path: root/server/sonar-web/src/main/less/components
diff options
authorStas Vilchik <vilchiks@gmail.com>2015-12-03 14:19:11 +0100
committerStas Vilchik <vilchiks@gmail.com>2015-12-03 17:30:23 +0100
commit28a5679ec450ccaaee8784354c57c40b79a08203 (patch)
treeb676a324990c70b182ff65bf9db6a3ac6fee2122 /server/sonar-web/src/main/less/components
parentff867f10ae2bd4955055b781ec68039cf28b3b37 (diff)
apply different ui feedback on the overview page
Diffstat (limited to 'server/sonar-web/src/main/less/components')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/server/sonar-web/src/main/less/components/react-select.less b/server/sonar-web/src/main/less/components/react-select.less
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d55d310f5d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/sonar-web/src/main/less/components/react-select.less
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+@import (reference) "../variables";
+.Select {
+ position: relative;
+ display: inline-block;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ font-size: @smallFontSize;
+.Select div,
+.Select input,
+.Select span {
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+.Select.is-disabled > .Select-control {
+ background-color: #f9f9f9;
+.Select.is-disabled > .Select-control:hover {
+ box-shadow: none;
+.Select.is-disabled .Select-arrow-zone {
+ cursor: default;
+ pointer-events: none;
+.Select-control {
+ position: relative;
+ display: table;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: @formControlHeight;
+ border: 1px solid @darkGrey;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ background-color: #fff;
+ color: @baseFontColor;
+ cursor: default;
+ outline: none;
+ overflow: hidden;
+.is-searchable.is-open > .Select-control {
+ cursor: text;
+.is-open > .Select-control {
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+ background: #fff;
+.is-open > .Select-control > .Select-arrow {
+ border-color: transparent transparent #999;
+ border-width: 0 5px 5px;
+.is-searchable.is-focused:not(.is-open) > .Select-control {
+ cursor: text;
+.is-focused:not(.is-open) > .Select-control {
+ border-color: @blue;
+:not(.Select--multi) > .Select-control .Select-value {
+ bottom: 0;
+ color: #aaa;
+ left: 0;
+ line-height: @formControlHeight;
+ padding-left: 8px;
+ padding-right: 8px;
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ max-width: 100%;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+.has-value:not(.Select--multi) > .Select-control > .Select-value .Select-value-label,
+.has-value.is-pseudo-focused:not(.Select--multi) > .Select-control > .Select-value .Select-value-label {
+ color: @baseFontColor;
+.has-value:not(.Select--multi) > .Select-control > .Select-value a.Select-value-label,
+.has-value.is-pseudo-focused:not(.Select--multi) > .Select-control > .Select-value a.Select-value-label {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ text-decoration: none;
+.has-value:not(.Select--multi) > .Select-control > .Select-value a.Select-value-label:hover,
+.has-value.is-pseudo-focused:not(.Select--multi) > .Select-control > .Select-value a.Select-value-label:hover,
+.has-value:not(.Select--multi) > .Select-control > .Select-value a.Select-value-label:focus,
+.has-value.is-pseudo-focused:not(.Select--multi) > .Select-control > .Select-value a.Select-value-label:focus {
+ color: #007eff;
+ outline: none;
+ text-decoration: underline;
+.Select-input {
+ vertical-align: top;
+ height: @formControlHeight;
+ padding-left: 8px;
+ padding-right: 8px;
+.Select-input > input {
+ background: none transparent;
+ border: 0 none;
+ cursor: default;
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-family: inherit;
+ font-size: @smallFontSize;
+ height: @formControlHeight;
+ margin: 0;
+ outline: none;
+ padding: 0;
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+.is-focused .Select-input > input {
+ cursor: text;
+.has-value.is-pseudo-focused .Select-input {
+ opacity: 0;
+.Select-control:not(.is-searchable) > .Select-input {
+ outline: none;
+.Select-loading-zone {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ display: table-cell;
+ position: relative;
+ text-align: center;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ width: 16px;
+.Select-loading {
+ -webkit-animation: Select-animation-spin 400ms infinite linear;
+ -o-animation: Select-animation-spin 400ms infinite linear;
+ animation: Select-animation-spin 400ms infinite linear;
+ width: 16px;
+ height: 16px;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ border: 2px solid #ccc;
+ border-right-color: @baseFontColor;
+ display: inline-block;
