and type(value) == 'table' then local nested_filtered = fill_empty_strings(value, empty_value) if next(nested_filtered) ~= nil then filled_tbl[key] = nested_filtered end elseif type(value) == 'boolean' then filled_tbl[key] = value elseif value and type(value) == 'string' and is_empty(value) then filled_tbl[key] = empty_value elseif value then filled_tbl[key] = value end end return filled_tbl end local function create_bulk_json(es_index, logs_to_send) local tbl = {} for _, row in pairs(logs_to_send) do local pipeline = '' if settings['geoip']['enabled'] then pipeline = ',"pipeline":"' .. settings['geoip']['pipeline_name'] .. '"' end table.insert(tbl, '{"index":{"_index":"' .. es_index .. '"' .. pipeline .. '}}') table.insert(tbl, ucl.to_format(row, 'json-compact')) end table.insert(tbl, '') -- for last \n return table.concat(tbl, "\n") end local function elastic_send_data(flush_all, task, cfg, ev_base) local log_object = task or rspamd_config local nlogs_to_send = 0 local es_index local upstream local host local push_url local bulk_json local logs_to_send if flush_all then logs_to_send = buffer['logs']:get_all() else logs_to_send = buffer['logs']:get_first(settings['limits']['max_rows']) end nlogs_to_send = #logs_to_send -- actual size can be lower then max_rows if nlogs_to_send > 0 then es_index = settings['index_template']['name'] .. '-' .. os.date(settings['index_template']['pattern']) upstream = settings.upstream:get_upstream_round_robin() host = upstream:get_name():gsub(":[1-9][0-9]*$", "") local ip_addr = upstream:get_addr():to_string(true) push_url = connect_prefix .. ip_addr .. '/' .. es_index .. '/_bulk' bulk_json = create_bulk_json(es_index, logs_to_send) lua_util.debugm(N, log_object, 'successfully composed payload with %s log lines', nlogs_to_send) end local function http_callback(err, code, body, _) local push_done = false if err then rspamd_logger.errx(log_object, 'cannot send logs to elastic (%s): %s; failed attempts: %s/%s', push_url, err, buffer['errors'], settings['limits']['max_fail']) elseif code == 200 then local parser = ucl.parser() local res, ucl_err = parser:parse_string(body) if not ucl_err and res then local obj = parser:get_object() push_done = true lua_util.debugm(N, log_object, 'successfully sent payload with %s logs', nlogs_to_send) if obj['errors'] then for _, value in pairs(obj['items']) do if value['index'] and value['index']['status'] >= 400 then local status = value['index']['status'] local index = safe_get(value, 'index', '_index') or '' local error_type = safe_get(value, 'index', 'error', 'type') or '' local error_reason = safe_get(value, 'index', 'error', 'reason') or '' rspamd_logger.warnx(log_object, 'error while pushing logs to elastic, status: %s, index: %s, type: %s, reason: %s', status, index, error_type, error_reason) end end end else rspamd_logger.errx(log_object, 'cannot parse response from elastic (%s): %s; failed attempts: %s/%s', push_url, ucl_err, buffer['errors'], settings['limits']['max_fail']) end else rspamd_logger.errx(log_object, 'cannot send logs to elastic (%s) due to bad http status code: %s, response: %s; failed attempts: %s/%s', push_url, code, body, buffer['errors'], settings['limits']['max_fail']) end -- proccess results if push_done then buffer['logs']:pop_first(nlogs_to_send) buffer['errors'] = 0 upstream:ok() else upstream:fail() if buffer['errors'] >= settings['limits']['max_fail'] then rspamd_logger.errx(log_object, 'failed to send %s log lines, failed attempts: %s/%s, removing failed logs from bugger', nlogs_to_send, buffer['errors'], settings['limits']['max_fail']) buffer['logs']:pop_first(nlogs_to_send) buffer['errors'] = 0 else buffer['errors'] = buffer['errors'] + 1 end end end if nlogs_to_send > 0 then local http_request = { url = push_url, headers = { ['Host'] = host, ['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-ndjson', }, body = bulk_json, method = 'post', callback = http_callback, gzip = settings.use_gzip, keepalive = settings.use_keepalive, no_ssl_verify = settings.no_ssl_verify, user = settings.user, password = settings.password, timeout = settings.timeout, } if task then http_request['task'] = task else http_request['ev_base'] = ev_base http_request['config'] = cfg end return rspamd_http.request(http_request) end end local function get_header_name(name) return 'header_' .. name:lower():gsub('[%s%-]', '_') end local function get_general_metadata(task) local r = {} local empty = settings['index_template']['empty_value'] local user = task:get_user() r.rspamd_server = rspamd_hostname or empty r.action = task:get_metric_action() or empty r.score = task:get_metric_score()[1] or 0 r.symbols = task:get_symbols_all() for _, symbol in ipairs(r.symbols) do symbol.groups = nil -- we don't need groups array in elastic if type(symbol.score) == 'number' then symbol.score = lua_util.round(symbol.score, 3) end if