path: root/server/sonar-webserver-es
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Diffstat (limited to 'server/sonar-webserver-es')
-rw-r--r--server/sonar-webserver-es/src/testFixtures/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/FooIndex.java (renamed from server/sonar-webserver-es/src/test/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/FooIndex.java)0
-rw-r--r--server/sonar-webserver-es/src/testFixtures/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/FooIndexer.java (renamed from server/sonar-webserver-es/src/test/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/FooIndexer.java)0
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 1071 deletions
diff --git a/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/it/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/PermissionIndexerDaoIT.java b/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/it/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/PermissionIndexerDaoIT.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bc2b38bc0f..00000000000
--- a/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/it/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/PermissionIndexerDaoIT.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
- * SonarQube
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2023 SonarSource SA
- * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-package org.sonar.server.permission.index;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.function.Function;
-import java.util.stream.Collectors;
-import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.sonar.api.utils.System2;
-import org.sonar.core.util.Uuids;
-import org.sonar.db.DbClient;
-import org.sonar.db.DbSession;
-import org.sonar.db.DbTester;
-import org.sonar.db.component.ProjectData;
-import org.sonar.db.permission.GroupPermissionDto;
-import org.sonar.db.portfolio.PortfolioDto;
-import org.sonar.db.project.ProjectDto;
-import org.sonar.db.user.GroupDto;
-import org.sonar.db.user.UserDbTester;
-import org.sonar.db.user.UserDto;
-import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
-import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
-import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
-import static org.sonar.api.resources.Qualifiers.APP;
-import static org.sonar.api.resources.Qualifiers.PROJECT;
-import static org.sonar.api.resources.Qualifiers.VIEW;
-import static org.sonar.api.web.UserRole.ADMIN;
-import static org.sonar.api.web.UserRole.USER;
-public class PermissionIndexerDaoIT {
- @Rule
- public DbTester dbTester = DbTester.create(System2.INSTANCE);
- private final DbClient dbClient = dbTester.getDbClient();
- private final DbSession dbSession = dbTester.getSession();
- private final UserDbTester userDbTester = new UserDbTester(dbTester);
- private ProjectDto publicProject;
- private ProjectDto privateProject1;
- private ProjectDto privateProject2;
- private PortfolioDto view1;
- private PortfolioDto view2;
- private ProjectDto application;
- private UserDto user1;
- private UserDto user2;
- private GroupDto group;
- private final PermissionIndexerDao underTest = new PermissionIndexerDao();
- @Before
- public void setUp() {
- publicProject = dbTester.components().insertPublicProject().getProjectDto();
- privateProject1 = dbTester.components().insertPrivateProject().getProjectDto();
- privateProject2 = dbTester.components().insertPrivateProject().getProjectDto();
- view1 = dbTester.components().insertPublicPortfolioDto();
- view2 = dbTester.components().insertPublicPortfolioDto();
- application = dbTester.components().insertPublicApplication().getProjectDto();
- user1 = userDbTester.insertUser();
- user2 = userDbTester.insertUser();
- group = userDbTester.insertGroup();
- }
- @Test
- public void select_all() {
- insertTestDataForProjectsAndViews();
- Collection<IndexPermissions> dtos = underTest.selectAll(dbClient, dbSession);
- Assertions.assertThat(dtos).hasSize(6);
- IndexPermissions publicProjectAuthorization = getByProjectUuid(publicProject.getUuid(), dtos);
- isPublic(publicProjectAuthorization, PROJECT);
- IndexPermissions view1Authorization = getByProjectUuid(view1.getUuid(), dtos);
- isPublic(view1Authorization, VIEW);
- IndexPermissions applicationAuthorization = getByProjectUuid(application.getUuid(), dtos);
- isPublic(applicationAuthorization, APP);
- IndexPermissions privateProject1Authorization = getByProjectUuid(privateProject1.getUuid(), dtos);
- assertThat(privateProject1Authorization.getGroupUuids()).containsOnly(group.getUuid());
- assertThat(privateProject1Authorization.isAllowAnyone()).isFalse();
- assertThat(privateProject1Authorization.getUserUuids()).containsOnly(user1.getUuid(), user2.getUuid());
- assertThat(privateProject1Authorization.getQualifier()).isEqualTo(PROJECT);
- IndexPermissions privateProject2Authorization = getByProjectUuid(privateProject2.getUuid(), dtos);
- assertThat(privateProject2Authorization.getGroupUuids()).isEmpty();
- assertThat(privateProject2Authorization.isAllowAnyone()).isFalse();
- assertThat(privateProject2Authorization.getUserUuids()).containsOnly(user1.getUuid());
- assertThat(privateProject2Authorization.getQualifier()).isEqualTo(PROJECT);
