/*- * Copyright 2016 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /***MODULE:surbl * rspamd module that implements SURBL url checking * * Allowed options: * - weight (integer): weight of symbol * Redirecotor options: * - redirector (string): address of http redirector utility in format "host:port" * - redirector_connect_timeout (seconds): redirector connect timeout (default: 1s) * - redirector_read_timeout (seconds): timeout for reading data (default: 5s) * - redirector_hosts_map (map string): map that contains domains to check with redirector * Surbl options: * - exceptions (map string): map of domains that should be checked via surbl using 3 (e.g. somehost.domain.com) * components of domain name instead of normal 2 (e.g. domain.com) * - whitelist (map string): map of domains that should be whitelisted for surbl checks * - max_urls (integer): maximum allowed number of urls in message to be checked * - suffix (string): surbl address (for example insecure-bl.rambler.ru), may contain %b if bits are used (read documentation about it) * - bit (string): describes a prefix for a single bit */ #include "config.h" #include "libmime/message.h" #include "libutil/map.h" #include "rspamd.h" #include "surbl.h" #include "utlist.h" #include "libserver/html.h" #include "libutil/http_private.h" #include "unix-std.h" #include "lua/lua_common.h" #define msg_err_surbl(...) rspamd_default_log_function (G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, \ "surbl", task->task_pool->tag.uid, \ G_STRFUNC, \ __VA_ARGS__) #define msg_warn_surbl(...) rspamd_default_log_function (G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, \ "surbl", task->task_pool->tag.uid, \ G_STRFUNC, \ __VA_ARGS__) #define msg_info_surbl(...) rspamd_default_log_function (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, \ "surbl", task->task_pool->tag.uid, \ G_STRFUNC, \ __VA_ARGS__) #define msg_debug_surbl(...) rspamd_conditional_debug_fast (NULL, task->from_addr, \ rspamd_surbl_log_id, "surbl", task->task_pool->tag.uid, \ G_STRFUNC, \ __VA_ARGS__) INIT_LOG_MODULE(surbl) #define SURBL_REDIRECTOR_CALLBACK "SURBL_REDIRECTOR_CALLBACK" static struct surbl_ctx *surbl_module_ctx = NULL; static const guint64 rspamd_surbl_cb_magic = 0xe09b8536f80de0d1ULL; static const gchar *rspamd_surbl_default_monitored = "facebook.com"; static const guint default_max_redirected_urls = 10; static void surbl_test_url (struct rspamd_task *task, void *user_data); static void surbl_test_redirector (struct rspamd_task *task, void *user_data); static void surbl_dns_callback (struct rdns_reply *reply, gpointer arg); static void surbl_dns_ip_callback (struct rdns_reply *reply, gpointer arg); static void process_dns_results (struct rspamd_task *task, struct suffix_item *suffix, gchar *resolved_name, guint32 addr, struct rspamd_url *url); static gint surbl_register_redirect_handler (lua_State *L); static gint surbl_continue_process_handler (lua_State *L); static gint surbl_is_redirector_handler (lua_State *L); #define NO_REGEXP (gpointer) - 1 #define SURBL_ERROR surbl_error_quark () #define WHITELIST_ERROR 0 #define CONVERSION_ERROR 1 #define DUPLICATE_ERROR 1 GQuark surbl_error_quark (void) { return g_quark_from_static_string ("surbl-error-quark"); } /* Initialization */ gint surbl_module_init (struct rspamd_config *cfg, struct module_ctx **ctx); gint surbl_module_config (struct rspamd_config *cfg); gint surbl_module_reconfig (struct rspamd_config *cfg); module_t surbl_module = { "surbl", surbl_module_init, surbl_module_config, surbl_module_reconfig, NULL, RSPAMD_MODULE_VER }; static void exceptions_free_value (gpointer v) { rspamd_ftok_t *val = v; g_free ((gpointer)val->begin); g_free (val); } static void exception_insert (gpointer st, gconstpointer key, gconstpointer value) { GHashTable **t = st; gint level = 0; const gchar *p = key; rspamd_ftok_t *val; while (*p) { if (*p == '.') { level++; } p++; } if (level >= MAX_LEVELS) { msg_err ("invalid domain in exceptions list: %s, levels: %d", (gchar *)key, level); return; } val = g_malloc (sizeof (rspamd_ftok_t)); val->begin = g_strdup (key); val->len = strlen (key); if (t[level] == NULL) { t[level] = g_hash_table_new_full (rspamd_ftok_icase_hash, rspamd_ftok_icase_equal, exceptions_free_value, g_free); } g_hash_table_replace (t[level], val, g_strdup (value)); } static gchar * read_exceptions_list (gchar * chunk, gint len, struct map_cb_data *data, gboolean final) { GHashTable **t; guint i; if (data->cur_data == NULL) { t = data->prev_data; for (i = 0; i < MAX_LEVELS; i++) { if (t[i] != NULL) { g_hash_table_destroy (t[i]); } t[i] = NULL; } data->cur_data = data->prev_data; } return rspamd_parse_kv_list ( chunk, len, data, exception_insert, "", final); } static void fin_exceptions_list (struct map_cb_data *data) { GHashTable **t; gint i; if (data->prev_data) { t = data->prev_data; for (i = 0; i < MAX_LEVELS; i++) { if (t[i] != NULL) { rspamd_default_log_function (G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "surbl", "", G_STRFUNC, "exceptions level %d: %d elements", i, g_hash_table_size (t[i])); } } } } static void redirector_insert (gpointer st, gconstpointer key, gconstpointer value) { GHashTable *tld_hash = st; const gchar *p = key, *begin = key; rspamd_fstring_t *pat; rspamd_ftok_t *tok; rspamd_regexp_t *re = NO_REGEXP; GError *err = NULL; while (*p && !g_ascii_isspace (*p)) { p++; } pat = rspamd_fstring_new_init (begin, p - begin); tok = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*tok)); tok->begin = pat->str; tok->len = pat->len; if (g_ascii_isspace (*p)) { while (g_ascii_isspace (*p) && *p) { p++; } if (*p) { re = rspamd_regexp_new (p, "ir", &err); if (re == NULL) { msg_warn ("could not read regexp: %e while reading regexp %s", err, p); g_error_free (err); re = NO_REGEXP; } } } g_hash_table_replace (tld_hash, tok, re); } static void redirector_item_free (gpointer p) { rspamd_regexp_t *re; if (p != NULL && p != NO_REGEXP) { re = (rspamd_regexp_t *)p; rspamd_regexp_unref (re); } } static gchar * read_redirectors_list (gchar * chunk, gint len, struct map_cb_data *data, gboolean final) { GHashTable *tld_hash; if (data->cur_data == NULL) { tld_hash = g_hash_table_new_full (rspamd_ftok_icase_hash, rspamd_ftok_icase_equal, rspamd_fstring_mapped_ftok_free, redirector_item_free); data->cur_data = tld_hash; } return rspamd_parse_kv_list ( chunk, len, data, redirector_insert, "", final); } void fin_redirectors_list (struct map_cb_data *data) { GHashTable *tld_hash; if (data->prev_data) { tld_hash = data->prev_data; g_hash_table_unref (tld_hash); } tld_hash = data->cur_data; surbl_module_ctx->redirector_tlds = tld_hash; } gint surbl_module_init (struct rspamd_config *cfg, struct module_ctx **ctx) { surbl_module_ctx = g_malloc0 (sizeof (struct surbl_ctx)); surbl_module_ctx->use_redirector = 0; surbl_module_ctx->suffixes = NULL; surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool = rspamd_mempool_new (rspamd_mempool_suggest_size (), NULL); surbl_module_ctx->redirectors = NULL; surbl_module_ctx->whitelist = g_hash_table_new (rspamd_strcase_hash, rspamd_strcase_equal); rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, (rspamd_mempool_destruct_t) g_hash_table_destroy, surbl_module_ctx->whitelist); surbl_module_ctx->exceptions = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 ( surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, MAX_LEVELS * sizeof (GHashTable *)); surbl_module_ctx->redirector_cbid = -1; *ctx = (struct module_ctx *)surbl_module_ctx; rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, NULL, "URL blacklist plugin", "surbl", UCL_OBJECT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "surbl", "List of redirector servers", "redirector", UCL_STRING, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "surbl", "Map of domains that should be checked with redirector", "redirector_hosts_map", UCL_STRING, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "surbl", "Connect timeout for redirector", "redirector_connect_timeout", UCL_TIME, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "surbl", "Read timeout for redirector", "redirector_read_timeout", UCL_TIME, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "surbl", "Maximum number of URLs to process per message", "max_urls", UCL_INT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "surbl", "Rules for TLD composition", "exceptions", UCL_STRING, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "surbl", "Map of whitelisted domains", "whitelist", UCL_STRING, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "surbl", "URL blacklist rule", "rule", UCL_OBJECT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); /* Rules doc strings */ rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "surbl.rule", "Name of DNS black list (e.g. `multi.surbl.com`)", "suffix", UCL_STRING, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "surbl.rule", "Symbol to insert (if no bits or suffixes are defined)", "symbol", UCL_STRING, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "surbl.rule", "Whether the defined rule should be used", "enabled", UCL_BOOLEAN, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "surbl.rule", "Do not try to check URLs with IP address instead of hostname", "no_ip", UCL_BOOLEAN, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "surbl.rule", "Resolve URL host and then check against the specified suffix with reversed IP octets", "resolve_ip", UCL_BOOLEAN, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "surbl.rule", "Check images URLs with this URL list", "images", UCL_BOOLEAN, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "surbl.rule", "Parse IP bits in DNS reply, the content is 'symbol = '", "bits", UCL_OBJECT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); rspamd_rcl_add_doc_by_path (cfg, "surbl.rule", "Parse IP addresses in DNS reply, the content is 'symbol = address'", "ips", UCL_OBJECT, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); return 0; } /* * Register virtual symbols for suffixes with bit wildcard */ static void register_bit_symbols (struct rspamd_config *cfg, struct suffix_item *suffix, gint parent_id) { guint i; GHashTableIter it; struct surbl_bit_item *bit; gpointer k, v; if (suffix->ips != NULL) { g_hash_table_iter_init (&it, suffix->ips); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&it, &k, &v)) { bit = v; rspamd_symbols_cache_add_symbol (cfg->cache, bit->symbol, 0, NULL, NULL, SYMBOL_TYPE_VIRTUAL, parent_id); msg_debug_config ("bit: %d", bit->bit); } } else if (suffix->bits != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < suffix->bits->len; i++) { bit = &g_array_index (suffix->bits, struct surbl_bit_item, i); rspamd_symbols_cache_add_symbol (cfg->cache, bit->symbol, 0, NULL, NULL, SYMBOL_TYPE_VIRTUAL, parent_id); } } else { rspamd_symbols_cache_add_symbol (cfg->cache, suffix->symbol, 0, NULL, NULL, SYMBOL_TYPE_VIRTUAL, parent_id); } } static gint surbl_module_parse_rule (const ucl_object_t* value, struct rspamd_config* cfg) { const ucl_object_t* cur_rule; const ucl_object_t* cur; gint cb_id; gint nrules = 0; struct suffix_item* new_suffix; const gchar* ip_val, *monitored_domain = NULL; struct surbl_bit_item* new_bit; ucl_object_t *ropts; LL_FOREACH(value, cur_rule) { cur = ucl_object_lookup (cur_rule, "enabled"); if (cur != NULL && cur->type == UCL_BOOLEAN) { if (!ucl_object_toboolean (cur)) { continue; } } cur = ucl_object_lookup (cur_rule, "suffix"); if (cur == NULL) { msg_err_config("surbl rule must have explicit symbol " "definition"); continue; } new_suffix = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, sizeof (struct suffix_item)); new_suffix->magic = rspamd_surbl_cb_magic; new_suffix->suffix = rspamd_mempool_strdup ( surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, ucl_obj_tostring (cur)); new_suffix->options = 0; new_suffix->bits = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (struct surbl_bit_item)); rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, (rspamd_mempool_destruct_t )rspamd_array_free_hard, new_suffix->bits); cur = ucl_object_lookup (cur_rule, "symbol"); if (cur == NULL) { if (ucl_object_key (value)) { new_suffix->symbol = rspamd_mempool_strdup ( surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, ucl_object_key (value)); } else { msg_warn_config( "surbl rule for suffix %s lacks symbol, using %s as symbol", new_suffix->suffix, DEFAULT_SURBL_SYMBOL); new_suffix->symbol = rspamd_mempool_strdup ( surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, DEFAULT_SURBL_SYMBOL); } } else { new_suffix->symbol = rspamd_mempool_strdup ( surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, ucl_obj_tostring (cur)); } cur = ucl_object_lookup (cur_rule, "options"); if (cur != NULL && cur->type == UCL_STRING) { if (strstr(ucl_obj_tostring (cur), "noip") != NULL) { new_suffix->options |= SURBL_OPTION_NOIP; } } cur = ucl_object_lookup (cur_rule, "no_ip"); if (cur != NULL && cur->type == UCL_BOOLEAN) { if (ucl_object_toboolean (cur)) { new_suffix->options |= SURBL_OPTION_NOIP; } } cur = ucl_object_lookup (cur_rule, "monitored_domain"); if (cur != NULL && cur->type == UCL_STRING) { monitored_domain = ucl_object_tostring (cur); } cur = ucl_object_lookup (cur_rule, "resolve_ip"); if (cur != NULL && cur->type == UCL_BOOLEAN) { if (ucl_object_toboolean (cur)) { new_suffix->options |= SURBL_OPTION_RESOLVEIP; if (!monitored_domain) { monitored_domain = ""; } } } if (!monitored_domain) { monitored_domain = rspamd_surbl_default_monitored; } ropts = ucl_object_typed_new (UCL_OBJECT); ucl_object_insert_key (ropts, ucl_object_fromstring (monitored_domain), "prefix", 0, false); ucl_object_insert_key (ropts, ucl_object_fromstring ("nxdomain"), "rcode", 0, false); rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, (rspamd_mempool_destruct_t )ucl_object_unref, ropts); cur = ucl_object_lookup (cur_rule, "images"); if (cur != NULL && cur->type == UCL_BOOLEAN) { if (ucl_object_toboolean (cur)) { new_suffix->options |= SURBL_OPTION_CHECKIMAGES; } } if ((new_suffix->options & (SURBL_OPTION_RESOLVEIP | SURBL_OPTION_NOIP)) == (SURBL_OPTION_NOIP | SURBL_OPTION_RESOLVEIP)) { /* Mutually exclusive options */ msg_err_config ("options noip and resolve_ip are " "mutually exclusive for suffix %s", new_suffix->suffix); ucl_object_unref (ropts); continue; } cb_id = rspamd_symbols_cache_add_symbol (cfg->cache, "SURBL_CALLBACK", 0, surbl_test_url, new_suffix, SYMBOL_TYPE_CALLBACK, -1); rspamd_symbols_cache_add_dependency (cfg->cache, cb_id, SURBL_REDIRECTOR_CALLBACK); nrules++; new_suffix->callback_id = cb_id; cur = ucl_object_lookup (cur_rule, "bits"); if (cur != NULL && cur->type == UCL_OBJECT) { ucl_object_iter_t it = NULL; const ucl_object_t* cur_bit; guint32 bit; while ((cur_bit = ucl_object_iterate (cur, &it, true)) != NULL) { if (ucl_object_key (cur_bit) != NULL && cur_bit->type == UCL_INT) { gchar* p; bit = ucl_obj_toint (cur_bit); new_bit = rspamd_mempool_alloc ( surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, sizeof(struct surbl_bit_item)); new_bit->bit = bit; new_bit->symbol = rspamd_mempool_strdup ( surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, ucl_object_key (cur_bit)); /* Convert to uppercase */ p = new_bit->symbol; while (*p) { *p = g_ascii_toupper (*p); p++; } msg_debug_config("add new bit suffix: %d with symbol: %s", (gint)new_bit->bit, new_bit->symbol); g_array_append_val(new_suffix->bits, *new_bit); } } } cur = ucl_object_lookup(cur_rule, "ips"); if (cur != NULL && cur->type == UCL_OBJECT) { ucl_object_iter_t it = NULL; const ucl_object_t* cur_bit; guint32 bit; new_suffix->ips = g_hash_table_new (g_int_hash, g_int_equal); rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, (rspamd_mempool_destruct_t )g_hash_table_unref, new_suffix->ips); while ((cur_bit = ucl_object_iterate (cur, &it, true)) != NULL) { if (ucl_object_key (cur_bit) != NULL) { gchar* p; ip_val = ucl_obj_tostring (cur_bit); new_bit = rspamd_mempool_alloc ( surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, sizeof(struct surbl_bit_item)); if (inet_pton (AF_INET, ip_val, &bit) != 1) { msg_err_config ("cannot parse ip %s: %s", ip_val, strerror (errno)); continue; } new_bit->bit = bit; new_bit->symbol = rspamd_mempool_strdup ( surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, ucl_object_key (cur_bit)); /* Convert to uppercase */ p = new_bit->symbol; while (*p) { *p = g_ascii_toupper (*p); p++; } msg_debug_config ("add new IP suffix: %d with symbol: %s", (gint)new_bit->bit, new_bit->symbol); g_hash_table_insert (new_suffix->ips, &new_bit->bit, new_bit); } } } cur = ucl_object_lookup (cur_rule, "process_script"); if (cur != NULL && cur->type == UCL_STRING) { lua_State *L = cfg->lua_state; GString *tb; gint err_idx; const gchar *input = ucl_object_tostring (cur); gboolean loaded = FALSE; lua_pushcfunction (L, &rspamd_lua_traceback); err_idx = lua_gettop (L); /* First try return + input */ tb = g_string_sized_new (strlen (input) + sizeof ("return ")); rspamd_printf_gstring (tb, "return %s", input); if (luaL_loadstring (L, tb->str) != 0) { /* Reset stack */ lua_settop (L, 0); lua_pushcfunction (L, &rspamd_lua_traceback); err_idx = lua_gettop (L); /* Try with no return */ if (luaL_loadstring (L, input) != 0) { msg_err_config ("cannot load string %s\n", input); } else { loaded = TRUE; } } else { loaded = TRUE; } g_string_free (tb, TRUE); if (loaded) { if (lua_pcall (L, 0, 1, err_idx) != 0) { tb = lua_touserdata (L, -1); msg_err_config ("call failed: %v\n", tb); g_string_free (tb, TRUE); } else if (lua_isfunction (L, -1)) { new_suffix->url_process_cbref = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); } } lua_settop (L, err_idx - 1); } if (new_suffix->symbol) { /* Register just a symbol itself */ rspamd_symbols_cache_add_symbol (cfg->cache, new_suffix->symbol, 0, NULL, NULL, SYMBOL_TYPE_VIRTUAL, cb_id); nrules++; } new_suffix->m = rspamd_monitored_create (cfg->monitored_ctx, new_suffix->suffix, RSPAMD_MONITORED_DNS, RSPAMD_MONITORED_DEFAULT, ropts); surbl_module_ctx->suffixes = g_list_prepend (surbl_module_ctx->suffixes, new_suffix); ucl_object_unref (ropts); } return nrules; } gint surbl_module_config (struct rspamd_config *cfg) { GList *cur_opt; struct suffix_item *cur_suffix = NULL; const ucl_object_t *value, *cur; const gchar *redir_val; gint nrules = 0; lua_State *L; if (!rspamd_config_is_module_enabled (cfg, "surbl")) { return TRUE; } /* Register global methods */ L = cfg->lua_state; lua_getglobal (L, "rspamd_plugins"); if (lua_type (L, -1) == LUA_TTABLE) { lua_pushstring (L, "surbl"); lua_createtable (L, 0, 3); /* Set methods */ lua_pushstring (L, "register_redirect"); lua_pushcfunction (L, surbl_register_redirect_handler); lua_settable (L, -3); lua_pushstring (L, "continue_process"); lua_pushcfunction (L, surbl_continue_process_handler); lua_settable (L, -3); lua_pushstring (L, "is_redirector"); lua_pushcfunction (L, surbl_is_redirector_handler); lua_settable (L, -3); /* Finish surbl key */ lua_settable (L, -3); } lua_pop (L, 1); /* Remove global function */ (void)rspamd_symbols_cache_add_symbol (cfg->cache, SURBL_REDIRECTOR_CALLBACK, 0, surbl_test_redirector, NULL, SYMBOL_TYPE_CALLBACK, -1); if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "surbl", "redirector")) != NULL) { surbl_module_ctx->redirectors = rspamd_upstreams_create (cfg->ups_ctx); rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, (rspamd_mempool_destruct_t)rspamd_upstreams_destroy, surbl_module_ctx->redirectors); LL_FOREACH (value, cur) { redir_val = ucl_obj_tostring (cur); if (rspamd_upstreams_add_upstream (surbl_module_ctx->redirectors, redir_val, 80, RSPAMD_UPSTREAM_PARSE_DEFAULT, NULL)) { surbl_module_ctx->use_redirector = TRUE; } } } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "surbl", "redirector_symbol")) != NULL) { surbl_module_ctx->redirector_symbol = ucl_obj_tostring (value); rspamd_symbols_cache_add_symbol (cfg->cache, surbl_module_ctx->redirector_symbol, 0, NULL, NULL, SYMBOL_TYPE_COMPOSITE, -1); } else { surbl_module_ctx->redirector_symbol = NULL; } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "surbl", "weight")) != NULL) { surbl_module_ctx->weight = ucl_obj_toint (value); } else { surbl_module_ctx->weight = DEFAULT_SURBL_WEIGHT; } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "surbl", "use_tags")) != NULL) { surbl_module_ctx->use_tags = ucl_obj_toboolean (value); } else { surbl_module_ctx->use_tags = TRUE; } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "surbl", "redirector_read_timeout")) != NULL) { surbl_module_ctx->read_timeout = ucl_obj_todouble (value); } else { surbl_module_ctx->read_timeout = DEFAULT_REDIRECTOR_READ_TIMEOUT; } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "surbl", "redirector_hosts_map")) != NULL) { if (!rspamd_map_add_from_ucl (cfg, value, "SURBL redirectors list", read_redirectors_list, fin_redirectors_list, (void **)&surbl_module_ctx->redirector_map_data)) { msg_warn_config ("bad redirectors map definition: %s", ucl_obj_tostring (value)); } } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "surbl", "exceptions")) != NULL) { rspamd_map_add_from_ucl (cfg, value, "SURBL exceptions list", read_exceptions_list, fin_exceptions_list, (void **)&surbl_module_ctx->exceptions); } if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "surbl", "whitelist")) != NULL) { rspamd_map_add_from_ucl (cfg, value, "SURBL whitelist", rspamd_hosts_read, rspamd_hosts_fin, (void **)&surbl_module_ctx->whitelist); } value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "surbl", "rule"); if (value != NULL && value->type == UCL_OBJECT) { ucl_object_iter_t it = NULL; const ucl_object_t *cur_value; if (ucl_object_lookup (value, "symbol") != NULL) { /* Old style */ nrules += surbl_module_parse_rule (value, cfg); } else { /* New style */ while ((cur_value = ucl_object_iterate (value, &it, true)) != NULL) { nrules += surbl_module_parse_rule (cur_value, cfg); } } } value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "surbl", "rules"); if (value != NULL && value->type == UCL_OBJECT) { ucl_object_iter_t it = NULL; const ucl_object_t *cur_value; /* New style only */ while ((cur_value = ucl_object_iterate (value, &it, true)) != NULL) { nrules += surbl_module_parse_rule (cur_value, cfg); } } /* Add default suffix */ if (surbl_module_ctx->suffixes == NULL) { msg_err_config ("surbl module loaded but no suffixes defined, skip " "checks"); return TRUE; } if (surbl_module_ctx->suffixes != NULL) { rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, (rspamd_mempool_destruct_t) g_list_free, surbl_module_ctx->suffixes); } cur_opt = surbl_module_ctx->suffixes; while (cur_opt) { cur_suffix = cur_opt->data; if (cur_suffix->bits != NULL || cur_suffix->ips != NULL) { register_bit_symbols (cfg, cur_suffix, cur_suffix->callback_id); } cur_opt = g_list_next (cur_opt); } surbl_module_ctx->max_redirected_urls = default_max_redirected_urls; if ((value = rspamd_config_get_module_opt (cfg, "surbl", "max_redirected_urls")) != NULL) { surbl_module_ctx->max_redirected_urls = ucl_obj_toint (value); } msg_info_config ("init internal surbls module, %d uribl rules loaded", nrules); return TRUE; } gint surbl_module_reconfig (struct rspamd_config *cfg) { /* Delete pool and objects */ rspamd_mempool_delete (surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool); /* Reinit module */ surbl_module_ctx->use_redirector = 0; surbl_module_ctx->suffixes = NULL; surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool = rspamd_mempool_new (rspamd_mempool_suggest_size (), NULL); surbl_module_ctx->redirectors = NULL; surbl_module_ctx->whitelist = g_hash_table_new (rspamd_strcase_hash, rspamd_strcase_equal); /* Zero exceptions