path: root/server/sonar-web/tailwind.base.config.js
diff options
authorJeremy Davis <jeremy.davis@sonarsource.com>2023-02-22 16:18:48 +0100
committersonartech <sonartech@sonarsource.com>2023-03-13 20:02:44 +0000
commitb33a7cd2193a47f90b22568dd0d58f404bc5f6d7 (patch)
tree6ad602cc5b4172f048a17ef33ed0267c8d96aed5 /server/sonar-web/tailwind.base.config.js
parent8d902e9e2484b35b7a9fe6e8ed49e68ad3ff6ab5 (diff)
SONAR-18524 New Main App bar
Diffstat (limited to 'server/sonar-web/tailwind.base.config.js')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/server/sonar-web/tailwind.base.config.js b/server/sonar-web/tailwind.base.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..81ec058ff2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/sonar-web/tailwind.base.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+ * SonarQube
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2023 SonarSource SA
+ * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+const path = require('path');
+const { fontFamily } = require('tailwindcss/defaultTheme');
+const utilities = require('./tailwind-utilities');
+module.exports = {
+ prefix: 'sw-', // Prefix all tailwind classes with the sw- prefix to avoid collisions
+ theme: {
+ // Define cursors
+ cursor: {
+ auto: 'auto',
+ default: 'default',
+ pointer: 'pointer',
+ 'not-allowed': 'not-allowed',
+ },
+ // Define font sizes
+ fontSize: {
+ sm: ['0.875rem', '1.25rem'], // 14px / 20px
+ base: ['1rem', '1.5rem'], // 16px / 24px
+ md: ['1.313rem', '1.75rem'], // 21px / 28px
+ lg: ['1.5rem', '1.75rem'], // 24px / 28px
+ xl: ['2.25rem', '3rem'], // 36px / 48px
+ },
+ // Define font weights
+ fontWeight: {
+ regular: 400,
+ semibold: 600,
+ bold: 700,
+ },
+ // Define font families
+ fontFamily: {
+ sans: ['Inter', ...fontFamily.sans],
+ mono: ['Ubuntu Mono', ...fontFamily.mono],
+ },
+ // Define less order properties than default
+ order: {
+ first: '-9999',
+ last: '9999',
+ none: '0',
+ 1: '1',
+ 2: '2',
+ 3: '3',
+ 4: '4',
+ },
+ // No responsive breakpoint for the webapp
+ screens: {},
+ // Defined spacing values based on our grid size
+ spacing: {
+ 0: '0',
+ '1/2': '0.125rem', // 2px
+ 1: '0.25rem', // 4px
+ 2: '0.5rem', // 8px
+ 3: '0.75rem', // 12px
+ 4: '1rem', // 16px
+ 6: '1.5rem', // 24px
+ 8: '2rem', // 32px
+ 10: '2.5rem', // 40px
+ 12: '3rem', // 48px
+ 16: '4rem', // 64px
+ 24: '6rem', // 96px
+ 40: '10rem', // 160px
+ 64: '16rem', // 256px
+ page: '1.25rem', // 20px
+ },
+ maxHeight: (twTheme) => twTheme('height'),
+ maxWidth: (twTheme) => twTheme('width'),
+ minHeight: (twTheme) => twTheme('height'),
+ minWidth: (twTheme) => twTheme('width'),
+ borderRadius: {
+ 0: '0',
+ '1/2': '0.125rem', // 2px
+ 1: '0.25rem', // 4px
+ 2: '0.5rem', // 8px
+ pill: '625rem',
+ },
+ zIndex: {
+ normal: '2',
+ filterbar: '50',
+ 'content-popup': '52',
+ 'filterbar-header': '55',
+ 'top-navbar': '419',
+ popup: '420',
+ 'global-navbar': '421',
+ sidebar: '421',
+ 'core-concepts': '422',
+ 'global-popup': '5000',
+ 'dropdown-menu': '7500',
+ tooltip: '8000',
+ },
+ extend: {
+ width: {
+ 'abs-150': '150px',
+ 'abs-200': '200px',
+ 'abs-250': '250px',
+ 'abs-300': '300px',
+ 'abs-350': '350px',
+ 'abs-400': '400px',
