path: root/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/coding-rules/controller.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/coding-rules/controller.js')
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 147 deletions
diff --git a/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/coding-rules/controller.js b/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/coding-rules/controller.js
index dabd4a0b166..dad6224391a 100644
--- a/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/coding-rules/controller.js
+++ b/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/coding-rules/controller.js
@@ -1,156 +1,156 @@
- 'components/navigator/controller',
- './models/rule',
- './rule-details-view'
-], function (Controller, Rule, RuleDetailsView) {
- var $ = jQuery;
- return Controller.extend({
- pageSize: 200,
- ruleFields: ['name', 'lang', 'langName', 'sysTags', 'tags', 'status', 'severity',
- 'debtChar', 'debtCharName', 'debtSubChar', 'debtSubCharName'],
- _searchParameters: function () {
- var fields = this.ruleFields.slice(),
- profile = this.app.state.get('query').qprofile;
- if (profile != null) {
- fields.push('actives');
- fields.push('params');
- fields.push('isTemplate');
- fields.push('severity');
- }
- var params = {
- p: this.app.state.get('page'),
- ps: this.pageSize,
- facets: this._facetsFromServer().join(),
- f: fields.join()
- };
- if (this.app.state.get('query').q == null) {
- _.extend(params, { s: 'name', asc: true });
- }
- return params;
- },
+import $ from 'jquery';
+import _ from 'underscore';
+import Controller from 'components/navigator/controller';
+import Rule from './models/rule';
+import RuleDetailsView from './rule-details-view';
+export default Controller.extend({
+ pageSize: 200,
+ ruleFields: [
+ 'name', 'lang', 'langName', 'sysTags', 'tags', 'status', 'severity',
+ 'debtChar', 'debtCharName', 'debtSubChar', 'debtSubCharName'
+ ],
+ _searchParameters: function () {
+ var fields = this.ruleFields.slice(),
+ profile = this.app.state.get('query').qprofile;
+ if (profile != null) {
+ fields.push('actives');
+ fields.push('params');
+ fields.push('isTemplate');
+ fields.push('severity');
+ }
+ var params = {
+ p: this.app.state.get('page'),
+ ps: this.pageSize,
+ facets: this._facetsFromServer().join(),
+ f: fields.join()
+ };
+ if (this.app.state.get('query').q == null) {
+ _.extend(params, { s: 'name', asc: true });
+ }
+ return params;
+ },
- fetchList: function (firstPage) {
- firstPage = firstPage == null ? true : firstPage;
+ fetchList: function (firstPage) {
+ firstPage = firstPage == null ? true : firstPage;
+ if (firstPage) {
+ this.app.state.set({ selectedIndex: 0, page: 1 }, { silent: true });
+ }
+ this.hideDetails(firstPage);
+ var that = this,
+ url = baseUrl + '/api/rules/search',
+ options = _.extend(this._searchParameters(), this.app.state.get('query'));
+ return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) {
+ var rules = that.app.list.parseRules(r);
if (firstPage) {
- this.app.state.set({ selectedIndex: 0, page: 1 }, { silent: true });
+ that.app.list.reset(rules);
+ } else {
+ that.app.list.add(rules);
- this.hideDetails(firstPage);
- var that = this,
- url = baseUrl + '/api/rules/search',
- options = _.extend(this._searchParameters(), this.app.state.get('query'));
- return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) {
- var rules = that.app.list.parseRules(r);
- if (firstPage) {
- that.app.list.reset(rules);
- } else {
- that.app.list.add(rules);
- }
- that.app.list.setIndex();
- that.app.list.addExtraAttributes(that.app.languages, that.app.repositories);
- that.app.facets.reset(that._allFacets());
- that.app.facets.add(r.facets, { merge: true });
- that.enableFacets(that._enabledFacets());
- that.app.state.set({
- page: r.p,
- pageSize: r.ps,
- total: r.total,
- maxResultsReached: r.p * r.ps >= r.total
- });
- if (firstPage && that.isRulePermalink()) {
- that.showDetails(that.app.list.first());
- }
- });
- },
- isRulePermalink: function () {
- var query = this.app.state.get('query');
- return query.rule_key != null && this.app.list.length === 1;
- },
- requestFacet: function (id) {
- var url = baseUrl + '/api/rules/search',
- facet = this.app.facets.get(id),
- options = _.extend({ facets: id, ps: 1 }, this.app.state.get('query'));
- return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) {
- var facetData = _.findWhere(r.facets, { property: id });
- if (facetData) {
- facet.set(facetData);
- }
+ that.app.list.setIndex();
+ that.app.list.addExtraAttributes(that.app.languages, that.app.repositories);
+ that.app.facets.reset(that._allFacets());
+ that.app.facets.add(r.facets, { merge: true });