type(symbol.weight) == 'number' then symbol.weight = lua_util.round(symbol.weight, 3) end end r.user = user or empty if user then r.direction = 'Outbound' else r.direction = 'Inbound' end r.qid = task:get_queue_id() or empty r.helo = task:get_helo() or empty r.hostname = task:get_hostname() or empty r.ip = '::' r.is_local = false local ip_addr = task:get_ip() if ip_addr and ip_addr:is_valid() and tostring(ip_addr) ~= '...' then r.is_local = ip_addr:is_local() r.ip = tostring(ip_addr) end r.sender_ip = '::' local origin = task:get_header('X-Originating-IP') if origin then origin = origin:gsub('^%[', ''):gsub('%]:[0-9]+$', ''):gsub('%]$', '') local rspamd_ip = require "rspamd_ip" local origin_ip = rspamd_ip.from_string(origin) if origin_ip and origin_ip:is_valid() and tostring(origin_ip) ~= '...' then r.sender_ip = tostring(origin_ip) end end local message_id = task:get_message_id() if message_id == 'undef' then r.message_id = empty else r.message_id = message_id end if task:has_recipients('smtp') then local rcpt = task:get_recipients('smtp') local l = {} for _, a in ipairs(rcpt) do if a['user'] and #a['user'] > 0 and a['domain'] and #a['domain'] > 0 then table.insert(l, a['user'] .. '@' .. a['domain']:lower()) end end if #l > 0 then r.rcpt = l else r.rcpt = empty end else r.rcpt = empty end r.from_user = empty r.from_domain = empty if task:has_from('smtp') then local from = task:get_from({ 'smtp', 'orig' })[1] if from and from['user'] and #from['user'] > 0 and from['domain'] and #from['domain'] > 0 then r.from_user = from['user'] r.from_domain = from['domain']:lower() end end r.mime_from_user = empty r.mime_from_domain = empty if task:has_from('mime') then local mime_from = task:get_from({ 'mime', 'orig' })[1] if mime_from and mime_from['user'] and #mime_from['user'] > 0 and mime_from['domain'] and #mime_from['domain'] > 0 then r.mime_from_user = mime_from['user'] r.mime_from_domain = mime_from['domain']:lower() end end local settings_id = task:get_settings_id() if settings_id then -- Convert to string local lua_settings = require "lua_settings" settings_id = lua_settings.settings_by_id(settings_id) if settings_id then settings_id = settings_id.name end end if not settings_id then settings_id = empty end r.settings_id = settings_id r.asn = {} local pool = task:get_mempool() r.asn.country = pool:get_variable("country") or empty r.asn.asn = pool:get_variable("asn") or 0 r.asn.ipnet = pool:get_variable("ipnet") or '::/128' local function process_header(name) local hdr = task:get_header_full(name) local headers_text_ignore_above = settings['index_template']['headers_text_ignore_above'] - 3 if hdr and #hdr > 0 then local l = {} for _, h in ipairs(hdr) do if settings['index_template']['headers_count_ignore_above'] ~= 0 and #l >= settings['index_template']['headers_count_ignore_above'] then table.insert(l, 'ignored above...') break end local header if settings['index_template']['headers_text_ignore_above'] ~= 0 and h.decoded and #h.decoded >= headers_text_ignore_above then header = h.decoded:sub(1, headers_text_ignore_above) .. '...' elseif h.decoded and #h.decoded > 0 then header = h.decoded else header = empty end table.insert(l, header) end return l else return empty end end for _, header in ipairs(settings['collect_headers']) do local header_name = get_header_name(header) if not r[header_name] then r[header_name] = process_header(header) end end for _, header in ipairs(settings['extra_collect_headers']) do local header_name = get_header_name(header) if not r[header_name] then r[header_name] = process_header(header) end end local scan_real = task:get_scan_time() scan_real = math.floor(scan_real * 1000) if scan_real < 0 then rspamd_logger.messagex(task, 'clock skew detected for message: %s ms real scan time (reset to 0)', scan_real) scan_real = 0 end r.scan_time = scan_real local parts = task:get_text_parts() local lang_t = {} if parts then for _, part in ipairs(parts) do local l = part:get_language() if l and not contains(lang_t, l) then table.insert(lang_t, l) end end if #lang_t > 0 then r.language = lang_t else r.language = empty end if #lang_t == 1 and lang_t[1] == 'en' then r.non_en = false else r.non_en = true end end local fuzzy_hashes = task:get_mempool():get_variable('fuzzy_hashes', 'fstrings') r.fuzzy_hashes = fuzzy_hashes or empty r.received_delay = get_received_delay(task:get_received_headers()) return fill_empty_strings(r, empty) end local function elastic_collect(task) if task:has_flag('skip') then return end if not settings.allow_local and lua_util.is_rspamc_or_controller(task) then return end if not detected_distro['supported'] then if buffer['logs']:length() >= settings['limits']['max_rows'] then buffer['logs']:pop_first(settings['limits']['max_rows']) rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'elastic distro not supported, deleting %s logs from buffer due to reaching max rows