+ 'abs-500': '500px',
+ 'abs-600': '600px',
+ 'abs-800': '800px',
+ 'input-small': '150px',
+ 'input-medium': '250px',
+ 'input-large': '350px',
+ icon: '1rem', // 16px
+ },
+ height: {
+ 'abs-200': '200px',
+ icon: '1rem', // 16px
+ control: '2.25rem', // 36px
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ variants: {},
+ corePlugins: {
+ // Please respect the alphabetical order in the below plugins
+ alignItems: true, // .sw-items-x classes
+ alignSelf: true, // .sw-self-x classes
+ borderRadius: true, // .sw-rounded-x classes
+ boxSizing: true, // .sw-box-x classes
+ cursor: true, // .sw-cursor-not-allowed
+ display: true, // display classes .sw-grid .sw-flex
+ flex: true, // .sw-flex-1 .sw-flex-auto ... classes
+ flexDirection: true, // .sw-flex-row .sw-flex-col-reverse ... classes
+ flexGrow: true, // .sw-flex-grow .sw-flex-grow-0 classes
+ flexShrink: true, // .sw-flex-shrink .sw-flex-shrink-0 classes
+ flexWrap: true, // .sw-flex-wrap sw-flex-nowrap ... classes
+ fontFamily: true, // .sw-font-sans .sw-font-mono classes
+ fontSize: true, // .sw-text-sm and similar classes
+ fontWeight: true, // .sw-font-x classes
+ gap: true, // .sw-gap-x classes based on spacing
+ gridAutoFlow: true, // all css grid related classes: .sw-grid-cols-x .sw-col-span-x
+ gridColumn: true,
+ gridColumnEnd: true,
+ gridColumnStart: true,
+ gridRow: true,
+ gridRowEnd: true,
+ gridRowStart: true,
+ gridTemplateColumns: true,
+ gridTemplateRows: true,
+ height: true, // height classes .sw-h-x based on spacing + some more
+ inset: true, // placement classes .sw-top-x based on spacing + some more
+ justifyContent: true, // .sw-justify-x classes
+ lineHeight: true, // .sw-leading-x classes
+ margin: true, // .sw-m-x classes based on spacing
+ maxHeight: true, // sw-max-height classes .sw-max-h-x based on spacing + some more
+ maxWidth: true, // sw-max-width classes .sw-max-w-x based on spacing + some more
+ minHeight: true, // sw-min-height classes .sw-min-h-x based on spacing + some more
+ minWidth: true, // sw-min-width classes .sw-min-w-x based on spacing + some more
+ opacity: true, // sw-opacity-x classes
+ order: true, // .sw-order-x classes
+ overflow: true, // .sw-overflow-x classes
+ padding: true, // .sw-p-x classes based on spacing
+ pointerEvents: true, //.sw-pointer-events-none .sw-pointer-events-auto
+ position: true, // position classes .sw-relative .sw-absolute
+ preflight: false, // disable preflight
+ textAlign: true, // .sw-text-x classes
+ textOverflow: true, // .sw-overflow-ellipsis, .sw-truncate
+ textTransform: true, // sw-uppercase, .sw-capitalize
+ userSelect: true, // .sw-select-none classes
+ verticalAlign: true, // .sw-align-x classes
+ width: true, // .sw-w-x classes based on spacing + some more
+ whitespace: true, // sw-whitespace-x classes
+ wordBreak: true, // .sw-break-normal, sw-break-all, sw-break-words classes
+ zIndex: true, // .sw-z-x classes
+ },
+ plugins: [utilities],
+ // PurgeCss will look into those files to find unused tailwind classes and drop them
+ purge: {
+ content: [
+ path.resolve(__dirname, './src/**/!(__tests__|@types|api|pages|marketing)/*.{ts,tsx}'),
+ ],
+ options: {
+ safelist: [],
+ },
+ },