--[[ Copyright (c) 2011-2016, Vsevolod Stakhov Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Alexey Savelyev Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- -- Weight for checks_hellohost and checks_hello: 5 - very hard, 4 - hard, 3 - meduim, 2 - low, 1 - very low. -- From HFILTER_HELO_* and HFILTER_HOSTNAME_* symbols the maximum weight is selected in case of their actuating. if confighelp then return end local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger" local rspamd_regexp = require "rspamd_regexp" local rspamc_local_helo = "rspamc.local" local checks_hellohost = [[ /[0-9][.-]?nat/i 5 /homeuser[.-][0-9]/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?unused-addr/i 3 /[0-9][.-]?pppoe/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?dynamic/i 5 /[.-]catv[.-]/i 5 /unused-addr[.-][0-9]/i 3 /comcast[.-][0-9]/i 5 /[.-]broadband[.-]/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?fbx/i 4 /[.-]peer[.-]/i 1 /[.-]homeuser[.-]/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?catv/i 5 /customers?[.-][0-9]/i 1 /[.-]wifi[.-]/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?kabel/i 3 /dynip[.-][0-9]/i 5 /[.-]broad[.-]/i 5 /[a|x]?dsl-line[.-]?[0-9]/i 4 /[0-9][.-]?ppp/i 5 /pool[.-][0-9]/i 4 /[.-]nat[.-]/i 5 /gprs[.-][0-9]/i 5 /brodband[.-][0-9]/i 5 /[.-]gprs[.-]/i 5 /[.-]user[.-]/i 1 /[0-9][.-]?in-?addr/i 4 /[.-]host[.-]/i 2 /[.-]fbx[.-]/i 4 /dynamic[.-][0-9]/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?peer/i 1 /[0-9][.-]?pool/i 4 /[0-9][.-]?user/i 1 /[.-]cdma[.-]/i 5 /user[.-][0-9]/i 1 /[0-9][.-]?customers?/i 1 /ppp[.-][0-9]/i 5 /kabel[.-][0-9]/i 3 /dhcp[.-][0-9]/i 5 /peer[.-][0-9]/i 1 /[0-9][.-]?host/i 2 /clients?[.-][0-9]{2,}/i 5 /host[.-][0-9]/i 2 /[.-]ppp[.-]/i 5 /[.-]dhcp[.-]/i 5 /[.-]comcast[.-]/i 5 /cable[.-][0-9]/i 3 /[0-9][.-]?dial-?up/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?bredband/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?[a|x]?dsl-line/i 4 /[.-]dial-?up[.-]/i 5 /[.-]cablemodem[.-]/i 5 /pppoe[.-][0-9]/i 5 /[.-]unused-addr[.-]/i 3 /pptp[.-][0-9]/i 5 /broadband[.-][0-9]/i 5 /[.-][a|x]?dsl-line[.-]/i 4 /[.-]customers?[.-]/i 1 /[0-9][.-]?fibertel/i 4 /[0-9][.-]?comcast/i 5 /[.-]dynamic[.-]/i 5 /cdma[.-][0-9]/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?broad/i 5 /fbx[.-][0-9]/i 4 /catv[.-][0-9]/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?homeuser/i 5 /[.-]pppoe[.-]/i 5 /[.-]dynip[.-]/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?[a|x]?dsl/i 4 /[0-9]{3,}[.-]?clients?/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?pptp/i 5 /[.-]clients?[.-]/i 1 /[.-]in-?addr[.-]/i 4 /[.-]pool[.-]/i 4 /[a|x]?dsl[.-]?[0-9]/i 4 /[.-][a|x]?dsl[.-]/i 4 /[0-9][.-]?[a|x]?dsl-dynamic/i 5 /dial-?up[.-][0-9]/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?cablemodem/i 5 /[a|x]?dsl-dynamic[.-]?[0-9]/i 5 /[.-]pptp[.-]/i 5 /[.-][a|x]?dsl-dynamic[.-]/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?wifi/i 5 /fibertel[.-][0-9]/i 4 /dyn[.-][0-9]/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?broadband/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?cable/i 3 /broad[.-][0-9]/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?gprs/i 5 /cablemodem[.-][0-9]/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?modem/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?dyn/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?dynip/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?cdma/i 5 /[.