- IndexPermissions view2Authorization = getByProjectUuid(view2.getUuid(), dtos);
- isPublic(view2Authorization, VIEW);
- }
- @Test
- public void selectByUuids() {
- insertTestDataForProjectsAndViews();
- Map<String, IndexPermissions> dtos = underTest
- .selectByUuids(dbClient, dbSession,
- asList(publicProject.getUuid(), privateProject1.getUuid(), privateProject2.getUuid(), view1.getUuid(), view2.getUuid(), application.getUuid()))
- .stream()
- .collect(Collectors.toMap(IndexPermissions::getEntityUuid, Function.identity()));
- Assertions.assertThat(dtos).hasSize(6);
- IndexPermissions publicProjectAuthorization = dtos.get(publicProject.getUuid());
- isPublic(publicProjectAuthorization, PROJECT);
- IndexPermissions view1Authorization = dtos.get(view1.getUuid());
- isPublic(view1Authorization, VIEW);
- IndexPermissions applicationAuthorization = dtos.get(application.getUuid());
- isPublic(applicationAuthorization, APP);
- IndexPermissions privateProject1Authorization = dtos.get(privateProject1.getUuid());
- assertThat(privateProject1Authorization.getGroupUuids()).containsOnly(group.getUuid());
- assertThat(privateProject1Authorization.isAllowAnyone()).isFalse();
- assertThat(privateProject1Authorization.getUserUuids()).containsOnly(user1.getUuid(), user2.getUuid());
- assertThat(privateProject1Authorization.getQualifier()).isEqualTo(PROJECT);
- IndexPermissions privateProject2Authorization = dtos.get(privateProject2.getUuid());
- assertThat(privateProject2Authorization.getGroupUuids()).isEmpty();
- assertThat(privateProject2Authorization.isAllowAnyone()).isFalse();
- assertThat(privateProject2Authorization.getUserUuids()).containsOnly(user1.getUuid());
- assertThat(privateProject2Authorization.getQualifier()).isEqualTo(PROJECT);
- IndexPermissions view2Authorization = dtos.get(view2.getUuid());
- isPublic(view2Authorization, VIEW);
- }
- @Test
- public void selectByUuids_returns_empty_list_when_project_does_not_exist() {
- insertTestDataForProjectsAndViews();
- List<IndexPermissions> dtos = underTest.selectByUuids(dbClient, dbSession, singletonList("missing"));
- Assertions.assertThat(dtos).isEmpty();
- }
- @Test
- public void select_by_projects_with_high_number_of_projects() {
- List<String> projectUuids = new ArrayList<>();
- for (int i = 0; i < 3500; i++) {
- ProjectData project = dbTester.components().insertPrivateProject(Integer.toString(i));
- projectUuids.add(project.projectUuid());
- GroupPermissionDto dto = new GroupPermissionDto()
- .setUuid(Uuids.createFast())
- .setGroupUuid(group.getUuid())
- .setGroupName(group.getName())
- .setRole(USER)
- .setEntityUuid(project.projectUuid())
- .setEntityName(project.getProjectDto().getName());
- dbClient.groupPermissionDao().insert(dbSession, dto, project.getProjectDto(), null);
- }
- dbSession.commit();
- assertThat(underTest.selectByUuids(dbClient, dbSession, projectUuids))
- .hasSize(3500)
- .extracting(IndexPermissions::getEntityUuid)
- .containsAll(projectUuids);
- }
- @Test
- public void return_private_project_without_any_permission_when_no_permission_in_DB() {
- List<IndexPermissions> dtos = underTest.selectByUuids(dbClient, dbSession, singletonList(privateProject1.getUuid()));
- // no permissions
- Assertions.assertThat(dtos).hasSize(1);
- IndexPermissions dto = dtos.get(0);
- assertThat(dto.getGroupUuids()).isEmpty();
- assertThat(dto.getUserUuids()).isEmpty();
- assertThat(dto.isAllowAnyone()).isFalse();
- assertThat(dto.getEntityUuid()).isEqualTo(privateProject1.getUuid());
- assertThat(dto.getQualifier()).isEqualTo(privateProject1.getQualifier());
- }
- @Test
- public void return_public_project_with_only_AllowAnyone_true_when_no_permission_in_DB() {
- List<IndexPermissions> dtos = underTest.selectByUuids(dbClient, dbSession, singletonList(publicProject.getUuid()));
- Assertions.assertThat(dtos).hasSize(1);
- IndexPermissions dto = dtos.get(0);
- assertThat(dto.getGroupUuids()).isEmpty();
- assertThat(dto.getUserUuids()).isEmpty();
- assertThat(dto.isAllowAnyone()).isTrue();
- assertThat(dto.getEntityUuid()).isEqualTo(publicProject.getUuid());
- assertThat(dto.getQualifier()).isEqualTo(publicProject.getQualifier());
- }
- @Test
- public void return_private_project_with_AllowAnyone_false_and_user_id_when_user_is_granted_USER_permission_directly() {
- dbTester.users().insertProjectPermissionOnUser(user1, USER, privateProject1);
- List<IndexPermissions> dtos = underTest.selectByUuids(dbClient, dbSession, singletonList(privateProject1.getUuid()));
- Assertions.assertThat(dtos).hasSize(1);
- IndexPermissions dto = dtos.get(0);
- assertThat(dto.getGroupUuids()).isEmpty();
- assertThat(dto.getUserUuids()).containsOnly(user1.getUuid());
- assertThat(dto.isAllowAnyone()).isFalse();
- assertThat(dto.getEntityUuid()).isEqualTo(privateProject1.getUuid());
- assertThat(dto.getQualifier()).isEqualTo(privateProject1.getQualifier());
- }
- @Test
- public void return_private_project_with_AllowAnyone_false_and_group_id_but_not_user_id_when_user_is_granted_USER_permission_through_group() {
- dbTester.users().insertMember(group, user1);
- dbTester.users().insertEntityPermissionOnGroup(group, USER, privateProject1);
- List<IndexPermissions> dtos = underTest.selectByUuids(dbClient, dbSession, singletonList(privateProject1.getUuid()));
