local msg context("Selectors test", function() local rspamd_task = require "rspamd_task" local logger = require "rspamd_logger" local lua_selectors = require "lua_selectors" local lua_maps = require "lua_maps" local test_helper = require "rspamd_test_helper" local lua_util = require "lua_util" local cfg = rspamd_config local task test_helper.init_url_parser() lua_selectors.maps.test_map = lua_maps.map_add_from_ucl({ 'key value', 'key1 value1', 'key3 value1', }, 'hash', 'test selectors maps') before(function() local res res,task = rspamd_task.load_from_string(msg, cfg) task:set_from_ip("") task:set_user("cool user name") task:set_helo("hello mail") task:set_request_header("hdr1", "value1") task:process_message() task:get_mempool():set_variable("int_var", 1) task:get_mempool():set_variable("str_var", "str 1") task:cache_set('cachevar1', 'hello\x00world') task:cache_set('cachevar2', {'hello', 'world'}) if not res then assert_true(false, "failed to load message") end end) local function check_selector_plain(selector_string) local sels = lua_selectors.create_selector_closure_fn(nil, cfg, selector_string, nil, function(_, res, _) return res end) local elts = sels(task) return elts end local function check_selector_kv(selector_string) local sels = lua_selectors.create_selector_closure_fn(nil, cfg, selector_string, nil, lua_selectors.kv_table_from_pairs) local elts = sels(task) return elts end local cases_plain = { ["ip"] = { selector = "ip", expect = {""} }, ["header Subject"] = { selector = "header(Subject)", expect = {"Second, lower-cased header subject"} }, ["header Subject lower"] = { selector = "header(Subject).lower", expect = {"second, lower-cased header subject"} }, ["header Subject lower_utf8"] = { selector = "header(Subject).lower_utf8", expect = {"second, lower-cased header subject"} }, ["header full Subject lower"] = { selector = "header(Subject, 'full').lower", expect = {{"second, lower-cased header subject", "test subject"}} }, ["header full strong Subject"] = { selector = "header(Subject, 'full,strong')", expect = {{"Test subject"}} }, ["header full strong lower-cased Subject"] = { selector = "header(subject, 'full,strong')", expect = {{"Second, lower-cased header subject"}} }, ["digest"] = { selector = "digest", expect = {"1ac109c58a7d0f5f532100ac14e9f4d9"} }, ["user"] = { selector = "user", expect = {"cool user name"} }, ["from"] = { selector = "from", expect = {"whoknows@nowhere.com"} }, ["rcpts"] = { selector = "rcpts", expect = {{"nobody@example.com", "no-one@example.com"}} }, ["1st rcpts"] = { selector = "rcpts.nth(1)", expect = {"nobody@example.com"} }, ["lower rcpts"] = { selector = "rcpts.lower.first", expect = {"nobody@example.com"} }, ["first rcpts"] = { selector = "rcpts.first", expect = {"nobody@example.com"} }, ["first addr rcpts"] = { selector = "rcpts:addr.first", expect = {"nobody@example.com"} }, ["rcpts_uniq_domains"] = { selector = "rcpts:domain.uniq", expect = {{"example.com"}} }, ["rcpts_sorted"] = { selector = "rcpts:addr.sort", expect = {{"nobody@example.com", "no-one@example.com"}} }, ["to"] = { selector = "to", expect = {"nobody@example.com"}}, ["attachments"] = { selector = "attachments", expect = {{"ce112d07c52ae649f9646f3d0b5aaab5d4834836d771c032d1a75059d31fed84f38e00c0b205918f6d354934c2055d33d19d045f783a62561f467728ebcf0160", "ce112d07c52ae649f9646f3d0b5aaab5d4834836d771c032d1a75059d31fed84f38e00c0b205918f6d354934c2055d33d19d045f783a62561f467728ebcf0160" }} }, ["attachments blake2 base32"] = { selector = "attachments('base32', 'blake2')", expect = {{"qqr41dwakt3uwhucxmxsypjiifi8er3gzqhyc3r48fw1ij9dp8b8x8nyyscmoe6tpmp1r4eafezguezurazo87ecs48cw5bfm9udyob", "qqr41dwakt3uwhucxmxsypjiifi8er3gzqhyc3r48fw1ij9dp8b8x8nyyscmoe6tpmp1r4eafezguezurazo87ecs48cw5bfm9udyob" }} }, ["attachments blake2 base64"] = { selector = "attachments('base64', 'blake2')", expect = {{"zhEtB8Uq5kn5ZG89C1qqtdSDSDbXccAy0adQWdMf7YTzjgDAsgWRj201STTCBV0z0Z0EX3g6YlYfRnco688BYA==", "zhEtB8Uq5kn5ZG89C1qqtdSDSDbXccAy0adQWdMf7YTzjgDAsgWRj201STTCBV0z0Z0EX3g6YlYfRnco688BYA==" }} }, ["attachments blake2 rfc base32"] = { selector = "attachments('rbase32', 'blake2')", expect = {{"ZYIS2B6FFLTET6LEN46QWWVKWXKIGSBW25Y4AMWRU5IFTUY75WCPHDQAYCZALEMPNU2USNGCAVOTHUM5ARPXQOTCKYPUM5ZI5PHQCYA", "ZYIS2B6FFLTET6LEN46QWWVKWXKIGSBW25Y4AMWRU5IFTUY75WCPHDQAYCZALEMPNU2USNGCAVOTHUM5ARPXQOTCKYPUM5ZI5PHQCYA" }} }, ["attachments md5 rfc base32"] = { selector = "attachments('rbase32', 'md5')", expect = {{"LYXF2IMILRFFO4LLTDTM66MKEA", "LYXF2IMILRFFO4LLTDTM66MKEA" }} }, ["attachments id"] = { selector = "attachments.id", expect = {""}}, ["files"] = { selector = "files", expect = {{"f.zip", "f2.zip"}}}, ["helo"] = { selector = "helo", expect = {"hello mail"}}, ["received ip"] = { selector = "received:by_hostname.filter_string_nils", expect = {{"server1.chat-met-vreemden.nl", "server2.chat-met-vreemden.nl"}}}, ["received by hostname last"] = { selector = "received:by_hostname.filter_string_nils.last", expect = {"server2.chat-met-vreemden.nl"} }, ["received by hostname first"] = { selector = "received:by_hostname.filter_string_nils.first", expect = {"server1.chat-met-vreemden.nl"} }, ["urls"] = { selector = "urls", expect = {{"http://subdomain.example.net"}}}, ["emails"] = { selector = "emails", expect = {{"test@example.net"}}}, ["specific_urls"] = { selector = "specific_urls({limit = 1})", expect = {{"http://subdomain.example.net"}}}, ["specific_urls + emails"] = { selector = "specific_urls({need_emails = true, limit = 2})", expect = {{"test@example.net", "http://subdomain.example.net"}}}, -- Broken test as order depends on the hash function internally --["specific_urls + emails limit"] = { -- selector = "specific_urls({need_emails = true, limit = 1})", -- expect = {{"test@example.net"}}}, ["pool_var str, default type"] = { selector = [[pool_var("str_var")]], expect = {"str 1"}}, ["pool_var str"] = { selector = [[pool_var("str_var", 'string')]], expect = {"str 1"}}, ["pool_var double"] = { selector = [[pool_var("int_var", 'double')]], expect = {"1"}}, ["time"] = { selector = "time", expect = {"1537364211"}}, -- ["request_header"] = { -- selector = "request_header(hdr1)", -- expect = {"value1"}}, ["get_host"] = { selector = "urls:get_host", expect = {{"subdomain.example.net"}}}, ["get_tld_method"] = { selector = "urls:get_tld", expect = {{"example.net"}}}, ["get_tld_transform"] = { selector = "urls:get_host.get_tld", expect = {{"example.net"}}}, ["transformation regexp"] = { selector = "urls:get_tld.regexp('\\.([\\w]+)$')", expect = {{{".net", "net"}}}}, ["transformation id"] = { selector = "urls:get_tld.id", expect = {''}}, ["transformation id arg"] = { selector = "urls:get_tld.id('1')", expect = {'1'}}, ["transformation id args"] = { selector = "urls:get_tld.id('1', '2', '3')", expect = {{'1', '2', '3'}}}, ["transformation in"] = { selector = "time(message, '!%w').in(2,3,4)", expect = {'3'}}, ["transformation in id"] = { selector = "time(message, '!%w').in(2,3,4).id", expect = {''}}, ["transformation not in"] = { selector = "time(message, '!%w').not_in(1,6,7)", expect = {'3'}}, ["transformation in not id"] = { selector = "time(message, '!%w').not_in(1,6,7).id", expect = {''}}, ["transformation in not id 1"] = { selector = "time(message, '!%w').not_in(1,6,7).id(1)", expect = {'1'}}, ["transformation take"] = { selector = "rcpts.take_n(1).lower", expect = {{'nobody@example.com'}}}, ["transformation take 2"] = { selector = "rcpts.take_n(2).lower", expect = {{'nobody@example.com', 'no-one@example.com'}}}, ["transformation take 3"] = { selector = "rcpts.take_n(3).lower", expect = {{'nobody@example.com', 'no-one@example.com'}}}, ["transformation nth"] = { selector = "rcpts.nth(1).lower", expect = {'nobody@example.com'}}, ["transformation nth 2"] = { selector = "rcpts.nth(2).lower", expect = {'no-one@example.com'}}, ["transformation last"] = { selector = "rcpts.last.lower", expect = {'no-one@example.com'}}, ["transformation substring"] = { selector = "header(Subject, strong).substring(6)", expect = {'subject'}}, ["transformation substring 2"] = { selector = "header(Subject, strong).substring(6, 7)", expect = {'su'}}, ["transformation substring -4"] = { selector = "header(Subject, strong).substring(-4)", expect = {'ject'} }, ["map filter"] = { selector = "id('key').filter_map(test_map)", expect = {'key'} }, ["map except"] = { selector = "list('key', 'key1', 