-]modem[.-]/i 5 /[.-]kabel[.-]/i 3 /[.-]cable[.-]/i 3 /in-?addr[.-][0-9]/i 4 /nat[.-][0-9]/i 5 /[.-]fibertel[.-]/i 4 /[.-]bredband[.-]/i 5 /modem[.-][0-9]/i 5 /[.-]dyn[.-]/i 5 /[0-9][.-]?dhcp/i 5 /wifi[.-][0-9]/i 5 ]] local checks_hellohost_map local checks_hello = [[ /^[^\.]+$/i 5 # for helo=COMPUTER, ANNA, etc... Without dot in helo /^(dsl)?(device|speedtouch)\.lan$/i 5 /\.(lan|local|home|localdomain|intra|in-addr.arpa|priv|user|veloxzon)$ 5 ]] local checks_hello_map local checks_hello_badip = [[ /^\d\.\d\.\d\.255$/i 1 /^192\.0\.0\./i 1 /^2001:db8::/i 1 /^10\./i 1 /^192\.0\.2\./i 1 /^172\.1[6-9]\./i 1 /^192\.168\./i 1 /^::1$/i 1 # loopback ipv4, ipv6 /^ffxx::/i 1 /^fc00::/i 1 /^203\.0\.113\./i 1 /^fe[cdf][0-9a-f]:/i 1 /^100.12[0-7]\d\./i 1 /^fe[89ab][0-9a-f]::/i 1 /^169\.254\./i 1 /^0\./i 1 /^198\.51\.100\./i 1 /^172\.3[01]\./i 1 /^100.[7-9]\d\./i 1 /^100.1[01]\d\./i 1 /^127\./i 1 /^100.6[4-9]\./i 1 /^192\.88\.99\./i 1 /^172\.2[0-9]\./i 1 ]] local checks_hello_badip_map local checks_hello_bareip = [[ /^\d+[x.-]\d+[x.-]\d+[x.-]\d+$/ /^[0-9a-f]+:/ ]] local checks_hello_bareip_map local config = { ['helo_enabled'] = false, ['hostname_enabled'] = false, ['from_enabled'] = false, ['rcpt_enabled'] = false, ['mid_enabled'] = false, ['url_enabled'] = false } local compiled_regexp = {} -- cache of regexps local check_local = false local check_authed = false local N = "hfilter" local function check_regexp(str, regexp_text) local re = compiled_regexp[regexp_text] if not re then re = rspamd_regexp.create(regexp_text, 'i') compiled_regexp[regexp_text] = re end return re:match(str) end local function add_static_map(data) return rspamd_config:add_map{ type = 'regexp_multi', url = { upstreams = 'static', data = data, } } end local function check_fqdn(domain) if check_regexp(domain, '(?=^.{4,253}$)(^((?!-)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,63}(?= 2 then task:insert_result('HFILTER_' .. symbol_suffix .. '_NORESOLVE_MX', 1.0, mx['name']) end end task:get_resolver():resolve('a', { task=task, name = mx['name'], callback = check_host_cb_mx_a }) task:get_resolver():resolve('aaaa', { task = task, name = mx['name'], callback = check_host_cb_mx_a }) end end end end local function check_host_cb_a(_, _, results) task:inc_dns_req() if not results then failed_address = failed_address + 1 else for _,result in pairs(results) do table.insert(resolved_address, result:to_string()) end end if failed_address >= 2 then -- No A or AAAA records if eq_ip and eq_ip ~= '' then for _,result in pairs(resolved_address) do if result == eq_ip then return true end end task:insert_result('HFILTER_' .. symbol_suffix .. '_IP_A', 1.0, host) end task:get_resolver():resolve_mx({ task = task, name = host, callback = check_host_cb_mx }) end end if host then host = string.lower(host) else return false end if eq_host then eq_host = string.lower(eq_host) else eq_host = '' end if check_fqdn(host) then if eq_host == '' or eq_host ~= 'unknown' or eq_host ~= host then task:get_resolver():resolve('a', { task=task, name = host, callback = check_host_cb_a }) -- Check ipv6 as well task:get_resolver():resolve('aaaa', { task = task, name = host, callback = check_host_cb_a }) end else task:insert_result('HFILTER_' .. symbol_suffix .. '_NOT_FQDN', 1.0, host) end return true end -- local function hfilter(task) -- Links checks if config['url_enabled'] then local parts = task:get_text_parts() if