--[[ Copyright (c) 2011-2015, Vsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@highsecure.ru> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- if confighelp then return end -- 0 or 1 received: = spam local symbol = 'ONCE_RECEIVED' local symbol_rdns = 'RDNS_NONE' local symbol_mx = 'DIRECT_TO_MX' -- Symbol for strict checks local symbol_strict = nil local bad_hosts = {} local good_hosts = {} local whitelist = nil local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger" local check_local = false local check_authed = false local function check_quantity_received (task) local recvh = task:get_received_headers() local function recv_dns_cb(_, to_resolve, results, err) if err and (err ~= 'requested record is not found' and err ~= 'no records with this name') then rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'error looking up %s: %s', to_resolve, err) end task:inc_dns_req() if not results then if recvh and #recvh <= 1 then task:insert_result(symbol, 1) task:insert_result(symbol_strict, 1) -- Check for MUAs local ua = task:get_header('User-Agent') local xm = task:get_header('X-Mailer') if (ua or xm) then task:insert_result(symbol_mx, 1, (ua or xm)) end end task:insert_result(symbol_rdns, 1) else rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'SMTP resolver failed to resolve: %1 is %2', to_resolve, results[1]) if good_hosts then for _,gh in ipairs(good_hosts) do if string.find(results[1], gh) then return end end end task:insert_result(symbol, 1) for _,h in ipairs(bad_hosts) do if string.find(results[1], h) then task:insert_result(symbol_strict, 1, h) return end end end end local task_ip = task:get_ip() if ((not check_authed and task:get_user()) or (not check_local and task_ip and task_ip:is_local())) then rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'Skipping once_received for authenticated user or local network') return end if whitelist and task_ip and whitelist:get_key(task_ip) then rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'whitelisted mail from %s', task_ip:to_string()) return end local hn = task:get_hostname() -- Here we don't care about received if (not hn or hn == 'unknown') and task_ip and task_ip:is_valid() then task:get_resolver():resolve_ptr({task = task, name = task_ip:to_string(), callback = recv_dns_cb, forced = true }) return end if recvh and #recvh <= 1 then local ret = true local r = recvh[1] if not r then return end if r['real_hostname'] then local rhn = string.lower(r['real_hostname']) -- Check for good hostname if rhn and good_hosts then for _,gh in ipairs(good_hosts) do if string.find(rhn, gh) then ret = false break end end end end if ret then -- Strict checks if symbol_strict then -- Unresolved host task:insert_result(symbol, 1) if not hn then return end for _,h in ipairs(bad_hosts) do if string.find(hn, h) then task:insert_result(symbol_strict, 1, h) return end end else task:insert_result(symbol, 1) end end end end local opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('options') if type(opts) == 'table' then if type(opts['check_local']) == 'boolean' then check_local = opts['check_local'] end if type(opts['check_authed']) == 'boolean' then check_authed = opts['check_authed'] end end -- Configuration opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('once_received') if opts then if opts['symbol'] then symbol = opts['symbol'] local id = rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = symbol, callback = check_quantity_received, }) for n,v in pairs(opts) do if n == 'symbol_strict' then symbol_strict = v elseif n == 'symbol_rdns' then symbol_rdns = v elseif n == 'bad_host' then if type(v) == 'string' then bad_hosts[1] = v else bad_hosts = v end elseif n == 'good_host' then if type(v) == 'string' then good_hosts[1] = v else good_hosts = v end elseif n == 'whitelist' then whitelist = rspamd_map_add('once_received', 'whitelist', 'radix', 'once received whitelist') elseif n == 'symbol_mx' then symbol_mx = v end end rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = symbol_rdns, type = 'virtual', parent = id }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = symbol_strict, type = 'virtual', parent = id }) rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = symbol_mx, type = 'virtual', parent = id }) end end