/* Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Vsevolod Stakhov * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "util.h" #include "main.h" #include "message.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "upstream.h" #include "cfg_file.h" #include "cfg_xml.h" #include "map.h" #include "dns.h" #include "tokenizers/tokenizers.h" #include "classifiers/classifiers.h" #include "dynamic_cfg.h" #include "rrd.h" #include "json/jansson.h" #if (_EVENT_NUMERIC_VERSION > 0x02010000) && defined(HAVE_OPENSSL) #define HAVE_WEBUI_SSL #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #else #ifdef LIBEVENT_EVHTTP # include #else # warning "Your libevent version is too old for webui work and therefore it will be disabled" #endif #endif /* Another workaround for old libevent */ #ifndef HTTP_INTERNAL #define HTTP_INTERNAL 500 #endif #ifdef WITH_GPERF_TOOLS # include #endif /* 60 seconds for worker's IO */ #define DEFAULT_WORKER_IO_TIMEOUT 60000 /* HTTP paths */ #define PATH_AUTH "/login" #define PATH_SYMBOLS "/symbols" #define PATH_ACTIONS "/actions" #define PATH_MAPS "/maps" #define PATH_GET_MAP "/getmap" #define PATH_GRAPH "/graph" #define PATH_PIE_CHART "/pie" #define PATH_HISTORY "/history" #define PATH_LEARN_SPAM "/learnspam" #define PATH_LEARN_HAM "/learnham" #define PATH_SAVE_ACTIONS "/saveactions" #define PATH_SAVE_SYMBOLS "/savesymbols" #define PATH_SAVE_MAP "/savemap" #define PATH_SCAN "/scan" /* Graph colors */ #define COLOR_CLEAN "#58A458" #define COLOR_PROBABLE_SPAM "#D67E7E" #define COLOR_GREYLIST "#A0A0A0" #define COLOR_REJECT "#CB4B4B" #define COLOR_TOTAL "#9440ED" gpointer init_webui_worker (struct config_file *cfg); void start_webui_worker (struct rspamd_worker *worker); worker_t webui_worker = { "webui", /* Name */ init_webui_worker, /* Init function */ start_webui_worker, /* Start function */ TRUE, /* Has socket */ TRUE, /* Non unique */ FALSE, /* Non threaded */ TRUE, /* Killable */ SOCK_STREAM /* TCP socket */ }; #if defined(LIBEVENT_EVHTTP) || (defined(_EVENT_NUMERIC_VERSION) && (_EVENT_NUMERIC_VERSION > 0x02010000)) /* * Worker's context */ struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx { /* DNS resolver */ struct rspamd_dns_resolver *resolver; /* Events base */ struct event_base *ev_base; /* Whether we use ssl for this server */ gboolean use_ssl; /* Webui password */ gchar *password; /* HTTP server */ struct evhttp *http; /* Server's start time */ time_t start_time; /* Main server */ struct rspamd_main *srv; /* Configuration */ struct config_file *cfg; /* SSL cert */ gchar *ssl_cert; /* SSL private key */ gchar *ssl_key; /* Worker */ struct rspamd_worker *worker; }; static sig_atomic_t wanna_die = 0; /* Signal handlers */ #ifndef HAVE_SA_SIGINFO static void sig_handler (gint signo) #else static void sig_handler (gint signo, siginfo_t * info, void *unused) #endif { struct timeval tv; switch (signo) { case SIGINT: case SIGTERM: if (!wanna_die) { wanna_die = 1; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 0; event_loopexit (&tv); #ifdef WITH_GPERF_TOOLS ProfilerStop (); #endif } break; } } /* * Config reload is designed by sending sigusr2 to active workers and pending shutdown of them */ static void sigusr2_handler (gint fd, short what, void *arg) { struct rspamd_worker *worker = (struct rspamd_worker *) arg; /* Do not accept new connections, preparing to end worker's process */ struct timeval tv; if (!wanna_die) { tv.tv_sec = SOFT_SHUTDOWN_TIME; tv.tv_usec = 0; event_del (&worker->sig_ev_usr1); event_del (&worker->sig_ev_usr2); msg_info ("worker's shutdown is pending in %d sec", SOFT_SHUTDOWN_TIME); event_loopexit (&tv); } return; } /* * Reopen log is designed by sending sigusr1 to active workers and pending shutdown of them */ static void sigusr1_handler (gint fd, short what, void *arg) { struct rspamd_worker *worker = (struct rspamd_worker *) arg; reopen_log (worker->srv->logger); return; } #ifdef HAVE_WEBUI_SSL static struct bufferevent* webui_ssl_bufferevent_gen (struct event_base *base, void *arg) { SSL_CTX *server_ctx = arg; SSL *client_ctx; struct bufferevent *base_bev, *ssl_bev; client_ctx = SSL_new (server_ctx); base_bev = bufferevent_socket_new (base, -1, 0); if (base_bev == NULL) { msg_err ("cannot create base bufferevent for ssl connection"); return NULL; } ssl_bev = bufferevent_openssl_filter_new (base, base_bev, client_ctx, BUFFEREVENT_SSL_ACCEPTING, 0); if (ssl_bev == NULL) { msg_err ("cannot create ssl bufferevent for ssl connection"); } return ssl_bev; } static void webui_ssl_init (struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx) { SSL_CTX *server_ctx; /* Initialize the OpenSSL library */ SSL_load_error_strings (); SSL_library_init (); /* We MUST have entropy, or else there's no point to crypto. */ if (!RAND_poll ()) { return NULL; } server_ctx = SSL_CTX_new (SSLv23_server_method ()); if (! SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file (server_ctx, ctx->ssl_cert) || ! SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(server_ctx, ctx->ssl_key, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)) { msg_err ("cannot load ssl key %s or ssl cert: %s", ctx->ssl_key, ctx->ssl_cert); return; } SSL_CTX_set_options (server_ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2); if (server_ctx) { /* Set generator for ssl events */ evhttp_set_bevcb (ctx->http, webui_ssl_bufferevent_gen, server_ctx); } } #endif /* Calculate and set content-length header */ static void http_calculate_content_length (struct evbuffer *evb, struct evhttp_request *req) { gchar numbuf[64]; #if _EVENT_NUMERIC_VERSION > 0x02000000 rspamd_snprintf (numbuf, sizeof (numbuf), "%z", evbuffer_get_length (evb)); #else rspamd_snprintf (numbuf, sizeof (numbuf), "%z", EVBUFFER_LENGTH (evb)); #endif evhttp_add_header(req->output_headers, "Content-Length", numbuf); } /* Check for password if it is required by configuration */ static gboolean http_check_password (struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx, struct evhttp_request *req) { const gchar *password; struct evbuffer *evb; if (ctx->password) { password = evhttp_find_header (req->input_headers, "Password"); if (password == NULL || strcmp (password, ctx->password) != 0) { msg_info ("incorrect or absent password was specified"); evb = evbuffer_new (); if (!evb) { msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply"); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 insufficient memory", NULL); return FALSE; } evbuffer_add (evb, "{\"error\":\"unauthorized\"}" CRLF, sizeof ("{\"error\":\"unauthorized\"}" CRLF)); evhttp_send_reply (req, 403, "403 access denied", evb); evbuffer_free (evb); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } struct scan_callback_data { struct worker_task *task; struct evhttp_request *req; struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx; gboolean processed; struct evbuffer *out; gboolean first_symbol; }; /* * Write metric result in json format */ static void http_scan_metric_symbols_callback (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer ud) { struct scan_callback_data *cbdata = ud; struct symbol *s = value; GList *cur; /* Show data for a single symbol */ if (cbdata->first_symbol) { cbdata->first_symbol = FALSE; evbuffer_add_printf (cbdata->out, "{\"name\":\"%s\",\"weight\":%.2f", s->name, s->score); } else { evbuffer_add_printf (cbdata->out, ",{\"name\":\"%s\",\"weight\":%.2f", s->name, s->score); } if (s->options) { evbuffer_add_printf (cbdata->out, ",\"options\":["); cur = s->options; while (cur) { evbuffer_add_printf (cbdata->out, "\"%s\"%c", (gchar *)cur->data, g_list_next (cur) ? ',' : ']'); cur = g_list_next (cur); } } evbuffer_add (cbdata->out, "}", 1); } /* * Called before destroying of task's session */ static void http_scan_task_free (gpointer arg) { struct scan_callback_data *cbdata = arg; struct evbuffer *evb; struct metric_result *mres; if (cbdata->processed) { evb = evbuffer_new (); if (!evb) { msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply"); evhttp_send_reply (cbdata->req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 insufficient memory", NULL); free_task_hard (cbdata->task); return; } cbdata->out = evb; cbdata->first_symbol = TRUE; mres = g_hash_table_lookup (cbdata->task->results, DEFAULT_METRIC); if (mres) { evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"is_spam\": %s," "\"is_skipped\":%s," "\"score\":%.2f," "\"required_score\":%.2f," "\"action\":\"%s\"," "\"symbols\":[", mres->score >= mres->metric->actions[METRIC_ACTION_REJECT].score ? "true" : "false", cbdata->task->is_skipped ? "true" : "false", mres->score, mres->metric->actions[METRIC_ACTION_REJECT].score, str_action_metric ( check_metric_action (mres->score, mres->metric->actions[METRIC_ACTION_REJECT].score, mres->metric))); /* Iterate all symbols */ g_hash_table_foreach (mres->symbols, http_scan_metric_symbols_callback, cbdata); evbuffer_add (evb, "]}" CRLF, 4); } else { evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"success\":false}" CRLF); } evhttp_add_header (cbdata->req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); http_calculate_content_length (evb, cbdata->req); evhttp_send_reply (cbdata->req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evb); evbuffer_free (evb); free_task_hard (cbdata->task); } /* If task is not processed, just do nothing */ return; } /* * Handler of session destroying */ static void http_scan_task_event_helper (int fd, short what, gpointer arg) { struct scan_callback_data *cbdata = arg; destroy_session (cbdata->task->s); } /* * Called if all filters are processed, non-threaded and simple version */ static gboolean http_scan_task_fin (gpointer arg) { struct scan_callback_data *cbdata = arg; static struct timeval tv = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_usec = 0 }; if (cbdata->task->state != WRITING_REPLY) { process_statfiles (cbdata->task); cbdata->task->state = WRITE_REPLY; } /* Check if we have all events finished */ if (cbdata->task->state != WRITING_REPLY) { if (cbdata->task->fin_callback) { cbdata->task->fin_callback (cbdata->task->fin_arg); } else { /* * XXX: we cannot call this one directly as session mutex is locked, so we need to plan some event * unfortunately * destroy_session (cbdata->task->s); */ event_base_once (cbdata->ctx->ev_base, -1, EV_TIMEOUT, http_scan_task_event_helper, cbdata, &tv); } } return TRUE; } /* * Called if session was restored inside fin callback */ static void http_scan_task_restore (gpointer arg) { struct scan_callback_data *cbdata = arg; /* Special state */ cbdata->task->state = WRITING_REPLY; } /* Prepare callback data for scan */ static struct scan_callback_data* http_prepare_scan (struct evhttp_request *req, struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx, struct evbuffer *in, GError **err) { struct worker_task *task; struct scan_callback_data *cbdata; /* Check for data */ if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH (in) == 0) { g_set_error (err, g_quark_from_static_string ("webui"), 500, "no message for learning"); return NULL; } /* Prepare task */ task = construct_task (ctx->worker); if (task == NULL) { g_set_error (err, g_quark_from_static_string ("webui"), 500, "task cannot be created"); return NULL; } task->msg = memory_pool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (f_str_t)); task->msg->begin = EVBUFFER_DATA (in); task->msg->len = EVBUFFER_LENGTH (in); task->resolver = ctx->resolver; task->ev_base = ctx->ev_base; cbdata = memory_pool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (struct scan_callback_data)); cbdata->task = task; cbdata->req = req; cbdata->ctx = ctx; cbdata->processed = FALSE; if (process_message (task) == -1) { msg_warn ("processing of message failed"); g_set_error (err, g_quark_from_static_string ("webui"), 500, "message cannot be processed"); free_task_hard (task); return NULL; } /* Set up async session */ task->s = new_async_session (task->task_pool, http_scan_task_fin, http_scan_task_restore, http_scan_task_free, cbdata); if (process_filters (task) == -1) { msg_warn ("filtering of message failed"); g_set_error (err, g_quark_from_static_string ("webui"), 500, "message cannot be filtered"); free_task_hard (task); return NULL; } cbdata->processed = TRUE; return cbdata; } struct learn_callback_data { struct worker_task *task; struct evhttp_request *req; struct classifier_config *classifier; struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx; gboolean is_spam; gboolean processed; }; /* * Called before destroying of task's session, here we can perform learning */ static void http_learn_task_free (gpointer arg) { struct learn_callback_data *cbdata = arg; GError *err = NULL; struct evbuffer *evb; if (cbdata->processed) { evb = evbuffer_new (); if (!evb) { msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply"); evhttp_send_reply (cbdata->req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 insufficient memory", NULL); free_task_hard (cbdata->task); return; } if (!learn_task_spam (cbdata->classifier, cbdata->task, cbdata->is_spam, &err)) { evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"error\":\"%s\"}" CRLF, err->message); evhttp_add_header (cbdata->req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); http_calculate_content_length (evb, cbdata->req); evhttp_send_reply (cbdata->req, HTTP_INTERNAL + err->code, err->message, evb); evbuffer_free (evb); g_error_free (err); free_task_hard (cbdata->task); return; } /* Successful learn */ evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"success\":true}" CRLF); evhttp_add_header (cbdata->req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); http_calculate_content_length (evb, cbdata->req); evhttp_send_reply (cbdata->req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evb); evbuffer_free (evb); free_task_hard (cbdata->task); } /* If task is not processed, just do nothing */ return; } /* * Handler of session destroying */ static void http_learn_task_event_helper (int fd, short what, gpointer arg) { struct learn_callback_data *cbdata = arg; destroy_session (cbdata->task->s); } /* * Called if all filters are processed, non-threaded and simple version */ static gboolean http_learn_task_fin (gpointer arg) { struct learn_callback_data *cbdata = arg; static struct timeval tv = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_usec = 0 }; if (cbdata->task->state != WRITING_REPLY) { cbdata->task->state = WRITE_REPLY; } /* Check if we have all events finished */ if (cbdata->task->state != WRITING_REPLY) { if (cbdata->task->fin_callback) { cbdata->task->fin_callback (cbdata->task->fin_arg); } else { /* * XXX: we cannot call this one directly as session mutex is locked, so we need to plan some event * unfortunately * destroy_session (cbdata->task->s); */ event_base_once (cbdata->ctx->ev_base, -1, EV_TIMEOUT, http_learn_task_event_helper, cbdata, &tv); } } return TRUE; } /* * Called if session was restored inside fin callback */ static void http_learn_task_restore (gpointer arg) { struct learn_callback_data *cbdata = arg; /* Special state */ cbdata->task->state = WRITING_REPLY; } /* Prepare callback data for learn */ static struct learn_callback_data* http_prepare_learn (struct evhttp_request *req, struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx, struct evbuffer *in, gboolean is_spam, GError **err) { struct worker_task *task; struct learn_callback_data *cbdata; struct classifier_config *cl; /* Check for data */ if (EVBUFFER_LENGTH (in) == 0) { g_set_error (err, g_quark_from_static_string ("webui"), 500, "no message for learning"); return NULL; } /* Check for classifier */ cl = find_classifier_conf (ctx->cfg, "bayes"); if (cl == NULL) { g_set_error (err, g_quark_from_static_string ("webui"), 500, "classifier not found"); return NULL; } /* Prepare task */ task = construct_task (ctx->worker); if (task == NULL) { g_set_error (err, g_quark_from_static_string ("webui"), 500, "task cannot be created"); return NULL; } task->msg = memory_pool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (f_str_t)); task->msg->begin = EVBUFFER_DATA (in); task->msg->len = EVBUFFER_LENGTH (in); task->resolver = ctx->resolver; task->ev_base = ctx->ev_base; cbdata = memory_pool_alloc (task->task_pool, sizeof (struct learn_callback_data)); cbdata->task = task; cbdata->req = req; cbdata->classifier = cl; cbdata->ctx = ctx; cbdata->is_spam = is_spam; cbdata->processed = FALSE; if (process_message (task) == -1) { msg_warn ("processing of message failed"); g_set_error (err, g_quark_from_static_string ("webui"), 500, "message cannot be processed"); free_task_hard (task); return NULL; } /* Set up async session */ task->s = new_async_session (task->task_pool, http_learn_task_fin, http_learn_task_restore, http_learn_task_free, cbdata); if (process_filters (task) == -1) { msg_warn ("filtering of message failed"); g_set_error (err, g_quark_from_static_string ("webui"), 500, "message cannot be filtered"); free_task_hard (task); return NULL; } cbdata->processed = TRUE; return cbdata; } /* * Set metric action */ static gboolean http_set_metric_action (struct config_file *cfg, json_t *jv, struct metric *metric, enum rspamd_metric_action act) { gdouble actval; if (!json_is_number (jv)) { msg_err ("json element data error"); return FALSE; } actval = json_number_value (jv); if (metric->actions[act].score != actval) { return add_dynamic_action (cfg, DEFAULT_METRIC, act, actval); } return TRUE; } /* Command handlers */ /* * Auth command handler: * request: /auth * headers: Password * reply: json {"auth": "ok", "version": "0.5.2", "uptime": "some uptime", "error": "none"} */ static void http_handle_auth (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx = arg; struct rspamd_stat *st; struct evbuffer *evb; gchar *auth = "ok", *error = "none"; time_t uptime; gulong data[4]; if (!http_check_password (ctx, req)) { return; } evb = evbuffer_new (); if (!evb) { msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply"); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 insufficient memory", NULL); return; } st = ctx->srv->stat; data[0] = st->actions_stat[METRIC_ACTION_NOACTION]; data[1] = st->actions_stat[METRIC_ACTION_ADD_HEADER] + st->actions_stat[METRIC_ACTION_REWRITE_SUBJECT]; data[2] = st->actions_stat[METRIC_ACTION_GREYLIST]; data[3] = st->actions_stat[METRIC_ACTION_REJECT]; /* Get uptime */ uptime = time (NULL) - ctx->start_time; evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"auth\": \"%s\",\"version\":\"%s\",\"uptime\": %lu,\"error\":\"%s\", " "\"clean\":%lu,\"probable\":%lu,\"greylist\":%lu,\"reject\":%lu," "\"scanned\":%u,\"learned\":%u}" CRLF, auth, RVERSION, (long unsigned)uptime, error, data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], st->messages_scanned, st->messages_learned); evhttp_add_header (req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); http_calculate_content_length (evb, req); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evb); evbuffer_free (evb); } /* * Symbols command handler: * request: /symbols * reply: json [{ * "name": "group_name", * "symbols": [ * { * "name": "name", * "weight": 0.1, * "description": "description of symbol" * }, * {...