limit', settings['limits']['max_rows']) end end local now = tostring(rspamd_util.get_time() * 1000) local row = { ['rspamd_meta'] = get_general_metadata(task), ['@timestamp'] = now } buffer['logs']:push(row) lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'saved log to buffer') end local function periodic_send_data(cfg, ev_base) local now = tostring(rspamd_util.get_time() * 1000) local flush_needed = false local nlogs_total = buffer['logs']:length() if nlogs_total >= settings['limits']['max_rows'] then rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'flushing buffer by reaching max rows: %s/%s', nlogs_total, settings['limits']['max_rows']) flush_needed = true else local first_row = buffer['logs']:get(1) if first_row then local time_diff = now - first_row['@timestamp'] local time_diff_sec = lua_util.round((time_diff / 1000), 1) if time_diff_sec > settings.limits.max_interval then rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'flushing buffer for %s by reaching max interval, oldest log in buffer written %s sec ago', time_diff_sec, first_row['@timestamp']) flush_needed = true end end end if flush_needed then elastic_send_data(false, nil, cfg, ev_base) end end local function configure_geoip_pipeline(cfg, ev_base) local upstream = settings.upstream:get_upstream_round_robin() local host = upstream:get_name():gsub(":[1-9][0-9]*$", "") local ip_addr = upstream:get_addr():to_string(true) local geoip_url = connect_prefix .. ip_addr .. '/_ingest/pipeline/' .. settings['geoip']['pipeline_name'] local geoip_pipeline = { description = "Add geoip info for rspamd", processors = { { geoip = { field = "rspamd_meta.ip", target_field = "rspamd_meta.geoip" } }, { geoip = { field = "rspamd_meta.sender_ip", target_field = "rspamd_meta.sender_geoip" } } } } local function geoip_cb(err, code, body, _) if err then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot connect to elastic (%s): %s', geoip_url, err) upstream:fail() elseif code == 200 then states['geoip_pipeline']['configured'] = true upstream:ok() else rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot configure elastic geoip pipeline (%s), status code: %s, response: %s', geoip_url, code, body) upstream:fail() handle_error('configure', 'geoip_pipeline', settings['limits']['max_fail']) end end rspamd_http.request({ url = geoip_url, ev_base = ev_base, config = cfg, callback = geoip_cb, headers = { ['Host'] = host, ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json', }, body = ucl.to_format(geoip_pipeline, 'json-compact'), method = 'put', gzip = settings.use_gzip, keepalive = settings.use_keepalive, no_ssl_verify = settings.no_ssl_verify, user = settings.user, password = settings.password, timeout = settings.timeout, }) end local function put_index_policy(cfg, ev_base, upstream, host, policy_url, index_policy_json) local function http_callback(err, code, body, _) if err then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot connect to elastic (%s): %s', policy_url, err) upstream:fail() elseif code == 200 or code == 201 then rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'successfully updated elastic index policy: %s', body) states['index_policy']['configured'] = true upstream:ok() else rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot configure elastic index policy (%s), status code: %s, response: %s', policy_url, code, body) upstream:fail() handle_error('configure', 'index_policy', settings['limits']['max_fail']) end end rspamd_http.request({ url = policy_url, ev_base = ev_base, config = cfg, body = index_policy_json, headers = { ['Host'] = host, ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json', }, method = 'put', callback = http_callback, gzip = settings.use_gzip, keepalive = settings.use_keepalive, no_ssl_verify = settings.no_ssl_verify, user = settings.user, password = settings.password, timeout = settings.timeout, }) end local function get_index_policy(cfg, ev_base, upstream, host, policy_url, index_policy_json) local function http_callback(err, code, body, _) if err then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot connect to elastic (%s): %s', policy_url, err) upstream:fail() elseif code == 404 then put_index_policy(cfg, ev_base, upstream, host, policy_url, index_policy_json) elseif code == 200 then local remote_policy_parser = ucl.parser() local our_policy_parser = ucl.parser() local rp_res, rp_ucl_err = remote_policy_parser:parse_string(body) if rp_res and not rp_ucl_err then local op_res, op_ucl_err = our_policy_parser:parse_string(index_policy_json) if op_res and not op_ucl_err then local remote_policy = remote_policy_parser:get_object() local our_policy = our_policy_parser:get_object() local update_needed = false if detected_distro['name'] == 'elastic' then local index_policy_name = settings['index_policy']['name'] local current_phases = safe_get(remote_policy, index_policy_name, 