 * Copyright 2016 Vsevolod Stakhov
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
#include "config.h"
#include "rspamd.h"
#include "radix.h"
#include "ottery.h"
#include "btrie.h"

const gsize max_elts = 500 * 1024;
const gint lookup_cycles = 1 * 1024;
const gint lookup_divisor = 10;

const uint masks[] = {

struct _tv {
	const char *ip;
	const char *nip;
	const char *m;
	guint32 mask;
	guint8 *addr;
	guint8 *naddr;
	gsize len;
} test_vec[] = {
	{"", "", "32", 0, 0, 0, 0},
	{"", "", "24", 0, 0, 0, 0},
	{"", "", "8", 0, 0, 0, 0},
	{"", "", "8", 0, 0, 0, 0},
	{"", "", "16", 0, 0, 0, 0},
	{"", "", "27", 0, 0, 0, 0},
	{"", "", "32", 0, 0, 0, 0},

	/* Some bad data known to cause problem in the past */
	{"", NULL, "19", 0, 0, 0, 0},
	{"", NULL, "23", 0, 0, 0, 0},
	{"", NULL, "24", 0, 0, 0, 0},
	{"", NULL, "29", 0, 0, 0, 0},
	{"", NULL, "2", 0, 0, 0, 0},

	/* Mask = 0 */
	{"", NULL, "8", 0, 0, 0, 0},
	{"", NULL, "26", 0, 0, 0, 0},
	{"", NULL, "8", 0, 0, 0, 0},
	{"", NULL, "12", 0, 0, 0, 0},
	{"", NULL, "0", 0, 0, 0, 0},

	/* Close ip addresses */
	{"",  NULL, "32",  0, 0, 0, 0},
	{"",  NULL, "32", 0, 0, 0, 0},
	{"", NULL, "32",  0, 0, 0, 0},
	{"", NULL, "32", 0, 0, 0, 0},

	{NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0}

static void
rspamd_radix_test_vec (void)
	radix_compressed_t *tree = radix_create_compressed (NULL);
	struct _tv *t = &test_vec[0];
	struct in_addr ina;
	struct in6_addr in6a;
	gulong i, val;

	while (t->ip != NULL) {
		t->addr = g_malloc (sizeof (in6a));
		t->naddr = g_malloc (sizeof (in6a));
		if (inet_pton (AF_INET, t->ip, &ina) == 1) {
			memcpy (t->addr, &ina, sizeof (ina));
			t->len = sizeof (ina);
		else if (inet_pton (AF_INET6, t->ip, &in6a) == 1) {
			memcpy (t->addr, &in6a, sizeof (in6a));
			t->len = sizeof (in6a);
		else {
			g_assert (0);
		if (t->nip) {
			if (inet_pton (AF_INET, t->nip, &ina) == 1) {
				memcpy (t->naddr, &ina, sizeof (ina));
			else if (inet_pton (AF_INET6, t->nip, &in6a) == 1) {
				memcpy (t->naddr, &in6a, sizeof (in6a));
			else {
				g_assert (0);

		t->mask = t->len * NBBY - strtoul (t->m, NULL, 10);
		t ++;
	t = &test_vec[0];

	i = 0;
	while (t->ip != NULL) {
		radix_insert_compressed (tree, t->addr, t->len, t->mask, ++i);
		t ++;

	i = 0;
	t = &test_vec[0];
	while (t->ip != NULL) {
		val = radix_find_compressed (tree, t->addr, t->len);
		g_assert (val == ++i);
		/* g_assert (val != RADIX_NO_VALUE); */
		if (t->nip != NULL) {
			val = radix_find_compressed (tree, t->naddr, t->len);
			g_assert (val != i);
		t ++;

	radix_destroy_compressed (tree);

static void
rspamd_btrie_test_vec (void)
	rspamd_mempool_t *pool;
	struct btrie *tree;
	struct _tv *t = &test_vec[0];
	struct in_addr ina;
	struct in6_addr in6a;
	gsize i;
	gpointer val;

	pool = rspamd_mempool_new (rspamd_mempool_suggest_size (), "btrie", 0);
	tree = btrie_init (pool);

