path: root/it
diff options
authorJulien Lancelot <julien.lancelot@sonarsource.com>2016-03-24 11:33:44 +0100
committerTeryk Bellahsene <teryk.bellahsene@sonarsource.com>2016-03-29 19:10:52 +0200
commit98b3ff0a5f05667b59723714d95bcfb1060d93c0 (patch)
treef04941194f09756001a3da89ae449e12434e11f9 /it
parent44322e96335e0e309b331be79a55a5459371089a (diff)
SONAR-7472 Drop ability to create manual issues from WS
Diffstat (limited to 'it')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 360 deletions
diff --git a/it/it-tests/src/test/java/it/Category2Suite.java b/it/it-tests/src/test/java/it/Category2Suite.java
index bb7f7dead2c..23087b451c8 100644
--- a/it/it-tests/src/test/java/it/Category2Suite.java
+++ b/it/it-tests/src/test/java/it/Category2Suite.java
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import it.issue.IssueSearchTest;
import it.issue.IssueTrackingTest;
import it.issue.IssueWorkflowTest;
import it.issue.ManualIssueRelocationTest;
-import it.issue.ManualIssueTest;
import it.issue.NewIssuesMeasureTest;
import it.qualityModel.MaintainabilityMeasureTest;
import it.qualityModel.MaintainabilityRatingMeasureTest;
@@ -73,7 +72,6 @@ import static util.ItUtils.xooPlugin;
- ManualIssueTest.class,
// rule
diff --git a/it/it-tests/src/test/java/it/issue/ManualIssueTest.java b/it/it-tests/src/test/java/it/issue/ManualIssueTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 25397379936..00000000000
--- a/it/it-tests/src/test/java/it/issue/ManualIssueTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
- * SonarQube
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2016 SonarSource SA
- * mailto:contact AT sonarsource DOT com
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-package it.issue;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
-import org.sonar.wsclient.issue.Issue;
-import org.sonar.wsclient.issue.IssueComment;
-import org.sonar.wsclient.issue.IssueQuery;
-import org.sonar.wsclient.issue.Issues;
-import org.sonar.wsclient.issue.NewIssue;
-import util.QaOnly;
-import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
-import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
-import static util.ItUtils.runProjectAnalysis;
-import static util.ItUtils.verifyHttpException;
- * SONAR-4304
- */
-public class ManualIssueTest extends AbstractIssueTest {
- private final static String COMPONENT_KEY = "sample:src/main/xoo/sample/Sample.xoo";
- @Before
- public void before() {
- ORCHESTRATOR.resetData();
- analyzeProject();
- createManualRule();
- }
- @Test
- public void create_manual_issue_through_ws() throws Exception {
- // Create the manual issue
- Issue newIssue = adminIssueClient().create(NewIssue.create().component(COMPONENT_KEY)
- .rule("manual:invalidclassname")
- .line(3)
- .severity("CRITICAL")
- .message("The name 'Sample' is too generic"));
- assertThat(newIssue.key()).isNotNull();
- assertThat(newIssue.creationDate()).isNotNull();
- assertThat(newIssue.updateDate()).isNotNull();
- assertThat(newIssue.ruleKey()).isEqualTo("manual:invalidclassname");
- assertThat(newIssue.line()).isEqualTo(3);
- assertThat(newIssue.severity()).isEqualTo(("CRITICAL"));
- assertThat(newIssue.message()).isEqualTo(("The name 'Sample' is too generic"));
- assertThat(newIssue.status()).isEqualTo("OPEN");
- assertThat(newIssue.resolution()).isNull();
- assertThat(newIssue.reporter()).isEqualTo("admin");
- Issues issues = search(IssueQuery.create().issues(newIssue.key()));
- assertThat(issues.list().get(0).reporter()).isEqualTo("admin");
- // get the detail of the reporter
- assertThat(issues.user("admin").name()).isEqualTo("Administrator");
- }
- @Test
- public void scan_should_keep_manual_issues_open() throws Exception {
- // Create the manual issue
- Issue newIssue = adminIssueClient().create(NewIssue.create().component(COMPONENT_KEY)
- .rule("manual:invalidclassname")
- .line(3)
- .severity("CRITICAL")
- .message("The name 'Sample' is too generic"));
- assertThat(newIssue.key()).isNotNull();
- assertThat(newIssue.creationDate()).isNotNull();
- assertThat(newIssue.updateDate()).isNotNull();
- // the metric 'issues' is not up-to-date yet
- assertThat(searchIssuesByComponent(COMPONENT_KEY)).hasSize(1);
- // re-inspect the project : the issue still exists
- analyzeProject();
- Issue issue = searchIssueByKey(newIssue.key());
- assertThat(issue.ruleKey()).isEqualTo("manual:invalidclassname");
- assertThat(issue.line()).isEqualTo(3);
- assertThat(issue.severity()).isEqualTo(("CRITICAL"));
- assertThat(issue.message()).isEqualTo(("The name 'Sample' is too generic"));
