/*- * Copyright 2016 Vsevolod Stakhov * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "config.h" #include "rspamd.h" #include "libutil/map.h" #include "lua/lua_common.h" #include "libserver/worker_util.h" #include "libserver/rspamd_control.h" #include "ottery.h" #include "cryptobox.h" #include "utlist.h" #include "unix-std.h" /* sysexits */ #ifdef HAVE_SYSEXITS_H #include <sysexits.h> #endif /* pwd and grp */ #ifdef HAVE_PWD_H #include <pwd.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_GRP_H #include <grp.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_NFTW #include <ftw.h> #endif #include <signal.h> #ifdef HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H #include <sys/wait.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBUTIL_H #include <libutil.h> #endif #ifdef WITH_GPERF_TOOLS #include <gperftools/profiler.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_STROPS_H #include <stropts.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL #include <openssl/err.h> #include <openssl/evp.h> #endif #include "sqlite3.h" /* 2 seconds to fork new process in place of dead one */ #define SOFT_FORK_TIME 2 /* 10 seconds after getting termination signal to terminate all workers with SIGKILL */ #define TERMINATION_ATTEMPTS 50 static gboolean load_rspamd_config (struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main, struct rspamd_config *cfg, gboolean init_modules, enum rspamd_post_load_options opts, gboolean reload); /* Control socket */ static gint control_fd; /* Cmdline options */ static gboolean config_test = FALSE; static gboolean no_fork = FALSE; static gboolean show_version = FALSE; static gchar **cfg_names = NULL; static gchar **lua_tests = NULL; static gchar **sign_configs = NULL; static gchar *privkey = NULL; static gchar *rspamd_user = NULL; static gchar *rspamd_group = NULL; static gchar *rspamd_pidfile = NULL; static gboolean dump_cache = FALSE; static gboolean is_debug = FALSE; static gboolean is_insecure = FALSE; static gboolean gen_keypair = FALSE; static gboolean encrypt_password = FALSE; static GHashTable *ucl_vars = NULL; static gint term_attempts = 0; /* List of unrelated forked processes */ static GArray *other_workers = NULL; /* List of active listen sockets indexed by worker type */ static GHashTable *listen_sockets = NULL; /* Defined in modules.c */ extern module_t *modules[]; extern worker_t *workers[]; /* Commandline options */ static GOptionEntry entries[] = { { "config-test", 't', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &config_test, "Do config test and exit", NULL }, { "no-fork", 'f', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &no_fork, "Do not daemonize main process", NULL }, { "config", 'c', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME_ARRAY, &cfg_names, "Specify config file(s)", NULL }, { "user", 'u', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &rspamd_user, "User to run rspamd as", NULL }, { "group", 'g', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &rspamd_group, "Group to run rspamd as", NULL }, { "pid", 'p', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &rspamd_pidfile, "Path to pidfile", NULL }, { "dump-cache", 'C', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &dump_cache, "Dump symbols cache stats and exit", NULL }, { "debug", 'd', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &is_debug, "Force debug output", NULL }, { "insecure", 'i', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &is_insecure, "Ignore running workers as privileged users (insecure)", NULL }, { "test-lua", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME_ARRAY, &lua_tests, "Specify lua file(s) to test", NULL }, { "sign-config", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME_ARRAY, &sign_configs, "Specify config file(s) to sign", NULL }, { "private-key", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &privkey, "Specify private key to sign", NULL }, { "gen-keypair", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &gen_keypair, "Generate new encryption " "keypair", NULL}, { "encrypt-password", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &encrypt_password, "Encrypt " "controller password to store in the configuration file", NULL }, { "version", 'v', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &show_version, "Show version and exit", NULL }, { NULL, 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static void read_cmd_line (gint *argc, gchar ***argv, struct rspamd_config *cfg) { GError *error = NULL; GOptionContext *context; guint i, cfg_num; pid_t r; context = g_option_context_new ("- run rspamd daemon"); #if defined(GIT_VERSION) && GIT_VERSION == 1 g_option_context_set_summary (context, "Summary:\n Rspamd daemon version " RVERSION "-git\n Git id: " RID); #else g_option_context_set_summary (context, "Summary:\n Rspamd daemon version " RVERSION); #endif