path: root/
diff options
authorSimon Brandhof <>2018-07-20 14:42:34 +0200
committerSonarTech <>2018-07-20 20:21:19 +0200
commitd63b399cbd1bca672713d2608928c69995b1b1c7 (patch)
tree7da8c8e173686e7a7593311a59761945ddf57c54 /
parentebb39d76caa9d116d97ca53470c97dd9558bd2c2 (diff)
Remove integration tests section from public README
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 4e7894ef95e..808b16729f0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -64,81 +64,6 @@ If the project has never been built, then build it as usual (see previous sectio
Then simply open the root file `build.gradle` as a project in Intellij or Eclipse.
-### Run Integration Tests
-Integration tests are grouped into categories, listed in [tests/build.gradle]().
-A single category should be run at a time, by executing from project base directory:
- ./gradlew integrationTest -Dcategory=<category>
- ./gradlew integrationTest -Dcategory=Category1
-### Configure Integration Tests
-Environment of tests can be configured with command-line properties and file `~/.sonar/orchestrator/`, if it exists.
-Here is a template example:
- # Token used to download SonarSource private artifacts from,
- # required for the category "Plugins".
- # Generate your API key at
- #orchestrator.artifactory.apiKey=
- # Personal access token used to request SonarSource development licenses at,
- # required for the category "Plugins".
- # Generate a token from
- #github.token=
- # Browser to be used in Selenium tests.
- # Values are:
- # - "firefox" (default). Supports only versions <= 46
- # - "marionette", for versions of Firefox greater than 46
- # - "chrome". Requires the Chrome driver to be installed (see
- # On MacOS, simply run "brew install chromedriver".
- #orchestrator.browser=firefox
- # Port of SonarQube server, for example 10000. Default value is 0 (random).
- #orchestrator.container.port=0
- # Maven installation, used by the tests running Scanner for Maven.
- # By default Maven binary is searched in $PATH
- #maven.home=/usr/local/Cellar/maven/3.5.0/libexec
- # Database connection. Embedded H2 is used by default.
- # Example for PostgreSQL:
- #sonar.jdbc.dialect=postgresql
- #sonar.jdbc.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:15432/sonar
- #sonar.jdbc.rootUsername=postgres
- #sonar.jdbc.rootPassword=sonarsource
- #sonar.jdbc.rootUrl=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:15432/postgres
- #sonar.jdbc.username=sonar
- #sonar.jdbc.password=sonar
- #sonar.jdbc.schema=public
- # Example for Oracle 12c:
- #sonar.jdbc.dialect=oracle
- #sonar.jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/ORCL
- #sonar.jdbc.rootUrl=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/ORCL
- #sonar.jdbc.rootUsername=SYSTEM
- #sonar.jdbc.rootPassword=system
- #sonar.jdbc.username=sonar
- #sonar.jdbc.password=sonar
- # Example for SQLServer
- #sonar.jdbc.dialect=mssql
- #sonar.jdbc.url=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost/sonar;SelectMethod=Cursor
- #sonar.jdbc.rootUrl=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost;SelectMethod=Cursor
- #sonar.jdbc.rootUsername=admin
- #sonar.jdbc.rootPassword=admin
- #sonar.jdbc.username=sonar
- #sonar.jdbc.password=sonar
-The path to a custom configuration file can be provided with command-line property `-Dorchestrator.configUrl=file:///path/to/` or with
-environment variable `ORCHESTRATOR_CONFIG_URL=file:///path/to/`.
### Find available updates of dependencies
Execute from project base directory: