context("Sqlite3 API", function() local sqlite3 = require "rspamd_sqlite3" test("Sqlite3 open", function() os.remove('/tmp/rspamd_unit_test_sqlite3.sqlite') local db ='/tmp/rspamd_unit_test_sqlite3.sqlite') assert_not_nil(db, "should be able to create sqlite3 db") db ='/non/existent/path/rspamd_unit_test_sqlite3.sqlite') assert_nil(db, "should not be able to create sqlite3 db") os.remove('/tmp/rspamd_unit_test_sqlite3.sqlite') end) test("Sqlite3 query", function() os.remove('/tmp/rspamd_unit_test_sqlite3-1.sqlite') local db ='/tmp/rspamd_unit_test_sqlite3-1.sqlite') assert_not_nil(db, "should be able to create sqlite3 db") local ret = db:sql([[ CREATE TABLE x (id INT, value TEXT); ]]) assert_true(ret, "should be able to create table") local ret = db:sql([[ INSERT INTO x VALUES (?1, ?2); ]], 1, 'test') assert_true(ret, "should be able to insert row") os.remove('/tmp/rspamd_unit_test_sqlite3-1.sqlite') end) test("Sqlite3 rows", function() os.remove('/tmp/rspamd_unit_test_sqlite3-2.sqlite') local db ='/tmp/rspamd_unit_test_sqlite3-2.sqlite') assert_not_nil(db, "should be able to create sqlite3 db") local ret = db:sql([[ CREATE TABLE x (id INT, value TEXT); ]]) assert_true(ret, "should be able to create table") local ret = db:sql([[ INSERT INTO x VALUES (?1, ?2); ]], 1, 'test') assert_true(ret, "should be able to insert row") for row in db:rows([[SELECT * FROM x;]]) do assert_equal(, '1') assert_equal(row.value, 'test') end os.remove('/tmp/rspamd_unit_test_sqlite3-2.sqlite') end) end)