g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, entries, NULL); if (!g_option_context_parse (context, argc, argv, &error)) { fprintf (stderr, "option parsing failed: %s\n", error->message); g_option_context_free (context); exit (1); } cfg->rspamd_user = rspamd_user; cfg->rspamd_group = rspamd_group; cfg_num = cfg_names != NULL ? g_strv_length (cfg_names) : 0; if (cfg_num == 0) { cfg->cfg_name = FIXED_CONFIG_FILE; } else { cfg->cfg_name = cfg_names[0]; } for (i = 1; i < cfg_num; i++) { r = fork (); if (r == 0) { /* Spawning new main process */ cfg->cfg_name = cfg_names[i]; (void)setsid (); } else if (r == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "fork failed while spawning process for %s configuration file: %s\n", cfg_names[i], strerror (errno)); } else { /* Save pid to the list of other main processes, we need it to ignore SIGCHLD from them */ g_array_append_val (other_workers, r); } } cfg->pid_file = rspamd_pidfile; g_option_context_free (context); } /* Detect privilleged mode */ static void detect_priv (struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main) { struct passwd *pwd; struct group *grp; uid_t euid; euid = geteuid (); if (euid == 0) { if (!rspamd_main->cfg->rspamd_user && !is_insecure) { msg_err_main ( "cannot run rspamd workers as root user, please add -u and -g options to select a proper unprivilleged user or specify --insecure flag"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } else if (is_insecure) { rspamd_main->is_privilleged = TRUE; rspamd_main->workers_uid = 0; rspamd_main->workers_gid = 0; } else { rspamd_main->is_privilleged = TRUE; pwd = getpwnam (rspamd_main->cfg->rspamd_user); if (pwd == NULL) { msg_err_main ("user specified does not exists (%s), aborting", strerror (errno)); exit (-errno); } if (rspamd_main->cfg->rspamd_group) { grp = getgrnam (rspamd_main->cfg->rspamd_group); if (grp == NULL) { msg_err_main ("group specified does not exists (%s), aborting", strerror (errno)); exit (-errno); } rspamd_main->workers_gid = grp->gr_gid; } else { rspamd_main->workers_gid = (gid_t)-1; } rspamd_main->workers_uid = pwd->pw_uid; } } else { rspamd_main->is_privilleged = FALSE; rspamd_main->workers_uid = (uid_t)-1; rspamd_main->workers_gid = (gid_t)-1; } } static void config_logger (rspamd_mempool_t *pool, gpointer ud) { struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main = ud; if (config_test) { /* Explicitly set logger type to console in case of config testing */ rspamd_main->cfg->log_type = RSPAMD_LOG_CONSOLE; } rspamd_set_logger (rspamd_main->cfg, g_quark_try_string ("main"), &rspamd_main->logger, rspamd_main->server_pool); if (rspamd_log_open_priv (rspamd_main->logger, rspamd_main->workers_uid, rspamd_main->workers_gid) == -1) { fprintf (stderr, "Fatal error, cannot open logfile, exiting\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } rspamd_logger_configure_modules (rspamd_main->cfg->debug_modules); } static void reread_config (struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main) { struct rspamd_config *tmp_cfg, *old_cfg; gchar *cfg_file; rspamd_symbols_cache_save (rspamd_main->cfg->cache); tmp_cfg = rspamd_config_new (RSPAMD_CONFIG_INIT_DEFAULT); tmp_cfg->libs_ctx = rspamd_main->cfg->libs_ctx; REF_RETAIN (tmp_cfg->libs_ctx); cfg_file = rspamd_mempool_strdup (tmp_cfg->cfg_pool, rspamd_main->cfg->cfg_name); /* Save some variables */ tmp_cfg->cfg_name = cfg_file; old_cfg = rspamd_main->cfg; rspamd_main->cfg = tmp_cfg; if (!load_rspamd_config (rspamd_main, tmp_cfg, TRUE, RSPAMD_CONFIG_INIT_VALIDATE|RSPAMD_CONFIG_INIT_SYMCACHE| RSPAMD_CONFIG_INIT_LIBS|RSPAMD_CONFIG_INIT_URL, TRUE)) { rspamd_main->cfg = old_cfg; rspamd_log_close_priv (rspamd_main->logger, FALSE, rspamd_main->workers_uid, rspamd_main->workers_gid); rspamd_set_logger (rspamd_main->cfg, g_quark_try_string ("main"), &rspamd_main->logger, rspamd_main->server_pool); rspamd_log_open_priv (rspamd_main->logger, rspamd_main->workers_uid, rspamd_main->workers_gid); msg_err_main ("cannot parse new config file, revert to old one"); REF_RELEASE (tmp_cfg); } else { msg_info_main ("replacing config"); REF_RELEASE (old_cfg); msg_info_main ("config has been reread successfully"); rspamd_map_preload (rspamd_main->cfg); } } struct waiting_worker { struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main; struct event wait_ev; struct rspamd_worker_conf *cf; guint oldindex; }; static void rspamd_fork_delayed_cb (gint signo, short what, gpointer arg) { struct waiting_worker *w = arg; event_del (&w->wait_ev); rspamd_fork_worker (w->rspamd_main, w->cf, w->oldindex, w->rspamd_main->ev_base); REF_RELEASE (w->cf); g_free (w); } static void rspamd_fork_delayed (struct rspamd_worker_conf *cf, guint index, struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main) { struct waiting_worker *nw; struct timeval tv; nw = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*nw)); nw->cf = cf; nw->oldindex = index; nw->rspamd_main = rspamd_main; tv.tv_sec = SOFT_FORK_TIME; tv.tv_usec = 0; REF_RETAIN (cf); event_set (&nw->wait_ev, -1, EV_TIMEOUT, rspamd_fork_delayed_cb, nw); event_base_set (rspamd_main->ev_base, &nw->wait_ev); event_add (&nw->wait_ev, &tv); } static GList * create_listen_socket (GPtrArray *addrs, guint cnt, enum rspamd_worker_socket_type listen_type) { GList *result = NULL; gint fd; guint i; struct rspamd_worker_listen_socket *ls; g_ptr_array_sort (addrs, rspamd_inet_address_compare_ptr); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i ++) { /* * Copy address to avoid reload issues */ if (listen_type & RSPAMD_WORKER_SOCKET_TCP) { fd = rspamd_inet_address_listen (g_ptr_array_index (addrs, i), SOCK_STREAM, TRUE); if (fd != -1) { ls = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*ls)); ls->addr = rspamd_inet_address_copy (g_ptr_array_index (addrs, i)); ls->fd = fd; ls->type = RSPAMD_WORKER_SOCKET_TCP; result = g_list_prepend (result, ls); } } if (listen_type & RSPAMD_WORKER_SOCKET_UDP) { fd = rspamd_inet_address_listen (g_ptr_array_index (addrs, i), SOCK_DGRAM, TRUE); if (fd != -1) { ls = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*ls)); ls->addr = rspamd_inet_address_copy (g_ptr_array_index (addrs, i)); ls->fd = fd; ls->type = RSPAMD_WORKER_SOCKET_UDP; result = g_list_prepend (result, ls); } } } return result; } static GList * systemd_get_socket (struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main, gint number) { int sock, num_passed, flags; GList *result = NULL; const gchar *e; gchar *err; struct stat st; /* XXX: can we trust the current choice ? */ static const int sd_listen_fds_start = 3; struct rspamd_worker_listen_socket *ls; union { struct sockaddr_storage ss; struct sockaddr sa; } addr_storage; socklen_t slen = sizeof (addr_storage); gint stype; e = getenv ("LISTEN_FDS"); if (e != NULL) { errno = 0; num_passed = strtoul (e, &err, 10); if ((err == NULL || *err == '\0') && num_passed > number) { sock = number + sd_listen_fds_start; if (fstat (sock, &st) == -1) { msg_warn_main ("cannot stat systemd descriptor %d", sock); return NULL; } if (!S_ISSOCK (st.st_mode)) { msg_warn_main ("systemd descriptor %d is not a socket", sock); errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } flags = fcntl (sock, F_GETFD); if (flags != -1) { (void)fcntl (sock, F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC); } rspamd_socket_nonblocking (sock); if (getsockname (sock, &addr_storage.sa, &slen) == -1) { msg_warn_main ("cannot get name for systemd descriptor %d: %s", sock, strerror (errno)); errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } ls = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*ls)); ls->addr = rspamd_inet_address_from_sa (&addr_storage.sa, slen); ls->fd = sock; slen = sizeof (stype); if (getsockopt (sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE, &stype, &slen) != -1) { if (stype == SOCK_STREAM) { ls->type = RSPAMD_WORKER_SOCKET_TCP; } else { ls->type = RSPAMD_WORKER_SOCKET_UDP; } } else { msg_warn_main ("cannot get type for systemd descriptor %d: %s", sock, strerror (errno)); ls->type = RSPAMD_WORKER_SOCKET_TCP; } result = g_list_prepend (result, ls); } else if (num_passed <= number) { msg_err_main ("systemd LISTEN_FDS does not contain the expected fd: %d", num_passed); errno = EOVERFLOW; } } else { msg_err_main ("cannot get systemd variable 'LISTEN_FDS'"); errno = ENOENT; } return result; } static inline uintptr_t make_listen_key (struct rspamd_worker_bind_conf *cf) { rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_state_t st; guint i, keylen = 0; guint8 *key; rspamd_inet_addr_t *addr; guint16 port; rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_init (&st, rspamd_hash_seed ()); if (cf->is_systemd) { rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_update (&st, "systemd", sizeof ("systemd")); rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_update (&st, &cf->cnt, sizeof (cf->cnt)); } else { rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_update (&st, cf->name, strlen (cf->name)); for (i = 0; i < cf->cnt; i ++) { addr = g_ptr_array_index (cf->addrs, i); key = rspamd_inet_address_get_hash_key ( addr, &keylen); rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_update (&st, key, keylen); port = rspamd_inet_address_get_port (addr); rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_update (&st, &port, sizeof (port)); } } return rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash_final (&st); } static void spawn_worker_type (struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main, struct event_base *ev_base, struct rspamd_worker_conf *cf) { gint i; if (cf->count < 0) { msg_info_main ("skip spawning of worker %s: disabled in configuration", cf->worker->name); return; } if (cf->worker->flags & RSPAMD_WORKER_UNIQUE) { if (cf->count > 1) { msg_warn_main ( "cannot spawn more than 1 %s