- Assertions.assertThat(dtos).hasSize(1);
- IndexPermissions dto = dtos.get(0);
- assertThat(dto.getGroupUuids()).containsOnly(group.getUuid());
- assertThat(dto.getUserUuids()).isEmpty();
- assertThat(dto.isAllowAnyone()).isFalse();
- assertThat(dto.getEntityUuid()).isEqualTo(privateProject1.getUuid());
- assertThat(dto.getQualifier()).isEqualTo(privateProject1.getQualifier());
- }
- private void isPublic(IndexPermissions view1Authorization, String qualifier) {
- assertThat(view1Authorization.getGroupUuids()).isEmpty();
- assertThat(view1Authorization.isAllowAnyone()).isTrue();
- assertThat(view1Authorization.getUserUuids()).isEmpty();
- assertThat(view1Authorization.getQualifier()).isEqualTo(qualifier);
- }
- private static IndexPermissions getByProjectUuid(String projectUuid, Collection<IndexPermissions> dtos) {
- return dtos.stream().filter(dto -> dto.getEntityUuid().equals(projectUuid)).findFirst().orElseThrow(IllegalArgumentException::new);
- }
- private void insertTestDataForProjectsAndViews() {
- // user1 has USER access on both private projects
- userDbTester.insertProjectPermissionOnUser(user1, ADMIN, publicProject);
- userDbTester.insertProjectPermissionOnUser(user1, USER, privateProject1);
- userDbTester.insertProjectPermissionOnUser(user1, USER, privateProject2);
- userDbTester.insertProjectPermissionOnUser(user1, ADMIN, view1);
- userDbTester.insertProjectPermissionOnUser(user1, ADMIN, application);
- // user2 has USER access on privateProject1 only
- userDbTester.insertProjectPermissionOnUser(user2, USER, privateProject1);
- userDbTester.insertProjectPermissionOnUser(user2, ADMIN, privateProject2);
- // group1 has USER access on privateProject1 only
- userDbTester.insertEntityPermissionOnGroup(group, USER, privateProject1);
- userDbTester.insertEntityPermissionOnGroup(group, ADMIN, privateProject1);
- userDbTester.insertEntityPermissionOnGroup(group, ADMIN, view1);
- userDbTester.insertEntityPermissionOnGroup(group, ADMIN, application);
- }
diff --git a/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/main/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/PermissionIndexer.java b/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/main/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/PermissionIndexer.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 55100bfbb4d..00000000000
--- a/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/main/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/PermissionIndexer.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
- * SonarQube
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2023 SonarSource SA
- * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-package org.sonar.server.permission.index;
-import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Objects;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.function.Function;
-import java.util.stream.Collectors;
-import java.util.stream.Stream;
-import org.sonar.db.DbClient;
-import org.sonar.db.DbSession;
-import org.sonar.db.es.EsQueueDto;
-import org.sonar.server.es.BulkIndexer;
-import org.sonar.server.es.BulkIndexer.Size;
-import org.sonar.server.es.EsClient;
-import org.sonar.server.es.EventIndexer;
-import org.sonar.server.es.IndexType;
-import org.sonar.server.es.Indexers;
-import org.sonar.server.es.IndexingResult;
-import org.sonar.server.es.OneToOneResilientIndexingListener;
-import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
-import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
- * Populates the types "authorization" of each index requiring entity
- * authorization.
- */
-public class PermissionIndexer implements EventIndexer {
- private final DbClient dbClient;
- private final EsClient esClient;
- private final Collection<AuthorizationScope> authorizationScopes;
- private final Map<String, IndexType> indexTypeByFormat;
- @Autowired(required = false)
- public PermissionIndexer(DbClient dbClient, EsClient esClient, NeedAuthorizationIndexer... needAuthorizationIndexers) {
- this(dbClient, esClient, Arrays.stream(needAuthorizationIndexers)
- .map(NeedAuthorizationIndexer::getAuthorizationScope)
- .toList());
- }
- @VisibleForTesting
- @Autowired(required = false)
- public PermissionIndexer(DbClient dbClient, EsClient esClient, Collection<AuthorizationScope> authorizationScopes) {
- this.dbClient = dbClient;
- this.esClient = esClient;
- this.authorizationScopes = authorizationScopes;
- this.indexTypeByFormat = authorizationScopes.stream()
- .map(AuthorizationScope::getIndexType)
- .collect(Collectors.toMap(IndexType.IndexMainType::format, Function.identity()));
- }
- @Override
- public Set<IndexType> getIndexTypes() {
- return ImmutableSet.copyOf(indexTypeByFormat.values());
- }
- @Override
- public void indexOnStartup(Set<IndexType> uninitializedIndexTypes) {
- // TODO do not load everything in memory. Db rows should be scrolled.
- List<IndexPermissions> authorizations = getAllAuthorizations();
- Stream<AuthorizationScope> scopes = getScopes(uninitializedIndexTypes);
- index(authorizations, scopes, Size.LARGE);
- }
- public void indexAll(Set<IndexType> uninitializedIndexTypes) {
- // TODO do not load everything in memory. Db rows should be scrolled.
