path: root/sonar-server
diff options
authorStas Vilchik <vilchiks@gmail.com>2013-10-27 13:48:40 +0100
committerStas Vilchik <vilchiks@gmail.com>2013-10-28 10:08:49 +0100
commit2ae51a4c28f5ccfb85540b7f52007ea1f0843ccf (patch)
treebfb396fbab5b74100d6471f13acae3aa3a4efe24 /sonar-server
parentd7671af5aef43a82ca275687148f7ac50f0d7294 (diff)
SONAR-4817 Replace timeline code base
Diffstat (limited to 'sonar-server')
-rw-r--r--sonar-server/src/main/webapp/javascripts/widgets/bubble-chart.js (renamed from sonar-server/src/main/webapp/javascripts/bubble-chart.js)8
6 files changed, 469 insertions, 247 deletions
diff --git a/sonar-server/pom.xml b/sonar-server/pom.xml
index 3cac776afd9..01bec19ba87 100644
--- a/sonar-server/pom.xml
+++ b/sonar-server/pom.xml
@@ -248,7 +248,8 @@
- <include>**/bubble-chart.js</include>
+ <include>**/widgets/bubble-chart.js</include>
+ <include>**/widgets/timeline.js</include>
diff --git a/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/app/views/layouts/_head.html.erb b/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/app/views/layouts/_head.html.erb
index 367e0afaf75..18726222b8a 100644
--- a/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/app/views/layouts/_head.html.erb
+++ b/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/app/views/layouts/_head.html.erb
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
<%= javascript_include_tag 'select2.min' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'protovis' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'protovis-sonar' %>
- <%= javascript_include_tag 'bubble-chart' %>
+ <%= javascript_include_tag 'widgets/bubble-chart' %>
+ <%= javascript_include_tag 'widgets/timeline' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'application' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'dashboard' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'duplication' %>
diff --git a/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/javascripts/protovis-sonar.js b/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/javascripts/protovis-sonar.js
index f8a79167ff1..a90a2e60528 100644
--- a/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/javascripts/protovis-sonar.js
+++ b/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/javascripts/protovis-sonar.js
@@ -244,244 +244,3 @@ SonarWidgets.StackArea.prototype.render = function () {
-//******************* TIMELINE CHART ******************* //
- * Displays the evolution of metrics on a line chart, displaying related events.
- *
- * Parameters of the Timeline class:
- * - data: array of arrays, each containing maps {x,y,yl} where x is a (JS) date, y is a number value (representing a metric value at
- * a given time), and yl the localized value of y. The {x,y, yl} maps must be sorted by ascending date.
- * - metrics: array of metric names. The order is important as it defines which array of the "data" parameter represents which metric.
- * - snapshots: array of maps {sid,d} where sid is the snapshot id and d is the locale-formatted date of the snapshot. The {sid,d}
- * maps must be sorted by ascending date.
- * - events: array of maps {sid,d,l[{n}]} where sid is the snapshot id corresponding to an event, d is the (JS) date of the event, and l
- * is an array containing the different event names for this date.
- * - height: height of the chart area (notice header excluded). Defaults to 80.
