path: root/pom.xml
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Remove mail.jar from standalone applicationSimon Brandhof2011-08-031-0/+6
* Upgrade to sonar-dev-maven-plugin 1.3.2 and set the surefire property runOrde...Simon Brandhof2011-08-021-1/+7
* SONAR-75 rename i18n bundles to l10n bundlesSimon Brandhof2011-07-291-1/+1
* SONAR-2596,SONAR-2601 UI for email notificationsEvgeny Mandrikov2011-07-261-1/+1
* SONAR-2596,SONAR-2600 Improve notification mechanismEvgeny Mandrikov2011-07-201-0/+1
* Remove the configuration of unused maven release pluginsimonbrandhof2011-07-171-17/+0
* Merge branch 'release-2.9'simonbrandhof2011-07-171-12/+33
| * Postpone deployment on nexus.codehaus.org2.9simonbrandhof2011-07-171-1/+1
| * Release 2.9simonbrandhof2011-07-171-1/+1
| * Add release configuration for nexus.codehaus.orgsimonbrandhof2011-07-171-13/+33
| * Allow to configure url of maven snapshot repositorySimon Brandhof2011-07-131-3/+4
| * [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iterationSimon Brandhof2011-07-081-1/+1
| * [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.9-RC1Simon Brandhof2011-07-081-4/+3
| * Add the goal 'deploy' to maven release pluginSimon Brandhof2011-07-081-0/+1
* | Check license headers during default buildSimon Brandhof2011-07-151-33/+31
* | SONAR-2589 Creation of a I18n English PackFabrice Bellingard2011-07-131-0/+14
* | Move m2eclipse configuration into separate profileEvgeny Mandrikov2011-07-121-73/+80
* | Upgrade maven pluginsEvgeny Mandrikov2011-07-121-74/+73
* | Add m2eclipse configuration into POM to get Maven support in EclipseFabrice Bellingard2011-07-121-0/+73
* | SONAR-75 continue i18nsimonbrandhof2011-07-111-1/+1
* | Upgrade to JRuby 1.6.3Simon Brandhof2011-07-111-1/+1
* | Upgrade maven pluginsSimon Brandhof2011-07-111-4/+4
* | Upgrade version to 2.10-SNAPSHOTSimon Brandhof2011-07-111-1/+1
* | temporary reverting to 2.9-SNAPSHOTsimonbrandhof2011-07-101-1/+1
* | Upgrade to version 2.10-SNAPSHOTsimonbrandhof2011-07-101-1/+1
* SONAR-2497 Merge i18n plugin with coreSimon Brandhof2011-06-211-1/+0
* Add warning in pom.xml for future Derby upgradeSimon Brandhof2011-06-141-7/+14
* Remove dependency on classworlds - use only plexus-classworldsEvgeny Mandrikov2011-06-131-12/+42
* SONAR-75 Apply first version of contribution by www.serli.comSimon Brandhof2011-06-131-0/+1
* SONAR-2512 Fix dependencies on commons-beanutilsEvgeny Mandrikov2011-06-091-0/+28
* Fix maven repository for sample of checkstyle extensionSimon Brandhof2011-05-311-1/+1
* Upgrade to version 2.9-SNAPSHOTsimonbrandhof2011-05-131-1/+1
* Temporarily downgrade version to 2.8-SNAPSHOTsimonbrandhof2011-05-101-1/+1
* Upgrade Javadoc maven pluginsimonbrandhof2011-05-101-2/+1
* Upgrade version to 2.9-SNAPSHOTsimonbrandhof2011-05-091-1/+1
* Release 2.8-RC2simonbrandhof2011-05-091-1/+1
* Replace -Ddev by -Pdev to increase build durationsimonbrandhof2011-05-051-5/+5
* Exclude samples from analysissimonbrandhof2011-05-051-1/+1
* SONAR-2357 Add samples to build + improve samples for rulessimonbrandhof2011-05-051-3/+13
* Reduce duplication by moving part of configuration of maven-assembly-plugin t...Evgeny Mandrikov2011-05-051-0/+10
* Prepare for next development iterationEvgeny Mandrikov2011-05-031-1/+1
* Prepare 2.8-RC1Evgeny Mandrikov2011-05-031-1/+1
* Exclude sonar-testing-harness from analysis. It's used for unit tests.simonbrandhof2011-04-281-1/+1
* SONAR-2384 Support markdown in review commentssimonbrandhof2011-04-231-0/+5
* SONAR-2384 First implementation : Create a markdown dedicated to Sonar needsFreddy Mallet2011-04-231-0/+1
* Update some Maven plugins to latest versions for thread safetyEvgeny Mandrikov2011-04-211-3/+13
* SONAR-2366 Upgrade embedded database to Derby + add DatabaseTestCase...simonbrandhof2011-04-181-1/+1
* Remove maven-clover2-plugin from pluginManagement because we don't use it any...Evgeny Mandrikov2011-04-131-5/+0
* SONAR-2284 upgrade to jruby 1.6.1simonbrandhof2011-04-121-1/+1
* Merge release 2.7simonbrandhof2011-03-311-2/+16