- List<IndexPermissions> authorizations = getAllAuthorizations();
- Stream<AuthorizationScope> scopes = getScopes(uninitializedIndexTypes);
- index(authorizations, scopes, Size.REGULAR);
- }
- @VisibleForTesting
- void index(List<IndexPermissions> authorizations) {
- index(authorizations, authorizationScopes.stream(), Size.REGULAR);
- }
- @Override
- public Collection<EsQueueDto> prepareForRecoveryOnEntityEvent(DbSession dbSession, Collection<String> entityUuids, Indexers.EntityEvent cause) {
- return switch (cause) {
- // nothing to change. project key and tags are not part of this index
- emptyList();
- case CREATION, DELETION, PERMISSION_CHANGE -> insertIntoEsQueue(dbSession, entityUuids);
- };
- }
- @Override
- public Collection<EsQueueDto> prepareForRecoveryOnBranchEvent(DbSession dbSession, Collection<String> branchUuids, Indexers.BranchEvent cause) {
- return emptyList();
- }
- private Collection<EsQueueDto> insertIntoEsQueue(DbSession dbSession, Collection<String> projectUuids) {
- List<EsQueueDto> items = indexTypeByFormat.values().stream()
- .flatMap(indexType -> projectUuids.stream().map(projectUuid -> EsQueueDto.create(indexType.format(), AuthorizationDoc.idOf(projectUuid), null, projectUuid)))
- .toList();
- dbClient.esQueueDao().insert(dbSession, items);
- return items;
- }
- private void index(Collection<IndexPermissions> authorizations, Stream<AuthorizationScope> scopes, Size bulkSize) {
- if (authorizations.isEmpty()) {
- return;
- }
- // index each authorization in each scope
- scopes.forEach(scope -> {
- IndexType indexType = scope.getIndexType();
- BulkIndexer bulkIndexer = new BulkIndexer(esClient, indexType, bulkSize);
- bulkIndexer.start();
- authorizations.stream()
- .filter(scope.getEntityPredicate())
- .map(dto -> AuthorizationDoc.fromDto(indexType, dto).toIndexRequest())
- .forEach(bulkIndexer::add);
- bulkIndexer.stop();
- });
- }
- @Override
- public IndexingResult index(DbSession dbSession, Collection<EsQueueDto> items) {
- IndexingResult result = new IndexingResult();
- List<BulkIndexer> bulkIndexers = items.stream()
- .map(EsQueueDto::getDocType)
- .distinct()
- .map(indexTypeByFormat::get)
- .filter(Objects::nonNull)
- .map(indexType -> new BulkIndexer(esClient, indexType, Size.REGULAR, new OneToOneResilientIndexingListener(dbClient, dbSession, items)))
- .toList();
- if (bulkIndexers.isEmpty()) {
- return result;
- }
- bulkIndexers.forEach(BulkIndexer::start);
- PermissionIndexerDao permissionIndexerDao = new PermissionIndexerDao();
- Set<String> remainingEntityUuids = items.stream().map(EsQueueDto::getDocId)
- .map(AuthorizationDoc::entityUuidOf)
- .collect(Collectors.toSet());
- permissionIndexerDao.selectByUuids(dbClient, dbSession, remainingEntityUuids).forEach(p -> {
- remainingEntityUuids.remove(p.getEntityUuid());
- bulkIndexers.forEach(bi -> bi.add(AuthorizationDoc.fromDto(bi.getIndexType(), p).toIndexRequest()));
- });
- // the remaining references on entities that don't exist in db. They must
- // be deleted from the index.
- remainingEntityUuids.forEach(entityUuid -> bulkIndexers.forEach(bi -> {
- String authorizationDocId = AuthorizationDoc.idOf(entityUuid);
- bi.addDeletion(bi.getIndexType(), authorizationDocId, authorizationDocId);
- }));
- bulkIndexers.forEach(b -> result.add(b.stop()));
- return result;
- }
- private Stream<AuthorizationScope> getScopes(Set<IndexType> indexTypes) {
- return authorizationScopes.stream()
- .filter(scope -> indexTypes.contains(scope.getIndexType()));
- }
- private List<IndexPermissions> getAllAuthorizations() {
- try (DbSession dbSession = dbClient.openSession(false)) {
- return new PermissionIndexerDao().selectAll(dbClient, dbSession);
- }
- }
diff --git a/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/main/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/PermissionIndexerDao.java b/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/main/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/PermissionIndexerDao.java
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index 14656ebf5c8..00000000000
--- a/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/main/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/PermissionIndexerDao.java
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@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
- * SonarQube
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2023 SonarSource SA
- * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-package org.sonar.server.permission.index;
-import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
-import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
-import java.sql.ResultSet;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
-import org.sonar.db.DbClient;
-import org.sonar.db.DbSession;
-import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.repeat;
-import static org.sonar.db.DatabaseUtils.executeLargeInputs;
- * No streaming because of union of joins -> no need to use ResultSetIterator
- */
-public class PermissionIndexerDao {
- private enum RowKind {
- }
- private static final String SQL_TEMPLATE = """
- with entity as ((select prj.uuid as uuid,
- prj.private as isPrivate,
- prj.qualifier as qualifier
- from projects prj)
- union
- (select p.uuid as uuid,
- p.private as isPrivate,
- 'VW' as qualifier
- from portfolios p
- where p.parent_uuid is null))
- SELECT entity_authorization.kind as kind,
- entity_authorization.entity as entity,
- entity_authorization.user_uuid as user_uuid,
- entity_authorization.group_uuid as group_uuid,
- entity_authorization.qualifier as qualifier
- FROM (SELECT '%s' as kind,
- e.uuid AS entity,
- e.qualifier AS qualifier,
- user_roles.user_uuid AS user_uuid,
- NULL AS group_uuid
- FROM entity e
- INNER JOIN user_roles ON user_roles.entity_uuid = e.uuid AND user_roles.role = 'user'
- WHERE (1 = 1)
- {entitiesCondition}
- SELECT '%s' as kind, e.uuid AS entity, e.qualifier AS qualifier, NULL AS user_uuid, groups.uuid AS group_uuid
- FROM entity e
- INNER JOIN group_roles
- ON group_roles.entity_uuid = e.uuid AND group_roles.role = 'user'
- INNER JOIN groups ON groups.uuid = group_roles.group_uuid
- WHERE group_uuid IS NOT NULL
- {entitiesCondition}
- SELECT '%s' as kind, e.uuid AS entity, e.qualifier AS qualifier, NULL AS user_uuid, NULL AS group_uuid
- FROM entity e
- WHERE e.isPrivate = ?