	while (t->ip != NULL) {
		t->addr = g_malloc (sizeof (in6a));
		t->naddr = g_malloc (sizeof (in6a));
		if (inet_pton (AF_INET, t->ip, &ina) == 1) {
			memcpy (t->addr, &ina, sizeof (ina));
			t->len = sizeof (ina);
		else if (inet_pton (AF_INET6, t->ip, &in6a) == 1) {
			memcpy (t->addr, &in6a, sizeof (in6a));
			t->len = sizeof (in6a);
		else {
			g_assert (0);
		if (t->nip) {
			if (inet_pton (AF_INET, t->nip, &ina) == 1) {
				memcpy (t->naddr, &ina, sizeof (ina));
			else if (inet_pton (AF_INET6, t->nip, &in6a) == 1) {
				memcpy (t->naddr, &in6a, sizeof (in6a));
			else {
				g_assert (0);

		t->mask = strtoul (t->m, NULL, 10);
		t ++;
	t = &test_vec[0];

	i = 0;
	while (t->ip != NULL) {
		g_assert (btrie_add_prefix (tree, t->addr, t->mask,
		t ++;

	i = 0;
	t = &test_vec[0];
	while (t->ip != NULL) {
		val = btrie_lookup (tree, t->addr, t->len * NBBY);
		i ++;

		g_assert (GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (val) == i);
		if (t->nip != NULL) {
			val = btrie_lookup (tree, t->naddr, t->len * NBBY);
			g_assert (GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (val) != i);
		t ++;

rspamd_radix_test_func (void)
	struct btrie *btrie;
	rspamd_mempool_t *pool;
	radix_compressed_t *comp_tree = radix_create_compressed (NULL);
	struct {
		guint32 addr;
		guint32 mask;
		guint8 addr6[16];
		guint32 mask6;
		guint8 addr64[16];
	} *addrs;
	gsize nelts, i, check;
	gint lc;
	gboolean all_good = TRUE;
	gdouble ts1, ts2;
	double diff;

	/* Test suite for the compressed trie */

	rspamd_btrie_test_vec ();
	rspamd_radix_test_vec ();
	rspamd_random_seed_fast ();

	nelts = max_elts;
	/* First of all we generate many elements and push them to the array */
	addrs = g_malloc (nelts * sizeof (addrs[0]));

	for (i = 0; i < nelts; i ++) {
		addrs[i].addr = ottery_rand_uint32 ();
		memset (addrs[i].addr64, 0, 10);
		memcpy (addrs[i].addr64 + 12, &addrs[i].addr, 4);
		addrs[i].mask = masks[ottery_rand_range(G_N_ELEMENTS (masks) - 1)];
		ottery_rand_bytes (addrs[i].addr6, sizeof(addrs[i].addr6));
		addrs[i].mask6 = ottery_rand_range(128 - 16) + 16;

	pool = rspamd_mempool_new (65536, "btrie6", 0);
	btrie = btrie_init (pool);
	msg_notice ("btrie performance ipv6 only (%z elts)", nelts);

	ts1 = rspamd_get_ticks (TRUE);
	for (i = 0; i < nelts; i ++) {
		btrie_add_prefix (btrie, addrs[i].addr6,
				addrs[i].mask6, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (i + 1));
	ts2 = rspamd_get_ticks (TRUE);
	diff = (ts2 - ts1);

	msg_notice ("Added %hz elements in %.0f ticks (%.2f ticks per element)",
			nelts, diff, diff / (double)nelts);

	ts1 = rspamd_get_ticks (TRUE);
	for (lc = 0; lc < lookup_cycles && all_good; lc ++) {
		for (i = 0; i < nelts / lookup_divisor; i ++) {
			check = rspamd_random_uint64_fast () % nelts;

			if (btrie_lookup (btrie, addrs[check].addr6, sizeof (addrs[check].addr6) * 8)
					== NULL) {
				char ipbuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1];

				all_good = FALSE;

				inet_ntop(AF_INET6, addrs[check].addr6, ipbuf, sizeof(ipbuf));
				msg_notice("BAD btrie: {\"%s\", NULL, \"%ud\", 0, 0, 0, 0},",
				all_good = FALSE;
	g_assert (all_good);
	ts2 = rspamd_get_ticks (TRUE);
	diff = (ts2 - ts1);

	msg_notice ("Checked %hz elements in %.0f ticks (%.2f ticks per lookup)",
			nelts * lookup_cycles / lookup_divisor, diff,
			diff / ((gdouble)nelts * lookup_cycles / lookup_divisor));
	rspamd_mempool_delete (pool);

