#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; use Pod::Usage; use Getopt::Long; use File::Fetch; use LWP::Simple; use PerlIO::gzip; use File::Basename; use Net::MRT; use URI; use Data::Dumper; $LWP::Simple::ua->show_progress(1); $Net::MRT::USE_RFC4760 = -1; my %config = ( asn_sources => [ 'ftp://ftp.arin.net/pub/stats/arin/delegated-arin-extended-latest', 'ftp://ftp.ripe.net/ripe/stats/delegated-ripencc-latest', 'ftp://ftp.afrinic.net/pub/stats/afrinic/delegated-afrinic-latest', 'ftp://ftp.apnic.net/pub/stats/apnic/delegated-apnic-latest', 'ftp://ftp.lacnic.net/pub/stats/lacnic/delegated-lacnic-latest' ], bgp_sources => ['http://data.ris.ripe.net/rrc00/latest-bview.gz'] ); my $download_asn = 0; my $download_bgp = 0; my $download_target = "./"; my $help = 0; my $man = 0; my $v4 = 1; my $v6 = 1; my $parse = 1; my $v4_zone = "asn.rspamd.com"; my $v6_zone = "asn6.rspamd.com"; my $v4_file = "asn.zone"; my $v6_file = "asn6.zone"; my $ns_servers = [ "asn-ns.rspamd.com", "asn-ns2.rspamd.com" ]; my $use_bgpdump = 0; GetOptions( "download-asn" => \$download_asn, "download-bgp" => \$download_bgp, "4!" => \$v4, "6!" => \$v6, "parse!" => \$parse, "target=s" => \$download_target, "zone-v4=s" => \$v4_zone, "zone-v6=s" => \$v6_zone, "file-v4=s" => \$v4_file, "file-v6=s" => \$v6_file, "ns-server=s@" => \$ns_servers, "help|?" => \$help, "man" => \$man, "bgpdump" => \$use_bgpdump ) or pod2usage(2); pod2usage(1) if $help; pod2usage( -exitval => 0, -verbose => 2 ) if $man; sub download_file { my ($u) = @_; print "Fetching $u\n"; my $ff = File::Fetch->new( uri => $u ); my $where = $ff->fetch( to => $download_target ) or die $ff->error; return $where; } if ($download_asn) { foreach my $u ( @{ $config{'asn_sources'} } ) { download_file($u); } } if ($download_bgp) { foreach my $u ( @{ $config{'bgp_sources'} } ) { download_file($u); } } if ( !$parse ) { exit 0; } my $v4_fh; my $v6_fh; if ($v4) { open( $v4_fh, ">", $v4_file ) or die "Cannot open $v4_file for writing: $!"; print $v4_fh "\$SOA 43200 $ns_servers->[0] support.rspamd.com 0 600 300 86400 300\n"; foreach my $ns ( @{$ns_servers} ) { print $v4_fh "\$NS 43200 $ns\n"; } } if ($v6) { open( $v6_fh, ">", $v6_file ) or die "Cannot open $v6_file for writing: $!"; print $v6_fh "\$SOA 43200 $ns_servers->[0] support.rspamd.com 0 600 300 86400 300\n"; foreach my $ns ( @{$ns_servers} ) { print $v6_fh "\$NS 43200 $ns\n"; } } sub is_bougus_asn { my $as = shift; # 64496-64511 Reserved for use in documentation and sample code # 64512-65534 Designated for private use # 65535 Reserved # 65536-65551 Reserved for use in documentation and sample code # 65552-131071 Reserved return 1 if $as >= 64496 && $as <= 131071; # 4294967295 return 1 if $as == 4294967295; # AS0 is reserved # AS1 is legal AS, but in most cases used by others without permission # of owner (probably lame admins use AS1 as private AS). return 1 if $as <= 1; return 0; } # Now load BGP data my $networks = {}; foreach my $u ( @{ $config{'bgp_sources'} } ) { my $parsed = URI->new($u); my $fname = $download_target . '/' . basename( $parsed->path ); if ($use_bgpdump) { use constant { F_MARKER => 0, F_TIMESTAMP => 1, F_PEER_IP => 3, F_PEER_AS => 4, F_PREFIX => 5, F_AS_PATH => 6, F_ORIGIN => 7, }; open(my $bgpd, "bgpdump -M $fname |") or die "can't start bgpdump: $!"; while (<$bgpd>) { chomp; my @e = split /\|/; if ($e[F_MARKER] ne 'TABLE_DUMP2') { warn "bad line: $_\n"; next; } my $origin_as; my $prefix = $e[F_PREFIX]; my $ipv6 = 0; if ($prefix !