- assertThat(issue.status()).isEqualTo("OPEN");
- assertThat(issue.resolution()).isNull();
- assertThat(issue.reporter()).isEqualTo("admin");
- assertThat(issue.creationDate()).isEqualTo(newIssue.creationDate());
- assertThat(issue.updateDate()).isEqualTo(newIssue.updateDate());
- }
- @Test
- public void scan_should_close_issues_on_deleted_manual_rules() throws Exception {
- // Create another manual rule
- ORCHESTRATOR.getServer().adminWsClient().post("/api/rules/create", ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of(
- "manual_key", "ruletoberemoved",
- "name", "RuleToBeRemoved",
- "markdown_description", "Rule to be removed"
- ));
- // Create the manual issue
- Issue newIssue = adminIssueClient().create(NewIssue.create().component(COMPONENT_KEY)
- .rule("manual:ruletoberemoved")
- .line(3)
- .severity("CRITICAL")
- .message("The name 'Sample' is too generic"));
- assertThat(newIssue.status()).isEqualTo("OPEN");
- // Delete the manual rule (will be in fact disabled in the db, not removed)
- ORCHESTRATOR.getServer().adminWsClient().post("/api/rules/delete", ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of("key", "manual:ruletoberemoved"));
- analyzeProject();
- Issue closedIssue = searchIssueByKey(newIssue.key());
- assertThat(closedIssue.status()).isEqualTo("CLOSED");
- assertThat(closedIssue.resolution()).isEqualTo("REMOVED");
- assertThat(closedIssue.creationDate()).isEqualTo(newIssue.creationDate());
- assertThat(closedIssue.updateDate().before(newIssue.updateDate())).isFalse();
- assertThat(closedIssue.closeDate().before(closedIssue.creationDate())).isFalse();
- }
- @Test
- public void scan_should_close_manual_resolved_issues() throws Exception {
- // Create the manual issue
- Issue newIssue = adminIssueClient().create(NewIssue.create().component(COMPONENT_KEY)
- .rule("manual:invalidclassname")
- .line(3)
- .severity("CRITICAL")
- .message("The name 'Sample' is too generic"));
- assertThat(newIssue.status()).isEqualTo("OPEN");
- // mark issue as resolved
- adminIssueClient().doTransition(newIssue.key(), "resolve");
- analyzeProject();
- Issue closedIssue = searchIssueByKey(newIssue.key());
- assertThat(closedIssue.status()).isEqualTo("CLOSED");
- assertThat(closedIssue.resolution()).isEqualTo("FIXED");
- assertThat(closedIssue.creationDate()).isEqualTo(newIssue.creationDate());
- assertThat(closedIssue.updateDate().before(newIssue.updateDate())).isFalse();
- assertThat(closedIssue.closeDate().before(closedIssue.creationDate())).isFalse();
- }
- @Test
- public void add_comment_to_manual_issue() throws Exception {
- // Create the manual issue
- Issue manualIssue = adminIssueClient().create(NewIssue.create().component(COMPONENT_KEY)
- .rule("manual:invalidclassname")
- .line(3)
- .severity("CRITICAL")
- .message("The name 'Sample' is too generic"));
- // Add a comment on the manual issue
- IssueComment comment = adminIssueClient().addComment(manualIssue.key(), "this is my *comment*");
- // Reload manual issue
- Issue reloaded = searchIssueWithComments(manualIssue.key());
- assertThat(reloaded.comments()).hasSize(1);
- assertThat(reloaded.comments().get(0).key()).isEqualTo(comment.key());
- }
- @Test
- public void resolve_manual_issue() throws Exception {
- // Create the manual issue
- Issue manualIssue = adminIssueClient().create(NewIssue.create().component(COMPONENT_KEY)
- .rule("manual:invalidclassname")
- .line(3)
- .severity("CRITICAL")
- .message("The name 'Sample' is too generic"));
- // Resolve the manual issue
- adminIssueClient().doTransition(manualIssue.key(), "resolve");
- // Check the manual issue is well resolved
- Issue reloaded = searchIssueByKey(manualIssue.key());
- assertThat(reloaded.status()).isEqualTo("RESOLVED");
- assertThat(reloaded.resolution()).isEqualTo("FIXED");
- assertThat(reloaded.creationDate()).isEqualTo(manualIssue.creationDate());
- assertThat(reloaded.updateDate().before(manualIssue.updateDate())).isFalse();
- analyzeProject();
- // Reload after analyse -> manual issue should be closed
- reloaded = searchIssueByKey(manualIssue.key());
- assertThat(reloaded.status()).isEqualTo("CLOSED");
- assertThat(reloaded.resolution()).isEqualTo("FIXED");
- assertThat(reloaded.creationDate()).isEqualTo(manualIssue.creationDate());
- assertThat(reloaded.updateDate().before(manualIssue.updateDate())).isFalse();
- assertThat(reloaded.closeDate()).isNotNull();
- assertThat(reloaded.closeDate().before(reloaded.creationDate())).isFalse();
- }
- @Test
- public void resolve_and_reopen_manual_issue() throws Exception {
- // Create the manual issue
