/* * Copyright (c) 2009, Rambler media * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY Rambler media ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL Rambler BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /***MODULE:regexp * rspamd module that implements different regexp rules */ #include #include "../config.h" #include "../main.h" #include "../message.h" #include "../modules.h" #include "../cfg_file.h" #include "../expressions.h" struct regexp_module_item { struct expression *expr; int regexp_number; int op_number; char *symbol; }; struct regexp_ctx { int (*header_filter)(struct worker_task *task); int (*mime_filter)(struct worker_task *task); int (*message_filter)(struct worker_task *task); int (*url_filter)(struct worker_task *task); GList *items; char *metric; memory_pool_t *regexp_pool; }; static struct regexp_ctx *regexp_module_ctx = NULL; static int regexp_common_filter (struct worker_task *task); static gboolean rspamd_regexp_match_number (struct worker_task *task, GList *args); int regexp_module_init (struct config_file *cfg, struct module_ctx **ctx) { regexp_module_ctx = g_malloc (sizeof (struct regexp_ctx)); regexp_module_ctx->header_filter = regexp_common_filter; regexp_module_ctx->mime_filter = NULL; regexp_module_ctx->message_filter = NULL; regexp_module_ctx->url_filter = NULL; regexp_module_ctx->regexp_pool = memory_pool_new (1024); regexp_module_ctx->items = NULL; *ctx = (struct module_ctx *)regexp_module_ctx; register_expression_function ("regexp_match_number", rspamd_regexp_match_number); return 0; } static gboolean read_regexp_expression (memory_pool_t *pool, struct regexp_module_item *chain, char *symbol, char *line) { struct expression *e, *cur; e = parse_expression (regexp_module_ctx->regexp_pool, line); if (e == NULL) { msg_warn ("read_regexp_expression: %s = \"%s\" is invalid regexp expression", symbol, line); return FALSE; } chain->expr = e; cur = e; while (cur) { if (cur->type == EXPR_REGEXP) { cur->content.operand = parse_regexp (pool, cur->content.operand); if (cur->content.operand == NULL) { msg_warn ("read_regexp_expression: cannot parse regexp, skip expression %s = \"%s\"", symbol, line); return FALSE; } chain->regexp_number ++; } else { chain->op_number ++; } cur = cur->next; } return TRUE; } int regexp_module_config (struct config_file *cfg) { LIST_HEAD (moduleoptq, module_opt) *cur_module_opt = NULL; struct module_opt *cur; struct regexp_module_item *cur_item; char *value; int res = TRUE; if ((value = get_module_opt (cfg, "regexp", "metric")) != NULL) { regexp_module_ctx->metric = memory_pool_strdup (regexp_module_ctx->regexp_pool, value); g_free (value); } else { regexp_module_ctx->metric = DEFAULT_METRIC; } cur_module_opt = g_hash_table_lookup (cfg->modules_opts, "regexp"); if (cur_module_opt != NULL) { LIST_FOREACH (cur, cur_module_opt, next) { if (strcmp (cur->param, "metric") == 0) { continue; } cur_item = memory_pool_alloc0 (regexp_module_ctx->regexp_pool, sizeof (struct regexp_module_item)); cur_item->symbol = cur->param; if (!read_regexp_expression (regexp_module_ctx->regexp_pool, cur_item, cur->param, cur->value)) { res = FALSE; } regexp_module_ctx->items = g_list_prepend (regexp_module_ctx->items, cur_item); } } return res; } int regexp_module_reconfig (struct config_file *cfg) { memory_pool_delete (regexp_module_ctx->regexp_pool); regexp_module_ctx->regexp_pool = memory_pool_new (1024); return regexp_module_config (cfg); } static gsize process_regexp (struct rspamd_regexp *re, struct worker_task *task) { char *headerv, *c, t; struct mime_text_part *part; GList *cur, *headerlist; GRegex *regexp; struct uri *url; int r; if (re == NULL) { msg_info ("process_regexp: invalid regexp passed"); return 0; } if ((r = task_cache_check (task, re)) != -1) { return r == 1; } switch (re->type) { case REGEXP_NONE: return 0; case REGEXP_HEADER: if (re->header == NULL) { msg_info ("process_regexp: header regexp without header name: '%s'", re->regexp_text); task_cache_add (task, re, 0); return 0; } msg_debug ("process_regexp: checking header regexp: %s = /%s/", re->header, re->regexp_text); headerlist = message_get_header (task->task_pool, task->message, re->header); if (headerlist == NULL) { task_cache_add (task, re, 0); return 0; } else { if (re->regexp == NULL) { msg_debug ("process_regexp: regexp contains only header and it is found %s", re->header); task_cache_add (task, re, 1); g_list_free (headerlist); return 1; } cur = headerlist; while (cur) { if (cur->data && g_regex_match (re->regexp, cur->data, 0, NULL) == TRUE) { task_cache_add (task, re, 1); return 1; } cur = g_list_next (cur); } g_list_free (headerlist); task_cache_add (task, re, 0); return 0; } break; case REGEXP_MIME: msg_debug ("process_regexp: checking mime regexp: /%s/", re->regexp_text); cur = g_list_first (task->text_parts); while (cur) { part = (struct mime_text_part *)cur->data; if (part->is_raw) { regexp = re->raw_regexp; } else { regexp = re->regexp; } if (g_regex_match_full (regexp, part->orig->data, part->orig->len, 0, 0, NULL, NULL) == TRUE) { task_cache_add (task, re, 1); return 1; } cur = g_list_next (cur); } task_cache_add (task, re, 0); return 0; case REGEXP_MESSAGE: msg_debug ("process_regexp: checking message regexp: /%s/", re->regexp_text); if (g_regex_match_full (re->regexp, task->msg->begin, task->msg->len, 0, 0, NULL, NULL) == TRUE) { task_cache_add (task, re, 1); return 1; } task_cache_add (task, re, 0); return 0; case REGEXP_URL: msg_debug ("process_regexp: checking url regexp: /%s/", re->regexp_text); TAILQ_FOREACH (url, &task->urls, next) { if (g_regex_match (re->regexp, struri (url), 0, NULL) == TRUE) { task_cache_add (task, re, 1); return 1; } } task_cache_add (task, re, 0); return 0; case REGEXP_RAW_HEADER: msg_debug ("process_regexp: checking for raw header: %s with regexp: /%s/", re->header, re->regexp_text); if (task->raw_headers == NULL) { msg_debug ("process_regexp: cannot check for raw header in message, no headers found"); task_cache_add (task, re, 0); return 0; } if ((headerv = strstr (task->raw_headers, re->header)) == NULL) { /* No header was found */ task_cache_add (task, re, 0); return 0; } /* Skip header name and start matching after regexp */ headerv += strlen (re->header) + 1; /* Now the main problem is to find position of end of raw header */ c = headerv; while (*c) { /* We need to handle all types of line end */ if ((*c == '\r' && *(c + 1) == '\n')) { c ++; /* Check for folding */ if (!g_ascii_isspace (*(c + 1))) { c ++; break; } } else if (*c == '\r' || *c == '\n') { if (!g_ascii_isspace (*(c + 1))) { c ++; break; } } c ++; } /* Temporary null terminate this part of string */ t = *c; *c = '\0'; if (g_regex_match (re->regexp, headerv, 0, NULL) == TRUE) { *c = t; task_cache_add (task, re, 1); return 1; } *c = t; task_cache_add (task, re, 0); return 0; } /* Not reached */ return 0; } static gboolean optimize_regexp_expression (struct expression **e, GQueue *stack, gboolean res) { struct expression *it = *e; gboolean ret = FALSE, is_nearest = TRUE; while (it) { /* Find first operation for this iterator */ if (it->type == EXPR_OPERATION) { /* If this operation is just ! just inverse res and check for further operators */ if (it->content.operation == '!' && is_nearest) { res = !res; it = it->next; *e = it; continue; } else if (it->content.operation == '&' && res == FALSE) { *e = it; ret = TRUE; } else if (it->content.operation == '|' && res == TRUE) { *e = it; ret = TRUE; } break; } is_nearest = FALSE; it = it->next; } g_queue_push_head (stack, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (res)); return