+ position: relative;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+.Select-clear-zone {
+ -webkit-animation: Select-animation-fadeIn 200ms;
+ -o-animation: Select-animation-fadeIn 200ms;
+ animation: Select-animation-fadeIn 200ms;
+ color: #999;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ display: table-cell;
+ position: relative;
+ text-align: center;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ width: 17px;
+.Select-clear-zone:hover {
+ color: #d0021b;
+.Select-clear {
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-size: 18px;
+ line-height: 1;
+.Select--multi .Select-clear-zone {
+ width: 17px;
+.Select-arrow-zone {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ display: table-cell;
+ position: relative;
+ text-align: center;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ width: 20px;
+ padding-right: 5px;
+.Select-arrow {
+ border-color: #999 transparent transparent;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 4px 4px 2px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 0;
+ width: 0;
+.is-open .Select-arrow,
+.Select-arrow-zone:hover > .Select-arrow {
+ border-top-color: #666;
+@-webkit-keyframes Select-animation-fadeIn {
+ from {
+ opacity: 0;
+ }
+ to {
+ opacity: 1;
+ }
+@keyframes Select-animation-fadeIn {
+ from {
+ opacity: 0;
+ }
+ to {
+ opacity: 1;
+ }
+.Select-menu-outer {
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
+ background-color: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ border-top-color: #e6e6e6;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ margin-top: -1px;
+ max-height: 200px;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 100%;
+ width: 100%;
+ z-index: 1;
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ box-shadow: @defaultShadow;
+.Select-menu {
+ max-height: 198px;
+ padding: 5px 0;
+ overflow-y: auto;
+.Select-option {
+ display: block;
+ line-height: 20px;
+ padding: 0 8px;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ color: @baseFontColor;
+ font-size: @smallFontSize;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
+.Select-option:last-child {
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 2px;
+.Select-option.is-focused {
+ background-color: @barBackgroundColor;
+.Select-option.is-disabled {
+ font-weight: 600;
+ cursor: default;
+.Select-noresults {
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ color: #999;
+ cursor: default;
+ display: block;
+ padding: 8px 10px;
+.Select--multi .Select-input {
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ margin-left: 10px;
+ padding: 0;
+.Select--multi.has-value .Select-input {
+ margin-left: 5px;
+.Select--multi .Select-value {
+ background-color: rgba(0, 126, 255, 0.08);
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ border: 1px solid rgba(0, 126, 255, 0.24);
+ color: #007eff;
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-size: 0.9em;
+ line-height: 1.4;
+ margin-left: 5px;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ vertical-align: top;
+.Select-value-label {
+ font-size: @smallFontSize;
+.is-searchable.is-open .Select-value-label {
+ opacity: 0.5;
+.Select--multi .Select-value-icon,
+.Select--multi .Select-value-label {
+ display: inline-block;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+.Select--multi .Select-value-label {
+ border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;
+ border-top-right-radius: 2px;
+ cursor: default;
+ padding: 2px 5px;
+.Select--multi a.Select-value-label {
+ color: #007eff;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ text-decoration: none;
+.Select--multi a.Select-value-label:hover {
+ text-decoration: underline;
+.Select--multi .Select-value-icon {
+ cursor: pointer;
+ border-bottom-left-radius: 2px;
+ border-top-left-radius: 2px;
+ border-right: 1px solid rgba(0, 126, 255, 0.24);
+ padding: 1px 5px 3px;
+.Select--multi .Select-value-icon:hover,
+.Select--multi .Select-value-icon:focus {
+ background-color: rgba(0, 113, 230, 0.08);
+ color: #0071e6;
+.Select--multi .Select-value-icon:active {
+ background-color: rgba(0, 126, 255, 0.24);
+.Select--multi.is-disabled .Select-value {
+ background-color: #fcfcfc;
+ border: 1px solid #e3e3e3;
+ color: @baseFontColor;
+.Select--multi.is-disabled .Select-value-icon {
+ cursor: not-allowed;
+ border-right: 1px solid #e3e3e3;
+.Select--multi.is-disabled .Select-value-icon:hover,
+.Select--multi.is-disabled .Select-value-icon:focus,
+.Select--multi.is-disabled .Select-value-icon:active {
+ background-color: #fcfcfc;
+@keyframes Select-animation-spin {
+ to {
+ transform: rotate(1turn);
+ }
+@-webkit-keyframes Select-animation-spin {
+ to {
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(1turn);
+ }