diff options
3 files changed, 7 insertions, 187 deletions
diff --git a/distribution.sh b/distribution.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 9679c3d6899..00000000000
--- a/distribution.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-set -euo pipefail
-# Evaluate a Maven expression
-function maven_expression() {
- mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=$1 | grep -v '^\[\|Download\w\+\:'
-ARTIFACTID="`maven_expression project.artifactId`"
-VERSION="`maven_expression project.version`"
-if [[ "$VERSION" =~ "-build" ]] || [[ "$VERSION" =~ "-SNAPSHOT" ]]; then
- echo "This is a dev build, not releasing"
- exit 0
- echo "About to release sonarqube"
-cd sonar-application
-GROUPID="`maven_expression project.groupId`"
-ARTIFACTID="`maven_expression project.artifactId`"
-GROUPIDPATH=`echo $GROUPID | sed 's/\./\//g'`
-echo "Uploading sonarqube-$VERSION.zip to $BINTRAY_ACCOUNT/$BINTRAY_REPO"
-cd target
-#zip file
-HTTP_CODE=`curl --write-out %{http_code} -T sonarqube-$VERSION.zip -u$BINTRAY_USER:$BINTRAY_TOKEN https://api.bintray.com/content/$BINTRAY_ACCOUNT/$BINTRAY_REPO/SonarQube/$VERSION/sonarqube/`
-echo $HTTP_CODE
-if [[ "$HTTP_CODE" =~ "201" ]]; then
- echo "Uploaded to bintray"
- echo "https://bintray.com/$BINTRAY_ACCOUNT/$BINTRAY_REPO/SonarQube/$VERSION/view#files"
- echo "Upload to bintray failed -> $HTTP_CODE"
- exit -1
-#md5 file
-HTTP_CODE=`curl --write-out %{http_code} -T sonarqube-$VERSION.zip.md5 -u$BINTRAY_USER:$BINTRAY_TOKEN https://api.bintray.com/content/$BINTRAY_ACCOUNT/$BINTRAY_REPO/SonarQube/$VERSION/sonarqube/`
-echo $HTTP_CODE
-if [[ "$HTTP_CODE" =~ "201" ]]; then
- echo "Uploaded to bintray"
- echo "https://bintray.com/$BINTRAY_ACCOUNT/$BINTRAY_REPO/SonarQube/$VERSION/view#files"
- echo "Upload to bintray failed -> $HTTP_CODE"
- exit -1
-#sha file
-HTTP_CODE=`curl --write-out %{http_code} -T sonarqube-$VERSION.zip.sha -u$BINTRAY_USER:$BINTRAY_TOKEN https://api.bintray.com/content/$BINTRAY_ACCOUNT/$BINTRAY_REPO/SonarQube/$VERSION/sonarqube/`
-echo $HTTP_CODE
-if [[ "$HTTP_CODE" =~ "201" ]]; then
- echo "Uploaded to bintray"
- echo "https://bintray.com/$BINTRAY_ACCOUNT/$BINTRAY_REPO/SonarQube/$VERSION/view#files"
- echo "Upload to bintray failed -> $HTTP_CODE"
- exit -1
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index a34f6b8360b..4d96a5a9148 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -87,7 +87,6 @@
<!-- used for deployment to SonarSource Artifactory -->
- <artifactoryExclusion></artifactoryExclusion>
@@ -1122,9 +1121,6 @@
- <properties>
- <artifactoryExclusion>**/sonar-application*</artifactoryExclusion>
- </properties>
@@ -1515,100 +1511,7 @@
- </profile>
- <profile>
- <id>deploy-sonarsource</id>
- <build>
- <plugins>
- <plugin>
- <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
- <artifactId>maven-enforcer-plugin</artifactId>
- <executions>
- <execution>
- <id>enforce-deploy-settings</id>
- <goals>
- <goal>enforce</goal>
- </goals>
- <configuration>
- <rules>
- <requireProperty>
- <property>gitRepositoryName</property>
- <message>You must set name of Git repository in your pom</message>
- </requireProperty>
- <requireEnvironmentVariable>
- <variableName>ARTIFACTORY_URL</variableName>
- </requireEnvironmentVariable>
- <requireEnvironmentVariable>
- <variableName>ARTIFACTORY_DEPLOY_REPO</variableName>
- </requireEnvironmentVariable>
- <requireEnvironmentVariable>
