--[[ Copyright (c) 2011-2015, Vsevolod Stakhov Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Andrew Lewis All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ]]-- -- This plugin implements various types of RBL checks -- Documentation can be found here: -- https://rspamd.com/doc/modules/rbl.html local rbls = {} local local_exclusions = nil local private_ips = nil local rspamd_logger = require 'rspamd_logger' local rspamd_ip = require 'rspamd_ip' local function validate_dns(lstr) if lstr:match('%.%.') then return false end for v in lstr:gmatch('[^%.]+') do if not v:match('^[%w-]+$') or v:len() > 63 or v:match('^-') or v:match('-$') then return false end end return true end local function is_private_ip(rip) if private_ips and private_ips:get_key(rip) then return true end return false end local function is_excluded_ip(rip) if local_exclusions and local_exclusions:get_key(rip) then return true end return false end local function ip_to_rbl(ip, rbl) return table.concat(ip:inversed_str_octets(), '.') .. '.' .. rbl end local function rbl_cb (task) local function rbl_dns_cb(resolver, to_resolve, results, err, key) if results then local thisrbl = nil for k,r in pairs(rbls) do if k == key then thisrbl = r break end end if thisrbl ~= nil then if thisrbl['returncodes'] == nil then if thisrbl['symbol'] ~= nil then task:insert_result(thisrbl['symbol'], 1) end else for _,result in pairs(results) do local ipstr = result:to_string() local foundrc = false for s,i in pairs(thisrbl['returncodes']) do if type(i) == 'string' then if string.find(ipstr, '^' .. i .. '$') then foundrc = true task:insert_result(s, 1) break end elseif type(i) == 'table' then for _,v in pairs(i) do if string.find(ipstr, '^' .. v .. '$') then foundrc = true task:insert_result(s, 1) break end end end end if not foundrc then if thisrbl['unknown'] and thisrbl['symbol'] then task:insert_result(thisrbl['symbol'], 1) else rspamd_logger.err('RBL ' .. thisrbl['rbl'] .. ' returned unknown result ' .. ipstr) end end end end end end task:inc_dns_req() end local havegot = {} local notgot = {} for k,rbl in pairs(rbls) do (function() if rbl['exclude_users'] then if not havegot['user'] and not notgot['user'] then havegot['user'] = task:get_user() if havegot['user'] == nil then notgot['user'] = true end end if havegot['user'] ~= nil then return end end if (rbl['exclude_local'] or rbl['exclude_private_ips']) and not notgot['from'] then if not havegot['from'] then havegot['from'] = task:get_from_ip() if not havegot['from']:is_valid() then notgot['from'] = true end end if havegot['from'] and not notgot['from'] and ((rbl['exclude_local'] and is_excluded_ip(havegot['from'])) or (rbl['exclude_private_ips'] and is_private_ip(havegot['from']))) then return end end if rbl['helo'] then (function() if notgot['helo'] then return end if not havegot['helo'] then havegot['helo'] = task:get_helo() if havegot['helo'] == nil or not validate_dns(havegot['helo']) then notgot['helo'] = true return end end task:get_resolver():resolve_a(task:get_session(), task:get_mempool(), havegot['helo'] .. '.' .. rbl['rbl'], rbl_dns_cb, k) end)() end if rbl['emails'] then (function() if notgot['emails'] then return end if not havegot['emails'] then havegot['emails'] = task:get_emails() if havegot['emails'] == nil then notgot['emails'] = true return end local cleanList = {} for _, e in pairs(havegot['emails']) do local localpart = e:get_user() local domainpart = e:get_host() if rbl['emails'] == 'domain_only' then if not cleanList[domainpart] and validate_dns(domainpart) then cleanList[domainpart] = true end else if validate_dns(localpart) and validate_dns(domainpart) then table.insert(cleanList, localpart .. '.' .. domainpart) end end end havegot['emails'] = cleanList if not next(havegot['emails']) then notgot['emails'] = true return end end if rbl['emails'] == 'domain_only' then for domain, _ in pairs(havegot['emails']) do task:get_resolver():resolve_a(task:get_session(), task:get_mempool(), domain .. '.' .. rbl['rbl'], rbl_dns_cb, k) end else for _, email in pairs(havegot['emails']) do task:get_resolver():resolve_a(task:get_session(), task:get_mempool(), email .. '.' .. rbl['rbl'], rbl_dns_cb, k) end end end)() end if rbl['rdns'] then (function() if notgot['rdns'] then return end if not havegot['rdns'] then havegot['rdns'] = task:get_hostname() if havegot['rdns'] == nil or havegot['rdns'] == 'unknown' then notgot['rdns'] = true return end end task:get_resolver():resolve_a(task:get_session(), task:get_mempool(), havegot['rdns'] .. '.' .. rbl['rbl'], rbl_dns_cb, k) end)() end if rbl['from'] then (function() if notgot['from'] then return end if not havegot['from'] then havegot['from'] = task:get_from_ip() if not havegot['from']:is_valid() then notgot['from'] = true return end end if (havegot['from']:get_version() == 6 and rbl['ipv6']) or (havegot['from']:get_version() == 4 and rbl['ipv4']) then