- *
- * Example: displays 2 metrics:
- *
- <code>
- function d(y,m,d,h,min,s) {
- return new Date(y,m,d,h,min,s);
- }
- var data = [
- [{x:d(2011,5,15,0,1,0),y:912.00,yl:"912"},{x:d(2011,6,21,0,1,0),y:152.10,yl:"152.10"}],
- [{x:d(2011,5,15,0,1,0),y:52.20,yi:"52.20"},{x:d(2011,6,21,0,1,0),y:1452.10,yi:"1,452.10"}]
- ];
- var metrics = ["Lines of code","Rules compliance"];
- var snapshots = [{sid:1,d:"June 15, 2011 00:01"},{sid:30,d:"July 21, 2011 00:01"}];
- var events = [
- {sid:1,d:d(2011,5,15,0,1,0),l:[{n:"0.6-SNAPSHOT"},{n:"Sun checks"}]},
- {sid:30,d:d(2011,6,21,0,1,0),l:[{n:"0.7-SNAPSHOT"}]}
- ];
- var timeline = new SonarWidgets.Timeline('timeline-chart-20')
- .height(160)
- .data(data)
- .snapshots(snapshots)
- .metrics(metrics)
- .events(events);
- timeline.render();
- </code>
- *
- */
-SonarWidgets.Timeline = function (divId) {
- this.wDivId = divId;
- this.wHeight;
- this.wData;
- this.wSnapshots;
- this.wMetrics;
- this.wEvents;
- this.height = function (height) {
- this.wHeight = height;
- return this;
- };
- this.data = function (data) {
- this.wData = data;
- return this;
- };
- this.snapshots = function (snapshots) {
- this.wSnapshots = snapshots;
- return this;
- };
- this.metrics = function (metrics) {
- this.wMetrics = metrics;
- return this;
- };
- this.events = function (events) {
- this.wEvents = events;
- return this;
- };
-SonarWidgets.Timeline.prototype.render = function () {
- var trendData = this.wData;
- var metrics = this.wMetrics;
- var snapshots = this.wSnapshots;
- var events = this.wEvents;
- var widgetDiv = $(this.wDivId);
- var headerFont = "10.5px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif";
- /* Sizing and scales. */
- var headerHeight = 4 + Math.max(this.wMetrics.size(), events ? 2 : 1) * 18;
- var w = widgetDiv.getOffsetParent().getWidth() - 60;
- var h = (this.wHeight == null || this.wHeight <= 0 ? 80 : this.wHeight) - 40;
- var yMaxHeight = h - headerHeight;
- var x = pv.Scale.linear(pv.blend(pv.map(trendData, function (d) {
- return d;
- })),
- function (d) {
- return d.x;
- }).range(0, w);
- var y = new Array(trendData.size());
- for (var i = 0; i < trendData.size(); i++) {
- y[i] = pv.Scale.linear(trendData[i],
- function (d) {
- return d.y;
- }).range(20, yMaxHeight);
- }
- var interpolate = "linear";
- /* cardinal or linear */
- var idx = trendData[0].size() - 1;
- /* The root panel. */
- var vis = new pv.Panel()
- .canvas(widgetDiv)
- .width(w)
- .height(h)
- .left(20)
- .right(20)
- .bottom(30)
- .top(5)
- .strokeStyle("#CCC");
- /* X-axis */
- vis.add(pv.Rule)
- .data(x.ticks())
- .left(x)
- .bottom(-10)
- .height(10)
- .anchor("bottom")
- .add(pv.Label)
- .text(x.tickFormat);
- /* A panel for each data series. */
- var panel = vis.add(pv.Panel)
- .data(trendData);
- /* The line. */
- var line = panel.add(pv.Line)
- .data(function (array) {
- return array;
- })
- .left(function (d) {
- return x(d.x);
- })
- .bottom(function (d) {
- var yAxis = y[this.parent.index](d.y);
- return isNaN(yAxis) ? yMaxHeight : yAxis;
- })
- .interpolate(function () {
- return interpolate;
- })
- .lineWidth(2);
- /* The mouseover dots and label in header. */
- line.add(pv.Dot)
- .data(function (d) {
- return [d[idx]];
- })
- .fillStyle(function () {
- return line.strokeStyle();
- })
- .strokeStyle("#000")
- .size(20)
- .lineWidth(1)
- .add(pv.Dot)
- .radius(3)
- .left(10)
- .top(function () {
- return 10 + this.parent.index * 14;
- })
- .anchor("right").add(pv.Label)
- .font(headerFont)
- .text(function (d) {
- return metrics[this.parent.index] + ": " + d.yl;
- });
- /* The date of the selected dot in the header. */
- vis.add(pv.Label)
- .left(w / 2)
- .top(16)
- .font(headerFont)
- .text(function () {
- return snapshots[idx].d;
- });
- /* The event labels */
- if (events) {
- eventColor = "rgba(75,159,213,1)";
- eventHoverColor = "rgba(202,227,242,1)";
- vis.add(pv.Line)
- .strokeStyle("rgba(0,0,0,.001)")
- .data(events)
- .left(function (e) {
- return x(e.d);
- })
- .bottom(0)
- .anchor("top")
- .add(pv.Dot)
- .bottom(-6)