- <variableName>ARTIFACTORY_DEPLOY_USERNAME</variableName>
- </requireEnvironmentVariable>
- <requireEnvironmentVariable>
- <variableName>ARTIFACTORY_DEPLOY_PASSWORD</variableName>
- </requireEnvironmentVariable>
- </rules>
- <fail>true</fail>
- </configuration>
- </execution>
- </executions>
- </plugin>
- <plugin>
- <!-- this maven plugin is not deployed in Maven Central. It should be downloaded
- from JFrog JCenter or from SonarSource repositories -->
- <groupId>org.jfrog.buildinfo</groupId>
- <artifactId>artifactory-maven-plugin</artifactId>
- <version>${version.artifactory.plugin}</version>
- <executions>
- <execution>
- <id>build-info</id>
- <goals>
- <goal>publish</goal>
- </goals>
- <configuration>
- <artifactory>
- <envVarsExcludePatterns>
- *password*,*PASSWORD*,*secret*,*MAVEN_CMD_LINE_ARGS*,sun.java.command,*token*,*TOKEN*,*LOGIN*,*login*
- </envVarsExcludePatterns>
- <includeEnvVars>true</includeEnvVars>
- <timeoutSec>60</timeoutSec>
- </artifactory>
- <deployProperties>
- <vcs.revision>{{GIT_COMMIT|TRAVIS_COMMIT}}</vcs.revision>
- <vcs.branch>{{GIT_BRANCH|TRAVIS_BRANCH}}</vcs.branch>
- <build.name>${gitRepositoryName}</build.name>
- <build.number>{{BUILD_ID|TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}}</build.number>
- </deployProperties>
- <licenses>
- <autoDiscover>true</autoDiscover>
- <includePublishedArtifacts>false</includePublishedArtifacts>
- <runChecks>true</runChecks>
- <scopes>project,provided</scopes>
- <violationRecipients>licences-control@sonarsource.com</violationRecipients>
- </licenses>
- <publisher>
- <contextUrl>${env.ARTIFACTORY_URL}</contextUrl>
- <repoKey>${env.ARTIFACTORY_DEPLOY_REPO}</repoKey>
- <username>${env.ARTIFACTORY_DEPLOY_USERNAME}</username>
- <password>${env.ARTIFACTORY_DEPLOY_PASSWORD}</password>
- <publishBuildInfo>true</publishBuildInfo>
- <publishArtifacts>true</publishArtifacts>
- <excludePatterns>${artifactoryExclusion}</excludePatterns>
- <filterExcludedArtifactsFromBuild>true</filterExcludedArtifactsFromBuild>
- </publisher>
- <buildInfo>
- <buildName>${gitRepositoryName}</buildName>
- <buildNumber>{{BUILD_ID|TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}}</buildNumber>
- <buildUrl>{{CI_BUILD_URL|BUILD_URL}}</buildUrl>
- <vcsRevision>{{GIT_COMMIT|TRAVIS_COMMIT}}</vcsRevision>
- </buildInfo>
- </configuration>
- </execution>
- </executions>
- </plugin>
- </plugins>
- </build>
- </profile>
+ </profile>
diff --git a/travis.sh b/travis.sh
index 284f0def7a0..74820c6fae8 100755
--- a/travis.sh
+++ b/travis.sh
@@ -37,21 +37,16 @@ CI)
if [[ $CURRENT_VERSION =~ "-SNAPSHOT" ]]; then
echo "======= Found SNAPSHOT version ======="
# Do not deploy a SNAPSHOT version but the release version related to this build
- set_maven_build_version $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER
- # analysis is currently executed by SonarSource internal infrastructure
- mvn deploy \
- -Pdeploy-sonarsource \
- -B -e -V
+ set_maven_build_version $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER
echo "======= Found RELEASE version ======="
- # analysis is currently executed by SonarSource internal infrastructure
- mvn deploy \
- -Pdeploy-sonarsource,release \
- -B -e -V
- ./distribution.sh
+ # analysis is currently executed by SonarSource internal infrastructure
+ mvn deploy \
+ -Pdeploy-sonarsource \
+ -B -e -V
elif [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" ] && [ -n "${GITHUB_TOKEN:-}" ]; then