} * }, * {...}] */ static void http_handle_symbols (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx = arg; struct evbuffer *evb; GList *cur_gr, *cur_sym; struct symbols_group *gr; struct symbol_def *sym; if (!http_check_password (ctx, req)) { return; } evb = evbuffer_new (); if (!evb) { msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply"); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500", NULL); return; } /* Trailer */ evbuffer_add (evb, "[", 1); /* Go throught all symbols groups */ cur_gr = ctx->cfg->symbols_groups; while (cur_gr) { gr = cur_gr->data; evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"group\":\"%s\",\"rules\":[", gr->name); /* Iterate throught all symbols */ cur_sym = gr->symbols; while (cur_sym) { sym = cur_sym->data; if (sym->description) { evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"symbol\":\"%s\",\"weight\":%.2f,\"description\":\"%s\"%s", sym->name, *sym->weight_ptr, sym->description, g_list_next (cur_sym) ? "}," : "}"); } else { evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"symbol\":\"%s\",\"weight\":%.2f%s", sym->name, *sym->weight_ptr, g_list_next (cur_sym) ? "}," : "}"); } cur_sym = g_list_next (cur_sym); } if (g_list_next (cur_gr)) { evbuffer_add (evb, "]},", 3); } else { evbuffer_add (evb, "]},", 2); } cur_gr = g_list_next (cur_gr); } evbuffer_add (evb, "]" CRLF, 3); evhttp_add_header (req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); http_calculate_content_length (evb, req); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evb); evbuffer_free (evb); } /* * Actions command handler: * request: /actions * reply: json [{ * "action": "no action", * "value": 1.1 * }, * {...}] */ static void http_handle_actions (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx = arg; struct evbuffer *evb; struct metric *metric; struct metric_action *act; gboolean start = TRUE; gint i; if (!http_check_password (ctx, req)) { return; } evb = evbuffer_new (); if (!evb) { msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply"); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500", NULL); return; } /* Trailer */ evbuffer_add (evb, "[", 1); /* Get actions for default metric */ metric = g_hash_table_lookup (ctx->cfg->metrics, DEFAULT_METRIC); if (metric != NULL) { for (i = METRIC_ACTION_REJECT; i < METRIC_ACTION_MAX; i ++) { act = &metric->actions[i]; if (act->score > 0) { evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "%s{\"action\":\"%s\",\"value\":%.2f}", (start ? "" : ","), str_action_metric (act->action), act->score); if (start) { start = FALSE; } } } } evbuffer_add (evb, "]" CRLF, 3); evhttp_add_header (req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); http_calculate_content_length (evb, req); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evb); evbuffer_free (evb); } /* * Maps command handler: * request: /maps * headers: Password * reply: json [ * { * "map": "name", * "description": "description", * "editable": true * }, * {...} * ] */ static void http_handle_maps (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx = arg; struct evbuffer *evb; GList *cur, *tmp = NULL; struct rspamd_map *map; gboolean editable; if (!http_check_password (ctx, req)) { return; } evb = evbuffer_new (); if (!evb) { msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply"); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 insufficient memory", NULL); return; } /* Trailer */ evbuffer_add (evb, "[", 1); /* Iterate over all maps */ cur = ctx->cfg->maps; while (cur) { map = cur->data; if (map->protocol == MAP_PROTO_FILE && map->description != NULL) { if (access (map->uri, R_OK) == 0) { tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, map); } } cur = g_list_next (cur); } /* Iterate over selected maps */ cur = tmp; while (cur) { map = cur->data; editable = access (map->uri, W_OK) == 0; evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"map\":%u,\"description\":\"%s\",\"editable\":%s%s", map->id, map->description, editable ? "true" : "false", cur->next ? "}," : "}"); cur = g_list_next (cur); } if (tmp) { g_list_free (tmp); } evbuffer_add (evb, "]" CRLF, 3); evhttp_add_header (req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); http_calculate_content_length (evb, req); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evb); evbuffer_free (evb); } /* * Get map command handler: * request: /getmap * headers: Password, Map * reply: plain-text */ static void http_handle_get_map (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx = arg; struct evbuffer *evb; GList *cur; struct rspamd_map *map; const gchar *idstr; gchar *errstr; struct stat st; gint fd; guint32 id; gboolean found = FALSE; if (!http_check_password (ctx, req)) { return; } evb = evbuffer_new (); if (!evb) { msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply"); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 insufficient memory", NULL); return; } idstr = evhttp_find_header (req->input_headers, "Map"); if (idstr == NULL) { msg_info ("absent map id"); evbuffer_free (evb); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 map open error", NULL); return; } id = strtoul (idstr, &errstr, 10); if (*errstr != '\0') { msg_info ("invalid map id"); evbuffer_free (evb); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 map open error", NULL); return; } /* Now let's be sure that we have map defined in configuration */ cur = ctx->cfg->maps; while (cur) { map = cur->data; if (map->id == id && map->protocol == MAP_PROTO_FILE) { found = TRUE; break; } cur = g_list_next (cur); } if (!found) { msg_info ("map not found"); evbuffer_free (evb); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "404 map not found", NULL); return; } if (stat (map->uri, &st) == -1 || (fd = open (map->uri, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { msg_err ("cannot open map %s: %s", map->uri, strerror (errno)); evbuffer_free (evb); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 map open error", NULL); return; } /* Set buffer size */ if (evbuffer_expand (evb, st.st_size) != 0) { msg_err ("cannot allocate buffer for map %s: %s", map->uri, strerror (errno)); evbuffer_free (evb); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 insufficient memory", NULL); close (fd); return; } /* Read the whole buffer */ if (evbuffer_read (evb, fd, st.st_size) == -1) { msg_err ("cannot read map %s: %s", map->uri, strerror (errno)); evbuffer_free (evb); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 map read error", NULL); close (fd); return; } evhttp_add_header (req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); http_calculate_content_length (evb, req); close (fd); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evb); evbuffer_free (evb); } /* * Graph command handler: * request: /graph * headers: Password * reply: json [ * { label: "Foo", data: [ [10, 1], [17, -14], [30, 5] ] }, * { label: "Bar", data: [ [10, 1], [17, -14], [30, 5] ] }, * {...} * ] */ /* XXX: now this function returns only random data */ static void http_handle_graph (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx = arg; struct evbuffer *evb; gint i, seed; time_t now, t; double vals[5][100]; if (!http_check_password (ctx, req)) { return; } evb = evbuffer_new (); if (!evb) { msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply"); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 insufficient memory", NULL); return; } /* Trailer */ evbuffer_add (evb, "[", 1); /* XXX: simple and stupid set */ seed = g_random_int (); for (i = 0; i < 100; i ++, seed ++) { vals[0][i] = fabs ((sin (seed * 0.1 * M_PI_2) + 1) * 40. + ((gint)(g_random_int () % 2) - 1)); vals[1][i] = vals[0][i] * 0.5; vals[2][i] = vals[0][i] * 0.1; vals[3][i] = vals[0][i] * 0.3; vals[4][i] = vals[0][i] * 1.9; } now = time (NULL); /* Ham label */ t = now - 6000; evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"label\": \"Clean messages\", \"lines\": {\"fill\": false}, \"color\": \"" COLOR_CLEAN "\", \"data\":["); for (i = 0; i < 100; i ++, t += 60) { evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "[%llu,%.2f%s", (long long unsigned)t * 1000, vals[0][i], i == 99 ? "]" : "],"); } evbuffer_add (evb, "]},", 3); /* Probable spam label */ t = now - 6000; evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"label\": \"Probable spam messages\", \"lines\": {\"fill\": false}, \"color\": \"" COLOR_PROBABLE_SPAM "\", \"data\":["); for (i = 0; i < 100; i ++, t += 60) { evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "[%llu,%.2f%s", (long long unsigned)t * 1000, vals[1][i], i == 99 ? "]" : "],"); } evbuffer_add (evb, "]},", 3); /* Greylist label */ t = now - 6000; evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"label\": \"Greylisted messages\", \"lines\": {\"fill\": false}, \"color\": \"" COLOR_GREYLIST "\", \"data\":["); for (i = 0; i < 100; i ++, t += 60) { evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "[%llu,%.2f%s", (long long unsigned)t * 1000, vals[2][i], i == 99 ? "]" : "],"); } evbuffer_add (evb, "]},", 3); /* Reject label */ t = now - 6000; evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"label\": \"Rejected messages\", \"lines\": {\"fill\": false}, \"color\": \"" COLOR_REJECT "\", \"data\":["); for (i = 0; i < 100; i ++, t += 60) { evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "[%llu,%.2f%s", (long long unsigned)t * 1000, vals[3][i], i == 99 ? "]" : "],"); } evbuffer_add (evb, "]},", 3); /* Total label */ t = now - 6000; evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"label\": \"Total messages\", \"lines\": {\"fill\": false}, \"color\": \"" COLOR_TOTAL "\", \"data\":["); for (i = 0; i < 100; i ++, t += 60) { evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "[%llu,%.2f%s", (long long unsigned)t * 1000, vals[4][i], i == 99 ? "]" : "],"); } evbuffer_add (evb, "]}", 2); evbuffer_add (evb, "]" CRLF, 3); evhttp_add_header (req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); http_calculate_content_length (evb, req); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evb); evbuffer_free (evb); } /* * Pie chart command handler: * request: /pie * headers: Password * reply: json [ * { label: "Foo", data: 11 }, * { label: "Bar", data: 20 }, * {...} * ] */ static void http_handle_pie_chart (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx = arg; struct evbuffer *evb; gdouble data[4], total; if (!http_check_password (ctx, req)) { return; } evb = evbuffer_new (); if (!evb) { msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply"); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 insufficient memory", NULL); return; } total = ctx->srv->stat->messages_scanned; if (total != 0) { data[0] = ctx->srv->stat->actions_stat[METRIC_ACTION_NOACTION] / total * 100.; data[1] = (ctx->srv->stat->actions_stat[METRIC_ACTION_ADD_HEADER] + ctx->srv->stat->actions_stat[METRIC_ACTION_REWRITE_SUBJECT]) / total * 100.; data[2] = ctx->srv->stat->actions_stat[METRIC_ACTION_GREYLIST] / total * 100.; data[3] = ctx->srv->stat->actions_stat[METRIC_ACTION_REJECT] / total * 100.; evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "[[\"Clean messages\",%.2f],", data[0]); evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "[\"Probable spam messages\",%.2f],", data[1]); evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "[\"Greylisted messages\",%.2f],", data[2]); evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "[\"Rejected messages\",%.2f]]" CRLF, data[3]); } else { evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "[[\"Not scanned messages\", 0]]" CRLF); } evhttp_add_header (req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); http_calculate_content_length (evb, req); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evb); evbuffer_free (evb); } /* * History command handler: * request: /history * headers: Password * reply: json [ * { label: "Foo", data: 11 }, * { label: "Bar", data: 20 }, * {...