- .shape("triangle")
- .angle(pv.radians(180))
- .strokeStyle("grey")
- .fillStyle(function (e) {
- return e.sid == snapshots[idx].sid ? eventHoverColor : eventColor;
- })
- .add(pv.Dot)
- .radius(3)
- .visible(function (e) {
- return e.sid == snapshots[idx].sid;
- })
- .left(w / 2 + 8)
- .top(24)
- .shape("triangle")
- .fillStyle(function (e) {
- return e.sid == snapshots[idx].sid ? eventHoverColor : eventColor;
- })
- .strokeStyle("grey")
- .anchor("right")
- .add(pv.Label)
- .font(headerFont)
- .text(function (e) {
- return e.l[0].n + ( e.l[1] ? " (... +" + (e.l.size() - 1) + ")" : "");
- });
- }
- /* An invisible bar to capture events (without flickering). */
- vis.add(pv.Bar)
- .fillStyle("rgba(0,0,0,.001)")
- .width(w + 30)
- .height(h + 30)
- .event("mouseout", function () {
- i = -1;
- return vis;
- })
- .event("mousemove", function () {
- var mx = x.invert(vis.mouse().x);
- idx = pv.search(trendData[0].map(function (d) {
- return d.x;
- }), mx);
- idx = idx < 0 ? (-idx - 2) : idx;
- idx = idx < 0 ? 0 : idx;
- return vis;
- });
- vis.render();
diff --git a/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/javascripts/bubble-chart.js b/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/javascripts/widgets/bubble-chart.js
index 9f31d662f02..d35366559c3 100644
--- a/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/javascripts/bubble-chart.js
+++ b/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/javascripts/widgets/bubble-chart.js
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ window.SonarWidgets = window.SonarWidgets == null ? {} : window.SonarWidgets;
this.plotWrap = this.gWrap.append('g');
this.infoWrap = this.gWrap.append('g');
- this.infoName = this.infoWrap.append('text');
+ this.infoDate = this.infoWrap.append('text');
this.infoMetrics = this.infoWrap.append('text');
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ window.SonarWidgets = window.SonarWidgets == null ? {} : window.SonarWidgets;
.style('fill-opacity', 0.8);
- widget.infoName.text(d.longName);
+ widget.infoDate.text(d.longName);
widget.metrics().x + ': ' + d.xMetricFormatted + '; ' +
widget.metrics().y + ': ' + d.yMetricFormatted + '; ' +
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ window.SonarWidgets = window.SonarWidgets == null ? {} : window.SonarWidgets;
.style('fill-opacity', 0.2);
- widget.infoName.text('');
+ widget.infoDate.text('');
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ window.SonarWidgets = window.SonarWidgets == null ? {} : window.SonarWidgets;
.attr('transform', trans(-this.margin().left, -this.margin().top + 20));
- this.infoName
+ this.infoDate
.style('text-anchor', 'start')
.style('font-weight', 'bold');
diff --git a/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/javascripts/widgets/timeline.js b/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/javascripts/widgets/timeline.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..16052f96c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/javascripts/widgets/timeline.js
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+//******************* TIMELINE CHART ******************* //
+ * Displays the evolution of metrics on a line chart, displaying related events.
+ *
+ * Parameters of the Timeline class:
+ * - data: array of arrays, each containing maps {x,y,yl} where x is a (JS) date, y is a number value (representing a metric value at
+ * a given time), and yl the localized value of y. The {x,y, yl} maps must be sorted by ascending date.
+ * - metrics: array of metric names. The order is important as it defines which array of the "data" parameter represents which metric.
+ * - snapshots: array of maps {sid,d} where sid is the snapshot id and d is the locale-formatted date of the snapshot. The {sid,d}
+ * maps must be sorted by ascending date.
+ * - events: array of maps {sid,d,l[{n}]} where sid is the snapshot id corresponding to an event, d is the (JS) date of the event, and l
+ * is an array containing the different event names for this date.