hashes */ surbl_module_ctx->exceptions = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 ( surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, MAX_LEVELS * sizeof (GHashTable *)); /* Register destructors */ rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, (rspamd_mempool_destruct_t) g_hash_table_destroy, surbl_module_ctx->whitelist); rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, (rspamd_mempool_destruct_t) g_hash_table_destroy, surbl_module_ctx->redirector_tlds); rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (surbl_module_ctx->surbl_pool, (rspamd_mempool_destruct_t) g_list_free, surbl_module_ctx->suffixes); /* Perform configure */ return surbl_module_config (cfg); } static gchar * format_surbl_request (rspamd_mempool_t * pool, rspamd_ftok_t * hostname, struct suffix_item *suffix, gboolean append_suffix, GError ** err, gboolean forced, GHashTable *tree, struct rspamd_url *url, lua_State *L) { GHashTable *t; gchar *result = NULL; const gchar *p, *dots[MAX_LEVELS]; gint r, i, dots_num = 0, level = MAX_LEVELS; gsize slen, len; gboolean found_exception = FALSE; rspamd_ftok_t f; if (G_LIKELY (suffix != NULL)) { slen = strlen (suffix->suffix); } else if (!append_suffix) { slen = 0; } else { g_assert_not_reached (); } len = hostname->len + slen + 2; p = hostname->begin; while (p - hostname->begin < (gint)hostname->len && dots_num < MAX_LEVELS) { if (*p == '.') { dots[dots_num] = p; dots_num++; } p++; } /* Check for numeric expressions */ if (url->flags & RSPAMD_URL_FLAG_NUMERIC) { /* This is ip address */ if (suffix != NULL && (suffix->options & SURBL_OPTION_NOIP) != 0) { /* Ignore such requests */ msg_info_pool ("ignore request of ip url for list %s", suffix->symbol); return NULL; } if (dots_num == 3) { /* IPv4 address */ result = rspamd_mempool_alloc (pool, len); r = rspamd_snprintf (result, len, "%*s.%*s.%*s.%*s", (gint) (hostname->len - (dots[2] - hostname->begin + 1)), dots[2] + 1, (gint) (dots[2] - dots[1] - 1), dots[1] + 1, (gint) (dots[1] - dots[0] - 1), dots[0] + 1, (gint) (dots[0] - hostname->begin), hostname->begin); } else { /* Just pring ip as is */ result = rspamd_mempool_alloc (pool, len); r = rspamd_snprintf (result, len, "%*s", (gint)hostname->len, hostname->begin); } } else { /* Not a numeric url */ result = rspamd_mempool_alloc (pool, len); /* Now we should try to check for exceptions */ if (!forced) { for (i = MAX_LEVELS - 1; i >= 0; i--) { t = surbl_module_ctx->exceptions[i]; if (t != NULL && dots_num >= i + 1) { f.begin = dots[dots_num - i - 1] + 1; f.len = hostname->len - (dots[dots_num - i - 1] - hostname->begin + 1); if (g_hash_table_lookup (t, &f) != NULL) { level = dots_num - i - 1; found_exception = TRUE; break; } } } } if (found_exception || url->tldlen == 0) { if (level != MAX_LEVELS) { if (level == 0) { r = rspamd_snprintf (result, len, "%T", hostname); } else { r = rspamd_snprintf (result, len, "%*s", (gint)(hostname->len - (dots[level - 1] - hostname->begin + 1)), dots[level - 1] + 1); } } else if (dots_num >= 2) { r = rspamd_snprintf (result, len, "%*s", (gint)(hostname->len - (dots[dots_num - 2] - hostname->begin + 1)), dots[dots_num - 2] + 1); } else { r = rspamd_snprintf (result, len, "%T", hostname); } } else { r = rspamd_snprintf (result, len, "%*s", url->tldlen, url->tld); } } url->surbl = result; url->surbllen = r; if (!forced && g_hash_table_lookup (surbl_module_ctx->whitelist, result) != NULL) { msg_debug_pool ("url %s is whitelisted", result); g_set_error (err, SURBL_ERROR, WHITELIST_ERROR, "URL is whitelisted: %s", result); return NULL; } if (append_suffix) { if (suffix->url_process_cbref > 0) { lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, suffix->url_process_cbref); lua_pushstring (L, result); lua_pushstring (L, suffix->suffix); if (lua_pcall (L, 2, 1, 0) != 0) { msg_err_pool ("cannot call url process script: %s", lua_tostring (L, -1)); lua_pop (L, 1); rspamd_snprintf (result + r, len - r, ".%s", suffix->suffix); } else { result = rspamd_mempool_strdup (pool, lua_tostring (L, -1)); lua_pop (L, 1); } } else { rspamd_snprintf (result + r, len - r, ".%s", suffix->suffix); } } if (tree != NULL) { if (g_hash_table_lookup (tree, result) != NULL) { msg_debug_pool ("url %s is already registered", result); g_set_error (err, SURBL_ERROR, DUPLICATE_ERROR, "URL is duplicated: %s", result); return NULL; } else { g_hash_table_insert (tree, result, url); } } msg_debug_pool ("request: %s, dots: %d, level: %d, orig: %*s", result, dots_num, level, (gint)hostname->len, hostname->begin); return result; } static void make_surbl_requests (struct rspamd_url *url, struct rspamd_task *task, struct suffix_item *suffix, gboolean forced, GHashTable *tree) { gchar *surbl_req; rspamd_ftok_t f; GError *err = NULL; struct dns_param *param; f.begin = url->host; f.len = url->hostlen; if (suffix->options & SURBL_OPTION_RESOLVEIP) { /* * We need to get url real TLD, resolve it with no suffix and then * check against surbl using reverse octets printing */ surbl_req = format_surbl_request (task->task_pool, &f, suffix, FALSE, &err, forced, tree, url, task->cfg->lua_state); if (surbl_req == NULL) { if (err != NULL) { if (err->code != WHITELIST_ERROR && err->code != DUPLICATE_ERROR) { msg_info_surbl ("cannot format url string for surbl %*s, %e", url->urllen, url->string, err); } g_error_free (err); return; } } else { /* XXX: We make merely A request here */ param = rspamd_mempool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (struct dns_param)); param->url = url; param->task = task; param->suffix = suffix; param->host_resolve = rspamd_mempool_strdup (task->task_pool, surbl_req); msg_debug_surbl ("send surbl dns ip request %s to %s", surbl_req, suffix->suffix); if (make_dns_request_task (task, surbl_dns_ip_callback, (void *) param, RDNS_REQUEST_A, surbl_req)) { param->w = rspamd_session_get_watcher (task->s); rspamd_session_watcher_push (task->s); } } } else if ((surbl_req = format_surbl_request (task->task_pool, &f, suffix, TRUE, &err, forced, tree, url, task->cfg->lua_state)) != NULL) { param = rspamd_mempool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (struct dns_param)); param->url = url; param->task = task; param->suffix = suffix; param->host_resolve = rspamd_mempool_strdup (task->task_pool, url->surbl); msg_debug_surbl ("send surbl dns request %s", surbl_req); if (make_dns_request_task (task, surbl_dns_callback, (void *) param, RDNS_REQUEST_A, surbl_req)) { param->w = rspamd_session_get_watcher (task->s); rspamd_session_watcher_push (task->s); } } else if (err != NULL) { if (err->code != WHITELIST_ERROR && err->code != DUPLICATE_ERROR) { msg_info_surbl ("cannot format url string for surbl %*s, %e", url->urllen, url->string, err); } g_error_free (err); return; } } static void process_dns_results (struct rspamd_task *task, struct suffix_item *suffix, gchar *resolved_name, guint32 addr, struct rspamd_url *uri) { guint i; gboolean got_result = FALSE; struct surbl_bit_item *bit; struct in_addr ina; if (suffix->ips && g_hash_table_size (suffix->ips) > 0) { bit = g_hash_table_lookup (suffix->ips, &addr); if (bit != NULL) { msg_info_surbl ("<%s> domain [%s] is in surbl %s(%xd)", task->message_id, resolved_name, suffix->suffix, bit->bit); rspamd_task_insert_result (task, bit->symbol, 1, resolved_name); rspamd_url_add_tag (uri, "surbl", bit->symbol, task->task_pool); got_result = TRUE; } } else if (suffix->bits != NULL && suffix->bits->len > 0) { for (i = 0; i < suffix->bits->len; i ++) { bit = &g_array_index (suffix->bits, struct surbl_bit_item, i); msg_debug_surbl ("got result(%d) AND bit(%d): %d", (gint)addr, (gint)ntohl (bit->bit), (gint)bit->bit & (gint)ntohl (addr)); if (((gint)bit->bit & (gint)ntohl (addr)) != 0) { got_result = TRUE; msg_info_surbl ("<%s> domain [%s] is in surbl %s(%xd)", task->message_id, resolved_name, suffix->suffix, bit->bit); rspamd_task_insert_result (task, bit->symbol, 1, resolved_name); rspamd_url_add_tag (uri, "surbl", bit->symbol, task->task_pool); } } } if (!got_result) { if ((suffix->bits == NULL || suffix->bits->len == 0) && suffix->ips == NULL) { msg_info_surbl ("<%s> domain [%s] is in surbl %s", task->message_id, resolved_name, suffix->suffix); rspamd_task_insert_result (task, suffix->symbol, 1, resolved_name); rspamd_url_add_tag (uri, "surbl", suffix->symbol, task->task_pool); } else { ina.s_addr = addr; msg_info_surbl ("<%s> domain [%s] is in surbl %s but at unknown result: %s", task->message_id, resolved_name, suffix->suffix, inet_ntoa (ina)); } } } static void surbl_dns_callback (struct rdns_reply *reply, gpointer arg) { struct dns_param *param = (struct dns_param *)arg; struct rspamd_task *task; struct rdns_reply_entry *elt; task = param->task; /* If we have result from DNS server, this url exists in SURBL, so increase score */ if (reply->code == RDNS_RC_NOERROR && reply->entries) { msg_debug_surbl ("<%s> domain [%s] is in surbl %s", param->task->message_id, param->host_resolve, param->suffix->suffix); elt = reply->entries; if (elt->type == RDNS_REQUEST_A) { process_dns_results (param->task, param->suffix, param->host_resolve, (guint32)elt->content.a.addr.s_addr, param->url); } } else { msg_debug_surbl ("<%s> domain [%s] is not in surbl %s", param->task->message_id, param->host_resolve, param->suffix->suffix); } rspamd_session_watcher_pop (param->task->s, param->w); } static void surbl_dns_ip_callback (struct rdns_reply *reply, gpointer arg) { struct dns_param *param = (struct dns_param *) arg; struct rspamd_task *task; struct rdns_reply_entry *elt; GString *to_resolve; guint32 ip_addr; task = param->task; /* If we have result from DNS server, this url exists in SURBL, so increase score */ if (reply->code == RDNS_RC_NOERROR && reply->entries) { LL_FOREACH (reply->entries, elt) { if (elt->type == RDNS_REQUEST_A) { to_resolve = g_string_sized_new ( strlen (param->suffix->suffix) + sizeof ("")); ip_addr = elt->content.a.addr.s_addr; /* Big endian <4>.<3>.<2>.<1> */ rspamd_printf_gstring (to_resolve, "%d.%d.%d.%d.%s", ip_addr >> 24 & 0xff, ip_addr >> 16 & 0xff, ip_addr >> 8 & 0xff, ip_addr & 0xff, param->suffix->suffix); msg_debug_surbl ( "<%s> domain [%s] send %v request to surbl", param->task->message_id, param->host_resolve, to_resolve); if (make_dns_request_task (task, surbl_dns_callback, param, RDNS_REQUEST_A, to_resolve->str)) { rspamd_session_watcher_push_specific (task->s, param->w); } g_string_free (to_resolve, TRUE); } } } else { msg_debug_surbl ("<%s> domain [%s] cannot be resolved for SURBL check %s", param->task->message_id, param->host_resolve, param->suffix->suffix); } rspamd_session_watcher_pop (param->task->s, param->w); } static void free_redirector_session (void *ud) { struct redirector_param *param = (struct redirector_param *)ud; rspamd_http_connection_unref (param->conn); close (param->sock); } static void surbl_redirector_error (struct rspamd_http_connection *conn, GError *err) { struct redirector_param *param = (struct redirector_param *)conn->ud; struct rspamd_task *task; task = param->task; msg_err_surbl ("connection with http server %s terminated incorrectly: %e", rspamd_inet_address_to_string (rspamd_upstream_addr (param->redirector)), err); rspamd_upstream_fail (param->redirector); rspamd_session_remove_event (param->task->s, free_redirector_session, param); } static int surbl_redirector_finish (struct rspamd_http_connection *conn, struct rspamd_http_message *msg) { struct redirector_param *param = (struct redirector_param *)conn->ud; struct rspamd_task *task; gint r, urllen; struct rspamd_url *redirected_url, *existing; const rspamd_ftok_t *hdr; gchar *urlstr; task = param->task; if (msg->code == 200) { hdr = rspamd_http_message_find_header (msg, "Uri"); if (hdr != NULL) { msg_info_surbl ("<%s> got reply from redirector: '%*s' -> '%T'", param->task->message_id, param->url->urllen, param->url->string, hdr); urllen = hdr->len; urlstr = rspamd_mempool_alloc (task->task_pool, urllen + 1); redirected_url = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (task->task_pool, sizeof (*redirected_url)); rspamd_strlcpy (urlstr, hdr->begin, urllen + 1); r = rspamd_url_parse (redirected_url, urlstr, urllen, task->task_pool); if (r == URI_ERRNO_OK) { if ((existing = g_hash_table_lookup (task->urls, redirected_url)) == NULL) { g_hash_table_insert (task->urls, redirected_url, redirected_url); redirected_url->phished_url = param->url; redirected_url->flags |= RSPAMD_URL_FLAG_REDIRECTED; } else { existing->count ++; } rspamd_url_add_tag (param->url, "redirector", urlstr, task->task_pool); } else { msg_info_surbl ("cannot parse redirector reply: %s", urlstr); } } } else { msg_info_surbl ("<%s> could not resolve '%*s' on redirector", param->task->message_id, param->url->urllen, param->url->string); } rspamd_upstream_ok (param->redirector); rspamd_session_remove_event (param->task->s, free_redirector_session, param); return 0; } static void register_redirector_call (struct rspamd_url *url, struct rspamd_task *task, const gchar *rule) { gint s = -1; struct redirector_param *param; struct timeval *timeout; struct upstream *selected; struct rspamd_http_message *msg; selected = rspamd_upstream_get (surbl_module_ctx->redirectors, RSPAMD_UPSTREAM_ROUND_ROBIN, url->host, url->hostlen); if (selected) { s = rspamd_inet_address_connect (rspamd_upstream_addr (selected), SOCK_STREAM, TRUE); } if (s == -1) { msg_info_surbl ("<%s> cannot create tcp socket failed: %s", task->message_id, strerror (errno)); return; } param = rspamd_mempool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (struct redirector_param)); param->url = url; param->task = task; param->conn = rspamd_http_connection_new (NULL, surbl_redirector_error, surbl_redirector_finish, RSPAMD_HTTP_CLIENT_SIMPLE, RSPAMD_HTTP_CLIENT, NULL, NULL); msg = rspamd_http_new_message (HTTP_REQUEST); msg->url = rspamd_fstring_assign (msg->url, url->string, url->urllen); param->sock = s; param->redirector = selected; timeout = rspamd_mempool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (struct timeval)); double_to_tv (surbl_module_ctx->read_timeout, timeout); rspamd_session_add_event (task->s, free_redirector_session, param, g_quark_from_static_string ("surbl")); rspamd_http_connection_write_message (param->conn, msg, NULL, NULL, param, s, timeout, task->ev_base); msg_info_surbl ( "<%s> registered redirector call for %*s to %s, according to rule: %s", task->message_id, url->urllen, url->string, rspamd_upstream_name (param->redirector), rule); } static gboolean surbl_test_tags (struct rspamd_task *task, struct redirector_param *param, struct rspamd_url *url) { struct rspamd_url_tag *tag = NULL, *cur; gchar *ftld = NULL; rspamd_ftok_t tld; gboolean processed = FALSE; if (url->tags) { tag = g_hash_table_lookup (url->tags, "surbl"); } if (tag) { tld.begin = url->tld; tld.len = url->tldlen; ftld = rspamd_mempool_ftokdup (task->task_pool, &tld); } if (tag) { /* We know results for this URL */ DL_FOREACH (tag, cur) { rspamd_task_insert_result (task, cur->data, 1, ftld); } processed = TRUE; } return processed; } static void surbl_tree_redirector_callback (gpointer key, gpointer value, void *data) { struct redirector_param *param = data, *nparam; struct rspamd_task *task, **ptask; struct rspamd_url *url = value, **purl; lua_State *L; rspamd_regexp_t *re; rspamd_ftok_t srch; gboolean found = FALSE; gchar *found_tld; task = param->task; msg_debug_surbl ("check url redirection %*s", url->urllen, url->string); if (url->hostlen <= 0) { return; } /* Search in trie */ srch.begin = url->tld; srch.len = url->tldlen; re = g_hash_table_lookup (surbl_module_ctx->redirector_tlds, &srch); if (re) { if (re == NO_REGEXP) { found = TRUE; } else if (rspamd_regexp_search (re, url->string, 0, NULL, NULL, TRUE, NULL)) { found = TRUE; } if (found) { found_tld = rspamd_mempool_ftokdup (task->task_pool, &srch); if (surbl_module_ctx->redirector_symbol != NULL) { rspamd_task_insert_result (param->task, surbl_module_ctx->redirector_symbol, 1, found_tld); } if (param->redirector_requests >= surbl_module_ctx->max_redirected_urls) { msg_info_surbl ("cannot register redirector request for url domain: " "%s, max_redirected_urls is reached: %d", found_tld, surbl_module_ctx->max_redirected_urls); return; } param->redirector_requests ++; if (surbl_module_ctx->redirector_cbid != -1) { nparam = rspamd_mempool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (*nparam)); /* Copy to detach from the shared param */ memcpy (nparam, param, sizeof (*param)); nparam->url = url; L = task->cfg->lua_state; lua_rawgeti (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, surbl_module_ctx->redirector_cbid); ptask = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (*ptask)); *ptask = task; rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{task}", -1); purl = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (*purl)); *purl = url; rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{url}", -1); lua_pushlightuserdata (L, nparam); if (lua_pcall (L, 3, 0, 0) != 0) { msg_err_task ("cannot call for redirector script: %s", lua_tostring (L, -1)); lua_pop (L, 1); } else { nparam->w = rspamd_session_get_watcher (task->s); rspamd_session_watcher_push (task->s); } } else { register_redirector_call (url, param->task, found_tld); } } } } static void surbl_tree_url_callback (gpointer key, gpointer value, void *data) { struct redirector_param *param = data; struct rspamd_url *url = value; struct rspamd_task *task; if (url->hostlen <= 0) { return; } task = param->task; msg_debug_surbl ("check url %*s", url->urllen, url->string); if (surbl_module_ctx->use_tags && surbl_test_tags (param->task, param, url)) { return; } if (url->tags && g_hash_table_lookup (url->tags, "redirector")) { /* URL is redirected, skip from checks */ return; } make_surbl_requests (url, param->task, param->suffix, FALSE, param->tree); } static void surbl_test_url (struct rspamd_task *task, void *user_data) { struct redirector_param *param; struct suffix_item *suffix = user_data; guint i, j; struct rspamd_mime_text_part *part; struct html_image *img; struct rspamd_url *url; if (!rspamd_monitored_alive (suffix->m)) { msg_info_surbl ("disable surbl %s as it is reported to be offline", suffix->suffix); return; } param = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (task->task_pool, sizeof (*param)); param->task = task; param->suffix = suffix; param->tree = g_hash_table_new (rspamd_strcase_hash, rspamd_strcase_equal); rspamd_mempool_add_destructor (task->task_pool, (rspamd_mempool_destruct_t)g_hash_table_unref, param->tree); g_hash_table_foreach (task->urls, surbl_tree_url_callback, param); /* We also need to check and process img URLs */ if (suffix->options & SURBL_OPTION_CHECKIMAGES) { for (i = 0; i < task->text_parts->len; i ++) { part = g_ptr_array_index (task->text_parts, i); if (part->html && part->html->images) { for (j = 0; j < part->html->images->len; j ++) { img = g_ptr_array_index (part->html->images, j); if ((img->flags & RSPAMD_HTML_FLAG_IMAGE_EXTERNAL) && img->src) { url = rspamd_html_process_url (task->task_pool, img->src, strlen (img->src), NULL); if (url) { surbl_tree_url_callback (url, url, param); msg_debug_surbl ("checked image url %s over %s", img->src, suffix->suffix); } } } } } } } static void surbl_test_redirector (struct rspamd_task *task, void *user_data) { struct redirector_param *param; guint i, j; struct rspamd_mime_text_part *part; struct html_image *img; struct rspamd_url *url; if (!surbl_module_ctx->use_redirector || !surbl_module_ctx->redirector_tlds) { return; } param = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (task->task_pool, sizeof (*param)); param->task = task; param->suffix = NULL; param->redirector_requests = 0; g_hash_table_foreach (task->urls, surbl_tree_redirector_callback, param); /* We also need to check and process img URLs */ for (i = 0; i < task->text_parts->len; i ++) { part = g_ptr_array_index (task->text_parts, i); if (part->html && part->html->images) { for (j = 0; j < part->html->images->len; j ++) { img = g_ptr_array_index (part->html->images, j); if ((img->flags & RSPAMD_HTML_FLAG_IMAGE_EXTERNAL) && img->src) { url = rspamd_html_process_url (task->task_pool, img->src, strlen (img->src), NULL); if (url) { surbl_tree_redirector_callback (url, url, param); msg_debug_surbl ("checked image url %s for redirectors", img->src); } } } } } } static gint surbl_register_redirect_handler (lua_State *L) { if (surbl_module_ctx->redirector_cbid != -1) { luaL_unref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, surbl_module_ctx->redirector_cbid); } lua_pushvalue (L, 1); if (lua_type (L, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION) { surbl_module_ctx->redirector_cbid = luaL_ref (L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); surbl_module_ctx->use_redirector = TRUE; } else { lua_pop (L, 1); return luaL_error (L, "argument must be a function"); } return 0; } static gint surbl_is_redirector_handler (lua_State *L) { const gchar *url; struct rspamd_task *task; struct rspamd_url uri; gsize len; rspamd_regexp_t *re; rspamd_ftok_t srch; gboolean found = FALSE; gchar *found_tld, *url_cpy; task = lua_check_task (L, 1); url = luaL_checklstring (L, 2, &len); if (task && url) { url_cpy = rspamd_mempool_alloc (task->task_pool, len); memcpy (url_cpy, url, len); if (rspamd_url_parse (&uri, url_cpy, len, task->task_pool)) { msg_debug_surbl ("check url redirection %*s", uri.urllen, uri.string); if (uri.hostlen <= 0) { lua_pushboolean (L, false); return 1; } /* Search in trie */ srch.begin = uri.tld; srch.len = uri.tldlen; re = g_hash_table_lookup (surbl_module_ctx->redirector_tlds, &srch); if (re) { if (re == NO_REGEXP) { found = TRUE; } else if (rspamd_regexp_search (re, uri.string, 0, NULL, NULL, TRUE, NULL)) { found = TRUE; } if (found) { found_tld = rspamd_mempool_ftokdup (task->task_pool, &srch); lua_pushboolean (L, true); lua_pushstring (L, found_tld); return 2; } } } } else { return luaL_error (L, "arguments must be: task, url"); } lua_pushboolean (L, false); return 1; } /* * Accepts two arguments: * url: string with a redirected URL, if url is nil, then it couldn't be resolved * userdata: opaque pointer of `struct redirector_param *` */ static gint surbl_continue_process_handler (lua_State *L) { struct redirector_param *param; struct rspamd_task *task; const gchar *nurl; gint r; gsize urllen; struct rspamd_url *redirected_url; gchar *urlstr; nurl = lua_tolstring (L, 1, &urllen); param = (struct redirector_param *)lua_topointer (L, 2); if (param != NULL) { task = param->task; if (nurl != NULL) { msg_info_surbl ("<%s> got reply from redirector: '%*s' -> '%*s'", param->task->message_id, param->url->urllen, param->url->string, (gint)urllen, nurl); urlstr = rspamd_mempool_alloc (task->task_pool, urllen + 1); redirected_url = rspamd_mempool_alloc0 (task->task_pool, sizeof (*redirected_url)); rspamd_strlcpy (urlstr, nurl, urllen + 1); r = rspamd_url_parse (redirected_url, urlstr, urllen, task->task_pool); if (r == URI_ERRNO_OK) { if (!g_hash_table_lookup (task->urls, redirected_url)) { g_hash_table_insert (task->urls, redirected_url, redirected_url); redirected_url->phished_url = param->url; redirected_url->flags |= RSPAMD_URL_FLAG_REDIRECTED; } rspamd_url_add_tag (param->url, "redirector", urlstr, task->task_pool); } else { msg_info_surbl ("<%s> could not resolve '%*s' on redirector", param->task->message_id, param->url->urllen, param->url->string); } } else { msg_info_surbl ("<%s> could not resolve '%*s' on redirector", param->task->message_id, param->url->urllen, param->url->string); } rspamd_session_watcher_pop (task->s, param->w); param->w = NULL; } else { return luaL_error (L, "invalid arguments"); } return 0; }