/* Copyright (c) 2013, Vsevolod Stakhov * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "rcl.h" #include "rcl_internal.h" #include "util.h" /** * @file rcl_parser.c * The implementation of rcl parser */ /** * Create a new object * @return new object */ static inline rspamd_cl_object_t * rspamd_cl_object_new (void) { rspamd_cl_object_t *new; new = g_slice_alloc0 (sizeof (rspamd_cl_object_t)); new->ref = 1; return new; } /** * Move up to len characters * @param parser * @param begin * @param len * @return new position in chunk */ static inline void rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (struct rspamd_cl_chunk *chunk, guchar c) { if (c == '\n') { chunk->line ++; chunk->column = 0; } else { chunk->column ++; } chunk->pos ++; chunk->remain --; } static inline void rspamd_cl_set_err (struct rspamd_cl_chunk *chunk, gint code, const char *str, GError **err) { g_set_error (err, RCL_ERROR, code, "error on line %d at column %d: '%s', character: '%c'", chunk->line, chunk->column, str, *chunk->pos); } static gboolean rspamd_cl_skip_comments (struct rspamd_cl_parser *parser, GError **err) { struct rspamd_cl_chunk *chunk = parser->chunks; const guchar *p; gint comments_nested = 0; p = chunk->pos; if (*p == '#') { if (parser->state != RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_SCOMMENT && parser->state != RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_MCOMMENT) { while (p < chunk->end) { if (*p == '\n') { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *++p); break; } rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *++p); } } } else if (*p == '/' && chunk->remain >= 2) { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *++p); if (*p == '/' && parser->state != RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_SCOMMENT && parser->state != RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_MCOMMENT) { chunk->pos = p; while (p < chunk->end) { if (*p == '\n') { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *++p); break; } rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *++p); } } else if (*p == '*') { comments_nested ++; rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *++p); while (p < chunk->end) { if (*p == '*') { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *++p); if (*p == '/') { comments_nested --; if (comments_nested == 0) { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *++p); break; } } rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *++p); } else if (p[0] == '/' && chunk->remain >= 2 && p[1] == '*') { comments_nested ++; rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *++p); rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *++p); continue; } rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *++p); } if (comments_nested != 0) { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ENESTED, "comments nesting is invalid", err); return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } /** * Return multiplier for a character * @param c multiplier character * @param is_bytes if TRUE use 1024 multiplier * @return multiplier */ static inline gulong rspamd_cl_lex_num_multiplier (const guchar c, gboolean is_bytes) { const struct { char c; glong mult_normal; glong mult_bytes; } multipliers[] = { {'m', 1000 * 1000, 1024 * 1024}, {'k', 1000, 1024}, {'g', 1000 * 1000 * 1000, 1024 * 1024 * 1024} }; gint i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i ++) { if (g_ascii_tolower (c) == multipliers[i].c) { if (is_bytes) { return multipliers[i].mult_bytes; } return multipliers[i].mult_normal; } } return 1; } /** * Return multiplier for time scaling * @param c * @return */ static inline gdouble rspamd_cl_lex_time_multiplier (const guchar c) { const struct { char c; gdouble mult; } multipliers[] = { {'m', 60}, {'h', 60 * 60}, {'d', 60 * 60 * 24}, {'w', 60 * 60 * 24 * 7}, {'y', 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 365} }; gint i; for (i = 0; i < 5; i ++) { if (g_ascii_tolower (c) == multipliers[i].c) { return multipliers[i].mult; } } return 1; } /** * Return TRUE if a character is