context("Task processing", function() local fun = require("fun") local rspamd_task = require("rspamd_task") test("Process a simple task", function() --local cfg = rspamd_util.config_from_ucl(config) --assert_not_nil(cfg) local msg = [[ From: <> To: Subject: test Content-Type: text/plain Test. ]] local res,task = rspamd_task.load_from_string(msg) assert_true(res, "failed to load message") task:process_message() task:destroy() end) local hdrs = [[ From: <> To: Subject: test ]] local mpart = [[ Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=XXX ]] local body = [[ Content-Type: text/html Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable =0DAttached is your new documents.
http:= //

Thank you, ]] test("Process mime nesting: simple", function() local msg = hdrs .. body local res,task = rspamd_task.load_from_string(msg) assert_true(res, "failed to load message") task:process_message() assert_rspamd_table_eq_sorted({actual = fun.totable( return u:get_host() end, task:get_urls())), expect = { '', '' }}) task:destroy() end) test("Process mime nesting: multipart", function() local msg = table.concat{ hdrs, mpart, '\n', '--XXX\n', body, '\n--XXX--\n' } local res,task = rspamd_task.load_from_string(msg) assert_true(res, "failed to load message") task:process_message() assert_rspamd_table_eq_sorted({ actual = fun.totable( return u:get_host() end, task:get_urls())), expect = { '', '' }}) task:destroy() end) test("Process mime nesting: multipart, broken", function() local msg = table.concat{ hdrs, mpart, '\n', '--XXX\n', 'garbadge\n', '\n--XXX--\n', '--XXX\n', body } local res,task = rspamd_task.load_from_string(msg) assert_true(res, "failed to load message") task:process_message() assert_rspamd_table_eq_sorted({ actual = fun.totable( return u:get_host() end, task:get_urls())), expect = { '', '' }}) task:destroy() end) test("Process mime nesting: message", function() local msg = table.concat{ hdrs, 'Content-Type: message/rfc822\n', '\n', hdrs, body } local res,task = rspamd_task.load_from_string(msg) assert_true(res, "failed to load message") task:process_message() assert_rspamd_table_eq_sorted({ actual = fun.totable( return u:get_host() end, task:get_urls())), expect = { '', '' }}) task:destroy() end) test("Process mime nesting: message in multipart", function() local msg = table.concat{ hdrs, mpart, '\n', '--XXX\n', 'Content-Type: message/rfc822\n', '\n', hdrs, body , '\n--XXX--\n', } local res,task = rspamd_task.load_from_string(msg) assert_true(res, "failed to load message") task:process_message() assert_rspamd_table_eq_sorted({ actual = fun.totable( return u:get_host() end, task:get_urls())), expect = { '', '' }}) task:destroy() end) test("Process mime nesting: multipart message in multipart", function() local msg = table.concat{ hdrs, mpart, '\n', '--XXX\n', 'Content-Type: message/rfc822\n', '\n', hdrs, mpart, '\n', '--XXX\n', body , '\n--XXX--\n', '\n--XXX--\n', } local res,task = rspamd_task.load_from_string(msg) assert_true(res, "failed to load message") task:process_message() assert_rspamd_table_eq_sorted({ actual = fun.totable( return u:get_host() end, task:get_urls())), expect = { '', '' }}) task:destroy() end) end)