--[[ Copyright (c) 2011-2015, Vsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@highsecure.ru> Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Andrew Lewis <nerf@judo.za.org> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- if confighelp then return end local hash = require 'rspamd_cryptobox_hash' local rspamd_logger = require 'rspamd_logger' local rspamd_util = require 'rspamd_util' local fun = require 'fun' local lua_util = require 'lua_util' local ts = require("tableshape").types -- This plugin implements various types of RBL checks -- Documentation can be found here: -- https://rspamd.com/doc/modules/rbl.html local E = {} local N = 'rbl' local local_exclusions local default_monitored = '' local function validate_dns(lstr) if lstr:match('%.%.') then -- two dots in a row return false end for v in lstr:gmatch('[^%.]+') do if not v:match('^[%w-]+$') or v:len() > 63 or v:match('^-') or v:match('-$') then -- too long label or weird labels return false end end return true end local function maybe_make_hash(data, rule) if rule.hash then local h = hash.create_specific(rule.hash, data) local s if rule.hash_format then if rule.hash_format == 'base32' then s = h:base32() elseif rule.hash_format == 'base64' then s = h:base64() else s = h:hex() end else s = h:hex() end if rule.hash_len then s = s:sub(1, rule.hash_len) end return s else return data end end local function is_excluded_ip(rip) if local_exclusions and local_exclusions:get_key(rip) then return true end return false end local function ip_to_rbl(ip) return table.concat(ip:inversed_str_octets(), '.') end local function gen_check_rcvd_conditions(rbl, received_total) local min_pos = tonumber(rbl['received_min_pos']) local max_pos = tonumber(rbl['received_max_pos']) local match_flags = rbl['received_flags'] local nmatch_flags = rbl['received_nflags'] local function basic_received_check(rh) if not (rh['real_ip'] and rh['real_ip']:is_valid()) then return false end if ((rh['real_ip']:get_version() == 6 and rbl['ipv6']) or (rh['real_ip']:get_version() == 4 and rbl['ipv4'])) and ((rbl['exclude_private_ips'] and not rh['real_ip']:is_local()) or not rbl['exclude_private_ips']) and ((rbl['exclude_local_ips'] and not is_excluded_ip(rh['real_ip'])) or not rbl['exclude_local_ips']) then return true else return false end end if not (max_pos or min_pos or match_flags or nmatch_flags) then return basic_received_check end return function(rh, pos) if not basic_received_check() then return false end local got_flags = rh['flags'] or E if min_pos then if min_pos < 0 then if min_pos == -1 then if (pos ~= received_total) then return false end else if pos <= (received_total - (min_pos*-1)) then return false end end elseif pos < min_pos then return false end end if max_pos then if max_pos < -1 then if (received_total - (max_pos*-1)) >= pos then return false end elseif max_pos > 0 then if pos > max_pos then return false end end end if match_flags then for _, flag in ipairs(match_flags) do if not got_flags[flag] then return false end end end if nmatch_flags then for _, flag in ipairs(nmatch_flags) do if got_flags[flag] then return false end end end return true end end local function rbl_dns_process(task, rbl, to_resolve, results, err) if err and (err ~= 'requested record is not found' and err ~= 'no records with this name') then rspamd_logger.infox(task, 'error looking up %s: %s', to_resolve, err) task:insert_result(rbl.symbol .. '_FAIL', 1, string.format('%s:%s', to_resolve, err)) return end if not results then lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'DNS RESPONSE: label=%1 results=%2 error=%3 rbl=%4', to_resolve, false, err, rbl.symbol) return else lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'DNS RESPONSE: label=%1 results=%2 error=%3 rbl=%4', to_resolve, true, err, rbl.symbol) end if rbl.returncodes == nil and rbl.symbol ~= nil then task:insert_result(rbl.symbol, 1, to_resolve) return end for _,result in ipairs(results) do local ipstr = result:to_string() lua_util.debugm(N, task, '%s DNS result %s', to_resolve, ipstr) local foundrc = false -- Check return codes for s,i in pairs(rbl.returncodes) do for _,v in ipairs(i) do if string.find(ipstr, '^' .. v .. '$') then foundrc = true task:insert_result(s, 1, to_resolve .. ' : ' .. ipstr) break end end end if not foundrc then if rbl.unknown and rbl.symbol then task:insert_result(rbl.symbol, 1, to_resolve) else rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'RBL %1 returned unknown result: %2', rbl.rbl, ipstr) end end end end local function gen_rbl_callback(rule) -- Here, we have functional approach: we form a pipeline of functions -- f1, f2, ... fn. Each function accepts task and return boolean value -- that allows to process pipeline further -- Each function in the pipeline can add something to `dns_req` vector as a side effect local function add_dns_request(req, forced, requests_table) if requests_table[req] then -- Duplicate request if forced and not requests_table[req].forced then requests_table[req].forced = true end else local nreq = { forced = forced, n = string.format('%s.