path: root/server/sonar-web/src/main/coffee/coding-rules/views/coding-rules-quality-profile-activation-view.coffee
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'server/sonar-web/src/main/coffee/coding-rules/views/coding-rules-quality-profile-activation-view.coffee')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/server/sonar-web/src/main/coffee/coding-rules/views/coding-rules-quality-profile-activation-view.coffee b/server/sonar-web/src/main/coffee/coding-rules/views/coding-rules-quality-profile-activation-view.coffee
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fc14043896e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/sonar-web/src/main/coffee/coding-rules/views/coding-rules-quality-profile-activation-view.coffee
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+define [
+ 'backbone.marionette',
+ 'templates/coding-rules'
+], (
+ Marionette,
+ Templates
+) ->
+ class CodingRulesQualityProfileActivationView extends Marionette.ItemView
+ className: 'modal'
+ template: Templates['coding-rules-quality-profile-activation']
+ ui:
+ qualityProfileSelect: '#coding-rules-quality-profile-activation-select'
+ qualityProfileSeverity: '#coding-rules-quality-profile-activation-severity'
+ qualityProfileActivate: '#coding-rules-quality-profile-activation-activate'
+ qualityProfileParameters: '[name]'
+ events:
+ 'click #coding-rules-quality-profile-activation-cancel': 'hide'
+ 'click @ui.qualityProfileActivate': 'activate'
+ activate: ->
+ profileKey = @ui.qualityProfileSelect.val()
+ params = @ui.qualityProfileParameters.map(->
+ key: jQuery(@).prop('name'), value: jQuery(@).val() || jQuery(@).prop('placeholder') || '').get()
+ paramsHash = (params.map (param) -> param.key + '=' + param.value).join(';')
+ if @model
+ profileKey = @model.get('qProfile')
+ unless profileKey
+ profileKey = @model.get('key')
+ severity = @ui.qualityProfileSeverity.val()
+ origFooter = @$('.modal-foot').html()
+ @$('.modal-foot').html '<i class="spinner"></i>'
+ ruleKey = @rule.get('key')
+ jQuery.ajax
+ type: 'POST'
+ url: "#{baseUrl}/api/qualityprofiles/activate_rule"
+ data:
+ profile_key: profileKey
+ rule_key: ruleKey
+ severity: severity
+ params: paramsHash
+ .done =>
+ @options.app.showRule ruleKey
+ @hide()
+ .fail =>
+ @$('.modal-foot').html origFooter
+ onRender: ->
+ @$el.dialog
+ dialogClass: 'no-close',
+ width: '600px',
+ draggable: false,
+ autoOpen: false,
+ modal: true,
+ minHeight: 50,
+ resizable: false,
+ title: null
+ @ui.qualityProfileSelect.select2
+ width: '250px'
+ minimumResultsForSearch: 5
+ format = (state) ->
+ return state.text unless state.id
+ "<i class='icon-severity-#{state.id.toLowerCase()}'></i> #{state.text}"
+ severity = (@model && @model.get 'severity') || @rule.get 'severity'
+ @ui.qualityProfileSeverity.val severity
+ @ui.qualityProfileSeverity.select2
+ width: '250px'
+ minimumResultsForSearch: 999
+ formatResult: format
+ formatSelection: format
+ show: ->
+ @render()
+ @$el.dialog 'open'
+ hide: ->
+ @$el.dialog 'close'
+ getAvailableQualityProfiles: (lang) ->
+ activeQualityProfiles = @options.app.detailView.qualityProfilesView.collection
+ inactiveProfiles = _.reject @options.app.qualityProfiles, (profile) =>
+ activeQualityProfiles.findWhere key: profile.key
+ _.filter inactiveProfiles, (profile) =>
+ profile.lang == lang
+ serializeData: ->
+ params = @rule.get 'params'
+ if @model
+ modelParams = @model.get 'params'
+ if modelParams
+ params = params.map (p) ->
+ parentParam = _.findWhere(modelParams, key: p.key)
+ if parentParam
+ _.extend p, value: _.findWhere(modelParams, key: p.key).value
+ else
+ p
+ availableProfiles = @getAvailableQualityProfiles(@rule.get 'lang')
+ _.extend super,
+ rule: @rule.toJSON()
+ change: @model && @model.has 'severity'
+ params: params
+ qualityProfiles: availableProfiles
+ severities: ['BLOCKER', 'CRITICAL', 'MAJOR', 'MINOR', 'INFO']
+ saveEnabled: not _.isEmpty(availableProfiles) or (@model and @model.get('qProfile'))
+ isCustomRule: (@model and @model.has('templateKey')) or @rule.has 'templateKey'