+ * - height: height of the chart area (notice header excluded). Defaults to 80.
+ *
+ * Example: displays 2 metrics:
+ *
+ <code>
+ function d(y,m,d,h,min,s) {
+ return new Date(y,m,d,h,min,s);
+ }
+ var data = [
+ [{x:d(2011,5,15,0,1,0),y:912.00,yl:"912"},{x:d(2011,6,21,0,1,0),y:152.10,yl:"152.10"}],
+ [{x:d(2011,5,15,0,1,0),y:52.20,yi:"52.20"},{x:d(2011,6,21,0,1,0),y:1452.10,yi:"1,452.10"}]
+ ];
+ var metrics = ["Lines of code","Rules compliance"];
+ var snapshots = [{sid:1,d:"June 15, 2011 00:01"},{sid:30,d:"July 21, 2011 00:01"}];
+ var events = [
+ {sid:1,d:d(2011,5,15,0,1,0),l:[{n:"0.6-SNAPSHOT"},{n:"Sun checks"}]},
+ {sid:30,d:d(2011,6,21,0,1,0),l:[{n:"0.7-SNAPSHOT"}]}
+ ];
+ var timeline = new SonarWidgets.Timeline('timeline-chart-20')
+ .height(160)
+ .data(data)
+ .snapshots(snapshots)
+ .metrics(metrics)
+ .events(events);
+ timeline.render();
+ </code>
+ *
+ */
+/*global d3:false*/
+window.SonarWidgets = window.SonarWidgets == null ? {} : window.SonarWidgets;
+(function () {
+ window.SonarWidgets.Timeline = function (container) {
+ // Ensure container is html id
+ if (container.indexOf('#') !== 0) {
+ container = '#' + container;
+ }
+ this.container = d3.select(container);
+ // Set default values
+ this._data = [];
+ this._metrics = [];
+ this._snapshots = [];
+ this._events = [];
+ this._width = window.SonarWidgets.Timeline.defaults.width;
+ this._height = window.SonarWidgets.Timeline.defaults.height;
+ this._margin = window.SonarWidgets.Timeline.defaults.margin;
+ // Export global variables
+ this.data = function (_) {
+ return param.call(this, '_data', _);
+ };
+ this.metrics = function (_) {
+ return param.call(this, '_metrics', _);
+ };
+ this.snapshots = function (_) {
+ return param.call(this, '_snapshots', _);
+ };
+ this.events = function (_) {
+ return param.call(this, '_events', _);
+ };
+ this.width = function (_) {
+ return param.call(this, '_width', _);
+ };
+ this.height = function (_) {
+ return param.call(this, '_height', _);
+ };
+ this.margin = function (_) {
+ return param.call(this, '_margin', _);
+ };
+ };
+ window.SonarWidgets.Timeline.prototype.render = function () {
+ var widget = this;
+ this.svg = this.container.append('svg')
+ .attr('class', 'sonar-d3');
+ this.gWrap = this.svg.append('g');
+ this.gtimeAxis = this.gWrap.append('g')
+ .attr('class', 'axis x');
+ this.plotWrap = this.gWrap.append('g')
+ .attr('class', 'plot');
+ this.plotWrapFocus = this.gWrap.append('g')
+ .attr('class', 'plot');
+ this.scanner = this.plotWrap.append('line');
+ this.infoWrap = this.gWrap.append('g')
+ .attr('class', 'info');
+ this.infoDate = this.infoWrap.append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'info-text info-text-bold');
+ this.infoEvent = this.infoWrap.append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'info-text info-text-small');
+ this.gWrap
+ .attr('transform', trans(this.margin().left, this.margin().top));
+ // Configure scales
+ var timeDomain = this.data()
+ .map(function(_) {
+ return d3.extent(_, function(d) { return d.x; });
+ })
+ .reduce(function(p, c) {
+ return p.concat(c);
+ }, d3.extent(this.events(), function(d) { return d.d; }));
+ this.time = d3.time.scale().domain(d3.extent(timeDomain));
+ this.timeFocus = d3.time.scale().domain(d3.extent(timeDomain));
+ this.y = this.data().map(function(_) {
+ return d3.scale.linear()
+ .domain(d3.extent(_, function(d) { return d.y; }));