'policy', 'phases') if not lua_util.table_cmp(our_policy['policy']['phases'], current_phases) then update_needed = true end elseif detected_distro['name'] == 'opensearch' then local current_default_state = safe_get(remote_policy, 'policy', 'default_state') local current_ism_index_patterns = safe_get(remote_policy, 'policy', 'ism_template', 1, 'index_patterns') local current_states = safe_get(remote_policy, 'policy', 'states') if not lua_util.table_cmp(our_policy['policy']['default_state'], current_default_state) then update_needed = true elseif not lua_util.table_cmp(our_policy['policy']['ism_template'][1]['index_patterns'], current_ism_index_patterns) then update_needed = true elseif not lua_util.table_cmp(our_policy['policy']['states'], current_states) then update_needed = true end end if not update_needed then rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'elastic index policy is up-to-date') states['index_policy']['configured'] = true else if detected_distro['name'] == 'elastic' then put_index_policy(cfg, ev_base, upstream, host, policy_url, index_policy_json) elseif detected_distro['name'] == 'opensearch' then local seq_no = remote_policy['_seq_no'] local primary_term = remote_policy['_primary_term'] if type(seq_no) == 'number' and type(primary_term) == 'number' then upstream:ok() -- adjust policy url to include seq_no with primary_term -- https://opensearch.org/docs/2.17/im-plugin/ism/api/#update-policy policy_url = policy_url .. '?if_seq_no=' .. seq_no .. '&if_primary_term=' .. primary_term put_index_policy(cfg, ev_base, upstream, host, policy_url, index_policy_json) else rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'current elastic index policy (%s) not returned correct seq_no/primary_term, policy will not be updated, response: %s', policy_url, body) upstream:fail() handle_error('validate current', 'index_policy', settings['limits']['max_fail']) end end end else rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'failed to parse our index policy for elastic: %s', op_ucl_err) upstream:fail() handle_error('parse our', 'index_policy', settings['limits']['max_fail']) end else rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'failed to parse remote index policy from elastic: %s', rp_ucl_err) upstream:fail() handle_error('parse remote', 'index_policy', settings['limits']['max_fail']) end else rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot get current elastic index policy (%s), status code: %s, response: %s', policy_url, code, body) handle_error('get current', 'index_policy', settings['limits']['max_fail']) upstream:fail() end end rspamd_http.request({ url = policy_url, ev_base = ev_base, config = cfg, headers = { ['Host'] = host, ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json', }, method = 'get', callback = http_callback, gzip = settings.use_gzip, keepalive = settings.use_keepalive, no_ssl_verify = settings.no_ssl_verify, user = settings.user, password = settings.password, timeout = settings.timeout, }) end local function configure_index_policy(cfg, ev_base) local upstream = settings.upstream:get_upstream_round_robin() local host = upstream:get_name():gsub(":[1-9][0-9]*$", "") local ip_addr = upstream:get_addr():to_string(true) local index_policy_path = nil local index_policy = {} if detected_distro['name'] == 'elastic' then index_policy_path = '/_ilm/policy/' elseif detected_distro['name'] == 'opensearch' then index_policy_path = '/_plugins/_ism/policies/' end local policy_url = connect_prefix .. ip_addr .. index_policy_path .. settings['index_policy']['name'] -- ucl.to_format(obj, 'json') can't manage empty {} objects, it will be treat them as [] in json as result, -- so we write {} as '{emty_object}', which allows us to replace '"{emty_object}"' string after convertion to json to '{}' local index_policy_json = '' -- elastic lifecycle policy with hot state if detected_distro['name'] == 'elastic' then index_policy = { policy = { phases = { hot = { min_age = '0ms', actions = { set_priority = { priority = settings['index_policy']['hot']['index_priority'], }, }, }, }, }, } -- elastic lifecycle warm if settings['index_policy']['warm']['enabled'] then local warm_obj = {} warm_obj['min_age'] = settings['index_policy']['warm']['after'] warm_obj['actions'] = { set_priority = { priority = settings['index_policy']['warm']['index_priority'], }, } if not settings['index_policy']['warm']['migrate'] then warm_obj['actions']['migrate'] = { enabled = false } end if settings['index_policy']['warm']['read_only'] then warm_obj['actions']['readonly'] = '{empty_object}' end if settings['index_policy']['warm']['change_replicas'] then warm_obj['actions']['allocate'] = { number_of_replicas = settings['index_policy']['warm']['replicas_count'], } end if settings['index_policy']['warm']['shrink'] then if settings['index_policy']['warm']['max_gb_per_shard'] then warm_obj['actions']['shrink'] = { max_primary_shard_size = settings['index_policy']['warm']['max_gb_per_shard'] .. 