	 * IPv4 part
	pool = rspamd_mempool_new (65536, "btrie4", 0);
	btrie = btrie_init (pool);
	msg_notice ("btrie performance ipv4 only (%z elts)", nelts);

	ts1 = rspamd_get_ticks (TRUE);
	for (i = 0; i < nelts; i ++) {
		btrie_add_prefix (btrie, (guchar *)&addrs[i].addr,
				addrs[i].mask, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (i + 1));
	ts2 = rspamd_get_ticks (TRUE);
	diff = (ts2 - ts1);

	msg_notice ("Added %hz elements in %.0f ticks (%.2f ticks per element)",
			nelts, diff, diff / (double)nelts);

	ts1 = rspamd_get_ticks (TRUE);
	for (lc = 0; lc < lookup_cycles && all_good; lc ++) {
		for (i = 0; i < nelts / lookup_divisor; i ++) {
			check = rspamd_random_uint64_fast () % nelts;

			if (btrie_lookup (btrie, (guchar *)&addrs[check].addr, sizeof (addrs[check].addr) * 8)
				== NULL) {
				char ipbuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1];

				all_good = FALSE;

				inet_ntop(AF_INET, (guchar *)&addrs[check].addr, ipbuf, sizeof(ipbuf));
				msg_notice("BAD btrie: {\"%s\", NULL, \"%ud\", 0, 0, 0, 0},",
				all_good = FALSE;
	g_assert (all_good);
	ts2 = rspamd_get_ticks (TRUE);
	diff = (ts2 - ts1);

	msg_notice ("Checked %hz elements in %.0f ticks (%.2f ticks per lookup)",
			nelts * lookup_cycles / lookup_divisor, diff,
			diff / ((gdouble)nelts * lookup_cycles / lookup_divisor));
	rspamd_mempool_delete (pool);

	 * IPv4 -> IPv6 mapped
	pool = rspamd_mempool_new (65536, "btrie4map", 0);
	btrie = btrie_init (pool);
	msg_notice ("btrie performance ipv4 + ipv6map (%z elts)", nelts);

	ts1 = rspamd_get_ticks (TRUE);
	for (i = 0; i < nelts; i ++) {

		btrie_add_prefix (btrie, addrs[i].addr64,
				addrs[i].mask + 96, GSIZE_TO_POINTER (i + 1));
	ts2 = rspamd_get_ticks (TRUE);
	diff = (ts2 - ts1);

	msg_notice ("Added %hz elements in %.0f ticks (%.2f ticks per element)",
			nelts, diff, diff / (double)nelts);

	ts1 = rspamd_get_ticks (TRUE);
	for (lc = 0; lc < lookup_cycles && all_good; lc ++) {
		for (i = 0; i < nelts / lookup_divisor; i ++) {
			check = rspamd_random_uint64_fast () % nelts;

			if (btrie_lookup (btrie, addrs[check].addr64,
					sizeof (addrs[check].addr64) * 8) == NULL) {
				char ipbuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1];

				all_good = FALSE;

				inet_ntop(AF_INET, (guchar *)&addrs[check].addr, ipbuf, sizeof(ipbuf));
				msg_notice("BAD btrie: {\"%s\", NULL, \"%ud\", 0, 0, 0, 0},",
				all_good = FALSE;
	g_assert (all_good);
	ts2 = rspamd_get_ticks (TRUE);
	diff = (ts2 - ts1);

	msg_notice ("Checked %hz elements in %.0f ticks (%.2f ticks per lookup)",
			nelts * lookup_cycles / lookup_divisor, diff,
			diff / ((gdouble)nelts * lookup_cycles / lookup_divisor));
	rspamd_mempool_delete (pool);

	g_free (addrs);