+ });
+ this.color = d3.scale.category10();
+ // Configure the axis
+ this.timeAxis = d3.svg.axis()
+ .scale(this.time)
+ .orient('bottom');
+ // Configure lines and points
+ this.lines = [];
+ this.glines = [];
+ this.markers = [];
+ this.data().forEach(function(_, i) {
+ var line = d3.svg.line()
+ .x(function(d) { return widget.time(d.x); })
+ .y(function(d) { return widget.y[i](d.y); })
+ .interpolate('linear');
+ var gline = widget.plotWrap.append('path')
+ .attr('class', 'line')
+ .style('stroke', function() { return widget.color(i); });
+ widget.lines.push(line);
+ widget.glines.push(gline);
+ var marker = widget.plotWrap.selectAll('.marker').data(_);
+ marker.enter().append('circle')
+ .attr('class', 'line-marker')
+ .attr('r', 3)
+ .style('stroke', function() { return widget.color(i); });
+ marker.exit().remove();
+ widget.markers.push(marker);
+ });
+ // Configure scanner
+ this.scanner
+ .attr('class', 'scanner')
+ .attr('y1', 0);
+ // Configure info
+ this.infoWrap
+ .attr('transform', trans(0, -10))
+ .style('visibility', 'hidden');
+ this.infoDate
+ .attr('transform', trans(0, 0));
+ this.infoMetrics = [];
+ this.metrics().forEach(function(d, i) {
+ var infoMetric = widget.infoWrap.append('g')
+ .attr('class', 'metric-legend')
+ .attr('transform', function() { return trans(110 + i * 150, -1); });
+ infoMetric.append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'info-text-small')
+ .attr('transform', trans(10, 0));
+ infoMetric.append('circle')
+ .attr('class', 'metric-legend-line')
+ .attr('transform', trans(0, -4))
+ .attr('r', 4)
+ .style('fill', function() { return widget.color(i); });
+ widget.infoMetrics.push(infoMetric);
+ });
+ this.infoEvent
+ .attr('transform', trans(0, 20));
+ // Configure events
+ this.gevents = this.gWrap.append('g')
+ .attr('class', 'axis events')
+ .selectAll('.event-tick')
+ .data(this.events());
+ this.gevents.enter().append('line')
+ .attr('class', 'event-tick')
+ .attr('y2', -8);
+ this.gevents.exit().remove();
+ // Set event listeners
+ this.svg.on('mousemove', function() {
+ var mx = d3.mouse(widget.plotWrap.node())[0],
+ cl = closest(widget.data()[0], mx, function(d) { return widget.time(d.x); }),
+ sx = widget.time(widget.data()[0][cl].x);
+ widget.markers.forEach(function(marker) {
+ marker.style('opacity', 0);
+ d3.select(marker[0][cl]).style('opacity', 1);
+ });
+ widget.scanner
+ .attr('x1', sx)
+ .attr('x2', sx);
+ widget.infoDate
+ .text(d3.time.format('%b %d, %Y')(widget.data()[0][cl].x));
+ var metricsLines = widget.data().map(function(d, i) {
+ return widget.metrics()[i] + ': ' + d[cl].yl;
+ });
+ metricsLines.forEach(function(d, i) {
+ widget.infoMetrics[i].select('text').text(d);
+ });
+ widget.gevents.attr('y2', -8);
+ widget.infoEvent.text('');
+ widget.events().forEach(function(d, i) {
+ if (d.d - widget.data()[0][cl].x === 0) {
+ d3.select(widget.gevents[0][i]).attr('y2', -12);
+ widget.infoEvent
+ .text(widget.events()[i].l.map(function(d) { return d.n; }).join(', '));
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ this.svg
+ .on('mouseenter', function() {
+ widget.scanner.style('visibility', 'visible');
+ widget.infoWrap.style('visibility', 'visible');
+ })
+ .on('mouseleave', function() {
+ widget.markers.forEach(function(marker) {
+ marker.style('opacity', 0);
+ });
+ widget.scanner.style('visibility', 'hidden');
