--[[ Copyright (c) 2011-2015, Vsevolod Stakhov Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- if confighelp then return end -- Module for checking mail list headers local N = 'maillist' local symbol = 'MAILLIST' local lua_util = require "lua_util" -- EZMLM -- Mailing-List: .*run by ezmlm -- Precedence: bulk -- List-Post: -- List-Unsubscribe: .* -- List-Archive: -- X-Mailman-Version: \d -- RFC 2919 headers exist local function check_ml_mailman(task) -- Mailing-List local header = task:get_header('x-mailman-version') if not header or not string.find(header, '^%d') then return false end -- Precedence header = task:get_header('precedence') if not header or (header ~= 'bulk' and header ~= 'list') then return false end -- For reminders we have other headers than for normal messages header = task:get_header('x-list-administrivia') local subject = task:get_header('subject') if (header and string.find(header, 'yes')) or (subject and string.find(subject, 'mailing list memberships reminder$')) then if not task:get_header('errors-to') or not task:get_header('x-beenthere') then return false end header = task:get_header('x-no-archive') if not header or not string.find(header, 'yes') then return false end return true end -- Other headers header = task:get_header('list-post') if not header or not string.find(header, '^') then return false end header = task:get_header('list-unsubscribe') if not header or not string.find(header, '') then return false end return true end -- Subscribe.ru -- Precedence: normal -- List-Id: <.*.subscribe.ru> -- List-Help: -- List-Subscribe: -- List-Unsubscribe: -- List-Archive: -- List-Owner: -- List-Post: NO local function check_ml_subscriberu(task) -- List-Id local header = task:get_header('list-id') if not header or not string.find(header, '^<.*%.subscribe%.ru>$') then return false end -- Precedence header = task:get_header('precedence') if not header or not string.match(header, '^normal$') then return false end -- Other headers header = task:get_header('list-archive') if not header or not string.find(header, '^$') then return false end header = task:get_header('list-owner') if not header or not string.find(header, '^$') then return false end header = task:get_header('list-help') if not header or not string.find(header, '^$') then return false end -- Subscribe and unsubscribe header = task:get_header('list-subscribe') if not header or not string.find(header, '^$') then return false end header = task:get_header('list-unsubscribe') if not header or not string.find(header, '^$') then return false end return true end -- Google groups detector -- header exists X-Google-Loop -- RFC 2919 headers exist -- local function check_ml_googlegroup(task) local header = task:get_header('X-Google-Loop') if not header then header = task:get_header('X-Google-Group-Id') if not header then return false end end return true end -- CGP detector -- X-Listserver = CommuniGate Pro LIST -- RFC 2919 headers exist -- local function check_ml_cgp(task) local header = task:get_header('X-Listserver') if not header or string.sub(header, 0, 20) ~= 'CommuniGate Pro LIST' then return false end return true end -- RFC 2919 headers local function check_generic_list_headers(task) local score = 0 local has_subscribe, has_unsubscribe if task:get_header_count('list-id') then lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'has header List-Id, score = %s', score) score = score + 0.75 end local header = task:get_header('Precedence') if header and (header == 'list' or header == 'bulk') then lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'has header Precedence: %s, score = %s', header, score) score = score + 0.25 end if task:get_header_count('list-archive') == 1 then lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'has header List-Archive, score = %s', score) score = score + 0.125 end if task:get_header_count('list-owner') == 1 then lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'has header List-Owner, score = %s', score) score = score + 0.125 end if task:get_header_count('list-help') == 1 then lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'has header List-Help, score = %s', score) score = score + 0.125 end -- Subscribe and unsubscribe if task:get_header_count('list-subscribe') == 1 then lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'has header List-Subscribe, score = %s', score) score = score + 0.125 has_subscribe = true end if task:get_header_count('list-unsubscribe') == 1 then lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'has header List-Subscribe, score = %s', score) score = score + 0.125 has_unsubscribe = true end if task:get_header_count('x-loop') == 1 then lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'has header x-loop, score = %s', score) score = score + 0.125 end if has_subscribe and has_unsubscribe then score = score + 0.25 elseif (has_subscribe or has_unsubscribe) then score = score - 0.75 end lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'final maillist score %s', score) return score end -- RFC 2919 headers exist local function check_maillist(task) local score = check_generic_list_headers(task) if score > 1 then if check_ml_ezmlm(task) then task:insert_result(symbol, 1, 'ezmlm') elseif check_ml_mailman(task) then task:insert_result(symbol, 1, 'mailman') elseif check_ml_subscriberu(task) then task:insert_result(symbol, 1, 'subscribe.ru') elseif check_ml_googlegroup(task) then task:insert_result(symbol, 1, 'googlegroups') elseif check_ml_cgp(task) then task:insert_result(symbol, 1, 'cgp') else if score > 2 then score = 2 end task:insert_result(symbol, 0.5 * score, 'generic') end end end -- Configuration local opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('maillist') if opts then if opts['symbol'] then symbol = opts['symbol'] rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = symbol, callback = check_maillist }) end end