'gb', } else warm_obj['actions']['shrink'] = { number_of_shards = settings['index_policy']['warm']['shards_count'], } end end if settings['index_policy']['warm']['force_merge'] then warm_obj['actions']['forcemerge'] = { max_num_segments = settings['index_policy']['warm']['segments_count'], } end index_policy['policy']['phases']['warm'] = warm_obj end -- elastic lifecycle cold if settings['index_policy']['cold']['enabled'] then local cold_obj = {} cold_obj['min_age'] = settings['index_policy']['cold']['after'] cold_obj['actions'] = { set_priority = { priority = settings['index_policy']['cold']['index_priority'], }, } if not settings['index_policy']['cold']['migrate'] then cold_obj['actions']['migrate'] = { enabled = false } end if settings['index_policy']['cold']['read_only'] then cold_obj['actions']['readonly'] = '{empty_object}' end if settings['index_policy']['cold']['change_replicas'] then cold_obj['actions']['allocate'] = { number_of_replicas = settings['index_policy']['cold']['replicas_count'], } end index_policy['policy']['phases']['cold'] = cold_obj end -- elastic lifecycle delete if settings['index_policy']['delete']['enabled'] then local delete_obj = {} delete_obj['min_age'] = settings['index_policy']['delete']['after'] delete_obj['actions'] = { delete = { delete_searchable_snapshot = true }, } index_policy['policy']['phases']['delete'] = delete_obj end -- opensearch state policy with hot state elseif detected_distro['name'] == 'opensearch' then local retry = { count = 3, backoff = 'exponential', delay = '1m', } index_policy = { policy = { description = 'Rspamd index state policy', ism_template = { { index_patterns = { settings['index_template']['name'] .. '-*' }, priority = 100, }, }, default_state = 'hot', states = { { name = 'hot', actions = { { index_priority = { priority = settings['index_policy']['hot']['index_priority'], }, retry = retry, }, }, transitions = {}, }, }, }, } local state_id = 1 -- includes hot state -- opensearch state warm if settings['index_policy']['warm']['enabled'] then local prev_state_id = state_id state_id = state_id + 1 index_policy['policy']['states'][prev_state_id]['transitions'] = { { state_name = 'warm', conditions = { min_index_age = settings['index_policy']['warm']['after'] }, }, } local warm_obj = { name = 'warm', actions = { { index_priority = { priority = settings['index_policy']['warm']['index_priority'], }, retry = retry, }, }, transitions = {}, } table.insert(index_policy['policy']['states'], warm_obj) if settings['index_policy']['warm']['read_only'] then local read_only = { read_only = '{empty_object}', retry = retry, } table.insert(index_policy['policy']['states'][state_id]['actions'], read_only) end if settings['index_policy']['warm']['change_replicas'] then local change_replicas = { replica_count = { number_of_replicas = settings['index_policy']['warm']['replicas_count'], }, retry = retry, } table.insert(index_policy['policy']['states'][state_id]['actions'], change_replicas) end if settings['index_policy']['warm']['shrink'] then local shrink = { shrink = {}, retry = retry, } if settings['index_policy']['warm']['max_gb_per_shard'] then shrink['shrink']['max_shard_size'] = settings['index_policy']['warm']['max_gb_per_shard'] .. 'gb' else shrink['shrink']['num_new_shards'] = settings['index_policy']['warm']['shards_count'] end shrink['shrink']['switch_aliases'] = false table.insert(index_policy['policy']['states'][state_id]['actions'], shrink) end if settings['index_policy']['warm']['force_merge'] then local force_merge = { force_merge = { max_num_segments = settings['index_policy']['warm']['segments_count'], }, retry = retry, } table.insert(index_policy['policy']['states'][state_id]['actions'], force_merge) end end -- opensearch state cold if settings['index_policy']['cold']['enabled'] then local prev_state_id = state_id state_id = state_id + 1 index_policy['policy']['states'][prev_state_id]['transitions'] = { { state_name = 'cold', conditions = { min_index_age = settings['index_policy']['cold']['after'] }, }, } local cold_obj = { name = 'cold', actions = { { index_priority = { priority = settings['index_policy']['cold']['index_priority'], }, retry = retry, }, }, transitions = {}, } table.insert(index_policy['policy']['states'], cold_obj) if settings['index_policy']['cold']['read_only'] then local read_only = { read_only = '{empty_object}', retry = retry, } table.insert(index_policy['policy']['states'][state_id]['actions'], read_only) end if settings['index_policy']['cold']['change_replicas'] then local change_replicas = { replica_count = { number_of_replicas = settings['index_policy']['cold']['replicas_count'], }, retry = retry, } table.insert(index_policy['policy']['states'][state_id]['actions'], change_replicas) end end -- opensearch