diff options
authorSimon Brandhof <simon.brandhof@sonarsource.com>2019-02-19 23:52:57 +0100
committerSonarTech <sonartech@sonarsource.com>2019-02-22 20:21:10 +0100
commit7c11a6c444316903bac5fa05e3f986fed20af723 (patch)
parent746ff42c58b6ee5c051de33cc13e3a0af45e7647 (diff)
SONAR-11741 fix NPE when importing issues from external report
Incomplete definition of issue offsets should not make the import fail.
2 files changed, 205 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/sonar-scanner-engine/src/main/java/org/sonar/scanner/externalissue/ExternalIssueImporter.java b/sonar-scanner-engine/src/main/java/org/sonar/scanner/externalissue/ExternalIssueImporter.java
index f555959044e..468648a3235 100644
--- a/sonar-scanner-engine/src/main/java/org/sonar/scanner/externalissue/ExternalIssueImporter.java
+++ b/sonar-scanner-engine/src/main/java/org/sonar/scanner/externalissue/ExternalIssueImporter.java
@@ -119,7 +119,22 @@ public class ExternalIssueImporter {
if (location.textRange != null) {
if (location.textRange.startColumn != null) {
TextPointer start = file.newPointer(location.textRange.startLine, location.textRange.startColumn);
- TextPointer end = file.newPointer(location.textRange.endLine, location.textRange.endColumn);
+ int endLine;
+ int endColumn;
+ if (location.textRange.endLine == null) {
+ // assume it's on a single line
+ endLine = location.textRange.startLine;
+ } else {
+ endLine = location.textRange.endLine;
+ }
+ if (location.textRange.endColumn == null) {
+ // assume it's until the last character of the end line
+ endColumn = file.selectLine(endLine).end().lineOffset();
+ } else {
+ endColumn = location.textRange.endColumn;
+ }
+ TextPointer end = file.newPointer(endLine, endColumn);
newLocation.at(file.newRange(start, end));
} else {
diff --git a/sonar-scanner-engine/src/test/java/org/sonar/scanner/externalissue/ExternalIssueImporterTest.java b/sonar-scanner-engine/src/test/java/org/sonar/scanner/externalissue/ExternalIssueImporterTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..155e08b98c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sonar-scanner-engine/src/test/java/org/sonar/scanner/externalissue/ExternalIssueImporterTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+ * SonarQube
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2019 SonarSource SA
+ * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+package org.sonar.scanner.externalissue;
+import java.io.File;
+import javax.annotation.Nullable;
+import org.apache.commons.lang.math.RandomUtils;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Rule;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;
+import org.sonar.api.batch.fs.TextRange;
+import org.sonar.api.batch.fs.internal.DefaultInputFile;
+import org.sonar.api.batch.fs.internal.TestInputFileBuilder;
+import org.sonar.api.batch.rule.Severity;
+import org.sonar.api.batch.sensor.internal.SensorContextTester;
+import org.sonar.api.batch.sensor.issue.ExternalIssue;
+import org.sonar.api.utils.log.LogTester;
+import org.sonar.api.utils.log.LoggerLevel;
+import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
+import static org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull;
+import static org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic;
+import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
+public class ExternalIssueImporterTest {
+ @Rule
+ public TemporaryFolder temp = new TemporaryFolder();
+ @Rule
+ public LogTester logs = new LogTester();
+ private DefaultInputFile sourceFile;
+ private SensorContextTester context;
+ @Before
+ public void prepare() throws Exception {
+ File baseDir = temp.newFolder();
+ context = SensorContextTester.create(baseDir);
+ sourceFile = new TestInputFileBuilder("foo", "src/Foo.java")
+ .setModuleBaseDir(baseDir.toPath())
+ .initMetadata("the first line\nthe second line")
+ .setCharset(UTF_8)
+ .setLanguage("java")
+ .build();
+ context.fileSystem().add(sourceFile);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void import_zero_issues() {
+ ReportParser.Report report = new ReportParser.Report();
+ report.issues = new ReportParser.Issue[0];
+ ExternalIssueImporter underTest = new ExternalIssueImporter(this.context, report);
+ underTest.execute();
+ assertThat(context.allExternalIssues()).isEmpty();
+ assertThat(context.allIssues()).isEmpty();
+ assertThat(logs.logs(LoggerLevel.INFO)).contains("Imported 0 issues in 0 files");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void import_issue_with_minimal_info() {
