--[[ Copyright (c) 2016, Alexander Moisseev <moiseev@mezonplus.ru> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- --[[ MID plugin - suppress INVALID_MSGID and MISSING_MID for messages originating from listed valid DKIM domains with missed or known proprietary Message-IDs ]]-- if confighelp then return end local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger" local rspamd_regexp = require "rspamd_regexp" local settings = { url = '', symbol_known_mid = 'KNOWN_MID', symbol_known_no_mid = 'KNOWN_NO_MID', symbol_invalid_msgid = 'INVALID_MSGID', symbol_missing_mid = 'MISSING_MID', symbol_dkim_allow = 'R_DKIM_ALLOW', csymbol_invalid_msgid_allowed = 'INVALID_MSGID_ALLOWED', csymbol_missing_mid_allowed = 'MISSING_MID_ALLOWED', } local map = {} local E = {} local function known_mid_cb(task) local re = {} local header = task:get_header('Message-Id') local das = task:get_symbol(settings['symbol_dkim_allow']) if ((das or E)[1] or E).options then for _,dkim_domain in ipairs(das[1]['options']) do local v = map:get_key(dkim_domain) if v then if v == '' then if not header then task:insert_result(settings['symbol_known_no_mid'], 1, dkim_domain) return end else re[dkim_domain] = rspamd_regexp.create_cached(v) if header and re[dkim_domain] and re[dkim_domain]:match(header) then task:insert_result(settings['symbol_known_mid'], 1, dkim_domain) return end end end end end end local opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('mid') if opts then for k,v in pairs(opts) do settings[k] = v end map = rspamd_map_add('mid', 'source', 'map', 'Message-IDs map') if map then local id = rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = 'KNOWN_MID_CALLBACK', type = 'callback', callback = known_mid_cb }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = settings['symbol_known_mid'], parent = id, type = 'virtual' }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = settings['symbol_known_no_mid'], parent = id, type = 'virtual' }) rspamd_config:add_composite(settings['csymbol_invalid_msgid_allowed'], settings['symbol_known_mid'] .. ' & ' .. settings['symbol_invalid_msgid']) rspamd_config:add_composite(settings['csymbol_missing_mid_allowed'], settings['symbol_known_no_mid'] .. ' & ' .. settings['symbol_missing_mid']) rspamd_config:register_dependency(id, settings['symbol_dkim_allow']) else rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'source is not specified, disabling module') end end