- Issue issue = adminIssueClient().create(NewIssue.create().component(COMPONENT_KEY)
- .rule("manual:invalidclassname")
- .line(3)
- .severity("CRITICAL")
- .message("The name 'Sample' is too generic"));
- // Resolve the manual issue
- adminIssueClient().doTransition(issue.key(), "resolve");
- // Check the manual issue is well resolved
- assertThat(searchIssueByKey(issue.key()).status()).isEqualTo("RESOLVED");
- analyzeProject();
- // Reload after analyse -> manual issue is closed
- assertThat(searchIssueByKey(issue.key()).status()).isEqualTo("CLOSED");
- // Reopen the manual issue
- adminIssueClient().doTransition(issue.key(), "reopen");
- analyzeProject();
- // Reload after analyse -> manual issue is reopened
- Issue reloaded = searchIssueByKey(issue.key());
- assertThat(reloaded.status()).isEqualTo("REOPENED");
- assertThat(reloaded.resolution()).isNull();
- assertThat(reloaded.creationDate()).isEqualTo(issue.creationDate());
- assertThat(reloaded.updateDate().before(issue.updateDate())).isFalse();
- }
- @Test
- public void fail_if_unknown_rule() throws Exception {
- try {
- adminIssueClient().create(NewIssue.create().component(COMPONENT_KEY)
- // this rule does not exist
- .rule("manual:unknown-rule")
- .line(3)
- .severity("CRITICAL")
- .message("The name 'Sample' is too generic"));
- fail();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- verifyHttpException(e, 400);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void fail_if_missing_rule() throws Exception {
- try {
- adminIssueClient().create(NewIssue.create().component(COMPONENT_KEY)
- .line(3)
- .severity("CRITICAL")
- .message("The name 'Sample' is too generic"));
- fail();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- verifyHttpException(e, 400);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void fail_if_not_a_manual_rule() throws Exception {
- try {
- adminIssueClient().create(NewIssue.create().component(COMPONENT_KEY)
- // Not a manual rule
- .rule("xoo:OneIssuePerLine")
- .line(3)
- .severity("CRITICAL")
- .message("The name 'Sample' is too generic"));
- fail();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- verifyHttpException(e, 400);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void fail_if_rule_is_disabled() throws Exception {
- // Create and delete a manual rule
- ORCHESTRATOR.getServer().adminWsClient().post("/api/rules/create", ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of(
- "manual_key", "anotherinvalidclassname",
- "name", "AnotherInvalidClassName",
- "markdown_description", "Another invalid class name"
- ));
- ORCHESTRATOR.getServer().adminWsClient().post("/api/rules/delete", ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of(
- "key", "manual:anotherinvalidclassname"
- ));
- try {
- adminIssueClient().create(NewIssue.create().component(COMPONENT_KEY)
- // This rule is disabled
- .rule("manual:anotherinvalidclassname")
- .line(3)
- .severity("CRITICAL")
- .message("The name 'Sample' is too generic"));
- fail();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- verifyHttpException(e, 400);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void fail_if_component_does_not_exist() throws Exception {
- try {
- adminIssueClient().create(NewIssue.create().component("unknown component")
- .rule("manual:invalidclassname")
- .line(3)
- .severity("CRITICAL")
- .message("The name 'Sample' is too generic"));
- fail();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- verifyHttpException(e, 400);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void fail_if_not_logged_in() throws Exception {
- try {
- issueClient().create(NewIssue.create().component("unknown component")
- .rule("manual:invalidclassname")
- .line(3)
- .severity("CRITICAL")
- .message("The name 'Sample' is too generic"));
- fail();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- verifyHttpException(e, 401);
- }
- }
- private static void analyzeProject() {
- // no active rules
- runProjectAnalysis(ORCHESTRATOR, "shared/xoo-sample");
- }
- private static void createManualRule() {
- ORCHESTRATOR.getServer().adminWsClient().post("/api/rules/create", ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of(
- "manual_key", "invalidclassname",
- "name", "InvalidClassName",
- "markdown_description", "Invalid class name"
- ));
- }
- private static List<Issue> searchIssuesByComponent(String componentKey) {
- return search(IssueQuery.create().components(componentKey)).list();
- }
- private static Issue searchIssueWithComments(String issueKey) {
- return searchIssue(issueKey, true);
- }