state delete if settings['index_policy']['delete']['enabled'] then local prev_state_id = state_id state_id = state_id + 1 index_policy['policy']['states'][prev_state_id]['transitions'] = { { state_name = 'delete', conditions = { min_index_age = settings['index_policy']['delete']['after'] }, }, } local delete_obj = { name = 'delete', actions = { { delete = '{empty_object}', retry = retry, }, }, transitions = {}, } table.insert(index_policy['policy']['states'], delete_obj) end end -- finish rendering index policy, will now get current version and update it if neeeded index_policy_json = ucl.to_format(index_policy, 'json-compact'):gsub('"{empty_object}"', '{}') get_index_policy(cfg, ev_base, upstream, host, policy_url, index_policy_json) end local function configure_index_template(cfg, ev_base) local upstream = settings.upstream:get_upstream_round_robin() local host = upstream:get_name():gsub(":[1-9][0-9]*$", "") local ip_addr = upstream:get_addr():to_string(true) local template_url = connect_prefix .. ip_addr .. '/_index_template/' .. settings['index_template']['name'] -- common data types local t_boolean_nil_true = { type = 'boolean', null_value = true } local t_boolean_nil_false = { type = 'boolean', null_value = false } local t_date = { type = 'date' } local t_long = { type = 'long', null_value = 0 } local t_float = { type = 'float', null_value = 0 } local t_double = { type = 'double', null_value = 0 } local t_ip = { type = 'ip', null_value = '::' } local t_geo_point = { type = 'geo_point' } local t_keyword = { type = 'keyword', null_value = settings['index_template']['empty_value'] } local t_text = { type = 'text' } local t_text_with_keyword = { type = 'text', fields = { keyword = { type = 'keyword', ignore_above = settings['index_template']['dynamic_keyword_ignore_above'], }, }, } -- common objects types local geoip_obj = { dynamic = false, type = 'object', properties = { continent_name = t_text, region_iso_code = t_keyword, city_name = t_text, country_iso_code = t_keyword, country_name = t_text, location = t_geo_point, region_name = t_text, }, } local asn_obj = { dynamic = false, type = 'object', properties = { country = t_keyword, asn = t_long, ipnet = t_keyword, -- do not use ip_range type, it's not usable for search }, } local symbols_obj = { dynamic = false, type = 'object', properties = { name = t_keyword, group = t_keyword, options = t_text_with_keyword, score = t_double, weight = t_double, }, } if settings['index_template']['symbols_nested'] then symbols_obj['type'] = 'nested' end -- dynamic templates local dynamic_templates_obj = {} local dynamic_strings = { strings = { match_mapping_type = 'string', mapping = { type = 'text', fields = { keyword = { type = 'keyword', ignore_above = settings['index_template']['dynamic_keyword_ignore_above'], }, }, }, }, } table.insert(dynamic_templates_obj, dynamic_strings) -- index template rendering local index_template = { index_patterns = { settings['index_template']['name'] .. '-*', }, priority = settings['index_template']['priority'], template = { settings = { index = { number_of_shards = settings['index_template']['shards_count'], number_of_replicas = settings['index_template']['replicas_count'], refresh_interval = settings['index_template']['refresh_interval'] .. 's', }, }, mappings = { dynamic = false, dynamic_templates = dynamic_templates_obj, properties = { ['@timestamp'] = t_date, rspamd_meta = { dynamic = true, type = 'object', properties = { rspamd_server = t_keyword, action = t_keyword, score = t_double, symbols = symbols_obj, user = t_keyword, direction = t_keyword, qid = t_keyword, helo = t_text_with_keyword, hostname = t_text_with_keyword, ip = t_ip, is_local = t_boolean_nil_false, sender_ip = t_ip, message_id = t_text_with_keyword, rcpt = t_text_with_keyword, from_user = t_keyword, from_domain = t_keyword, mime_from_user = t_keyword, mime_from_domain = t_keyword, settings_id = t_keyword, asn = asn_obj, scan_time = t_float, language = t_text, non_en = t_boolean_nil_true, fuzzy_hashes = t_text, received_delay = t_long, }, }, }, }, }, } -- render index lifecycle policy if detected_distro['name'] == 'elastic' and settings['index_policy']['enabled'] then index_template['template']['settings']['index']['lifecycle'] = { name = settings['index_policy']['name'] } end -- render geoip mappings if settings['geoip']['enabled'] then index_template['template']['mappings']['properties']['rspamd_meta']['properties']['geoip'] = geoip_obj index_template['template']['mappings']['properties']['rspamd_meta']['properties']['sender_geoip'] = geoip_obj end -- render collect_headers and extra_collect_headers mappings for _, header in ipairs(settings['collect_headers']) do local header_name = get_header_name(header) if not index_template['template']['mappings']['properties']['rspamd_meta']['properties'][header_name] then