- {entitiesCondition}
- SELECT '%s' as kind, e.uuid AS entity, e.qualifier AS qualifier, NULL AS user_uuid, NULL AS group_uuid
- FROM entity e
- WHERE e.isPrivate = ?
- {entitiesCondition}
- ) entity_authorization""".formatted(RowKind.USER, RowKind.GROUP, RowKind.ANYONE, RowKind.NONE);
- List<IndexPermissions> selectAll(DbClient dbClient, DbSession session) {
- return doSelectByEntities(dbClient, session, Collections.emptyList());
- }
- public List<IndexPermissions> selectByUuids(DbClient dbClient, DbSession session, Collection<String> entitiesUuid) {
- // we use a smaller partitionSize because the SQL_TEMPLATE contain 4x the list of entity uuid.
- // the MsSQL jdbc driver accept a maximum of 2100 prepareStatement parameter. To stay under the limit,
- // we go with batch of 1000/2=500 entities uuids, to stay under the limit (4x500 < 2100)
- return executeLargeInputs(entitiesUuid, entity -> doSelectByEntities(dbClient, session, entity), i -> i / 2);
- }
- private static List<IndexPermissions> doSelectByEntities(DbClient dbClient, DbSession session, List<String> entitiesUuids) {
- try {
- Map<String, IndexPermissions> dtosByEntityUuid = new HashMap<>();
- try (PreparedStatement stmt = createStatement(dbClient, session, entitiesUuids);
- ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) {
- while (rs.next()) {
- processRow(rs, dtosByEntityUuid);
- }
- return ImmutableList.copyOf(dtosByEntityUuid.values());
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to select authorizations", e);
- }
- }
- private static PreparedStatement createStatement(DbClient dbClient, DbSession session, List<String> entityUuids) throws SQLException {
- String sql;
- if (entityUuids.isEmpty()) {
- sql = StringUtils.replace(SQL_TEMPLATE, "{entitiesCondition}", "");
- } else {
- sql = StringUtils.replace(SQL_TEMPLATE, "{entitiesCondition}", " AND e.uuid in (" + repeat("?", ", ", entityUuids.size()) + ")");
- }
- PreparedStatement stmt = dbClient.getMyBatis().newScrollingSelectStatement(session, sql);
- int index = 1;
- // query for RowKind.USER
- index = populateEntityUuidPlaceholders(stmt, entityUuids, index);
- // query for RowKind.GROUP
- index = populateEntityUuidPlaceholders(stmt, entityUuids, index);
- // query for RowKind.ANYONE
- index = setPrivateEntityPlaceHolder(stmt, index, false);
- index = populateEntityUuidPlaceholders(stmt, entityUuids, index);
- // query for RowKind.NONE
- index = setPrivateEntityPlaceHolder(stmt, index, true);
- populateEntityUuidPlaceholders(stmt, entityUuids, index);
- return stmt;
- }
- private static int populateEntityUuidPlaceholders(PreparedStatement stmt, List<String> entityUuids, int index) throws SQLException {
- int newIndex = index;
- for (String entityUuid : entityUuids) {
- stmt.setString(newIndex, entityUuid);
- newIndex++;
- }
- return newIndex;
- }
- private static int setPrivateEntityPlaceHolder(PreparedStatement stmt, int index, boolean isPrivate) throws SQLException {
- int newIndex = index;
- stmt.setBoolean(newIndex, isPrivate);
- newIndex++;
- return newIndex;
- }
- private static void processRow(ResultSet rs, Map<String, IndexPermissions> dtosByEntityUuid) throws SQLException {
- RowKind rowKind = RowKind.valueOf(rs.getString(1));
- String entityUuid = rs.getString(2);
- IndexPermissions dto = dtosByEntityUuid.get(entityUuid);
- if (dto == null) {
- String qualifier = rs.getString(5);
- dto = new IndexPermissions(entityUuid, qualifier);
- dtosByEntityUuid.put(entityUuid, dto);
- }
- switch (rowKind) {
- case NONE:
- break;
- case USER:
- dto.addUserUuid(rs.getString(3));
- break;
- case GROUP:
- dto.addGroupUuid(rs.getString(4));
- break;
- case ANYONE:
- dto.allowAnyone();
- break;
- }
- }
diff --git a/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/test/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/PermissionIndexerTest.java b/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/test/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/PermissionIndexerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e93ed7f4d8..00000000000
--- a/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/test/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/PermissionIndexerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
- * SonarQube
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2023 SonarSource SA
- * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-package org.sonar.server.permission.index;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import org.junit.Rule;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.sonar.api.utils.System2;
-import org.sonar.db.DbSession;
-import org.sonar.db.DbTester;
-import org.sonar.db.component.ProjectData;