ret; } static void process_regexp_item (struct regexp_module_item *item, struct worker_task *task) { GQueue *stack; gsize cur, op1, op2; struct expression *it = item->expr; gboolean try_optimize = TRUE; stack = g_queue_new (); while (it) { if (it->type == EXPR_REGEXP) { /* Find corresponding symbol */ cur = process_regexp ((struct rspamd_regexp *)it->content.operand, task); msg_debug ("process_regexp_item: regexp %s found", cur ? "is" : "is not"); if (try_optimize) { try_optimize = optimize_regexp_expression (&it, stack, cur); } else { g_queue_push_head (stack, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (cur)); } } else if (it->type == EXPR_FUNCTION) { cur = (gsize)call_expression_function ((struct expression_function *)it->content.operand, task); msg_debug ("process_regexp_item: function %s returned %s", ((struct expression_function *)it->content.operand)->name, cur ? "true" : "false"); if (try_optimize) { try_optimize = optimize_regexp_expression (&it, stack, cur); } else { g_queue_push_head (stack, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (cur)); } } else if (it->type == EXPR_OPERATION) { if (g_queue_is_empty (stack)) { /* Queue has no operands for operation, exiting */ g_queue_free (stack); return; } try_optimize = TRUE; switch (it->content.operation) { case '!': op1 = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_queue_pop_head (stack)); op1 = !op1; g_queue_push_head (stack, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (op1)); break; case '&': op1 = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_queue_pop_head (stack)); op2 = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_queue_pop_head (stack)); g_queue_push_head (stack, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (op1 && op2)); case '|': op1 = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_queue_pop_head (stack)); op2 = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_queue_pop_head (stack)); g_queue_push_head (stack, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (op1 || op2)); default: it = it->next; continue; } } if (it) { it = it->next; } } if (!g_queue_is_empty (stack)) { op1 = GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (g_queue_pop_head (stack)); if (op1) { /* Add symbol to results */ insert_result (task, regexp_module_ctx->metric, item->symbol, op1, NULL); } } g_queue_free (stack); } static int regexp_common_filter (struct worker_task *task) { GList *cur_expr = g_list_first (regexp_module_ctx->items); while (cur_expr) { process_regexp_item ((struct regexp_module_item *)cur_expr->data, task); cur_expr = g_list_next (cur_expr); } return 0; } static gboolean rspamd_regexp_match_number (struct worker_task *task, GList *args) { char *param_pattern; int param_count, res = 0; struct rspamd_regexp *re; struct expression_argument *arg; GList *cur; if (args == NULL) { msg_warn ("rspamd_regexp_match_number: no parameters to function"); return FALSE; } arg = args->data; param_count = strtoul (arg->data, NULL, 10); cur = g_list_next (args); while (cur) { arg = args->data; if (arg->type == EXPRESSION_ARGUMENT_FUNCTION) { if (call_expression_function ((struct expression_function *)arg->data, task)) { res ++; } } else { param_pattern = (char *)arg->data; if (*param_pattern != '/') { /* Skip non-regexp arguments */ cur = g_list_next (cur); continue; } /* This is regexp, so compile and create g_regexp object */ if ((re = re_cache_check (param_pattern)) == NULL) { re = parse_regexp (task->task_pool, param_pattern); if (re == NULL) { msg_warn ("rspamd_regexp_match_number: cannot compile regexp for function"); return FALSE; } re_cache_add (param_pattern, re); } res += process_regexp (re, task); if (res >= param_count) { return TRUE; } } cur = g_list_next (cur); } return res >= param_count; }