index_template['template']['mappings']['properties']['rspamd_meta']['properties'][header_name] = t_text_with_keyword end end for _, header in ipairs(settings['extra_collect_headers']) do local header_name = get_header_name(header) if not index_template['template']['mappings']['properties']['rspamd_meta']['properties'][header_name] then index_template['template']['mappings']['properties']['rspamd_meta']['properties'][header_name] = t_text_with_keyword end end local function http_callback(err, code, body, _) if err then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot connect to elastic (%s): %s', template_url, err) upstream:fail() elseif code == 200 then rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'successfully updated elastic index template: %s', body) states['index_template']['configured'] = true upstream:ok() else rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot configure elastic index template (%s), status code: %s, response: %s', template_url, code, body) upstream:fail() handle_error('configure', 'index_template', settings['limits']['max_fail']) end end rspamd_http.request({ url = template_url, ev_base = ev_base, config = cfg, body = ucl.to_format(index_template, 'json-compact'), headers = { ['Host'] = host, ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json', }, method = 'put', callback = http_callback, gzip = settings.use_gzip, keepalive = settings.use_keepalive, no_ssl_verify = settings.no_ssl_verify, user = settings.user, password = settings.password, timeout = settings.timeout, }) end local function verify_distro(manual) local detected_distro_name = detected_distro['name'] local detected_distro_version = detected_distro['version'] local valid = true local valid_unknown = false -- check that detected_distro_name is valid if not detected_distro_name then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'failed to detect elastic distribution') valid = false elseif not supported_distro[detected_distro_name] then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'unsupported elastic distribution: %s', detected_distro_name) valid = false else local supported_distro_info = supported_distro[detected_distro_name] -- check that detected_distro_version is valid if not detected_distro_version or type(detected_distro_version) ~= 'string' then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'elastic version should be a string, but we received: %s', type(detected_distro_version)) valid = false elseif detected_distro_version == '' then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'unsupported elastic version: empty string') valid = false else -- compare versions using compare_versions local cmp_from = compare_versions(detected_distro_version, supported_distro_info['from']) if cmp_from == -1 then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'unsupported elastic version: %s, minimal supported version of %s is %s', detected_distro_version, detected_distro_name, supported_distro_info['from']) valid = false else local cmp_till = compare_versions(detected_distro_version, supported_distro_info['till']) if (cmp_till >= 0) and not supported_distro_info['till_unknown'] then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'unsupported elastic version: %s, maximum supported version of %s is less than %s', detected_distro_version, detected_distro_name, supported_distro_info['till']) valid = false elseif (cmp_till >= 0) and supported_distro_info['till_unknown'] then rspamd_logger.warnx(rspamd_config, 'compatibility of elastic version: %s is unknown, maximum known supported version of %s is less than %s,' .. 'use at your own risk', detected_distro_version, detected_distro_name, supported_distro_info['till']) valid_unknown = true end end end end if valid_unknown then detected_distro['supported'] = true else if valid and manual then rspamd_logger.infox( rspamd_config, 'assuming elastic distro: %s, version: %s', detected_distro_name, detected_distro_version) detected_distro['supported'] = true elseif valid and not manual then rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'successfully connected to elastic distro: %s, version: %s', detected_distro_name, detected_distro_version) detected_distro['supported'] = true else handle_error('configure', 'distro', settings['version']['autodetect_max_fail']) end end end local function configure_distro(cfg, ev_base) if not settings['version']['autodetect_enabled'] then detected_distro['name'] = settings['version']['override']['name'] detected_distro['version'] = settings['version']['override']['version'] rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'automatic detection of elastic distro and version is disabled, taking configuration from settings') verify_distro(true) end local upstream = settings.upstream:get_upstream_round_robin() local host = upstream:get_name():gsub(":[1-9][0-9]*$", "") local ip_addr = upstream:get_addr():to_string(true) local