worker, so spawn one", cf->worker->name); } rspamd_fork_worker (rspamd_main, cf, 0, ev_base); } else if (cf->worker->flags & RSPAMD_WORKER_THREADED) { rspamd_fork_worker (rspamd_main, cf, 0, ev_base); } else { for (i = 0; i < cf->count; i++) { rspamd_fork_worker (rspamd_main, cf, i, ev_base); } } } static void spawn_workers (struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main, struct event_base *ev_base) { GList *cur, *ls; struct rspamd_worker_conf *cf; gpointer p; guintptr key; struct rspamd_worker_bind_conf *bcf; gboolean listen_ok = FALSE; GPtrArray *seen_mandatory_workers; worker_t **cw, *wrk; guint i; /* Special hack for hs_helper if it's not defined in a config */ seen_mandatory_workers = g_ptr_array_new (); cur = rspamd_main->cfg->workers; while (cur) { cf = cur->data; listen_ok = FALSE; if (cf->worker == NULL) { msg_err_main ("type of worker is unspecified, skip spawning"); } else { if (!cf->enabled || cf->count <= 0) { msg_info_main ("worker of type %s(%s) is disabled in the config, " "skip spawning", g_quark_to_string (cf->type), cf->bind_conf ? cf->bind_conf->bind_line : "none"); cur = g_list_next (cur); continue; } if (cf->worker->flags & RSPAMD_WORKER_ALWAYS_START) { g_ptr_array_add (seen_mandatory_workers, cf->worker); } if (cf->worker->flags & RSPAMD_WORKER_HAS_SOCKET) { LL_FOREACH (cf->bind_conf, bcf) { key = make_listen_key (bcf); if ((p = g_hash_table_lookup (listen_sockets, GINT_TO_POINTER (key))) == NULL) { if (!bcf->is_systemd) { /* Create listen socket */ ls = create_listen_socket (bcf->addrs, bcf->cnt, cf->worker->listen_type); } else { ls = systemd_get_socket (rspamd_main, bcf->cnt); } if (ls == NULL) { msg_err_main ("cannot listen on %s socket %s: %s", bcf->is_systemd ? "systemd" : "normal", bcf->name, strerror (errno)); } else { g_hash_table_insert (listen_sockets, (gpointer)key, ls); listen_ok = TRUE; } } else { /* We had socket for this type of worker */ ls = p; listen_ok = TRUE; } /* Do not add existing lists as it causes loops */ if (g_list_position (cf->listen_socks, ls) == -1) { cf->listen_socks = g_list_concat (cf->listen_socks, ls); } } if (listen_ok) { spawn_worker_type (rspamd_main, ev_base, cf); } else { msg_err_main ("cannot create listen socket for %s at %s", g_quark_to_string (cf->type), cf->bind_conf->name); rspamd_hard_terminate (rspamd_main); g_assert_not_reached (); } } else { spawn_worker_type (rspamd_main, ev_base, cf); } } cur = g_list_next (cur); } for (cw = workers; *cw != NULL; cw ++) { gboolean seen = FALSE; wrk = *cw; if (wrk->flags & RSPAMD_WORKER_ALWAYS_START) { for (i = 0; i < seen_mandatory_workers->len; i ++) { if (wrk == g_ptr_array_index (seen_mandatory_workers, i)) { seen = TRUE; break; } } if (!seen) { cf = rspamd_config_new_worker (rspamd_main->cfg, NULL); cf->count = 1; cf->worker = wrk; cf->type = g_quark_from_static_string (wrk->name); if (cf->worker->worker_init_func) { cf->ctx = cf->worker->worker_init_func (rspamd_main->cfg); } spawn_worker_type (rspamd_main, ev_base, cf); } } } g_ptr_array_free (seen_mandatory_workers, TRUE); } static void kill_old_workers (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer unused) { struct rspamd_worker *w = value; struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main; rspamd_main = w->srv; if (!w->wanna_die) { w->wanna_die = TRUE; kill (w->pid, SIGUSR2); msg_info_main ("send signal to worker %P", w->pid); } else { msg_info_main ("do not send signal to worker %P, already sent", w->pid); } } static gboolean wait_for_workers (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer unused) { struct rspamd_worker *w = value; struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main; gint res = 0; gboolean nowait = FALSE; rspamd_main = w->srv; if (w->ppid != getpid ()) { nowait = TRUE; } if (nowait || waitpid (w->pid, &res, WNOHANG) <= 0) { if (term_attempts < 0) { if (w->cf->worker->flags & RSPAMD_WORKER_KILLABLE) { msg_warn_main ("terminate worker %s(%P) with SIGKILL", g_quark_to_string (w->type), w->pid); if (kill (w->pid, SIGKILL) == -1) { if (nowait && errno == ESRCH) { /* We have actually killed the process */ goto finished; } } } else { if (term_attempts > -(TERMINATION_ATTEMPTS * 2)) { if (term_attempts % 10 == 0) { msg_info_main ("waiting for worker %s(%P) to sync, " "%d seconds remain", g_quark_to_string (w->type), w->pid, (TERMINATION_ATTEMPTS * 2 + term_attempts) / 5); kill (w->pid, SIGTERM); if (nowait && errno == ESRCH) { /* We have actually killed the process */ goto finished; } } } else { msg_err_main ("data corruption warning: terminating " "special worker %s(%P) with SIGKILL", g_quark_to_string (w->type), w->pid); kill (w->pid, SIGKILL); if (nowait && errno == ESRCH) { /* We have actually killed the process */ goto finished; } } } } else if (nowait) { kill (w->pid, 0); if (errno != ESRCH) { return FALSE; } else { goto finished; } } return FALSE; } finished: msg_info_main ("%s process %P terminated %s", g_quark_to_string (w->type), w->pid, nowait ? "with no result available" : (WTERMSIG (res) == SIGKILL ? "hardly" : "softly")); if (w->srv_pipe[0] != -1) { /* Ugly workaround */ if (w->tmp_data) { g_free (w->tmp_data); } event_del (&w->srv_ev); } if (w->finish_actions) { g_ptr_array_free (w->finish_actions, TRUE); } REF_RELEASE (w->cf); g_free (w); return TRUE; } struct core_check_cbdata { struct rspamd_config *cfg; gsize total_count; gsize total_size; }; #ifdef HAVE_NFTW static struct core_check_cbdata cores_cbdata; static gint rspamd_check_core_cb (const gchar *path, const struct stat *st, gint flag, struct FTW *ft) { if (S_ISREG (st->st_mode)) { cores_cbdata.total_count ++; /* Use physical size instead of displayed one */ cores_cbdata.total_size += st->st_blocks * 512; } return 0; } #endif static void rspamd_check_core_limits (struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main) { #ifdef HAVE_NFTW struct rspamd_config *cfg = rspamd_main->cfg; cores_cbdata.cfg = cfg; cores_cbdata.total_count = 0; cores_cbdata.total_size = 0; if (cfg->cores_dir && (cfg->max_cores_count || cfg->max_cores_size)) { if (nftw (cfg->cores_dir, rspamd_check_core_cb, 1, FTW_MOUNT|FTW_PHYS) == -1) { msg_err_main ("nftw failed for path %s: %s", cfg->cores_dir, strerror (errno)); } else { if (!rspamd_main->cores_throttling) { if (cfg->max_cores_size && cores_cbdata.total_size > cfg->max_cores_size) { msg_warn_main ( "enable cores throttling as size of cores in" " %s is %Hz, limit is %Hz", cfg->cores_dir, cores_cbdata.total_size, cfg->max_cores_size); rspamd_main->cores_throttling = TRUE; } if (cfg->max_cores_count && cores_cbdata.total_count > cfg->max_cores_count) { msg_warn_main ( "enable cores throttling as count of cores in" " %s is %z, limit is %z", cfg->cores_dir, cores_cbdata.total_count, cfg->max_cores_count); rspamd_main->cores_throttling = TRUE; } } else { if (cfg->max_cores_size && cores_cbdata.total_size < cfg->max_cores_size) { msg_info_main ( "disable cores throttling as size of cores in" " %s is now %Hz, limit is %Hz", cfg->cores_dir, cores_cbdata.total_size, cfg->max_cores_size); rspamd_main->cores_throttling = FALSE; } if (cfg->max_cores_count && cores_cbdata.total_count < cfg->max_cores_count) { msg_info_main ( "disable cores throttling as count of cores in" " %s is %z, limit is %z", cfg->cores_dir, cores_cbdata.total_count, cfg->max_cores_count); rspamd_main->cores_throttling = FALSE; } } } } #endif } static void reopen_log_handler (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer unused) { struct rspamd_worker *w = value; struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main; rspamd_main = w->srv; if (kill (w->pid, SIGUSR1) == -1) { msg_err_main ("kill failed for pid %P: %s", w->pid, strerror (errno)); } } static gboolean load_rspamd_config (struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main, struct rspamd_config *cfg, gboolean init_modules, enum rspamd_post_load_options opts, gboolean reload) { cfg->compiled_modules = modules; cfg->compiled_workers = workers; if (!rspamd_config_read (cfg, cfg->cfg_name, config_logger, rspamd_main, ucl_vars)) { return FALSE; } /* Strictly set temp dir */ if (!cfg->temp_dir) { msg_warn_main ("tempdir is not set, trying to use $TMPDIR"); cfg->temp_dir = rspamd_mempool_strdup (cfg->cfg_pool, getenv ("TMPDIR")); if (!cfg->temp_dir) { msg_warn_main ("$TMPDIR is empty too, using /tmp as default"); cfg->temp_dir = rspamd_mempool_strdup (cfg->cfg_pool, "/tmp"); } } /* * As some rules are defined in lua, we need to process them, then init * modules and merely afterwards to init modules */ rspamd_lua_post_load_config (cfg); if (init_modules) { rspamd_init_filters (cfg, reload); } /* Do post-load actions */ rspamd_config_post_load (cfg, opts); return TRUE; } static gint perform_lua_tests (struct rspamd_config *cfg) { rspamd_fprintf (stderr, "no longer supported\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } static gint perform_configs_sign (void) { rspamd_fprintf (stderr, "use rspamadm signtool for this operation\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } static void do_encrypt_password (void) { rspamd_fprintf (stderr, "use rspamadm pw for this operation\n"); } /* Signal handlers */ static void rspamd_term_handler (gint signo, short what, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main = arg; msg_info_main ("catch termination signal, waiting for children"); rspamd_log_nolock (rspamd_main->logger); rspamd_pass_signal (rspamd_main->workers, signo); event_base_loopexit (rspamd_main->ev_base, NULL); } static void rspamd_usr1_handler (gint signo, short what, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main = arg; rspamd_log_reopen_priv (rspamd_main->logger, rspamd_main->workers_uid, rspamd_main->workers_gid); g_hash_table_foreach (rspamd_main->workers, reopen_log_handler, NULL); } static void