task:get_resolver():resolve_a(task:get_session(), task:get_mempool(), ip_to_rbl(havegot['from'], rbl['rbl']), rbl_dns_cb, k) end end)() end if rbl['received'] then (function() if notgot['received'] then return end if not havegot['received'] then havegot['received'] = task:get_received_headers() if next(havegot['received']) == nil then notgot['received'] = true return end end for _,rh in ipairs(havegot['received']) do if rh['real_ip'] and rh['real_ip']:is_valid() then if ((rh['real_ip']:get_version() == 6 and rbl['ipv6']) or (rh['real_ip']:get_version() == 4 and rbl['ipv4'])) and ((rbl['exclude_private_ips'] and not is_private_ip(rh['real_ip'])) or not rbl['exclude_private_ips']) and ((rbl['exclude_local_ips'] and not is_excluded_ip(rh['real_ip'])) or not rbl['exclude_local_ips']) then task:get_resolver():resolve_a(task:get_session(), task:get_mempool(), ip_to_rbl(rh['real_ip'], rbl['rbl']), rbl_dns_cb, k) end end end end)() end end)() end end -- Registration if type(rspamd_config.get_api_version) ~= 'nil' then if rspamd_config:get_api_version() >= 1 then rspamd_config:register_module_option('rbl', 'rbls', 'map') rspamd_config:register_module_option('rbl', 'default_ipv4', 'string') rspamd_config:register_module_option('rbl', 'default_ipv6', 'string') rspamd_config:register_module_option('rbl', 'default_received', 'string') rspamd_config:register_module_option('rbl', 'default_from', 'string') rspamd_config:register_module_option('rbl', 'default_rdns', 'string') rspamd_config:register_module_option('rbl', 'default_helo', 'string') rspamd_config:register_module_option('rbl', 'default_unknown', 'string') rspamd_config:register_module_option('rbl', 'default_exclude_users', 'string') rspamd_config:register_module_option('rbl', 'default_exclude_private_ips', 'string') rspamd_config:register_module_option('rbl', 'local_exclude_ip_map', 'string') rspamd_config:register_module_option('rbl', 'default_exclude_local', 'string') rspamd_config:register_module_option('rbl', 'private_ips', 'string') rspamd_config:register_module_option('rbl', 'default_emails', 'string') rspamd_config:register_module_option('rbl', 'default_is_whitelist', 'string') rspamd_config:register_module_option('rbl', 'default_ignore_whitelists', 'string') end end -- Configuration local opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt('rbl') if not opts or type(opts) ~= 'table' then return end -- Plugin defaults should not be changed - override these in config -- New defaults should not alter behaviour default_defaults = { ['default_ipv4'] = {[1] = true, [2] = 'ipv4'}, ['default_ipv6'] = {[1] = false, [2] = 'ipv6'}, ['default_received'] = {[1] = true, [2] = 'received'}, ['default_from'] = {[1] = false, [2] = 'from'}, ['default_unknown'] = {[1] = false, [2] = 'unknown'}, ['default_rdns'] = {[1] = false, [2] = 'rdns'}, ['default_helo'] = {[1] = false, [2] = 'helo'}, ['default_emails'] = {[1] = false, [2] = 'emails'}, ['default_exclude_users'] = {[1] = false, [2] = 'exclude_users'}, ['default_exclude_private_ips'] = {[1] = true, [2] = 'exclude_private_ips'}, ['default_exclude_users'] = {[1] = false, [2] = 'exclude_users'}, ['default_exclude_local'] = {[1] = true, [2] = 'exclude_local'}, ['default_is_whitelist'] = {[1] = false, [2] = 'is_whitelist'}, ['default_ignore_whitelist'] = {[1] = false, [2] = 'ignore_whitelists'}, } for default, default_v in pairs(default_defaults) do if opts[default] == nil then opts[default] = default_v[1] end end if(opts['local_exclude_ip_map'] ~= nil) then local_exclusions = rspamd_config:add_radix_map(opts['local_exclude_ip_map']) end if(opts['private_ips'] ~= nil) then private_ips = rspamd_config:radix_from_config('rbl', 'private_ips') end local white_symbols = {} local black_symbols = {} for key,rbl in pairs(opts['rbls']) do for default, default_v in pairs(default_defaults) do if(rbl[default_v[2]] == nil) then rbl[default_v[2]] = opts[default] end end if type(rbl['returncodes']) == 'table' then for s,_ in pairs(rbl['returncodes']) do if type(rspamd_config.get_api_version) ~= 'nil' then rspamd_config:register_virtual_symbol(s, 1) if(rbl['is_whitelist']) then table.insert(white_symbols, s) else table.insert(black_symbols, s) end end end end if not rbl['symbol'] and type(rbl['returncodes']) ~= 'nil' and not rbl['unknown'] then rbl['symbol'] = key end if type(rspamd_config.get_api_version) ~= 'nil' and rbl['symbol'] then rspamd_config:register_virtual_symbol(rbl['symbol'], 1) if(rbl['is_whitelist']) then table.insert(white_symbols, rbl['symbol']) else if rbl['ignore_whitelists'] == false then table.insert(black_symbols, rbl['symbol']) end end end rbls[key] = rbl end for _, w in pairs(white_symbols) do for _, b in pairs(black_symbols) do csymbol = 'RBL_COMPOSITE_' .. w .. '_' .. b rspamd_config:register_virtual_symbol(csymbol, 1) rspamd_config:add_composite(csymbol, w .. ' & ' .. b) rspamd_config:set_metric_symbol(csymbol, 0, 'Autogenerated composite') end end rspamd_config:register_callback_symbol_priority('RBL', 1.0, 0, rbl_cb)