root_url = connect_prefix .. ip_addr .. '/' local function http_callback(err, code, body, _) if err then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot connect to elastic (%s): %s', root_url, err) upstream:fail() elseif code ~= 200 then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot connect to elastic (%s), status code: %s, response: %s', root_url, code, body) upstream:fail() else local parser = ucl.parser() local res, ucl_err = parser:parse_string(body) if not res then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'failed to parse reply from elastic (%s): %s', root_url, ucl_err) upstream:fail() else local obj = parser:get_object() if obj['tagline'] == "The OpenSearch Project: https://opensearch.org/" then detected_distro['name'] = 'opensearch' end if obj['tagline'] == "You Know, for Search" then detected_distro['name'] = 'elastic' end if obj['version'] then if obj['version']['number'] then detected_distro['version'] = obj['version']['number'] end if not detected_distro['name'] and obj['version']['distribution'] then detected_distro['name'] = obj['version']['distribution'] end end verify_distro() if detected_distro['supported'] then upstream:ok() end end end end if settings['version']['autodetect_enabled'] then rspamd_http.request({ url = root_url, ev_base = ev_base, config = cfg, headers = { ['Host'] = host, ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json', }, method = 'get', callback = http_callback, gzip = settings.use_gzip, keepalive = settings.use_keepalive, no_ssl_verify = settings.no_ssl_verify, user = settings.user, password = settings.password, timeout = settings.timeout, }) end end local opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('elastic') if opts then for k, v in pairs(opts) do settings[k] = v end if not settings['enabled'] then rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'module disabled in config') lua_util.disable_module(N, "config") end if not settings['server'] and not settings['servers'] then rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'no servers are specified, disabling module') lua_util.disable_module(N, "config") else if settings.use_https then connect_prefix = 'https://' end settings.upstream = upstream_list.create(rspamd_config, settings['server'] or settings['servers'], 9200) if not settings.upstream then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot parse elastic address: %s', settings['server'] or settings['servers']) lua_util.disable_module(N, "config") return end rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = 'ELASTIC_COLLECT', type = 'idempotent', callback = elastic_collect, flags = 'empty,explicit_disable,ignore_passthrough', augmentations = { string.format("timeout=%f", settings.timeout) }, }) -- send tail of data if worker going to stop rspamd_config:register_finish_script(function(task) local nlogs_total = buffer['logs']:length() if nlogs_total > 0 then lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'flushing buffer on shutdown, buffer size: %s', nlogs_total) elastic_send_data(true, task) end end) rspamd_config:add_on_load(function(cfg, ev_base, worker) if worker:is_scanner() then rspamd_config:add_periodic(ev_base, settings.periodic_interval, function(p_cfg, p_ev_base) if not detected_distro['supported'] then if states['distro']['configured'] then return false -- stop running periodic job else configure_distro(p_cfg, p_ev_base) return true -- continue running periodic job end end end) -- send data periodically if any of limits reached rspamd_config:add_periodic(ev_base, settings.periodic_interval, function(p_cfg, p_ev_base) if detected_distro['supported'] then periodic_send_data(p_cfg, p_ev_base) end return true end) end if worker:is_primary_controller() then rspamd_config:add_periodic(ev_base, settings.periodic_interval, function(p_cfg, p_ev_base) if not settings['index_template']['managed'] then return false elseif not detected_distro['supported'] then return true else if states['index_template']['configured'] then return false else configure_index_template(p_cfg, p_ev_base) return true end end end) rspamd_config:add_periodic(ev_base, settings.periodic_interval, function(p_cfg, p_ev_base) if not settings['index_policy']['enabled'] or not settings['index_policy']['managed'] then return false elseif not detected_distro['supported'] then return true else if states['index_policy']['configured'] then return false else configure_index_policy(p_cfg, p_ev_base) return true end end end) rspamd_config:add_periodic(ev_base, settings.periodic_interval, function(p_cfg, p_ev_base) if not settings['geoip']['enabled'] or not settings['geoip']['managed'] then return false elseif not detected_distro['supported'] then return true else if states['geoip_pipeline']['configured'] then return false else configure_geoip_pipeline(p_cfg, p_ev_base) return true end end end) end end) end end