} * ] */ static void http_handle_history (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx = arg; struct evbuffer *evb; struct roll_history_row *row; struct roll_history copied_history; gint i, rows_proc, row_num; struct tm *tm; gchar timebuf[32]; gchar ip_buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; if (!http_check_password (ctx, req)) { return; } evb = evbuffer_new (); if (!evb) { msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply"); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 insufficient memory", NULL); return; } /* Set lock on history */ memory_pool_lock_mutex (ctx->srv->history->mtx); ctx->srv->history->need_lock = TRUE; /* Copy locked */ memcpy (&copied_history, ctx->srv->history, sizeof (copied_history)); memory_pool_unlock_mutex (ctx->srv->history->mtx); /* Trailer */ evbuffer_add (evb, "[", 1); /* Go throught all rows */ row_num = copied_history.cur_row; for (i = 0, rows_proc = 0; i < HISTORY_MAX_ROWS; i ++, row_num ++) { if (row_num == HISTORY_MAX_ROWS) { row_num = 0; } row = &copied_history.rows[row_num]; /* Get only completed rows */ if (row->completed) { if (rows_proc != 0) { evbuffer_add (evb, ",", 1); } tm = localtime (&row->tv.tv_sec); strftime (timebuf, sizeof (timebuf), "%F %H:%M:%S", tm); #ifdef HAVE_INET_PTON if (row->from_addr.ipv6) { inet_ntop (AF_INET6, &row->from_addr.d.in6, ip_buf, sizeof (ip_buf)); } else { inet_ntop (AF_INET, &row->from_addr.d.in4, ip_buf, sizeof (ip_buf)); } #else rspamd_strlcpy (ip_buf, inet_ntoa (task->from_addr), sizeof (ip_buf)); #endif if (row->user[0] != '\0') { evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"time\":\"%s\",\"id\":\"%s\",\"ip\":\"%s\",\"action\":\"%s\"," "\"score\":%.2f,\"required_score\": %.2f,\"symbols\":\"%s\",\"size\":%zd,\"scan_time\":%u," "\"user\":\"%s\"}", timebuf, row->message_id, ip_buf, str_action_metric (row->action), row->score, row->required_score, row->symbols, row->len, row->scan_time, row->user); } else { evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"time\":\"%s\",\"id\":\"%s\",\"ip\":\"%s\",\"action\":\"%s\"," "\"score\": %.2f,\"required_score\":%.2f,\"symbols\":\"%s\",\"size\":%zd,\"scan_time\":%u}", timebuf, row->message_id, ip_buf, str_action_metric (row->action), row->score, row->required_score, row->symbols, row->len, row->scan_time); } rows_proc ++; } } evbuffer_add (evb, "]" CRLF, 3); evhttp_add_header (req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); http_calculate_content_length (evb, req); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evb); evbuffer_free (evb); } /* * Learn spam command handler: * request: /learnspam * headers: Password * input: plaintext data * reply: json {"success":true} or {"error":"error message"} */ static void http_handle_learn_spam (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx = arg; struct evbuffer *evb, *inb; GError *err = NULL; struct learn_callback_data *cbdata; if (!http_check_password (ctx, req)) { return; } inb = req->input_buffer; cbdata = http_prepare_learn (req, ctx, inb, TRUE, &err); if (cbdata == NULL) { /* Handle error */ evb = evbuffer_new (); if (!evb) { msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply"); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 insufficient memory", NULL); return; } evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"error\":\"%s\"}" CRLF, err->message); evhttp_add_header (req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); http_calculate_content_length (evb, req); evhttp_send_reply (req, err->code, err->message, evb); evbuffer_free (evb); g_error_free (err); return; } } /* * Learn ham command handler: * request: /learnham * headers: Password * input: plaintext data * reply: json {"success":true} or {"error":"error message"} */ static void http_handle_learn_ham (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx = arg; struct evbuffer *evb, *inb; GError *err = NULL; struct learn_callback_data *cbdata; if (!http_check_password (ctx, req)) { return; } inb = req->input_buffer; cbdata = http_prepare_learn (req, ctx, inb, FALSE, &err); if (cbdata == NULL) { /* Handle error */ evb = evbuffer_new (); if (!evb) { msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply"); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 insufficient memory", NULL); return; } evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"error\":\"%s\"}" CRLF, err->message); evhttp_add_header (req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); http_calculate_content_length (evb, req); evhttp_send_reply (req, err->code, err->message, evb); evbuffer_free (evb); g_error_free (err); return; } } /* * Save actions command handler: * request: /saveactions * headers: Password * input: json array [,,] * reply: json {"success":true} or {"error":"error message"} */ static void http_handle_save_actions (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx = arg; struct evbuffer *evb; struct metric *metric; json_t *json, *jv; json_error_t je; evb = evbuffer_new (); if (!evb) { msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply"); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 insufficient memory", NULL); return; } metric = g_hash_table_lookup (ctx->cfg->metrics, DEFAULT_METRIC); if (metric == NULL) { msg_err ("cannot find default metric"); evbuffer_free (evb); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 default metric not defined", NULL); return; } /* Now check for dynamic config */ if (!ctx->cfg->dynamic_conf) { msg_err ("dynamic conf has not been defined"); evbuffer_free (evb); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "503 dynamic config not found, cannot save", NULL); return; } /* Try to load json */ json = json_load_evbuffer (req->input_buffer, &je); if (json == NULL) { msg_err ("json load error: %s", je.text); evbuffer_free (evb); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "504 json parse error", NULL); return; } if (!json_is_array (json) || json_array_size (json) != 3) { msg_err ("json data error"); evbuffer_free (evb); json_delete (json); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "505 invalid json data", NULL); return; } /* Now try to check what we have */ /* Spam element */ jv = json_array_get (json, 0); if (!http_set_metric_action (ctx->cfg, jv, metric, METRIC_ACTION_REJECT)) { msg_err ("json data error"); evbuffer_free (evb); json_delete (json); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "506 cannot set action's value", NULL); return; } /* Probable spam */ jv = json_array_get (json, 1); if (!http_set_metric_action (ctx->cfg, jv, metric, METRIC_ACTION_ADD_HEADER)) { msg_err ("json data error"); evbuffer_free (evb); json_delete (json); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "506 cannot set action's value", NULL); return; } /* Greylist */ jv = json_array_get (json, 2); if (!http_set_metric_action (ctx->cfg, jv, metric, METRIC_ACTION_GREYLIST)) { msg_err ("json data error"); evbuffer_free (evb); json_delete (json); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "506 cannot set action's value", NULL); return; } dump_dynamic_config (ctx->cfg); evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"success\":true}" CRLF); evhttp_add_header (req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); http_calculate_content_length (evb, req); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evb); evbuffer_free (evb); } /* * Save symbols command handler: * request: /savesymbols * headers: Password * input: json data * reply: json {"success":true} or {"error":"error message"} */ static void http_handle_save_symbols (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx = arg; struct evbuffer *evb; struct metric *metric; struct symbol *sym; json_t *json, *jv, *jname, *jvalue; json_error_t je; guint i, len; gdouble val; evb = evbuffer_new (); if (!evb) { msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply"); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 insufficient memory", NULL); return; } metric = g_hash_table_lookup (ctx->cfg->metrics, DEFAULT_METRIC); if (metric == NULL) { msg_err ("cannot find default metric"); evbuffer_free (evb); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 default metric not defined", NULL); return; } /* Now check for dynamic config */ if (!ctx->cfg->dynamic_conf) { msg_err ("dynamic conf has not been defined"); evbuffer_free (evb); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "503 dynamic config not found, cannot save", NULL); return; } /* Try to load json */ json = json_load_evbuffer (req->input_buffer, &je); if (json == NULL) { msg_err ("json load error: %s", je.text); evbuffer_free (evb); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "504 json parse error", NULL); return; } if (!json_is_array (json) || (len = json_array_size (json)) == 0) { msg_err ("json data error"); evbuffer_free (evb); json_delete (json); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "505 invalid json data", NULL); return; } /* Iterate over all elements */ for (i = 0; i < len; i ++) { jv = json_array_get (json, i); if (!json_is_object (jv)) { msg_err ("json array data error"); evbuffer_free (evb); json_delete (json); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "505 invalid json data", NULL); return; } jname = json_object_get (jv, "name"); jvalue = json_object_get (jv, "value"); if (!json_is_string (jname) || !json_is_number (jvalue)) { msg_err ("json object data error"); evbuffer_free (evb); json_delete (json); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "505 invalid json data", NULL); return; } val = json_number_value (jvalue); sym = g_hash_table_lookup (metric->symbols, json_string_value (jname)); if (sym && fabs (sym->score - val) > 0.01) { if (!add_dynamic_symbol (ctx->cfg, DEFAULT_METRIC, json_string_value (jname), val)) { evbuffer_free (evb); json_delete (json); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "506 cannot write symbol's value", NULL); return; } } } evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"success\":true}" CRLF); evhttp_add_header (req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); http_calculate_content_length (evb, req); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evb); evbuffer_free (evb); } /* * Save symbols command handler: * request: /savesymbols * headers: Password, Map * input: plaintext data * reply: json {"success":true} or {"error":"error message"} */ static void http_handle_save_map (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx = arg; struct evbuffer *evb; GList *cur; struct rspamd_map *map; const gchar *idstr; gchar *errstr; guint32 id; gboolean found = FALSE; gint fd; if (!http_check_password (ctx, req)) { return; } evb = evbuffer_new (); if (!evb) { msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply"); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 insufficient memory", NULL); return; } idstr = evhttp_find_header (req->input_headers, "Map"); if (idstr == NULL) { msg_info ("absent map id"); evbuffer_free (evb); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 map open error", NULL); return; } id = strtoul (idstr, &errstr, 10); if (*errstr != '\0') { msg_info ("invalid map id"); evbuffer_free (evb); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 map open error", NULL); return; } /* Now let's be sure that we have map defined in configuration */ cur = ctx->cfg->maps; while (cur) { map = cur->data; if (map->id == id && map->protocol == MAP_PROTO_FILE) { found = TRUE; break; } cur = g_list_next (cur); } if (!found) { msg_info ("map not found: %d", id); evbuffer_free (evb); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "404 map not found", NULL); return; } if (g_atomic_int_get (map->locked)) { msg_info ("map locked: %s", map->uri); evbuffer_free (evb); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "404 map is locked", NULL); return; } /* Set lock */ g_atomic_int_set (map->locked, 1); fd = open (map->uri, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC); if (fd == -1) { g_atomic_int_set (map->locked, 0); msg_info ("map %s open error: %s", map->uri, strerror (errno)); evbuffer_free (evb); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "404 map open error", NULL); return; } if (evbuffer_write (req->input_buffer, fd) == -1) { close (fd); g_atomic_int_set (map->locked, 0); msg_info ("map %s open error: %s", map->uri, strerror (errno)); evbuffer_free (evb); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 map open error", NULL); return; } /* Close and unlock */ close (fd); g_atomic_int_set (map->locked, 0); evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"success\":true}" CRLF); evhttp_add_header (req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); http_calculate_content_length (evb, req); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_OK, "OK", evb); evbuffer_free (evb); } /* * Learn ham command handler: * request: /scan * headers: Password * input: plaintext data * reply: json {scan data} or {"error":"error message"} */ static void http_handle_scan (struct evhttp_request *req, gpointer arg) { struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx = arg; struct evbuffer *evb, *inb; GError *err = NULL; struct scan_callback_data *cbdata; if (!http_check_password (ctx, req)) { return; } inb = req->input_buffer; cbdata = http_prepare_scan (req, ctx, inb, &err); if (cbdata == NULL) { /* Handle error */ evb = evbuffer_new (); if (!evb) { msg_err ("cannot allocate evbuffer for reply"); evhttp_send_reply (req, HTTP_INTERNAL, "500 insufficient memory", NULL); return; } evbuffer_add_printf (evb, "{\"error\":\"%s\"}" CRLF, err->message); evhttp_add_header (req->output_headers, "Connection", "close"); http_calculate_content_length (evb, req); evhttp_send_reply (req, err->code, err->message, evb); evbuffer_free (evb); g_error_free (err); return; } } gpointer init_webui_worker (struct config_file *cfg) { struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx; GQuark type; type = g_quark_try_string ("webui"); ctx = g_malloc0 (sizeof (struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx)); rspamd_rcl_register_worker_option (cfg, type, "password", rspamd_rcl_parse_struct_string, ctx, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx, password), 0); rspamd_rcl_register_worker_option (cfg, type, "ssl", rspamd_rcl_parse_struct_boolean, ctx, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx, use_ssl), 0); rspamd_rcl_register_worker_option (cfg, type, "ssl_cert", rspamd_rcl_parse_struct_string, ctx, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx, ssl_cert), 0); rspamd_rcl_register_worker_option (cfg, type, "ssl_key", rspamd_rcl_parse_struct_string, ctx, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx, ssl_key), 0); return ctx; } /* * Start worker process */ void start_webui_worker (struct rspamd_worker *worker) { struct sigaction signals; struct rspamd_webui_worker_ctx *ctx = worker->ctx; GList *cur; #ifdef WITH_PROFILER extern void _start (void), etext (void); monstartup ((u_long) & _start, (u_long) & etext); #endif gperf_profiler_init (worker->srv->cfg, "webui_worker"); worker->srv->pid = getpid (); ctx->ev_base = event_init (); ctx->cfg = worker->srv->cfg; ctx->srv = worker->srv; init_signals (&signals, sig_handler); sigprocmask (SIG_UNBLOCK, &signals.sa_mask, NULL); /* SIGUSR2 handler */ signal_set (&worker->sig_ev_usr2, SIGUSR2, sigusr2_handler, (void *) worker); event_base_set (ctx->ev_base, &worker->sig_ev_usr2); signal_add (&worker->sig_ev_usr2, NULL); /* SIGUSR1 handler */ signal_set (&worker->sig_ev_usr1, SIGUSR1, sigusr1_handler, (void *) worker); event_base_set (ctx->ev_base, &worker->sig_ev_usr1); signal_add (&worker->sig_ev_usr1, NULL); ctx->start_time = time (NULL); ctx->worker = worker; /* Accept event */ ctx->http = evhttp_new (ctx->ev_base); cur = worker->cf->listen_socks; while (cur) { evhttp_accept_socket (ctx->http, GPOINTER_TO_INT (cur->data)); cur = g_list_next (cur); } if (ctx->use_ssl) { #ifdef HAVE_WEBUI_SSL if (ctx->ssl_cert && ctx->ssl_key) { webui_ssl_init (ctx); } else { msg_err ("ssl cannot be enabled without key and cert for this server"); } #else msg_err ("http ssl is not supported by this libevent version"); #endif } /* Add callbacks for different methods */ evhttp_set_cb (ctx->http, PATH_AUTH, http_handle_auth, ctx); evhttp_set_cb (ctx->http, PATH_SYMBOLS, http_handle_symbols, ctx); evhttp_set_cb (ctx->http, PATH_ACTIONS, http_handle_actions, ctx); evhttp_set_cb (ctx->http, PATH_MAPS, http_handle_maps, ctx); evhttp_set_cb (ctx->http, PATH_GET_MAP, http_handle_get_map, ctx); evhttp_set_cb (ctx->http, PATH_GRAPH, http_handle_graph, ctx); evhttp_set_cb (ctx->http, PATH_PIE_CHART, http_handle_pie_chart, ctx); evhttp_set_cb (ctx->http, PATH_HISTORY, http_handle_history, ctx); evhttp_set_cb (ctx->http, PATH_LEARN_SPAM, http_handle_learn_spam, ctx); evhttp_set_cb (ctx->http, PATH_LEARN_HAM, http_handle_learn_ham, ctx); evhttp_set_cb (ctx->http, PATH_SAVE_ACTIONS, http_handle_save_actions, ctx); evhttp_set_cb (ctx->http, PATH_SAVE_SYMBOLS, http_handle_save_symbols, ctx); evhttp_set_cb (ctx->http, PATH_SAVE_MAP, http_handle_save_map, ctx); evhttp_set_cb (ctx->http, PATH_SCAN, http_handle_scan, ctx); ctx->resolver = dns_resolver_init (ctx->ev_base, worker->srv->cfg); /* Maps events */ start_map_watch (worker->srv->cfg, ctx->ev_base); event_base_loop (ctx->ev_base, 0); close_log (rspamd_main->logger); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } #else gpointer init_webui_worker (void) { return NULL; } /* * Start worker process */ void start_webui_worker (struct rspamd_worker *worker) { exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } #endif