--[[ Copyright (c) 2017, Vsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@highsecure.ru> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- if confighelp then return end local redis_params local settings = { key_prefix = 'rs_history', -- default key name nrows = 2000, -- default rows limit compress = true, -- use zstd compression when storing data in redis } local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger" local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util" local fun = require "fun" local ucl = require("ucl") local E = {} local hostname = rspamd_util.get_hostname() local function process_addr(addr) if addr then return addr.addr end return 'unknown' end local function normalise_results(tbl, task) local metric = tbl.default -- Convert stupid metric object if metric then tbl.symbols = {} local symbols, others = fun.partition(function(k, v) return type(v) == 'table' and v.score end, metric) fun.each(function(k, v) v.name = nil; tbl.symbols[k] = v; end, symbols) fun.each(function(k, v) tbl[k] = v end, others) -- Reset the original metric tbl.default = nil end -- Now, add recipients and senders tbl.sender_smtp = process_addr((task:get_from('smtp') or E)[1]) tbl.sender_mime = process_addr((task:get_from('mime') or E)[1]) tbl.rcpt_smtp = fun.totable(fun.map(process_addr, task:get_recipients('smtp') or {})) tbl.rcpt_mime = fun.totable(fun.map(process_addr, task:get_recipients('mime') or {})) tbl.user = task:get_user() or 'unknown' tbl.rmilter = nil tbl.messages = nil tbl.urls = nil local seconds = task:get_timeval()['tv_sec'] tbl.unix_time = seconds tbl.subject = task:get_header('subject') or 'unknown' tbl.size = task:get_size() local ip = task:get_from_ip() if ip and ip:is_valid() then tbl.ip = tostring(ip) else tbl.ip = 'unknown' end tbl.user = task:get_user() or 'unknown' end local function history_save(task) local function redis_llen_cb(err, _) if err then rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'got error %s when writing history row: %s', err) end end -- We skip saving it to the history if task:has_flag('no_log') then return end local data = task:get_protocol_reply{'metrics', 'basic'} local prefix = settings.key_prefix .. hostname if data then normalise_results(data, task) else rspamd_logger.errx('cannot get protocol reply, skip saving in history') return end -- 1 is 'json-compact' but faster local json = ucl.to_format(data, 1) if settings.compress then json = rspamd_util.zstd_compress(json) -- Distinguish between compressed and non-compressed options prefix = prefix .. '_zst' end local ret, conn, _ = rspamd_redis_make_request(task, redis_params, -- connect params nil, -- hash key true, -- is write redis_llen_cb, --callback 'LPUSH', -- command {prefix, json} -- arguments ) if ret then conn:add_cmd('LTRIM', {prefix, '0', string.format('%d', settings.nrows-1)}) conn:add_cmd('SADD', {settings.key_prefix, prefix}) end end local function handle_history_request(task, conn, from, to, reset) local prefix = settings.key_prefix .. hostname if settings.compress then -- Distinguish between compressed and non-compressed options prefix = prefix .. '_zst' end if reset then local function redis_ltrim_cb(err, _) if err then rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'got error %s when resetting history: %s', err) conn:send_error(504, '{"error": "' .. err .. '"}') else conn:send_string('{"success":true}') end end rspamd_redis_make_request(task, redis_params, -- connect params nil, -- hash key true, -- is write redis_ltrim_cb, --callback 'LTRIM', -- command {prefix, '0', '0'} -- arguments ) else local function redis_lrange_cb(err, data) if data then local reply = { version = 2, } if settings.compress then data = fun.totable(fun.filter(function(e) return e ~= nil end, fun.map(function(e) local _,dec = rspamd_util.zstd_decompress(e) if dec then return tostring(dec) end return nil end, data))) end -- Parse elements using ucl data = fun.totable( fun.map(function (_, obj) return obj end, fun.filter(function(res, obj) if res then return true end return false end, fun.map(function(elt) local parser = ucl.parser() local res,_ = parser:parse_string(elt) if res then return true, parser:get_object() else return false, nil end end, data)))) fun.each(function(e) if e.subject and not rspamd_util.is_valid_utf8(e.subject) then e.subject = '???' end end, data) reply.rows = data conn:send_ucl(reply) else rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'got error %s when getting history: %s', err) conn:send_error(504, '{"error": "' .. err .. '"}') end end rspamd_redis_make_request(task, redis_params, -- connect params nil, -- hash key false, -- is write redis_lrange_cb, --callback 'LRANGE', -- command {prefix, string.format('%d', from), string.format('%d', to)} -- arguments ) end end local opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('history_redis') if opts then for k,v in pairs(opts) do settings[k] = v end redis_params = rspamd_parse_redis_server('history_redis') if not redis_params then rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'no servers are specified, disabling module') else rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = 'HISTORY_SAVE', type = 'postfilter', callback = history_save, priority = 150 }) rspamd_plugins['history'] = { handler = handle_history_request } end end