~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\/\d{1,2}$/) { $ipv6 = 1; } if ($e[F_AS_PATH]) { # not empty AS_PATH my @as_path = split /\s/, $e[F_AS_PATH]; $origin_as = pop @as_path; if (substr($origin_as, 0, 1) eq '{') { # route is aggregated if ($origin_as =~ /^{(\d+)}$/) { # single AS aggregated, just remove { } around $origin_as = $1; } else { # use previous AS from AS_PATH $origin_as = pop @as_path; } } # strip bogus AS while (is_bougus_asn($origin_as)) { $origin_as = pop @as_path; last if scalar @as_path == 0; } } # empty AS_PATH or all AS_PATH elements is stripped as bogus - use PEER_AS is origin AS $origin_as //= $e[F_PEER_AS]; if (!$networks->{$origin_as}) { if (!$ipv6) { $networks->{$origin_as} = { nets_v4 => [ $prefix ], nets_v6 => [] }; } else { $networks->{$origin_as} = { nets_v6 => [ $prefix ], nets_v4 => [] }; } } else { if (!$ipv6) { push @{$networks->{$origin_as}->{'nets_v4'}}, $prefix; } else { push @{$networks->{$origin_as}->{'nets_v6'}}, $prefix; } } } } else { open( my $fh, "<:gzip", $fname ) or die "Cannot open $fname: $!"; while (my $dd = eval {Net::MRT::mrt_read_next($fh)}) { if ($dd->{'prefix'} && $dd->{'bits'}) { next if $dd->{'subtype'} == 2 and !$v4; next if $dd->{'subtype'} == 4 and !$v6; my $entry = $dd->{'entries'}->[0]; my $net = $dd->{'prefix'} . '/' . $dd->{'bits'}; if ($entry && $entry->{'AS_PATH'}) { my $as = $entry->{'AS_PATH'}->[-1]; if (ref($as) eq "ARRAY") { $as = @{$as}[0]; } next if (is_bougus_asn($as)); if (!$networks->{$as}) { if ($dd->{'subtype'} == 2) { $networks->{$as} = { nets_v4 => [ $net ], nets_v6 => [] }; } else { $networks->{$as} = { nets_v6 => [ $net ], nets_v4 => [] }; } } else { if ($dd->{'subtype'} == 2) { push @{$networks->{$as}->{'nets_v4'}}, $net; } else { push @{$networks->{$as}->{'nets_v6'}}, $net; } } } } } } } # Now roughly detect countries foreach my $u ( @{ $config{'asn_sources'} } ) { my $parsed = URI->new($u); my $fname = $download_target . '/' . basename( $parsed->path ); open( my $fh, "<", $fname ) or die "Cannot open $fname: $!"; while (<$fh>) { next if /^\#/; chomp; my @elts = split /\|/; if ( $elts[2] eq 'asn' && $elts[3] ne '*' ) { my $as_start = int( $elts[3] ); my $as_end = $as_start + int( $elts[4] ); for ( my $as = $as_start ; $as < $as_end ; $as++ ) { my $real_as = $as; if ( ref($as) eq "ARRAY" ) { $real_as = @{$as}[0]; } if ( $networks->{"$real_as"} ) { $networks->{"$real_as"}->{'country'} = $elts[1]; $networks->{"$real_as"}->{'rir'} = $elts[0]; } } } } } while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each( %{$networks} ) ) { if ($v4) { foreach my $n ( @{ $v->{'nets_v4'} } ) { # "15169 | | US | arin |" for if ( $v->{'country'} ) { printf $v4_fh "%s %s|%s|%s|%s|\n", $n, $k, $n, $v->{'country'}, $v->{'rir'}; } else { printf $v4_fh "%s %s|%s|%s|%s|\n", $n, $k, $n, 'UN', 'UN'; } } } if ($v6) { foreach my $n ( @{ $v->{'nets_v6'} } ) { # "15169 | | US | arin |" for if ( $v->{'country'} ) { printf $v6_fh "%s %s|%s|%s|%s|\n", $n, $k, $n, $v->{'country'}, $v->{'rir'}; } else { printf $v6_fh "%s %s|%s|%s|%s|\n", $n, $k, $n, 'UN', 'UN'; } } } } __END__ =head1 NAME asn.pl - download and parse ASN data for Rspamd =head1 SYNOPSIS asn.pl [options] Options: --download-asn Download ASN data from RIR --download-bgp Download GeoIP data from Maxmind --target Where to download files (default: current dir) --zone-v4 IPv4 zone (default: asn.rspamd.com) --zone-v6 IPv6 zone (default: asn6.rspamd.com) --file-v4 IPv4 zone file (default: ./asn.zone) --file-v6 IPv6 zone (default: ./asn6.zone) --bgpdump Use bgpdump utility instead of NET::MRT --help Brief help message --man Full documentation =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<--download-asn> Download ASN data from RIR. =item B<--download-bgp> Download GeoIP data from Ripe =item B<--target> Specifies where to download files. =item B<--help> Print a brief help message and exits. =item B<--man> Prints the manual page and exits. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION B is intended to download ASN data and GeoIP data and create a rbldnsd zone. =cut