path: root/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/widgets/old/pie-chart.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'server/sonar-web/src/main/js/widgets/old/pie-chart.js')
1 files changed, 398 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/widgets/old/pie-chart.js b/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/widgets/old/pie-chart.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f3d81e7f639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/widgets/old/pie-chart.js
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+/*global d3:false, baseUrl:false */
+/*jshint eqnull:true */
+window.SonarWidgets = window.SonarWidgets == null ? {} : window.SonarWidgets;
+(function () {
+ window.SonarWidgets.PieChart = function () {
+ // Set default values
+ this._components = [];
+ this._metrics = [];
+ this._metricsPriority = [];
+ this._width = window.SonarWidgets.PieChart.defaults.width;
+ this._height = window.SonarWidgets.PieChart.defaults.height;
+ this._margin = window.SonarWidgets.PieChart.defaults.margin;
+ this._legendWidth = window.SonarWidgets.PieChart.defaults.legendWidth;
+ this._legendMargin = window.SonarWidgets.PieChart.defaults.legendMargin;
+ this._detailsWidth = window.SonarWidgets.PieChart.defaults.detailsWidth;
+ this._options = {};
+ this._lineHeight = 20;
+ // Export global variables
+ this.metrics = function (_) {
+ return param.call(this, '_metrics', _);
+ };
+ this.metricsPriority = function (_) {
+ return param.call(this, '_metricsPriority', _);
+ };
+ this.components = function (_) {
+ return param.call(this, '_components', _);
+ };
+ this.width = function (_) {
+ return param.call(this, '_width', _);
+ };
+ this.height = function (_) {
+ return param.call(this, '_height', _);
+ };
+ this.margin = function (_) {
+ return param.call(this, '_margin', _);
+ };
+ this.legendWidth = function (_) {
+ return param.call(this, '_legendWidth', _);
+ };
+ this.legendMargin = function (_) {
+ return param.call(this, '_legendMargin', _);
+ };
+ this.detailsWidth = function (_) {
+ return param.call(this, '_detailsWidth', _);
+ };
+ this.options = function (_) {
+ return param.call(this, '_options', _);
+ };
+ };
+ window.SonarWidgets.PieChart.prototype.render = function (container) {
+ var widget = this,
+ containerS = container;
+ container = d3.select(container);
+ var validData = this.components().reduce(function(p, c) {
+ return p && !!c.measures[widget.metricsPriority()[0]];
+ }, true);
+ if (!validData) {
+ container.text(this.options().noMainMetric);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.width(container.property('offsetWidth'));
+ this.svg = container.append('svg')
+ .attr('class', 'sonar-d3');
+ this.gWrap = this.svg.append('g');
+ this.plotWrap = this.gWrap.append('g')
+ .classed('plot', true);
+ this.gWrap
+ .attr('transform', trans(this.margin().left, this.margin().top));
+ // Configure metrics
+ this.mainMetric = this.metricsPriority()[0];
+ this.getMainMetric = function(d) {
+ return d.measures[widget.mainMetric].val;
+ };
+ // Configure scales
+ this.color = d3.scale.category10();
+ // Configure arc
+ this.arc = d3.svg.arc()
+ .innerRadius(0);
+ // Configure pie
+ this.pie = d3.layout.pie()
+ .sort(null)
+ .value(function(d) { return widget.getMainMetric(d); });
+ // Configure legend
+ this.legendWrap = this.gWrap.append('g');
+ // Configure details
+ this._metricsCount = Object.keys(this.metrics()).length + 1;
+ this._detailsHeight = this._lineHeight * this._metricsCount;
+ this.detailsWrap = this.gWrap.append('g')
+ .attr('width', this.legendWidth())