a end of an atom * @param c * @return */ static inline gboolean rspamd_cl_lex_is_atom_end (const guchar c) { if (g_ascii_isspace (c) || c == ',' || c == ';' || c == '#' || c == ']' || c == '}') { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static inline gboolean rspamd_cl_lex_is_comment (const guchar c1, const guchar c2) { if (c1 == '/') { if (c2 == '/' || c2 == '*') { return TRUE; } } else if (c1 == '#') { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Parse possible number * @param parser * @param chunk * @param err * @return TRUE if a number has been parsed */ static gboolean rspamd_cl_lex_number (struct rspamd_cl_parser *parser, struct rspamd_cl_chunk *chunk, rspamd_cl_object_t *obj, GError **err) { const guchar *p = chunk->pos, *c = chunk->pos; gchar *endptr; gboolean got_dot = FALSE, got_exp = FALSE, need_double = FALSE, is_date = FALSE; gdouble dv; gint64 lv; if (*p == '-') { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } while (p < chunk->end) { if (g_ascii_isdigit (*p)) { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } else { if (p == c) { /* Empty digits sequence, not a number */ return FALSE; } else if (*p == '.') { if (got_dot) { /* Double dots, not a number */ return FALSE; } else { got_dot = TRUE; need_double = TRUE; } } else if (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E') { if (got_exp) { /* Double exp, not a number */ return FALSE; } else { got_exp = TRUE; need_double = TRUE; rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; if (p >= chunk->end) { return FALSE; } if (!g_ascii_isdigit (*p) && *p != '+' && *p == '-') { /* Wrong exponent sign */ return FALSE; } } } else { /* Got the end of the number, need to check */ break; } } } errno = 0; if (need_double) { dv = strtod (c, &endptr); } else { lv = strtoimax (c, &endptr, 10); } if (errno == ERANGE) { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "numeric value is out of range", err); parser->prev_state = parser->state; parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_ERROR; return FALSE; } /* Now check endptr */ if (endptr == NULL || rspamd_cl_lex_is_atom_end (*endptr) || *endptr == '\0') { chunk->pos = endptr; goto set_obj; } if ((guchar *)endptr < chunk->end) { p = endptr; chunk->pos = p; switch (*p) { case 'm': case 'M': case 'g': case 'G': case 'k': case 'K': if (chunk->end - p > 2) { if (p[1] == 's' || p[1] == 'S') { /* Milliseconds */ if (!need_double) { need_double = TRUE; dv = lv; } is_date = TRUE; if (p[0] == 'm' || p[0] == 'M') { dv /= 1000.; } else { dv *= rspamd_cl_lex_num_multiplier (*p, FALSE); } rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p += 2; goto set_obj; } else if (p[1] == 'b' || p[1] == 'B') { /* Megabytes */ if (need_double) { need_double = FALSE; lv = dv; } lv *= rspamd_cl_lex_num_multiplier (*p, TRUE); rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p += 2; goto set_obj; } else if (rspamd_cl_lex_is_atom_end (p[1])) { if (need_double) { dv *= rspamd_cl_lex_num_multiplier (*p, FALSE); } else { lv *= rspamd_cl_lex_num_multiplier (*p, FALSE); } rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; goto set_obj; } else if (chunk->end - p >= 3) { if (g_ascii_tolower (p[0]) == 'm' && g_ascii_tolower (p[1]) == 'i' && g_ascii_tolower (p[2]) == 'n') { /* Minutes */ if (!need_double) { need_double = TRUE; dv = lv; } is_date = TRUE; dv *= 60.; rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p += 3; goto set_obj; } } } else { if (need_double) { dv *= rspamd_cl_lex_num_multiplier (*p, FALSE); } else { lv *= rspamd_cl_lex_num_multiplier (*p, FALSE); } rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; goto set_obj; } break; case 'S': case 's': if (p == chunk->end - 1 || rspamd_cl_lex_is_atom_end (*++p)) { if (!need_double) { need_double = TRUE; dv = lv; } rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); is_date = TRUE; goto set_obj; } break; case 'h': case 'H': case 'd': case 'D': case 'w': case 'W': case 'Y': case 'y': if (p == chunk->end - 1 || rspamd_cl_lex_is_atom_end (p[1])) { if (!need_double) { need_double = TRUE; dv = lv; } is_date = TRUE; dv *= rspamd_cl_lex_time_multiplier (*p); rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; goto set_obj; } break; } } chunk->pos = c; return FALSE; set_obj: if (need_double || is_date) { if (!is_date) { obj->type = RSPAMD_CL_FLOAT; } else { obj->type = RSPAMD_CL_TIME; } obj->value.dv = dv; } else { obj->type = RSPAMD_CL_INT; obj->value.iv = lv; } chunk->pos = p; return TRUE; } /** * Parse quoted string with possible escapes * @param parser * @param chunk * @param err * @return TRUE if a string has been parsed */ static gboolean rspamd_cl_lex_json_string (struct rspamd_cl_parser *parser, struct rspamd_cl_chunk *chunk, GError **err) { const guchar *p = chunk->pos; guchar c; gint i; while (p < chunk->end) { c = *p; if (c < 0x1F) { /* Unmasked control character */ if (c == '\n') { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "unexpected newline", err); } else { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "unexpected control character", err); } return FALSE; } if (c == '\\') { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; c = *p; if (p >= chunk->end) { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "unfinished escape character", err); return FALSE; } if (*p == 'u') { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; for (i = 0; i < 4 && p < chunk->end; i ++) { if (!g_ascii_isxdigit (*p)) { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "invalid utf escape", err); return FALSE; } rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } if (p >= chunk->end) { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "unfinished escape character", err); return FALSE; } } else if (c == '"' || c == '\\' || c == '/' || c == 'b' || c == 'f' || c == 'n' || c == 'r' || c == 't') { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } else { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "invalid escape character", err); return FALSE; } continue; } else if (c == '"') { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; return TRUE; } rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } return FALSE; } /** * Parse a key in an object * @param parser * @param chunk * @param err * @return TRUE if a key has been parsed */ static gboolean rspamd_cl_parse_key (struct rspamd_cl_parser *parser, struct rspamd_cl_chunk *chunk, GError **err) { const guchar *p, *c = NULL, *end; gboolean got_quote = FALSE, got_eq = FALSE, got_semicolon = FALSE; rspamd_cl_object_t *nobj, *tobj, *container; p = chunk->pos; while (p < chunk->end) { /* * A key must start with alpha and end with space character */ if (*p == '.') { /* It is macro actually */ rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); parser->prev_state = parser->state; parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_MACRO_NAME; return TRUE; } else if (c == NULL) { if (g_ascii_isalpha (*p)) { /* The first symbol */ c = p; rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } else if (*p == '"') { /* JSON style key */ c = p + 1; got_quote = TRUE; rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } else { /* Invalid identifier */ rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "key must begin with a letter", err); return FALSE; } } else { /* Parse the body of a key */ if (!got_quote) { if (g_ascii_isalnum (*p)) { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } else if (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == ':' || *p == '=') { end = p; break; } else { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "invalid character in a key", err); return FALSE; } } else { /* We need to parse json like quoted string */ if (!rspamd_cl_lex_json_string (parser, chunk, err)) { return FALSE; } end = chunk->pos - 1; p = chunk->pos; break; } } } if (p >= chunk->end) { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "unfinished key", err); return FALSE; } /* We are now at the end of the key, need to parse the rest */ while (p < chunk->end) { if (g_ascii_isspace (*p)) { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } else if (*p == '=') { if (!got_eq && !got_semicolon) { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; got_eq = TRUE; } else { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "unexpected '=' character", err); return FALSE; } } else if (*p == ':') { if (!got_eq && !got_semicolon) { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; got_semicolon = TRUE; } else { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "unexpected ':' character", err); return FALSE; } } else if (rspamd_cl_lex_is_comment (p[0], p[1])) { /* Check for comment */ if (!rspamd_cl_skip_comments (parser, err)) { return FALSE; } p = chunk->pos; } else { /* Start value */ break; } } if (p >= chunk->end) { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "unfinished key", err); return FALSE; } /* Create a new object */ nobj = rspamd_cl_object_new (); nobj->key = g_malloc (end - c + 1); if (parser->flags & RSPAMD_CL_FLAG_KEY_LOWERCASE) { rspamd_strlcpy_tolower (nobj->key, c, end - c + 1); } else { rspamd_strlcpy (nobj->key, c, end - c + 1); } if (got_quote) { rspamd_cl_unescape_json_string (nobj->key); } container = parser->stack->obj->value.ov; HASH_FIND_STR (container, nobj->key, tobj); if (tobj != NULL) { /* Just insert a new object as the next element */ LL_PREPEND (tobj, nobj); HASH_DELETE (hh, container, tobj); } HASH_ADD_KEYPTR (hh, container, nobj->key, strlen (nobj->key), nobj); parser->stack->obj->value.ov = container; parser->cur_obj = nobj; return TRUE; } /** * Parse a cl string * @param parser * @param chunk * @param err * @return TRUE if a key has been parsed */ static gboolean rspamd_cl_parse_string_value (struct rspamd_cl_parser *parser, struct rspamd_cl_chunk *chunk, GError **err) { const guchar *p; p = chunk->pos; while (p < chunk->end) { if (rspamd_cl_lex_is_atom_end (*p)) { break; } rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } if (p >= chunk->end) { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "unfinished value", err); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Check whether a given string contains a boolean value * @param obj object to set * @param start start of a string * @param len length of a string * @return TRUE if a string is a boolean value */ static inline gboolean rspamd_cl_maybe_parse_boolean (rspamd_cl_object_t *obj, const guchar *start, gsize len) { const guchar *p = start; gboolean ret = FALSE, val = FALSE; if (len == 5) { if (g_ascii_tolower (p[0]) == 'f' && g_ascii_strncasecmp (p, "false", 5) == 0) { ret = TRUE; val = FALSE; } } else if (len == 4) { if (g_ascii_tolower (p[0]) == 't' && g_ascii_strncasecmp (p, "true", 4) == 0) { ret = TRUE; val = TRUE; } } else if (len == 3) { if (g_ascii_tolower (p[0]) == 'y' && g_ascii_strncasecmp (p, "yes", 3) == 0) { ret = TRUE; val = TRUE; } if (g_ascii_tolower (p[0]) == 'o' && g_ascii_strncasecmp (p, "off", 3) == 0) { ret = TRUE; val = FALSE; } } else if (len == 2) { if (g_ascii_tolower (p[0]) == 'n' && g_ascii_strncasecmp (p, "no", 2) == 0) { ret = TRUE; val = FALSE; } else if (g_ascii_tolower (p[0]) == 'o' && g_ascii_strncasecmp (p, "on", 2) == 0) { ret = TRUE; val = TRUE; } } if (ret) { obj->type = RSPAMD_CL_BOOLEAN; obj->value.iv = val; } return ret; } /** * Handle value data * @param parser * @param chunk * @param err * @return */ static gboolean rspamd_cl_parse_value (struct rspamd_cl_parser *parser, struct rspamd_cl_chunk *chunk, GError **err) { const guchar *p, *c; struct rspamd_cl_stack *st; rspamd_cl_object_t *obj = NULL; p = chunk->pos; while (p < chunk->end) { if (obj == NULL) { if (parser->stack->obj->type == RSPAMD_CL_ARRAY) { /* Object must be allocated */ obj = rspamd_cl_object_new (); parser->cur_obj = obj; LL_PREPEND (parser->stack->obj->value.ov, parser->cur_obj); } else { /* Object has been already allocated */ obj = parser->cur_obj; } } c = p; switch (*p) { case '"': rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; if (!rspamd_cl_lex_json_string (parser, chunk, err)) { return FALSE; } obj->value.sv = g_malloc (chunk->pos - c - 1); rspamd_strlcpy (obj->value.sv, c + 1, chunk->pos - c - 1); rspamd_cl_unescape_json_string (obj->value.sv); obj->type = RSPAMD_CL_STRING; parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_AFTER_VALUE; p = chunk->pos; return TRUE; break; case '{': /* We have a new object */ obj->type = RSPAMD_CL_OBJECT; parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_KEY; st = g_slice_alloc0 (sizeof (struct rspamd_cl_stack)); st->obj = obj; LL_PREPEND (parser->stack, st); parser->cur_obj = obj; rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; return TRUE; break; case '[': /* We have a new array */ obj = parser->cur_obj; obj->type = RSPAMD_CL_ARRAY; parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_VALUE; st = g_slice_alloc0 (sizeof (struct rspamd_cl_stack)); st->obj = obj; LL_PREPEND (parser->stack, st); parser->cur_obj = obj; rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; return TRUE; break; default: /* Skip any spaces and comments */ if (g_ascii_isspace (*p) || rspamd_cl_lex_is_comment (p[0], p[1])) { while (p < chunk->end && g_ascii_isspace (*p)) { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } if (!rspamd_cl_skip_comments (parser, err)) { return FALSE; } p = chunk->pos; continue; } /* Parse atom */ if (g_ascii_isdigit (*p) || *p == '-') { if (!rspamd_cl_lex_number (parser, chunk, obj, err)) { if (parser->state == RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_ERROR) { return FALSE; } if (!rspamd_cl_parse_string_value (parser, chunk, err)) { return FALSE; } if (!rspamd_cl_maybe_parse_boolean (obj, c, chunk->pos - c)) { obj->value.sv = g_malloc (chunk->pos - c + 1); rspamd_strlcpy (obj->value.sv, c, chunk->pos - c + 1); rspamd_cl_unescape_json_string (obj->value.sv); obj->type = RSPAMD_CL_STRING; } parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_AFTER_VALUE; return TRUE; } else { parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_AFTER_VALUE; return TRUE; } } else { if (!rspamd_cl_parse_string_value (parser, chunk, err)) { return FALSE; } if (!rspamd_cl_maybe_parse_boolean (obj, c, chunk->pos - c)) { obj->value.sv = g_malloc (chunk->pos - c + 1); rspamd_strlcpy (obj->value.sv, c, chunk->pos - c + 1); rspamd_cl_unescape_json_string (obj->value.sv); obj->type = RSPAMD_CL_STRING; } parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_AFTER_VALUE; return TRUE; } p = chunk->pos; break; } } return TRUE; } /** * Handle after value data * @param parser * @param chunk * @param err * @return */ static gboolean rspamd_cl_parse_after_value (struct rspamd_cl_parser *parser, struct rspamd_cl_chunk *chunk, GError **err) { const guchar *p; gboolean got_sep = FALSE, got_comma = FALSE, got_semicolon = FALSE; struct rspamd_cl_stack *st; p = chunk->pos; while (p < chunk->end) { if (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') { /* Skip whitespaces */ rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } else if (rspamd_cl_lex_is_comment (p[0], p[1])) { /* Skip comment */ if (!rspamd_cl_skip_comments (parser, err)) { return FALSE; } /* Treat comment as a separator */ got_sep = TRUE; p = chunk->pos; } else if (*p == ',') { /* Got a separator */ got_sep = TRUE; if (got_comma || got_semicolon) { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "unexpected comma detected", err); return FALSE; } got_comma = TRUE; rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } else if (*p == ';') { /* Got a separator */ got_sep = TRUE; if (got_comma || got_semicolon) { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "unexpected semicolon detected", err); return FALSE; } got_semicolon = TRUE; rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } else if (*p == '\n') { got_sep = TRUE; rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } else if (*p == '}' || *p == ']') { if (parser->stack == NULL) { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "unexpected } detected", err); return FALSE; } if ((*p == '}' && parser->stack->obj->type == RSPAMD_CL_OBJECT) || (*p == ']' && parser->stack->obj->type == RSPAMD_CL_ARRAY)) { /* Pop object from a stack */ st = parser->stack; parser->stack = st->next; g_slice_free1 (sizeof (struct rspamd_cl_stack), st); } else { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "unexpected terminating symbol detected", err); return FALSE; } if (parser->stack == NULL) { /* Ignore everything after a top object */ return TRUE; } else { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } got_sep = TRUE; } else { /* Anything else */ if (!got_sep) { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_ESYNTAX, "delimiter is missing", err); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } } return TRUE; } /** * Handle macro data * @param parser * @param chunk * @param err * @return */ static gboolean rspamd_cl_parse_macro_value (struct rspamd_cl_parser *parser, struct rspamd_cl_chunk *chunk, struct rspamd_cl_macro *macro, guchar const **macro_start, gsize *macro_len, GError **err) { const guchar *p, *c; p = chunk->pos; switch (*p) { case '"': /* We have macro value encoded in quotes */ c = p; rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; if (!rspamd_cl_lex_json_string (parser, chunk, err)) { return FALSE; } *macro_start = c + 1; *macro_len = chunk->pos - c - 2; p = chunk->pos; break; case '{': /* We got a multiline macro body */ rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; /* Skip spaces at the beginning */ while (p < chunk->end) { if (g_ascii_isspace (*p)) { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } else { break; } } c = p; while (p < chunk->end) { if (*p == '}') { break; } rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } *macro_start = c; *macro_len = p - c; rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; break; default: /* Macro is not enclosed in quotes or braces */ c = p; while (p < chunk->end) { if (rspamd_cl_lex_is_atom_end (*p)) { break; } rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } *macro_start = c; *macro_len = p - c; break; } /* We are at the end of a macro */ /* Skip ';' and space characters and return to previous state */ while (p < chunk->end) { if (!g_ascii_isspace (*p) && *p != ';') { break; } rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } return TRUE; } /** * Handle the main states of rcl parser * @param parser parser structure * @param data the pointer to the beginning of a chunk * @param len the length of a chunk * @param err if *err is NULL it is set to parser error * @return TRUE if chunk has been parsed and FALSE in case of error */ static gboolean rspamd_cl_state_machine (struct rspamd_cl_parser *parser, GError **err) { rspamd_cl_object_t *obj; struct rspamd_cl_chunk *chunk = parser->chunks; struct rspamd_cl_stack *st; const guchar *p, *c, *macro_start = NULL; gsize macro_len = 0; struct rspamd_cl_macro *macro = NULL; p = chunk->pos; while (chunk->pos < chunk->end) { switch (parser->state) { case RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_INIT: /* * At the init state we can either go to the parse array or object * if we got [ or { correspondingly or can just treat new data as * a key of newly created object */ if (!rspamd_cl_skip_comments (parser, err)) { parser->prev_state = parser->state; parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_ERROR; return FALSE; } else { p = chunk->pos; obj = rspamd_cl_object_new (); if (*p == '[') { parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_VALUE; obj->type = RSPAMD_CL_ARRAY; rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } else { parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_KEY; obj->type = RSPAMD_CL_OBJECT; if (*p == '{') { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } }; parser->cur_obj = obj; parser->top_obj = obj; st = g_slice_alloc0 (sizeof (struct rspamd_cl_stack)); st->obj = obj; LL_PREPEND (parser->stack, st); } break; case RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_KEY: /* Skip any spaces */ while (p < chunk->end && g_ascii_isspace (*p)) { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } if (*p == '}') { /* We have the end of an object */ parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_AFTER_VALUE; continue; } if (!rspamd_cl_parse_key (parser, chunk, err)) { parser->prev_state = parser->state; parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_ERROR; return FALSE; } if (parser->state != RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_MACRO_NAME) { parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_VALUE; } else { c = chunk->pos; } p = chunk->pos; break; case RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_VALUE: /* We need to check what we do have */ if (!rspamd_cl_parse_value (parser, chunk, err)) { parser->prev_state = parser->state; parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_ERROR; return FALSE; } /* State is set in rspamd_cl_parse_value call */ p = chunk->pos; break; case RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_AFTER_VALUE: if (!rspamd_cl_parse_after_value (parser, chunk, err)) { parser->prev_state = parser->state; parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_ERROR; return FALSE; } if (parser->stack != NULL) { if (parser->stack->obj->type == RSPAMD_CL_OBJECT) { parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_KEY; } else { /* Array */ parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_VALUE; } } else { /* Skip everything at the end */ return TRUE; } p = chunk->pos; break; case RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_MACRO_NAME: if (!g_ascii_isspace (*p)) { rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } else if (p - c > 0) { /* We got macro name */ HASH_FIND (hh, parser->macroes, c, p - c, macro); if (macro == NULL) { rspamd_cl_set_err (chunk, RSPAMD_CL_EMACRO, "unknown macro", err); parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_ERROR; return FALSE; } /* Now we need to skip all spaces */ while (p < chunk->end) { if (!g_ascii_isspace (*p)) { if (rspamd_cl_lex_is_comment (p[0], p[1])) { /* Skip comment */ if (!rspamd_cl_skip_comments (parser, err)) { return FALSE; } p = chunk->pos; } break; } rspamd_cl_chunk_skipc (chunk, *p); p ++; } parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_MACRO; } break; case RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_MACRO: if (!rspamd_cl_parse_macro_value (parser, chunk, macro, ¯o_start, ¯o_len, err)) { parser->prev_state = parser->state; parser->state = RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_ERROR; return FALSE; } parser->state = parser->prev_state; if (!macro->handler (macro_start, macro_len, macro->ud, err)) { return FALSE; } p = chunk->pos; break; default: /* TODO: add all states */ return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } struct rspamd_cl_parser* rspamd_cl_parser_new (gint flags) { struct rspamd_cl_parser *new; new = g_slice_alloc0 (sizeof (struct rspamd_cl_parser)); rspamd_cl_parser_register_macro (new, "include", rspamd_cl_include_handler, new); rspamd_cl_parser_register_macro (new, "includes", rspamd_cl_includes_handler, new); new->flags = flags; return new; } void rspamd_cl_parser_register_macro (struct rspamd_cl_parser *parser, const gchar *macro, rspamd_cl_macro_handler handler, gpointer ud) { struct rspamd_cl_macro *new; new = g_slice_alloc0 (sizeof (struct rspamd_cl_macro)); new->handler = handler; new->name = g_strdup (macro); new->ud = ud; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR (hh, parser->macroes, new->name, strlen (new->name), new); } gboolean rspamd_cl_parser_add_chunk (struct rspamd_cl_parser *parser, const guchar *data, gsize len, GError **err) { struct rspamd_cl_chunk *chunk; if (parser->state != RSPAMD_RCL_STATE_ERROR) { chunk = g_slice_alloc (sizeof (struct rspamd_cl_chunk)); chunk->begin = data; chunk->remain = len; chunk->pos = chunk->begin; chunk->end = chunk->begin + len; chunk->line = 1; chunk->column = 0; LL_PREPEND (parser->chunks, chunk); parser->recursion ++; if (parser->recursion > RCL_MAX_RECURSION) { g_set_error (err, RCL_ERROR, RSPAMD_CL_ERECURSION, "maximum include nesting limit is reached: %d", parser->recursion); return FALSE; } return rspamd_cl_state_machine (parser, err); } g_set_error (err, RCL_ERROR, RSPAMD_CL_ESTATE, "a parser is in an invalid state"); return FALSE; }