+ widget.infoWrap.style('visibility', 'hidden');
+ widget.gevents.attr('y2', -8);
+ });
+ this.svg.on('dblclick', function() {
+ console.log('dbclick');
+ });
+ this.update();
+ return this;
+ };
+ window.SonarWidgets.Timeline.prototype.update = function() {
+ var widget = this,
+ width = this.container.property('offsetWidth');
+ this.width(width > 100 ? width : 100);
+ // Update svg canvas
+ this.svg
+ .attr('width', this.width())
+ .attr('height', this.height());
+ // Update available size
+ this.availableWidth = this.width() - this.margin().left - this.margin().right;
+ this.availableHeight = this.height() - this.margin().top - this.margin().bottom;
+ // Update scales
+ this.time
+ .range([0, this.availableWidth]);
+ this.y.forEach(function(scale) {
+ scale.range([widget.availableHeight, 0]);
+ });
+ // Update the axis
+ this.gtimeAxis.attr('transform', trans(0, this.availableHeight + this.margin().bottom - 30));
+ this.gtimeAxis.transition().call(this.timeAxis);
+ // Update lines and points
+ this.data().forEach(function(_, i) {
+ widget.glines[i]
+ .transition()
+ .attr('d', widget.lines[i](_));
+ widget.markers[i]
+ .data(_)
+ .transition()
+ .attr('transform', function(d) { return trans(widget.time(d.x), widget.y[i](d.y)); });
+ });
+ // Update scanner
+ this.scanner
+ .attr('y2', this.availableHeight + 10);
+ // Update events
+ this.gevents
+ .transition()
+ .attr('transform', function(d) { return trans(widget.time(d.d), widget.availableHeight + 10); });
+ };
+ window.SonarWidgets.Timeline.defaults = {
+ width: 350,
+ height: 150,
+ margin: { top: 30, right: 10, bottom: 40, left: 10 }
+ };
+ // Some helper functions
+ // Gets or sets parameter
+ function param(name, value) {
+ if (value == null) {
+ return this[name];
+ } else {
+ this[name] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ // Helper for create the translate(x, y) string
+ function trans(left, top) {
+ return 'translate(' + left + ', ' + top + ')';
+ }
+ // Helper for find the closest number in array
+ function closest(array, number, getter) {
+ var cl = null;
+ array.forEach(function(value, i) {
+ if (cl == null ||
+ Math.abs(getter(value) - number) < Math.abs(getter(array[cl]) - number)) {
+ cl = i;
+ }
+ });
+ return cl;
+ }
diff --git a/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/stylesheets/style.css b/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/stylesheets/style.css
index de82270ec34..0216eb8cb59 100644
--- a/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/stylesheets/style.css
+++ b/sonar-server/src/main/webapp/stylesheets/style.css
@@ -2510,3 +2510,65 @@ textarea.width100 {
line-height: 16px;
padding: 4px 2px;
+.sonar-d3 {
+.sonar-d3 .axis path {
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: #444;
+.sonar-d3 .tick line {
+ stroke: #444;
+.sonar-d3 .tick text {
+ fill: #444;
+.sonar-d3 .plot .line {
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: #000;
+ stroke-width: 2;
+.sonar-d3 .plot .line-marker {
+ fill: #fff;
+ stroke: #000;
+ stroke-width: 2;
+ opacity: 0;
+.sonar-d3 .plot .scanner {
+ stroke: #000;
+ opacity: 0.25;
+ visibility: hidden;
+.sonar-d3 .info {
+.sonar-d3 .info-text {
+ font-size: 13px;
+.sonar-d3 .info-text-bold {
+ font-weight: bold;
+.sonar-d3 .info-text-small {
+ font-size: 11px;
+.sonar-d3 .event-tick {
+ fill: none;
+ stroke: #000;
+ stroke-width: 1px;
+ transition: all 0.3s ease;