--[[ Copyright (c) 2016, Vsevolod Stakhov Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- if confighelp then return end -- This plugin is a concept of FANN scores adjustment -- NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE so far local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger" local rspamd_fann = require "rspamd_fann" local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util" local fun = require "fun" local redis_params local classifier_config = { key = 'neural_net', neurons = 200, layers = 3, } local current_classify_ann = { loaded = false, version = 0, spam_learned = 0, ham_learned = 0 } redis_params = rspamd_parse_redis_server('fann_classifier') local function maybe_load_fann(task, continue_cb, call_if_fail) local function load_fann() local function redis_fann_load_cb(err, data) -- XXX: upstreams if not err and type(data) == 'table' and type(data[2]) == 'string' then local version = tonumber(data[1]) local _err,ann_data = rspamd_util.zstd_decompress(data[2]) local ann if _err or not ann_data then rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'cannot decompress ann: %s', _err) else ann = rspamd_fann.load_data(ann_data) end if ann then current_classify_ann.loaded = true current_classify_ann.version = version current_classify_ann.ann = ann if type(data[3]) == 'string' then current_classify_ann.spam_learned = tonumber(data[3]) else current_classify_ann.spam_learned = 0 end if type(data[4]) == 'string' then current_classify_ann.ham_learned = tonumber(data[4]) else current_classify_ann.ham_learned = 0 end rspamd_logger.infox(task, "loaded fann classifier version %s (%s spam, %s ham), %s MSE", version, current_classify_ann.spam_learned, current_classify_ann.ham_learned, ann:get_mse()) continue_cb(task, true) elseif call_if_fail then continue_cb(task, false) end elseif call_if_fail then continue_cb(task, false) end end local key = classifier_config.key local ret = rspamd_redis_make_request(task, redis_params, -- connect params key, -- hash key false, -- is write redis_fann_load_cb, --callback 'HMGET', -- command {key, 'version', 'data', 'spam', 'ham'} -- arguments ) if not ret then rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'got error connecting to redis') end end local function check_fann() local _, ret, upstream local function redis_fann_check_cb(err, data) if err then rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'redis error on host %s: %s', upstream:get_addr(), err) end if not err and type(data) == 'string' then local version = tonumber(data) if version <= current_classify_ann.version then continue_cb(task, true) else load_fann() end end end local key = classifier_config.key ret,_,upstream = rspamd_redis_make_request(task, redis_params, -- connect params key, -- hash key false, -- is write redis_fann_check_cb, --callback 'HGET', -- command {key, 'version'} -- arguments ) if not ret then rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'got error connecting to redis') end end if not current_classify_ann.loaded then load_fann() else check_fann() end end local function tokens_to_vector(tokens) local vec = fun.totable(fun.map(function(tok) return tok[1] end, tokens)) local ret = {} local neurons = classifier_config.neurons for i = 1,neurons do ret[i] = 0 end fun.each(function(e) local n = (e % neurons) + 1 ret[n] = ret[n] + 1 end, vec) local norm = 0 for i = 1,neurons do if ret[i] > norm then norm = ret[i] end end for i = 1,neurons do if ret[i] ~= 0 and norm > 0 then ret[i] = ret[i] / norm end end return ret end local function add_metatokens(task, vec) local mt = rspamd_gen_metatokens(task) for _,tok in ipairs(mt) do table.insert(vec, tok) end end local function create_fann() local layers = {} local mt_size = rspamd_count_metatokens() local neurons = classifier_config.neurons + mt_size for i = 1,classifier_config.layers - 1 do layers[i] = math.floor(neurons / i) end table.insert(layers, 1) local ann = rspamd_fann.create(classifier_config.layers, layers) current_classify_ann.loaded = true current_classify_ann.version = 0 current_classify_ann.ann = ann current_classify_ann.spam_learned = 0 current_classify_ann.ham_learned = 0 end local function save_fann(task, is_spam) local function redis_fann_save_cb(err) if err then rspamd_logger.errx(task, "cannot save neural net to redis: %s", err) end end local data = current_classify_ann.ann:data() local key = classifier_config.key current_classify_ann.version = current_classify_ann.version + 1 if is_spam then current_classify_ann.spam_learned = current_classify_ann.spam_learned + 1 else current_classify_ann.ham_learned = current_classify_ann.ham_learned + 1 end local ret,conn = rspamd_redis_make_request(task, redis_params, -- connect params key, -- hash key true, -- is write redis_fann_save_cb, --callback 'HMSET', -- command { key, 'data', rspamd_util.zstd_compress(data), }) -- arguments if ret then conn:add_cmd('HINCRBY', {key, 'version', 1}) if is_spam then conn:add_cmd('HINCRBY', {key, 'spam', 1}) else conn:add_cmd('HINCRBY', {key, 'ham', 1}) end else rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'got error connecting to redis') end end if redis_params then rspamd_classifiers['neural'] = { classify = function(task, classifier, tokens) local function classify_cb() local min_learns = classifier:get_param('min_learns') if min_learns then min_learns = tonumber(min_learns) end if min_learns and min_learns > 0 then if current_classify_ann.ham_learned < min_learns or current_classify_ann.spam_learned < min_learns then rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'fann classifier has not enough learns: (%s spam, %s ham), %s required', current_classify_ann.spam_learned, current_classify_ann.ham_learned, min_learns) return end end -- Perform classification local vec = tokens_to_vector(tokens) add_metatokens(task, vec) local out = current_classify_ann.ann:test(vec) local result = rspamd_util.tanh(2 * (out[1])) local symscore = string.format('%.3f', out[1]) rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'fann classifier score: %s', symscore) if result > 0 then fun.each(function(st) task:insert_result(st:get_symbol(), result, symscore) end, fun.filter(function(st) return st:is_spam() end, classifier:get_statfiles()) ) else fun.each(function(st) task:insert_result(st:get_symbol(), -result, symscore) end, fun.filter(function(st) return not st:is_spam() end, classifier:get_statfiles()) ) end end maybe_load_fann(task, classify_cb, false) end, learn = function(task, _, tokens, is_spam) local function learn_cb(_, is_loaded) if not is_loaded then create_fann() end local vec = tokens_to_vector(tokens) add_metatokens(task, vec) if is_spam then current_classify_ann.ann:train(vec, {1.0}) rspamd_logger.infox(task, "learned ANN spam, MSE: %s", current_classify_ann.ann:get_mse()) else current_classify_ann.ann:train(vec, {-1.0}) rspamd_logger.infox(task, "learned ANN ham, MSE: %s", current_classify_ann.ann:get_mse()) end save_fann(task, is_spam) end maybe_load_fann(task, learn_cb, true) end, } end