--[[ Copyright (c) 2019, Vsevolod Stakhov Copyright (c) 2019, Carsten Rosenberg Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]] -- local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger" local lua_util = require "lua_util" local fun = require "fun" local lua_scanners = require("lua_scanners").filter('scanner') local common = require "lua_scanners/common" local redis_params local N = "external_services" if confighelp then rspamd_config:add_example(nil, 'external_services', "Check messages using external services (e.g. OEM AS engines, DCC, Pyzor etc)", [[ external_services { # multiple scanners could be checked, for each we create a configuration block with an arbitrary name oletools { # If set force this action if any virus is found (default unset: no action is forced) # action = "reject"; # If set, then rejection message is set to this value (mention single quotes) # If `max_size` is set, messages > n bytes in size are not scanned # max_size = 20000000; # log_clean = true; # servers = ""; # cache_expire = 86400; # scan_mime_parts = true; # extended = false; # if `patterns` is specified virus name will be matched against provided regexes and the related # symbol will be yielded if a match is found. If no match is found, default symbol is yielded. patterns { # symbol_name = "pattern"; JUST_EICAR = "^Eicar-Test-Signature$"; } # mime-part regex matching in content-type or filename mime_parts_filter_regex { #GEN1 = "application\/octet-stream"; DOC2 = "application\/msword"; DOC3 = "application\/vnd\.ms-word.*"; XLS = "application\/vnd\.ms-excel.*"; PPT = "application\/vnd\.ms-powerpoint.*"; GEN2 = "application\/vnd\.openxmlformats-officedocument.*"; } # Mime-Part filename extension matching (no regex) mime_parts_filter_ext { doc = "doc"; dot = "dot"; docx = "docx"; dotx = "dotx"; docm = "docm"; dotm = "dotm"; xls = "xls"; xlt = "xlt"; xla = "xla"; xlsx = "xlsx"; xltx = "xltx"; xlsm = "xlsm"; xltm = "xltm"; xlam = "xlam"; xlsb = "xlsb"; ppt = "ppt"; pot = "pot"; pps = "pps"; ppa = "ppa"; pptx = "pptx"; potx = "potx"; ppsx = "ppsx"; ppam = "ppam"; pptm = "pptm"; potm = "potm"; ppsm = "ppsm"; } # `whitelist` points to a map of IP addresses. Mail from these addresses is not scanned. whitelist = "/etc/rspamd/antivirus.wl"; } dcc { # If set force this action if any virus is found (default unset: no action is forced) # action = "reject"; # If set, then rejection message is set to this value (mention single quotes) # If `max_size` is set, messages > n bytes in size are not scanned max_size = 20000000; #servers = "; # if `patterns` is specified virus name will be matched against provided regexes and the related # symbol will be yielded if a match is found. If no match is found, default symbol is yielded. patterns { # symbol_name = "pattern"; JUST_EICAR = "^Eicar-Test-Signature$"; } # `whitelist` points to a map of IP addresses. Mail from these addresses is not scanned. whitelist = "/etc/rspamd/antivirus.wl"; } } ]]) return end local function add_scanner_rule(sym, opts) if not opts.type then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'unknown type for external scanner rule %s', sym) return nil end if not opts.symbol then opts.symbol = sym:upper() end local cfg = lua_scanners[opts.type] if not cfg then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'unknown external scanner type: %s', opts.type) return nil end local rule = cfg.configure(opts) if not rule then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot configure %s for %s', opts.type, opts.symbol) return nil end rule.type = opts.type if not opts.symbol_fail then opts.symbol_fail = opts.symbol .. '_FAIL' end if not opts.symbol_encrypted then opts.symbol_encrypted = opts.symbol .. '_ENCRYPTED' end if not opts.symbol_macro then opts.symbol_macro = opts.symbol .. '_MACRO' end rule.redis_params = redis_params -- if any mime_part filter defined, do not scan all attachments if opts.mime_parts_filter_regex ~= nil or opts.mime_parts_filter_ext ~= nil then rule.scan_all_mime_parts = false else rule.scan_all_mime_parts = true end rule.patterns = common.create_regex_table(opts.patterns or {}) rule.patterns_fail = common.create_regex_table(opts.patterns_fail or {}) rule.mime_parts_filter_regex = common.create_regex_table(opts.mime_parts_filter_regex or {}) rule.mime_parts_filter_ext = common.create_regex_table(opts.mime_parts_filter_ext or {}) if opts.whitelist then rule.whitelist = rspamd_config:add_hash_map(opts.whitelist) end local function scan_cb(task) if rule.scan_mime_parts then fun.each(function(p) local content = p:get_content() if content and #content > 0 then cfg.check(task, content, p:get_digest(), rule) end end, common.check_parts_match(task, rule)) else cfg.check(task, task:get_content(), task:get_digest(), rule) end end rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'registered external services rule: %s', rule.name) return scan_cb, rule end -- Registration local opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt(N) if opts and type(opts) == 'table' then redis_params = rspamd_parse_redis_server(N) local has_valid = false for k, m in pairs(opts) do if type(m) == 'table' and m.servers then if not m.type then m.type = k end if not m.name then m.name = k end local cb, nrule = add_scanner_rule(k, m) if not cb then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'cannot add rule: "' .. k .. '"') else m = nrule local t = { name = m.symbol, callback = cb, score = 0.0, group = N } if m.symbol_type == 'postfilter' then t.type = 'postfilter' t.priority = 3 else t.type = 'normal' end local id = rspamd_config:register_symbol(t) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ type = 'virtual', name = m['symbol_fail'], parent = id, score = 0.0, group = N }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ type = 'virtual', name = m['symbol_encrypted'], parent = id, score = 0.0, group = N }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ type = 'virtual', name = m['symbol_macro'], parent = id, score = 0.0, group = N }) has_valid = true if type(m['patterns']) == 'table' then if m['patterns'][1] then for _, p in ipairs(m['patterns']) do if type(p) == 'table' then for sym in pairs(p) do rspamd_logger.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'registering: %1', { type = 'virtual', name = sym, parent = m['symbol'], parent_id = id, }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ type = 'virtual', name = sym, parent = id, group = N }) end end end else for sym in pairs(m['patterns']) do rspamd_config:register_symbol({ type = 'virtual', name = sym, parent = id, group = N }) end end end if m.symbols then local function reg_symbols(tbl) for _,sym in pairs(tbl) do if type(sym) == 'string' then rspamd_config:register_symbol({ type = 'virtual', name = sym, parent = id, group = N }) elseif type(sym) == 'table' then if sym.symbol then rspamd_config:register_symbol({ type = 'virtual', name = sym.symbol, parent = id, group = N }) if sym.score then rspamd_config:set_metric_symbol({ name = sym.symbol, score = sym.score, description = sym.description, group = sym.group or N, }) end else reg_symbols(sym) end end end end reg_symbols(m.symbols) end if m['score'] then -- Register metric symbol local description = 'external services symbol' local group = N if m['description'] then description = m['description'] end if m['group'] then group = m['group'] end rspamd_config:set_metric_symbol({ name = m['symbol'], score = m['score'], description = description, group = group }) end end end end if not has_valid then lua_util.disable_module(N, 'config') end end