path: root/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/projects/main.js
diff options
authorStas Vilchik <vilchiks@gmail.com>2015-10-01 12:06:21 +0200
committerStas Vilchik <vilchiks@gmail.com>2015-10-02 10:06:00 +0200
commit3aa4e0789f603f3c579a5f0184fa024afd3792fa (patch)
tree56f90d9d920db588cbd7c486901b08363df8dca4 /server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/projects/main.js
parentbcb4b7ae52e9cda07ea97c3bea08ac50a779e1d7 (diff)
SONAR-6848 Merge the "Bulk Deletion" and "Provisioning" pages
Diffstat (limited to 'server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/projects/main.js')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/projects/main.js b/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/projects/main.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8bb5492ac02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/projects/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+import _ from 'underscore';
+import React from 'react';
+import Header from './header';
+import Search from './search';
+import Projects from './projects';
+import {PAGE_SIZE, TYPE} from './constants';
+import {getComponents, getProvisioned, getGhosts, deleteComponents} from '../../api/components';
+import ListFooter from '../../components/shared/list-footer';
+export default React.createClass({
+ propTypes: {
+ hasProvisionPermission: React.PropTypes.bool.isRequired,
+ topLevelQualifiers: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired
+ },
+ getInitialState() {
+ return {
+ projects: [],
+ total: 0,
+ page: 1,
+ query: '',
+ qualifiers: 'TRK',
+ type: TYPE.ALL,
+ selection: []
+ };
+ },
+ componentWillMount: function () {
+ this.requestProjects = _.debounce(this.requestProjects, 250);
+ },
+ componentDidMount() {
+ this.requestProjects();
+ },
+ getFilters() {
+ let filters = { ps: PAGE_SIZE };
+ if (this.state.page !== 1) {
+ filters.p = this.state.page;
+ }
+ if (this.state.query) {
+ filters.q = this.state.query;
+ }
+ return filters;
+ },
+ requestProjects() {
+ switch (this.state.type) {
+ case TYPE.ALL:
+ this.requestAllProjects();
+ break;
+ this.requestProvisioned();
+ break;
+ this.requestGhosts();
+ break;
+ default:
+ // should never happen
+ }
+ },
+ requestGhosts() {
+ let data = this.getFilters();
+ getGhosts(data).done(r => {
+ let projects = r.projects.map(project => {
+ return _.extend(project, { id: project.uuid, qualifier: 'TRK' });
+ });
+ if (this.state.page > 1) {
+ projects = [].concat(this.state.projects, projects);
+ }
+ this.setState({ projects: projects, total: r.total });
+ });
+ },
+ requestProvisioned() {
+ let data = this.getFilters();
+ getProvisioned(data).done(r => {
+ let projects = r.projects.map(project => {
+ return _.extend(project, { id: project.uuid, qualifier: 'TRK' });
+ });
+ if (this.state.page > 1) {
+ projects = [].concat(this.state.projects, projects);
+ }
+ this.setState({ projects: projects, total: r.total });
+ });
+ },
+ requestAllProjects() {
+ let data = this.getFilters();
+ data.qualifiers = this.state.qualifiers;
+ getComponents(data).done(r => {
+ let projects = r.components;
+ if (this.state.page > 1) {
+ projects = [].concat(this.state.projects, projects);
+ }
+ this.setState({ projects: projects, total: r.paging.total });
+ });
+ },
+ loadMore() {
+ this.setState({ page: this.state.page + 1 }, this.requestProjects);
+ },
+ onSearch(query) {
+ this.setState({
+ page: 1,
+ query,
+ selection: []
+ }, this.requestProjects);
+ },
+ onTypeChanged(newType) {
+ this.setState({
+ page: 1,
+ query: '',
+ type: newType,
+ qualifiers: 'TRK',
+ selection: []
+ }, this.requestProjects);
+ },
+ onQualifierChanged(newQualifier) {
+ this.setState({
+ page: 1,
+ query: '',
+ type: TYPE.ALL,
+ qualifiers: newQualifier,
+ selection: []
+ }, this.requestProjects);
+ },
+ onProjectSelected(project) {
+ let newSelection = _.uniq([].concat(this.state.selection, project.id));
+ this.setState({ selection: newSelection });
+ },
+ onProjectDeselected(project) {
+ let newSelection = _.without(this.state.selection, project.id);
+ this.setState({ selection: newSelection });
+ },
+ onAllSelected() {
+ let newSelection = this.state.projects.map(project => {
+ return project.id;
+ });
+ this.setState({ selection: newSelection });
+ },
+ onAllDeselected() {
+ this.setState({ selection: [] });
+ },
+ deleteProjects() {
+ let ids = this.state.selection.join(',');
+ deleteComponents({ ids }).done(() => {
+ this.setState({ selection: [] }, this.requestProjects);
+ });
+ },
+ render() {
+ return (
+ <div className="page">
+ <Header
+ hasProvisionPermission={this.props.hasProvisionPermission}
+ refresh={this.requestProjects}/>
+ <Search {...this.props} {...this.state}
+ onSearch={this.onSearch}
+ onTypeChanged={this.onTypeChanged}
+ onQualifierChanged={this.onQualifierChanged}
+ onAllSelected={this.onAllSelected}
+ onAllDeselected={this.onAllDeselected}
+ deleteProjects={this.deleteProjects}/>
+ <Projects
+ projects={this.state.projects}
+ refresh={this.requestProjects}
+ selection={this.state.selection}
+ onProjectSelected={this.onProjectSelected}
+ onProjectDeselected={this.onProjectDeselected}/>
+ <ListFooter
+ count={this.state.projects.length}
+ total={this.state.total}
+ loadMore={this.loadMore}/>
+ </div>
+ );
+ }