rspamd_hup_handler (gint signo, short what, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main = arg; msg_info_main ("rspamd " RVERSION " is restarting"); g_hash_table_foreach (rspamd_main->workers, kill_old_workers, NULL); rspamd_log_close_priv (rspamd_main->logger, FALSE, rspamd_main->workers_uid, rspamd_main->workers_gid); reread_config (rspamd_main); rspamd_check_core_limits (rspamd_main); spawn_workers (rspamd_main, rspamd_main->ev_base); } static void rspamd_cld_handler (gint signo, short what, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main = arg; guint i; gint res = 0; struct rspamd_worker *cur; pid_t wrk; gboolean need_refork = TRUE; /* Turn off locking for logger */ rspamd_log_nolock (rspamd_main->logger); msg_info_main ("catch SIGCHLD signal, finding terminated workers"); /* Remove dead child form children list */ while ((wrk = waitpid (0, &res, WNOHANG)) > 0) { if ((cur = g_hash_table_lookup (rspamd_main->workers, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (wrk))) != NULL) { /* Unlink dead process from queue and hash table */ g_hash_table_remove (rspamd_main->workers, GSIZE_TO_POINTER ( wrk)); if (cur->wanna_die) { /* Do not refork workers that are intended to be terminated */ need_refork = FALSE; } if (WIFEXITED (res) && WEXITSTATUS (res) == 0) { /* Normal worker termination, do not fork one more */ msg_info_main ("%s process %P terminated normally", g_quark_to_string (cur->type), cur->pid); } else { if (WIFSIGNALED (res)) { #ifdef WCOREDUMP if (WCOREDUMP (res)) { msg_warn_main ( "%s process %P terminated abnormally by signal: %s" " and created core file", g_quark_to_string (cur->type), cur->pid, g_strsignal (WTERMSIG (res))); } else { msg_warn_main ( "%s process %P terminated abnormally by signal: %s" " but NOT created core file", g_quark_to_string (cur->type), cur->pid, g_strsignal (WTERMSIG (res))); } #else msg_warn_main ( "%s process %P terminated abnormally by signal: %s", g_quark_to_string (cur->type), cur->pid, g_strsignal (WTERMSIG (res))); #endif if (WTERMSIG (res) == SIGUSR2) { /* * It is actually race condition when not started process * has been requested to be reloaded. * * We shouldn't refork on this */ need_refork = FALSE; } } else { msg_warn_main ("%s process %P terminated abnormally " "with exit code %d", g_quark_to_string (cur->type), cur->pid, WEXITSTATUS (res)); } if (need_refork) { /* Fork another worker in replace of dead one */ rspamd_check_core_limits (rspamd_main); rspamd_fork_delayed (cur->cf, cur->index, rspamd_main); } } if (cur->srv_pipe[0] != -1) { /* Ugly workaround */ if (cur->tmp_data) { g_free (cur->tmp_data); } event_del (&cur->srv_ev); } if (cur->control_pipe[0] != -1) { /* We also need to clean descriptors left */ close (cur->control_pipe[0]); close (cur->srv_pipe[0]); } REF_RELEASE (cur->cf); if (cur->finish_actions) { g_ptr_array_free (cur->finish_actions, TRUE); } g_free (cur); } else { for (i = 0; i < other_workers->len; i++) { if (g_array_index (other_workers, pid_t, i) == wrk) { g_array_remove_index_fast (other_workers, i); msg_info_main ("related process %P terminated", wrk); } } } } rspamd_log_lock (rspamd_main->logger); } static void rspamd_final_term_handler (gint signo, short what, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main = arg; term_attempts--; g_hash_table_foreach_remove (rspamd_main->workers, wait_for_workers, NULL); if (g_hash_table_size (rspamd_main->workers) == 0) { event_base_loopexit (rspamd_main->ev_base, NULL); } } /* Control socket handler */ static void rspamd_control_handler (gint fd, short what, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main = arg; rspamd_inet_addr_t *addr; gint nfd; if ((nfd = rspamd_accept_from_socket (fd, &addr, NULL)) == -1) { msg_warn_main ("accept failed: %s", strerror (errno)); return; } /* Check for EAGAIN */ if (nfd == 0) { return; } msg_info_main ("accepted control connection from %s", rspamd_inet_address_to_string (addr)); rspamd_control_process_client_socket (rspamd_main, nfd); } static guint rspamd_spair_hash (gconstpointer p) { return rspamd_cryptobox_fast_hash (p, PAIR_ID_LEN, rspamd_hash_seed ()); } static gboolean rspamd_spair_equal (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { return memcmp (a, b, PAIR_ID_LEN) == 0; } static void rspamd_spair_close (gpointer p) { gint *fds = p; close (fds[0]); close (fds[1]); g_free (p); } static void version (void) { #if defined(GIT_VERSION) && GIT_VERSION == 1 rspamd_printf ("Rspamd daemon version " RVERSION "-git." RID "\n"); #else rspamd_printf ("Rspamd daemon version " RVERSION "\n"); #endif } gint main (gint argc, gchar **argv, gchar **env) { gint i, res = 0; struct sigaction signals, sigpipe_act; worker_t **pworker; GQuark type; rspamd_inet_addr_t *control_addr = NULL; struct event_base *ev_base; struct event term_ev, int_ev, cld_ev, hup_ev, usr1_ev, control_ev; struct timeval term_tv; struct rspamd_main *rspamd_main; gboolean skip_pid = FALSE, valgrind_mode = FALSE; #if ((GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION == 2) && (GLIB_MINOR_VERSION <= 30)) g_thread_init (NULL); #endif rspamd_main = (struct rspamd_main *) g_malloc0 (sizeof (struct rspamd_main)); rspamd_main->server_pool = rspamd_mempool_new (rspamd_mempool_suggest_size (), "main"); rspamd_main->stat = rspamd_mempool_alloc0_shared (rspamd_main->server_pool, sizeof (struct rspamd_stat)); rspamd_main->cfg = rspamd_config_new (RSPAMD_CONFIG_INIT_DEFAULT); rspamd_main->spairs = g_hash_table_new_full (rspamd_spair_hash, rspamd_spair_equal, g_free, rspamd_spair_close); rspamd_main->start_mtx = rspamd_mempool_get_mutex (rspamd_main->server_pool); if (getenv ("VALGRIND") != NULL) { valgrind_mode = TRUE; } #ifndef HAVE_SETPROCTITLE init_title (rspamd_main, argc, argv, env); #endif rspamd_main->cfg->libs_ctx = rspamd_init_libs (); memset (&signals, 0, sizeof (struct sigaction)); other_workers = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (pid_t)); read_cmd_line (&argc, &argv, rspamd_main->cfg); if (show_version) { version (); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } if (argc > 0) { /* Parse variables */ for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (strchr (argv[i], '=') != NULL) { gchar *k, *v, *t; k = g_strdup (argv[i]); t = strchr (k, '='); v = g_strdup (t + 1); *t = '\0'; if (ucl_vars == NULL) { ucl_vars = g_hash_table_new_full (rspamd_strcase_hash, rspamd_strcase_equal, g_free, g_free); } g_hash_table_insert (ucl_vars, k, v); } } } if (config_test || is_debug) { rspamd_main->cfg->log_level = G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; } else { rspamd_main->cfg->log_level = G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING; } type = g_quark_from_static_string ("main"); /* First set logger to console logger */ rspamd_main->cfg->log_type = RSPAMD_LOG_CONSOLE; rspamd_set_logger (rspamd_main->cfg, type, &rspamd_main->logger, rspamd_main->server_pool); (void) rspamd_log_open (rspamd_main->logger); g_log_set_default_handler (rspamd_glib_log_function, rspamd_main->logger); g_set_printerr_handler (rspamd_glib_printerr_function); detect_priv (rspamd_main); pworker = &workers[0]; while (*pworker) { /* Init string quarks */ (void) g_quark_from_static_string ((*pworker)->name); pworker++; } /* Init listen sockets hash */ listen_sockets = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); /* If we want to test lua skip everything except it */ if (lua_tests != NULL && lua_tests[0] != NULL) { exit (perform_lua_tests (rspamd_main->cfg)); } /* If we want to sign configs, just do it */ if (sign_configs != NULL && privkey != NULL) { exit (perform_configs_sign ()); } /* Same for keypair creation */ if (gen_keypair) { rspamd_fprintf (stderr, "use rspamadm keypair for this operation\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (encrypt_password) { do_encrypt_password (); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } rspamd_log_close_priv (rspamd_main->logger, FALSE, rspamd_main->workers_uid, rspamd_main->workers_gid); if (config_test || dump_cache) { if (!load_rspamd_config (rspamd_main, rspamd_main->cfg, FALSE, 0, FALSE)) { exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } res = TRUE; if (!rspamd_symbols_cache_validate (rspamd_main->cfg->cache, rspamd_main->cfg, FALSE)) { res = FALSE; } if (dump_cache) { msg_err_main ("Use rspamc counters for dumping cache"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } fprintf (stderr, "syntax %s\n", res ? "OK" : "BAD"); return res ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; } sqlite3_initialize (); /* Load config */ if (!load_rspamd_config (rspamd_main, rspamd_main->cfg, TRUE, RSPAMD_CONFIG_LOAD_ALL, FALSE)) { exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Override pidfile from configuration by command line argument */ if (rspamd_pidfile != NULL) { rspamd_main->cfg->pid_file = rspamd_pidfile; } /* Force debug log */ if (is_debug) { rspamd_main->cfg->log_level = G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; } /* Create rolling history */ rspamd_main->history = rspamd_roll_history_new (rspamd_main->server_pool, rspamd_main->cfg->history_rows, rspamd_main->cfg); gperf_profiler_init (rspamd_main->cfg, "main"); msg_info_main ("rspamd " RVERSION " is starting, build id: " RID); rspamd_main->cfg->cfg_name = rspamd_mempool_strdup ( rspamd_main->cfg->cfg_pool, rspamd_main->cfg->cfg_name); msg_info_main ("cpu features: %s", rspamd_main->cfg->libs_ctx->crypto_ctx->cpu_extensions); msg_info_main ("cryptobox configuration: curve25519(%s), " "chacha20(%s), poly1305(%s), siphash(%s), blake2(%s), base64(%s)", rspamd_main->cfg->libs_ctx->crypto_ctx->curve25519_impl, rspamd_main->cfg->libs_ctx->crypto_ctx->chacha20_impl, rspamd_main->cfg->libs_ctx->crypto_ctx->poly1305_impl, rspamd_main->cfg->libs_ctx->crypto_ctx->siphash_impl, rspamd_main->cfg->libs_ctx->crypto_ctx->blake2_impl, rspamd_main->cfg->libs_ctx->crypto_ctx->base64_impl); msg_info_main ("libottery prf: %s", ottery_get_impl_name ()); /* Daemonize */ if (!no_fork && daemon (0, 0) == -1) { rspamd_fprintf (stderr, "Cannot daemonize\n"); exit (-errno); } /* Write info */ rspamd_main->pid = getpid (); rspamd_main->type = type; if (!valgrind_mode) { rspamd_set_crash_handler (rspamd_main); } /* Ignore SIGPIPE as we handle write errors manually */ sigemptyset (&sigpipe_act.sa_mask); sigaddset (&sigpipe_act.sa_mask, SIGPIPE); sigpipe_act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigpipe_act.sa_flags = 0; sigaction (SIGPIPE, &sigpipe_act, NULL); if (rspamd_main->cfg->pid_file == NULL) { msg_info_main ("pid file is not specified, skipping writing it"); skip_pid = TRUE; } else if (no_fork) { msg_info_main ("skip writing pid in no-fork mode"); skip_pid = TRUE; } else if (rspamd_write_pid (rspamd_main) == -1) { msg_err_main ("cannot write pid file %s", rspamd_main->cfg->pid_file); exit (-errno); } /* Block signals to use sigsuspend in future */ sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, &signals.sa_mask, NULL); /* Set title */ setproctitle ("main process"); /* Flush log */ rspamd_log_flush (rspamd_main->logger); /* Open control socket if needed */ control_fd = -1; if (rspamd_main->cfg->control_socket_path) { if (!rspamd_parse_inet_address (&control_addr, rspamd_main->cfg->control_socket_path, 0)) { msg_err_main ("cannot parse inet address %s", rspamd_main->cfg->control_socket_path); } else { control_fd = rspamd_inet_address_listen (control_addr, SOCK_STREAM, TRUE); if (control_fd == -1) { msg_err_main ("cannot open control socket at path: %s", rspamd_main->cfg->control_socket_path); } } } /* Maybe read roll history */ if (rspamd_main->cfg->history_file) { rspamd_roll_history_load (rspamd_main->history, rspamd_main->cfg->history_file); } #if defined(WITH_GPERF_TOOLS) ProfilerStop (); #endif /* Spawn workers */ rspamd_main->workers = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); /* Init event base */ ev_base = event_init (); rspamd_main->ev_base = ev_base; /* Unblock signals */ sigemptyset (&signals.sa_mask); sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, &signals.sa_mask, NULL); /* Set events for signals */ evsignal_set (&term_ev, SIGTERM, rspamd_term_handler, rspamd_main); event_base_set (ev_base, &term_ev); event_add (&term_ev, NULL); evsignal_set (&int_ev, SIGINT, rspamd_term_handler, rspamd_main); event_base_set (ev_base, &int_ev); event_add (&int_ev, NULL); evsignal_set (&hup_ev, SIGHUP, rspamd_hup_handler, rspamd_main); event_base_set (ev_base, &hup_ev); event_add (&hup_ev, NULL); evsignal_set (&cld_ev, SIGCHLD, rspamd_cld_handler, rspamd_main); event_base_set (ev_base, &cld_ev); event_add (&cld_ev, NULL); evsignal_set (&usr1_ev, SIGUSR1, rspamd_usr1_handler, rspamd_main); event_base_set (ev_base, &usr1_ev); event_add (&usr1_ev, NULL); rspamd_check_core_limits (rspamd_main); rspamd_mempool_lock_mutex (rspamd_main->start_mtx); spawn_workers (rspamd_main, ev_base); rspamd_mempool_unlock_mutex (rspamd_main->start_mtx); if (control_fd != -1) { msg_info_main ("listening for control commands on %s", rspamd_inet_address_to_string (control_addr)); event_set (&control_ev, control_fd, EV_READ|EV_PERSIST, rspamd_control_handler, rspamd_main); event_base_set (ev_base, &control_ev); event_add (&control_ev, NULL); } event_base_loop (ev_base, 0); /* We need to block signals unless children are waited for */ rspamd_worker_block_signals (); event_del (&term_ev); event_del (&int_ev); event_del (&hup_ev); event_del (&cld_ev); event_del (&usr1_ev); if (control_fd != -1) { event_del (&control_ev); close (control_fd); } if (valgrind_mode) { /* Special case if we are likely running with valgrind */ term_attempts = TERMINATION_ATTEMPTS * 10; } else { term_attempts = TERMINATION_ATTEMPTS; } /* Check each 200 ms */ term_tv.tv_sec = 0; term_tv.tv_usec = 200000; /* Wait for workers termination */ g_hash_table_foreach_remove (rspamd_main->workers, wait_for_workers, NULL); event_set (&term_ev, -1, EV_TIMEOUT|EV_PERSIST, rspamd_final_term_handler, rspamd_main); event_base_set (ev_base, &term_ev); event_add (&term_ev, &term_tv); event_base_loop (ev_base, 0); event_del (&term_ev); /* Maybe save roll history */ if (rspamd_main->cfg->history_file) { rspamd_roll_history_save (rspamd_main->history, rspamd_main->cfg->history_file); } msg_info_main ("terminating..."); REF_RELEASE (rspamd_main->cfg); rspamd_log_close (rspamd_main->logger, TRUE); g_hash_table_unref (rspamd_main->spairs); g_hash_table_unref (rspamd_main->workers); rspamd_mempool_delete (rspamd_main->server_pool); if (!skip_pid) { rspamd_pidfile_close (rspamd_main->pfh); } g_free (rspamd_main); event_base_free (ev_base); sqlite3_shutdown (); if (control_addr) { rspamd_inet_address_free (control_addr); } return (res); }