'key2', 'key3', 'key4').except_map(test_map)", expect = {{'key2', 'key4'}} }, ["map apply"] = { selector = "id('key').apply_map(test_map)", expect = {'value'} }, ["map filter list"] = { selector = "list('key', 'key1', 'key2').filter_map(test_map)", expect = {{'key', 'key1'}} }, ["map apply list"] = { selector = "list('key', 'key1', 'key2', 'key3').apply_map(test_map)", expect = {{'value', 'value1', 'value1'}} }, ["map apply list uniq"] = { selector = "list('key', 'key1', 'key2', 'key3').apply_map(test_map).uniq", expect = {{'value1', 'value'}} }, ["words"] = { selector = "words('norm')", expect = {{'hello', 'world', 'mail', 'me'}} }, ["words_full"] = { selector = "words('full'):2", expect = {{'hello', 'world', '', 'mail', 'me'}} }, ["header X-Test first"] = { selector = "header(X-Test, full).first", expect = {"1"} }, ["header X-Test last"] = { selector = "header(X-Test, full).last", expect = {"3"} }, ["header lower digest substring"] = { selector = "header('Subject').lower.digest('hex').substring(1, 16)", expect = {"736ad5f50fc95d73"} }, ["header gsub"] = { selector = "header('Subject'):gsub('a', 'b')", expect = {"Second, lower-cbsed hebder subject"} }, ["header regexp first"] = { selector = "header('Subject').regexp('.*').first", expect = {"Second, lower-cased header subject"} }, ["task cache string"] = { selector = "task_cache('cachevar1')", expect = {"hello\x00world"} }, ["task cache table"] = { selector = "task_cache('cachevar2')", expect = {{"hello", "world"}} }, } for case_name, case in lua_util.spairs(cases_plain) do test("plain case " .. case_name, function() local elts = check_selector_plain(case.selector) assert_not_nil(elts) assert_rspamd_table_eq_sorted({actual = elts, expect = case.expect}) end) end local cases_kv = { ["ip"] = { selector = "id('ip');ip", expect = { ip = "" } }, ["ip+words"] = { selector = "id('ip');ip;id('words');words('full'):2", expect = { ip = "", words = {'hello', 'world', '', 'mail', 'me'} } }, } for case_name, case in lua_util.spairs(cases_kv) do test("kv case " .. case_name, function() local elts = check_selector_kv(case.selector) assert_not_nil(elts) assert_rspamd_table_eq_sorted({actual = elts, expect = case.expect}) end) end end) --[=========[ ******************* message ******************* ]=========] msg = [[ Received: from ca-18-193-131.service1.infuturo.it ([] helo=User) by server1.chat-met-vreemden.nl with esmtpa (Exim 4.76) (envelope-from ) id 1ZC1sl-0006b4-TU; Mon, 06 Jul 2015 10:36:08 +0200 Received: from ca-18-193-131.service2.infuturo.it ([] helo=User) by server2.chat-met-vreemden.nl with esmtpa (Exim 4.76) (envelope-from ) id 1ZC1sl-0006b4-TU; Mon, 06 Jul 2015 10:36:08 +0200 From: To: , Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2018 14:36:51 +0100 (BST) subject: Second, lower-cased header subject Subject: Test subject X-Test: 1 X-Test: 2 X-Test: 3 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="_000_6be055295eab48a5af7ad4022f33e2d0_" --_000_6be055295eab48a5af7ad4022f33e2d0_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello world --_000_6be055295eab48a5af7ad4022f33e2d0_ Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8" http://subdomain.example.net mail me --_000_6be055295eab48a5af7ad4022f33e2d0_ Content-Type: application/zip; name=f.zip Content-Disposition: attachment; size=166; filename=f.zip Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 UEsDBAoAAAAAAINe6kgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIABwAZmFrZS5leGVVVAkAA8YaglfGGoJXdXgLAAEE 6AMAAAToAwAAUEsBAh4DCgAAAAAAg17qSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgAGAAAAAAAAAAAALSBAAAAAGZh a2UuZXhlVVQFAAPGGoJXdXgLAAEE6AMAAAToAwAAUEsFBgAAAAABAAEATgAAAEIAAAAAAA== --_000_6be055295eab48a5af7ad4022f33e2d0_ Content-Type: application/zip; name=f.zip Content-Disposition: attachment; size=166; filename=f2.zip Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 UEsDBAoAAAAAAINe6kgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIABwAZmFrZS5leGVVVAkAA8YaglfGGoJXdXgLAAEE 6AMAAAToAwAAUEsBAh4DCgAAAAAAg17qSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgAGAAAAAAAAAAAALSBAAAAAGZh a2UuZXhlVVQFAAPGGoJXdXgLAAEE6AMAAAToAwAAUEsFBgAAAAABAAEATgAAAEIAAAAAAA== ]]