-import org.sonar.db.entity.EntityDto;
-import org.sonar.db.es.EsQueueDto;
-import org.sonar.db.portfolio.PortfolioDto;
-import org.sonar.db.project.ProjectDto;
-import org.sonar.db.user.GroupDto;
-import org.sonar.db.user.UserDto;
-import org.sonar.server.es.EsTester;
-import org.sonar.server.es.IndexType;
-import org.sonar.server.es.IndexType.IndexMainType;
-import org.sonar.server.es.Indexers.EntityEvent;
-import org.sonar.server.es.IndexingResult;
-import org.sonar.server.tester.UserSessionRule;
-import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
-import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
-import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
-import static org.sonar.api.resources.Qualifiers.PROJECT;
-import static org.sonar.api.web.UserRole.ADMIN;
-import static org.sonar.api.web.UserRole.USER;
-import static org.sonar.server.es.Indexers.EntityEvent.PERMISSION_CHANGE;
-import static org.sonar.server.permission.index.IndexAuthorizationConstants.TYPE_AUTHORIZATION;
-public class PermissionIndexerTest {
- private static final IndexMainType INDEX_TYPE_FOO_AUTH = IndexType.main(FooIndexDefinition.DESCRIPTOR, TYPE_AUTHORIZATION);
- @Rule
- public DbTester db = DbTester.create(System2.INSTANCE);
- @Rule
- public EsTester es = EsTester.createCustom(new FooIndexDefinition());
- @Rule
- public UserSessionRule userSession = UserSessionRule.standalone();
- private FooIndex fooIndex = new FooIndex(es.client(), new WebAuthorizationTypeSupport(userSession));
- private FooIndexer fooIndexer = new FooIndexer(es.client(), db.getDbClient());
- private PermissionIndexer underTest = new PermissionIndexer(db.getDbClient(), es.client(), fooIndexer);
- @Test
- public void indexOnStartup_grants_access_to_any_user_and_to_group_Anyone_on_public_projects() {
- ProjectDto project = createAndIndexPublicProject();
- UserDto user1 = db.users().insertUser();
- UserDto user2 = db.users().insertUser();
- indexOnStartup();
- verifyAnyoneAuthorized(project);
- verifyAuthorized(project, user1);
- verifyAuthorized(project, user2);
- }
- @Test
- public void indexAll_grants_access_to_any_user_and_to_group_Anyone_on_public_projects() {
- ProjectDto project = createAndIndexPublicProject();
- UserDto user1 = db.users().insertUser();
- UserDto user2 = db.users().insertUser();
- underTest.indexAll(underTest.getIndexTypes());
- verifyAnyoneAuthorized(project);
- verifyAuthorized(project, user1);
- verifyAuthorized(project, user2);
- }
- @Test
- public void deletion_resilience_will_deindex_projects() {
- ProjectDto project1 = createUnindexedPublicProject();
- ProjectDto project2 = createUnindexedPublicProject();
- // UserDto user1 = db.users().insertUser();
- indexOnStartup();
- assertThat(es.countDocuments(INDEX_TYPE_FOO_AUTH)).isEqualTo(2);
- // Simulate a indexation issue
- db.getDbClient().purgeDao().deleteProject(db.getSession(), project1.getUuid(), PROJECT, project1.getName(), project1.getKey());
- underTest.prepareForRecoveryOnEntityEvent(db.getSession(), asList(project1.getUuid()), EntityEvent.DELETION);
- assertThat(db.countRowsOfTable(db.getSession(), "es_queue")).isOne();
- Collection<EsQueueDto> esQueueDtos = db.getDbClient().esQueueDao().selectForRecovery(db.getSession(), Long.MAX_VALUE, 2);
- underTest.index(db.getSession(), esQueueDtos);
- assertThat(db.countRowsOfTable(db.getSession(), "es_queue")).isZero();
- assertThat(es.countDocuments(INDEX_TYPE_FOO_AUTH)).isOne();
- }
- @Test
- public void indexOnStartup_grants_access_to_user() {
- ProjectDto project = createAndIndexPrivateProject();
- UserDto user1 = db.users().insertUser();
- UserDto user2 = db.users().insertUser();
- db.users().insertProjectPermissionOnUser(user1, USER, project);
- db.users().insertProjectPermissionOnUser(user2, ADMIN, project);
- indexOnStartup();
- // anonymous
- verifyAnyoneNotAuthorized(project);
- // user1 has access
- verifyAuthorized(project, user1);
- // user2 has not access (only USER permission is accepted)
- verifyNotAuthorized(project, user2);
- }
- @Test
- public void indexOnStartup_grants_access_to_group_on_private_project() {
- ProjectDto project = createAndIndexPrivateProject();
- UserDto user1 = db.users().insertUser();
- UserDto user2 = db.users().insertUser();
- UserDto user3 = db.users().insertUser();
- GroupDto group1 = db.users().insertGroup();
- GroupDto group2 = db.users().insertGroup();
- db.users().insertEntityPermissionOnGroup(group1, USER, project);
- db.users().insertEntityPermissionOnGroup(group2, ADMIN, project);
- indexOnStartup();
- // anonymous
- verifyAnyoneNotAuthorized(project);
- // group1 has access
- verifyAuthorized(project, user1, group1);
- // group2 has not access (only USER permission is accepted)