+ .style('display', 'none');
+ this.detailsColorIndicator = this.detailsWrap.append('rect')
+ .classed('details-color-indicator', true)
+ .attr('transform', trans(-1, 0))
+ .attr('x', 0)
+ .attr('y', 0)
+ .attr('width', 3)
+ .attr('height', this._detailsHeight)
+ .style('opacity', 0);
+ this.donutLabel = this.plotWrap.append('text')
+ .style('text-anchor', 'middle')
+ .style('opacity', 0);
+ this.donutLabel2 = this.plotWrap.append('text')
+ .style('text-anchor', 'middle')
+ .text(this.metrics()[this.mainMetric].name);
+ // Update widget
+ this.update(containerS);
+ return this;
+ };
+ window.SonarWidgets.PieChart.prototype.updateLegend = function () {
+ var widget = this;
+ this.legendWrap
+ .attr('transform', trans(
+ this.legendMargin() + 2 * this.radius,
+ (this.availableHeight - this._legendSize * this._lineHeight) / 2
+ ));
+ this.legends = this.legendWrap.selectAll('.legend')
+ .data(this.components().slice(0, this._legendSize));
+ this.legendsEnter = this.legends.enter()
+ .append('g')
+ .classed('legend pie-legend', true)
+ .attr('transform', function(d, i) { return trans(0, 10 + i * widget._lineHeight); });
+ this.legendsEnter.append('circle')
+ .attr('class', 'legend-bullet')
+ .attr('r', 4)
+ .style('fill', function(d, i) { return widget.color(i); });
+ this.legendsEnter.append('text')
+ .attr('class', 'legend-text')
+ .attr('dy', '0.1em')
+ .attr('transform', trans(10, 3));
+ this.legends.selectAll('text')
+ .text(function(d) {
+ return d.name.length > widget._legendSymbols ? d.name.substr(0, widget._legendSymbols) + '...' : d.name;
+ });
+ };
+ window.SonarWidgets.PieChart.prototype.updateDetails = function () {
+ var widget = this;
+ this.detailsWrap
+ .attr('width', this.legendWidth())
+ .attr('transform', trans(
+ this.legendMargin() + 2 * this.radius, this.radius - this._detailsHeight / 2
+ ));
+ this.donutLabel
+ .transition()
+ .style('font-size', (this.radius / 6) + 'px');
+ var fz = Math.min(
+ 12,
+ this.radius / 10,
+ 1.5 * this.radius / this.metrics()[this.mainMetric].name.length
+ );
+ this.donutLabel2
+ .attr('transform', trans(0, widget.radius / 6))
+ .style('font-size', fz + 'px');
+ };
+ window.SonarWidgets.PieChart.prototype.configureEvents = function () {
+ var widget = this;
+ var updateMetrics = function(metrics) {
+ widget.detailsMetrics = widget.detailsWrap.selectAll('.details-metric')
+ .data(metrics);
+ widget.detailsMetrics.enter().append('text')
+ .classed('details-metric', true)
+ .classed('details-metric-main', function(d, i) { return i === 0; })
+ .attr('transform', function(d, i) { return trans(10, i * widget._lineHeight); })
+ .attr('dy', '1.2em');
+ widget.detailsMetrics
+ .text(function(d) { return d.name + (d.value ? ': ' + d.value : ''); })
+ .style('opacity', 1);
+ widget.detailsMetrics.exit().remove();
+ },
+ enterHandler = function(sector, d, i, showDetails) {
+ if (showDetails) {
+ var metrics = widget.metricsPriority().map(function(m) {
+ return {
+ name: widget.metrics()[m].name,
+ value: (!!d.measures[m] ? d.measures[m].fval : '–')
+ };
+ });
+ metrics.unshift({
+ name: (d.name.length > widget._legendSymbols ? d.name.substr(0, widget._legendSymbols) + '...' : d.name)
+ });
+ updateMetrics(metrics);
+ widget.legendWrap
+ .style('opacity', 0);
+ widget.detailsColorIndicator
+ .style('opacity', 1)
+ .style('fill', widget.color(i));
+ widget.detailsWrap
+ .style('display', 'block');
+ }
+ widget.donutLabel
+ .style('opacity', 1)
+ .text(d.measures[widget.mainMetric].fval);
+ widget.donutLabel
+ .style('opacity', 1);
+ widget.plotWrap
+ .classed('hover', true);
+ sector.