%s', maybe_make_hash(req, rule), rule.rbl) } requests_table[req] = nreq end end local function is_alive(_, _) if rule.monitored then if not rule.monitored:alive() then return false end end return true end local function check_user(task, _) if task:get_user() then return false end return true end local function check_local(task, _) local ip = task:get_from_ip() if not ip:is_valid() then ip = nil end if ip and ip:is_local() or is_excluded_ip(ip) then return false end return true end local function check_helo(task, requests_table) local helo = task:get_helo() if not helo then return false end add_dns_request(helo, true, requests_table) end local function check_dkim(task, requests_table) local das = task:get_symbol('DKIM_TRACE') local mime_from_domain local ret = false if das and das[1] and das[1].options then if rule.dkim_match_from then -- We check merely mime from mime_from_domain = ((task:get_from('mime') or E)[1] or E).domain if mime_from_domain then mime_from_domain = rspamd_util.get_tld(mime_from_domain) end end for _, d in ipairs(das[1].options) do local domain,result = d:match('^([^%:]*):([%+%-%~])$') -- We must ignore bad signatures, omg if domain and result and result == '+' then if rule.dkim_match_from then -- We check merely mime from local domain_tld = domain if not rule.dkim_domainonly then -- Adjust domain_tld = rspamd_util.get_tld(domain) end if mime_from_domain and mime_from_domain == domain_tld then add_dns_request(domain_tld, true, requests_table) ret = true end else if rule.dkim_domainonly then add_dns_request(rspamd_util.get_tld(domain), false, requests_table) ret = true else add_dns_request(domain, false, requests_table) ret = true end end end end end return ret end local function check_emails(task, requests_table) local emails = task:get_emails() if not emails then return false end for _,email in ipairs(emails) do if rule.emails_domainonly then add_dns_request(email:get_tld(), false, requests_table) else if rule.hash then -- Leave @ as is add_dns_request(string.format('%s@%s', email:get_user(), email:get_domain()), false, requests_table) else -- Replace @ with . add_dns_request(string.format('%s.%s', email:get_user(), email:get_domain()), false, requests_table) end end end return true end local function check_from(task, requests_table) local ip = task:get_from_ip() if not ip or not ip:is_valid() then return true end if (ip:get_version() == 6 and rule.ipv6) or (ip:get_version() == 4 and rule.ipv4) then add_dns_request(ip_to_rbl(ip), true, requests_table) end return true end local function check_received(task, requests_table) local received = fun.filter(function(h) return not h['flags']['artificial'] end, task:get_received_headers()):totable() local received_total = #received local check_conditions = gen_check_rcvd_conditions(rule, received_total) for pos,rh in ipairs(received) do if check_conditions(rh, pos) then add_dns_request(ip_to_rbl(rh.real_ip), false, requests_table) end end return true end local function check_rdns(task, requests_table) local hostname = task:get_hostname() if hostname == nil or hostname == 'unknown' then return false end add_dns_request(hostname, true, requests_table) return true end -- Create function pipeline depending on rbl settings local pipeline = { is_alive, -- generic for all } if rule.exclude_users then pipeline[#pipeline + 1] = check_user end if rule.exclude_local or rule.exclude_private_ips then pipeline[#pipeline + 1] = check_local end if rule.helo then pipeline[#pipeline + 1] = check_helo end if rule.dkim then pipeline[#pipeline + 1] = check_dkim end if rule.emails then pipeline[#pipeline + 1] = check_emails end if rule.from then pipeline[#pipeline + 1] = check_from end if rule.received then pipeline[#pipeline + 1] = check_received end if rule.rdns then pipeline[#pipeline + 1] = check_rdns end return function(task) -- DNS requests to issue (might be hashed afterwards) local dns_req = {} local function rbl_dns_callback(_, to_resolve, results, err) rbl_dns_process(task, rule, to_resolve, results, err) end -- Execute functions pipeline for _,f in ipairs(pipeline) do if not f(task, dns_req) then lua_util.debugm(N, task, "skip rbl check: %s; pipeline condition returned false", rule.symbol) return end end -- Now check all DNS requests pending and emit them local r = task:get_resolver() for name,p in pairs(dns_req) do if validate_dns(p.n) then lua_util.debugm(N, task, "rbl %s; resolve %s -> %s", rule.symbol, name, p.n) r:resolve_a({ task = task, name = p.n, callback = rbl_dns_callback, forced = p.forced }) else rspamd_logger.warnx(task, 'cannot send invalid DNS request %s for %s', p.n, rule.symbol) end end end end -- Configuration local opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt(N) if not (opts and type(opts) == 'table') then rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'Module is unconfigured') lua_util.disable_module(N, "config") return end -- Plugin defaults should not be changed - override these in config -- New defaults should not alter behaviour local default_defaults = { ['default_enabled'] = true, ['default_ipv4'] = true, ['default_ipv6'] = true, ['default_received'] = false, ['default_from'] = true, ['default_unknown'] = false, ['default_rdns'] = false, ['default_helo'] = false, ['default_dkim'] = false, ['default_dkim_domainonly'] = true, ['default_emails'] = false, ['default_emails_domainonly'] = false, ['default_exclude_private_ips'] = true, ['default_exclude_users'] = false, ['default_exclude_local'] = true, ['default_is_whitelist'] = false, ['default_ignore_whitelist'] = false, } -- Enrich with defaults for default, default_v in pairs(default_defaults) do if opts[default] == nil then opts[default] = default_v end end if(opts['local_exclude_ip_map'] ~= nil) then local_exclusions = rspamd_map_add(N, 'local_exclude_ip_map', 'radix', 'RBL exclusions map') end local white_symbols = {} local black_symbols = {} local rule_schema = ts.shape({ enabled = ts.boolean:is_optional(), disabled = ts.boolean:is_optional(), rbl = ts.string, symbol = ts.string:is_optional(), returncodes = ts.map_of( ts.string / string.upper, ( ts.array_of(ts.string) + (ts.string / function(s) return { s } end) ) ):is_optional(), whitelist_exception = ( ts.array_of(ts.string) + (ts.string / function(s) return {s} end) ):is_optional(), local_exclude_ip_map = ts.string:is_optional(), hash = ts.one_of{"sha1", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "md5", "blake2"}:is_optional(), hash_format = ts.one_of{"hex", "base32", "base64"}:is_optional(), hash_len = (ts.integer + ts.string / tonumber):is_optional(), }, { extra_fields = ts.map_of(ts.string, ts.boolean) }) local monitored_addresses = {} local function add_rbl(key, rbl) if not rbl.symbol then rbl.symbol = key:upper() end local flags_tbl = {'no_squeeze'} if rbl.is_whitelist then flags_tbl[#flags_tbl + 1] = 'nice' end if not (rbl.dkim or rbl.emails) then flags_tbl[#flags_tbl + 1] = 'empty' end local id = rspamd_config:register_symbol{ type = 'callback', callback = gen_rbl_callback(rbl), name = rbl.symbol, flags = table.concat(flags_tbl, ',') } if rbl.dkim then rspamd_config:register_dependency(rbl.symbol, 'DKIM_CHECK') end -- Failure symbol rspamd_config:register_symbol{ type = 'virtual,nostat', name = rbl.symbol .. '_FAIL', parent = id, score = 0.0, } if rbl.returncodes then for s,_ in pairs(rbl['returncodes']) do rspamd_config:register_symbol({ name = s, parent = id, type = 'virtual' }) if rbl.is_whitelist then if rbl.whitelist_exception then local foundException = false for _, e in ipairs(rbl.whitelist_exception) do if e == s then foundException = true break end end if not foundException then table.insert(white_symbols, s) end else table.insert(white_symbols, s) end else if rbl.ignore_whitelist == false then table.insert(black_symbols, s) end end end end if not rbl.is_whitelist and rbl.ignore_whitelist == false then table.insert(black_symbols, rbl.symbol) end -- Process monitored if not rbl.disable_monitoring and not rbl.is_whitelist then if not monitored_addresses[rbl.rbl] then monitored_addresses[rbl.rbl] = true rbl.monitored = rspamd_config:register_monitored(rbl['rbl'], 'dns', { rcode = 'nxdomain', prefix = rbl.monitored_address or default_monitored }) end end end for key,rbl in pairs(opts.rbls or opts.rules) do if type(rbl) ~= 'table' or rbl.disabled == true or rbl.enabled == false then rspamd_logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'disable rbl "%s"', key) else for default,_ in pairs(default_defaults) do local rbl_opt = default:sub(#('default_') + 1) if rbl[rbl_opt] == nil then rbl[rbl_opt] = opts[default] end end local res,err = rule_schema:transform(rbl) if not res then rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'invalid config for %s: %s, RBL is DISABLED', key, err) else add_rbl(key, res) end end -- rbl.enabled end -- We now create two symbols: -- * RBL_CALLBACK_WHITE that depends on all symbols white -- * RBL_CALLBACK that depends on all symbols black to participate in depends chains local function rbl_callback_white(task) local found_whitelist = false for _, w in ipairs(white_symbols) do if task:has_symbol(w) then lua_util.debugm(N, task,'found whitelist %s', w) found_whitelist = true break end end if found_whitelist then -- Disable all symbols black for _, b in ipairs(black_symbols) do lua_util.debugm(N, task,'disable %s, whitelist found', b) task:disable_symbol(b) end end lua_util.debugm(N, task, "finished rbl whitelists processing") end local function rbl_callback_fin(task) -- Do nothing lua_util.debugm(N, task, "finished rbl processing") end rspamd_config:register_symbol{ type = 'callback', callback = rbl_callback_white, name = 'RBL_CALLBACK_WHITE', flags = 'nice,empty,no_squeeze' } rspamd_config:register_symbol{ type = 'callback', callback = rbl_callback_fin, name = 'RBL_CALLBACK', flags = 'empty,no_squeeze' } for _, w in ipairs(white_symbols) do rspamd_config:register_dependency('RBL_CALLBACK_WHITE', w) end for _, b in ipairs(black_symbols) do rspamd_config:register_dependency(b, 'RBL_CALLBACK_WHITE') rspamd_config:register_dependency('RBL_CALLBACK', b) end