+ ReportParser.Report report = new ReportParser.Report();
+ ReportParser.Issue input = new ReportParser.Issue();
+ input.engineId = "findbugs";
+ input.ruleId = "123";
+ input.severity = "CRITICAL";
+ input.type = "BUG";
+ input.primaryLocation = new ReportParser.Location();
+ input.primaryLocation.filePath = sourceFile.getProjectRelativePath();
+ input.primaryLocation.message = randomAlphabetic(5);
+ report.issues = new ReportParser.Issue[] {input};
+ ExternalIssueImporter underTest = new ExternalIssueImporter(this.context, report);
+ underTest.execute();
+ assertThat(context.allExternalIssues()).hasSize(1);
+ ExternalIssue output = context.allExternalIssues().iterator().next();
+ assertThat(output.engineId()).isEqualTo(input.engineId);
+ assertThat(output.ruleId()).isEqualTo(input.ruleId);
+ assertThat(output.severity()).isEqualTo(Severity.valueOf(input.severity));
+ assertThat(output.remediationEffort()).isNull();
+ assertThat(logs.logs(LoggerLevel.INFO)).contains("Imported 1 issue in 1 file");
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void import_issue_with_complete_primary_location() {
+ ReportParser.TextRange input = new ReportParser.TextRange();
+ input.startLine = 1;
+ input.startColumn = 4;
+ input.endLine= 2;
+ input.endColumn= 3;
+ runOn(newIssue(input));
+ assertThat(context.allExternalIssues()).hasSize(1);
+ ExternalIssue output = context.allExternalIssues().iterator().next();
+ assertSameRange(input, output.primaryLocation().textRange());
+ }
+ /**
+ * If columns are not defined, then issue is assumed to be on the full first line.
+ * The end line is ignored.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void import_issue_with_no_columns() {
+ ReportParser.TextRange input = new ReportParser.TextRange();
+ input.startLine = 1;
+ input.startColumn = null;
+ input.endLine= 2;
+ input.endColumn= null;
+ runOn(newIssue(input));
+ assertThat(context.allExternalIssues()).hasSize(1);
+ TextRange got = context.allExternalIssues().iterator().next().primaryLocation().textRange();
+ assertThat(got.start().line()).isEqualTo(input.startLine);
+ assertThat(got.start().lineOffset()).isEqualTo(0);
+ assertThat(got.end().line()).isEqualTo(input.startLine);
+ assertThat(got.end().lineOffset()).isEqualTo(sourceFile.selectLine(input.startLine).end().lineOffset());
+ }
+ /**
+ * If end column is not defined, then issue is assumed to be until the last character of the end line.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void import_issue_with_start_but_not_end_column() {
+ ReportParser.TextRange input = new ReportParser.TextRange();
+ input.startLine = 1;
+ input.startColumn = 3;
+ input.endLine= 2;
+ input.endColumn= null;
+ runOn(newIssue(input));
+ assertThat(context.allExternalIssues()).hasSize(1);
+ TextRange got = context.allExternalIssues().iterator().next().primaryLocation().textRange();
+ assertThat(got.start().line()).isEqualTo(input.startLine);
+ assertThat(got.start().lineOffset()).isEqualTo(3);
+ assertThat(got.end().line()).isEqualTo(input.endLine);
+ assertThat(got.end().lineOffset()).isEqualTo(sourceFile.selectLine(input.endLine).end().lineOffset());
+ }
+ private void assertSameRange(ReportParser.TextRange expected, TextRange got) {
+ assertThat(got.start().line()).isEqualTo(expected.startLine);
+ assertThat(got.start().lineOffset()).isEqualTo(defaultIfNull(expected.startColumn, 0));
+ assertThat(got.end().line()).isEqualTo(expected.endLine);
+ assertThat(got.end().lineOffset()).isEqualTo(defaultIfNull(expected.endColumn, 0));
+ }
+ private void runOn(ReportParser.Issue input) {
+ ReportParser.Report report = new ReportParser.Report();
+ report.issues = new ReportParser.Issue[] {input};
+ ExternalIssueImporter underTest = new ExternalIssueImporter(this.context, report);
+ underTest.execute();
+ }
+ private ReportParser.Issue newIssue(@Nullable ReportParser.TextRange textRange) {
+ ReportParser.Issue input = new ReportParser.Issue();
+ input.engineId = randomAlphabetic(5);
+ input.ruleId = randomAlphabetic(5);
+ input.severity = "CRITICAL";
+ input.type = "BUG";
+ input.effortMinutes = RandomUtils.nextInt();
+ input.primaryLocation = new ReportParser.Location();
+ input.primaryLocation.filePath = sourceFile.getProjectRelativePath();
+ input.primaryLocation.message = randomAlphabetic(5);
+ input.primaryLocation.textRange = textRange;
+ return input;
+ }