parts then local plain_text_part = nil local html_text_part = nil for _,p in ipairs(parts) do if p:is_html() then html_text_part = p else plain_text_part = p end end local hc = nil if html_text_part then hc = html_text_part:get_html() if hc then local url_len = 0 hc:foreach_tag('a', function(_, len) url_len = url_len + len return false end) local plen = html_text_part:get_length() if url_len > 0 and plen > 0 then local rel = url_len / plen if rel > 0.8 then local sc = (rel - 0.8) * 5.0 if sc > 1.0 then sc = 1.0 end task:insert_result('HFILTER_URL_ONLY', sc, tostring(sc)) local lines = html_text_part:get_lines_count() if lines > 0 and lines < 2 then task:insert_result('HFILTER_URL_ONELINE', 1.00, string.format('html:%d:%d', sc, lines)) end end end end end if not hc and plain_text_part then local url_len = plain_text_part:get_urls_length() local plen = plain_text_part:get_length() if plen > 0 and url_len > 0 then local rel = url_len / plen if rel > 0.8 then local sc = (rel - 0.8) * 5.0 if sc > 1.0 then sc = 1.0 end task:insert_result('HFILTER_URL_ONLY', sc, tostring(sc)) local lines = plain_text_part:get_lines_count() if lines > 0 and lines < 2 then task:insert_result('HFILTER_URL_ONELINE', 1.00, string.format('plain:%d:%d', rel, lines)) end end end end end end --No more checks for auth user or local network local rip = task:get_from_ip() if ((not check_authed and task:get_user()) or (not check_local and rip and rip:is_local())) then return false end --local message = task:get_message() local ip = false if rip and rip:is_valid() then ip = rip:to_string() end -- Check's HELO local weight_helo = 0 local helo if config['helo_enabled'] then helo = task:get_helo() if helo then if helo ~= rspamc_local_helo then helo = string.gsub(helo, '[%[%]]', '') -- Regexp check HELO (checks_hello_badip) local find_badip = false local values = checks_hello_badip_map:get_key(helo) if values then task:insert_result('HFILTER_HELO_BADIP', 1.0, helo, values) find_badip = true end -- Regexp check HELO (checks_hello_bareip) local find_bareip = false if not find_badip then values = checks_hello_bareip_map:get_key(helo) if values then task:insert_result('HFILTER_HELO_BAREIP', 1.0, helo, values) find_bareip = true end end if not find_badip and not find_bareip then -- Regexp check HELO (checks_hello) local weights = checks_hello_map:get_key(helo) for _,weight in ipairs(weights or {}) do weight = tonumber(weight) or 0 if weight > weight_helo then weight_helo = weight end end -- Regexp check HELO (checks_hellohost) weights = checks_hellohost_map:get_key(helo) for _,weight in ipairs(weights or {}) do weight = tonumber(weight) or 0 if weight > weight_helo then weight_helo = weight end end --FQDN check HELO if ip and helo and weight_helo == 0 then check_host(task, helo, 'HELO', ip) end end end end end -- Check's HOSTNAME local weight_hostname = 0 local hostname = task:get_hostname() if config['hostname_enabled'] then if hostname then -- Check regexp HOSTNAME if hostname == 'unknown' then task:insert_result('HFILTER_HOSTNAME_UNKNOWN', 1.00) else local weights = checks_hellohost_map:get_key(hostname) for _,weight in ipairs(weights or {}) do weight = tonumber(weight) or 0 if weight > weight_hostname then weight_hostname = weight end end end end end --Insert weight's for HELO or HOSTNAME if weight_helo > 0 and weight_helo >= weight_hostname then task:insert_result('HFILTER_HELO_' .. weight_helo, 