- verifyNotAuthorized(project, user2, group2);
- // user3 is not in any group
- verifyNotAuthorized(project, user3);
- }
- @Test
- public void indexOnStartup_grants_access_to_user_and_group() {
- ProjectDto project = createAndIndexPrivateProject();
- UserDto user1 = db.users().insertUser();
- UserDto user2 = db.users().insertUser();
- GroupDto group = db.users().insertGroup();
- db.users().insertMember(group, user2);
- db.users().insertProjectPermissionOnUser(user1, USER, project);
- db.users().insertEntityPermissionOnGroup(group, USER, project);
- indexOnStartup();
- // anonymous
- verifyAnyoneNotAuthorized(project);
- // has direct access
- verifyAuthorized(project, user1);
- // has access through group
- verifyAuthorized(project, user1, group);
- // no access
- verifyNotAuthorized(project, user2);
- }
- @Test
- public void indexOnStartup_does_not_grant_access_to_anybody_on_private_project() {
- ProjectDto project = createAndIndexPrivateProject();
- UserDto user = db.users().insertUser();
- GroupDto group = db.users().insertGroup();
- indexOnStartup();
- verifyAnyoneNotAuthorized(project);
- verifyNotAuthorized(project, user);
- verifyNotAuthorized(project, user, group);
- }
- @Test
- public void indexOnStartup_grants_access_to_anybody_on_public_project() {
- ProjectDto project = createAndIndexPublicProject();
- UserDto user = db.users().insertUser();
- GroupDto group = db.users().insertGroup();
- indexOnStartup();
- verifyAnyoneAuthorized(project);
- verifyAuthorized(project, user);
- verifyAuthorized(project, user, group);
- }
- @Test
- public void indexOnStartup_grants_access_to_anybody_on_view() {
- PortfolioDto view = createAndIndexPortfolio();
- UserDto user = db.users().insertUser();
- GroupDto group = db.users().insertGroup();
- indexOnStartup();
- verifyAnyoneAuthorized(view);
- verifyAuthorized(view, user);
- verifyAuthorized(view, user, group);
- }
- @Test
- public void indexOnStartup_grants_access_on_many_projects() {
- UserDto user1 = db.users().insertUser();
- UserDto user2 = db.users().insertUser();
- ProjectDto project = null;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- project = createAndIndexPrivateProject();
- db.users().insertProjectPermissionOnUser(user1, USER, project);
- }
- indexOnStartup();
- verifyAnyoneNotAuthorized(project);
- verifyAuthorized(project, user1);
- verifyNotAuthorized(project, user2);
- }
- @Test
- public void public_projects_are_visible_to_anybody() {
- ProjectDto projectOnOrg1 = createAndIndexPublicProject();
- UserDto user = db.users().insertUser();
- indexOnStartup();
- verifyAnyoneAuthorized(projectOnOrg1);
- verifyAuthorized(projectOnOrg1, user);
- }
- @Test
- public void permissions_are_not_updated_on_project_tags_update() {
- ProjectDto project = createAndIndexPublicProject();
- indexPermissions(project, EntityEvent.PROJECT_TAGS_UPDATE);
- assertThatAuthIndexHasSize(0);
- verifyAnyoneNotAuthorized(project);
- }
- @Test
- public void permissions_are_not_updated_on_project_key_update() {
- ProjectDto project = createAndIndexPublicProject();
- indexPermissions(project, EntityEvent.PROJECT_TAGS_UPDATE);
- assertThatAuthIndexHasSize(0);
- verifyAnyoneNotAuthorized(project);
- }
- @Test
- public void index_permissions_on_project_creation() {
- ProjectDto project = createAndIndexPrivateProject();
- UserDto user = db.users().insertUser();
- db.users().insertProjectPermissionOnUser(user, USER, project);
- indexPermissions(project, EntityEvent.CREATION);
- assertThatAuthIndexHasSize(1);
- verifyAuthorized(project, user);
- }
- @Test
- public void index_permissions_on_permission_change() {
- ProjectDto project = createAndIndexPrivateProject();
- UserDto user1 = db.users().insertUser();
- UserDto user2 = db.users().insertUser();
- db.users().insertProjectPermissionOnUser(user1, USER, project);
- indexPermissions(project, EntityEvent.CREATION);
- verifyAuthorized(project, user1);
- verifyNotAuthorized(project, user2);
- db.users().insertProjectPermissionOnUser(user2, USER, project);
- indexPermissions(project, PERMISSION_CHANGE);
- verifyAuthorized(project, user1);
- verifyAuthorized(project, user1);
- }
- @Test
- public void delete_permissions_on_project_deletion() {
- ProjectDto project = createAndIndexPrivateProject();
- UserDto user = db.users().insertUser();
- db.users().insertProjectPermissionOnUser(user, USER, project);
- indexPermissions(project, EntityEvent.CREATION);
- verifyAuthorized(project, user);
- db.getDbClient().purgeDao().deleteProject(db.getSession(), project.getUuid(), PROJECT, project.getUuid(), project.getKey());
- indexPermissions(project, EntityEvent.DELETION);
- verifyNotAuthorized(project, user);