+ classed('hover', true);
+ },
+ leaveHandler = function(sector) {
+ widget.legendWrap
+ .style('opacity', 1);
+ widget.detailsColorIndicator
+ .style('opacity', 0);
+ if (widget.detailsMetrics) {
+ widget.detailsMetrics
+ .style('opacity', 0);
+ }
+ widget.donutLabel
+ .style('opacity', 0)
+ .text('');
+ widget.plotWrap
+ .classed('hover', false);
+ sector.
+ classed('hover', false);
+ widget.detailsWrap
+ .style('display', 'none');
+ },
+ clickHandler = function(d) {
+ window.location = widget.options().baseUrl + '?id=' + encodeURIComponent(d.key);
+ };
+ this.sectors
+ .on('mouseenter', function(d, i) {
+ return enterHandler(d3.select(this), d.data, i, true);
+ })
+ .on('mouseleave', function(d, i) {
+ return leaveHandler(d3.select(this), d.data, i, true);
+ })
+ .on('click', function(d) {
+ return clickHandler(d.data);
+ });
+ this.legends
+ .on('mouseenter', function(d, i) {
+ return enterHandler(d3.select(widget.sectors[0][i]), d, i, false);
+ })
+ .on('mouseleave', function(d, i) {
+ return leaveHandler(d3.select(widget.sectors[0][i]), d, i, false);
+ })
+ .on('click', function(d) {
+ return clickHandler(d);
+ });
+ };
+ window.SonarWidgets.PieChart.prototype.update = function(container) {
+ container = d3.select(container);
+ var widget = this,
+ width = container.property('offsetWidth');
+ this.width(width > 100 ? width : 100);
+ // Update svg canvas
+ this.svg
+ .attr('width', this.width())
+ .attr('height', this.height());
+ // Update available size
+ this.availableWidth = this.width() - this.margin().left - this.margin().right -
+ this.legendWidth() - this.legendMargin();
+ this.availableHeight = this.height() - this.margin().top - this.margin().bottom;
+ this.radius = Math.min(this.availableWidth, this.availableHeight) / 2;
+ this._legendSize = Math.floor(this.availableHeight / this._lineHeight);
+ this._legendSymbols = Math.floor((this.width() - this.margin().left - this.margin().right -
+ this.legendMargin() - 2 * this.radius) / 6.2);
+ // Update plot
+ this.plotWrap
+ .attr('transform', trans(this.radius, this.radius));
+ // Update arc
+ this.arc
+ .innerRadius(this.radius / 2)
+ .outerRadius(this.radius);
+ // Configure sectors
+ this.sectors = this.plotWrap.selectAll('.arc')
+ .data(this.pie(this.components()));
+ this.sectors
+ .enter()
+ .append('path')
+ .classed('arc', true)
+ .style('fill', function(d, i) { return widget.color(i); });
+ this.sectors
+ .transition()
+ .attr('d', this.arc);
+ this.sectors
+ .exit().remove();
+ this.updateLegend();
+ this.updateDetails();
+ this.configureEvents();
+ };
+ window.SonarWidgets.PieChart.defaults = {
+ width: 350,
+ height: 300,
+ margin: { top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10, left: 10 },
+ legendWidth: 160,
+ legendMargin: 30
+ };
+ // Some helper functions
+ // Gets or sets parameter
+ function param(name, value) {
+ if (value == null) {
+ return this[name];
+ } else {
+ this[name] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ // Helper for create the translate(x, y) string
+ function trans(left, top) {
+ return 'translate(' + left + ', ' + top + ')';
+ }