1.0, helo) elseif weight_hostname > 0 and weight_hostname > weight_helo then task:insert_result('HFILTER_HOSTNAME_' .. weight_hostname, 1.0, hostname) end -- MAILFROM checks -- local frombounce = false if config['from_enabled'] then local from = task:get_from(1) if from then --FROM host check for _,fr in ipairs(from) do local fr_split = rspamd_str_split(fr['addr'], '@') if #fr_split == 2 then check_host(task, fr_split[2], 'FROMHOST', '', '') if fr_split[1] == 'postmaster' then frombounce = true end end end else if helo and helo ~= rspamc_local_helo then task:insert_result('HFILTER_FROM_BOUNCE', 1.00, helo) frombounce = true end end end -- Recipients checks -- if config['rcpt_enabled'] then local rcpt = task:get_recipients() if rcpt then local count_rcpt = #rcpt if frombounce then if count_rcpt > 1 then task:insert_result('HFILTER_RCPT_BOUNCEMOREONE', 1.00, tostring(count_rcpt)) end end end end --Message ID host check if config['mid_enabled'] then local message_id = task:get_message_id() if message_id then local mid_split = rspamd_str_split(message_id, '@') if #mid_split == 2 and not string.find(mid_split[2], 'local') then check_host(task, mid_split[2], 'MID') end end end return false end local symbols_enabled = {} local symbols_helo = { "HFILTER_HELO_BAREIP", "HFILTER_HELO_BADIP", "HFILTER_HELO_1", "HFILTER_HELO_2", "HFILTER_HELO_3", "HFILTER_HELO_4", "HFILTER_HELO_5", "HFILTER_HELO_NORESOLVE_MX", "HFILTER_HELO_NORES_A_OR_MX", "HFILTER_HELO_IP_A", "HFILTER_HELO_NOT_FQDN" } local symbols_hostname = { "HFILTER_HOSTNAME_1", "HFILTER_HOSTNAME_2", "HFILTER_HOSTNAME_3", "HFILTER_HOSTNAME_4", "HFILTER_HOSTNAME_5", "HFILTER_HOSTNAME_UNKNOWN" } local symbols_rcpt = { "HFILTER_RCPT_BOUNCEMOREONE" } local symbols_mid = { "HFILTER_MID_NORESOLVE_MX", "HFILTER_MID_NORES_A_OR_MX", "HFILTER_MID_NOT_FQDN" } local symbols_url = { "HFILTER_URL_ONLY", "HFILTER_URL_ONELINE" } local symbols_from = { "HFILTER_FROMHOST_NORESOLVE_MX", "HFILTER_FROMHOST_NORES_A_OR_MX", "HFILTER_FROMHOST_NOT_FQDN", "HFILTER_FROM_BOUNCE" } local opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('options') if type(opts) == 'table' then if type(opts['check_local']) == 'boolean' then check_local = opts['check_local'] end if type(opts['check_authed']) == 'boolean' then check_authed = opts['check_authed'] end end opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('hfilter') if opts then for k,v in pairs(opts) do config[k] = v end end local function append_t(t, a) for _,v in ipairs(a) do table.insert(t, v) end end if config['helo_enabled'] then checks_hello_bareip_map = add_static_map(checks_hello_bareip) checks_hello_badip_map = add_static_map(checks_hello_badip) checks_hellohost_map = add_static_map(checks_hellohost) checks_hello_map = add_static_map(checks_hello) append_t(symbols_enabled, symbols_helo) end if config['hostname_enabled'] then if not checks_hellohost_map then checks_hellohost_map = add_static_map(checks_hellohost) end append_t(symbols_enabled, symbols_hostname) end if config['from_enabled'] then append_t(symbols_enabled, symbols_from) end if config['rcpt_enabled'] then append_t(symbols_enabled, symbols_rcpt) end if config['mid_enabled'] then append_t(symbols_enabled, symbols_mid) end if config['url_enabled'] then append_t(symbols_enabled, symbols_url) end --dumper(symbols_enabled) if #symbols_enabled > 0 then rspamd_config:register_symbols(hfilter, 1.0, "HFILTER", symbols_enabled); end