- assertThatAuthIndexHasSize(0);
- }
- @Test
- public void errors_during_indexing_are_recovered() {
- ProjectDto project = createAndIndexPublicProject();
- es.lockWrites(INDEX_TYPE_FOO_AUTH);
- IndexingResult result = indexPermissions(project, PERMISSION_CHANGE);
- assertThat(result.getTotal()).isOne();
- assertThat(result.getFailures()).isOne();
- // index is still read-only, fail to recover
- result = recover();
- assertThat(result.getTotal()).isOne();
- assertThat(result.getFailures()).isOne();
- assertThatAuthIndexHasSize(0);
- assertThatEsQueueTableHasSize(1);
- es.unlockWrites(INDEX_TYPE_FOO_AUTH);
- result = recover();
- assertThat(result.getTotal()).isOne();
- assertThat(result.getFailures()).isZero();
- verifyAnyoneAuthorized(project);
- assertThatEsQueueTableHasSize(0);
- }
- private void assertThatAuthIndexHasSize(int expectedSize) {
- assertThat(es.countDocuments(FooIndexDefinition.TYPE_AUTHORIZATION)).isEqualTo(expectedSize);
- }
- private void indexOnStartup() {
- underTest.indexOnStartup(underTest.getIndexTypes());
- }
- private void verifyAuthorized(EntityDto entity, UserDto user) {
- logIn(user);
- verifyAuthorized(entity, true);
- }
- private void verifyAuthorized(EntityDto entity, UserDto user, GroupDto group) {
- logIn(user).setGroups(group);
- verifyAuthorized(entity, true);
- }
- private void verifyNotAuthorized(EntityDto entity, UserDto user) {
- logIn(user);
- verifyAuthorized(entity, false);
- }
- private void verifyNotAuthorized(EntityDto entity, UserDto user, GroupDto group) {
- logIn(user).setGroups(group);
- verifyAuthorized(entity, false);
- }
- private void verifyAnyoneAuthorized(EntityDto entity) {
- userSession.anonymous();
- verifyAuthorized(entity, true);
- }
- private void verifyAnyoneNotAuthorized(EntityDto entity) {
- userSession.anonymous();
- verifyAuthorized(entity, false);
- }
- private void verifyAuthorized(EntityDto entity, boolean expectedAccess) {
- assertThat(fooIndex.hasAccessToProject(entity.getUuid())).isEqualTo(expectedAccess);
- }
- private UserSessionRule logIn(UserDto u) {
- userSession.logIn(u);
- return userSession;
- }
- private IndexingResult indexPermissions(EntityDto entity, EntityEvent cause) {
- DbSession dbSession = db.getSession();
- Collection<EsQueueDto> items = underTest.prepareForRecoveryOnEntityEvent(dbSession, singletonList(entity.getUuid()), cause);
- dbSession.commit();
- return underTest.index(dbSession, items);
- }
- private ProjectDto createUnindexedPublicProject() {
- return db.components().insertPublicProject().getProjectDto();
- }
- private ProjectDto createAndIndexPrivateProject() {
- ProjectData project = db.components().insertPrivateProject();
- fooIndexer.indexOnAnalysis(project.getMainBranchDto().getUuid());
- return project.getProjectDto();
- }
- private ProjectDto createAndIndexPublicProject() {
- ProjectData project = db.components().insertPublicProject();
- fooIndexer.indexOnAnalysis(project.getMainBranchDto().getUuid());
- return project.getProjectDto();
- }
- private PortfolioDto createAndIndexPortfolio() {
- PortfolioDto view = db.components().insertPublicPortfolioDto();
- fooIndexer.indexOnAnalysis(view.getUuid());
- return view;
- }
- private IndexingResult recover() {
- Collection<EsQueueDto> items = db.getDbClient().esQueueDao().selectForRecovery(db.getSession(), System.currentTimeMillis() + 1_000L, 10);
- return underTest.index(db.getSession(), items);
- }
- private void assertThatEsQueueTableHasSize(int expectedSize) {
- assertThat(db.countRowsOfTable("es_queue")).isEqualTo(expectedSize);
- }
diff --git a/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/test/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/FooIndex.java b/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/testFixtures/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/FooIndex.java
index ab0ff8755eb..ab0ff8755eb 100644
--- a/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/test/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/FooIndex.java
+++ b/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/testFixtures/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/FooIndex.java
diff --git a/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/test/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/FooIndexer.java b/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/testFixtures/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/FooIndexer.java
index cd8e1c4c262..cd8e1c4c262 100644
--- a/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/test/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/FooIndexer.java
+++ b/server/sonar-webserver-es/src/testFixtures/java/org/sonar/server/permission/index/FooIndexer.java