+ that.enableFacets(that._enabledFacets());
+ that.app.state.set({
+ page: r.p,
+ pageSize: r.ps,
+ total: r.total,
+ maxResultsReached: r.p * r.ps >= r.total
- },
- parseQuery: function () {
- var q = Controller.prototype.parseQuery.apply(this, arguments);
- delete q.asc;
- delete q.s;
- return q;
- },
- getRuleDetails: function (rule) {
- var that = this,
- url = baseUrl + '/api/rules/show',
- options = {
- key: rule.id,
- actives: true
- };
- return $.get(url, options).done(function (data) {
- rule.set(data.rule);
- rule.addExtraAttributes(that.app.repositories);
- });
- },
- showDetails: function (rule) {
- var that = this,
- ruleModel = typeof rule === 'string' ? new Rule({ key: rule }) : rule;
- this.app.layout.workspaceDetailsRegion.reset();
- this.getRuleDetails(ruleModel).done(function (data) {
- key.setScope('details');
- that.app.workspaceListView.unbindScrollEvents();
- that.app.state.set({ rule: ruleModel });
- that.app.workspaceDetailsView = new RuleDetailsView({
- app: that.app,
- model: ruleModel,
- actives: data.actives
- });
- that.app.layout.showDetails();
- that.app.layout.workspaceDetailsRegion.show(that.app.workspaceDetailsView);
- });
- },
- showDetailsForSelected: function () {
- var rule = this.app.list.at(this.app.state.get('selectedIndex'));
- this.showDetails(rule);
- },
- hideDetails: function (firstPage) {
- key.setScope('list');
- this.app.state.unset('rule');
- this.app.layout.workspaceDetailsRegion.reset();
- this.app.layout.hideDetails();
- this.app.workspaceListView.bindScrollEvents();
- if (firstPage) {
- this.app.workspaceListView.scrollTo();
+ if (firstPage && that.isRulePermalink()) {
+ that.showDetails(that.app.list.first());
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ isRulePermalink: function () {
+ var query = this.app.state.get('query');
+ return query.rule_key != null && this.app.list.length === 1;
+ },
+ requestFacet: function (id) {
+ var url = baseUrl + '/api/rules/search',
+ facet = this.app.facets.get(id),
+ options = _.extend({ facets: id, ps: 1 }, this.app.state.get('query'));
+ return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) {
+ var facetData = _.findWhere(r.facets, { property: id });
+ if (facetData) {
+ facet.set(facetData);
- },
- activateCurrent: function () {
- var rule = this.app.list.at(this.app.state.get('selectedIndex'));
- var ruleView = this.app.workspaceListView.children.findByModel(rule);
- ruleView.$('.coding-rules-detail-quality-profile-activate').click();
- },
- deactivateCurrent: function () {
- var rule = this.app.list.at(this.app.state.get('selectedIndex'));
- var ruleView = this.app.workspaceListView.children.findByModel(rule);
- ruleView.$('.coding-rules-detail-quality-profile-deactivate').click();
+ });
+ },
+ parseQuery: function () {
+ var q = Controller.prototype.parseQuery.apply(this, arguments);
+ delete q.asc;
+ delete q.s;
+ return q;
+ },
+ getRuleDetails: function (rule) {
+ var that = this,
+ url = baseUrl + '/api/rules/show',
+ options = {
+ key: rule.id,
+ actives: true
+ };
+ return $.get(url, options).done(function (data) {
+ rule.set(data.rule);
+ rule.addExtraAttributes(that.app.repositories);
+ });
+ },
+ showDetails: function (rule) {
+ var that = this,
+ ruleModel = typeof rule === 'string' ? new Rule({ key: rule }) : rule;
+ this.app.layout.workspaceDetailsRegion.reset();
+ this.getRuleDetails(ruleModel).done(function (data) {
+ key.setScope('details');
+ that.app.workspaceListView.unbindScrollEvents();
+ that.app.state.set({ rule: ruleModel });
+ that.app.workspaceDetailsView = new RuleDetailsView({
+ app: that.app,
+ model: ruleModel,
+ actives: data.actives
+ });
+ that.app.layout.showDetails();
+ that.app.layout.workspaceDetailsRegion.show(that.app.workspaceDetailsView);
+ });
+ },
+ showDetailsForSelected: function () {
+ var rule = this.app.list.at(this.app.state.get('selectedIndex'));
+ this.showDetails(rule);
+ },
+ hideDetails: function (firstPage) {
+ key.setScope('list');
+ this.app.state.unset('rule');
+ this.app.layout.workspaceDetailsRegion.reset();
+ this.app.layout.hideDetails();
+ this.app.workspaceListView.bindScrollEvents();
+ if (firstPage) {
+ this.app.workspaceListView.scrollTo();
+ },
+ activateCurrent: function () {
+ var rule = this.app.list.at(this.app.state.get('selectedIndex'));
+ var ruleView = this.app.workspaceListView.children.findByModel(rule);
+ ruleView.$('.coding-rules-detail-quality-profile-activate').click();
+ },
- });
+ deactivateCurrent: function () {
+ var rule = this.app.list.at(this.app.state.get('selectedIndex'));
+ var ruleView = this.app.workspaceListView.children.findByModel(rule);
+ ruleView.$('.coding-rules-detail-quality-profile-deactivate').click();
+ }